المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جميع الاسرار العبة تجدها هنا

02-10-2002, 09:42 PM
لقد كثرت موضيع الاسرار فى هذا المنتندى
و سوف اجمع كل هذه الاسرار فى موضوع واحد
و جميع الاسرار (منقول)
و من لديه شئ يضعه فى هذا الموضوع حتى لا تتركم الموضويع للاسرار المكررة كما الان:6


وانت تلعب في جيل اخذ قاذفه القنابل وخل فيه ذخيره واخذ ذخيره ثانيه وحط القاذف في اول خانه على اليسار ورح للصندوق وحط كل اغراضك فيه الا القاذف والذخيره خلهم معاك وخل الخانه الوسطيه في الصندوق فاضيه وخل القاذف في يدك يعني استعمله وحط الذخيره في الخانه الوسطيه من الصندوق واطلع من شاشه الصندوق وادخل ثم اضغط يسار مره ثم a مرتين وتصير الذخيره 240


1-طور النجاة
قم بانهاء اللعبه على الطور الصعب او العادي لتحصلعلى هذا الخيار لا يمكنك في هذا الطور استحدام الادوات الاضافيه كما ان كمية الذخيرهستتقلص كما سيتم الغاء التصويب التلقائي في حالة طور الصعوبه

2-اسلحه اضافيه
قم بانهاء اللعبه على طور الصعوبه العادي في اقل من ثلاث ساعات لتحصل على قاذف الصوريخ ولتحصل على مسدس باري المحسن
عليك انهاء اللعبه في اقل من خمس ساعات

3- الزمبي الانتحاري
قم بانهاء اللعبه ب(كريس) و (جيل) على مستوى الصعوبه العادي او
الصعب واستخدم نفس خانة التخزين ليخرج لك هذا الوحش الذي لا

وارجو ان تكون نافعه


سلاح السوموراي
انهي اللعبة بجيل او كريس بي normail باقل من خمس ساعت
بعدين خزن وبدئ من جديد وراح يطلعلك سلاح سومراي

قاذفت الصواريخ غير نهائيه
خلص العبه بي كرس او جيل باقل من ثلاث ساعات , سجل وابدء
توصيل جديد ويصير عندك قاذفة صواريخ لا نهائيه الله يعين الزومبي

ملابس جيل ( رزدينت ايفل 3(z)
أنهي اللعبه بي Once Again بس جيل
وراح تحصل على مفتاح غرفة الملابس وفيها ملابس الجزء3

4 ـ
One Dangerous Zombie option
انهي العبه بجيل و كريس معا لتحصل علىOne Dangerous Zombie option

5 ـ
أستعادة السكين بعد استخدامه
بعد ما تحمي نفسك بالسكين (dagger) من الزوبي فجر رئسة لتاخذة من الارض

لقتلPlant 42 بدون ما تخسر طلقة واحدة
استخدمJ-Vot في الغرفة الي فيها جذور النبته
( تلقها في منطقة القروش قبل ما تفرغ الماي

ازهم الثعبان بدون طلقة واحدة(
لما تواجهها اول مرة اذاكنت تلعب بي جيل راح اتنتضرها تقتل ريتشرد
لكي تاخذ shotgunبعدين خذ القناع واطلع
واذا كنت تلعب بكريس خذ القناع من اول ما تدخل واطلع


هذه الطريقة السريه فقط لجيل لانها من تمتلك مدفع اللنشر اتبع الخطوات لتتفاجىء بان مدفعك اللنشر اصبح بذخيرة هائلة جدا جدا ..........
لم اترجم الطريقة خوفا من ان اخطاء اترك لكم ترجمتها لكي تحصلوا على المعلومة
............................ الطريقة .......................

This is quite a complicated cheat/glitch, but apparently it works.
Follow the steps below..
Step 1: To pull off this cheat, you need the grenade launcher and two types of ammo, for example, Grenade Rounds, Incendiary Rounds.
Step 2: Put all items in item box.
Step 3: Put the Grenade Launcher in upper-left item slot.
Step 4: Put the Incendiary Rounds in upper-right item slot.
Step 5: Close the box.
Step 6: Open your inventory and equip the Grenade Launcher.
Step 7: Open the item box, select Incendiary Rounds from inventory, press: A twice.
Step 8: Move cursor to Incendiary Rounds inside box, and then press A twice again.
The amount of Incendiary Rounds in the Grenade Launcher will now increase.
The number value will be graphically messed up.
Step 9: Close the box and open inventory to fix that.
The value probably exceeds the possible amount and the game responds by automatically reducing the rounds to 240 to prevent data corruption.
There you have it! the Ammo Cheat - Enjoy.


قتل وحش الصرصار بطلقه واحد من مسدس ..!!

عند النهايه راح تواجه وحش غريب ((السي دي الثاني)) و الي هو منتشر مثل الزومبي و الي هو الصرصار الزومبي .. الي كل واحد قد عاني من سرعته و تسببه للإزعاج في اللعبه

اذا واجهت الوحش .. حاول تهرب و تلفلف بالغرفه الى ان يعدل قامته ((الي اهو الوحش)) و يعدل قائمته كالإنسان و يقوم بالالتفات يميناً و يساراً .. و يقوم بإصدار صوت .. عندها اطلق عليه الرصاصه و سوف ترى ماذا سيحدث ..
هذه الطريقة تنفع مع السكين و لكن يجب ان تجعله يلحق بك فى البداية


مع تحيات.....النمسيس":"

04-10-2002, 12:30 PM
شكرا لك اخي النمسيس على هذا التوضيح الذي تقدمه لنا عن هذه اللعبة الجميلة وامل ان تضع المزيد من الاسرار عن هذه اللعبة الرائعة

18-10-2002, 09:14 AM
اسف على الرد المتائخر جدا

مشكور على الرد

يا يا شباب ما فى احد عنده اسرار؟؟؟?:

خاضر اذا ما فى احد عنده اسرار انا عندى الحل الكامل بلانجرزى
و ارجو ان واحد منكم يترجمها لنا

Resident Evil <Biohazard> REmake Weapon/Monster Tactics Guide
For Nintendo GAMECUBE
Written and Composed by ssj3atrix (Wendell Martin II)
Wendell Martin Copyright 2002 Version 1.8
Last Revised June 10, 2002
Email: atrix_ssj3@hotmail.com
AIM: ssj3atrix

== W A R N I N G ==

This text document is the officially copyrighted property of ssj3atrix.
I alone wrote this FAQ and maintain it. If there are any questions or
information that I have announced in this document that is false,
misleading, or just plain wrong, I should be emailed immediately to sort out
further complication. Biohazard is the sole property of CAPCOM Entertainment
2002. This is an extremely unofficial guide and should not be marketed in
anyway. If for any reason I am told that this work has been placed on any
other website besides GameFAQS, I have the right to legally sue you.
This FAQ should also only be posted on GameFAQs, Neoseeker and
NeuronGaming.com as of 5-20-01. If you see it posted anywhere else,
contact me.

== I n t r o d u c t i o n ==

This is my first FAQ, so don't expect alot. Resident
Evil has been apart of my life since Resident Evil 2 entered the scene in
1998. I was but eleven years old then, and the horror movie texture and the
satisfaction of decapitating the unknowing zombie by means of the shotgun was
enough to get me hooked. Now, down with my superfluous banter. This FAQ as of
now is based on the Japanese version of Biohazard, and as of Apr. 30th, 2002,
will be applicable to Resident Evil<USA>. Here's the Table of Contents.

== T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ==
I. Version Information
II.Standard Weaponry
-Survival Knife
-Self Defense Gun
-Lighter and Gas
III. Advanced Weaponry
-Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>
-Flame Thrower
-Assault Shotgun
-Rocket Launcher
IV. Defensive Weapons
-Stun Gun
V. Reward Weapons
-Samurai EDGE
-Anti-Tank Gun
-.44 Magnum
VI. Creature Legend
VII. Frequently Asked Questions
VIII. Rumors
-Samurai Sword
-Killing One Dangerous Zombie
IX. Thanks

== I. V e r s i o n I n f o r m a t i o n ==
Ver. 1.0 (4-19-02)
First Version of FAQ
Ver. 1.1 (4-23-02)
How to obtain the Combat Shotgun
Inventory space information
Ver. 1.2 (4-27-02)
Changed names for US version
Corrected Weapon Information
Updated Margins
Ver. 1.3 (4-30-02)
Updated Knife/Grenade Launcher/Flamethrower Information
Put in Tactics for Yawn/Zombies/Crimson Heads
Ver. 1.4 (5-6-02)
Fixed Spelling Errors
Tactics for Adders/Crows/Hornets/Hunter/Web Spinner/Neptune/Lisa
Ver. 1.5 (5-17-02)
Queries on Zombies reacting to oil and lighter by turning into V-ACTS
(Crimson Heads) FAQ Section
Changed my words in the Intro
Tactics for Plant 42
Barry's Magnum
Shots to kill for Chimera
Ver. 1.6 (5-20-02)
Tactics for Premature Tyrant/Heliport Tyrant
Recommended Weapons for bosses
Location for Magnum/Lighter and Fuel Canteen
New Q+A
Ver. 1.7 (5-29-02)
Revised Some of the shots to kill section.
Self Defense Gun and .44 Magnum to StK section
Ver. 1.8 (6-10-02)
After being informed that I should outline my version histories to make it
the FAQ look cleaner, I decided to put these equal signs between all the
version histories.
Knife locations
Blact Tiger Spider Boss Info

== II. S t a n d a r d W e a p o n r y ==
1. The Survival Knife/Bowie Knife
Survival Knife: Appears to be a standard Military Issue Knife.
Bowie Knife: A broad hunting knife.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: None except a little elbow grease.
Ammunition Capacity: Infinite
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 2.5/10
The knife is a weapon that (to me), is only useful for 'killing' a zombie
while it lies on the ground, or the bragging rights of saying you beat the
game with only the little eight-inch excuse of a blade for a back-up weapon.
How to obtain:
Survival Knife: Have in Inventory automatically at the beginning of the game
and in the room with the Black Spider Boss.
Bowie Knife: N/A.
Survival Knife: N/A.
Bowie Knife: Have in Inventory automatically at the beginning of the game
and in the room with the Black Spider Boss.

2. Beretta M92F Custom
Description: The standard Handgun of S.T.A.R.S. Members.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: Handgun Bullets (9 mm. Parabellum rounds)
Ammunition Capacity: 15
Rate of fire: Average
Usefulness In battle: 5/10
The handgun is the primary weapon on your trek through the mansion, so it
doesn't completely suck. The handgun will occasionally decapitate a zombie
and put it down for good, but on average, this weapon will get you killed if
you are cornered.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Have in Inventory automatically at the beginning of the game.
Chris: Find in main hall after investigating Kenneth's body.

3.Shotgun Rifle
Description: A regular hunting shotgun.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells
Ammunition Capacity: 6
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 7/10
The shotgun is one of the best weapons in the game to be found. Even for its
slow fire rate, the shear power of the boomstick will usually take standard
enemies down in 1-2 hits. Also good for groups of zombies, since its rounds
How to Obtain:
Jill: Easy way: Go into the shotgun room (before you obtain the Grenade
Launcher) and exit through the falling roof room. Barry will come to
your rescue and get you out before you are squashed. Hard Way: Get the
Grenade Launcher first, and then go get the shotgun. Barry will not save you
And you must find the broken shotgun to put in place of the regular shotgun.
Chris: You must find the broken shotgun to put in place of the regular

4. Self Defense Gun
Description: A small derringer type gun that can only be used once.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: N/A <Cannot be reloaded>
Ammunition Capacity: 1
Rate of fire: N/A <It only has one shot, so I can't give you a good answer>
Usefulness In battle: 1/10
Let's look at the pro's of this weapon: A. It shoots B. The one slug is good
enough to kill a zombie in one hit. Now the con's: A. It only has one round.
B.Un-reloadable. C.It takes up inventory that you could have something more
useful in.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Residence-Room 001
Chris: Residence-Room 001

5. Lighter/Fuel Canteen
Description: A small golden Zippo type lighter and a small metal hip flask.
Inventory Space taken:
Lighter: 1 slot
Kerosene Flask: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: Gas
Ammunition Capacity: 2
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 8/10
While not seemingly intimidating at the first glance, the lighter and fluid
is one of the best weapons in the game for one reason. Because it can
permanently kill a zombie in one hit. This means that if you light a zombie
on fire, it will never return as a crimson head. Pretty cool huh?
How to Obtain:
Lighter: In room with Dog Whistle.
Fuel Canteen: First room with item box.
Lighter:Initial Item
Fuel Canteen: First room with item box.

== III. A d v a n c e d W e a p o n r y ==
1. Grenade Launcher (Bazooka)
Description: A standard revolving cartridge grenade launcher. Looks to be
similar to the RGB6.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition required: Standard (Explosive), Incendiary (Fire), or
Acid Rounds.
Ammunition Capacity: 240
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 8/10
Definitely a great weapon. Very powerful and always puts a zombie down on
the first hit, but all zombies not killed with fire rounds will resurrect into
crimson heads.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Found with Forest Speyer on the balcony.
Chris: N/A

Description: A Colt Python .357 Revolver Magnum.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: .357 Rounds
Ammunition Capacity: 6
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 9/10
The Magnum is the most powerful weapon in the game except for the Rocket
Launcher and Anti-tank Gun. It will almost always decapitate a zombie,
and usually takes out hunters and Chimeras without hesitation.
How to Obtain:
Jill: The Graveyard on the way to Lisa's Cabin.
Chris: The Graveyard on the way to Lisa's Cabin.

3.Flame Thrower
Description: A standard, gas fueled flamethrower.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: Gas
Ammunition Capacity: 100%
Rate of fire: Very Fast
Usefulness In battle: 4/10
This weapon might have been a better weapon. It had potential, but sadly,
it can only be used in one area of the game. Ammo is another question.
If you hold the button down while it had 100%, you would be out of gas in
less than 10 seconds. Still though, fun-filled immolation-packed action!
How to Obtain:
Jill: N/A
Chris: The tunnels.

4. Assault Shotgun
Description: A police type shotgun. Complete with a pistol grip.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells
Ammunition Capacity: 10
Rate of fire: Average
Usefulness In battle: 8/10
In terms of usefulness, there's not much difference between the combat shotgun
and the standard version except for the increased ammo capacity and increased
firing rate.
How to Obtain:
Jill: In the first fight with the Yawn, Richard will 'leave' you the combat
Chris: If you saved Richard in the mansion, then when he is eaten by a shark
later in the game, you will find this near the spot he was eaten.

5. Rocket Launcher
Description: An M66 Rocket Launcher.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: Rockets <Unreloadable>
Ammunition Capacity: 2
Rate of fire: Very Slow
Usefulness In battle: 10/10
This is the most powerful weapon you will get in the game. It kills
everything in oneshot, leaving a pile of bloodly charred flesh and a
satisfying 'boom' sound.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Brad throws it down to the heliport at the final battle with the Tyrant.
Chris: Brad throws it down to the heliport at the final battle with the

== IV. D e f e n s i v e W e a p o n s ==
1. Dagger
Description: Usually a short knife used to get a zombie off of you.
Inventory Space taken: None
Type of Ammunition: N/A
Ammunition Capacity: You can hold an unlimited number, they take up no
inventory space.
Rate of fire: Reaction Speed
Usefulness In battle: 7/10
These defensive knives are very useful. If a zombie grabs you, your character
will pull the knife out and stab the zombie in the head, he will release you
and make him take a step back, giving you enough time to run around the zombie
or ready your weapon.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Various locations.
Chris: Various locations.

2. Stun Gun
Description: A small black device that unleashes 1000's of volts into an
unsuspecting creature.
Inventory Space taken: None
Type of Ammunition: N/A
Ammunition Capacity: You can hold an unlimited number, they take up no
inventory space.
Rate of fire: Reaction Speed
Usefulness In battle: 7/10
The stun gun is one of the funniest weapons to use in the whole game. It not
only gets a zombie off of you, you get to see its body spark and smoke as the
electricity pulses through their body.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Various locations.
Chris: N/A.

3. Flash Grenades
Description: A green canister type grenade with markings on the hull.
Inventory Space taken: None
Type of Ammunition: N/A
Ammunition Capacity: You can hold an unlimited number, they take up no
inventory space.
Rate of fire: Reaction Speed
Usefulness In battle: 8/10
This is the coolest weapon I have ever seen used in Resident Evil (biohazard).
Chris will shove a grenade into a zombie's mouth and let its head explode!!
(After it stands there for almost ten seconds wondering what the round piece
of metal in its mouth comes in flesh flavor) Decapitation at its prime!
How to Obtain:
Jill: N/A.
Chris: Various Locations.

== V. R e w a r d W e a p o n s ==
1. Samurai EDGE
Description: A long barreled handgun with S.T.A.R.S and Samurai EDGE engraved
into the slide.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: Handgun Bullets (9 mm. Parabellum Rounds)
Ammunition Capacity: Infinite
Rate of fire: Fast
Usefulness In battle: 7/10
This gun is almost the same as the Beretta, except for the fact that it looks
a whole lot cooler, and shoots in three round bursts.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Beat the game on Normal under 5 hours. It will take the place of the
knife in Once Again mode.
Chris: Beat the game on Normal under 5 hours. It will take the place of the
knife in Once Again mode.

2. Anti-Tank Gun
Description: A type of rocket launcher.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: Rockets
Ammunition Capacity: Infinite
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 10/10
Coming Soon!
How to Obtain:
Jill: Beat the game on Normal under 3 hours.
Chris: Beat the game on Normal under 3 hours.

3.Barry's 44. Magnum (Well, not really a reward.....)
Description: A .44 calibur Magnum Revolver.
Inventory Space taken: 1 slot
Type of Ammunition: .44 Magnum Rounds
Ammunition Capacity: 6
Rate of fire: Slow
Usefulness In battle: 10/10
This is perhaps the strongest weapon obtainable in the regular game, being
almost as powerful as The Rocket Launcher. It can take out any enemy in
one shot, and can even kill the Tyrant(Lab Battle) in one shot.
How to Obtain:
Jill: Don't give Barry his gun back in the battle with Lisa.
Chris: N/A

== VI. C r e a t u r e L e g e n d ==

The Samurai Edge shoots in three round bursts. The number beside a creatures
name is the amount of how many three round bursts must be fired.
The zombie takes 3 shots from the Samurai Edge, then falls into V-ACT mutation
The 3 shots I spoke of, means that the zombie was hit with 9 bullets.
Is that clear?

Also, all numbers are based on normal mode.

The standard monster and icon creature of the Resident Evil series.
Tactics: the best way to engage a zombie is the way that involves using the
least bit of ammo. And that way usually involves just dodging them. The best
way to do this is to lure it to one side of a hall until the gap between the
zombie and the wall is big enough to run by unscathed. If you choose to engage
in combat with them though, the best way to dispatch them is to back up about
10 feet, and then begin shooting them with the Beretta.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 12-15
Beretta: 5-9
Shotgun: 1-2
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: 1
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1-2
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 2-3
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

Crimson Head Zombie
This is the result of not decapitating or burning a zombie.
Tactics: Crimson Heads are either some of the hardest in the game, or the
easiest. Fortunately for most, veterans of the series can easily avoid these
running undead. If you choose to fight them, the shotgun is the way is to
dodge them is to let them run by you, then turn to them and blast there
backsides, or as they run towards you, aim upward with the shotgun and blow
their head off.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 12-15
Beretta: 6-10
Shotgun: 1-2
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1-2
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 2-3
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

A zombie dog. Spots of skin and fur have decayed and fallen off.
Dogs should be avoided altogether, as it is very easy to dodge them. If you
choose to engage them though, the best weapon is the Beretta, you should
till the dog jumps into the air for you and shoot, then repeat. If there is
more than one dog, you should use the shotgun rifle to blast them.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 9-11
Beretta: 4-6
Shotgun: 1-2
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1-2
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 2-3
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

A very temperamental human head sized hornet.
The best thing to do about these small pests is just avoid them. Wasting
therequired ammo to kill such small threats is not a good way to survive
the terror.
Shots to kill:
Survival Knife: 4-6
Beretta: 2-4
Shotgun: 1
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1
Rocket Launcher: 1
Samurai EDGE: 1
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

An abnormally large crow, infected by the T-Virus.
These are really annoying, as they attack at the sound of gun fire, or error
in a puzzle, and out of 3 places in the game where thay reside, 2 of them
are places where you must spend a moderate amount of time in, so its wise to
use the shotgun to eradicate them in big numbers.
Shots to kill:
Survival Knife: 1-2
Beretta: 1
Shotgun: 1
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1
Rocket Launcher: 1
Samurai EDGE: 1
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

A T-Virus infected Snake.
Run, just run. These small predators will latch onto you, slowly damaging
and poisoning you. If you must, a single gunshot will do.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 1
Beretta: 1
Shotgun: 1
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1
Rocket Launcher: 1
Samurai EDGE: 1
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

A heavily mutated creature covered in green scales and bearing large claws.
Has a tendency to jump at you from behind and put an end to your life...
The best weapon to use for the hunter is the shotgun or the Grenade
Launcher. Try to stay at least 10 feet away and blast, because sometimes
if you stay at close range and fire one round from a powerful weapon
after another, they will dodge the blast.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 26-30
Beretta: 12-16
Shotgun: 2-4
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher:
Standard: 2-3
Incendiary: 2-3
Acid: 1-2
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1
Rocket Launcher: 1
Samurai EDGE: 3-4
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

This is a very weird, ugly, and powerful monster. It bears multiple limbs,
and can also manuever on the ceiling and walls.
and can crawl on the ceiling.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 34-40
Beretta: 10-14
Shotgun: 2-4
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: N/A
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 1
Incendiary: 1-2
Acid: 1-2
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1-2
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 4-5
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

Web Spinner
A huge tarantula-type monster. Has the potential to poison you.
Web Spinners are usually spotted on the wall, the first thing you should do
(if you can't avoid it completely) is shoot it with the Beretta to make
it fall off the wall, then proceed to shoot it with the handgun, staying
far away as you do.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 12-15
Beretta: 5-9
Shotgun: 1-2
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: 1
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 1-2
Incendiary: 1
Acid: 1
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 1-2
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 2-3
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1

Neptune (Shark)
Usually appears to be a great white shark with patches of decaying flesh.
Don't even bother to kill them, as long as you keep running, you won't
get hit, but you should always keep running, so you won't be eaten by the
mother shark.
Shots to Kill:
Survival Knife: 17-20
Beretta: 5-9
Shotgun: 1-2
Self Defense Gun: 1
Lighter and Gas: 1
Grenade Launcher <Bazooka>:
Standard: 2-3
Incendiary: 1-2
Acid: 1-2
Colt Python (Magnum): 1
Flame Thrower: N/A
Combat Shotgun: 2-3
Rocket Launcher:N/A
Samurai EDGE: 1-2
.44 Magnum: 1
Anti-Tank Gun: 1


A huge mutated snake at least 30 ft. long, and as wide as a platter.
As soon as you enter the room, the Yawn will make its appearance. The top
priority in this battle is not to get bit, a bite will get you poisoned after
the battle. If you choose to fight the snake, you should use the shotgun, and
bring at least 15 shells. Just keep running, only stopping long enough to
fire maybe 1-2 rounds. If you don't want to fight, or don't have the ammo,
you can just run into the room, around the snake, and grab the mask.
Recommended Weapon:
Jill- Shotgun Rifle/Assault Shotgun<Later in the battle>
Chris- Shotgun Rifle

Lisa (First 2 Encounters)
Lisa Trevor is a very strong woman, and she is one bad monkey!! The first
two times you see her (in her cabin and the tunnels) you can't kill her,
no matter how many grenade rounds or Magnum slugs you pump into her, she
will always get back up, so just don't bother wasting a single bullet,
just run and you'll be alright. But be warned, if she does hit you,
it will hurt.

Yawn (Library Encounter)
The best way to fight the snake this time is to bring along either the
grenade launcher with acid shells, or the Magnum. All you should do is
plug away at the beast while trying to avoid getting eaten. After several
shots, the colossal serpent will fall and land you a key.
Recommended Weapon:
Jill- Grenade Launcher<Loaded with Acid Rounds>
Chris- Assault Shotgun

Black Tiger Spider
This spider is a little bit bigger than the ones I find in my house, and
he's a little bit tougher too (I never had to pull out a shotgun to turn
a spider in my house into a pile of green ooze. That's why you should run
in and run around in circles around it, taking out the two spiders that
accompany it on your way around, after a few rotations the huge arachnid
will stop for a moment. Lay waste to it with the shotgunin this time.
Rinse, and repeat.
Recommended Weapon: Shotgun or Assault Shotgun

Lisa (Fight)
Lisa is extraordinarily strong, and she can always knock you off. If
someone is helping you in the fight, try to keep Lisa away from them,
as she can easily kill them to, your best bet is to use your strongest
weapon (Grenade Launcher/Magnum) and shoot at her until she falls over
the edge, and if she's still holding on, aim at her hands and make her fall
off.....or just push all the stones off, she'll jump off.
Recommended Weapon: Colt Python

Tyrant (Premature)
The tyrant at this time is not to bad, as long as you keep your distance
and don't back into a dead end, this fight will end quickly. You should
always bring first aid for this battle though, even though this Tyrant
is 'premature' as Weskar put it, it can kill you in a heart beat.
Recommended Weapon: Colt Python

Tyrant (Heliport)
This time around, the tyrant isn't playing. The best way to put an end
to this monstrosity. If you have any rescued people with you, keep Tyrant
away from them, or he can very well kill them. Just run around him and fire
if he nears your partner. This will make him come back for you. After you
wait long enough, or inflict enough damage, use the weapon Brad drops
out the chopper and take aim. Enjoy the ending.....providing you don't
miss 4 times.
Recommended Weapon: Colt Python <To...errrr..distract Him, because you
aren't doing much else with that pea shooter>

== VII. F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s ==
Q: What is a 'Crimson Head'?
A: A Crimson Head is a zombie that you think you killed. But unless you
decapitated it, or burned it to death, it will return with a blood soaked head,
and will now have grown claws. Oh yeah , did I mention they now make loud
shrieking noise and can run. They can run FAST.

Q: What is 'Real Survival' Mode?
A: Real Survival Mode is basically the same as a normal game except the item
boxes are no longer linked together, and now you must always manually aim your

Q: What is 'One Dangerous Zombie' Mode?
A: This is a version of the game in which at certain points, a bomb vested
Forest Speyer will chase you. If you do so much as touch him, shoot him,
or stab him, he will explode...and take you with him...always.

Q: What is 'Invisible Mode'?
A: In this mode, all enemies are invisible...and that's all.

Q: Where can you refill your oil flask?
A: Out of a several kerosene cans throughout the game.

Q: Is it true that some zombies will react to the oil and lighter by
immediately turning into crimson head zombies?
A: (That's not true. Or at least I've never had it happen.)-Original
A:<2> Well, people have emailed me telling me that I was wrong, and one
person gave me an example. The example was: Go to the 2nd floor at the
beginning of the game where the zombie is lying,(A fat zombie also resides
here. He said that if I came here and tried to burn the zombie, it would go
into a Crimson Head immediately, but the first time I went through the game,
all i did was run right by him, and upon this he got up in V-ACT mode.
It still remains unsolven......
A:<3> I talked to this person again, and it seems a bunch of us have
misunderstood the question, including me. The answer is no. 'Killing'
a zombie (making a pool of blood appear) and then approaching it to
burn it (not leaving the room or standing there for an hour) will not
make it immediately get up and attack.

Q: Can you go out the front door of the mansion?
A: If you open the front door to the mansion, dogs will be waiting and more
than likely 1 or more dogs will come into the main hall.

Q: Are their any new moves? Or enhanced dodging moves?
A: Unfortunately, you can only dodge by running around a zombie, unlike
Resident Evil 3. But if you tap the C-stick, you will do a 180-degree turn.

Q: Can you blow off zombie limbs other than their head?
A: Yes, with the shotgun, you can blow their legs off.

Q: How many times can you fill up the kerosene flask from a can?
A: You can fill the flask up twice from each can, that means 1 kerosene can
cremate 4 zombies.

Q: After you use all the kerosene in the game, is there any other way to
put a permanent end to a zombie without decapitating it?
A: Use Incendiary rounds for the Grenade Launcher.

More To Come!!!
E-Mail em' to atrix_ssj3@hotmail.com

== VIII. R u m o r s ==
The Samurai Sword (Katana)
This weapon is not a real weapon. Some people began to think it was obtainable
by beating the game after some guys faked some screens, and set the guidelines
to obtain it. I feel sorry for the lot of people think they're going to be
chopping zombies in half. Sorry to disappoint all the Onimusha fans.

It is possible to kill the One Dangerous Zombie
Yes, a mere rumor, it is quite impossible to kill Forest, doing anything to him
will result in gameover.

More To Come!

== IX. T h a n k s ==

-Thank you CAPCOM, for such a great game. All of us are looking forward to
Resident Evil 0 and 4.

-CVXFREAK, since this is my first FAQ, your FAQS provided good guidelines for
this. Despite him being EXTREMELY rude towards me.

-My good friend Risa Yoshito in Nagoya, if it wasn't for her and her kind heart,
I would have had too wait two months to play this game.

-All the people who play Biohazard and enjoy the series. You are the sole reason
I decided to invest my time in writing this.

-Tym Zero, for some great questions that gave me a run for my money!

-Vegita, for teaching me how to submit my FAQ correctly and also
encouraging me to write more FAQs.

-GameFAQS, for providing lots of fun and information. And for posting this FAQ.

-Neuron Gaming, for also providing a place for this FAQ to be viewed and used.

-Neoseeker.com, the newest place this FAQ will be posted.


مع تحيات....النمسيس":"

30-10-2002, 08:45 PM
خيارات اضافية وأزياء جديدة

انه اللعبة بطور Once Again في مستوى الصعوبة المتوسط
في اقل من 5 ساعات للحصول على خيار Real Surviver
البالغ من الصعوبه وفيه ستحصل على مسدس فتاك
من نوع سميث آند ويسون بذخيره لا نهائيه
بالاضافه الى ازياء جديده ونظام
تصويب مختلف.....

خيار العدو الخفي
انه اللعبة بنجاح لمرتين بأي شخصية للحصول
على خيار العدو الخفي الذي يسمح للاعداء
بالظهور بصوره شفافه..