المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ميتل جير سوليد بعض الاسرار تعالوووووووو

11-11-2002, 12:21 PM
Get Camo Suit/Bandana
If you submit in the torture room, beat the game, and
save your progress, you automatically start a new game. When
that new game starts you get a stealth camouflage suit.
If you don't submit, and beat the game, and automatically start a new game, you get a bandana that gives you unlimited bullets when you have it open while using a weapon.
Also, in the Cell, before you climb up the ladder, down on the ground, there's a secret air vent with a ration, and underneath the DARPA Chief's (Decoy Octopus) bed is a ration. Also, when you get the stealth suit, after Meryl opens the cargo door in the tank hangar, if you have your STEALTH open, you can run right through the room without being detected by the infared sensors.
The Metal Gear Solid Wiz.
Beating Rex
So in order to beat Rex you will have to use Chaff grenades so that he
looses track of you for a while and will give you some time to kill
him. Tke out your stinger missles and aim for the round thing on his
left arm that looks like a shield and give him a few shots. After a
while that ninja comes and he finnishes off Rex's arm but Liquid Snake
squishes him into the wall and steps on him. This time your chaff
won't work any more. The cockpit will open and now run through his
legs (avoid the laser) and wait till he turnes around. Get your
stinger ready and keep on firing at the cockpit until you finnish rex
(when you were at the Ocelot torture rack where he runs electricity
through you, did you submit or save Meryl?) well, hope my tip hellped.
another way to beat rex

run behind him and watch out for the laser then move with him and stay behind him when he stops moving throw a stun grenade beetween his legs then imediatly select the stinger lock onto the radar or the cockpit which ever your on and fire. i found this effective becausei had more stun grenades and it also makes him freeze in his tracks.
Info submitted by mike diaz on Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 17:46:15
Beat Rex With Ease!!!

O.K. so, forget the stinger missiles and running between his legs... This is the best way to defeat Metal Gear Rex, and why not have a break while he is still trying to find you...
Before he wakes up right at the beginning of the battle run to the far right... hide behind one of the walls sticking out and... get inside one of your cardboard boxes! Then when the blue cone is out of your way, quickly press R1 to get rid of it and shoot a stinger into his arm, before it hits him, get back into your cardboard box and he won't be able to find you! This way, you won't get hit once!
Please pass on your comments of this tip to antsid1@hotmail.com
A member of the wolf dogs

Just after tracking through the caves for the first time, and before you and
Meryl enter the under ground passage to comm tower A. Stand facing Meryl with the wolf dogs yapping nearby slap meryl roundly in the face Meryl whistles and the dogs attack you for such an action. However if you place a cardboard box over you immediately after slapping Meryl,the wolf dog puppy investigates the box. Cocking its leg against the side of it, a stream of wolf dog urine splashes you and the box. You now smell of the wolf dogs and the hounds now leave you alone on subsequent terms through the lair.

Submitted by teendino
Different Costumes and More
If you want to wear the tuxedo, here's what you do. Beat the game two times on the same memory card block (play over your last game.) The third time you start up the game Snake will remove his thermal suit in the elevetor and be clothed in a tuxedo.
Beat the game with the tuxedo and the ninja that he has to fight changes his uniform into a red ninja suit!!!
Beat the game at any skill level and look in the Special menu for a compilation of all the cut scenes throughout the game.
Defeat Psycho Mantis
Before you attemt the fight with Psycho Mantis plug your controller into the controller #2 slot and press any button, the screen will turn black and have the word "HIDEO" in green in the corner. After a few seconds it will go away and you can use the 2nd player controller to fight against Mantis.
This way he won't be able to tell where your going to go because he can only read your left brain (left controller), he can't read your right brain (right cont.).
submissions by morehtml@hotmail.com
Defeating the Ninja
Use your chaff grenades to get the Ninja on the ropes. They will stun him and give you enough time to get in 3 good hits.
Crushing the Generator
To destroy up the generator, you need a Nikita. Simply fire it and then get in first-person mode to make it easier to aim the missile. First turn right, and go through the door straight ahead, then left and you'll be in the room with the generator. Now just run into it. The cameras may shoot it down, so you'll probably have to try this more than once.
Fast Travel
To move about through the complex faster, hide inside a cargo truck and use a C.Box. Remain perfectly still and a guard will drive the box to the area noted on the box. (There are three boxes, each to a different location.)
Meryl with No Pants!
Follow Meryl into the Women's bathroom and reach the last stall in under five seconds. Meryl will be caught with her pants down during an FMV sequence.
Look in the vent just before the DARPA chief (Decoy Octopus) to see Meryl doing sit-ups. Leave the vent and re-enter and she will be doing one-armed pushups. Repeat and she will be doing leg stretches on the wall. Repeat one more time and she will be doing the leg stretches while pantless.
Defeating Vulcan
Another way to defeat Vulcan for the second time is to use your Claymore Mines. Place a mine where ever he is attempting to approach you. This works all the time. Submitted by Ed Maramag
Ghost Picture Locations
After you get the camera you can take pictures at the following locations and a ghost picture will appear in your photo album

Sato: Comm Tower A (roof destroyed by a Hind D missiles)
Nakamura: In Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped)
Shinkawa: Deep in Sniper Wolfs hallway behind the second pillar
Shimizu: Wolf dog cave (first crawling point)
Kaneda: The mirror located in the Women's restroom
Fukushima: Heliport,looking out to sea from cliff
Takade: Ninja room, glass at edge
Fujimura: Elevator, in the Comm Tower B complex
Hirano: Elevator (Comm Tower B) deep in the shaft of top level
Muraoka: Water in cargo dock
Ishiyama: Heliport top of building
Uehara: Edge of elevator (the one were the ravens are)
Negishi: Sewage waterfall
Mizutani: When fighting Metal Gear
Korekado: Men's restroom
Sasaki: Picture frames in the Commanders room
Sonoyama: Torture machine
Toyota: Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse
Kozyou: Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
Kojima: Otacon lab (the picture frame to the right)
Matsuhana: Hallway of corpses (outside Otacons lab)
Shikama: Electic floor
Kimura: MG underground base, tip of of Metal Gear railgun
Kobayashi: Rock in canyon
Okajima: Maggots of the real DARPA Chief in cell
Nishimura: Next to Baker's corpse
Mukaide: Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle
Onoda: Where Baker is tied up
Kitao: Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
Yoshimura: Dead end of air duct
Ito: Inside elevator to tank hangar
Jerem Blaustein: Sniper Wolfs corpse
Yoshioka: Bridge on the third floor of the the blast furnace
Mori: Lowest point of elevator (Comm Tower B)
Kinbara: Dark area of stairs
Tougo: End of boiler room (in Blast Furnace where the stemeam is)
Makimura: Hidden armory store room behind the wall
Kutome: Observation room
Tanaka: Heliport, sleeping soilder
Shigeno: Heliport, security camera by staircase
Yamashita: Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
Kobayashi: Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
Scott Dolph: Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B
Auto Elevator

To make any elevator ( Not including cargo elevators near Vulcan Raven 2 ) come automaticaly, simply press the control panel twice ( Circle Button ).
This Info submitted by Ray Miller 4 on Sunday, February 21, 1999 at 19:36:29
Beat Wolf 2nd Time

After Wolf shoots you first time to make her appear, run to the far right near the door and hide behind the snow. Use the Nakita launcher to guide the missles to hit her!! You must search for her each time near the trees, but she will never get another shot off on you!
This Info submitted by Jason "Slimmy" Owens (Phantomized1990@yahoo.com) on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 14:50:51
Breaking the Generator

first go down the hall in front of you and then turn right and right again hug the right wall to avoid camera fire at the end of the room take a left and then through the door and then quickly take a sharp right go through the doorway and then take asharp left and slam into the generator
This Info submitted by mike .t.diaz on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 16:34:54
Use Less Diazepem

Instead of waisting the anti-trembling medicine, try smoking a ciggarette. It work well when you need to use the sniper rifle.
Info submitted by Delran Phillips on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 12:39:43

Stunned wolf dogs

When you have sniper wolf's hankercheif(From otacon)go to the caves and the wolfs don't attack you and you can shoot them, hide from them and punch them! No mater what you do they wont attack you!
This Info submitted by Metal gear J on Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 11:39:05
Unlimited Rations

In Metal Gear Solid, when you see a ration grab it. Then go to a point in the game were it goes black to load a new sequence. Then bactrack and the ration will be back again. This is very effective against bosses.
This Info submitted by BeeF (beefomania@aol.com) on Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 19:06:52

Seeing through Physco Mantis's eye's

When Physco Mantis Takes over Meryl in the Commander's room, and then Meryl begins to shoot at you that's the time to do it simply press the triangle button and voila.
P.S this code is pretty risky so I advise you to save just before you enter the Commander's room.
Info submitted by Brendan Roney on Monday, March 1, 1999 at 18:17:15
Fast way to beat Liquid

When you are battling Liquid on top of Rex, there is a trick to beating him fast and easy. Each time Snake punches Liquid twice, pause for a moment then puch Liquid again twice. Keep repeating this until Liquid's life is zero. By this time he should be cornered so kick him after the punches now. Remember that he takes a little time to recover from your punches when you hit him twice in a row. If you only use punches, he will never get a chance to hit you.

This Info submitted by Anonymous on Monday, March 1, 1999 at 19:56:50
Secret Place from the Steam Room

When you get to the steam room there is a hallway to your left. follow it get down on your(Solid's) hands and knees and go under the wall. Keep going to the left until you pass the 2nd wall then there will be a room. DON'T go to close to the edge or else you will fall in to the steaming hot lava! There are two boxes of chaff gernades and one box of stinger missiles. And if you want to have little bit of fun, you stand there and you could shoot a stinger missile at a rat or an unexpecting guard, this will set off the alarm but don't worry no guards can hurt you in there(avoid shooting the big thing in the middle of room it will take some life off of you).
Info submitted by Brian on Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 14:30:31
Beat Game Faster (Gameshark Users Only)

"Warning" this trick only works if you have a games shark."
turn on the level 100 key card code and the card board box C code. Go through the first area as normal. Then when you come to the part where liquid takes off in the hind, get in to the truck to the front left of the area. Turn on the card board box C code then you will go to the snow field. Get out and ,equip the level 100 card then go through the door you go thru after beating wolf for the 2nd time and go down the stairs it will tell you to insert disk 2 and you've skipped passed the darpa chief, revolver ocelot phsyco mastis and dang near every one els in the game. I discovered this code myself, so I know it works.
"NOTE" DO NOT turn on the pal card game shark code or the trick will not work. The game will give you the pal card anyway , so you dont need the code"
Info submitted by KLH (GameAce64@hotmail.com) on Monday, April 5, 1999 at 12:50:28
Watch Meryl do her workout!
When crawling along the duct above the holding cells, you may look down to see Meryl in her cell exercising. Leave the duct immediatel by going down the ladder, now re-enter the area again. Each time you repeat the step above, Meryl will be doing new moves, a few are posted below:

1) Sit ups
2) One are push up
3) Stretches
4) Situps in her underwear
5) One arm push ups in underwear

Info submitted by DangerGirl (dueda@bellsouth.com) on Friday, April 2, 1999 at 17:06:30
No mine detector, no problem!

When you are in a place that has mines, just crawl and they won't explode! Bonus!: When you crawl, you can keep the mines you go over!

Info submitted by Metal Gear (dinkel@itis.com) on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 20:53:10
Get out of prison

There are three ways to get out of jail after the tortures :
1. After the second torture call Otacon and he will give you some ketchup and other stuff. Use the ketchup and the guard will come in thinking you are dead.
Then you can kill the guard.
2. Crawl under the bed and the guard will come in. Crawl under the bed when the guard doesn't see you, otherwise he'll laugh at you.
3. Just wait after the second torture and don't do anything. The ninja will come and rescue you.
Info submitted by Bart (bartder@dma.be) on Monday, April 19, 1999 at 05:58:05
Body Armour

To get the body armour you must have a level six card.
Go to the second basement of the nuke building and go into the gas filled corridor. Select your gas mask. Take a left at the end of the corridor towards the cameras. On the right around the corner there are a few doors. One of them contains the body armour!
Info submitted by Andy (andrew@ikirkwood.freeserve.co.uk) on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 13:35:09
Stupid Guard

To do this you will need stealth. While you are in the heliport get one of the guards to follow your footprints in the snow and then run around in circles until the guard catches up with you. Get out of the way and he will say "Huh" and start walking around and around and around in circles while looking at his feet!!!!!!!
Info submitted by Andy (andrew@ikirkwood.freeserve.co.uk) on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 13:41:03
Spychos Weak Point (not controller#2)

When you are about to fight spycho mantis, in the office there should be two head mantles one on the left side of the room, & one on the right that have black tape around the face of them take out your socom & shoot the head mantles about three times each. when you start to fight him he will lose concentration cause he hates the look of his face. that way without waisting famas bullets you can kill him easily & effectivly
Info submitted by bluntfreak25 on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 17:34:11

Suden Dithe
12-11-2002, 01:17 AM

مشكور يا اخوي على الاسرار

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