المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام تقدير IGN للعبة XENOSAGA.........

26-02-2003, 04:15 AM
حتى أنتوا:(

Closing Comments
So what does it all mean? Equipped with one of the zestier battle systems this side of Xenogears and stuffed with character development the likes of which we've never seen, you'd think that picking this one up would be a no brainer. And for hardcore RPG fans out there it will be. But for more casual followers of the Role-Playing genre and everyday gamers looking for a thrill, Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht could prove too intimidating (or too inactive) for their videogaming tastes (no matter how many pretty pictures Monolith throws their way)
For those of us who like this sort of thing, however, Xenosaga is a deeply enriching thrill ride towards the cosmos. Realistically vanquished in 30-40 hours, this epic space opera is truthfully described as a member of the PlayStation 2's elite RPG club. Not without a few gameplay-to-cinema pacing problems, Der Wille zur Macht can still stand toe to toe with the best of them; and what's most exciting of all, is that it's only the beginning of something much larger to come.

-- Jeremy Dunham

Xenosaga's cinematography and style is so illustriously presented that few mediums (be it movie or videogame) have ever come close to capturing the space opera this finitely. 9.5
Already a year old in Japan, the game definitely shows its polygonal age. Aliasing problems and occasional camera gripes aside, Monolith has still delivered a solid effort. 7.5
Hard to evaluate really. Ranging levels of vocal quality combined with one of the best soundtracks on PS2, there's still a lack of continuous music in almost the entire game. 8.0
Dominated by cut scenes, there may not be as much action as you'd like. Once you get involved though, the battle system is among the premiere RPGs of this generation. 8.5
Lasting Appeal
Plenty of mini-games and hidden items add a strong bonus to what can only be described as the best RPG plot of the last couple of years. One of the few we could see playing through for a second time. 8.0
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 88%

الرجاء عدم كتابة ألفاظ ممنوعة

26-02-2003, 04:37 AM
wassap with these people:":

على العموم نشوفها ونقدرها :أفكر: ...

Already a year old in Japan, the game definitely shows its polygonal age. Aliasing problems and occasional camera gripes aside, Monolith has still delivered a solid effort. 7.5
هذا شي ينقال على جرافيك مذهل وتقدير جيم سبوت على الأقل احسن بالجرافيك:أفكر: ...
على الأقل زين 88 % :o
Realistically vanquished in 30-40 hours
سحقا :o أنا فاضي :p ...الرجاء عدم كتابة ألفاظ ممنوعة

Soul Calibur2
26-02-2003, 05:59 AM
لا اظن ان نقديرات المواقع الأمريكية

تقديراتها للألعاب الآربي جي:غضب: :غضب:

والله شكلهم يعطونها على هبل

:غضب: :"

شوف تقديرات الموقع الألعاب العربي ومجلة فاميتسو اليابانية

كلهم حاطينها فوق 90% ومجلة فاميتسو اعطتها فوق 35 من 40

المهم باشتريها وشكلها باين بتكون احسن لعبة اربي جي اشوفها في حياتي المديدة ان شاء الله:0)

26-02-2003, 07:26 AM
تقدير ممتاز مافيه شي .. شفيكم زعلانين ?:

88% .. صحيح إني كنت متوقع أكثر ... لكنه ممتاز
وإنشاالله راح اشتريها :)

master seymour
26-02-2003, 11:04 AM
وش ذا المصخرة:!
شي لازم ما تنسوه شباب ....الامريكان عديمي الذوق والاحساس:p

26-02-2003, 11:28 PM
الرجاء عدم كتابة ألفاظ ممنوعة
ما قلنا انا وزينو إلا كلمة تساوي سحقا و تبا كلمة عادية ومعروفة..
.. عاد ما ادري عنك:)

26-02-2003, 11:32 PM
مشاري من شروط التسجيل عدم كتابة هذه الألفاظ.....

واذا مو مصدقني روح شوف شروط التسجيل

والحق معي

وبعدين الكلمة ما تعني لا تبا ولا سحقا

27-02-2003, 01:56 AM
على العموم حصل خير وآسف إذا تسببت بإزعاج :)

27-02-2003, 08:21 AM
it's ok:)

27-02-2003, 08:31 AM
ما ادري ليش التقييمات مسويه ضجه هذي الايام