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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام Samurai Showdown:Warriors Rage 2

15-11-2002, 07:11 PM


Well first of all let me thanks Lantis and Frankie as always for their help... Anyway I decided to write about Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage 2, it's a 3D fighting game, made by SNK one of the most popular fighting game creation company... The game might not be popular but it is pretty cool and deserve the full credits... So here we go...


Well we all know about Fatal Fury, it's one of the most popular SNK's fighting games or I should to say one of the most popular fighting games in the entire world, well it's another fighting anime which turned to anime, but it's not bad as Samurai Showdown or the others, the anime was very good and it has succeded unlike some other fighting animes, they made 3 movies for the series and each one of them has it owns speciallity and that's why I like it... Here is my rate for the anime's stuff...

The story: 8/10
The characters: 9.5/10
The graphics: 7/10
The musics: 5/10
Sounds effect: 4/10
Style: 8/10
Overall: 7.5/10

The story of the game is pretty good, it's after 20 years from the original series, I like the story alot but it's kinda the same just like the old one, Seishiro and Tohma = Haohmarou and Genjuro, Tohma and Mikoto = Asra and Shiki... Not much difference but I still like it

The characters are damn cool, there are alot of cool characters in the game such as Seishiro, Tohma, Yuda, Jushiro, Yaci, Haito...etc But sadly some of the characters have the same moves as some others, pretty shame, never thought that SNK were lazy though... Anyway I am sure you will like them

Well the graphics isn't that good, the 3D isn't great as Neo Geo Hyper 64, but it's not that bad either, as you all know it's pretty old game (1999) and the system doesn't have enough power to make a good 3D, you all know that...

The musics are kinda boring, oh it's true... I like the old SS musics such as Genjuro's background theme and there are some others... As for this game there are only 2 musics that I like, the first is Tohma's background theme and the other is Haito's background theme. Take care you might feel sleepy while playing the story mode though... I don't like the musics

Nothing special here, not as cool as the old games I have to admit that... Just try to do super move, well it's nothing goes cool kinda slow and very boring... Nothing much can be said about the sounds...

The game style isn't bad, it's pretty cool I like it, but it's kinda slow. The characters style are awesome, everybody have his own style, such as Tohma, he is very great character and well designed as well same goes for Yuda the Setsuna wannabe hehe... Well he kinda remind me of Setsuna don't know why! And there is also a lone wolf named Seishiro, he is cool and I think he is better than Haohmarou in that game, and there are alot of streets guys such as Haito and Yaci...etc you will like them

I don't know what to say but I think it's pretty good game, if you like the Samurai Shodown series and their characters design you for sure will like that one too... But if you don't know anything about Samurai Shodown I suggest you to take Samurai Shodown 4 before that game because it's better at least for me, but since I am a hardcore SS's fan I have them both hehe...


Year: 1800. Place: Japan, land of imagination. During this dark age, samurais fought between themselves to impose a way of government in Japan. When the country was in terrible need of a powerful leader, the battles that waged became fatal and mortal fights for freedom. While the samurais disputed their differences in the line of battle, the already deteriorated society began spawning a line of criminals which threatened the stability of the country in another front. As soon as the Samurai war ceased, the Bafuku government lost no time in taking extreme measures for the increasing number of crimes. Hence, an island off the coast of Edo (old Tokyo) was established as a prison for the downtrodden and menaces. The place was named: "Riten Kyo" Ten years have passed since the establishment of Riten Kyo. The year is 1810. In the island, the criminals began creating their own society of the forgotten. Soon enough, the power of the crime organization became a problem for the Bafuku to control. In the center of this foul society, was the "Razor Trio of Domination", composed of three formidable warriors, that ruled atop a castle in the middle of the island: Tohma Kuki, a power monger and slayer of souls. Mikoto, a Maiden of Darkness, said to have both the power of an angel and a devil. And as their leader, Oboro, an elderly old man whose powers remain a mystery to all. Suddenly, an evil force began to surge in the midst of Riten Kyo, calling the attention of both criminals and samurais alike. Now is the time where both the samurais must fight in order to regain control of Riten Kyo, and for the habitants of Riten Kyo to exact freedom from the evil deeds of the Razor Trio. The blood of the warriors burns in rage, and the time comes yet again for another... SAMURAI SHODOWN!!


Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Sex: Male
Weapon: Simple sword

The Brutes are no more than mere thugs that cause havoc in the streets of Riten Kyo. These patented troublemakers like to beat people up, for little to no reason at all. They represent some major headaches for judge Samon and his troop of Samurais. Brutes are armed with normal swords, and have no kind of special move or super.

Age: 60 years old
Height: 1.40 m (4' 6")
Weight: 48 kg (105 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Sword, hidden as a stick.

Daruma is a cranky old man who has lived in Riten Kyo for a long time, even before it became a prison island. He ran away from the modern society, disgusted by the selfishness of humans. The only proof that he once lived with normal humans is the scarf he has on his neck. He has painfully watched how his precious island has became a wasteland for criminals. His only redeeming factor lies in his two adoptive grandchildren: Ran Po and Minto. He picked them up when their parents died, amidst the violence of Riten Kyo. Now, Daruma wishes his grandchildren might soon see true freedom, in the island of Ryukyu, a pacific place not far from Riten Kyo. Daruma has the same techniques as Haito, except he drinks from his sake, instead of a special potion, like Haito.

Age: 35 years old
Height: 1.90 m (6' 2")
Weight: 89 kg (194 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Short sword (which he usually doesn't unseath, so he uses his sheet
mostly as a club.)

Garyo, aka "The Whirlwind", is the leader of a gang thieves running amok in Riten Kyo. Despite being criminals, Garyo has inspired his followers not to commit terrible crimes, and respect life. Garyo and his friends hide out in a cave beneath the Razor Trio's castle. Once spotted by the Razor Trio guards, the band of thieves, along with Garyo, got captured and sent to the dungeons. After many weeks, Garyo and his most loyal partner, Cyobi-suke, aka "The Kid", manage to escape from their captivity, but their fate is not shared by their comrades. They had already been executed. Garyo returns to his hideout and vows vengeance against those who killed his friends. Garyo is rather stubborn, but kind hearted, so much that he instantly felled in love with a fair maiden called Mikoto, whom he met on a full-moon night. He promises to himself that one day, she will be his bride. Garyo fights using a thick, short sword, but he mostly keeps it in its seathe. He does have two arms, but the other hand is hidden in his shirt.


Age: 19 years old
Height: 1.75 m (5' 7")
Weight: 62 kg (135 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Thin-edged sword

Haito is one of the most feared criminals that live in Riten Kyo. Son of a Japanese woman and a foreign man, he, along with his fellow-in-crime Yaci Izanagi, have terrorized the locals, and no one dares to put a halt to them. The Samurai squad proves to be no match for Haito, who easily takes advantage of his superior skills and abilities to squeeze money out of his poor victims. A former bodyguard gone bad, Haito has a sickening obsession for blood, especially since he loves the color: red. He has grown to love blood, since Haito himself, is affected with a terrible sickness, that causes him to have blood-coughing seizures. To control this, Haito often drinks from a special potion to sooth the pain and grant him extreme abilities. Haito is cold blooded and ruthless, raised even more by the fact that he was turned down by his eternal beloved, the fatal female, Saya. With nothing more to live for, and with his own life at the line, Haito decides to take it all out against the Razor Trio, as he deems them unfit to rule a island gone wild.


Age: Secret
Height: 1.68 m (5' 5")
Weight: 68 kg (148 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Iga Blade

Hanzo Hattori is the legendary leader of the Iga Ninjas, an organization that secretly serves the Bafuku government. Despite being a master in the arts of killing, and have slained one too many men, Hanzo is a kind hearted man, and a warm leader. His many years in the line of duty give him wisdom and deep knowledge of the evil in the world. However, he must deal with a burden of the past, which involves the treason of his father, the former leader of the Iga Ninjas, Jigen Hattori. He is one of the past heroes of the Samurai battles, along with Haomaru. His current duty is to regain control of Riten Kyo at any cost.


Age: 47 years old
Height: 1.73 m (5' 7")
Weight: 69 kg (150 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Katana

The samurai of legend that has thwarted the forces of evil in the past, comes back once again, to fight against the corruption and evil feelings brewing in Riten Kyo. Having aged the past 20 years, Haomaru still conserves the spirit of a warrior, and his blade is always ready for a fatal duel. After hearing that his "niece" Mikoto had escaped from the temple where she lived ever since she was a baby, Haomaru follows her to the cursed island of Riten Kyo. There, he grows aware of the evil entity at work there, and departs on a journey to stop the Razor Trio, and fight worthy opponents along the way.

Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Sex: Male
Weapon: Iga Blade (small version)

The Iga Ninjas are part of the Bafuku government's secret service, that acts in the shadows, in order to resolve extreme situations. They loyally follow their leader, Hanzo Hattori, and are willing to forfeit their life in the battle arena. They are not as skilled as Hanzo, but their lethal assassination skills are a menace to many of those who oppose the Bafuku government. The Iga Ninjas have no special moves, nor do they have super moves.

Age: 47 years old
Height: 1.57 m (5' 2")
Weight: 73 kg (159 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Naginata with a cross blade

Jin-Emon is one of the most loyal servants to the Bafuku government. Having served as a samurai way back in the dark ages, Jin-Emon lives according the honor code of a samurai. He lives to protect his master, and defile all those who dare attempt to dethrone his lord. He used to train under the orders of his eternal friend, Kuki, the master of the sword. There, he meets several youngsters who have helped him regain his lively energy: the young son of Kuki, Seishiro, who was always quiet and simple-mannered. The other was Jushiro, a lively, spirited young man, who saw life as an eternal dream towards the future. However, several things began to go wrong, which involved his friend Kuki being killed by his other son, Tohma, and the betrayal of Jushiro. As the most experimented samurai, Jin-Emon is assigned the most dangerous of his missions: he is to regain control in the prison island of Riten Kyo, along Seishiro. He is also ordered to kill all those traitors to the Bafuku....


Age: 27 years old
Height: 1.75 m (5' 7")
Weight: 65 kg (141 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Sword with a gun-handle.

Jushiro is a daydreamer that was once part of the samurai squad of the Bafuku government. Thus, being an outstanding warrior, he was assigned to train with the great samurai master, Kuki. Kuki took Jushiro in like if he were his own son, and Jushiro soon became acquainted with his fellow trainees: Seishiro and Tohma, both sons of Kuki. However, both of them liked to keep to themselves, and ignore everything else. So, Jushiro made friends with the veteran samurai, Jin-Emon, and both became best comrades. It was one woman, although, that changed Jushiro's world. Her name was Karen, one of the few female samurais working for the Bafuku. Jushiro loved her lively spirit and charming manners, but Karen was a loyal follower of the Way of the Samurai, and decided to put her duties before personal feelings. One day, word came out that the princess was threatened by death by some fellow only known as Oboro. Baring a striking resemblance to the princess, Karen was chosen as the decoy to lure Oboro in. Jushiro opposed, but Karen kept up anyway. An entire unit was assigned to protect the fake "princess". As previewed, Oboro attacked. However, it wasn't previewed that Oboro would be so powerful, and in no time, he eliminated all the samurais, and mortally wounded the princess. Having heard this, Jushiro ran to Karen's side, but it was too late: she was far beyond hope. Disgusted and torn apart, Jushiro quits the samurai legion. Having been encountered alone in the butchering site, Jushiro was aimed as the main suspect, and sent to Riten Kyo. There, he joins with female warriors Saya and Rinka to form the Atom Rebels, an anti-Bafuku group. This enraged his former superiors even more, and becomes the main target of extermination. However, for some odd reason, Jushiro tends to worry more about her female friends, than the fact that he has been targeted. Can Jushiro survive the Bafuku assault?


Age: 19 years old
Height: 1.60 m (5' 1")
Weight: 44 kg (96 lbs.)
Sex: Female
Weapon: Sky Blade

Mikoto is the sole daughter of the great warriors, Asra and Shiki. Both Asra and Shiki were servants to Yuga, the great evil force that tormented the world 20 years ago, and even Shiki was one of the daughters of Yuga. Both of her parents died bravely in order to save the world from Yuga's menace. Before her mother died, Shiki gave Mikoto up to adoption a Buddhist temple, and left. Haomaru was left in charge of her, as well as her "grandfather", who lived in the temple. Since then, Mikoto has considered Haomaru like an uncle to her. However, her cursed blood was not to be denied, but since Mikoto lived amidst a peaceful climate, there was nothing to worry. That was, until the point a man named Tohma arrived at the temple one day to hide from his persecutors. Mikoto found this man mysterious, and full of enigmas. However, she couldn't stop feeling attraction for this man who lived passionately for what he craved for. She also felt incredible sadness in his heart, and couldn't bear to see him suffer. So, Mikoto decided to leave the temple and accompany Tohma to Riten Kyo, where he soon established conditions of leadership, along with the enigmatic old man, Oboro. They formed the "Razor Trio", and although she is not completely evil, Mikoto can't ignore the call for bloodshed, as if something deep within her blood was summoning her....

Age: 7 years old.
Height: 1.35 m (4' 3")
Weight: 32 kg (71 lbs.)
Sex: Female
Weapon: Cat Paw Pole

Minto has been an orphan for as much as she remembers from her short life. She was taken in by Daruma, a kind old man, along with Ran Po. Minto has grown to admire and love Ran Po a lot, and cares for him so much, that she would do anything. Being a young girl of her age, Minto is a curious being by nature, and takes everything as a game, which is a serious contrast to the tense climate in Riten Kyo. One day, Minto went out wandering about in the forest, and suddenly came across a huge castle atop a hill. Anxious to know what it is, Minto enters the castle, but doesn't last long enough before she gets caught. Trapped in the castle, she gets to meet the two young castle maids: Mario and Mei. She makes two great friends, and thanks to them, she can finally wander outside the castle, and take a last trip throughout Riten Kyo, before she is sent off to Ryukyu, a land of peace.

Age: 35 years old
Height: 1.85 m (6' 1")
Weight: 78 kg (170 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Scimitar

Mugenji is a serial killer that lives within the woods surrounding Riten Kyo. At night, when all is quiet, he takes advantage of the darkness to prowl the area, and any victim that dares get in his way, will be slain swiftly. Mugenji is a very violent warrior, that loves the sight of blood and suffering, which he considers an art in its own way. Despite his violent nature, he likes to admire flowers in his personal flower field, that surrounds the ancient ruins of a temple. His obsession for butterflies is only rivaled by that of killing. Knowing no other way than killing in means of purification, Mugenji will slay all those who get in his way, regardless of age or sex.

Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Sex: Female
Weapon: Assassin Knives

Oboro's Amazons are loyal servants to the great evil leader, Oboro, the head of the Razor Trio. They blindly follow the ambition of Oboro, and dedicate all their strength in accomplishing Oboro's will. Their loyalty is so strong, they are willing to sacrifice their own lives to keep Oboro on. Usually, the Amazons dress like Shinto priestesses, and look like normal women. But when they reveal their true nature, they become inhuman warriors, whose skin is adorned in several colors, and with several inscriptions written through their entire body. They are the ultimate obstacle for those who intend to dethrone the Razor Trio.


Age: 10 years old
Height: 1.40 m (4' 6")
Weight: 41 kg (90 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Justice Mallet

Ran Po is an orphan, whose parents where another victims of the violence that reigned in Riten Kyo. He was not totally doomed, since the kind old man, Daruma, took him in and made him his grandson, along with his other lost child, Minto. Since then, Ran Po and Minto have become very fond of each other, and care a lot for one another. Ran Po, being the elder side, takes it upon himself to protect Minto, and go out on the streets in order to nab some money somehow. Despite being short-tempered, Ran Po is gentle at heart, and although he carries with a burden that most adults wouldn't withstand, he is brave and mature enough to go on ahead. Depressed by the current situation in Riten Kyo, he is comissioned by his grandfather Daruma that he must go to Ryukyu to live a more peaceful life. The problem is, he doesn't want to leave without Minto, and she is lost....


Age: 16 years old
Height: 1.54 m (5' 1")
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs.)
Sex: Female
Weapon: Yoshino Family Sword

Rinka is the proud daughter of the recognized Yoshino family, a honorable line of warriors that have been deemed as being the best lineage of samurais in all Japan. As one of the wealthiest families of Japan, the Yoshino clan never expected that, one day, their bloodline would fall in disgrace, due to a inner conspiracy, executed by several samurais who were jealous of the Yoshino's wealth. This plot not only ruined the Yoshino family economically, but it also provoked the desertion of the Yoshino family members to Riten Kyo, a prison island. It was just a matter of time before the Yoshino family became slowly dismembered in the middle of the cursed island. However, Rinka refused to accept the sad destiny of the Yoshino family. Taking her father's sword, she now sets off to join the "Atom Rebels", an anti-Bafuku group, along with Jushiro Sakaki and Saya, and plan not only the freedom of Riten Kyo, but also reestablish honor to the Yoshino lienage. Rinka does not trust too much in people, but she is very caring with animals, especially her pet gopher, Tetsunosuke.

Age: Unknown
Height: 1.71 m (5' 6")
Weight: 59 kg (128 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Spear

The Samurais are the warriors that are in charge of upholding law and order in the prison island of Riten Kyo. Working under the orders of the Bafuku government and their representative, the judge Samon, the Samurais have an unsurpassed sense of justice and right. They will do anything that is in their reach to stop all the criminals that are overrunning Riten Kyo. However, their lack of strong will makes them easily controllable, and usually cower underneath pressure. Their greatest wish is that, once the incident is over, they can return to their calm lives with their families. One Samurai, Suzuki, sets out to investigate the Razor Trio's operations. The Samurais have no own special or super moves.


Age: 22 years old
Height: 1.68 m (5' 5")
Weight: 45 kg (98 lbs.)
Sex: Female
Weapon: Twin Daggers

Saya is an attractive woman that was born in England. Her family was one of the most important commercial corporations between England and Japan, but they were also one of the more involved with criminal activities. Due to their denial to accept conditions by a gang of thieves led by a mysterious person known as Oboro, an extermination unit was sent to wipe out Saya's family. The mission was carried out with success, and Saya's parents were killed swiftly. However, the young Saya still remained. But she was spared when one of the assassin ninjas took her in, and carried her back to Japan. Since then, Saya has been trained in the fatal arts of killing, becoming a walking threat with her two daggers, that could spell death since Saya could spin them as quickly as the wind. However, she always lived with anger towards the Razor Trio, and towards the Bafuku for allowing her family to be manipulated by criminals, and have not done anything to avoid their murder. Soon, she joins the 'Atom Rebels' liberation group, and with Jushiro and Rinka, she proposes herself to dethrone both the Bafuku and the Razor Trio in Riten Kyo. Saya is quite vain and arrogant, but her sense of freedom and kindness have a strong presence in her heart, as well.


Age: 17 years old
Height: 1.72 m (5' 6")
Weight: 60 kg (129 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Full Moon Blade

Seishiro is the son of one of the greatest samurais that has ever existed: the great Kuki. Since he was very young, Seishiro began his training as a servant to his lord, another samurai of legend. Back then, he had to compete in a ferocious way with his own brother, Tohma Kuki, in order to prove who was the worthiest warrior. However, Seishiro's abilities came out naturally. His skill with the sword was unsurpassed, and few met his match. Soon, he was joined in his training by his father's friend, Jin-Emon Hanafusa, and by yet another talented student, Jushiro Sakaki. However, Seishiro wasn't the friendly type: so self-absorbed in training made him bitter against other people, and rarely talked at all, being sometimes very rude. However, his strong appearance is very fragile, since he likes to take casual naps, at anytime. One night, his father appeared dead, and the Blade of the Flaming Sun was missing. So was Tohma. Suspecting Tohma had killed his father, Seishiro decides to join Jin-Emon in his task to recover order in the prison island of Riten Kyo, where the Razor Trio and Tohma terrorized the general population, ordered by the Bafuku. With no shown hate in his face, Seishiro takes the journey of his life, with his father's other sword, the Full Moon Blade.


Age: 17 years old
Height: 1.72 m (5' 6")
Weight: 60 kg (129 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Full Moon Blade/Blade of the Flaming Sun

After defeating Tohma Kuki, his own brother, in combat, Seishiro takes his father's other sword, the Blade of the Flaming Sun, and returns to his headquarters, the Samurai Station. Seishiro adopts his own identity, but during his return, several friends and enemies reappear again to do him challenge. However, with both of his father's swords, he is granted incredible strength, and is ready for any test that awaits him.

Age: 25 years old
Height: 1.70 m (5' 5")
Weight: 93 kg (202 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Wooden Hand

Tashon Mao is a member of a Buddhist temple, and as such, dresses and dons make-up accordingly to his traditions. However, despite his solemn origin, Tashon Mao is not very serious. He usually jokes about things, and has a wacky sense of humor. The only way he gets real is when he is enfuriated. Having been a master of martial arts, Tashon Mao has adopted an artificial wooden hand in order to deliver harder blows. In one of his travels to Japan, Tashon Mao suddenly met a glowing light in the forest. The light was so warm, but the figure inside the light was even more charming. Tashon Mao claimed it was a fairy, but it was really the spirit of Nakoruru, who was on her way to the prison island of Riten Kyo. Nakoruru confused Tashon Mao with a panda, but being completely hypnotized by her beauty, Tashon Mao didn't object at all. After Nakoruru flied away, Tashon Mao follows her to the dark depths of Riten Kyo.


Age: 22 years old
Height: 1.82 m (6')
Weight: 60 kg (129 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Blade of the Flaming Sun

Tohma was the other son of the great samurai legend, the fantastic Kuki, and in order to live up to his heritage, Tohma trained everyday since he was very young in order to become a true samurai one day. However, his true intentions were far from being closely similiar to that of a real samurai. Hungry for power and strength, Tohma always seeked more and more, despite being an already incredible swordsman. In his eternal quest for more power, Tohma became irrational and totally maniacal. Ignoring the warnings of his brother Seishiro and his fellow sparring partners, Tohma set his sight on one thing: the Blade of the Flaming Sun of his father, that was said to grant incredible strength to its owner. One night, Tohma stole the sword from its resting place, and after being witness of its demonic power, he decided to test it...on his own father. After killing him with ease, Tohma departed on a journey to destroy the souls of the worthiest warriors. His quest led him to be prosecuted by the Bafuku government, so he decided to hide out in a local Buddhist temple in the middle of the forest. There he met a fair maiden called Mikoto, whom he didn't pay much attention, but accepted her in his travel. Their journey finally arrived at the prison island of Riten Kyo. Tohma and Mikoto proved to be more than powerful enough than your regular grunt, which caught the eye of the criminal stageleader of Riten Kyo, the elderly old man, Oboro. Soon enough, Tohma became the most feared warrior of the Razor Trio, and the main extermination goal of the Bafuku government.


Age: 20 years old
Height: 1.76 m (5' 8")
Weight: 65 kg (141 lbs.)
Sex: Male
Weapon: Razor-edged sword

Yaci is one of the most dangerous thugs wandering around the streets of the prison island of Riten Kyo. Being a free-lancer bodyguard, Yaci and his friend in crime, Haito Kanakura, always roam the villages of Riten Kyo in search of a well-earned job. More than the money, Yaci likes to make his opponents suffer. He enjoys the agony and pain his enemies may present, and afterwards, he drains his foes from their blood, and drinks it up. A bloodthirsty villain, Yaci, however, still presents human traces. After he met his girlfriend, Namino, Yaci has vowed that one day, he will end his life of crime and blooddrinking, and escape with Namino, far away from the cursed island of Riten Kyo. In order to do so, he has decided to move up in the Riten Kyo scale, and become as powerful as the Razor Trio, or the Bafuku government.


Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Sex: Male
Weapon: Blood Sword of the Seven Kings

Yuda's origins are unknown. Sent by a mysterious organization to the prison island of Riten Kyo, Yuda hides himself in the shadows, rarely showing himself in public. However, whenever Yuda appears, he does so with incredible force and violence. He is able to kill many people in just matter of seconds. It almost seems natural to him. His mission is presumed to be that of eliminating all evidence in Riten Kyo if the Razor Trio fails. Yuda sides with no one. He acts alone, and with an obscure aura, he contiunes his savaging path throughout Riten Kyo.

And finally here is a quote from Yuda

"For All Of You, Death Has Come!"

Dark Lord Dragon