المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : :: Final Fantasy XI: Girardo No Genei

التنين الاسود 3
21-11-2002, 03:07 PM
Public Garden will release an addon for Square's PS2 MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI. The addon will be known as Final Fantasy XI: Girardo No Genei. This addon disc will contain new items, monsters and jobs. Public Garden will also include three new zones in the game: The village of Kazem, the forests of Yutanga, and the desert of Rikyua. To find out more and view the first screenshots, Read More.

A new job will also be added in the game - Summoner. The Summoner will be able to invoke various summons from past Final Fantasy titles such as Shiva, Carbuncle and Ifrit. The addon disc should be released in the beginning of next year in Japan. Other details are scarce at the moment.

http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI1.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI10.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI11.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI12.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI13.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI14.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI15.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI16.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI8.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI9.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI7.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI6.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI4.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI3.jpg http://www.rpgwh.net/Pics7/ffXI2.jpg

منقــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــول (http://www.rpgwh.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=987)

Guilty Gear X
22-11-2002, 03:07 AM

Guilty Gear X
22-11-2002, 03:12 AM
الصفحات الكاملة...


Angel whisper
22-11-2002, 03:56 AM
مشكورين شباب :) ..