المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : False joy Vs. Eternal darkness

30-08-2002, 07:55 AM
You found a friend after a while of loneliness
You two become some what close
As the days pass by your relationship gets stronger
One day you wake up having that funny feeling
Then you know that you’ve fell in love with your friend
You try to hid your feelings
But you decide that it’s only fair to tell your friend your secret
While knowing that your love could never be
Your friend told you what you expected to hear
That your love could never be
You tell your friend that this shouldn’t affect your friendship
But it did!
After each passing day your friend was erasing you from their life
You tried your best to hold on to them
But you just couldn’t
They fell in love
That was the turning point
Just then
They’ve completely kicked you out of their life
Even though you tried to be friendly about all this
To look at them from a friend’s point of view
Not a lover’s point of view
You’ve even promised your self that
You’d do everything in your power to get them the cure
The cure that will let some of their pain go away
Knowing that it’s not going to be easy
It’s going to take hard work for many years
But you’re still willing to do it
Just for them
After all that
You stop
To see where you are
Where has all this gotten you?
No where!
What did it cause?
Nothing but pain!
What will you do?
Keep all this in your heart
Or tell it all
But then you decide
That you’ll just leave
Go where they can’t find you
But you’re still going to keep your promise
Because maybe after you find the cure
You might meet them again
But till then you’ll fell lonely
Where will you go?
What will you do?


30-08-2002, 07:58 AM
You meet a new person
You feel a connection
You feel like as if they’re your sister or brother
Even though you don’t really know them yet
But you try
You treat them in a nice way
Trying to be friendly
To show them that they should feel the same way too
At first they do
But still they show a little of mysteriousness
You say “One day they’ll trust me the same way I do trust them”
Day after day
No change
But wait a second
They’ve changed
They don’t even want to speak to you again
What did I do?”
You ask your self
But you can’t find any answers!
You ask them
They expect that you know
But you don’t!
You try to think about it
Did I treat them wrong?
Did I betray them?
You don’t know what to do
You don’t want to lose them
They’re apart of your family now
You’re only thinking about it
Because you know that there is a reason for this change
But what?.............what is it?
You ask them
They won’t tell you!
You feel lonely!
Where will you go?
What will you do?

30-08-2002, 07:59 AM
They’re a part of your real family
You trust them with your life
But do they actually love you!
You don’t know
They say that they do
But their actions don’t show so!
It shows that you’re a non important part of it
You don’t want to ask them
Because you know that if you do
It will only make them go in tears
You’ll hurt them
And you don’t ever want to do that
Because you love them more than your self
When you come to think of the times you were left behind
You cry in tears
But what can you do?
“Maybe they didn’t mean to hurt me”
That’s what you keep telling your self
“But why did they do it a lot of times?”
“In times where they could’ve been there”
That what your reply to your self
And then you find your self in a puddle of tears that puts you to sleep
What if they don’t love me?
There is no love in this world which can replace their love
Where will you go?
What will you do?

Black Box
30-08-2002, 08:10 AM
إحنا عرب ......... :أفكر:

30-08-2002, 08:12 AM
i hope you all like it
and i'll finish it later:-)

30-08-2002, 08:20 AM
واكثر من رائع
سوسو كلامك لمس قلبي حبته ومن قريته مما قدرت اوقف

تسلمين حياتي

الله يعطيك العفيه

كلامك من جد رائع:-)

انا قد مريت بالهقصه

نستنى الباقي:-)

30-08-2002, 08:45 AM
مشكوره سوسو كلامك واقعي ورائع تسلمين:-) ويعطيك العافيه:)
وننتظر الباقي,,,

30-08-2002, 10:36 AM
soso sweety i hope this is not real

the words and all are wondefull


i realy trully hope its not a real story

thank you for sharing

and dont give up

30-08-2002, 10:42 AM
كلامك مرررررره حلوووووووووو .... و واقعي فعلا حصل معي نفس الشيء ..... تسلمي على الكلام الحلووووووو...

Please write more.....:)

30-08-2002, 05:56 PM
what's up with only girls replying:أفكر:
guyz don't be afraid
i don't bite:6

thank you all
and i'm really happy that u liked it

and i'll try to finish it all by tonight:-)

Jin Kazama
30-08-2002, 08:31 PM
cool :)

life is not fair, but we shouldn't give up :-)

احمـ 9000 ـد
30-08-2002, 08:45 PM
كلام عذب

ما يجي الا من وحده قلبها نقي

هاذي اسميه صراخ هادئ>>بدى التلفسلف :p


31-08-2002, 01:44 AM
Jin Kazama
glade u liked it:-)
and ya it's isn't

i'm glade u liked it
thankx for passing by:-)

31-08-2002, 04:01 AM
كلمات جميله

والحياة تجارب

شكرا سوسو :)

31-08-2002, 05:15 AM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة B.B.Q
كلمات جميله

((((والحياة تجارب))))

شكرا سوسو :) :-)

31-08-2002, 07:05 AM
glade u liked it
and ya it is full of it:-)

thankx for quoting:6

31-08-2002, 07:31 AM
ur` welcome:-)

31-08-2002, 07:38 AM