المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اشاعات فاينل فانتسي 7

Dark Locke
02-08-2002, 04:23 AM
هذي بعض الإشاعات اللي لقيتها في دليل انجليزي للعبة و طبعا راعي الدليل مجمع الإشاعات من أحد المنتديات الانجليزية الخاصة باللعبة و لكن هي طووويييييييييلة مررة و عشان كذا ما قدرت اترجمها وهي ترا كلها سخااااااافة و كذب بس ما اقولكم الا اقروا واضحكوا ":" ":"

: [Aeris Revival Rumors] <^RMAG>

Ah, the most common genre of FF7 rumors. How to get the flower girl back. Listed in this section
are suggested ways of ressurecting her after her untimely death at the end of Disc 1. You may
like her or hate her, it makes no difference. She is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. You cannot ressurect her in
any way. And do not try to get around this statement by saying stuff about reviving her in battle.
That is KO status, and that doesn't mean the character is dead. Oh, and don't ask about her surviving
much worse in battle, but dying from a single stab wound. Read the "FAQ" section in the Newbie
FAQ above for more info.

Contributed By: Anubis IV (UserId 196513) (bradleys@clearsail.net)
You breed the two Class S Gold chocobos together with a Friji nut (found in the sunken island, duh!)
and you get a white chocobo. Take it and go under the Midgar Swamp (where the Zolem is) and you can
fight the fifth weapon, the Onyx Weapon. Defeat it and Aeris will come back from the dead.

Contributed By: EXCALIBUR III (UserId 145757)
Get knights of round materia.then mastered it. do this until you get 8 mastered KOTR. equip them all
into the 8 slot on ultima weapon. and finally, you will received a sword replacing ultima weapon call
Go back to sector 5 and talk to the guy who ask you if you know of wall market on Disc 2. then he will
tell to go to the market and get something for him and he will give you the so call "REVIVE-P" materia.
Get underwater materia go back to Aeris grave and you will be able to revive her.

Contributed By: Illusions (UserId 233833)
I heard you can revive Aeris with Zack in sector 5 on the 4th disc after you beat Diamond Weapon the
second time and get that hidden character Onago that is supposed to be Cloud's sister, who then shows
you the way to find the 6th weapon called "Lost Weapon". Then after that it says to insert disc 1
again, and you find out that everything was just one big fantasy that starts over, and over, and over,
over, and over, and over, over, and over, and over, over, and over, and over, over, and over, and
over, over, and over, and over, over, and over, and over, over, and over, and over,etc..... ugh....

Contributed By: monstro city (UserId 222658)
First, talk to the GENERAL(the man outside of the tube where supposedly Zack is) when you have Cloud
and Aeris in your party, and he'll talk about the man in the tube being sick. Go in the tube and talk
to the sick guy and Aeris will say something about not having the right medicine to cure him. After
this, be as nice to Aeris as possible. So keep going in the game and when you get the Sector 5 Key,
go in the church and see Aeris's spirit. Then, go back to the GENERAL and he'll say "Hey, where did
that nice flower lady go?", then you'll explain the situation and....
(from now on, all this stuff is BOGUS)
the GENERAL will give you a materia called "Breathe Underwater" or something like that, which allows
you to go underwater without a sub. Take this to Bugenhagen and he'll agree to trying to revive Aeris.
Now go to where Aeris died and Bugenhagen will perform an underwater ritual which brings Aeris back to

: [Weapon Rumors] <^RMWP>

At first (when I was a newbie), I thought these rumors were challenging, since I beat the Weapons
with relative ease, and I was hungry for new challenges in the game. I simply had no use for my
powerful party, so I tried some of these out. Believe me, you'll waste an awful lot of time trying
to do these yourself (based on self-experience) ^_^

Contributed By: ffl2and3rocks (UserId 217774)
How to get Ruby Weapon to join your party. First get everyone to level 99 and use sources to get
everyone's stats up to 255. Then get everybody's ultimate weapon and equip them. Master all materia
in the game and toss the reproducted ones. Go to Midgar and visit Aeris's mother. She will ask you
to buy her an item called Diamond Ring. It costs $50,000,000. Go to Rocket Town's accesory shop and
buy the Diamond Ring, then go back and give it to her. She will give you a ruby in return. Take the
ruby to the blacksmith and he will make it into an emerald. Give him the emerald. he will say he
will only work on it if you find him a cute girl to marry. Next you must have Cloud, Tifa, and
Yuffie in the party. Go to the Gold Saucer and enter the inn. When you try to go upstairs, the
innkeeper will tell you to pay first. You can then choose to either distract him with either Tifa
or Yuffie's good looks. If you choose Yuffie, he will tell you not to distract him with such an
ugly girl and will ban you from the inn. If you distract him with Tifa, he will be frozen with
amazement. You must then hurry into the bedroom within 10 seconds. If you are too late he will
notice and will ban you from the inn. In the bedroom, open the drawer andfind a key item called
Balloon Girl, which is an inflatable lady. Take it to the blacksmith and he will turn your emerald
into an Emerald Bracelet. Take the emerald bracelet and fight Ruby. Before he sticks his claws
into the ground, go to the Item list and use the Emerald Bracelet on him. Whoever used it will
throw it at Ruby. Ruby will be sucked into the bracelet, and the battle will go on as if you
defeated him. The Emerald Bracelet will now be called Enchanted Bracelet. As long as it is in
your inventory, Ruby will be in your party during battle as the fourth member. If you equip it
on someone, all of his/her/it's stats will be increased to 999 and will have all commands, all
spells as if All was attached, all summons, and all independent materia except HP<->MP Materia,
but Ruby won't be in your party.

Contributed By: SS10000 Sephiroth (UserId 227777)
if you beat it in under 8 hours instead of 10, you get to pick!
Then maybe you can find that cheese weapon....

: [Zack Rumors] <^RMZK>

OK, Let me get this straight, Zack is but a mere side-character of the game, and not a playable
character. Some of the rumors here are pretty easy to believe, so....just a reminder ^_^

Contributed By: PyntieHet (UserId 216511)
You MUST defeat the Midgar Zolom the first time you encounter it. If you use a chocobo to get
across the swamp, you cannot do this sidequest. Then, when you get the buggy, take it back to
where the Midgar Zolom is and defeat it a SECOND time. He will give you the key to Sector 8 in
Midgar. (Yes, sector 8. Not 5 like the one you get on disc 2/3.) Now here's the tricky part.
You must walk through Sectors 1-4 to get to Sector 5 where Zack is in the tube. You cannot go
backwards through Sector 7 and 6. To do this, you must use the special Midgar Key Materia found
in a house in Gongaga (You thought there were only 2 Materia in Gongaga, didn't you? That's
because the house it's in is hidden. hehe If you can't find it, it's between the town and the
reactor. Search the upper-right part of the town, press a button, and it will appear.) The Midgar
Key Materia will unlock all doors/signs/walls blocking the way to Sector 5. (Just walk toward
the door and you will see a flash of light, then a message will appear on the screen "Door has
been unlocked.")
Now go to where Zack is and talk to him. He will mention something about Jenova or Sephiroth
(it's different every time), then he will follow you (not as a member of your party yet). Just
proceed on with the game, and when you get Cloud back from the Lifestream, Zack will be a
playable character!

: [More Rumors] <^RMMR>

OK, these are some of the most ridiculous rumors I've ever seen! I posted a few of them here,
straight from the FF7 board. Any questions? Ask the contributors personally through the message

Contributed By: Arctic (^_^) (UserId 102806)
There is a new summon added in the US version of FF7! I just found this out and have already
tried it! There is a Knight Lord Materia, which is more than 3 times as powerful as KotR!!
To get it, you must master 50 pieces of all the summon Materia (yes, I know it is tough...),
and have beaten all 4 Weapons. Go to the sleeping man in the cave (near Junon). He will mumble
something about an underwater cave, and grave danger. Next, go to your sub and dive down near
Costa del Sol. Enter the cave that leads to the waterfall with Lucrecia. This time, there will
be a new path inside the cave. Take the right path and you will see a purple monster swimming
around. This is Sapphire Weapon. No, he was not actually killed in Junon, as Weapons are
obviously much tougher than that. He has approximately 2.5 million HP. His main attack is the
Sapphire Blast, which does 8888 damage to all. You also need the Underwater Materia for this
fight, as there is a 25:00 time limit. After you beat him, a light will shine underwater, and
a voice will say "The five beasts have now been fallen...and the crisis from the sky shall now
descend...". Then, the voice says "The ultimate power.....vanquish thy foes, and be
triumphant....". A message saying that you have received the Knight Lord Materia will appear.
Congratulations! You have the most powerful summon in the game!! It is similar to KotR, but it
summons _40_ knights in succession!!! Each knight cannot do less than 9000 damage, and they all
do non-elemental, non-blockable damage.

Contributed by PyntieHet (UserId 216511)
I found this summon that's even better than Knights of the Round! It's called "Omegaslash",
and it casts "Dark Omen" which instantly kills EVERY SINGLE ENEMY IN THE GAME including all
Weapons and bosses!! It's also the coolest looking summon in the game IMHO. The only drawback
is that it costs 9999 MP to cast. (The only way you can have that much MP is to equip the
HP<->MP Materia when you're at 9999 HP, but that's not so bad seeing as your enemy will go
down in one hit.) But this Materia is VERY hard to find! Trust me, I've played through this
game over 50 times and just now found it. Here's what I did:
First, you MUST get to disc 3 in less than 13 hours, AND have at least one of EVERY Materia
available in the game (besides Omegaslash, of course. And the Materia doesn't have to be
mastered, you just have to have it in your inventory.) Now what you do is talk to the guy
in Kalm (The one that gives you the Underwater Materia, Gold Chocobo, and set of Master
Materia), and he will tell you about the Omegaslash Materia. He will give you a few hints
as to where it is, but it's kinda tricky to find. Here are his clues:
"Search the deep sea and you will find light through darkness." - This points to Vincent's
Waterfall (Must get there using the sub.)
"After obtaining the required items, head South." - Required items are Vincent's Ultimate
Weapon and Level 4 Limit Break. (Obviously you can't head south in the sub, so go back to
where the Highwind is and take that to the waterfall and follow the directions from there.)
"When above water, shift your gaze to the direction of the sunset." - Head west when you
reach the ocean going south from the waterfall.
"Hover above an alcove, then head North." - Go north from the cave where you find the Mime
"Where there is high ground, there is snow. Go against the flow of time to find a place to
rest." - This one gave me trouble. I thought I was supposed to go in a circle counter-
clockwise. But being the genius that I am, I soon realized that "against the flow of time"
means against the path of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. That means east. :) Once you
get to some islands (forgot the name), land the Highwind.
"In the forest, you will find the red stone." - The Materia is in the forest. :) There ya
go! Now equip that HP<->MP Materia and Omegaslash and you're unstoppable!!
But be warned! This sidequest isn't even available until you meet ALL the requirements
outlined above in the specified time limit. THAT'S why it's so hard to get! Happy hunting!

Contributed By: Yrtalien (UserId 240493)
Okay, in disc three, after you've revived Aeris, make one of each Master materia(Summon,
Magic and Command) for all nine characters. Then make a tenth set.
Having done this, equip every character with their final weapon, set their Limits to the
highest level, and give them all the Master materia you made for each. Make sure the tenth
set isn't equipped on anyone! Now, go to the North Cave, and head down the floating islands
to Sephiroth. When you get to the last island before the big one where Jenova shows up, try
to turn back and leave.
Someone will call out "STOP!" and then you'll see a girl with blonde hair and wearing a
black catsuit jump down the islands to you. She'll say "Your weakness has caused you to
fail at the most crucial point, brother. I take your place."
You'll then go into a fight with her, and you see that she uses TWO Buster Swords. No
matter what you do, you lose this fight, but instead of Game Over, the screen saying to
insert disc one appears.
You'll now restart the game, only you'll now be playing as Gale, Cloud's longlost sister.
It'll be pretty much the same story, but it'll be adjusted for the fact that you're playing
a girl(eg. the date at Gold Saucer is with Barret, Vincent, Cid or Aeris) and the FMVs with
Cloud are replaced with her.
The best part is, Gale uses two swords. There's two slots for weapons in her equipment menu
(and you still have the armour and accesory slots) which can use diferent weapons, and she
has all the materia slots of both weapons and her armour combined. Also, her attacks cause
twice as many hits, although her strength is a little less, because she can only use one
hand per weapon. You can fix that with Power Sources, of course.
She has all of Cloud's Limits too, so her Omnislash hits THIRTY times, and she has a
second level four limit, Annihilation. With this she reaches out of the tv and pulverises
you for believing such a stupid rumour!

Contributed By: Slack (UserId 239306)
If you get some mithril from this sleeping guy and give that to a very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very hidden blacksmith, (he's in the same place where you can ressurrect
aeris, get zack to join your team, and get the rainbow chocobo) he'll reforge the Ultima
weapon, and it won't lose it's power as Cloud's hp go down, also he'll give you the materia:
which can instantly kill the weapons or make 1 damage to a normal enemy.

Contributed By: Cidolfas Orlandu (UserId 45996)
Master Tonberrys drop an item called 108 stars randomly. If you take it to the sector 5 slums
later in the game, you will find a man named McDohl. He will say "Oh, you have my bracelet"
and then be sucked into it, one of the beads lighting up. It will then be equipped as Red
XIII's weapon. You will now find strange people randomly in fights. If you kill them all
with Red, More beads will light up and it will become more powerful. If you absorb all 107
people, plus McDohl, It will turn into the gate rune, get really big, and Aeris will come out.
Then, using all your characters in an FF6 battle-with-Kefka way, you must kill all 108 people
again because they are so pissed for being killed in the first place.

Contributed By: NikanoruGirl (UserId 154026)
Get MegaMan to join the party!
First, put in your FF7 cd into the playstation game console. Make sure you leave the top open,
and turn it on. Press the little button near the back of the lid to make the disc start
spinning, and go ahead and load up your game, while youre still pressing the button. No heres
the tough part....while still holding that button, slowly move to the kitchen to get a bowl
of boiling water, quickly take out the spinning FF7 disk, emerge it in the water for 5 seconds,
then put the disk back in! Now close the lid.
Now all you need to do is turn the playstation on and off 5 times in a row, while you get your
mother to go out and buy you MegaMan X4 and a brand new sony playstation cause you just screwed

Contributed By: insanelicense (UserId 33535)

To get a chocobo as a main character, get all six gold chocobos and race them to s class
then a giant city will appear in the bottom of the map
Go here and get the fat chcobo to join you

Contributed By: SS10000 Sephiroth (UserId 227777)
If you beat every boss in one hit,beating the game in less then 10 hours in the same play,
If you're lucky you wont get Aeris. (Read Aeris rumor above by SS10000 Sephiroth for addition...)

صراحة اشاعات متخلفة ":" ":"
وحده يجي معك روبي ":"
ووحده يجي معك في مجموعتك Chocobo :0) :0)
ووحدة كيف تاخذ استدعاء MASTER OF THE PRINCE OF THE UNIVERSE SUPER NOVA X ?: ?: ?:


02-08-2002, 08:57 AM
اقول وش شايفنا ببغاوات عنقليزي:p

Neo Cid
02-08-2002, 05:13 PM
thanx .. but these romers for what ? .. about what ? :أفكر:

02-08-2002, 05:30 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة واحد حلو

: [Aeris Revival Rumors] <^RMAG>

Now go to where Aeris died and Bugenhagen will perform an underwater ritual which brings Aeris back to

يا أخي والله نكته :D :D :D :D

و الله من زمان أنا ما ضحكت مثل ما ضحكت على هالكلام السخيف :p :p :p

Dark Locke
02-08-2002, 08:28 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحــزيــن
اقول وش شايفنا ببغاوات عنقليزي:p

اللي اعرفه ان ما يلعب فاينل فانتسي الا اللي يعرف لو القليل من الإنجلش ؟؟؟؟؟
:أفكر: :أفكر:

Dark Locke
02-08-2002, 08:31 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Neo Cid
thanx .. but these romers for what ? .. about what ? :أفكر:

اذا كنت تعرف تكتب انجليزي
then you know how to read english
اذا اقراها
and find out:أفكر: :أفكر:

Dark Locke
02-08-2002, 08:33 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة M7MOOOD

يا أخي والله نكته :D :D :D :D

و الله من زمان أنا ما ضحكت مثل ما ضحكت على هالكلام السخيف :p :p :p

لا ما شفت شي
اقرأ الباقي و اضحك ":" ":"

و على فكرة ما جربت اول خمسة إشاعات ?: ?: :0) :0)