المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شباب مساعده في ايونات فاينل10 ارجوكم بسررررعه

11-02-2003, 11:51 AM
شباب انا جمعت الايونات الغير مخفيه الي هي المعروفه


باقي لي انيما وماجوس سيسترز ويوجومبو.

انا الان في مرحله كلام لاند وابغى اجيب الايون ماجوس سيستر...انا قريت في احد المنتديات الكلام اآتي:-

كي تحصل على هذا الايون يجب أن تحصل أولا على مادتين ( 2Items )...هما:
أولاً: بلوسوم كراون Blossom Crown
يجب أن تمسك بجميع الوحوش الموجودين في جبل جاجازيت Mt. Gagazet هناك ثلاثة مجموعات من الوحوش...المجموعة الأولى تجدها عند صعودك الجبل والمجموعة الثانية داخل الكهف والجموعة الثالثة في مستنقعات الماء الموجودة داخل الكهف.
بعد أن تمسك هذه الوحوش عد الى حلبة القتال في الكالم لاندز Calm Lands - Arena ...نفس المكان الذي تقابل في الرجل الذي يطلب منك صيد الوحوش...تحدث اليه و سيعطيك البلوسوم كراون كجائزة لصيدك الوحوش في جبل جاجازيت.
ثانياً: فلاور سكبتور Flower Sceptor
في معبد ريميم Remiem Temple ستجد هناك سمونر ستتجدى يونا في معركة بالايونات ...الفوز سهل جداً بعد أن تنتصر عليه في المرة الأولى ستعطيك الفلاور سكبتور كهدية.
بعد حصولك على البلوسوم كراون والفلاور سكبتور استعملهم عند الباب الموجود داخل معبد ريميم Remiem Temple.
**عليك أن تحصل أولاً على جميع الايونات السبعة.
**يجب أن تنتصر على حميع الايونات الستة الموجودة مع السمونر في معبد ريميم.

من الكلام المكتوب

يجب أن تمسك بجميع الوحوش الموجودين في جبل جاجازيت Mt. Gagazet هناك ثلاثة مجموعات من الوحوش...المجموعة الأولى تجدها عند صعودك الجبل والمجموعة الثانية داخل الكهف والجموعة الثالثة في مستنقعات الماء الموجودة داخل الكهف.

((ابغى اعرف ايش اسماء هذي الوحوش وكم واحد اجمع منهم)) وشكرا.

11-02-2003, 12:45 PM
اولا لازم تاخذ يوجمبو:) ...
حاول ترخص معاه بالسعر ":" ...
اعرض عليه اول شي 150000 (ما اذكر كم السعر:أفكر: بس فيه 15) وزيد بعدين شوي ليش تشتريه بـ 20000 (ما أذكر كم صفر يمكن في صفر ناقص:D)
انا شريته بـ190000 ":" ...

ثانيا لازم تاخذ انيما :) ...
طريقته عادية لازم تاخذ جميع الصناديق السرية بالمعابد :) ...
وبعدين تروح Baaj Temple وتقتل الوحش وتاخذه ":" ...

الماجوس سيسترز:) ...
لازم تحصل جميع الايوز السبعة :) ...
وتصيد كل الحوش في جبل جاجازيت Mt. Gagazet ...
بالنسبة للوحوش صيدها كلها وبس اللي بطريقكك في الثلج وداخل الكهف ووحوش الماي بريكو وواكا وتايدوس :) ...

بالتوفيق:) !

11-02-2003, 03:25 PM
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Yojimbo <ID#027>
A yojimbo, in Japanese, is a paid bodyguard. The secret aeon Yojimbo is just
that: a hired out aeon bodyguard. Instead of attacking with physical attacks
or magic, Yojimbo utilizes one of four moves: Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, or

Unlocking Yojimbo
To unlock Yojimbo, you must head to the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, also called
the Sunken Cave. The Sunken Cave is located north of the Calm Lands, so take
your airship to the Calm Lands and start heading northeast. A chocobo would
speed things up.

Once you've left the Calm Lands, via the northeastern exit, head down a small
hill. This is the area where you'd find the Rusty Sword. Look around for a
small cave entrance, enter it, and proceed.

It'd be a good idea to have a weapon with Capture on as you progress through
the cave, so you can capture the monsters here. Tonberry, for example, is
extremely rare. Should you run into one, it'd be a blessing to capture it.

You'll fight a brief battle against Yojimbo, summoned by another aeon trainer.
Defeat Yojimo using either Bahamut's overdrive or a bunch of powerful attacks
from Shiva, followed by her overdrive.

Enter Yojimbo's chamber, making sure you have a good deal of extra money on
you. You'll be spending approximately 200,000 gil to hire Yojimbo's services.
For Final Fantasy VI fans, this works similar to hiring the services of
Shadow and his dog, Interceptor. However, once you've paid Yojimbo, he'll
always remain loyal to you.

When he asks you what your purpose of hiring him out is, answer the third
option, which lowers his price.

Bid slightly more than half of what he asks for. He'll make rude remarks, but
ignore them. Try to add a little gil each time, in attempt to lower his price
to about 200,000 gil. You'll be paying a little more, but it's no real
problem. That money can be earned with ease. See the quick money-making
chapter of this guide.

Every time you want Yojimbo to battle, you'll have to pay him even more gil.
Luckily, you can pay him just 1 gil and he'll attack. For his most powerful
attacks, you'll need to pay him even more gil.

Once Auron is powered up with his Mars Crest, Yojimbo will be able to break the
damage limit of 9999. For more information about the Mars Crest, check out
Auron's Celestial Weapon section of this guide, Chapter Fifteen.

Yojimbo can not learn any Black Magic, Skills, White Magic, etc. He's limited
to his four moves. He has no overdrives, either.

Yojimbo's dog will attack for minor damage. You'll get this any time pay
Yojimbo less than a few hundred gil.

Yojimbo will attack with three small daggers. Pay Yojimbo 500 gil and you'll
usually see this attack.

Withdrawing his sword, Yojimbo will inflict major damage to a single enemy.
For 1000 gil, Wakizashi will most likely be performed. I strongly recommend
using Wakizashi once you've broke the damage limit. For it's cost, it really
deals the best damage. If Yojimbo is motivated enough, he'll slice all the
fiends for damage, not just one.

The most powerful attack in Final Fantasy X, Zanmato will cost you
millions of gils to perform. Zanmato kills ANY enemy in the game, including
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Anima <ID#028>
Anima is another hidden aeon that you can make use of. You'll find him at the
Baaj Temple, the same temple you washed up at in the beginning of the game.

Before you can even begin, you will need to unlock Baaj Temple on your list of
airship coordinates. It is located at approximately X-14 and Y-57.

Once you've reached Baaj Temple, you'll have to battle a boss.

Prepare yourself for battle. You'll be fighting Geosgaeno, the big thing who
nearly ate you alive back in the day. Chances are you'll have fun killing him.

He's not too hard, with just over 30,000 HP. Keep in mind only Tidus, Wakka,
and Rikku will be able to help you underwater, so they need to able to handle
the beast. It's not a hard fight. Clear him out and enter the temple. There
is a chance that you might have grabbed a [No Encounters] weapon from
Geosgaeno. If so, hold on to it. It's a rare, neat glitch.

Go inside an begin to activate the statues. Each statue represents a temple
you've been to and grabbed the Destruction Sphere from. Bevelle's Statue will
always be activated, because you cannot return to Bevelle Temple. In order to
complete the temple's requirements, you've already grabbed the Destruction
Sphere. It's impossible not to, or else you wouldn't have left the temple. If
you need more convincing, refer to Chapter Eighteen.

The statues are arranged like so:

Besaid (Valefor) [ ] [ ] Bevelle (Bahamut)
Macalania (Shiva) [ ] [ ] Djose (Ixion)
Zanarkand [ ] [ ] Kilika (Ifrit)

Activate them all, grabbing the treasures you see, too. If you cannot get a
statue to light up, return to the Temple that you need and grab the Destruction
Sphere from there. Refer to the "Cloister of Trials" solutions chapter of this
guide for help.

Once all of them are activated, you may proceed and get Anima, a truely
powerful aeon!

Anima will break the damage limit of 9999 by default.

Here is what Anima begins with, by default:

Skills Black Magic
------ -----------
Sleep Attack 5 MP Fire 4 MP Blizzara 8 MP
Silence Attack 5 MP Thunder 4 MP Firaga 16 MP
Dark Attack 5 MP Water 4 MP Thundaga 16 MP
Sleep Buster 10 MP Blizzard 4 MP Waterga 16 MP
Silence Buster 10 MP Fira 8 MP Blizzaga 16 MP
Dark Buster 10 MP Thundara 8 MP Bio 10 MP
Zombie Attack 10 MP Watera 8 MP Death 20 MP

Anima's overdrive, Oblivion, deals non-elemental damage. Pain, her unique
special attack, is a magic attack that deals non-elemental damage. It is
extremely useful for defeating Jumbo Flan.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Magus Sisters <ID#029>
Before you can get the Magus Sisters, you'll have to unlock both Anima and
Yojimbo. So do that first.

Your next step is to head to Remien Temple. To get there, ride a chocobo to
the southern entrance (opposite of Zanarkand). You'll see a feather on the
ground there. Press X to jump with the feather and then proceed forward.

Enter the temple and defeat Belgemine's Aeons.

Here's a guide to defeating each aeon and ultimately grabbing the Flower

Valefor (20,000 HP)
Prizes: First Time - Summoner's Soul
Second Time - Lightning Gem x4
All Others - Power Sphere x4

It's an easy battle. Valefor is incredibly weak, and he has a low HP. Not a
problem here. If you are having problems with Valefor, Yuna'a level is far too
low to defeat the other aeons.

Ifrit (28,000 HP)
Prizes: First Time - Aeon's Soul
Second Time - X-Potion x30
All Others - Mana Sphere x5

Don't use fire attacks. A nice dose of Ice attacks from Anima should eliminate
him in no time at all.

Ixion (30,000 HP)
Prizes: First Time - Chocobo Feather x10
All Others - Power Sphere x8

Make sure you don't hit Ixion with Thunder attacks, as he absorbs them. Water
magic is your easiest option.

Shiva (20,000 HP)
Prizes: First Time - Mega Potion x60
All Others - Star Curtain x6

Shiva will dodge most physical attacks. Use a steady dose of Firaga, and
she'll be gone. If you miss with too many physical attacks, she'll have an
overdrive, Diamond Dust, ready to use on your aeon.

Bahamut (35,000 HP)
Prizes: First Time - Flower Sceptor
All Others - Mana Sphere x8

You'll get the Flower Sceptor the very first time you defeat Bahamut, which
means you won't be getting it again. To defeat Bahamut, use another big gun
aeon like Anima or even Shiva.

Now that you've grabbed the Flower Sceptor, you'll have to unlock Catoblepas in
the Monster Arena by catching one of each of these monsters, all found at Mt.

Bandersnatch Mt. Gagazet Trails
Grat Mt. Gagazet Trails
Grenade Mt. Gagazet Trails
Bashura Mt. Gagazet Trails
Ahriman Mt. Gagazet Trails
Grendel Mt. Gagazet Trails
Dark Flan Mt. Gagazet Cavern
Mandragora Mt. Gagazet Cavern
Behemoth Mt. Gagazet Cavern
Splasher Mt. Gagazet Ponds
Achelous Mt. Gagazet Ponds
Maelspike Mt. Gagazet Ponds

Now talk to the Monster Arena owner. He'll cough up the Blossom Crown. Return
to the Remien Temple, head to the back, and then use the two newly acquired
items (Flower Sceptor and Blossum Crown) to unseal the door. You've just
grabbed the last aeons. They have an extremely long overdrive, but they can
break the damage limit automatically. Their default "attacks":

Do as you will. Lets the sister decide.
Fight! Attack with physical or special attack.
Help each other! Cast supportive magic, such as Auto-Life.
Go, go! Attack with magic or skills.
Offense! Attack with magic attacks.
Defense! Defend with defensive skills.
What happened to you? Use Drain, Osmose, or Lancet attacks.
Combine powers! Unleash the triple overdrive attack.
One More Time Ask to perform the same action again.
Dismiss Dismiss the aeons away like any other aeon.

Cindy, the rather fat aeon, will use mostly healing magic. With a little luck,
she'll cast Auto-Life on all your aeons! Her special attack is Camisade, a
strong jumping attack at one fiend.

The red aeon, Sandy, leads the way with Razzia and other powerful physical
attacks. Razzia lowers the fiend's defense. A good tactic before unleashing
the almighty Passado...

Mindy, the small bumblebee aeon will unleash Passado if you're lucky. Passado
does fifteen hits of damage. If your stats are maxed, she could be doing
99,999 damage PER HIT, for a total of nearly 1,500,000 damage in just one turn.

For all the Magus Sisters, use the One More Time command to ask the aeon to
perform the same move over. Especially useful if you want to cast a lot of
Auto-Life or unleash Passado a few times.

13-02-2003, 04:50 PM
الله يعطيك العافيه اخوي مشاري
انا اخذت يوجومبو...طيب في صناديق سريه انا يمكن مافتحتها(بالنسبه للمعابد) ايش الحل؟؟.

انا الان وصلت لسيمور في المره الثالثه في جبل جازيت.

اخوي احمد اوران ممكن الترجمه بالعربي لو تكرمت.


13-02-2003, 05:32 PM
الكنوز اللي ما قدرت تحصلها في المعابد بتقدر ترجع لها بعدين لما تحصل الطيارة ، لكن انتبه ، إذا كان عندك انترناشيونال فراح تحصل:

Dark Valefore في بيسايد


Dark Shive في ماكالانيا....

أيضا نصيحة ، لأول ما تنهي منطقة زاناركاند و تطلع منها ، لا تروح للطيارة ، إرجع و حل الألغاز داخل علشان تحصل الكنز ، لأنك إذا رحت للطيارة لما ترجع بتحصل Dark Bahamut في انتظارك...

13-02-2003, 10:12 PM
الي عندي مو انتر ناشيونال ياابو مروان....واشكرك على هذا الرد.