المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : لينكس ضيف وسؤال

07-08-2002, 11:35 PM
السلام عليكم ومساء الخير

بصراحه انا مسجل في هالمنتدى بس عشان هالقسم :)
قمت بتركيب نسخه من برنامج linux

****** Mandrake Linux 8.1 ****
باكج فيه عدد 9 سي دي

وبعد التنصيب أريد ان اعرف :

؟؟؟ كيف يمكنني وضع ملفات موقع الأنترنت ؟؟؟ وكيف تشتغل ملفات الـ PHP

وذلك بهدف الحصول على سيرفر شخصي

تقبلوا خالص التحـــــــــــيـه ،،


11-08-2002, 01:01 PM
Dear Q8Linux,

First of all congratulations on your Mandrake pack :)

I didn't really understand what is your first question but I assume you were pointing to having your own web server and you needed PHP support.

For having your own web server you need a program called Apache which should be available on the CDs you got. They will be in an RPM format, you can easliy install them using the Package Manager if you are using KDE or GnoRPM is you are using GNOME, also you can install it much easier using a terminal and a command line of:

rpm -Uhv the.name.of.rpmfile.and.version.i*86.rpm

don't put a star in the command line, it stands for a number that can be 3,4 or even 5...please refer to the file name itself.

same thing will go for PHP, look for PHP RPM packages in your CDs, they should be there...

Wishing you all the best...

21-08-2002, 12:28 PM
Thank u

i just wanna ask about linux installation

Butt now every thing OOKK ;) bcz i reinstallation again ... & install some packages from CD's Like Development Tool

by the way i will buy SuSE next few days ;)
