المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام مساعدة في برسايت ايف1

ستيف بورنسايد
29-04-2002, 12:28 AM
لدي سؤال عن برسايت ايف الجزء الأول ادري انه قديم
أنا أنهيتها من زمان والحين جالس العبه على الكومبيوتر
أنا الحين تقريبا في النهاية
ووصلت إلى الديناصور التي ريكس وهزمته
بعده واين اروح
في الطابق الرابع باب عليها أشياء تمنعني من الدخول
بعد هذا الباب توجد ايف
سؤالي كيف ادخل الباب

عاشق سلسلة لونر
29-04-2002, 01:07 AM
معليش على الرد إلي بالإنجليزي بس مافي وقت للترجمة
لأني أخذته على طول من أحد المواقع

والحل يبدأ بعد هزيمتك ل تي ركس على طول

Run to the bottom left corner, then enter the doors at the south wall.
You'll end up back in the lobby. Save, then go into the elevator and go
to the fourth floor. There's a chest here that contains a Full Cure or
Full Recover. Get it, then go back into the elevator and head to the
second floor.
Out of the elevator, go west two rooms, then go north. Head up the
stairs back to the Triceratops room. Now go south (you won't be rammed
this time) to the next room. After the "earthquake", you'll notice the
window on the west side is shattered. Go through it, then turn south.
You'll find two chests with a Tool and an M9-3 handgun inside. Also,
before going up the stairs, go north again, down the stairs, and south to
the room with the quiz. You'll find broken glass in this room, too. Go
through it and head to the bottom left corner of the room. In the two
chests you'll find a Cr Vest 2 and a Super Tool. After getting them, go
back to the room where the "earthquake" occured and up the stairs.
Go through the door on the north, and watch the events take place. Aya
will automatically leave the Museum after that. View all the cool FMV's
and Aya will be brought to an aircraft carrier outside of New York City.
Eventually you'll be able to save, and after that, you'll be at the
Statue of Liberty.
Also, here are the answers to the Quiz questions in the Museum.

-How many animals are hiding?

-The name of the organelle that appeared in the first organism?

-What was the nutritional source of the first organism that lived 3.9
billion years ago?
Nitrogen oxides from volcanoes

-The mitochondria creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate) within the cell.
How much energy is this equivalent to?
200,000 V per cubic cm

-By taking mitochondria, which uses oxygen as its nutritional source,
into the body and living with it symbiotically, the bacteria has
acquired a tremendous amount of energy. What was the consequence?

-In 1987, Cann & Wilson released a theory stating that humans were
derived from Mitochondria eve. Which organism is thought to be
Mitochondria Eve?
An African female

-25 Million years ago, oxygen increased in the air. Why?
Photosynthesis by bacteria

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ستيف بورنسايد
29-04-2002, 01:30 PM

عاشق سلسلة لونر
30-04-2002, 04:50 AM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ستيف بورنسايد

لا شكر على واجب أخوي :)

وأنا مبسوط إنك أفدتك :)

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