المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الحل الكامل لأسطور فاينل فانتسي 8

11-12-2002, 12:26 AM
اولا اعذروني للني ما قدرت اترجمهم لأنها اطويله وايد وانشالله اتكونون تستفيدون منها :
1.1 Balamb Garden
After the introduction FMV, you'll see Squall Leonheart lying on the bed because of an injury sustained while training with Seifer Almasy. Dr.Kadowaki will ask him some question [You can pick any answer for your reply] and tell him to be more careful in the future. Then, she'll call Squall 's advisor, Quistis Trepe to take Squall to the classroom. After finish the class, talk to Quistis and she'll tell you should go to the Cave of Fire with her [because if you don't finish that track, you won't be able to participate entrance examination]. Then, go back to your seat and access the Balamb garden network, choose the Tutorial option and you'll get the first two Guardian Forces [Or you can call G.F.], Quetzalcoatl and Shiva. Now, leave the class room, a girl will bumps into Squall and falls down, Squall will have some conversation with her and tell her how to use the Lobby directory. Then, go to south from here and you'll find Quistis's waiting for you at the main gate of Balamb Garden.

1.2 The Cave of Fire
Travel to the East on the overworld map to get to the cave, you should learn combat system, getting used to drawing/ junction/ G.F./ and etc... before go to the cave. After enter it, you'll meet two Garden Faculties and choose your time between 10 minutes to 40 minutes to complete the mission. Now, you'll able to enter the cave. Just simply go to the North and you'll fight with the Boss [Suggest to summon G.F. Shiva]. After you have defeated him, you'll get the new G.F. Ifrit. Go back to the Garden and go striaght to dormitory for change your clothes and prepare yourself for the SEED's Final Examination. Next you'll assemble in the 1st floor lobby, you'll meet the new member, Zell Dincht. After thet Cid Kramer, the principal of the Balamb Garden will come and inform you about the mission. Go to the northeast block, Car parking for access to a car and head to Balamb city. Drive a car along the road and car will stop at the Harbor of the Balamb city. Next enter the sub-boat prepare for new journey to Dollet.

1.3 The SEED Examination, Relieving Dollet City
After arrived Dollet, simply follow Seifer. At the Town Square, follow the Galbadia soilders to the path leading to the Radio Tower. Then, you'll arrive the tower. At the cliff, Seifer'll leave your party and you'll have a new member Selphie Tilmitt, a girl whom you crash at the Balamb Garden, join instead. Enter the tower, go to the upstair by the elevator and you'll encounter two soilders, Biggs and Wedge. After defeat them, you'll fight the boss, Elviole [Don't forget to draw the G.F. Siren from it]. After beat, you must go back to the beach within 30 minutes. Beware you'll be follows by a huge gigantic crab, X-ATM092. You must fight with it about three times [Simply use the Bolt magic or summon G.F. Quetzalcoatl]. And when the crab is down press both L2 and R2 for escape. When arrive the beach, Quistis will beat it by the machine gun.

1.4 Lady in white night grown
After arrive the Balamb 's harbor, go back to the Balamb garden. You'll meet Quistis and Cid at the loobby. Next go to the right, you'll meet Seifer. After a little conversation, go to 2rd floors near the classroom waiting for the list of people who passed the Final Examination. Sure, Squall and Zell are passed. After that, go to the 3rd floors for graduation ceremony. Next, back to the dormitory to change your clothes to SEED Uniform for join the graduation party.

At the party, Squall will meet Rinoa Heartillly and she'll ask him to dance with her. After the beautiful FMV, Quistis'll talk to Squall at the Balcony and tell him go to Training Center with her tonight. Then, back to the dormitory for change your clothes and go to Training Center that is located on the East block. Inside you'll meet Quistis and she'll rejoin the party. You can chose any door to access the next section. Then, Enter the door that has been infested with light. You'll have the conversation with Quistis about her past life. After conversation, at the exit you'll see the girl encounter with a monster. Help her! and after the fight go back to dormitory. Along the way, you'll meet Zell and he'll tell you that you must move to new room near your old room.

1.5 The 1st Mission
In the morning, go head to the main gate and you'll have a conversation with Cid. Before continue the next mission, Cid'll give you an item Magic Lantem which can use to summon G.F. Diablo and you'll fight with him. After defeat him, you'll fight with him. After defeat him, you'll get the G.F. Diablo. Now back to Balamb city, go ahead to draw point. Then, enter the left section to the Train station and pay 3,000 Gil to enter the train. Insyde the train, you'll have a conversation with Zell and all of your party'll become unconscious.

1.6 The Man With The Machine Gun, Laguna Loire
Now you'll change to control Laguna Loire and his party, Kiros and Ward. Walk along the way and you'll find the truck. The truck'll take all of your party to Derring city. Go ahead to the Galbadia hotel. Enter the area on the right. Next, you'll see the lady come and play the piano. After play, talk with her and go to the upstair. you'll have a conversation with piano lady at her room.

1.7 The Forrest Own
Well, you'll back to control Squall and his party that wake from stranged dream about Laguna. Now, you arrive the Timber station, talk with a man who wearing the blue cap and go up to the train. Then, walk to the deepest section and you'll meet Rinoa once again. And she'll very happy to know that Cid sent the SEED for help her mission [She go the the Graduation party bacause of this reason]. Then, she'll explain her mission to Squall and his party. Press [Down] for go down to enter the password to disconnect the train, Press [Up] for go back to the upstairs when you see the Galbadia Soilders, Press [L1] to see the soilders on the left hand, Press [R1] to see the soilder on the right hand [While you enter the password, if you meet the soilders you'll re-enter it again]. Enter the password by 4-digits [Triangle]=1, [Circle]=2, [Square]=3, [X]=4. After finish, talk to Rinoa and you'll fight with the fake President Derring and Utoku.

1.8 Another mission in Timber, TV Broadcast
After arrive the Timber again, go ahead to the hotel to talk with the man in front of counter. Then, have a fight with Galbadia Soilders at the main gate of Timber. After fight go to the Pub that is in the right of train station, talk with a man and pick the 2nd answers twice. Now, you'll allow to enter the backstage of the Pub, go along the alley and you'll see the stairs. Go up the stairs and you'll see a huge TV monitor that display the annoucement. Seifer'll go to kidnap the man in the TV monitor. Then, go along the way and you'll meet Quistis. Follow her and you'll encounter with Seifer and Edea. Now, follow Rinoa until reach the other side of the station. Now you'll get on the train. In the first stop, get off and head for the forest located in between the two cliffs, there Squall, Quistis and Selphie'll fall unconsicious again.

1.9 Back to the another Laguna's Scenario
Well, back to the another Laguna's Scenario. start at the mine where're seem to be the Cave of Ice that have many direction to go. But there's only one way that can leads you to the cliff. You'll fight with some soilders. Then, all the party'll jump down to the sea.

1.A Galbadia Garden, Irvine Join!
Back to the Squall scence, when exit from the forest, you'll find the Galbadia Garden. Go to the 2nd floors, talk to every one of your party. then, you'll meet Seifer's Pals, Raijin and Fuujin. Go back to the entrance, you'll meet Quistis. Talk to her and talk to Rinoa and Irvine Kinneas will join the party. Now go ahead to Galbadia station at the outside. The train'll take you to Derring city. When enter the city talk to the busattendand, wait for the bus and choose the 1st answer to get on the bus [Press X to get off]. Go to the area that have the public park along two side. Then, get off and talk with a man on a right hand and he'll give you a map. Talk to him again, and choose the 4th answer. Then, you'll be at the Rent-A-Car Shop, Pay for a car about 3,500 Gil and drive to the right of the world map. Next, you'll find the Tomb of Nameless King.

1.B Tomb of the Nameless King
At the entrance, you'll see the sword, check for the three digit password [You can press SELECT to view the map of the Tomb]. First, you must go to the East-wing. Now, you'll meet one of the G.F. Brothers, Sacred. While fighting, he'll run away. Then, go to the West-wing and press the switch. Next, go to the northest of the map and press the chain for the water will come in. FInally, go to the center of the map and you'll see the bridge, cross it and you'll meet all the Brothers, Sacred and Minotaur. Defeat them and you'll get the G.F. Brothers. Then, go back to Derring city and head to the man that you talk to before. Tell him the password that you get from the Tomb.

1.C Back to Deling City
Then, you'll allow to enter the mansion and you'll meet Colonel Carlway. He'll take all of us except Rinoa to see the area for the plan to kill Edea. Nw, back to the mansion and you'll meet Rinoa. After that, follow everyone to the main gate, talk to every one and follow Carlway. Then, you must control Quistis go back to mansion. And they'll be place under house arrest. Now, you'll be able to control Rinoa. Just simply climb up huge crates until reach the Top. Inside, you'll meet Edea. Edea'll control Rinoa with her powers and summon the dragon figure to attack Rinoa. Now, you'll back to control Quistis. Pick the glass that on the shelf near the door and go to the right, you'll see the one figure. Place the glass on the hand of figure. You'll see the hidden way, Enter it!.

1.D Destroy Edea Mission
Switch to Squall and Irvine, control them to the building. Then you'll see the same way that Rinoa had passed before, Follow her way. Now, you must fight two Shumeruke [Don't forget to draw G.F. Carbunkle from them]. Go to the North and you'll see the hatch on the right hand. After go down, pick up the rifle on the left and you'll have a conversation. Back to the Quistis Scence, when you passed the sewer and reach the save point. Climb up the stairs and press the switch that on the left. Now Irvine will shot to Edea but if can't harm her. Squall will drive to the area where Edea is. Now, Squall must fight Seifer one by one. After defeat him, you'll fight Edea but he'll injured from her power.

disc 2:
2.1 WinHill village
The scence begin with Laguna and his little daughter Elone. Now, follow her to the pub near Laguna 's house and you'll meet Raine [Laguna's wife] and Kiros Sesgill. Talk to him and go to the end of village. After that, go back to 2nd floor of pub and you'll meet Raine and Elone. Talk to them. Then head back to Laguna's house for a sleep....

2.2 SEED as prisoners
Switch to Quistis, Zell, Selphie and Riona had been prisoned after their failure to kill Edea. Some Galbadia soldiers appear and take away Riona. And Squall had been trapped alone at a remote cell. Seifer torture Squall and keep asking Squall about the true meaning of SeeD. Later he left and let a soldier ask Squall questions. The choose of answer will affect the progress of resuce but that's not important. Swich back to Zell and other party, you'll be able to control Zell for help Squall that's arrested on the other floor. First, you must bring back the weapon that is located on the 8th floor and head back to the old room. Then, after everyone get back their own weapon, exit the area and head to 13th floor to help Squall. When you reach the 13th floor and give back the gunbladse to Squall, exit that area. Then, Zell will leave the party and you'll be able to control Squall. Squall will go to vehicle that's located at the center of Prison. Then, press the keyboard and you'll reach the ground floor. Now, go to the gate and press the button. Switch to Zell, make a clockwise run through the right contour until you were blocked by a guard and Squall will come and rescue you. Suddenly, gunfires started to attack Squall and his party. Just then, Irvine'll come and fired them. After that, you must form the new party. Squall, Rinoa and the other one head up to 14th floor. Irvine and other party [that you didn't choose] go down the stairs until you reach the ground floor. Now, you'll be able to control Squall again. You must go up the stairs that is located at the South of area and go up another stair that's located at North. You'll enter the room, exit through the right door and you'll fight the boss. After beat them, you'll be at the control room again. Press the nearby switch and head to the right for cross the bridge. Suddenly, the tower'll move and the bridge'll become split apart, you must hold the [right] and Squall will be safe. After that, your party will enter the car and drive away from the Prison Tower.

2.3 New Edea's plan, launching missiles to destroy garden
Along their way, you'll notice that missiles will be launched from Galbadia Missile Base to Balamb Garden. Therefore, you'll split party to two group. First group, lead by Squall will go back to Balamb Garden to warn Cid about these and Other group, lead by Selphie will go to Missile Base for stop the firing. Switch to Selphie, you'll drive the to Missile Base. You'll be enter their base because they will disguise themselves as Galbadia soilders. Now, head to the left door and press the blue switch. You'll be able to enter that door. Go to the place where you'll find the two soilders. Talk to them and then, back to the place where you find the soilder examining the warhead. Next, go back to the place where you can find two soilders and talk to them again. Now, go back to the place where you can find the soilder in front of security system, talk to him and after that you'll be allow to enter the room. Go to keyboard and choose answer1, answer2 and press [square] until the machine'll become over heat [there'll be two soilder come in]. Now back to the downstairs, you'll find a soilder call you to help them push the huge box. After that, exit that room and you'll find the keyboard in front of the room. Press [circle] and the computer'll work. First, enter "EDEA" as your password. Now, you can access the main menu. Then, choose the "TARGET" and "SET ERROR RATIO". Hold right until tthe bar reach the maximun value. After that, choose "DATA UPLOAD" and select "YES". Then, talk to soilder near the stairs and you'll be able go to upstairs. Fight the soilders in this room. After defeated them, explore all the computer and go to next room for set escape time between 10 minutes to 40 minutes. After all things has done, you should get out to the first area as fast as you can. Then, you'll fight the huge machine, boss of this section. After defeated, wait for a minutes and the screen'll fade up and switch to Squall's Party.

2.4 The Garden is in Trouble!
Balamb Garden had been acting strange when Squall back. A teacher stop Squall and asking if Squall is following Master or Headmaster. answer Master will avoid a lot of battle and won't affect the storyline. After running around the Garden Squall found a familiar figure had enter the elevator. That figure is the girl who brief Squall back in their Dollet mission. She told Squall that Headmaster had be kept safe inside his room. Then you will see Cid in his room. When he know of the missile attack he gave Squall a key to set the Garden's MD level. Go back to elevator and you'll find a hatch under your feet after the elevator stop. Keep going, until reaching a underground base with a lever. By push the lever it open a gate across the bridge. Two monster that weak at fire will block the bridge. Get over and turn on the machine. Suddendly the ground trembles and you found your have been risen to Headmaster's room! And you found the Balamb Garden had fly off, just in time to avoid the missiles attack. If you have Rinoa in your party, then you'll see another FMV that great!

2.5 Elone, a girl in his dream!
In the morning, Rinoa'll come and wake up you. After that, a teacher will call you to see Master by elevator. You reached master Room and see Cid is arguing with someone. You overheard that "master" say Cid and Edea was a couple? Cid leave and you are summoned by the Master. Finally you have a chance to see the Master, the person behind the whole Garden. He was pissed off by the kill Edea order and attack you [Don't forget to draw G.F. Leviathan from Master]. With a bunch of questions unanswered Squall visit Cid. And the dialogue cut short when a mystery white SeeD ship approach Garden. Cid ask Squall to help locate Elone, the lady that they are here for. Squall found her in the Library, and found that she is the same Elone in his dream of Laguna. With more question Squall can only let the white SeeD's crew take her away.

2.6 Fisherman's Horizon
Cid is not good at driving the Garden, and it end up with crashing into FH, in short of Fishermen's Horizon. Cid assign Squall to apolgize and check the place. In this place you'll find the same huge machine that Selphie met at Missiles Base, fight!. After the battle you found the Selphie team had been come back alive. They are happy and want to held a party for this. Then Riona invite Squall to the party. At the party they exchange their heart and lessen Squall's burden. After that, Balamb City had been under galbadia's control. Go to talk to everyone in this city. And if you do the true step you'll meet Raijin in front of the Hotel. After beat him he'll run away. Follow him to the hotel, and you'll meet Fuujin, Fight them [Don't forget to draw G.F. Pandarnonium from Fujjin]. After that back to Balamb Garden. After that head the Garden to Trabia Garden, which is located at the area of North. After get in, Selphie will go to she her friend. Walk around and you'll found Selphie in Graveyard, Talk to her. And go to the playground on left hand, then Irvine'll tell about his childhood life, and a long story begin again.

2.7 Galbadia Final Attack
When they leave, they found Galbadia Garden, waiting for them outside. After giving orders Squall squad around. Zell is leading a team at the backdoor. When the battle goes on, Rinoa had fallen into a gap when two Garden crash. Zell rush to front door and inform Squall about this. Then, go to your Classroom and you'll find that some Junior Student has been attack by Galbadia Soilders, Fight them. After that go to Medical room and talk to everyone. Then go back to 2rd Floor, you'll find one child at the end of alley. Suddendly a Galbadia soldier appear and hit Squall. Squall stand by the emergency exit and get away with that Galbadia soldier. Keep Kick+Defence while doing this air combat. After the battle Squall rescue Rinoa. Across the battlefield and rush to Galbadia Garden's backdoor.

2.8 On-Board Galbadia Garden
Now head to left direction and you'll have some conversation with Rinoa. Then the others will re-join the party inside. Most doors had been locked so you must visit find the students that have the keycard of each section. First you must find the KEYCARD No.1, from the location where is the place that Save Point located head to right. Next you see three doors and there's only one that you can enter [I think on the right]. And if that is true way, you'll find staircase. Walk up the stairs and you will meet Fuujin and Raijin. Talk to them and go to the left path. Next enter the room on the right hand. You will meet a student, talk to him and he'll give you the KEYCARD No.1. For the KEYCARD No.2, Just go the save area again. From that area, go the left and enter the door on the left. You'll see the hockey field. Cross the field and enter the right door. Now, you will be at the section with three ways, go to right and you find a guy in the lecture room, talk to him and he'll give you KEYCARD No. 2. Now head back to the area where you can find Fuujin and Raijin. Go up to the next floor and you will see the door. Enter it. Walk until you reach the other building, go straight on [Don't interested in the stair]. You'll find monster at the center of Main Hall. If you can defeat him, you'll get the G.F. Cerebrus [Simply use G.F. Diablo to attack him, each turn that you attack his HP will decrease about 9999]. Seifer and Edea are waiting for you at the Master Room at the 2nd floor. First you'll fight Seifer and after defeating him Edea will disappear. Then head to the Lecture Theatre at the same floor, at the other end. Edea is there. Seifer appear again and guarding Edea. Keep attack Seifer because if he don't fell down Edea will not attack you. After defeat him, you'll fight Edea [Don't forget to draw G.F. Alexandre from Edea]. After the series of attacks finally Edea fell down and regain her conscious. After that, you'll see Rinoa going to help Seifer. Suddenly, it may have something happen to her and she'll fall into ground.

3.1 Rinoa in Coma
After the battle between two Gardens Rinoa had fallen into a coma. Then Squall found Cid and Edea at the beach of the Orphanage. Then they began to explain that indeed all those bad thing Edea had done was because of a Witch from the future called Aru. Squall think that maybe he can use Elone's power to make Rinoa back. After that, go to visit Rinoa again and you'll become unconscious.

3.2 Another scence of Laguna
Switch back to Laguna scence, he had become a actor after his life at Winhill village. Today he will play a prince part for rescuing a princess from a red dragon. But he had mistaken and think that a real dragon is Kiros. The dragon running loose and attack Laguna. Then lead to a battle.

3.3 Back to WhiteSeedShip for Elone help
Switch to Squall, head to white SeeD ship that taken Elone away are now landing North of Orphanage. You'll found some members of Forest's Owl on it. Talk with every one in ship and you'll know that some Esthar soldiers come and taken Elone away. After that heading to Esthar but Garden cannot fly too high, the only possible seems to be the long bridge of FH. Then squall will bring Riona to Esthar by walking through the bridge slowly. At the end of the bridge they meet up again, you'll find Edea that she want to help. But the way of entering Esthar had been blocked by a Bone Monster. Keep attack it by Cure it . They found the dead end after the battle. Suddendly the space change and a door open. Indeed there is a High-tech city that hidden inside there.

3.4 Laguna as prisoner!
Switch to Laguna, he had been caught by the Esthar soldiers and he try to get out. Kiros and Ward appear and help Laguna. Go to the elevator to exit and you'll hear that the doctor had holding Elona for experienment. Then, exit through outside and you'll find a car that take you to the labratory, head to elevator that you'll see the North locked door. Go up to 2nd floor and you'll meet Doctor again. Take to him, and you'll fight with two soilder. After defeated them, press the switch at the keyboard and now you can enter the door at the first floor. You'll found Elone inside that room.

3.5 Esthar, the High-tech City
Squall found the doctor inside president's mansion. the Doctor try to explain him that Elone had been kept at Esthar's space station. Then, goto the rocket station that is located on the North of Esthar, n about her identity, and Squall will fly off with Riona and one partner. Switch to zell party, go back to Esthar. Doctor tell them that this strange object called Lunatick Pandora. The fortess's desination is Tear's Point. The pandora will pass away fom the surface of Esthar at three time, so your team can use these chances to investigate the pandora. Rush to the meeting point at right time, and gain an access. The exploration end up by kicking away by some strange alien.

3.6 Fly to the Space
Squall arrive the space station successfully, and left Rinoa resting at Medical Room. Then, go through the path way until you reach the upstair and you'll found Elone. Talk with her. Elone understand the situation and agree to help Rinoa. (and you will understand that all those Laguna/Squall switch are Elone's power, and the reason that she was familiar is because she was stay at Edea's home once.) Follow her and you'll enter the control room. And they'll know that there're something strange happens at the Moon. Suddenly, The emergency alarm rings. Rinoa awake and walking like someone control her body. Squall rush to Rinoa alone but he see that she walking with some energy field around her. Squall want to stop her but when he touch her body there're power push him away. Follow her and you'll see that she try to unlock the seal to awaken Aderu.

3.7 The return of Aderu
Then Squall watch Rinoa unlock the Seal to awaken Adreu. At the same time, the monsters that gather at Moon rush to earth. The space station cannot stand anymore and will be bomb within seconds. Meet up with Elone in the control room, and head to the escape pods. When escaping Squall get know of something about Rinoa like why she come back to Squall when he is prisoned at Desrt Prsion, and the moment that she receive Squall's ring. Squall decide he cannot just let Rinoa die alone in space.

3.8 Waiting for Death
Rinoa floating lonely in space, waiting to die. The life support had been stop. Squall found Rinoa finally. Remember to keep her inside your sight . They float to Ragnakok, a Esthar spaceship floating around. They found this spaceship had been invadedby some aliens. The correct methods to killing these Alien are kill by pair. (it means after you get rid of a purplealien, kill the other purple. if you kill a red after kill a purple, the purple will revive.)after finish off totally 8 aliens, goto the controls and head back to Esthar. In that moment Squall exchange his heart wth Rinoa. After arriving Earth some Esthar soldiers escort Rinoa away since they know Rinoa's doing at space and her identity of"witch's heir".

3.9 Rescue Rinoa!
Squall don't know what to do and just stand. When he told his friends about this Selhie is furious that why Squall didn't protect the one he love. When Squall decide to resuce Rinoa the Ragnakok tremble, they found that Selphie know how to ride this spaceship! Now you are free to go to everywhere you might think of, like obtaining Bahamut GF, Eden GF... etc Ragnakok rush to Witch Museum and use force to get back Rinoa. Squall cut off the power and release his princess.

3.A Laguna as the Esthar's President
After the rescue Rinoa, ask about flying to Edea's home since she want to ask Edea something. After landing at Edea's home, follow the dog's lead to the beach and wait for Rinoa. When Squall talks with Rinoa Zell come and told Squall that they have recieve a news that Esthar had been under attack. Finally Squall have a chance to meet with Esthar's president. It was probably expected but still surprise to see that Laguna is the President of Esthar. He told squall that Elone had been aducted by the monsters of the Pandora and wish you can help him. They planned to attack the Pandora and finish Adreu off before she can be recover from the seal, and then use "Time Compress" to bring Squall to future,and fight the one who behind all these-Aru.
3.B Seifer kidnapped Rinoa!
Ride Ragnakok and attack the Pandora. You'll meet friendly Raijin and Fuujin at the entrance. Defeat them. And go inside you'll found Biggs and Wadge. But since they had been degraded after the last battle with you, they are sick of fight and ignore you. Ride the 01 elevator and found Raijin and Fuujin again. They will activate the alien to attack you. After the battle Squall found Seifer behind. (If you have Odin he will appear and had killed by Seifer) but in the ending Gilamesh'll appear and make his last shot...) Finally Seifer had been defeated. But he is just pretending dead and kidnapped Rinoa.....

4.1 Riona as the prey!
Squall chase Seifer up to the top floor of the Pandora, only to see how Seifer using Riona as the prey for Adreu. When Squall arrive, Adreu had been merge with Riona, and remember never use GF attack since you will kill Rinoa also (And the game'll be over). Keep trying to attack Aderu and cure Rinoa. After Adreu die and Elone appear with laguna. Then the Time Compress begin the effect and bring the team to the timestream. Since Ultimecia want to absorb the power of each era's witch Squall will have to duel with different era's Witch first. Easy battles expect the last one, the Original Witch.

4.2 The Castle
After the battles they found they are located at Edea's home. When they head to the beach they found the time change and they saw Ultimecia's Castle, along with a dozen of dead body of white SeeD's crew. At the moment they step into the castle 8 powers of them had been sealed. For recovering these powers they must defeat the 8 hidden beast inside the castle. and they agree to spit up to 2 teams to achieve this. The green magic spot is for switch control over differnt teams:(no special orders expect the first one)

1 - the one at the stair at main hall, about 35000 hp
2 - after get rid of 1, you can goto the gallery by the right door of 2/F, look at every painting, and then walk to the biggest painting opposite the stair and enter Vividarium > Intervigilium > Viator . Then a monster will appear. hp about 34200
3 - go forward, into the basement, and enter the room at left, which shut the door after u enter. get the key from the corpse and a giant red monster will appear hp about 30000 but strong guard, you can only damage him about 10% of your strength. Call Diablos to get rid of it.
4 - Another team can get to the another basement by passing through the left door of main hall>alley>banquet room>check the floor . A flying unicorn awaits. every attack will make it cast a thunder spell at you. so make sure every attack are fatal,.hp 22400
5 - after the unicorn go back to banquet hall and walk straight to the door, pass the mid-garden and enter piano room. ignore that purple flame and walk upstair to see a bridge. something is floating at the edge of bridge and drop before you can reach it. It fall to the basement that (3) exists. get that item(which is the key) and open the door next to it. Another monster awaits there. it will merge fight again after you finish it off. hp:22000 (each part), 16000(2nd battle)
6 - Now goto the oppsite side of the Gallery and enter a 45 degree alley. enter the door in middle and you will found 4 tombs. open them all and a blood ox will appear. hp:60000
7 - have another team go back to the banquet room and stand at the switch inside the green magic spot, and the other team walk straight from the door that(1) had been guarding. goto the opposite side and fight the crystal monster. hp16000 but strong guard. will attack all when you attack it. tough.
8 - back to the bridge at the piano room, and walk straight on till reached a clock tower. when you see a bell ring just jump to the ring and get to the other side. A fake Bahamut awaits(hp 90000)
4.3 The last battle
With every monsters down, you gain all your sealed powers back. exit from the top of clock tower and you will found Ultimecia's room across the bridge. Remember to save before entering her room. at her door you can still decide to enter or not. Ultimecia is furious about you people and begin her attack, she had 5 morphs and each of them are about 100000 hp. the last one is about 150000-200000 hp:

1.Ultimecia herself
2.Ultimecia will call xxxx(which is the name of Squall's ring), the most powerful GF.
3.xxxx defeated and Ultimecia merge with it . Also have a Trembling killer move.
4.Like to 3, but most body parts are lost.
5.After the battle it seems to be dead. but the spirit of Witch appear and fight.
Finally after defeat Ultimecia. you'll see the fantastic ending, Enjoy!

11-12-2002, 12:40 AM
مشكور على الحل الكامل :)

:أفكر: هم زين فايدة منك على الأقل


11-12-2002, 12:44 AM
عزيز وغالي يا مشاري:)

11-12-2002, 05:28 AM
مشكور بس ممكن شوي تترجم

11-12-2002, 09:38 AM
انشالله ، احاول ونشالله اقدر:)

Suden Dithe
11-12-2002, 11:28 AM
مشكوو الف ومليون مليااااارات الشكر;-)

بس ياليت تترجم الحل بسررررررعة:0)


11-12-2002, 08:48 PM
1- لا شكر على واجب .
2- احاول وانشالله اقدر .
3- اعذروني هالاسبوعين لاني لاهي في الامتحانات .
:" :" :" :" :" :" :" :" :" :"