المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : امثلة وحكم باللغة الأنجليزية

08-11-2002, 02:30 PM
Love is like wild flowers it’s often found in the most unlikely places.

To get more out of life, give more of yourself.

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb that’s where the fruit is.

You will learn more about a road by travailing it than by consulting all the maps in the world.

When fate shuts a door come in through the window.

No failure is ever final. Nor is any success.

If you’re doing best, you wont have time to worry about failure.

Dreams come true for those who work while they dream.

No one is guaranteed happiness, life just gives us time and space it’s up to us to fill it with day and meaning.

Do for others with no desire of returned favours we all should planet some trees we’ll never sit under.

True wealth is what you are, not what you have.

Almost all of our unhappiness is the result of comparing ourselves to others.

We can’t do much about our appearance but we have to tall control over the kind of person we become.

To change every thing, simply change your attitude.

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye

Carrying a grudge is like a run in a stocking it can only get worse. Forgiveness is the answer.

When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, you begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others.

Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, why not gather your own bouquet.

A Friend is person who knows all about you but likes you any way.

Friends, are like a beautiful garden, they require regular care.

The people on our planet are not standing a line single life, look closely, everyone is really standing in a circle, holding hands, whatever you give to the person standing, next to you it eventually comes back to you.

Today, give a stranger on your smiles it might be the only sunshine he sees all day.


القلب البريء
08-11-2002, 05:30 PM

مشكور جدا اخوي على هذه الامثال الجميلة
اذا ممكن ترجمتها حتى يتسنى للجميع الاستفادة منها
للأسف ليس لدي وقت كاف للترجمة والا قمت بذلك بنفسي
مع جزيل شكري واحترامي

اخوك القلب البريء

وردة الحب
10-11-2002, 11:56 AM
thanx 4 these nice worsds and i heve some i hope u like them

be careful friendship can be end cuz of a stupid word


i got one word to u ppl who talk bad about me behind my back J*E*A*L*O*U*S*E


friends r like * u can not always see them but they r always there


why do we love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us

i hope u all like it:#