المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : قصة اللعبة الأسطورة (< ميتل جير سوليد >) ][MGS][

الصفحات : [1] 2

03-10-2000, 08:52 PM
اول جزء نزل للعبة الميتل جير كان على الصخر وكانت القصة انه فيه ناس مجرمين اخترعو آله نوويه مدمره اختارو اهذي المهمة واحد اسمه سوليد سنيك وكان الشخص الي جابه اسمه بيج بوس وقاله المهمة بالكامل فراح سنيك يحارب ويقاتل وكان الي يعطيه المعلومات بيج بوس وهو بالمهمة راح وانقذ شخص الي هو جري فوكس (الننجا) كان جري محبوس بالسجن وراح سنيك وانقذه وسالفة هذا الشخص راح تجيكم مع بقية الموضوع ويوم قرب سنيك من تدمير الميتل جير كلمه البيج بوس وقال له خلاص يا سنيك المهمة الغيت قال له سنيك لا بالنسبه لي انا راح اكمل والي يصير يصير لازم افك العالم منها قال له بيج بوس كمل وانا مالي دخل بالي راح يصير لك وبعدين تقابل سنيك مع الميتل جير تفاجأ ان الي مدبر كل هذي الأمور هو البيج بوس وهو الي امر باختراع الميتل جير علشان كان حلم البيج بوس انه يسوي دوله مستقله الي هي اوتر هيفن مدينه تكون بس للمرتزقه (الي ينعطون فلوس علشان يقتلزن ويدمرون) وال فاجأ سنيك اكثر ان البيج بوس طلع ابوه لأن سنيك كان مستنسخ من الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس وقاتله سنيك ودمر الميتل جير وقتل ابوه الي هو البيج بوس وبعدها انتهى هذا الجزء وبعد مرور سنتين اتصل الكورنول على سنيك وقال له انه فيه عصابه اخترعت الميتل جير وراح سنيك حسب المهمة - للمعلوميه هذا الجزء الثاني كمان على الصخر - ودمر سنيك وحارب الا وهو يحارب قابل البيج بوس وقال له انت كيف عايش وانا قتلتك قبل سنتين قال البيج بوس لأن فيني مرض اسمه الفوكس داي وهذا المرض موجود فيك انت بعد لأنك نسخه مني وراح سنيك بدون تردد قتل البيج بوس وكمل طريقه وتفاجأ ان الي ورا هذا الميتل جير جري فوكس (الننجا) وهو كان القائد حق الميتل جير تضارب سنيك مع جري فوكس -طبعا لما تحارب معه تحارب وجه لوجه لأن امكانيات الصخر ضعيفه- وراح سنيك رماه بحقل الغام وتدمر جري فوكس وبعدها انتهى هذا الجزء واستقال سنيك من الشغل ورا عاش بالآسكا وبعدين بدء جزء جديد على الجيم بوي -انا قاعد اقول القصه على حسب مفهومها مو على الاصدار- وقام الكورنول وكلم سنيك وقال له كيف حالك يا سنيك وش اخبارك بالآسكا قال له سنيك قول الي عندك انا عارف انه انت مايجي من وراك اخبار زينه قال له الكورنول ميتل جير قال له سنيك وش فيه الميتل جير قال له كيف وانا دمرته آخر مره قبل سبع سنين قال له احنا نبيك بهذي المهمه قال سنيك ليش انتو ما عندكم الا انا كل ما طلع ميتل جير جديد تجون وتاخذوني قال الكورنول لأنك انت الوحيد الي تعرف تدمر ميتل جير وتعرف نقاط ضعفه وكل الي يخترعونه تعرفهم قال سنيك واذا قلت لك اني ما راح اجي لهذي المهمه قال الكورنول واذا قلت لك ان الي اختطف الميتل جير جنرال يبغى يكمل حلم بيج بوس في انه يسوي مدينه مستقله اسمها اوتر هيفن يوم سمع سنيك انه هذي المدينه راح يسويها الجنرال انهبل وقال خلاص انا موافق على المهمه ومن المعلومات الي عرفها سنيك ان الميتل جير اختطفوه ناس اسمهم بلاك شامبر مرتزقه يقودها واحد اسمه فايبر تحت إمرت الجنرال ومشى سنيك بالمهمه وتعرف على وحده اسمها كريس هذي البنت قصتها ان امريكا كانت مرسله فرقه علشان يدمرون الميتل جير لكن كلهم ماتو الا كريس ظلت عايشه وكمل سنيك المهمه وقابل الدكتور الي اخترع الميتل جير -تصورو ان الي اخترعه عمره 16 سنه- وانقذه سنيك من السجن وخلاه تحت حماية كريس وقتل سنيك كل اعضاء البلاك شامبر الي هو خمسه الا فايبر وواحد كان قاعد مع سنيك على اللاسلكي الي هو مك براين وفي وقتها حس سنيك ان الدكتور مخبي عليه شي وكلمه على اللاسلكي وحاول ياخذ منه معلومات عن الميتل جير لكن العصابه قتلت الدكتور وامسكو بكريس وكمل سنيك الا وتفاجأ ان كريس راكبه الهيلكوبتر وتحارب سنيك ودمر سنيك الهيلكوبتر وطاحت كريس منه وراح وشال سنيك القناع طلعت وحده اسمها صوفي اليد اليمين للجنرال واخذ منها معلومات وفي نفس اللحظه جت كريس وراح سنيك وكريس يكملون المهمه وقابل فايبر وقتله وبعدين قابل الجنرال وهو على الميتل جير قال له سنيك ابغى اعرف كل السالفه الي قاعده تصير هنا قال الجنرال اذا فزت يا سنيك اقول لك واذا فزت انا تكون انت مت وانتهيت انا من موضوعك المهم فاز سنيك عليه وقال له وش السالفه قال الجنرال اصلا هذا كله كان تحت تدبير امريكا علشان تجرب هذي الآله وعلى فكره حتى الكورنول يعرف هذا كله وانا اصلا كنت ابي اسوي مدينة اوتر هيفن للمرتزقه وبعد هذا كله اقتل البلاك شامبر وارتاح منهم وقال الجنرال خذ هذا الدسك يا سنيك الي فيه كل المعلومات الي تخرب بيوت الـ FBI وكان بهذي اللحظه يسمعهم فايبر وقام وقتل الجنرال وتحارب هو وسنيك وقتله سنيك وبعدها كلم الكورنول وقال له انت ليش سويت فيني كذا قال الكورنول انا ما بيدي شي وانا كنت مستقيل لكن امريكا رجعتني علشان هم يعرفوا ان الوحيد الي يقدر يرجعك هو انا لأن المهمه كانت للجنرال لكن هو تمرد يوم صار الميتل جير بيده وعلشان كذا احنا ارسلناك قال له سنيك خلاص انا اتفاهم معك لما ارجع لواشنطن وعطا الدسك لكريس وقال سوي الي يبينه بالدسك لأن انتي مرسلينك علشان تسرقي هذي المعلومات وكذا انتهى هذا الجزء وبعدها بعد مرور 3 سنين كلم الكورنول سنيك وقال له فيه عصابه اختطفت الميتل جير ركس ونبغاك تتولى هذي المهمه -طبعا عشاق الميتل جير كلهم يعرفون هذي القصة 100%- وكمل سنيك هذي المهمه وقابل ريفولفو ايسولت وتحارب معه وفجأه جا الننجا(جري فوكس) وراح الننجا وقطع يد ريفولفو بعدها انحاش ريفولفو وضارب سنيك الننجا وعرف قصته بعد ما رماه بحقل الألغام ان فيه دكتور اخذ جري فوكس(الننجا) وانقذه من الموت لكن خلاه الدكتور نص آله ونص انسان وعرف كمان ان البيج بوس استنسخ منه اثنين الأول الي هو سنيك والثاني ال هو ليكويد سنيك وقد قال الدكتور الي سوى هذي العمليه للبيج بوس انه واحد من اولادك بيطلع ناجح وواحد بيطلع فاشل والناجح طبعا الي هو سنيك وكمل سنيك المهمه -طبعا انا ما راح اكتب الي صار بالتفصيل لأن كل الي لعب ميتل جير على السوني يعرف قصتها زين وراح اجيبها من النهايه- وقاتل في النهايه لكويد وقتله وكذا انتهى هذا الجزء وبعدها يبدء الجزء الثاني على السوني2 ومحور القصه يدور ان ريفولفو ايسولت اختفى في الجزء الأول على السوني وقام ريفولفو بنسخ المعلومات حقت الميتل جير ريكس وباعها على الدول بمبالغ طائله وكل دوله راحت واخترعت الميتل جير ريكس وقام ريفولفو باستإجار ناس ودكاتره وعلماء علشان يصنعوا ميتل جير ري بحيت انه يكون مطور عن الميتل جير ريكس وبعد ما يخلصون منه يقوم ويدمر كل الميتل جير ركس الي وزعه على الدول وقامت امريكا بارسال سنيك لتدمير هذا الميتل جير ري والقصة راح تكون على سفينه ناقله للميتل جير ري ونصها الثاني في نيويورك وعلى حسب كلام مخرج اللعبه العبقري الاسطوره [(^_^)هيدوكوجيما(^_^)] انه في جزء ميتل جير على السوني ان ليكويد سنيك راح يطلع في اللعبه -مين يدري يمكن البيج بوس يطلع!؟؟- وعلى العموم انا سويت الي علي وكتبت هذي القصة من اولها علشان كل الي يدخل هنا للمنتدى يعرف قصة ميتل جير كامله وعلشان يعرف وش قاعد يصير حوله لما يلعب الميتل جير2 على psx2 وحاولت اني اقولها مختصره لكن حماسي على هذا الجزء الجديد ما احد يقدر يتصوره وكمان علشان ما احد يعتب علي ليش ][^][SNicK][^][ ما وظح القصة زين وانا يا اخواني بالخدمة دايما لي استفسار عن اي جهاز وعن اي لعبه على الايميل التالي tdd_k@hotmail.com واحب اخدمكم زياده يا محبين لعبة ميتل جير للي يحب يعرف القصة اكثر من الي كتبته يدخل على حسب الوصف الي راح اقوله اول شي يدخل على موقع http://www.videogames.com وبعدين بالقائمة على اليسار يختار playstation 2 وبعدين في وسط صفحة السوني 2 تلاقي مربع ابيض فيه اسماء الألعاب ابدا انزل بالسهم الى ما توصل لإسم اللعبه الي هو metal gear 2 وبعدين تحت هذا المربع البيض على طول فيه اختيار اسمه select a game and CLICK HERE وبعدين تجي صفحة الميتل جير انزل واقرا الكلام الي بالبرتقالي آخر اختيار اسمه history of metal gear وبعدها تدخل وتقرا القصة من طأطأ لسلاموكليكم واتمنى ان مشاركتي تكون فادت محبين ميتل جير وانا على استعداد ان شاء الله اني انشر اي اخبار جديدة عن الميتل جير او حول الميتل جير او عن العاب اخرى . وشكرا
مع تحيات :- اخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

03-10-2000, 09:03 PM
شكر الك على هذه القصه الحلوه

04-10-2000, 09:22 AM
مشكو على هذا الجهد المبذول:)

04-10-2000, 01:02 PM
انها اروع ما يكون

04-10-2000, 01:36 PM

أتعبنــاك وأنا أسف إذا غلطت عليك وفهمتك غلط

04-10-2000, 09:25 PM
لأ انا ما ازعل من احبابي واصدقائي

08-10-2000, 07:08 PM
انا حبيت اقول لعشاق لعبة ميتل جير وزوار المنتدى ان لعبة ميتل جير2 على جهاز السوني2 أخذت جائزت احسن لعبة في معرض E3 مع العلم ان العاب كثيرة وقوية كانت تعرض في المعرض زي شين مو وانيموشا وذاباونسر وWWF نوميرسي وكينسين و رزدنت ايفل زيروعلى الننتندو ومع كذا ميتل جير2 أخذت جائزة أحسن لعبة.وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

08-10-2000, 10:10 PM
شكرا الك

11-10-2000, 09:13 PM
بس حبيت اني اقدم شكر لأخوي هولي سموك holly_smoke لتفاعله مع مواضيعي وردوده الحلوه والشكر لكل المتفاعلين مع مواضيعي بالمنتدى. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

11-10-2000, 09:21 PM
شكرا يا سنيك (معلومه) لاكن الرد الحلو يكون للحلو

12-10-2000, 07:49 PM
اخواني اعضاء وزوار المنتدى اتمنى مشاركتكم معي بهذا السؤال:- وش هي أفضل شخصية عندك من شخصيات الميتل جير عموما ومين اكره واحد عندك, بالنسبة لي انا افضل شخصية هو سوليد سنيك واكثر واحد هيبه هو البيج بوس واكره واحد عندي ريفولفو ايسولت والشخصية الظريفة اوتاكون, اتمنى منك مشاركتي بهذا الرد. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

13-10-2000, 03:26 PM
افضل شخصية هو سوليد سنيك واكثر واحد هيبه هو البيج بوس واكره واحد عندي ريفولفو ايسولت والشخصية الظريفة اوتاكون

13-10-2000, 05:51 PM
يالله يا شباب ابيكم تشاركوني بالردود عن لعبتكم المفضلة ميتل جير حول الرد الي انا نشرته والي رد علي هولي سموك. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

13-10-2000, 09:03 PM

13-10-2000, 10:29 PM
شكرا على ايش؟؟

14-10-2000, 05:51 PM
اخواني زوار المنتدى خذوا مني افضل موقع لميتل جير والرسمي من شركة كونامي http://www.metalgear.net واتمنى ان الموقع يعجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 06:53 PM
وصلتني آخر الأخبار عن ميتل جير2 انها راح تصدر في مايو 2001 طبعا البطل راح يكون سوليد سنيك لكن تصورا ان فيه شخصية جديدة راح تطلع بهذا الجزء الي هي سوليدس soledes وهذا اخو سنيك الثالث طبعا الثاني الي هو ليكويد سنيك وصراحة زي ما صرح هيدوكوجيما ان ميتل جير2 على السوني2 راح تقلب موازين الألعاب كلها واقرب ما لكم انا كنت مستني بلهفه نزول شين مو أو WWF نو ميرسي بس لما شريت عرض ميتل جير2 الي هو موجود الحين بالأسواق السعودية كرهت كل الألعاب وماعاد صار لي نفس العب بأي لعبة الا ميتل جير2 عرض يجنن مرة ورسوم ما اقدر اوصفها لكم وقال هيدوكوجيما انك تقدر تختم اللعبة بدون ما تستحدم طلقة وحدة انك تخدر الحراس وسألوه الصحفيين طيب كيف يدمر ميتل جير قال انك تخدر الي قاعد يتحكم فيه والله ان كوجيما عبقري وانا راح اوافيكم بالمزيد. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 07:04 PM
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
System: PlayStation 2 (projected release 2001)
Many members of the gaming press declared they had seen the game of E3 2000 a day before the show actually began. That game was Metal Gear Solid 2. Konami unveiled the game's first preview movie to journalists at a Universal Studios theater, and the next day the same footage began running before the general attendees of the convention. The roughly ten-minute presentation was cut, edited, and scored more like a movie trailer than a video game preview. In those ten minutes we were introduced to the new look of Metal Gear, powered by the PlayStation 2, and it was unlike anything we'd ever seen before. Metal Gear Solid 2 features stunningly realistic environments, especially in its use of lighting and weather effects. Character animation is also incredibly natural. The cinematic presentation in MGS is taken to new heights in the trailer, and although the action won't be presented from such a dynamic perspective in the finished game, MGS2 still advances by a huge leap the convergence of movie and game. Much like MGS did in Atlanta in 1997, MGS2 at E3 2000 set the gaming industry on its ear with expectations.
What We Know
At this early date, details about MGS2's story are, of course, sparse. We've been able to glean a lot from the short amount of footage that was shown, though, especially in the way of returning characters. Despite the pacifistic catharsis he reached at the end of MGS, Snake will indeed return for this sequel (as if we expected otherwise). Several times during the trailer Snake speaks to Otacon via codec, so Otacon will definitely reprise his role as remote support for Snake. One scene shows a trench-coated figure in a standoff with a guard. The unknown man guns the guard down, and with a spin of his six-shooter, his face is revealed: It is, of course, Revolver Ocelot. His ambiguous loyalties will certainly be expounded upon (as will the nature of the mysterious Solidus, who is also mentioned briefly in the trailer). Finally, as the trailer closes, we hear a brief message from the archrival himself, Liquid Snake. Director Kojima has stressed that it is indeed Liquid's voice, so expect him to play a major role in MGS2. The only new character revealed in the trailer is a platinum-haired female commando, and what part she plays is so far unknown.
The Metal Gear Rex test data collected during the incident on Shadow Moses Island was later sold on the black market, and now every nuclear-capable country in the world has built its own Rex. To combat this problem, an unknown entity has constructed Metal Gear Ray (think stingray), a colossal mechanized beast whose sole purpose is to destroy the many variants of Rex. In the trailer, it appears that a terrorist group wants to hijack Ray for its own purposes, and Solid Snake is the only man who can stop them. According to the designers, the game takes place in New York City, although most of the trailer contains scenes on board a huge tanker (possibly containing Metal Gear Ray itself).

Hideo Kojima likes to infuse his games with meaning. MGS dealt with the perils of nuclear war (as all games in the series do), but it also addressed issues of natural selection and tampering with the natural order through the gene soldiers and Solid Snake's rather interesting heritage. According to Kojima, Sons of Liberty will examine information and privacy in the digital age. Konami's MGS2 press material says about the game, "In a world where... everyday life is digitized, and truth and falsehood intertwine, how are we to see through all and how must we live our lives?"

14-10-2000, 07:08 PM
شكرا على ردودكم الحلوة هذي وانا احب الي يعطيني رأيه وانا عارف اني نسخت هذا الكلام من موقع http://www.videogames.com لكن يا اخواني فيه ناس ماتعرف هذا الموقع وفيه كمان ناس ماتعرف تخش على هذي القصص فأناحبيت اني اسهل على زوار المنتدى انهم بدال ما يتعبون على نفسهم ويبحثون ويدورون سهلت عليهم هذي الشغلة وعلى فكرة انا نشرت موضوع عن ميتل جير بالكامل من اوله الى آخره لأني مهووس ميتل جير وانا نشرت هذاك الموضوع من راسي لأني لعبت كل اجزاء ميتل جير وعنوان الموضوع الي انا نشرته هو(قصة اللعبة الأسطورة ميتل جير) وانا مشكور على تواصلكم معي وقرايت مواضيعي اول بأول وانا طبعا ما راح تكون كل مواضيع بالإنجليزي لكن انا اوافيكم بآخر الأخبار. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 07:39 PM
أفضل شخصية لمخرج اللعبة هيدوكوجيما بالنسبة لجميع شخصيات ميتل جير هو سايكو مانتس الي يستخدم قواه الذهنيه pchkick حتى لو انكم تلاحظون يا اخواني انك لما تباري سايكو مانتس في بداية المضاربة تلاقي ان كامة هيدو Hideo طلعت مرتين قدامك على الشاشة وقطعت عليك اللعبة. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم [^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 07:44 PM
أكره شخصية لمخرج لعبة ميتل جير عموما هو الدكتور اوتاكون طبعا اكثركم تتسالون ليش لأن اوتاكون يهودي وطبعا زي ما انتو عارفين ان المسيحيين يكرهون اليهود بس بينهم حب مصلحه. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم [^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 08:17 PM
انا حاولت وبحثت عن شخصيات ميتل جير والتعريف بها وهذا الي قدرت اوصل له:-
بيج بوس (BigBoss):- امريكي الجنسية وهو مأسس ورئيس منظمة فوكس هاوند طموحاته انه سوي مدينه اسمها اوتر هيفن للمرتزقه (الي هم يقتلون ويدمرون مقابل فلوس) وتكون هذي المدينه مستقله عن امريكاقتله سنيك في الجزء الي على الصخر.
سوليد سنيك (soled snaik):- ماله جنسيه او عمر لأن عمره وجنسيته تابعه للاعب الي يتحكم فيه وهو مستنسخ من DNA حقت البيج بوس مهمته تدمير ميتل جير وتحطيم احلام منظمةفوكس هاوند.
ليكويد سنيك (Liqed snaik):- الأخ الثاني لسوليد سنيك وهو كمان نسخه من DNA حقت البيج بوس مات في جزء السوني من مرض الفوكس داي بعد محاولات سنيك في قتله.
سوليدس (Suledes):- الأخ الثالث بعد سنيك وليكويد وهو حاليا رئيس منظمة فوكس هاوند وهو مستنسخ من DNA حقت البيج بوس ماعندي اي اخبار عنه اكثر من كذا.
الكورنول روي كامبل (Roy Cambple):- امريكي الجنسية مهمته اعطاء الأوامر والمعلومات لسوليد سنيك واستقال من الشغل في الجزء الثاني الي على الصخر لكن كل ما تحتاج امريكا لسنيك يرجعون الكورنول علشان هو الوحيد الي يقدر يرجع سنيك.
الننجا جري فوكس (Gry Fox):- كان احد اعضاء منظمة الفوكس هاوند لكن سنيك قتله في الجزء الثاني على الصخر لما رماه في حقل الغام في مدينة زنزبار لكن رجعه للحياه دكتور بس خلاه نص آله ونص انسان وبعدين طحنه ليكويد بالميتل جير ركس في جزء السوني وهو قاتل اهل نايومي هانتر.
اوتاكون (Outacon):- يهودي تعرف عليه سنيك في الجزء الي على السوني وراح يطلع بالجزء الثاني لميتل جير2 وهو من اكره الشخصيات للمخرج هيدوكوجيما.
ريفولفو ايسولت (Rivolvo):- يشتغل عند سوليدس حاليا وبعد من انتهى جزء السوني هرب وكان معاه معلومات حول ميتل جير ركس وراح وباعها على الدول المدمره بمبالغ طائلة وامر هو وسوليدس باختراع ميتل جير ري الي راح يدمر العالم ويدمر كل الميتل جير ركس الي عند هذي الدول وركب له يد ثانيه بعد ما قطعها له الننجا جري فوكس!!.
اتنمى ان هذي المعلومات تكون عجبتكم حول شخصيات الميتل جير وانا راح اوافيكم بالمزيد من الأخبار حول ميتل جير. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

14-10-2000, 09:17 PM
اوف واله تعبت حالك
شكرا على كل حال

15-10-2000, 07:31 PM
والله عادي مني يا هولي سموك انا ما همني التعب انا بس همي اني اوصل لكم المعلومات وآخر الأخبار علشان تعرفون وش قاعد يصير حولكم من اخبار الألعاب واخبارهاعلى طول والى الأبد انشاء الله اذا الله عطاني العمر. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم [^][SNicK][^][

15-10-2000, 08:10 PM
ما زال بطلنا المحبوب يتواصل وستمر وما زال يواصل الاستمرار في ظهورة على الأجهزة ويتابع معنا في سلسلة ألعابه الشهيرة تحت مسمى ميتل جير (Metal Gear) وانا الحين راح اعرض لكم كل اجزاء ميتل جير من اول ما انضم هيدوكوجيما الى كونامي:-
(1)- ميتل جير على جهاز الضخر.
(2)- ميتل جير2 على جهاز الصخر.
(3)- ميتل جير ريفينج على جهاز السوبرناينتندو.
(4)- ميتل جير على جهاز السوني.
(5)- ميتل جير في آر ميشن على جهاز السوني.
(6)- ميتل جير قوش بابل على جهاز الجيم بوي.
(7)- ميتل جير2 على جهاز السوني2.
طبعا احب اقول لكم معلومة بالنسبة لموضوع ميتل جير ريفينج على جهاز السوبر ناينتندو هذا الجزء ما كان تحت اشراف هيدوكوجيما ابدا وحتى هيدو صرح بهذا الكلام في مقابلة والسبب الي خلا كونامي تصدر هذا الجزء علشان هي كانت على وشك الإفلاس فأصدرت هذا الجزء, وانا اتوقع ان سلسلة العاب ميتل جير ما راح تنتهي ابدا طالما الـ DNA حق البيج بوس موجود ولا راح يوقف سنيك عن مواجة منظمة فوكس هاوند وللمعلومية سوليد سنيك كان من ظمن هذي المنظمة الي هي فوكس هاوند بس قلبت السلطات الأمريكية عليها لتمردها من جهة البيج بوس واختارو سنيك لأنه كفأ لهذي المهمة واتمنى ان هذا المقال يكون عجبكم وانا راح ازيد اكثر واكثر عن ميتل جير وعن باقي الألعاب. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم [^][SNicK][^][

15-10-2000, 08:33 PM
Metal Gear
Systems: MSX (released 1987), NES (released 1988)
The Story
The year was 1995. At that time, nuclear disarmament was only a pipe dream, and fears of nuclear attack ran rampant. Deep in South Africa, a mercenary group controlled a stronghold called Outer Heaven. According to leaked information, this group had access to a new kind of weapon that would change the scale of warfare irreversibly. The elite special forces team Fox Hound was called upon to gather further intelligence related to this supposed weapon of mass destruction. To this end they sent their best agent, Grey Fox, to go under cover, infiltrate Outer Heaven, and report back with new information. Grey Fox's report consisted of exactly two words: "Metal Gear." Then contact was broken.

Deeply disturbed by the loss of communication with Grey Fox and the apparent urgency of his brief message, Fox Hound sent another agent, Solid Snake, into Outer Heaven to find Grey Fox and discover the secret of the mysterious Metal Gear. Snake found his way inside the fortress, enlisting the aid of various prisoners to continue his search for Grey Fox and Metal Gear. Eventually Snake located Fox and learned that Metal Gear was, in actuality, a walking, nuclear-capable tank. The implications of this new weapon were staggering; Metal Gear's mobility and its ability to launch a nuclear warhead from any position made it an imposing factor in the global tension between nuclear superpowers. Solid Snake went on to rescue the scientist behind Metal Gear's development and from him learned Metal Gear's weak point.
Finally, Snake discovered Metal Gear itself, on the 100th basement floor of Outer Heaven, and using his knowledge of the behemoth, he destroyed it. After Metal Gear's destruction, Snake received a shock: The leader of the Outer Heaven mercenaries, and the man behind Metal Gear, was none other than Fox Hound's leader, Big Boss! Big Boss had been pulling the strings behind Snake's mission in Outer Heaven all along. Stunned by this betrayal, Snake went on to engage Big Boss in battle, emerging victorious. With Metal Gear destroyed and the traitor vanquished, Solid Snake flew off into the sunset.
The Game
Metal Gear introduced the idea of stealth to a video game audience more accustomed to obliterating everything in sight. True to secret agent form, Solid Snake's greatest ally wasn't a rifle or grenade (though their importance wasn't understated), but rather his own agility and resourcefulness. The clearest path to victory in Metal Gear was through sewer grates, behind corners, and in the shadows. Combined with the twisting plot, the stealth aspects made Metal Gear one of the most original action-adventure games of the time. The original Metal Gear plays very much like the more recent versions; the series continues to get prettier and perhaps more elaborate, but the core remains the same. Action is presented from an overhead perspective so floor layouts and the location of guards can be easily discerned. Like usual, Snake begins this mission with no equipment, requiring him to find weapons and items during the mission. He is also assisted by a Metal Gear staple called the codec, a tiny radio with a tunable frequency that keeps him in contact with the mission commander and any number of support personnel. Avoiding guards is essential to Snake's survival; being spotted means a horde of guards coming seemingly out of nowhere, and Snake must evade them for a preset amount of time before they'll stop looking for him. Metal Gear was a departure from the typical video gaming of the day, to be sure.
The first Metal Gear appeared originally in 1987 on the MSX, a computer popular in Japan and Europe but basically unknown in the United States. American gamers were fortunate enough to receive the chance to play Metal Gear the following year, when Konami released it there under the Ultra Games label on the NES. This 8-bit incarnation of Metal Gear had undergone a few minor changes by the time it made it to American consoles. Many of the backgrounds had changed, and maps were laid out differently. The translation was a bit odd in parts. And although Big Boss is still the eventual bad guy, you are led to believe that a terrorist named Vernon CaTaffy is controlling the Outer Heaven group. The changes weren't earth shattering, but die-hard Metal Gear fans agree that the MSX version is the definitive Metal Gear.
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

16-10-2000, 08:04 PM
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
System: MSX2 (released 1990)
The Story
By 1999, the world's nuclear superpowers had improved their diplomatic relations with each other, and they agreed to dismantle their nuclear weapons. In this environment of coming peace, a small Middle Eastern nation called Zanzibar created a new military regime and began raiding the larger nations' nuclear disposal sites. At the same time, the world was experiencing an energy crisis due to a rapidly diminishing supply of oil. To combat this threat, Dr. Kio Marv invented a microorganism called OILIX that could refine crude oil. Naturally, he was kidnapped by Zanzibar.

The militaristic Zanzibar had established itself as controller of the world's energy and nuclear weapons, and only the best secret agent would be able to infiltrate the country and rescue Dr. Marv. New Fox Hound commander Roy Campbell thus called upon Solid Snake, now in retirement, to take the job. Again acting entirely on his own, Snake penetrated Zanzibar's defenses and made it into the heart of the militant country. It would seem that Big Boss's betrayal in Outer Heaven was not the end of Fox Hound treachery, however, as Snake discovered that Grey Fox, the first special agent sent into Outer Heaven four years before, was leader of Zanzibar's mercenary force. Snake defeated Grey Fox in battle and went on to pursue Dr. Marv. Snake retrieved the OILIX microorganism, ensuring the world a new source of energy, but in the process he again encountered none other than Big Boss, who had survived the destruction of Outer Heaven and gone on to found Zanzibar's empire. Big Boss was, of course, accompanied by a new Metal Gear. Snake again defeated both Metal Gear and Big Boss and then fled Zanzibar in the midst of its destruction.
After Solid Snake's series of harrowing battles, he again retired, this time to the Alaskan wilderness. But the evil intentions of those who hunger for power would ensure that Snake's retirement was short-lived....

The Game
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake embodied the basic evolution of the gameplay model begun in Metal Gear. Better graphics and improvements like the radar (which is familiar to Metal Gear Solid fans) represent the overall arc of changes between Metal Gear and its sequel. Kojima maintained his vision for the character of Solid Snake, as well as the gameplay of Metal Gear as a series, by again thrusting you into a world where stealth is more important than brawn. Metal Gear 2's plot was suitably complicated and satisfying, and such rich story was by that time becoming a hallmark of the series.

Unfortunately, Metal Gear 2 never made it off the MSX2, and American fans of Metal Gear were left wanting more. They eventually received an NES-based sequel to Metal Gear, but it's safe to say that Snake's Revenge isn't quite what series creator Kojima would have intended.
مع تحيات:- ][^][SNicK][^][

16-10-2000, 08:16 PM
احتار الناس في وجود هذي الشخصية الجديدة التي سوف تظهر على ميتل جير2 (سوليدس) هذا الشخص يعتبر الأخ الثالث بعد سنيك وليكويد وهو مستنسخ من الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس ولكن هل هو موجود؟؟! نعم يا اخواني زوار هذا المنتدى هذي الشخصية موجوده فعلا على ميتل جير2 على ps2 ولكم بعض الأدلة على كذا:-
(1)- لما تقوم بتنهية الجزء الأول من ميتل جير على ps1 لما تطلع اغنية النهاية وتخلص راح تجي كلمة ميتل جير بالأبيض وراح تسمع صوت كل من ريفولفو وسوليدس يتكلمون عن فشلهم في مهمة اخذ الميتل جير ركس وفي نهاية هذا الحوار تسمع ريفولفو يقول سوليدس مستر بريزدنت.
(2)- لما تشوف عرض ميتل جير2 الـDVD راح تسمع ريفولفو يتكلم مع واحد وراح يقول اسمه الي هو سوليدس وكمان راح تسمع سنيك يتكلم مع سوليدس ويقول سوليدس لسنيك brother.
اتوقع ان هذي اشياء واظحه انها تقول لك ان سوليدس الأخ الثالث لسنيك راح يطلع والله اعلم هيدوكوجيما وش راح يخبي لنا اسرار في هذا الجزء المبدع. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

17-10-2000, 08:12 AM
صح لاكن مين تعتقد بيكون اقوي واحدج فيهم؟؟؟

17-10-2000, 06:12 PM
طبعا زي ما احنا عارفين ان البيج بوس هو الكل بالكل وكل من سوليد سنيك وليكويد وسوليدس كلهم اخوان من الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس لكن في جزء الصخر من لعبة ميتل جير قال الدكتور للبيج بوس طبعا الدكتور الي سوا عملية الاستنساخ لهم ان كل اولادك راح يكنون فاشلين الا واحد الي هو سوليد سنيك ولكويد وسوليدس عارفين هذا الشي حتى ان لكويد قال لسنيك انك الأفضل وكمان كل واحد انضم للمرتزقه حقت منظمة الفوكس هاوند قال ان سنيك هو الأسطورة حتى الكورنول روي كامبل قال لسنيك في جزء الجيم بوي قال له lagandry snaik وهو الأفضل بينهم لكن الله اعلم هيدوكوجيما وش مخبي لنا في الجزء الجديد. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

17-10-2000, 08:57 PM
شكرا يا سنيك

18-10-2000, 05:04 PM
Metal Gear Solid/Ghost Babel
System: Game Boy Color (released 2000)
Thanks to its name, the Game Boy Color edition of Metal Gear is at first a bit misleading. It was originally known as Metal Gear Ghost Babel in Japan, but for marketing purposes it was renamed to Metal Gear Solid when it hit American shores. Just know that it's an entirely separate game from the PlayStation title.

The Story
The manual for Metal Gear Solid on the Game Boy Color states that the game takes place seven years after Outer Heaven, so we can assume it's set around 2002. Solid Snake was approached by Roy Campbell to retrieve a United States Army cargo plane hijacked by terrorists and held in the Central African nation of Gindra. The plane contained nuclear weapons... and a new Metal Gear. This new model of Metal Gear was actually developed by the US government, which had retrieved the plans from Outer Heaven after the original unit's destruction. The Gindran Liberation Front, led by General Augustine Eguabon, stole Metal Gear in order to force its own independence and remove United Nations peacekeeping forces. An Army Delta Force team had been sent into Gindra to defeat the terrorists, but not surprisingly, contact was lost. Snake was reluctant to accept this mission, having found solace in his Alaskan retirement. Then Campbell revealed that Gindra was actually situated on the same land that Outer Heaven had occupied seven years before. Suspecting conspiracy, Snake went once more into Outer Heaven to stop Metal Gear.

Assisting the Gindran Liberation Front was a Fox Houndesque group of special agents called Black Chamber. The group apparently took a cue from Fox Hound when it named its members, boasting such names as Marionette Owl, Pyro Bison, and leader Black Arts Viper. As always, Snake made his way into the GLF's fortress, called Galuade, evading terrorist forces and occasionally engaging members of Black Chamber in battle. Inside Galuade, Snake encountered Delta Force survivor Chris Jenner, and she assisted him via codec as he made his way toward Metal Gear. After a destroyed power plant, a ruined Black Chamber, and a few casualties, Snake finally found Metal Gear, again located in Outer Heaven's 100th basement floor. Snake defeated Metal Gear and took down Black Arts Viper, and in the process he learned some very interesting and shady secrets about the GLF, Outer Heaven, and the United States government. Like the PlayStation version of Metal Gear Solid, this one has an excellent storyline, and since it's a recent title, we don't want to reveal everything to you. It's worth experiencing the plot's twists as they come. Rest assured there are some surprises throughout the game, and they add a new dimension to one of the series' long-running characters.

The Game
Graphically, Metal Gear on the Game Boy Color gets back to the series' roots. It resembles the first games (such as the NES original), and thanks to the limitations of the Game Boy, it dispatches the cinematic flair of the PlayStation version. It retains most of that game's play conventions, though. Snake can still back up against a wall and see around the corner, but now the effect is accomplished simply by scrolling the background. Knocking on walls to lure guards from their posts is once again an essential part of sneaking around. Amazingly, enemy AI seems better here than in the PlayStation game. Guards are much harder to evade once Snake is discovered; they follow him from room to room and take longer to return to their original positions. Most of the weapons and items Snake used in his PlayStation mission return to the portable version, with the notable exception of the stinger missile launcher. Overall, the portable MGS is an excellent reproduction of the Metal Gear formula, considering its platform's constraints.

18-10-2000, 05:13 PM
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
System: PlayStation 2 (projected release 2001)
Many members of the gaming press declared they had seen the game of E3 2000 a day before the show actually began. That game was Metal Gear Solid 2. Konami unveiled the game's first preview movie to journalists at a Universal Studios theater, and the next day the same footage began running before the general attendees of the convention. The roughly ten-minute presentation was cut, edited, and scored more like a movie trailer than a video game preview. In those ten minutes we were introduced to the new look of Metal Gear, powered by the PlayStation 2, and it was unlike anything we'd ever seen before. Metal Gear Solid 2 features stunningly realistic environments, especially in its use of lighting and weather effects. Character animation is also incredibly natural. The cinematic presentation in MGS is taken to new heights in the trailer, and although the action won't be presented from such a dynamic perspective in the finished game, MGS2 still advances by a huge leap the convergence of movie and game. Much like MGS did in Atlanta in 1997, MGS2 at E3 2000 set the gaming industry on its ear with expectations.
What We Know
At this early date, details about MGS2's story are, of course, sparse. We've been able to glean a lot from the short amount of footage that was shown, though, especially in the way of returning characters. Despite the pacifistic catharsis he reached at the end of MGS, Snake will indeed return for this sequel (as if we expected otherwise). Several times during the trailer Snake speaks to Otacon via codec, so Otacon will definitely reprise his role as remote support for Snake. One scene shows a trench-coated figure in a standoff with a guard. The unknown man guns the guard down, and with a spin of his six-shooter, his face is revealed: It is, of course, Revolver Ocelot. His ambiguous loyalties will certainly be expounded upon (as will the nature of the mysterious Solidus, who is also mentioned briefly in the trailer). Finally, as the trailer closes, we hear a brief message from the archrival himself, Liquid Snake. Director Kojima has stressed that it is indeed Liquid's voice, so expect him to play a major role in MGS2. The only new character revealed in the trailer is a platinum-haired female commando, and what part she plays is so far unknown.
The Metal Gear Rex test data collected during the incident on Shadow Moses Island was later sold on the black market, and now every nuclear-capable country in the world has built its own Rex. To combat this problem, an unknown entity has constructed Metal Gear Ray (think stingray), a colossal mechanized beast whose sole purpose is to destroy the many variants of Rex. In the trailer, it appears that a terrorist group wants to hijack Ray for its own purposes, and Solid Snake is the only man who can stop them. According to the designers, the game takes place in New York City, although most of the trailer contains scenes on board a huge tanker (possibly containing Metal Gear Ray itself).

Hideo Kojima likes to infuse his games with meaning. MGS dealt with the perils of nuclear war (as all games in the series do), but it also addressed issues of natural selection and tampering with the natural order through the gene soldiers and Solid Snake's rather interesting heritage. According to Kojima, Sons of Liberty will examine information and privacy in the digital age. Konami's MGS2 press material says about the game, "In a world where... everyday life is digitized, and truth and falsehood intertwine, how are we to see through all and how must we live our lives?"

18-10-2000, 08:55 PM
معلومات حول الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس حيث أن منظمة فوكس هاوند قامت ببيع الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس ببليون دولار لأن الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس يمكن أن يستنسخ منها عساكر لهم قوة تساوي قوة 5 رجال وللمعلومية ان كل العساكر هذولي الي تضاربهم باللعبة هم مستنسخين من الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس معنى الكلام ان كل العساكر يكونون اخوان سنيك لأن سنيك هو مستنسخ من الـ DNA حقت البيج بوس لكن اشهر الناس الي استنسخو من البيج بوس هم سنيك وليكويد وسوليدس. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:05 PM
First Look: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

It was the talk of the show (and the PS2's saving grace) at this year's E3, and now the DVD version of the MGS2 trailer has hit the GamePro offices. You're all dying to look at the screens, so this preview will be short: Metal Gear Solid 2 kicks ass. With Hideo Kojima back behind the reins and some of the most impressive graphics tricks ever seen on screen, this new MGS is destined to be a masterpiece. Feast your eyes on shattering glass, splashing raindrops, bursting bottles, and more than enough visual variety to make your head spin. If the same awesome action/tactical gameplay of the first MGS backs up all the delicious new eye candy, Konami has a built-in hit on its hands. Konami hasn't set a release date yet, but keep your eyes on GamePro.com for more Solid Snake updates.
ESRB Rating:
وللمزيد من التفاصيل زورو موقع ميتل جير http://www.metalgear.net أو موقع http://www.gamepro.com واتمنى انه يكون عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:08 PM
News: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty on PlayStation2

Konami today announced Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, will come to PS2 in the Fall of 2001. The original Metal Gear Solid debuted on PSX in 1998 and became an instant classic, selling over four million units worldwide. A video trailer featuring specially selected scenes from "Metal Gear Solid 2" will give this year's E3 attendees a rare glimpse of the highly anticipated game. Stay tuned to GamePro.com for an update from E3 on Metal Gear Solid 2.

وللمزيد من المعلومات زورو موقع اللعبة ميتل حير http://www.metalgear.net أو موقع جيم بور http://www.gamepro.com أو موقع ميتل جير الثاني http://www.metalgear.com واتمنى ان هذا يكون عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:17 PM
انا حبيت اكتب لكم من الكلام والمقابلات الي صارت مع مخرج لعية ميتل جير (هيدوكوجيما) الي صارت معه بعد عرض لعبة ميتل جير2 في معرض E3 وهذا بعض الكلام الي دار بينهم:-
الصحفيين:- سيد هيدوكوجيما على اي اساس صممت شخصية سنيك؟
هيدو:- انا من اشد المعجبين بالأفلام الأمريكية وانا صممته على اساس قوة والذكاء والبرود وأخذت بعض هذي الشياء من اسلوب بطل سلسلة أفلام 007 جيمس بوند.
الصحفيين:- ليش بالذات اخترت اسم سوليد سنيك ولكويد سنيك ؟
هيدو:- سوليد سنيك يعني الثعبان الصلب وليكويد سنيك يعني الثعبان المرن او الضعيف.
الصحفيين:- كم عمر سنيك ومن وين جنسيته؟
هيدو:- انا ماحطيت لسنيك بلد او عمر لكن عمر سنيك وبلده على حسب الشخص الي يلعب فيه او المتحكم فيه -ومع اصرار الصحفيين على معرفة جواب هذا السؤال- هو نص امريكي ونص آسيوي.
الصحفيين:- كم اعمار الناس الي تقدر تلعب ميتل جير؟
هيدو:- مافي عمر محدد اي واحد يقدر يلعب فيها.
الصحفيين:- سيد هيدو ممكن تقول لنا مشوارك مع شركة كونامي؟
هيدو:- صراحة انا اطردت من المدرسة ولكن كانت عندي مواهب في الإخراج المسرحي وكنت انا الي انظم واخرج مسرحيات مدرستنا وبعد حاولت اني انضم لشركة برمجة العاب ولكني فشلت معهم وبعد كذا انضميت لكونامي وكان وقتها شركة كونامي شركة صغيرة وعاديه وبجهودي وجهود المخرجين الآخري تطورت كونامي على الحال الي انتم شايفينها الحين.
الصحفيين:- ماهو مشوارك مع سلسلة العاب ميتل جير؟
هيدو:- انا انتجت جزئين ميتل جير على الصخر وجزء على السيجا وجزء على السوني وجزء على الجيم بوي وجزء جاي في الطريق على السوني2.
الصحفيين:- سيد هيدو مارأيك بجهاز السوني2 ؟
هيدو:- الحقيقه مع كل الي شفتوه بالمعرض ومع كل الازدحام الي صار علشان الناس يشوفون عرض ميتل جير2 ومع كل هذي الرسوم المبهره والدقه الخطيرة انا بالنسبة لي جهاز السوني2 جهاز عادي زي اي جهاز نزل وللأسف كنت اتوقع انه يطلع بالمستوى المطلوب لكن مع ذلك الي شفتوه لعرض ميتل جير2 كان ولا شي من قدرات السوني2 وانا اتمنى ان شركة ننتندو لما تصدر جهاز الدولفين يكون على المستوى الي انا اتمناه.
الصحفيين:- سؤال أخير للسيد هيدوكوجيما هل تتوقع النجاح للعبة ميتل جير2 ؟
هيدو:- انا بصراحه اتمنى نجاحها واتوقع انها راح تعجب عشاق لعبة ميتل جير اكثر من اي جزء ثاني نزل.
هذا اخواني بعض الأسئلة الي صارت في معرض E3 الي صار بلوس أنجلوس واتمنى انه يكون عجبكم واي خدمة او استفسار يا اخواني ارسلولي على الايميل التالي tdd_k@hotmail.com وانا زي ما وعدتكم اني راح احاول اكتب اكثر واكثر عن ميتل جير بأسرع وقت ممكن. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- اخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:33 PM
Metal Gear Solid
System: PlayStation (released 1998)
This is, of course, the big one. Perhaps one of the most anticipated and most hyped games in history, Metal Gear Solid took what was really a niche franchise and turned it into a gaming household name. After its debut at the 1997 E3 show in Atlanta, MGS was the talk of the game industry. It became known for its stylish, movie-like presentation and the stealth-oriented gameplay that had made its prequels so interesting.

MGS upped the ante over its predecessors in almost every aspect of its production. Unlike some developers who compromised gameplay in favor of glitz when they received the benefits of CD-ROM storage, Kojima remained true to his original vision for Metal Gear, using the power of the PlayStation to finally realize the game he'd obviously wanted to make on less capable systems. From the first title, A Hideo Kojima Game, to the movie-like introduction and opening credits that roll while you're playing, all the way to the end of the game, Metal Gear Solid defined the term "interactive movie." Forget the old FMV-based schlockfests that first claimed that title; this is the right way to conduct narrative through video games.

An attempt to detail Metal Gear Solid's story would only do the game an injustice, and at the same time those who haven't experienced it should do so without foreknowledge, so we'll stick to a summary of the more outstanding parts. If you really feel compelled to know what happens, keep reading.
The Story
The peace foretold by Metal Gear 2 never came to pass, and by 2010, nuclear deployment was again in full swing. A United States military installation on Alaska's Shadow Moses Island, while playing host to a series of tests involving a new secret weapon, was hijacked by a group of terrorists. Interestingly, the group was led by renegade agents of Fox Hound, Solid Snake's old unit. Important government and corporate officials were on hand to observe the tests, and they were taken hostage. The terrorists' demands were simple, if a bit puzzling: They wanted the remains of Big Boss within 24 hours, or a nuclear warhead would be launched. Former Fox Hound commander Roy Campbell calls on Solid Snake to infiltrate the base, rescue the hostages, and disable the terrorists' nuclear capability.

Snake was shocked to find out that the leader of the insurgence is Liquid Snake, an agent with the same codename as him and almost identical physical features. Joining Liquid was a group of Fox Hound's top agents, such as gunslinging torture specialist Revolver Ocelot and perceptive powerhouse Psycho Mantis. Vulcan Raven, Sniper Wolf, and Decoy Octopus rounded out the crew. Liquid Snake also commanded a legion of genome soldiers, troops whose genes had been conditioned to increase their physical attributes. In light of this capability to manipulate genes, the terrorists' demand for the remains of Big Boss, the "legendary soldier," became understandable.

Snake successfully breached the base's security and found the hostages, and from them he learned that the tests being conducted on the island were for a new model of Metal Gear, called Rex. Snake's mission then became one of search and destroy. En route to Metal Gear, he encountered a number of interesting figures, including Meryl Silverburgh, niece of Roy Campbell and inexperienced soldier, and Hal Emmerich, aka Otacon, the lead scientist on the Metal Gear Rex project. Snake and the terrorists were also stalked by a mysterious cyborg ninja who was later revealed to be the previously deceased Grey Fox.
After defeating all of the Fox Hound agents (except Revolver Ocelot, who escaped), Snake destroyed Rex. Liquid Snake then confronted him and revealed a terrible secret about their lineage. Both of them were genetic experiments, born of the "Les Enfants Terribles" (the terrible children) project in a laboratory and crafted by scientists from the genetic material of Big Boss, known as the perfect soldier. Despite his emotions to the contrary, Solid Snake exists solely to fight. After a narrow escape and the apparent death of Liquid, Snake and Meryl rode off once again into the sunset.

After the credits roll, we hear a brief transmission from the sole Fox Hound escapee Revolver Ocelot to, of all people, the president of the United States. It appears that Ocelot was a double agent the whole time, and even more shockingly, that Solidus, the president, was a third product of Les Enfants Terribles. What this portends for Solid Snake's future remains to be seen, but you can bet that it's not good.
There you have it, but there's really a lot more to the story than this. Just go play it already.

The Game
Metal Gear Solid didn't introduce a ton of new features to the classic Metal Gear model - it's pretty obvious that Hideo Kojima had the general gameplay rules ironed out from the very beginning. MGS did a lot to refine that gameplay, though. For instance, Snake always hides behind, under, or around everything in sight to evade the enemy, but MGS's 3D graphics made that hiding a lot more involved. When Snake presses up against a wall, the camera angle swings down to face him, revealing whatever's happening around the corner. Crawling under a tight space brings the game to first-person mode, which lets you see the feet of passing guards. And perhaps the coolest addition to the game is Snake's ability to sneak up behind guards, grab them in a choke hold, and silently break their necks. It's not pretty, but it's a good way to deal with certain, um, obstacles.

MGS gave Snake plenty of weapons to play with. Starting humbly with only his fists, he would later find a SOCOM pistol, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, various kinds of explosives, and a small-scale surface-to-air missile launcher. Plenty of items rounded out his arsenal, from cigarettes and rations to the famous cardboard box.

مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:39 PM
اخواني زوار منتدى ميتل جير لكم مني بعض الكلام الي قاله موقع ميتل جير http://www.metalgear.net حول عرض الفيديو الي عرض في برطانياوهو التالي:-
The new movie of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty opens up on a rainy night on the Brooklyn Bridge. The camera pans upward from underneath the metal- and woodworking of the bridge's underbelly to reveal the evening traffic leaving New York City. As the cars streak by, the camera focuses on a lone, rain-soaked figure walking on the bridge's sidewalk. Although he's wearing a trenchcoat that hides his face, a telltale cigarette quickly gave away Solid Snake's identity to the audience. Snake takes one last drag from the cigarette, flicks the butt aside, and breaks into an all-out sprint. Then in a sequence of events seemingly right out of Ghost in the Shell, Snake rips off his coat, activates his stealth suit, and then bungies headfirst over the side of the bridge as the camera freezes and rotates around him in mid-jump.

The remainder of the footage was displayed in quick bursts - some was sequences taken from the E3 trailer, but from different camera angles. Some of the new footage involved Snake sneaking past a group of soldiers watching a Zone of the Enders trailer (another Kojima game). Another scene depicted Metal Gear Ray, the new threat in Metal Gear Solid 2, getting hit by a small rocket.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

18-10-2000, 09:54 PM
اخواني زاوار منتدى البلاي ستيشن لموقع games4arab الي يبغا اي معلومات حول رأيت عرض ميتل جير يدخل للموضوع الي انا نشرته الي كان عنوانه قصة اللعبة الأسطورة (ميتل جير) ][MGS][ بس بدال ما يدخل على الاختيار البرتقالي الي انا قلت عنه الي هو history of metal gear لأ تبحث عن اختيار بالأخضر على يمين الصفحة فوق صورة سنيك الي هي moves وبعدين تجي اختيارات للأفلام الي تبفى تشوفها. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- اخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

19-10-2000, 09:27 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, Konami and famed game designer Hideo Kojima held a press event to publicly unveil what's sure to be one of next year's biggest games on any platform: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The demonstration was held at the Universal Studios lot inside a moderately-sized auditorium for an audience of about 150 journalists from around the world.
Kojima briefly addressed the audience before showing the promotional footage of Metal Gear Solid 2, which showed off a lot of the game's forthcoming features, alluded to its plot, showed some of its main characters, and kept the audience riveted until it finally erupted in applause once the trailer finally ended. The government-trained specialist Solid Snake returns as the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2, and from all the footage that was shown, it's evident that Snake looks and moves more realistically than ever before. He bolts through high-risk areas, dives out of range of enemy fire, lies in ambush around corners, shimmies across precarious catwalks, and more.

But Snake's done most of that already in Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation - as such, it's not that Metal Gear Solid 2 seems like it'll have a radically different concept than its predecessor. Instead, even as Metal Gear Solid helped set new standards for cinematic quality in games, so too does the sequel stand poised to shatter any previous conventions or expectations for quality of game graphics and gameplay realism. Solid Snake himself looks strikingly realistic in the sequel, and the game's environment is equally impressive; Although it was stated previously that the game would take place in Manhattan, it appears that most of the action actually takes place off the coast of New York, in a gigantic ship that looks like an oil tanker. The outdoor sequences aboard the ship took place in heavy rain at night, and you could see the rain drenching Snake's hair and clothing. Characters casted real-time and dynamic shadows, and in one sequence Snake waited around the corner for a guard whose elongated shadow first gave away his presence.

Another exciting sequence took place in what looked like the ship's bar, as Snake dodged gunfire that tore through liquor bottles nearby, spraying the area with glass and alcohol. Kojima stated that guards in Metal Gear Solid 2 would come in several levels of strengths, and won't all be garden-variety soldiers. In one sequence, Snake was confronted with Genome soldiers wielding riot shields that successfully deflected his bullets. The perspective then switched to the player's first-person view, which showed Snake aiming a few degrees below the shields, firing at the soldiers' legs. In spite of such surprisingly great-looking scenes, Kojima noted after the presentation that he was rather nervous about how the game would be received.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

19-10-2000, 09:28 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, Konami and famed game designer Hideo Kojima held a press event to publicly unveil what's sure to be one of next year's biggest games on any platform: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The demonstration was held at the Universal Studios lot inside a moderately-sized auditorium for an audience of about 150 journalists from around the world.
Kojima briefly addressed the audience before showing the promotional footage of Metal Gear Solid 2, which showed off a lot of the game's forthcoming features, alluded to its plot, showed some of its main characters, and kept the audience riveted until it finally erupted in applause once the trailer finally ended. The government-trained specialist Solid Snake returns as the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2, and from all the footage that was shown, it's evident that Snake looks and moves more realistically than ever before. He bolts through high-risk areas, dives out of range of enemy fire, lies in ambush around corners, shimmies across precarious catwalks, and more.

But Snake's done most of that already in Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation - as such, it's not that Metal Gear Solid 2 seems like it'll have a radically different concept than its predecessor. Instead, even as Metal Gear Solid helped set new standards for cinematic quality in games, so too does the sequel stand poised to shatter any previous conventions or expectations for quality of game graphics and gameplay realism. Solid Snake himself looks strikingly realistic in the sequel, and the game's environment is equally impressive; Although it was stated previously that the game would take place in Manhattan, it appears that most of the action actually takes place off the coast of New York, in a gigantic ship that looks like an oil tanker. The outdoor sequences aboard the ship took place in heavy rain at night, and you could see the rain drenching Snake's hair and clothing. Characters casted real-time and dynamic shadows, and in one sequence Snake waited around the corner for a guard whose elongated shadow first gave away his presence.

Another exciting sequence took place in what looked like the ship's bar, as Snake dodged gunfire that tore through liquor bottles nearby, spraying the area with glass and alcohol. Kojima stated that guards in Metal Gear Solid 2 would come in several levels of strengths, and won't all be garden-variety soldiers. In one sequence, Snake was confronted with Genome soldiers wielding riot shields that successfully deflected his bullets. The perspective then switched to the player's first-person view, which showed Snake aiming a few degrees below the shields, firing at the soldiers' legs. In spite of such surprisingly great-looking scenes, Kojima noted after the presentation that he was rather nervous about how the game would be received.
But though everyone was impressed with the preview, fans of Metal Gear Solid seemed especially excited: The game footage showed that, in addition to Snake, Metal Gear characters like the young professor Hal "Otacon" Emmerich and the deadly gunslinger Revolver Ocelot would return with major roles in the sequel. While Kojima understandably didn't want to reveal too much of the game's plot, we were able to extrapolate several details from the footage. Apparently, the blueprints of Metal Gear Rex were eventually leaked out of the deserted Alaskan base in the PlayStation game, and have since become available for sale on the black market. As a result, a number of countries and private organizations have come into possession of their own Metal Gears. To combat this proliferation of Rexes, an unknown organization (presumably FoxHound), developed a Rex-killer, dubbed Metal Gear Ray. This gargantuan can only be described as a metal version of the American Godzilla, as the robot's tail-like appendage and its ability to swim in the open seas can't help but draw comparisons to the oversized iguana.
Metal Gear Ray is supposedly being moved by ship either from or to New York, when a group of special operatives invade the oil tanker. In a matter of seconds, all of the crew and hands on deck are summarily killed. However, one lone figure stands in between the operatives and their goal of kidnapping Metal Gear Ray: Solid Snake. It appears, however, that these mysterious operatives aren't the only people after Ray. Kojima's presentation showed brief clips of boss-like characters, including Revolver Ocelot, in combat with Snake as well as the invading soldiers. These bosses are undoubtedly under the command of Solidus, the third "Snake" brother revealed after the final credits of Metal Gear Solid. In a scene that drew applause from the crowd, a female character and Snake were locked in a Matrix-style gunfight, complete with slow motion and streaking bullets, amidst a pouring rain and gale force winds.

Even more impressive was the fact that the game can be finished without ever killing any of the non-boss enemies, according to Kojima. Making this possible is the addition of a non-lethal tranquilizer gun which immobilizes soldiers for a brief period of time without raising his guard. From what we could tell, the FAMAS rifle and SOCOM pistol have been carried over into Metal Gear Solid 2. A new addition to the arsenal includes the AK-47, which is initially carried by the standard soldiers. Another particularly new gameplay feature is the ability for Snake to surprise his enemies by coming around the corner with gun drawn. Soldiers caught off guard will quickly drop their weapon and raise their hands in a plea of sorts. Kojima said that this, and other forms of enemy AI, are completely dynamic dependant on Snake's relation with the soldiers' position, weapons advantage, and other factors not quite so concrete. And as in games like Half-Life, soldiers will now behave as a group, and will attack and flank you in a coordinated effort. This is in no small part due to the addition of a military advisor to the design team, who lectured the developers on spec ops infiltration, breaching, and clearing techniques. According to Kojima, over 30 percent of the PlayStation 2's emotion engine is being devoted strictly towards this kind of enemy AI. Kojima wouldn't comment on what, if any, kind of the PlayStation 2's networking capabilities the game will take advantage of.

Whereas Metal Gear Solid focused on the theme of self-determination (and to some extent, nuclear proliferation) Kojima said that Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty will raise the alarm about the digitization of society. "What kind of liberty will we have in a completely digital society?" asked Kojima. We'll have to wait for the game's release in the fall of 2001 before we'll have an answer to that question. And for those who are wondering. Yes, the cardboard makes a return in Metal Gear Solid 2.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:04 PM
It appears the new PlayStation 2 sequel to Metal Gear Solid isn't the only stealth game in town. A new Metal Gear game, once subtitled Ghost Babel instead of Solid, is making its way to the Game Boy Color. Hideo Kojima worked on the hit PlayStation title Metal Gear Solid, and he is now taking on the role of producer in MGS for the Game Boy Color. In the article, he stated that the game was actually brought about when Konami of Europe requested a Game Boy Color title of the same name. Kojima and his team decided to pursue the project to redefine the meaning of gaming. It certainly has challenged the team to make a game with the same feel and look as that of Metal Gear Solid with pixilated graphics on Nintendo's handheld. The team mentions that the game features about 13 stages and 180 VR missions. The team also stated that the game is currently 50 to 60-percent complete.
Metal Gear Solid for the Game Boy Color is coming to Japan soon. However, no release information has been disclosed. Stay tuned for more.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:08 PM
Is Hideo Kojima's next game going to be based on The Matrix? Nope. Find out the details inside.

The latest issue of Famitsu featured a special interview with Hideo Kojima (director of Konami's Metal Gear Solid) and the Wachowski brothers (directors of the film The Matrix). Apparently, Kojima has been exchanging letters with the Wachowskis for quite some time, but he finally met them in person during the interview. The Wachowski Brothers, who play video games, said that after directing The Matrix, the first game they played was Metal Gear Solid.
Kojima and the Wachowski brothers talked about how their work shared some similarities. Kojima made a very interesting comment: "I have seen the movie four times (laughs). I like this type of work. What I was planning to do in my next project, they pretty much made into a motion picture. We were planning on certain things like characters running on walls and such, but they've beat me to it (laughs)."

Sorry folks, it's not what you have been thinking. It would be a great project if Hideo Kojima were to work on The Matrix video game, but we'll have to wait and see what his real next project is. Stay tuned.

اتمنى انه يكون عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:12 PM
Metal Gear Solid creator talks about Sony's upcoming powerhouse, the PlayStation2.

Recently the editors of the US Official PlayStation Magazine met up with the director of Konami's Metal Gear Solid to ask him about Sony's upcoming system. Here's what he had to say.
OPM: How did the PlayStation2 hardware match up to your expectations of what it would be like?Hideo Kojima: It is the best existing machine out there. However, it is not my idealization of the ultimate "dream machine."

OPM: What do you think of the PlayStation2 hardware in general? What are its strengths and weaknesses in your eyes?Kojima: If one simply focuses on the graphics capability of PS2, what you end up with will not be that different from existing games. With the appearance of PS1, 2D evolved to 3D. If one wants to re-create that impact with PS2, one must try to expand the game world extremely in a way that can be done only by adding the element of time to 3D and creating things in 4D. What is currently expected from PS2 among many people is "Hollywood graphics." If this is the direction to be taken, what we will be seeing won't be that different from PS and DC titles. Just like when games evolved from the Famicom (NES) to Super Famicom (SNES), graphics and sounds will indeed improve while playability remains the same. Fighting and racing games have become far more beautiful, but controls, gameplay, and the game experience all remain the same. What's important is what you want to express with PS2 and where you want to use its high-speed calculation capabilities.

OPM: What percentage of the PlayStation2's total potential do you think these first-generation games will use?Kojima: I think it will take three years from now for games to make complete use of the total potential of PS2. The first games will probably still be making good use of the machine's capabilities. What's key is where to use those capabilities and what to make stand out. After some trial and error, titles with new ways of expressions will appear. However, this is not going to happen right away.

OPM: How would you categorize developing for the PlayStation2 as opposed to developing for the first PlayStation? (What kinds of areas/resources are more/less important, the time it takes to do things, etc.?)Kojima: Items, systems, and ways of expression that have become "givens" in existing games will no longer be able to survive as "givens". When you present the player with real and cinema-quality graphics, how are we to show life gauges and life-restoring items on the screen? When everything shifts toward reality, a bunch of these existing rules in the game world become obstacles. In addition, as the graphics and sounds become more real, game creating becomes extremely time consuming. When the human models become more real, backgrounds, items, outfits, etc. all become more real. Then motion and everything else in the game must be made more real to avoid discrepancies. If one were to create a game with a volume equivalent to a PS1 game, it will probably take two to three times as much time. Scenario-based games will be facing a choice - whether to spend five years to release the whole thing or release half the game every two and a half years.

OPM: Besides the obvious bonuses of better graphics and sound, what does the PlayStation2 allow you to do for your games that wasn't possible on the PlayStation or other consoles?Kojima: If you just want to watch, you can enjoy DVD (movies). If you touch it, you can play games.

OPM: What do you think of the Dual Shock2 controller? Will you be using its new analog buttons feature in your game?Kojima: I am interested. I would like to use its new features.

OPM: What do you think of PlayStation2's chances of being successful? How do you view Sony in the whole Sega/Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo next-generation hardware battle?Kojima: With the DVD feature, PS2 will sell a lot. Regardless of the game software (killer contents), this is a machine that will sell because of what the machine is all about. Since the directions Sega and Nintendo are taking differ from this, I think they will coexist. Just like human genes, different kinds must coexist while a species tries to evolve.

OPM: What aspect of the PlayStation2 excites you the most, either as a developer or as a gamer, or both?Kojima: You can play your DVDs and CDs on your game console. This turns music and movies into rivals of games. These forms of entertainment become residents of the same apartment complex. For the consumer, the wall among different forms of entertainment will not disappear - the walls will become even more obvious. However, for the creator (provider) of such software, the walls will disappear. All kinds of collaborating will take place. I personally would like to create a game that will disable players to watch DVD movies because my game is just too fun to eject from the PS2.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:17 PM
The director of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, talks about the new title Ghost Babel.

The latest issue of Famitsu features an interview with Hideo Kojima and the team working on the latest Metal Gear game, tentatively titled Ghost Babel. Hideo Kojima worked on the hit PlayStation title Metal Gear Solid, and he is now taking on the role of producer in Ghost Babel for the Game Boy Color. In the article, he stated that the game was actually brought about when Konami of Europe requested a Game Boy Color title of the same name. Kojima and his team decided to pursue the project to redefine the meaning of gaming. It certainly has challenged the team to make a game with the same feel and look as that of Metal Gear Solid with pixilated graphics on Nintendo's handheld. The team mentions that Ghost Babel features about 13 stages and 180 VR missions. The team also stated that the game is currently 50 to 60-percent complete.
Metal Gear Ghost Babel for the Game Boy Color is coming to Japan soon. However, no release information has been disclosed. Stay tuned for more.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:20 PM
TOKYO - Konami seeks skilled programmers, artists, and sound editors to build its next Metal Gear.

TOKYO - Hideo Kojima, director of Metal Gear Solid, is seeking new talent for his upcoming gaming projects. Konami's Japanese web site, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, is running an advertisement requesting job applications.
Projects he is seeking new talent to help build are supposedly for the "Next Generation" Metal Gear and one other unannounced game. According to the advertisement, the Kojima team is looking for programmers, graphic designers, and sound editors.

اتمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:24 PM
Sources close to Konami tell Gamespot News it's likely that MGS2 will premiere at this year's E3.

Gamespot News knows Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid, is going to be at the Electronic Entertainment Expo this May in Los Angeles. Yet Konami has not confirmed whether or not Metal Gear Solid 2 would make an appearance as well.
A source close to Konami, however, told Gamespot News that there will indeed be an unveiling of Metal Gear Solid 2 at E3 in Los Angeles next month. And that it's not coming to the PlayStation, but rather the PlayStation 2. The company has not made an official announcement on this subject yet and will likely remain tightlipped until E3.

Announcements aside, little is known as to what the game will actually be about, although we have unconfirmed information that it will be set in New York and that you will be able to choose between two playable characters. GameSpot News will indeed let you know what Konami is up to at E3.

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20-10-2000, 06:27 PM
Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, talks about the PlayStation 2 hardware and his upcoming sequel MGS 2.

Metal Gear Solid 2, which made its worldwide debut at the E3 show, was one of the most talked-about aspects of the show. Patron's flocked to Konami's booth to get a glimpse of the MGS sequel on Sony's next-generation PlayStation 2 hardware, and most came away impressed. The game's creator, Hideo Kojima, however has his reservations about the capabilities of the PlayStation 2. In an interview with MSNBC, Kojima-san talked about the difficulties of creating truly extraordinary content for the PS2 to match his creative and broad vision.

"When the PlayStation 2 was first announced, Sony said you could get Hollywood-movie graphics quality, and that is true," Kojima said. "But if we tried to create Metal Gear Solid 2 trying to maintain that quality of graphics throughout the game ...we cannot do it."

When asked if he expected such graphical quality from the PS2, Kojima-san said, "I was actually expecting something much better, and we were not getting what we expected. In the early days I really dreaded going to work because I knew we were not going to get what we expected." However, he was quick to point out that the video shown at E3 is in the very early stages of development. The final version, in his words, will be " ...improved in all aspects."

Kojima went on to explain that with MGS 2, the idea was to disperse the polygon counts throughout the environments. Instead of creating a highly detailed model of Solid Snake, the game's hero, he was more concerned with adding waves, rain effects, reflections, interactive objects, and realistic shadows to the fully 3D environments.

Another interesting feature Kojima-san talked about was the game's adaptive nature. According to Kojima, Metal Gear Solid's difficulty level will increase and decrease depending on the player's actions through the first portions of the game. Depending on choices made by the player, the game will decide to show or withhold some of the gorier, or more mature, aspects.

For more of the interview, including some interesting story and gameplay details, check out MSNBC Online.

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مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:31 PM
Z.O.E. for the PS2 will feature a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid 2.

Konami today announced at the Tokyo Game Show that Zone of the Enders for the PlayStation 2 will feature a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Hideo Kojima, director of Metal Gear Solid 2, commented, "Although Metal Gear Solid 2 will not be released until later next year, in the meantime, we would like to include a playable demo of the game in the upcoming PS2 title, Z.O.E."
Z.O.E. for the PlayStation 2 is scheduled for a February 2001 release in Japan.

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20-10-2000, 06:34 PM
Details on the new trailer featuring brand new footage of Metal Gear Solid 2.

Even though the show floor of ECTS is spread out over a number of convention halls, as soon as the doors opened, many attendees made a beeline to the Konami booth. That's because a few weeks before the show started, rumors emerged of a new trailer featuring brand new footage of Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The rumor was confirmed when, after watching about 20 minutes of pre-existing E3 footage, viewers were treated to a spectacular new trailer of one of next year's most anticipated games.
The new movie of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty opens up on a rainy night on the Brooklyn Bridge. The camera pans upward from underneath the metal- and woodworking of the bridge's underbelly to reveal the evening traffic leaving New York City. As the cars streak by, the camera focuses on a lone, rain-soaked figure walking on the bridge's sidewalk. Although he's wearing a trenchcoat that hides his face, a telltale cigarette quickly gave away Solid Snake's identity to the audience. Snake takes one last drag from the cigarette, flicks the butt aside, and breaks into an all-out sprint. Then in a sequence of events seemingly right out of Ghost in the Shell, Snake rips off his coat, activates his stealth suit, and then bungies headfirst over the side of the bridge as the camera freezes and rotates around him in mid-jump.

The remainder of the footage was displayed in quick bursts - some was sequences taken from the E3 trailer, but from different camera angles. Some of the new footage involved Snake sneaking past a group of soldiers watching a Zone of the Enders trailer (another Kojima game). Another scene depicted Metal Gear Ray, the new threat in Metal Gear Solid 2, getting hit by a small rocket. While no footage of the new bosses was shown, one quick scene did reveal one of Metal Gear Solid 2's new enemies: a VTOL unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV. These airborne cameras come in various shapes and sizes, and are currently used by NASA and the US military to gain reconnaissance info in high-risk areas. Snake is shown dodging behind a corner in an attempt to avoid a hovering UAV's camera.

The new trailer is shorter than the show Konami put on at E3, and lasts no longer than three minutes. The footage closes with the text "Snake is Back" and "2001: Year of the Snake," which appear against a black backdrop amid the reflection of a sea of smiling show-goers. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is still scheduled for a late 2001 release for the PlayStation 2. Look for movie footage and screens of this trailer shortly.

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20-10-2000, 06:37 PM
TOKYO - Konami's next major Dreamcast release is likely to be Raizeleet, rumored to be Hideo Kojima's next game.

TOKYO - Konami announced its next Dreamcast game, Raizeleet, developed by KCE Japan. Konami only released a single piece of conceptual art for the game, but it's safe to say that the game will be set in a fantasy world with a musician as the protagonist who has been invited by a king to the castle. His musical instrument looks like a sort of guitar that can understand what people are talking about. Some are saying that Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid, is involved in this game. It's not known if this is true or not, but we'll let you know.
Konami also revealed that its talented development team, Major Ace, is working on the latest game in the International Superstar Soccer series. It's currently being called Jikkyou J League Perfect Striker 2. The game will have a success mode that is a popular feature of Konami's other acclaimed sports series, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball. This is a create-a-player mode that has made Powerful Pro Baseball the best baseball game in Japan. In the latest installment of PPB, the success mode has been turned into its own game - Powapuro-kun Pocket, a Game Boy game. Now you can create and train your player when you aren't at home. It's not known if the latest soccer game will have this same kind of spin-off title. No release date has been set for the latest ISS installment yet.

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مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:40 PM
Konami provides a behind-the-scenes look at its E3 Metal Gear Solid 2 extravaganza.

Konami Computer Entertainment recently posted several journal-style entries on its MGS 2 web site that offer a behind-the-scenes look at the showing of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty at this year's E3. They detail the pre-E3 press event, discuss the E3 around-the-clock showing of the MGS 2: Sons of Liberty trailer, and recount the crowd's reaction to Hideo Kojima's highly anticipated game.
They are certainly an interesting read, especially for those unable to attend the 2000 E3 show. Hit this link to head over to Konami's MGS 2 web site.

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20-10-2000, 06:50 PM
MGS2: E3 2000 Report

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) -- the world's largest video game show held in the US.
This year it was held in the LA Convention Center from May 11 to 13. At this event, the footage of "Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty (MGS2) made its world premier.
In addition, on May 10, a special premier event of MGS2 was held at Universal Studios in LA. Hideo Kojima and his MGS2 staff flew to LA to attend this event.

May 10: MGS2 Special Premier Event

The van went under the gate saying "Universal Studios" and entered Universal Studios territory.
This "Universal Studios" is not the theme park we know of, but instead was the corporate facility with office buildings and studios.
Walking a bit, we got to the screening room with a blue plate by the door with the Universal logo and "Theatre 1".
The screening room with 200 seats had only a few employees preparing for the event, leaving tranquillity in the room.

Once the bus with journalists and reporters arrived in front of the screening room, the venue was quickly flooded by people and cameras. Portable battery lights of video cameras could be seen all over in the dark room.
Flashes are seen everywhere while people take pictures with their cameras.
By the time the MC opened the event, the room was filled with standing journalists as well.

A video on the previous MGS was first shown. The video was a remix of MGS game footage prepared by a fan.
This video contains great amounts of condensed info of MGS, wisely using memorable scenes and lines from the game.
The video is not only powerful but delicate in delivery. Mr. Kojima personally asked KOA (Konami of America) to show this video "as an introduction of the previous game."

After its showing, the MC introduces Mr. Kojima. Mr. Kojima gets up to the podium aside the screen.

Good afternoon and welcome to all of you.
Thank you very much for coming to this event.

Today, I am very excited. I am filled with deep emotions.
This is because I can announce to you the development of the Metal Gear Solid sequel at this festival called E3.

Three years ago at E3 in Atlanta,
we showed the video of the first Metal Gear Solid..
The name "Metal Gear" was known in Japan.

But outside Japan, no one knew Metal Gear.
And no one knew me.

Back then, there was no great room like today.
We just quietly showed the video in our booth.
However, I remember it got great reactions.

Starting at E3,
Metal Gear Solid was very well received all over the world

A "no name" game became such a big title because of E3
-- because of you here today.

Our staff and myself always believed
that the announcement of a new Metal Gear Solid MUST be at E3.
With this in mind, I want to say, "I AM BACK!"

Again, I want to thank you for my announcement
of Metal Gear Solid 2 here at E3.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.

E3 is every memorable event for Mr. Kojima. This is because the previous MGS was first announced at E3 97 in Atlanta and was very well received. For Mr. Kojima and for the MGS series, "announcing the production of MGS2 as E3 as the opener" was very significant.
After Mr. Kojima spoke of such feelings, the room was filled with cheers and applauding.

And finally the MGS2 trailer was shown.
When the lights went out, the audience quieted down.
Graphics that have improved significantly from the previous game, the exhilarating scenario, Snake's actions that adds depth to the game, rain, smoke, the cloth waving in the wind, flying cartridges, shattering glass...
Each and every single detail adds up to realize the "space in which you can even feel the smell" -- something that no video game in the past has accomplished -- overwhelming the audience.

When the 9-minute trailer ended, the long applauding filled the room.

After the premier event, the staff and journalists moved to the Universal Cafe for the press conference.
When Mr. Kojima got to the podium, cameramen surrounded him and questions flooded him.

"How much of that video was gameplay and how much was CG movies?" -- To this question all had in their minds, Mr. Kojima gave the following answer.
"Only the first 5 seconds of the snow scene in the beginning was CG, and everything else was graphics shown in real time by PS2. I played the game and I edited the footage."
The crowd cheered when hearing this. No one expected most of the trailer to be gameplay.

Many questions followed, and Mr. Kojima had to say "That's a secret" to those questions touching upon things we could not reveal yet. This resulted in laughter. After the half-hour conference, the journalists were given the E3 MGS2 press sheet and a crystal paper weight engraved "METAL GEAR SOLID 2 SONS OF LIBERTY WORLD MAY 10, 2000". The journalists then left the venue on their buses.

The event was a major success. One could tell from the satisfied looks on the journalists' faces.
But still ahead of us was E3. Unlike at this event, not everyone comes to E3 for the purpose of viewing MGS2.

May 11-13: at E3

The LA Convention Center which stands by the freeway of LA consisted of two halls.
The Konami booth was set in the middle of the South Hall. A large multiscreen video wall was set in the middle, surrounded by sports games and playables. The panel placed below the video wall showed the airing times of the MGS2 trailer.

During E3, footage of various Konami games were shown on the video wall. At every hour, the MGS2 trailer was to be shown.
The first airing was at 12:00 on the first day, and there were 20 showing s during the 3 days.

At the reception counter of the Konami booth, the MGS2 press sheet was about to be distributed.

- A press sheet prepared for E3 with limited production. About 10,000 copies were prepared.
- The size B4 press sheet included Japanese translations along with the Z.O.E (working title) sheet.
- The unfoldable inside had a large illustration of Metal Gear Ray.

Although the reception counter was located in the deeper zone of the Konami booth, people constantly came to obtain the press sheet.
Crowds formed especially after each showing of the trailer to get a copy of the press sheet.

While all of this took place up front, interviews of Mr. Kojima with newspapers, magazines, TV programs, online magazines, etc. were conducted from the opening to the closing of each day in the interview located way deep in the Konami booth. US, Japanese, and European journalists continuously visited us every 30 minutes; over 30 interviews were completed over the 3 days. The only break Mr. Kojima was allowed was the daily 1-hour lunch break.

About an hour before the first airing -- right around 11 AM -- a crowd started to form in front of the video wall.

At 11:30, the floor in front of the screen was filled with people, and 10 minutes before the showing, even the hallways were flooded. When Mr. Kojima just made it to the beginning right after his previous interview, more than 500 people were waiting.

At 12 PM, smoke sprayed out from the sides of the screen and flashlights blinked. The applauding and cheers uprising along with the smoke quieted down when the footage began to show.
When the trailer ended, the applause did not. Mr. Kojima smiled in relief. He was relieved for one reason.
The scene toward the end of the trailer when Snake sneezes and a bunch of soldiers look back with the "!" on top of their heads was not that appreciated in Japan internally, and many suggested to cut it. This scene ended up being one of the most popular ones in the trailer, followed by laughter and applauding.

Other scenes with great impact resulted in "WOWs" and emotionally exciting scenes made people stare at the screen.
During the 9 minutes of airing, the audience and screen became one. How much more can a provider of entertainment be satisfied from such a moment.

When the airing finished and Mr. Kojima was on his way returning to the interview room behind the Konami booth reception counter, he was stopped by a fan and was asked for an autograph. The fan took out the special pamphlet which was part of the limited edition of the PlayStation "Metal Gear Solid". He probably brought this pamphlet for this exact moment. When the fan opened the pamphlet to the page with Mr. Kojima's interview, Mr. Kojima signed it and added the number "2000".

When Mr. Kojima looked up after the autograph, there was a line of fans asking for the same.
They all carried with them a copy of the freshly acquired press sheet and stood in line waiting for their turns. Mr. Kojima used the booth wall to write against and continued doing the autograph thing.

The airing took place at every hour.
What was surprising was that the crowd and cheering seen for the first airing was not a one-shot deal. Every time the trailer aired, people flooded the area. People probably talked about it everywhere, and the audience seemed to increase in number each time.
There were websites on the Internet that showed reports of the excitement of MGS2 only moments after the actual event.

The uproar and excitement did not calm down a bit on Day 2. At every airing a huge crowd formed and was sucked into the screen and then left with satisfied faces.
Mr. Kojima paid visits between interviews whenever possible. He seemed to have trouble absorbing the incredible hype.

This day, character and mechanical designer Yoji Shinkawa had a guest.
This was an American fan who visited Shinkawa at every E3 year after year. According to Shinkawa, his Japanese improved each time. His Japanese was indeed good enough for everyday life in Japan. His pronunciation was very good as well. When Shinkawa asked him how he learned his Japanese, he said he watches a lot of Japanese animation and drama. It is true that there are cable channels with a lot of Japanese programs. But Shinkawa was still amazed by his rate of improvement.
When we asked him what about Shinkawa's works he liked, he said with a shy look, "Everything." He was taking a flight home the next day.

The final day.
Mr. Kojima seemed to be worn out from the consecutive interviews on the previous days. But that didn't change his sincere attitude when answering questions.

"What's new is that you can shoot your weapon in first person view and aim at a certain spot. This way you can, for example, change where you want to shoot your tranquilizer gun and vary when the medicine "kicks in". You can also shoot the enemy's radio to prevent him from calling for help."
"In the trailer, window glasses, bottles, and pumpkins were shattered by bullets. They all shatter depending on where they are hit by the bullet."
"All buttons are analog-compatible. If you press the button hard, Snake points his gun quickly. If you press the button softly, Snake will crouch without making noise. How you press the buttons will determine Snake's response speed in every way." etc. etc.

You can tell that not only the graphics but also the gameplay has evolved drastically.
The journalists growled in awe after some Kojima comments and then showed glittering child-like eyes afterother comments.

It seemed like there were fewer people at E3 relative to Days 1 & 2. However, there was no such decrease in front of the video wall at the MGS2 trailer airings. Since there seemed to be more people "sort of checking out the trailer"
because they were told to do so by others, and since many people in the crowd have already seen the trailer over and over, the crowds on Day 3 seemed to be more "reserved".
But then the last airing which was the 20th one drew the biggest crowd of all airings. At the end was the loudest cheering and applause.

It was later announced that MGS2 was given 3 E3 awards. The "E3 Awards" are decided by attendees of E3. The awards are -- Best Visuals, Best PS2 Adventure Game, and Best of the Show.

The hype at the venue was proven to be true this way. The MGS2 staff were all grateful.

However, we believe what Yoji Shinkawa said on the way back to the hotel on Day 3 was how everyone truly felt.
"The pressure on us is now stronger."

Yes. The success at E3 will bear fruit in the true sense when the work is complete and when it is out for the world to evaluate.

MGS2 -- scheduled to be released in 2001. We ask you all to keep your hopes up high and wait for its launch.

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مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

20-10-2000, 06:54 PM
Petition for More Kojima Titles

Fans demand that two of Hideo (Metal Gear Solid) Kojima's earlier titles, Policenauts and Snatcher, be brought to the PlayStation.

Concerned gamer Adam Laatz has created a site to petition Konami of America to release two of Hideo (Metal Gear Solid) Kojima's earlier games, Policenauts and Snatcher, for the PlayStation in the US.
Laatz points out that since Snatcher already appeared on the Sega CD, and Policenauts was at one time planned for the Saturn (and thought to be mostly translated), an English PlayStation edition may not be incredibly labor intensive for the company to create, and he's rallying others for support. We here at videogames.com would love to see a collection of the two games and hope you'll take the time to fill out Mr. Laatz's petition (and if you're from Konami, that you might check out the page and consider it).

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مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

23-10-2000, 02:26 PM
مشكور على هذا الموضوع الشيق والي اتمنى ان يحوز على اعلى جائزة المنتدى .........
على فكره ما في هناك جائزه لافضل مقال لهذا الشهر ..........................

23-10-2000, 06:32 PM
For the handful of you out there who haven't yet played Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation, or the PC elite who refuse to lower themselves to playing games on a dedicated console, Microsoft and Konami present Metal Gear Solid PC. The duo of companies have just opened a website dedicated to the Microsoft-produced PC port, complete with screen shots, storyline info and all the details on what this port will offer players. وللمزيد من التفاصيل راح تلاقون بموقع جيم فور أرب الكثير عن هذا الكلام.

تمنى انه عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

23-10-2000, 06:38 PM
يدور براس اكثر الناس وش اسم ميتل جير2 الي هو راح ينزل بالانجليزي تحت اسم ميتل جير سوليد2 سينس اوف ليبرتي ومعنى سينس اوف ليبرتي يعني أبناء الحرية اتمنى ان هذي المعلومة عجبتكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

24-10-2000, 06:09 PM
هذي يا اخواني زوار المنتدى مقابلة مع الشخص الي قام بأداء صوت سوليد سنيك بالانجليزي ديفد هايتر من موقع بدر أون لاين وهذا الكلام الي دار معه:-

س-كم عمرك

جـ-30 سنة كنت 29 عندما قمت بتمثيل الصوت

س-من أين أنت؟

جـ-سانتا مونيكا في كاليفورنيا

س-متى بدأت بتمثيل الأفلام

جـ-انتقلت إلى لوس أنجيلوس قبل 7 سنوات وهناك بدأت بالتمثيل

س-هل قمت بلعب ميتل جير

جـ-بالطبع فقد كنت سعيداً بها كثيراً

س-ما هو رأيك في اللعبة

جـ أعتقد أنها رائعة ولكن قصيرة

س-هل ستقوم بعمل الصوت في ميتل جير2

جـ-بالتأكيد ولكن كونامي لم تتصل بي بعد فممثلوا الصوت هم آخر من يعلم

س-هل لديك شئ أخير تقوله للجماهي

جـ-في المرة القادمة التي أقوم فيها بعمل صوت سوليد سنيك أريدكم جميعاً أن تكونوا معي

اتمنى أن هذا الموضوع عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

24-10-2000, 06:15 PM
طبعا زي ما احنا عارفين ان هيدوكوجيما هو مخرج لعبة ميتل جير سوليد ولكم هذي المقابلة الي صارت معه من موقع بدر أون لاين:-

س-كيف اختلفت حركات سنيك عن السابق؟

جـ-سنيك لديه جميع الحركات السابقة فكما رأيتم في العرض إنه يستطيع الزحف والتسلل ولكن هناك أكثر من الحركات يستطيع فعلها

س-ماذا عن التحكم هل تغير عن السابق؟

جـ-بالطبع لا فتحكم ميتل جير من أفضل أنواع التحكم الموجودة ولكن زر المنظور الأول الذي يتم بضغط زر المثلث لأنه يمكنكالآن من التصويب وأيضاً سوف نستفيد من الزر الجديد بيد التحكم الجديدة

س-مالذي يميز ميتل جير 2 عن باقي الألعاب؟

جـ-مافكرنا به هو وضع عالم صناعي كامل حيث يمكنك فيه احساس الحرارة العيش مع الشخصية ودمج الواقعية مع التسلية فيمكنك الاستمتاع باللعبة حتى بدون القصة

س-ماالأشياء الجديدة التي لم تستطع وضعها بالسابق والآن استطعت وضعها؟

جـ-هناك العديد من الأشياء لم أستطع فعلها ولكن مع البلاي ستيشن2 نستطيع فعلها كمثال يمكنك الآن الاختباء في خزانة أو أ، تخبئ جثثاً في خزانة أو أن تستخدمها كدرع هذا شئ وضعناه هنا

س-ماذا عن الموسيقى في اللعبة؟

جـ-في اللعبة نملك أوركسترا كاملة مع اللاعب وستتغير مع اقتراب الجنود منك وتصبح موترة وأسرع فنحن لن نغير من المقطوعة أ إلى المقطوعة ب بل سنجري تغييرات على المقطوعة أ نفسها

س-هل أجريتم أبحاثاً على الأسلحة؟

جـ-لقد قمنا بزيارة معسكر جيش باليابان وقمنا بدراسة دبابة حقيقيةوغيرها في جولة استمرت 3 أيام لذا توقعوا العديد من الأسلحة الحقيقية في اللعبة

س-ماذا عن الذكاء الصناعي للجنود؟

جـ-لا أزال أعترف بأنه كان هناك تصرفات غبية من الجنود في الجزء الأول ولكن الآن الجنود يحملون ذكاء صناعياً يشمل ثلاثين بالمائة من اللعبة فهذه المرة لن تواجه حارساً أو حارسين بل ستواجه كحد أقصى ثمانية ولكنهم الآن يتعاملون كفريق إنهم يستطيعون الاختباء ثم الخروج واطلاق النار وهم يحملون دروعاً واقية وهناك المزيد وهذا ما يجعل نظام القتال أكثر تعقيداً وبذلك أكثر متعة

س-لقد لاحظنا في العرض بأن سنيك كان يمضغ علكاً في فمه؟

جـ-يضحك..ويقول:إنه من الغريب أنك لاحظت ذلك ولكن ذلك له علاقة بالقصة لذا فلا أستطيع قول الكثير

س-ماذا عن أحداث القصة؟

جـ-الجهاز الجديد المدعو بميتل جير راي اسمه مأخوذ من مانتاراي وميتل جير السابق مدعو بريكس تشبيهاً له بالديناصور تي-ريكس ربما يمكنكم فهم شيء من هذا ، أحداث القصة تدور في نيويورك وسوف تشهد بعض الشخصيات القديمة مثل ريفولفر أسلوت

اتمنى أن هذا الموضوع عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

24-10-2000, 06:19 PM
Metal Gear Solid PC Site Opens

The official site for the PC version of the popular PlayStation game is now open.

Microsoft has launched its official site for the PC version of Metal Gear Solid. The site contains general information on the game and an interview with the program manager. Metal Gear Solid places you in the role of Solid Snake, who must prevent terrorists from activating Metal Gear Rex, a new weapon with nuclear launch capabilities. When it's released, the PC version of Metal Gear Solid will include features found only in Metal Gear Solid: Integral, which was a Japan-only release, and Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions.
Microsoft is aiming for a late fall release. Check out these 15 screens of the high-resolution PC graphics.

Type '-cheatenable' into command line of the game (MGSI.exe) by renaming it mgsi.exe-cheatenable. Then press the following keys to access the desired cheat.
Code - Result F2 - God Mode
F4 - Unlimited Ammo
F6 - Observe Mode
F5 - Normal Mode
F7 - Fast Level Restart

Technical demonstration mode
Successfully complete the following modes in order: "Training", "Time Trial", "Gun Shooting", "Survival". Note: Completing each mode will unlock the next mode in the sequence. Then, technical demonstration mode will be unlocked. Use it to watch the CPU demonstrate its best time with the gun.

Infinite ammo
Successfully complete the game without submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive a bandana. Save your game, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when you equip the bandana you can use an unlimited amount of ammo and will not have to reload your gun.

Fa-Mas Infinite Tracers
You will find that, when down to your last 3 shots with your equipped Fa-Mas, the bandana is especially useful. When equipped with 3 or less shot remaining, the bandana will turn all your Fa-Mas shots into tracers. This will help your accuracy significantly.

Exercising Meryl
While crawling along the duct in the Holding Cells, you may look down to see Meryl in her cell exercising. Should you leave the duct immediately (down the ladder), and re-enter it again, Meryl adopts a series of different workout moves each consecutive time you view her. They are: A) sit- ups, B) single-arm push-ups, C) stretching, D) sit-ups in underwear, E) single-arm push-ups in underwear, F) stretching in underwear, G) sit-ups (same as A, and continuing with these from here on.)

Stealth camouflage
Successfully complete the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to not save Meryl. Then at the end of the game you will receive stealth camouflage. Save your game, then start a new game using the same saved game. Now when you equip the stealth camouflage enemies (except bosses) and cameras will not detect you.

Reach area B2 of the tank hanger. Then at the end of the hallway to the right of the door where you fight Ocerot is a secret room that is entered after using C4 explosive. In the room are security card level 4 and 6 doors. The camera is in the room behind the security card level 4 door. Alternatively, beat the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured. After you receive the camera there will be an "Album" option on the main menu, use this option to view pictures that have been taken.

New textures
Successfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, and getting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealth camouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, reach Ninja without using the bandana or stealth camouflage. If done correctly, Ninja will be red. There will now be new textures for Snake and Ninja and new bonus music during the ending.

Alternate costume
Successfully complete the game two times using the same saved game file, and getting a different ending both times by getting the bandana and stealth camouflage. Then during the next (third) time the game is played, Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator.

Codec frequencies
Name Frequency
Campbell/Naomi - 140.85
Mel Ling - 140.96
Master - 141.80
Otacon - 141.12
Meryl - 140.15
Nastasha - 141.52
Deepthroat - 140.48

Pantless Meryl
Follow Meryl into the Women's bathroom and reach the last stall in under five seconds. Meryl will be caught with her pants down during the next sequence.

Humorous Meryl comments
Look at Meryl with the scope or camera.

Hidden ghosts
Take a picture of the following locations using the camera to view hidden ghosts who are KCEJ development team members.

Name Location
Fujimura Elevator in the Comm Tower B complex
Fukushima Heliport; looking out to sea from cliff
Hirano Elevator in Comm Tower B; deep in the shaft of top level
Ishiyama Heliport top of building
Ito Inside elevator to tank hangar
Jerem Blaustein Sniper Wolf's corpse
Kaneda The mirror located in the Women's restroom
Kimura MG underground base; tip of Metal Gear 's railgun
Kinbara Dark area of stairs
Kitao Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
Kobayashi Rock in canyon
Kobayashi Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
Kojima Otacon lab; the picture frame to the right
Korekado Men's restroom
Kozyou Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
Kutome Observation room
Makimura Hidden armory store room; behind the weakened wall
Matsuhana Hallway of corpses; outside Otacons lab
Mizutani When fighting Metal Gear
Mori Lowest point of elevator; Comm Tower B
Mukaide Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle
Muraoka Water in cargo dock
Nakamura In Meryl's blood pool; where she is sniped
Negishi Sewage waterfall
Nishimura Next to Baker's corpse
Okajima Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
Onoda Where Baker is tied up
Sasaki Picture frames in the Commander's room
Sato Comm Tower A; roof destroyed by Hind D missiles
Scott Dolph Deep down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Towers A and B
Shigeno Heliport,security caera by staircase
Shikama Electric floor
Shimizu Wolf dog cave; first crawling point
Shinkawa Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
Sonoyama Torture machine
Takade Ninja room; glass atedga
Tanaka Heliport; sleeping soldier
Tougo End of boiler room; in Blast Furnace with the steam
Toyota Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse
Uehara Edge of elevator; where the ravens are
Yamashita Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
Yoshimura Dead end of air duct
Yoshioka Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace

WARNING: These are potential spoilers!

Defeating Metal Gear
To knock out the radar on Rex, use your stingers, but first throw out a chaff grenade before he arises. Use the stingers while Rex is trying to find you (he shoudl still be blinded by the chaff.) Don't wait for the target lock to return after you shoot once, just wait for the smoke to clear. Don't forget to keep throwing out the occasional chaff. After you talk to Gray Fox, use the stingers, and don't stop. If you put the stinger launcher away, the missiles will knock you down, so just keep firing the stingers into the cockpit. Use your rations sparingly. Chaffs won't do any good this time, since Liquid is controlling Rex manually. Remember, if you take it out of the launcher screen, you'll get knocked over by the missiles, and most likely die. Just remember you don't need the lock to fire.

Defeating Psycho Mantis
To defeat Psycho Mantis you will have to control Snake with your Keyboard.

Defeating Sniper Wolf
To defeat Sniper Wolf, you need to go all the way back to the Armory and go into the room with six mini-rooms inside of it. Go into the top-left room using your recently acquired level 5 key card. Inside is a PSG-1 and some ammo for it. Now go back to Sniper Wolf. You should have picked up some Diazepam by now. This will allow you to aim your PSG-1 without trembling. Go back to Sniper Wolf and shoot her with your PSG-1. She may be hard to spot at times because she likes to hide behind things. Look for her breath, and wait for her to come out. Equipping your thermal goggles will also help.

Defeating Sniper Wolf (2nd time)
Equip your Nikita and run up. You will have a short fmv and then run to the lower left. Use your Nikita to attack Wolf. It is easier to attack her with the missiles than it is to snipe her with the PS-G1. Make sure she doesn't see your missile because she might shoot it. It is easier to see her in first-person mode.

Defeating The Ninja
Once you've reached the Ninja engage him in fisicuffs in order to get a fair fight. After a suitable thrashing, the Ninja will begin to glow. Time your next attacks between the flares knock him into submission.

Defeating the Tank Gunner
After Meryl opens the cargo door for you in the first floor of the Tank Hangar, you should go up top and make sure you get the Mine Detector. Now go back down and through the door. Turn on your Thermal Goggles so you can see the infrared sensors moving across the room. Make your way across the room carefully so you don't touch any of them. If you do, the doors will shut and the room will fill up with poisonous gas. After making it through that room, you'll have to fight the Tank Gunner. First, turn on the Mine Detector and crawl over all of the Claymore mines so you can pick them up. Then throw out a Chaff Grenade to disable the Tank Gunner's main weapon. With the main weapon temporarily dysfunctional, all the gunner can hit you with is the regular gun. Try to maneuver yourself so that you can get behind the tank, and then throw as many grenades as you can on it. Be sure to throw a Chaff Grenade out every time the one you previously threw out wears off. Also, there are Rations and more Grenades scattered out over the battle field. These will certainly help you make it through this fight.

Destroying the Generator
To blow up the generator, you need a Nikita missile. Simply fire it and then get in first-person mode to make it easier to aim the missile. First turn right, and go through the door straight ahead, then left and you'll be in the room with the generator. Now just aim right for it. The camera sentries may shoot the missile down, so you may have to try this more than once.

اتمنى انه يكون عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

24-10-2000, 11:41 PM
رايت في احد عروض ميتل جير مشهد حيث يقوم بالزحف خلف مجموعة كبيرة من الجنود وفجأة يعطس ويستدير جميع الجنود نحوة ماذا ستفعل لو تعرضت لمثل هذا الموقف اذا كنت تلعبها؟ بعد صدورها طبعا!!

24-10-2000, 11:43 PM

25-10-2000, 12:01 AM
()[img]http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/ps2/metalgearsolid2/MetalGearSolid2_b2_thumb02[/img ]

25-10-2000, 06:56 PM
هلا با اخوي اوميجا بس انت وش قصدك بالرد الي قلته ووش قصدك بعنوان الرد (ماذا ستفعل)؟؟!! اتمنى انك تجاوبني بأسرع وقت. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

26-10-2000, 12:00 AM
اقصد ان فية ولا مائة جندي كلهم موجهين اسلحتهم لسوليد ايه تسوي لو كنت مكانة
شفت هذا في واحد من العروض الخاص بمتل جير.
اقولك هذا مشهد ولا كل المشاهدفي مثل روعتة .
انا مدري بعدين لو توصل اللعبة هذة اللعبة في ايدي ماذا سأفعل لو تعرضت لمثل هذا الموقف تهرب ولا تظل تقاتل لآخر طلقةوآخر نفس .

26-10-2000, 12:36 AM

26-10-2000, 12:45 AM
هي شباب بس لوتحدد على الأسم من html الى http وتلصقوها في سطر العنوان لكي تشوفوا الصورة .
وشباب اعذروني اني كتبت اكثر من رد في نفس الموضوع اكثر من مرة
مع ان رد واحد كان يكفي لإني جديد على هذا النوع من النتديات.

26-10-2000, 07:52 PM
هلا فيك يا اخوي اوميجا الصراحه تفاعلك معي بالموضوع حلو ومافي داعي انك تعتذر انك كثرت كلام لا بالعكس انا حاط هذا الموضوع علشان عشاق ميتل جير يقولون الي عندهم من استفسارات وأسئله ومواضيع حول ميتل جير الأسطورة بالنسبة لميتل جير2 على السوني2 يقول مخرج اللعبة (^_^)هيدوكوجيما(^_^) ان اللعبة لما تصدر على الجهاز راح تكون رسوم اللعبة وانت قاعد تلعب بسنيك احلى من رسوم العرض الي كلنا شفناه واتمنى ان موضوعي عجبك وانا استنى تفاعلاتك معي بالموضوع. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

26-10-2000, 08:39 PM
هذا يا اخواني تقرير عن العمل في لعبة ميتل جير2 على السوني2 مو موقع بدر او لاين وهذا هو التقرير:-

يوجي شينكاوا- هيدو كوجيما

بعد صدور ميتل جير في اليابان والنجاح الهائل التي حققته مبيعات اللعبة رقي هيدو كوجيما إلى مدير شركة كونامي وأصبح يوجي شينكاوا مصمم الشخصيات والرسوم الفنية نائب المدير الجميع الآن يريد معرفة الأحوال التي تحدث على اللعبة هل ينساها المصممون ويأخذون استراحة ثم يعودون إليها الجواب هنا هو لا فالعمل على اللعبة مستمر حتى آخر لحظة من صدورها (هيدو كوجيما) يريد من اللعبة أن تغير مجرى الألعاب ويبدو أنه نجح في ذلك فالعروض التي رأيناها تثبث أن اللعبة أشبه بفيلم إثارةيضعك في عالم حقيقي ولكن اللعب رغم صعوبته هل سيصل إلى مستوى صعوبة العمل على اللعبة ..لايمكن فالعمل أصعب بكثير فقد صرح هيدو كوجيما في المؤتمر الصحفي الذي أقيم في معرض إي3 أن تكاليف صناعة اللعبة تطابق تكاليف فيلم (جودزيلا) وأن آلة ميتل جير راي لا تضاهي ذلك الوحش (جودزيلا) فحسب بل أن اللعبة كلها تعتبر بجودة رسوم الكومبيوتر المستعملة في ذلك الفيلم

في بداية مسيرة اللعبةلايقوم المصممون بفعل أي شئ بل يقوم مصمم الرسوم الفنية (يوجي شينكاوا) بأخذ السيناريو الذي يكتبه هيدو كوجيما و يقوم بقرائته ثم يقوم بتخيله فيرسم شخصيات في أوراق عادية بأقلام الرصاص ثم يقوم بعرضها للمصممين الذين يقومون بعدها بتحويل الرسوم التي على الورق إلى شخصيات واقعية في عالم ثلاثي الأبعاد ولكن هناك شئ آخر فالعالم الثلاثي الأبعاد يتم تصميمه في البداية بواسطة التركيبات ثم يوضع في اللعبة كما هو الحال مع الشخصيات . الأمر بالفعل معقد جداً ولكن بالنسبة لمائتي شخص فهو لا يعتبر أمراً صعباً كما كان الحال بالسابق مع ميتل جير التي صممها 35 شخصاً فقط

اتمنى انه يكون عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

28-10-2000, 07:27 PM
هذا يا اخواني زوار المنتدى بعض الكلام الي قيل في موقع الخطير2000 عن اللعبة السطورة ميتل جير وهذا الكلام الي كان بالموقع:-

هيدو كوجيما إلى مدير شركة كونامي وأصبح يوجي شينكاوا مصمم الشخصيات والرسوم الفنية نائب المدير الجميع الآن يريد معرفة الأحوال التي تحدث على اللعبة هل ينساها المصممون ويأخذون استراحة ثم يعودون إليها الجواب هنا هو لا فالعمل على اللعبة مستمر حتى آخر لحظة من صدورها (هيدو كوجيما) يريد من اللعبة أن تغير مجرى الألعاب ويبدو أنه نجح في ذلك فالعروض التي رأيناها تثبث أن اللعبة أشبه بفيلم إثارةيضعك في عالم حقيقي ولكن اللعب رغم صعوبته هل سيصل إلى مستوى صعوبة العمل على اللعبة ..لايمكن فالعمل أصعب بكثير فقد صرح هيدو كوجيما في المؤتمر الصحفي الذي أقيم في معرض إي3 أن تكاليف صناعة اللعبة تطابق تكاليف فيلم (جودزيلا) وأن آلة ميتل جير راي لا تضاهي ذلك الوحش (جودزيلا) فحسب بل أن اللعبة كلها تعتبر بجودة رسوم الكومبيوتر المستعملة في ذلك الفيلم

في بداية مسيرة اللعبةلايقوم المصممون بفعل أي شئ بل يقوم مصمم الرسوم الفنية (يوجي شينكاوا) بأخذ السيناريو الذي يكتبه هيدو كوجيما و يقوم بقرائته ثم يقوم بتخيله فيرسم شخصيات في أوراق عادية بأقلام الرصاص ثم يقوم بعرضها للمصممين الذين يقومون بعدها بتحويل الرسوم التي على الورق إلى شخصيات واقعية في عالم ثلاثي الأبعاد ولكن هناك شئ آخر فالعالم الثلاثي الأبعاد يتم تصميمه في البداية بواسطة التركيبات ثم يوضع في اللعبة كما هو الحال مع الشخصيات . الأمر بالفعل معقد جداً ولكن بالنسبة لمائتي شخص فهو لا يعتبر أمراً صعباً كما كان الحال بالسابق مع ميتل جير التي صممها 35 شخصاً فقط
عليهم أن يناموا أيضاً
ميتل جير سوليد2 ليس العديد من الشركات استطاعت فعل ما فعلته كونامي فلا أحد يستطيع إنكار أن سايلنت هل كانت من أفضل ألعاب الرعب وأن ويننج إليفن أو انترناشيونال سوبر ستار سوكر وهو الذي سيصدر على بلاي ستيشن 2 باسم آي اس اس ملينيوم من أفضل ألعاب كرة القدم ولكن اللعبة المتصدرة لألعاب الأكشن هي ميتل جير فالجزء الأول كان يحمل في طياته قصة مشوقة وأسلوب لعب مثير وكانت من أفضل الألعاب في وقتها وفي الحقيقة بدأت هذه اللعبة على جهاز صخر وتبعها جزآن أحدهما على نفس الجهاز والآخر على جهاز سوبر ننتدو ولكنها كانت لليابانيين فقط فمن كان يتوقع أن تصل إلى ما آلت إليه الآن من هذا النجاح الباهر، وقبل شهر تقريباً ظهر الجزء الثاني وهو الخامس في الحقيقة في معرض إي 3 المعرض الذي تشاهدون بعض الصور واللقطات منه في الأعلى أقيم بلوس أنجلوس وشمل 5 آلاف زائر ذهب منهم ثلاثة آلاف خصيصاً لركن كونامي دون معرفة أن ميتل جير 2 سوف تعرض بل اجتمعوا لرؤية أفضل الألعاب حسب رؤية كل منهم وكانت وورلد سوكر2000 ودرم مانيا واتضح أن وورلد سوكر2000 قد أجل عرضها ودرم مانيا توافرت للتجربة فتساءل الحضور: ما الذي انشغلت به كونامي وأدى إلى تأجيل عرض وورلد سوكر2000؟ بعد دقائق اتضح الجواب، في البداية ظهرت لوحة باسم هيدو كوجيما صانع اللعبة وذكرت أن ميتل جير 2 سوف تعرض بعدها بدأ الحضور يتهامسون حول ما كتب على الوحة وظنوا أن أول ما سيرونه على شاشة كونامي هو ميتل جير2 وهي من تصميم هيدو كوجيما أيضاً وبعدها ظهرت اللعبة المنتظرةZ.O.Eولكن ما عرض هو بدأ العرض بشاشة خضراء مثل تلك التي تظهر قبل الأفلام ولكن ما كتب عليها كان (هذا العرض يعرض لجميع الجماهير بدون استثناء من قبل شركة كونامي) بعدها بدأ العرض الذي يفوق الوصف فربما أدهشتك ميتل جير 1 ولكن هذا الجزء يفوق سابقه بمراحل فأول ما أدهشنا كان الطقس في اللعبة فبدأ العرض بسفينة تبحر في عاصفة ممطرة وظهر عليها سوليد سنيك بطل اللعبة وكان المطر يتساقط بغزارة بطريقة واقعية لا مثيل لها فعند سقوطه على سنيك فهو يبلل وجهه وثيابه بطريقة لم نشهدها من قبل في أي لعبة فإذا أدهشتك ألعاب مثل ميتل جير الأولى فيجب أن تلقي نظرة على هذه اللعبة وأيضاً عنصر آخر أضاف نكهة الأفلام على هذه اللعبة بالذات وهو الظلال الواقعية التي تظهر كالحقيقة تماماً فهي ليست مجرد دائرة تحت أقدام الشخصية بل إنها تتحرك وتتغير حسب مكان الضوء وحسب قربه وبعده ولكنها لا تعطي فقط نكهة الأفلام بل إنها تلعب دوراً هاماً في اللعبة فالجنود يمكنهم اكتشافك بملاحظة ظلك فالآن إذا اختبأت وراء أي شيء فعليك ملاحظة ظلك فإذا كان هناك ضوء بالقرب منك فسوف تكشف بسرعة ، العديد من اللاعبين تذمروا من تصرفات الجنود بميتل جير1 لذا انتظروا حتى تروا هذه اللعبة ، الجنود الآن أذكى ثلاثين مرة من السابق ، رأينا في العرض سنيك يختبئ من الجنود وكانوا يتعاملون في البحث عنه كفريق فمثلاً عند اكتشافه سوف يطلقون عليه النار ويختبؤون ثم يخرجون ويطلقون النار فهم الآن يتعاملون مع بعضهم البعض بتعاون أكثر من السابق وفي هذه النقطة نذكر أن التصويب على الجنود يمكن أن يتحول إلى المنظور الأول الذي يتم بالضغط على زر المثلث حيث يمكنك النظر والتصويب لذا فإن واجهك خصم كسنايبر وولف فلن تجد أدنى صعوبة في القضاء عليه ، تم التركيز الآن على أجزاء الجسم فعند إصابة الخصم في رأسه فسيموت في الحال وإذا ضربته في قدمه فلن يتمكن من السير بسرعة ورأينا في العرض جنوداً يحملون دروعاً واقية فضربات سنيك لا تؤثر فيهم ولكنه يغير إلى المنظور الأول ويضربهم على ركبهم ، ما جعل ميتل جير تجربة لا تنسى هو تلك الأشياء الصغيرة ولكنها مهمة فمثلاً الآن يمكنك كسر اللاسلكي الخاص بالجندي وبهذه الطريقة لن يتمكن من استدعاء البقية وأيضاً مثال بالنسبة للخزانة فيمكنك الآن أن تخبئ جثثاً في خزانة أو مكان آخر وهذا يعني أن الجنود لن يختفوا بعد موتهم بل عليك أن تخبئهم بمهارة كمثال الخزانة يمكنك أن تخبئهم فيها أو أن تختبئ أنت فيها أو أن تستعملها كدرع واق عن الرصاص وهذا كله بالنسبة لخزانة..،قد يريد الجميع منا أن نقول لهم عن الرسوم ولكن ثقوا بنا فرسوم اللعبة هي الأفضل .سنيك عندما يمشي يمكنك رؤية ظله وانعكاس صورته على الزجاج والأرض و يمكنك الآن احساس الحياة في وجهه أكثر من السابق،الموسيقى الآن تغير الكثير من نكهة ميتل جير الرائعة فكلنا نعرف أن موسيقى ميتل جير سوليد تضيف الشعور بالإثارة ولكن الآن حدث تغيير جذري على اللعبة فمثلاً عند اقتراب الجنود منك فستزيد الموسيقى سرعة وتصبح موترة للأعصاب فهنا لن تتغير الأوركسترا من المقطوعة 1 إلى المقطوعة 2 بل ستحدث تغييرات على المقطوعة 1 نفسها، هناكعودة لبعض الأشياء مثل الصناديق التي يختبئ فيها سنيك وعند سؤال هيدو كوجيما عنها ابتسم وقال: العديد من الصناديق ، بالنسبة للقصة فهناك عودة لبعض الشخصيات منها أوتاكون الدكتورالعراقي من الجزء الأول الذي ظهر وهو يكلم سنيك الذي كان على ظهر سفينة ناقلة للبترول وكان الإرهابيون قد سيطروا عليها وقد رأينا امرأة غامضة تقاتل سنيك وتقذفه بسكين بأسلوب يشبه فيلم ماتركس وأيضاً رأينا العجوز القديم ريفولفر أسلوت الذي قام بقتل جندي لسبب لا نعرفه وسمعنا في العرض صوت ليكويد سنيك الذي مات في الجزء الأول من تأثير الفيروس فوكس داي وهذا سر لا نعرفه في اللعبة، بالنسبة لجهاز ميتل جير الجديد فهو مدعو بميتل جير راي وهو يستطيع أن يغوص في أعماق البحار وشكله مخيف أكثر من السابق، من الغريب أن كونامي لم تعرض هذه العروض في معرض طوكيو باليابان ولكنها قامت في شهر مايو بإصدار اسطوانة رقمية في اليابان مسمية بتريلر تحوي هذه العروض التي شاهدناها في المعرض وجولة في مقر كونامي ورسومات الشخصيات التي قام بتصميمها يوجي شين كاوا،عموماً ستصدر هذه اللعبة الرائعة على البلاي ستيشن في 21 مايو 2001 وسننتظر ذلك الموعد جميعاً


سوليد سنيك
البطل الرئيسي عمره 30 سنة قرر إيقاف السفينة الناقلة لميتل جير راي ولكن الإرهابيين كانوا قد سبقوه
إسمه الحقيقي هو هال إميريك وهو يساعد سنيك في مهمته
ريفولفر أوسيلوت
لقد عاد في هذا الجزء وهو كان مشتركاً في منظمة شالاشاسكا

اتمنى انه يعجبكم. شكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

28-10-2000, 07:31 PM
بالنسبة لموضوع DVD ميتل جير هو متوافر بالأسواق الخليجية انا من السعودية وبالذات من الرياض شريت هذا الدي في دي من محلات النسر من فرع الشعلة بالذات وسعره 150 ريال وللمعلومية ترا هو بالياباني لكن استنا عليه اسبوع أو اثنين الى ما يصدر بالأسواق الخليجية بالأنجليزي وهو ما يشتغل الى على السوني2 فقط او على جهاز خاص بالدي في دي وابدا ما يشتغل لا على الـ PC ولا على السوني ونصيحتي انكم تستنون النسخة الانجليزيةلأنها راح تكون مفهومة للناس اما بحالة انكم متحمسين عليها عاد ما الومكم اذا كنتم متحمسين فإشتروها بالياباني. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

30-10-2000, 06:02 PM
اخواني زوار المنتدى هذا بعض الكلام الي صار بموقع ign حول لعبة ميتل جير2 وهذي هي المقالة:-

If you have no other reason to pick up a PS2, this game may become the lone reason you need.

Well finally the sequel is announced to what is probably one of the greatest Playstation games (mattering your game preference), and all I know so far is what I've seen from movies shown by Konami. Figures, but of course this one is probably the game to bring many to the Playstation 2. Well of course, I could cover rumors on the game like a chance of seeing this game on Nintendo's upcoming console, but why talk about that when we can talk about all the amazing stuff in this upcoming PS2 game that I have already seen. So here we go, onto the first details of Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty.

Well, from the beginning of this one, we know the Metal Gear must still exist. Since the end of the last one, the Metal Gear technology was sold on the black market right before Shadow Moses was defeated. By this, the information on the technology has spread throughout the world this time. This is the reason Solid Snake is back on the mission to save the world once again.

Now onto the glitz, glamour, and all the fun in this game that I do know so far. Well with so many things to talk about, I'll start out with the lighting affects. In one scene of the movie of this game that I saw, there are some enemies running down a ladder into an completely black area which nothing but flashlights. As they go, all the light you see is mainly what is given off from the flashlights, even the shadows are accurate with the movement of the flashlights. Just for a side note, all of this and what I'll talk about is all in real time. Then there are scenes with the wet rain and flashing lightning which look just as amazing. You can see the blur of every rain drop, and also seem them splash as they hit Snake and the surrounding area. Even when Solid Snake runs up a wet staircase outside in the rain, he splashes his way up them. In yet another scene, you've got bullets raining through a glass window and it shattering into pieces, then Snake using his gun to shoot down the enemies with a laser sniper for aiming with it. All of this without any slowdown and having what appears to be aliasing. Even the character models and levels I saw where excellent looking, even with facial movements on the characters like sneezing. Okay, so all I've been talking about graphics and special effect so far, but give me a break, all they've shown us is one movie.

Well just in case you thought the game was yet another beautiful looking Playstation 2 game with not much depth past that, but this one is a game that goes way past graphics with its depth. The gameplay is very similar to that of the original MGS on Playstation. You've still got to do all that hiding and sneaking around. There is still much strategy involved like in the previous game. Also, you can fire your weapons in both 1st and 3rd person view, mattering your preference (I think, still not too sure on all the details on this feature). So those looking for more depth in their Playstation 2 games gameplay wise besides a few, MGS2 is the solution for you.

As for a little bit on sound, not much to tell you since the movie had it's own music with it, but there were sound effects. You'll hear the metal taps of shows on the metal floors, you'll hear the rain hitting the ground, and even hear Solid Snake sneeze. Returning from the first MGS is also that alert sound effect that goes off when a enemy realizes you are there. So definitely has some great sound effects already, now when can I get my hands on at least a demo of this game with some music?

So even though most of the games at the PS2 launch don't have as much depth as they have great graphics, you won't have long after that to wait for MGS2. This game is definitely something to look forward to on the PS2. If you have no other reason to pick up a PS2, this game may become the lone reason you need.

اتمنى ان الموضوع عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

31-10-2000, 01:26 PM
للأسف فاتتني هذي اللعبة.
ممكن واحد يحكيلي قصة الجزء الأول؟

31-10-2000, 08:48 PM
هلا بك يا اخوي DK وانا انشاء الله راح انشر عن قريب قصة ميتل جير على جهاز السوني1 ولا يهمك امهلني يومين وانا راح اكتب الموضوع. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNiCk][^][

01-11-2000, 04:01 PM
هذي يا اخواني زوار المنتدى مقابلة مع مخرج لعبة ميتل جير هيدوكوجيما من موقع ign وهذي هي المقابلة:-

E3: Hideo Kojima Interview

We sit down to talk with the man of the hour -- many more details on MGS2 inside.

IGNPS2's Dave Zdyrko, David Smith, and Dan Granett had an opportunity today to spend half an hour with Hideo Kojima, the writer and director of what is being hailed as the premier game of E3 2000, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. To go along with our media and extensive impressions of the game, here are some comments from the very heart of the game's development staff, Hideo Kojima. We intended to find out what Kojima hopes to create and accomplish with this already extremely impressive game.

Dan Granett: How does the look and feel of MGS2 compare and contrast with the original MGS?

Hideo Kojima: [Snake] has all the actions, the things he can do in the previous game. As you saw in the video, he can hang, he can crawl hand-over-hand on ledges, he can do somersaults. The buttons, the controls are very simple and direct, but there are so many other things you can do.

Dan: My following question, then, is how have the controls been changed?

Kojima: We've changed the first-person view button, but the other controls are the same. Because the buttons on the controllers are analog, if you press up quickly you can crawl quickly, you can point a gun quickly, you can change the speed of your action.

Dan: I wanted to comment that the movie that we've seen is astounding compared to any other console game today. Would you care to discuss the new, advanced visual effects being implemented in the game?

Kojima: We're not exactly going for "visuals," a higher level of visual graphics, because there's no way we can beat movies in that aspect. What I'm going for is the creation of a realistic virtual world, where you can feel heat, moisture, the air, and to do that what we do is have rain, we have steam, we have breath, we have blurs, so we use our graphic skills there, to make the player feel all these things. Like, for example, shadows. A shadow is expressed not only as a visual enhancement, but the enemies will actually spot Solid Snake's shadow, so not only is it visual stuff, it plays a great role in the game itself.

Dan: You mentioned atmospherics, which I'll get back to, but my following question after visual effects would be what your plans are in terms of sound effects. In the first game sound actually played a critical role in terms of where you are and how you're recognized, so I'm wondering how that evolves in MGS2.

Kojima: One thing that I couldn't do before, that I'm sort of able to do this time, is as if we have a full orchestra right next to the player, so that when the player moves Solid Snake around, and when Solid Snake faces a certain situation, the orchestra sort of leaves the percussion only. Instead of playing track A instead of track B, we're not switching tracks, but making changes to that one track, as if the full orchestra sitting next to the player is making changes.

David Smith: One of the unexpected and most interesting things about the original Metal Gear Solid was how it used the Dual Shock controller to convey effects in different situations, and I was wondering if there are any new and different ways that this new game uses that effect in the Sony controller.

Kojima: We can't tell you what exactly, but we're obviously doing something with the controller.

Dan: Can you give us some examples of new gameplay aspects or combat techniques that Snake uses? In addition to that, as the game's going on, how does the game go about expressing sensory perception, like heat or mist? Are there any examples that you could discuss?

Kojima: This time, the enemy AI is much smarter. Instead of fighting many single soldiers, this time you're facing teams, units of soldiers. There'll be four soldiers coming together, four against you, they work as a team, they cooperate, they hide somewhere and shoot together, one guy comes around from one way, the other three come around from a different way - this way the whole battle system is so much more fun and complicated.

Not only will the soldiers use these new strategies like working in teams, but you as Solid Snake can do new things, for example if you shoot pipes, there will be steam coming out. I guess this hits on the temperature aspect – this steam is actually hot, and if this steam shoots into the enemy soldiers, it can damage them. You can also shoot the soldiers' radio transmitters, if you shoot that they won't be able to get more guards coming over. There are so many things you can do. You can also have your bullets ricochet off a wall - these are all new strategies.

David S. : You mentioned yesterday that you'd studied real-life tactics of soldiers in situations like this. I was wondering if you'd talk more about that, and possibly about other types of real-life research that you've done to more accurately replicate the real world in this game?

Kojima: In addition to being lectured by Mr. Motosada Mori, our military advisor, we study every day. We read books, we check videos, we go on the Internet, we even visited an actual tanker to see what it is like, things like that. We study every day.

David S. : Speaking of the tanker, is that going to be sort of a preface to the game's main component set in New York City? Will the bulk of the game be set in an urban environment?

Kojima: The tanker is not everything, but that's all we can say.

Dan: Going back in time, sort of, to the original game - I was wondering if MGS2 features any kind of gameplay effects, particularly actual scenarios, that you had planned for the original game but were unable to use due to time or hardware constraints?

Kojima: Well, nothing from the scenario, because these are different scenarios, this is a sequel to the previous story. But, for example, you yourself hiding in a locker, or hiding bodies in a locker, this is something we wanted to do in the previous one which we but couldn't that we're going to do in MGS2. You can even use the locker door as a shield, open and close it and use it as a shield. That's something we can do in this one.

Dan: I noticed that the enemies now have more diversified ways of attacking, the team-battle aspect, and they also have a kind of riot shield that deflects bullets, I was wondering, what are some more examples of the advanced weaponry that they and Snake use?

Kojima: There'll be a lot of different weapons, as you saw, like the tranquilizer. That's the only one that we've been talking about, but there'll be a lot of different weapons. There'll be weapons that exist in the real world, and imaginary weapons based on high-tech stuff out in the real world, imaginary weapons but with a basis in reality.

Dan: Speaking about the futuristic, high-tech weapons, I was wondering what you could tell us about Metal Gear Ray?

Kojima: Metal Gear Ray, the name comes from manta ray, like a stingray. Previously, Metal Gear Rex was named after a Tyrannosaurus Rex, so I suppose you can figure something out from that.

Dan: I noticed some voices in the video were from the first game, and I was wondering if the voice-acting was already done and recorded, and more to the point: if that's Liquid Snake's voice that says, "It's been a long time."

Kojima: Yes, that was Liquid's voice, yes. Obviously we haven't finished the game so we haven't done all the voice recording, but we have done enough voice recording for this video, and yes that was Liquid Snake's voice.

Dan: Before, you mentioned that the focus of the game wasn't supposed to be spectacular visuals to blow away everything, but compared to other games of its ilk it's clearly the best console game I've ever seen. I was wondering as far as the technical aspect, what sort of new effects have you been pursuing on the new hardware that are unique to this game? Also, I've been asked if you are using anti-aliasing in this game.

Kojima: As far as anti-aliasing, we are not using it. You and other people probably think MGS2 is better, we would say that it's different from other games. Other games probably focus on graphics on a screen that doesn't really move, you have a very beautiful pre-rendered backdrop and high-polygon characters, but they're pretty much fixed there. They'll move around but the camera doesn't swing, it's fixed on one screen. There's probably no air or the other things we talked about, moisture, temperature, things like that you probably won't see in those games.

In Metal Gear, what we did is the background done in medium polygons, and the characters as well. We're not using high polygons, but we're using the extra strength that is left to create the air, the moisture, all that, and the motion, and at the end we add a lot of effects. That's why our stuff looks different from others. Other companies' stuff is great graphics-wise, but they may lack the air, and that other feel.

Solid Snake, when he walks around in the hallway you can see his reflection on the floor. Doing that, you have Solid Snake and the reflection there, so that's twice the work. Other games, you don't usually have the reflection there, instead they use those polygons on the actual model, so that's why it looks different. We're doing different things.

Dave Zdyrko: A lot of developers seem to be having problems developing for PlayStation2, it's very complicated and there have been a lot of complaints. Are you having any problems at all doing MGS2 – has it been easy, or has there been anything that you think you can't do because of the hardware?

Kojima: Yes, it is difficult to develop on PlayStation2. But when we run into a problem, say maybe we cannot do this on PlayStation2, our team always tries to come up with a different way to do it. In that sense our team is a masochistic group. They don't give up, they always try to come up with a way to do it, and they enjoy the pain.

David S. : I wanted to ask about maybe an artistic issue as opposed a technical issue. Metal Gear has been marked by its cinematic presentation, the way you've used camera direction to create a more involving experience. Can you talk about influences on that cinematic style, what's driven you to bring a more cinematic or movie-like style to games?

Kojima: I personally love movies, and I've been raised seeing a lot of movies, and that influence just comes out naturally. When I film my child, my son, on a home video camera, I probably film it like a film cameraman. It just comes out naturally – it's not something I intend to do, but every time I use a camera or create a game, it happens to have those cinematic effects.

Dan: I was wondering about Mr. Shinkawa's artwork, he's probably hard at work on his normal technical designs that he does in the real world, and the new characters, but is he branching out perhaps into more futuristic subjects?

Kojima: I don't think Mr. Shinkawa is really going for any futuristic stuff. But he's working on the Metal Gear design at the same time as the Z.O.E. design, so maybe both of those are rubbing off on each other – maybe you'll see some of the Z.O.E. mechs in this, and vice versa.

Dave Z. : Is there any chance we could get a tape of the MGS2 trailer?

Konami representative: Absolutely not.

David S.: Sorry. We had to ask.

Dan: Thank you very much, Mr. Kojima.

We'd like to thank Mr. Kojima and Konami for this rare opportunity to speak with him, and we're eagerly looking forward to learning about and playing his new projects. For more information, history, and artwork related to Metal Gear Solid 2

اتمنى ان الموضوع عجبكم. وشكرا
مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

01-11-2000, 05:47 PM
تبدأ قصة هذا الجزء بعد ما دمر سوليد سنيك آلة الميتل جير في جزء الصخر الثاني والي بعدها راح واستقال من الشغل وبعد مرور ثلاث سنين من تدمير الميتل جير اتصل الكورنول( روي كامبل) على سنيك وقال له ميتل جير قال له سنيك وش فيه قال له الكورنول سرقته عصابه من امريكا ونبغاك تجي وتدمر هذا الميتل جير الجديد تحت اسم ميتل جير ركس قال له سنيك طيب انتو ما عندكم غيري كل ما يطلع ميتل جير جديد تنادوني على طول قال له كورنول طيب واذا قلت لك ان اخوك مع هذي العصابه(لكويد سنيك) وانه راح يكمل حلم ابوك البيج بوس في انشاء مدينة اوتر هيفن للمرتزقه وتكون هذي المدينه مستقله عن امريكا المهم وافق سنيك على هذي المهمه على انها تكون انقاذ شخصين يعرفون الباسورد حق تشغيل الميتل جير الي هم الداربت شيف وكينث بيكر ودخل سنيك المهمه على اساس انقاذ ها الشخصين وعرف سنيك وهو بهذي المهمه انه فيه جاسوس غيره وكمل هذي المهمه الى ما لقا الداربت شيف وتكلم معه لكنه بعد فتره قصيره مات من مرض الفوكس داي وكان الكورنول قال لسنيك انه ينقذ في هذي المهمه بنت اخو الكورنول (ميرل) ولقا سنيك ميرل مسجونه لكنها لعبت على الحارس وطلعت من السجن وواجهت سنيك لكنها في البدايه ما وثقت فيه وهربت منه وكمل سنيك المهمه ولقا كينث بيكر لكنه كان مربوط بالـ c4 وتقابل سنيك مع واحد من افراد العصابه الي هو ريفولفو ايسولت وتقاتل معه وفجأه دخل واحد نص آله ونص انسان الي هو الننجا وراح وقطع يد ريفولفو وفك الـ c4 من كينث بيكر وهرب الننجا وكمان ريفولفو وتكلم سنيك مع كينث وسأله اذا كان عطا الباسورد للعصابه قال له ايه وبعدها مات من الفوكس داي وكلم الكورنول سنيك وقال له مادام كينث اعطاهم الباسورد والداربت شيف ما قال لك هو اعطاهم ولا لأ الحل الوحيد انك تدمر الميتل جير ركس وكمل سنيك المهمه وعرفت ميرل ان سنيك مرسلته امريكا علشان من طرف الكرونول الي هو عمها وساعدته في بعض المهمات وكمل سنيك المهمه وقابل واحد من اعضاء العصابه الي هو ريفن الي حارب سنيك وهو على ظهر دبابه وفاز عليه سنيك وكمل المهمه ودق عليه الكورنول وقال له لازم تقابل الدكتور الي ساهم في صنع الميتل جير ركس ودل سنيك على المكان ويوم راح سنيك للدكتور الي هو اوتاكون لقا الننجا هناك وعرف ان الننجا هو جري فوكس الي سبق وقتله سنيك في جزء الصخر الثاني لما رماه سنيك في حقل الغام وسأله سنيك كيف رجعت للحياه قال له انه فيه دكتور انقذ حياته بس خلاه نص انسان ونص آله والمهم تقاتل سنيك مع الننجا وفاز عليه وهرب الننجا وقابل سنيك الدكتور اوتاكون واخذ منه معلومات عن الميتل جير وراح وكمل المهمه واخذ معه ميرل وبعدها قابل سنيك واحد من افراد العصابه الي هو سايكو مانتس وقتله وراح مع ميرل الى موقع الميتل جير لكن قامت وحده من افراد العصابه الي هي سنايبر وولف وقنصت على ميرل واخذتها واحتجزو سنيك في سجن وقامو بتعذيبه ولقا سنيك بالسجن الي حطوه فيه الداربت شيف ميت وكان شكله انه ميت من فتره وكلم سنيك الكورنول وعرف ان الي قابله في اول المهمه موب الداربت شيف طلع واحد متنكر بالداربت شيف وكانت العصابه سوت كذا على اساس انها تاخذ الباسورد الثاني من سنيك لكن سنيك ما كان يعرف ولا باسورد وبعدين جا اوتاكون وانقذ سنيك من السجن وكمل سنيك المهمه وقتل سنايبر وولف وقتل ريفن وراح لمكان الميتل جير وحط الكروت الي تشغل الميتل جير لكن قام لكويد وسبق سنيك وركب الميتل جير وحاربه وجا الننجا وساعد سنيك وبعدين قام ليكويد بقتل الننجا ودمر سنيك الميتل جير واغما على سنيك من الانفجار وتفاجأ ان لكويد لسا حي وتضارب مع سنيك فوق ظهر الميتل جير وكانت ميرل على ظهر الميتل جير بعد وراح سنيك ورما لكويد من فوق الميتل جير وانقذ ميرل وراح وهرب سنيك مع ميرل بالسياره وفجأه جا لكويد ولحقهم الى ان تصادمو ببعض وطلعو برا المقر وقام سنيك هو ميرل وما لقو الا ان لكويد قام وبعدها مات من الفوكس داي ورجع سنيك من المهمه هو ميرل وانتهت مهمت سنيك في تدمير الميتل جير ولما ينتهي الشريط راح تسمعون ريفولفو يتكلم مع الرئيس الأمريكي ويقول له ان لكويد فشل بالمهمه وتدمر الميتل جير ركس وطلع رئيس امريكا سوليدس الي هو اخو سنيك الثالث بعد ليكويد والي راح يكون له دور رئيسي في ميتل جير2 علىالسوني2 هو وريفولفو.

اتمنى ان الموضوع عجبكم وانا راح اوافيكم بكل اخبار ميتل جير وكل المعلومات حوله والجديد حول هذي اللعبة الأسطورة ميتل جير واي خدمه او سؤال ارسلو لي على الايميل التالي tdd_k@hotmail.com وكمان الي يبغى يشوف لعبة ميتل جير1 على السوني1 وعرض لعية ميتل جير2 على السوني2 ترا انا مسجلها على شريط فيديو والي يبغا نسخه من الشريك يقول لي على الايميل. وشكرا

مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

01-11-2000, 06:25 PM

01-11-2000, 06:27 PM

01-11-2000, 06:30 PM

01-11-2000, 06:32 PM

01-11-2000, 06:34 PM

01-11-2000, 09:07 PM
شكرا يا سنيك

02-11-2000, 06:58 PM

02-11-2000, 07:01 PM

02-11-2000, 07:05 PM

02-11-2000, 07:09 PM

02-11-2000, 07:12 PM

02-11-2000, 07:18 PM

02-11-2000, 07:21 PM

02-11-2000, 07:24 PM

02-11-2000, 07:27 PM

02-11-2000, 07:30 PM

03-11-2000, 08:13 AM
السلام عليكم..:
صورة من متيل جير 2
http://ps2media.ign.com/media/previews/image/mgs2grabs/mgs2_[IMG] 121.jpg[IMG]

للاسف ما طلعت:D

08-11-2000, 08:17 PM
ماشاء الله
وارجو الدوام والمثابره على هذه المواضيع

09-11-2000, 06:41 PM

09-11-2000, 06:46 PM
هذا يا اخواني بعض المعلومات حول اختلاف ميتل جير عن باقي الأجزاء هو ان سنيك في كل اجزاء ميتل جير كان يدخن اما في الجزء الي على السوني2 راح ياكل علك -ما تدورن يمكن يكون فيه فايده من هذي العلكه في اللعبة زي ما كان للدخان فايده انه يكشف لك الليزر او ان الدكتور منع سنيك من التدخين!!!- واتمنى ان هذي المعلومة عجبتكم. وشكرا

مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

09-11-2000, 06:50 PM

09-11-2000, 06:52 PM

09-11-2000, 06:54 PM

09-11-2000, 06:56 PM

09-11-2000, 06:58 PM

09-11-2000, 07:00 PM

09-11-2000, 07:02 PM

09-11-2000, 07:08 PM
تفرج على الصور

09-11-2000, 07:10 PM

10-11-2000, 12:27 PM
الى عشاق الميتال غير سوليد،،، ممكن احد فيكم يقولي اي معلومات عن الميتال غير سوليد اكس،، انا سمعت:

اولا: اشاعات تقول ان ميتال غير اكس هو ميتال غير الاول على البي اس مع الثاني على البي اس تو في جزء واحد لكن برسوم احسن من الي على البي اس تو.

ثانيا: اشاعات تقول ان ميتال غير اكس هو نفسه الي على البي اس تو لكن باضافات جديده مع رسوم و صوت اوضح.

ثالثا: اشاعات تقول ان ميتال غير اكس هو جزء جديد بعد الجزء الثابي وقبل الثالث.

رابعا: اشاعات تقول ان ميتال غير اكس هو الجزء الثالث.

على فكره ترى الالعاب الي بتنزل على الكس بوكس من كونامي و في اول يوم من النتوقع بتكون
ميتال غير اكس،، سايلنت هيل اكس،، ويننج اليفين اكس ( الدوري الياباني) ،، كراش بانديكوت اكس.. كونامي هي الي راح تعمل العاب كراش



22-11-2000, 03:26 PM
صح مظبوط كلامك يا Y2Ahmed كونامي راح تصدر ميتل جير X على جهاز الاكس بوكس وما راح يكون جزء جديد ولا شي بس راح يكون نسخه مطوره عم ميتل جير2 على السوني2. وشكرا

مع تحيات:- أخوكم ][^][SNicK][^][

09-12-2000, 03:35 PM
موضوع رائع جدا جدا

17-12-2000, 09:14 PM
شكرا اخوي

11-01-2001, 03:01 PM
اكد هيدوكوجيما ان ميتل جيرX على الاكس بوكس راح يكون قصة جديده كليا عن ميتل جير 2 على السوني2 .

11-01-2001, 03:02 PM

11-01-2001, 03:04 PM

11-01-2001, 03:05 PM

11-01-2001, 03:06 PM

11-01-2001, 03:08 PM

11-01-2001, 03:09 PM

11-01-2001, 03:10 PM

11-01-2001, 03:11 PM

11-01-2001, 03:13 PM

11-01-2001, 03:14 PM

11-01-2001, 03:16 PM

11-01-2001, 03:18 PM

12-01-2001, 02:20 AM
اجل تقولي اصطورى.
يارجال اصطورت مين روح طير.
الي انا اعرفو ان الاصاطير بلعصور الوصطه مو بعصر ماتركس.

12-01-2001, 06:28 AM
أحب أهنئك بمجهودك الطيب يا SNICK وبصراحة موضوع رائع جداً.

أما أنت يا LINK حاول تراجع كلامك لأن فيه خطأ، وثانياً فيه أسلوب نقاش وأحترام الرأى الآخر مهم.

يا عزيزي LINK إذا كان لا الموضوع ولا المنتدى معجبك فأنت غير ملزم بالرد عليه ولا الدخول إليه.

12-01-2001, 11:46 PM
انا موجه كلامي لسنيك بصورت مزح .
انت يا ملقوف لا تدخل يا ولف.

12-01-2001, 11:49 PM
انا لا المنتدى ولا الموضوع معجبني واذا كان كلامي مو عاجبك اطلع من الموضوع.
واذا رديت سواءن بسب او مدح راح اعتبرك معجب فيني و بءسلوبي.

the sword
13-01-2001, 12:45 PM
اقول يا ديجيتال عطني الصورة ترى لنك مهوب يم ديرة، ولا اقولك عطه الصورة بعدين اجلده واخذها منه.
يا ولف انت داخل المنتدى تحرش هذا صديق لنك وصديقي ونمون على بعض اعطيك مثال(سنيك لا اشوفك تكتب فاهم). لنك يله عطني ريال
علشان دافعت عنك(أنا انتظر).
حتى ريال ماتبي تعطيني.

the sword
13-01-2001, 01:20 PM
ابغى ريال من لنك مهوب منك انت يا ديجيتال.

the sword
14-01-2001, 01:37 AM
اقول شكل كلامك صح ، اقول هات ريالك يلعن ام الفقر بس على فكرة تعرف رقم حسابي(يا حظي يبي يصير حسابي ريال).

14-01-2001, 04:15 AM
وش دعوى سا شاب من الي قلكم انا قعيطي .
انا مستعد من ريال الى مالا نهايه.
ونت يا ذا سورد ما بغيت تسجل هنا صارلي يومين ادور عليك.
لاتستغرب يادجتل ترانا اخويا عن قرب.

14-01-2001, 10:09 AM

14-01-2001, 10:11 AM

14-01-2001, 10:12 AM

14-01-2001, 10:13 AM

14-01-2001, 10:14 AM

14-01-2001, 10:15 AM

14-01-2001, 10:17 AM

14-01-2001, 10:18 AM

14-01-2001, 10:19 AM

14-01-2001, 10:20 AM

14-01-2001, 10:21 AM

14-01-2001, 10:23 AM

14-01-2001, 10:24 AM

14-01-2001, 10:26 AM

14-01-2001, 10:27 AM

14-01-2001, 10:28 AM

14-01-2001, 10:29 AM

14-01-2001, 10:31 AM

14-01-2001, 10:40 AM
The public unveiling of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty at this year's E3 tradeshow sent ripples throughout the game industry. Probably no other single game at E3 managed to generate as much excitement, and as a result, all eyes were focused on one man, Hideo Kojima. The main creative force behind the Metal Gear series was once again the man of the hour -- a position that he is all too familiar with. I missed my opportunity to talk with Kojima-san at E3. Amidst all the frantic appointments and meetings, we couldn't work something out. Thankfully for us, I was able to catch up to him after E3 and have some of my questions answered


In previous interviews, you've mentioned that you have a deep love of films and anime. What brought on that love and, if you had to name one film or anime that influenced your work the most, what would that be?

I grew up in a family that enjoyed movies. I cannot name a single film that influenced my work. All films I see influence me one way or the other.


The Academy Awards have recently begun to recognize videogame industry and have given Oscars to developers for their musical scores in games. Do you feel the Academy should expand those categories, and would you like to be awarded an Oscar for your work on games? If you did win, what would you say during your acceptance speech?

I didn't know that. Evaluation criteria are different between films and games, but as a film lover, I am very happy that games are now getting recognized. Of all awards in the world, the one I want the most (I've dreamed of getting) is an Oscar. I hope some day a time comes when game designers do become nominees. Just like people from Hollywood say, I'll probably start out by saying, "I'd like to thank my family for supporting me."


Let's talk about Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (MGS 2). What is the estimated budget for MGS 2, and how many developers are working on it?

I cannot give you information on the budget. There are 35 people on my team.

In terms of percentage, how much power of the PlayStation 2 does MGS 2 utilize?

It is hard to say how much power my game utilizes. I've worked on PS2 for only a year, so let me say 50 percent as of now. What is key is how much more of the power I can use. I know for sure that I can do much more with it.

Let's talk about the movie clips of MGS 2 that were shown at this year's E3. Since the earliest announcements of the PlayStation 2, much has been said of the "Emotion Chip." In MGS 2, what kind of effort was put into the computer AI, and does the game take full advantage of the "Emotion Chip?"

The enemy AI has been made much more intelligent when compared to that of MGS 1. Enemy soldiers will work in teams and will fight Solid Snake differently depending on where the fight is taking place, what weapon Solid Snake is equipping, etc. Expression of light and shadows (shadows bending along staircases, etc.), heavy rain blown in strong winds, rain splashing against the raincoat, etc. -- the Emotional Engine calculation powers are used to realize such effects to enable the player to feel the air, temperature, and moisture in the game environment.

One of the things I noticed during the showing of the clip was the camera work. While the previous MGS took most of its cues from Hollywood action movies, the camera work in MGS 2 seemed more reality-based like it was filmed on a steady cam. Why the switch in cinematography, and will that reality-based style be consistent throughout the entire game, or will it be more of a blend of different types of shots?

I've spent extra time working on the camera since MGS 1. I strive for camera work as if someone is actually filming what's going on with a real camera instead of camera work done in CG. As for the game portion, the camera work is done so that the game play is not obstructed in any way. In the video, the camera not only shows actual camera work in the game but also special camera angles set for the filming of the video. In the final product, the priority will be camera work that allows smooth game play. And wherever possible, cinematic camera work will be implemented.

The most riveting part of the movie clip was during the shootout between Snake and some soldiers. During the shootout, boxes, cans and fruit are being blown to bits and pieces in the crossfire. What inspired the scene and how hard was it to pull off?

Shootout scenes in the kitchen are something you see in many Hollywood films. I had this created because I wanted to play the game in such a situation. If you keep on shooting the potatoes, you can blow them up in bits. What was difficult was that since none of the kitchen shootout is a demo, and not always would the enemies shoot the potatoes and pumpkins as I want them to. Just like in Jackie Chan movies, we recorded the kitchen shootout over and over again and edited the best-looking portions from each take.


في النهاية انا ما اقدر اوصف شعوري لما تنزل هذي اللعبة واتمنى ان الموضوع يكون عجبكم .

14-01-2001, 12:58 PM
تنيك انا ما اعرف ليش انت تكثر من الصفحات لاكن مهما كان السبب انا معاك راح اكثر الصفحات

انا ذا سورد انا اعتقد انك جديد و هلا و مرحبا بك

انا ريان

و اتمنى اشوفلك مواضيع كثيره معنا و اتمنى اشوفك ترد على مواضيعي و شكراً

the sword
14-01-2001, 04:31 PM
سنيك هذي ميتل جير اللي يتكلمون عنها الناس، اووووووه شكلها رهيبة.

16-01-2001, 08:36 AM
والله يا ننجا اذا كانت المقابله موب عاجبتك لا تدخل الموضوع من اساسه وكمان يا ميوتو انا ما اكثر الصفحات انا احاول احط كل شي حول ميتل جير هنا بالمنتدى اولا علشان ما اتعب الناس بالبحث عن مواضيع ثانيا يا دجتل انت اعتبر نفسك داخل موقع اجنبي ولقيت المقابله وانا موب فاضي اترجمها علشان عندي اختبارات حاليا وبعدين الي قدرت اترجمه ترجمته ولو تشوف كل هذي الصفحات ما جت هباء منثورا لأ اكثرها بالعربي وفيه كمان بالانجليزي وفيه مقابلات انا حاطها بهذا الموضوع بالعربي .

and that all i got to say about that

16-01-2001, 08:40 AM
http://www.metalgear.net هذا الموقع فيه كل شي يدور حول الميتل جير من موسيقات وصور للشخصيات واتمنى انه يعجبكم .

16-01-2001, 08:45 AM

16-01-2001, 08:48 AM

16-01-2001, 08:50 AM

16-01-2001, 08:53 AM

16-01-2001, 08:56 AM

16-01-2001, 08:59 AM

16-01-2001, 09:02 AM

16-01-2001, 09:05 AM

16-01-2001, 09:09 AM

16-01-2001, 09:41 AM

17-01-2001, 07:09 PM

17-01-2001, 07:12 PM

17-01-2001, 07:13 PM

17-01-2001, 07:14 PM

20-01-2001, 12:42 PM
معلومه راح تعجب كل عشاق ميتل جير وهي انه لعبة زون اوف ذا ايندرز ( z.o.e ) انها راح تصدر في شهر مارس وعلى حسب تصريحات هيدوكوجيما الي له يد في لعبة z.o.e يقول انه مع اللعبة في داخل العلبة راح يكون هناك CD عرض لميتل جير2 وكمان تجربة لها وانا اتوقع ان هذي اللعبة راح تمشي بقوة بالأسواق .

20-01-2001, 12:51 PM
نشرت هذا الرد علشان يتم فيه حديث حول ميتل جير انا راح ابدأ احلى شي عجبني في ميتل جير القصة وهي اول شي عندي في اي لعبة ثانيا شخصية سنيك نفسها ثالثا الموسيقى لميتل جير وتقريبا مافي شي سيء عندي حول ميتل جير واتمنى منكم المشاركة .

20-01-2001, 10:05 PM
انا بدخل بلموضوع على طول:
1-يوجد ضعف بلقصه وهو ان هدف ليكود هو ان يجعل سنيك يقوم بتشغيل متل جير وقد قامت القصه على هذا الاساس لكن قد تقابلو بل hind d وكان لكود يركب هيلكوبتر ويقاتل سنيك.
والضعف هو ماذا لو قتله؟
من سوف يقوم بتشغيل متل قير؟

2-يوجد لقطه في العبه تخرجك من جوها وهي في الحمامات عندما يتوجه لمقاتلت سايكومنتس يقوم سنيك بسؤال عن الموسيقى ويقول :ماذا حدث للموسيقى؟

لكن افضل شي فيها هو عندما يقرأ سايكومنتس الممري وكأنهو يقرأ افكارك.

21-01-2001, 08:31 AM
شوف يا لنك اول شي انا اتكلم عن ميتل جير يعني مجمل الأجزاء موب جزء السوني بس هذا اول شي وبعدين انا معاك بسالفة الهيلكوبتر لكن انت تقول لما سنيك قال ليش مافي موسيقى هذا مجرد بس تنبيه للشخص الي يلعب علشان يتخذ حذره عرقت ليش وبعدين كمان عندك لما تنتهي اللعبة مع ميرل يقول سنيك انا اسمي ديفد وهذا خارج عن النص صح ولا لأ ؟؟؟ وقصده بديفد يعني الي قام على صوت سنيك مع ان سنيك اسمه سوليد سنيك صح ولا لأ المهم مشكور على الرد .

23-01-2001, 09:54 AM
حمل من هذا الموقع عروض ميتل جير2 المبهره وكمان للملاحظه اول عرض من العروض الي تحت اسمNew Metal Gear Solid 2 trailer! Must-see! هذا عرض جديد كليا اتمنى انه يعجبكم وهذا هو الموقع.

23-01-2001, 09:56 AM

23-01-2001, 09:58 AM

24-01-2001, 06:07 PM

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24-01-2001, 06:14 PM

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24-01-2001, 06:25 PM

24-01-2001, 06:26 PM

24-01-2001, 06:27 PM

24-01-2001, 06:28 PM

24-01-2001, 06:30 PM

24-01-2001, 06:31 PM

24-01-2001, 06:32 PM

24-01-2001, 06:34 PM

24-01-2001, 06:36 PM

24-01-2001, 06:44 PM
مــــــــــــــــن هو سوليـــــــــــــــدس؟؟؟ ؟؟؟

سؤال احتار فيه عشاق ميتل جير وهو السر الغامض في ميتل جير 2

وهذي مقاله عنه :-


24-01-2001, 08:34 PM
انا ايضاً حيرني هذة الشخصية....؟؟

25-01-2001, 05:10 PM
هلا بك يا سولد سنيك لو تبي تعرف المعلومات عن هذي الشخصية بالعربي ارجع للصفحات القديمة والمواضيع راح تعجبك بإذن الله .

26-01-2001, 06:04 PM
خبر جديد قرر هيدوكوجيما انه راح يخلي ميتل جير2 الموسيقات الي فيه راح تكون اوركيترا ويتسآل البعض يعني ايش اوركيسترا تعني المسيقات ما تتوقف والموسقى تتغير من مكان لمكان زي الي صار بلعبة كاستل فينيا : سمفوني اوف ذا نايت وهذا خبر راح يفرح الجميع واتمنى انه عجبكم .

26-01-2001, 06:16 PM
يقول هيدو كوجيما ان الرسم الي شفتوه في مواقع الانترنت او المجلات عن ميتل جير 2 راح يكون افضل بكثير لما تنزل اللعبة وانا اتوقع ان كوجيما راح يكون صادق في هذي النقطة وانا الحين راح استعرض لكم صور لميتل جير 1 على السوني1 القديمة الي عرضها كوجيما بالمجلات والصور الي طلعت لما صدر اللعبة وهذي بعض الصور الي تفرق وعلشان تقعدون تفكرون كيف راح يكون ميتل جير2 احسن من الصور المعروض وهذي هي الصور :-





لو تلاحظون ان شكل الأجسام في بعض الصور تفرق 100% عن الصور الثانيه وهذا الي يدل على ان كوجيما راح يكون صادق بإذن الله واتمنى انها راح تحمسكم زياده على الجزء الجديد وان هذا الموضوع عجبكم .

31-01-2001, 08:06 PM
قال هيدوكوجيما في المقابلة الأخيره له انه راح ينزل عرض demo لميتل جير2 مع الدفعه الأولى للعبة زون اوف ذا ايندرز z.o.e الي راح تنزل في شهر مارس 2001 ويمكنك انك تلعب بميتل جير2 من خلال cd التجربه .

the sword
05-02-2001, 03:07 AM
ما قصرت يا سنيك لكن العرض اللي يبي ينزل لميتل جير2 مع z.o.e كم يبي يصير في المئة(قد ويش نسبتها من اللعبة الاصلية)، وهل سوف تكون نفس اللعبة وقت نزولها كاملة.

05-02-2001, 03:33 AM
http://www.games4arab.com/00/09/mgs21.jpg http://www.games4arab.com/00/09/mgs22.jpg

ميتل جير اللعبة التي غيرت في يوم من الأيام مجرى عالم الألعاب .... اليوم العالم يغير ميتل جير سوليد ، ستجري أحداث اللعبة على الأقل في مكانين الأول في ولاية نيو يورك الأمريكية و المكان الثاني على ظهر ناقلة حربية تقوم بنقل الميتل جير راي .

القصة من أين تبدأ ؟
كما تذكرون الجزء الأول انتهى بهرب ( ريفولفر اوسلوت ) نفس الشخص الذي قام الننجا بقطع يده, اوسلوت اخذ معه قرص يحوي معلومات عن كيفية صناعة الميتل جير ريكس (الوحش الأخير في الجزء الأول) , وتم بيع هذا القرص في السوق السوداء حتى اصبح تقريبا لكل دولة قادرة على تصنيع الأسلحة النووية ميتل جير ريكس خاص بها. عندها تم تصنيع ميتل جير راي حتى يقوم بتدمير كل تلك النسخ المقلدة التي تملكها الدول النووية . وعندما علم الإرهابيون بذلك حاولوا سرقة الميتل جير راي الجديد و الذي تقوم بنقلة السفينة, عندها تطوع بطلنا سنيك بالتسلل الى ظهر الناقلة لردع الأعداء. ميتل جير سوليد الأولى كانت و لا زالت تعتبر تحفة ومن افضل العاب البلي ستيشن على الإطلاق ....احتوت على كل ما تحتاجه اللعبة الكاملة قصة رائعة , تحكم رائع , تصميم شخصيات رائع. وبالطبع ميتل جير سوليد 2 لن تقل روعة عن سابقتها . أكيد ... كل تلك العناصر ستكون متوفرة , لكن ما لجديد ..ولما كل هذه الضجة و الهالة الإعلامية؟ المحظوظ هو الذي تمكن من رؤية العروض الأولى للعبة ميتل جير سوليد 2 لكن لا تقلق إن كنت لم تشاهد العروض بعد, فالان يمكنك أن تشاهدها بإمكانك إنزال العروض من الأماكن التالية و لا تنسى أن تجهز الكولا الباردة و قليلا من الفشار ..., هذا إن تمكنت من إغلاق فمك و التحكم في فكك كي لا يسقط من مكانه. هذه العروض هي نفس العروض التي قامت كونامي بعرضها في معرض E3 الأمريكي الخاص بالألعاب , وهناك عرض جديد مدته ثلاث دقائق تم عرضه في معرض ECTS2000 هذا العرض موجود الآن لكن ليس واضحا كفاية , إذا كنت لا تهتم لذلك بإمكانك أن تنزل العرض لك حرية الخيار, وإنشاء الله عندما اعثر على نسخ أوضح سأخبركم عنها ...
لا يمكن لأي كلمة أن تصف مدى روعة الرسم ...قمة الأبدان تمكنت كونامي أخيرا من الوصول إليها . ليكن في معلومك أن كل المشاهد و الصور التي ستشاهدها أو كنت قد شاهدتها هي من اللعبة نفسها , حتى إن هايديو كوجيما ( مخرج و كاتب السيناريو للعبة) يقول أن اللعبة الأصلية عند نزولها ستكون افضل من العروض والصور التي تراها الآن . أتسأل ؟؟ ماذا يمكن أن يكون افضل من هذا ؟؟؟!!!
الكثير تم و سيتم إضافته لميتل جير سوليد 2 , كل ميزات الجزء السابق ستكون متوفرة , و هناك الكثير من الأسلحة الجديدة و الكثير الكثير من حركات سنيك الرائعة . حتى الجنود اخذوا نصيبهم من التحديث و التجديد , اصبحوا الآن اكثر ذكاء من ذي قبل . فالاّن لن يهاجمك جندي واحد فقط, بل ستة جنود في و قت واحد ولن يقوموا كلهم بإطلاق النار عليك في و قت واحد بل ستراهم يغيرون أماكنهم و تارة يبتعدون عن مرمى إطلاق النار. كما أن هناك مجموعة خاصة من الجنود عددهم أربعة جنود ,عندما لا يتمكن الجنود من التعامل معك فسيرسلون في طلب الأربعة الكبار. صحيح أن هذا سيزيد من صعوبة اللعبة و لكنه أكيد سيزيد في حلاوتها و روعتها .
و من الأسلحة الجديدة و الرائعة مسدس التخدير والذي سيكون سلاح سنيك المفضل فلا تنسى أن مهمة سنيك هي التخفي و التسلل و إتمام المهمة بدون أن يراك أحد أو حتى أن تقتل أحد. وعندما سئل هايدو عن إمكانية إنهاء اللعبة بدون أن تقتل أحد و أن تستعمل فقط مسدس التخدير أجاب قائلاً: نعم يمكنك ذلك حتى انك تستطيع القضاء على الزعماء في اللعبة(الوحوش الأساسية) فقط بتخديرهم و الهرب, حتى الميتل جير راي يمكن الفضاء عليه فقط عندما تقوم بتخدير الشخص الذي يقوده.
أيضا يوجد الآن مع كل جندي جهاز إرسال يستخدمه في طلب المساعدة و يمكنك أن تطلق النار على جهاز اللاسلكي الذي يحمله الجندي بحيث تمنعه من الاتصال بغيره من الجنود لطلب النجدة ثم تستمتع بضربة . ولمسدس التخدير تأثيرات مختلفة , فمثلا عندما تصوب طلقتك على رأس الجندي أو رقبته فسوف يتخدر الجندي حالا و يقع . ولكن لو أصبت الجندي في قدمه مثلا فان تأثير المخدر سيأخذ وقتا أطول و عندها سيقوم الجندي باستعمال جهاز اللاسلكي و ينادي أصدقاءه حتى يتعاملون مع سنيك . كما يمكنك الآن أن تستعمل كاميرا منظور الشخص الأول في ميتل جير (مثل كل العاب الشوتنج) لتصويب أفضل لكنك لن تستطيع تحريك سنيك عند استعمال هذه الكاميرا الجديدة .
http://www.games4arab.com/00/09/mgs25.jpg http://www.games4arab.com/00/09/mgs26.jpg
كان هدف هايديو كوجيما هو خلق لعبة اقرب ما تكون إلى الواقعية و قد نجح إلى حد بعيد . فعندما تقتل أحد الجنود فلن تختفي جثته , بل عليك أنت أن تخفيها و إلا فسيراها أحد الجنود ثم يقوم بمناداة جنود آخرين لتفحص المكان طبعا باستعمال جهاز اللاسلكي الجديد , يمكنك أن تخفي الجثث داخل خزائن موجودة في اللعبة أو تحت طاولة ما مثلا . و هذا ليس كل شيء , فبعض هذه الجثث تنزف دما ( طبعا فالبيئة حقيقية :) ) و عندما تقوم بجر هذه الجثة حتى تخفيها فسوف تترك أثرا على الأرض مما سيدل الجنود على مكانك فكن حذرا :) .
التفاصيل الدقيقة في ميتل جير سوليد 2 موجودة في كل مكان في اللعبة , فعندما تطلق النار على النوافذ الزجاجية فسوف تتكسر و تتصدع معتمداً على المكان الذي أطلقت عليه النار فعندما تطلق النار على اسفل النافذة الزجاجية فإن التصدع سيبدأ من الأسفل . أيضا هناك أنابيب البخار الساخنة , فعندما تصيب أحد هذه الأنابيب سوف يتدفق منها البخار الساخن , و إذا أصاب هذا البخار قدم جندي مسكين فلن يستطيع المشي أو إذا أصبت ذراعه لن يتمكن من إطلاق النار . مثال آخر على التفاصيل الدقيقة التي تحتويها اللعبة الزجاجة (القنينة) فعندما تصيب القنينة في أعلاها سوف تنكسر من الأعلى فقط . هذا ليس كل شئ, المطر لم يسبق له أن يكون بهذه الروعة والدقة ولا حتى في عروض الألعاب السينمائية. روعة المطر ليست في واقعيته فقط , بل انك عندما ترتدى النظارات الليلية و تنظر إلى الأعلى فسوف ترى قطرات المطر و هي تتساقط على وجه سنيك كما أن قطرات المطر تتجمع على النظارات وعندما تنظر إلى الأسفل فستراها تتساقط على الأرض :) .
أصبح بمقدور سنيك الآن أن يطلق النار و هو مختف خلف الجدران ويمكنه أيضا الانحناء و إطلاق النار في نفس الوقت, كما يمكنه الآن أن يعلق نفسه من الجسور و الممرات المعلقة. و مرة أخرى كل شئ في هذه اللعبة يبدو حقيقيا حتى ظلال الناس و الأشياء, ونعم يمكن أن يدل ظل سنيك الأعداء ، بمعنى آخر, عندما تختفي خلف جدار ما و لكن ظل سنيك واضح ... فلا فائدة من الإختفاء .

05-02-2001, 03:42 AM
هلا بك يا ذا سورد على حسب كلام هيدوكوجيما يقول ان الدسك راح يحتوي على عرض بسيط عن اللعبة كمان بإمكانك تلعب حوالي لمدة ربع ساعة .

08-02-2001, 08:27 PM
Welcome to Part II of our Hideo Kojima week! Last Monday we talked to Kojima-san about Zone of Enders, Konami's excellent new robot action game Today, we'll be giving you our latest play impressions on MGS2, as well as another 45 minute Kojima interview on the game. Grab yourself a mug of hot chocolate and settle down!


To kick off the proceedings, we were treated to nearly an hour of Kojima-san playing through the final MGS2 demo that will ship with Z.O.E. next month. All aspects of MGS2's game play were explained and demonstrated by the master himself. Now, we were prepared for something great. But MGS2 is shaping up to be something unbelievable.

Remember the first MGS2 trailer that debuted at E3? People were proclaiming it as game of the show, just based in a visual demo. But MGS2 is a game that frankly can do without that kind of silly hype. Because seeing the real game in motion for the first time, what struck us far more than the (undeniably awesome) graphics, was the scope and depth of the game itself.

The variety and game play options are sheer brilliance. Solid Snake is given so much freedom of control that in any given situation, you'll find real choices to be made on how you proceed.

Try this:

We crept around one corner, to catch a patrol guard two feet from us, facing the other way. He didn't hear us—this time. Now, do we creep around him? Throw something down another room to distract him? Or no, we need to get past the route where he's standing.

http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe02b.jpg http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe01b.jpg

In which case, plug him in the head with a sleep dart. But then, what do we do with the body? Is the area secure enough, or will a patrolling guard find him, wake him, and put the ship on alert? Is there anywhere to hide the guy nearby? Or should we have just surprise rushed the guard from a close distance, causing him to drop his weapon and surrender?

These kinds of decisions are made in every minute of playing MGS2. To say nothing of dangling off a railing, switching into first person mode, waiting silently and hoping he comes below before your hang-o-meter gauge runs out, so you can drop on him and take him out.

And even if the game play itself wasn't so heart-thumpingly varied, the execution would turn the whole exercise into pure magic. For once, the graphics really add to the play mechanics as quite simply, everything you do looks like something out of a Luc Besson thriller. In terms of experience, we've seen nothing else this year that's even a generation below MGS2 yet.

The intro movie we saw was based off the previously released trailers A and B (as Kojima calls them), but is considerably refined with more cuts and various changes. When questioned on these changes, Kojima-san mentioned that the intro and indeed the game in its entirety changes on a daily basis, as the team go back over their earlier work and constantly tweak in retrospect to what they've learned later on.

The game itself starts with Snake landing on the tanker during a heavy storm, as seen in trailer A. What you won't see is what happens after trailer A finishes. Snake is not the only party interested in Metal Gear Ray on the boat! As we very graphically find out, a second, more mercenary team is also on the tanker.

"It looks unbelievable" we comment to Kojima-san. "Thanks—but you'll want to watch what happens next" he says, as the second mercenary team sneaks up behind a guard, slices his neck, and leaves him on the deck—blood pumping out of his jugular with startling realism.

Kojima-san skips past some control menus and options (look, feel, and sound effects of these are similar to MGS1) takes control of Snake. Without entering into blow-by-blow detail, a number of interesting points were gleaned from the next hour or so of game play.

You make full use of the analogue buttons in everything, from the speed at which you turn to the force with which you snap someone's neck.

Where your weapons hit an enemy makes a huge difference in the effect—sleep darts put someone to sleep a lot quicker if aimed at the neck. Hit someone in the leg and they might have time to raise the alarm before feeling drowsy.

You can only dangle off ledges etc for a given time. A counter ticks down.

The right analog stick makes excellent use of the camera. Flip off a balcony and dangle as a guard walks by, and use the analogue stick to view below and around you, and you can use items like torches while you're hanging.

Rain isn't the only 'lens' effect on the camera. Shoot a hot pipe and steam shoots out and condenses your viewpoint for a couple of seconds, before evaporating off with amazing realism.

Things get wet. Walk around wearing your card box outside in the rain, and it'll break more easily.

The music is entirely interactive, and already some of the best sounding score we've ever heard. Click on our first video below of Kojima-san playing the game to hear a sample of the in-game score!

The enemy A.I. varies greatly with difficult level selected. On 'hard' they might enter a room and search closets, but on 'easy' they might be more slack

Guards interact—they survey the risk you present in any given situation, form packs and flank you if necessary, or go around and attack you from another entrance. If you put one guard to sleep and another finds him, the patrolling guard will probably wake up the sleeping one before raising the alarm.

If you surprise guards they'll put up their hands and dance nervously on the spot (this has to be seen to be believed), before dropping any useful items they might have.

Kojima-san confirmed that the tanker demo is just 5% of the game. What the team is working on now is completely different to the tanker-based levels in design—something more 'organic' was hinted at.
Having been somewhat blown away by the game itself, we sat down for a more general discussion on MGS2, the transcript of which we reproduce now, with selected videos of the discussion in the media section further below.

http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe04b.jpg http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe03b.jpg

GamerWeb Japan: First of all thank you for taking such a large amount of time out to show us MGS2 and talk about the game. I'm sure you must know section inside out by now!

Hideo Kojima: (laughs) Actually been quite a while since I played through this section. What we're working on right now is so different to what we have in the opening, and it's really changing every day.

GW: There were some rumors recently that MGS2 might be delayed to the end of 2001, or maybe even 2002. How's progress coming along?

HK: We're developing it for release this year—that's 100% certain. It's the year of the snake so we have to release it this year! [2001 is known as the 'year of the snake' across Japan—GW]

GW: Can you say roughly what percentage it's done? 50, 70, 20%?

HK: Hmm, about 5%? (smiles)

GW: (laughs) 5%! But the game engine looks pretty complete.

HK: Ah, well the game system itself is pretty much completed. But we still have to develop the game all the way along that system to the end of the story.

GW: Now obviously the reaction to trailer A was extraordinary, some would say too extraordinary, given that it was basically a non-interactive video. Can you be objective about your work in progress, or were you surprised by the public reaction?

HK: Honestly speaking, I was hugely worried about the reaction to trailer A. I didn't know if people would like it, and I had no idea if this is what people would be expecting from MGS2. What we showed and still only have showed in the trailers, is not yet close to the goals we had in mind with MGS2. The quality shown is very work in progress. So we were very relieved with the reaction.

GW: Do you think American audiences find this kind of game more appealing than Japanese gamers?

HK: Yes I think so. The hype for the previous game was definitely bigger in the US and Europe than in Japan. Certainly the trailers have had a bigger impact there.

GW: Did you edit the trailers yourself? How did that one happen?

HK: Yes, all the game play in the trailers is me playing. It took about two weeks to put together trailer A alone with Linear [a professional digital editing tool—GW]. It's very easy to show someone how much fun the game is when like today, you actually have them play it. But the challenge with the trailer was showing that 'fun' in just video form. We concentrated more on that and less on just flashy cinematic visuals.

GW: Let's talk a bit about the music in MGS2. You mentioned that the music we've heard in the trailers so far is Harry Gregson-Williams' own MGS2 score. Given that Harry is a Hollywood composer, is he having trouble writing non-linear music for each changing scene, or is he just like composing the major linear themes in the game?

HK: Ah—well what we're doing with the music is quite interesting. We map out the entire game in terms of 'scenes', and also what Snake is doing at any given time. So for example, one scene might be Snake sneaking into a dangerous area. We show that to Harry-san and he'll compose the music for that. We'll have him compose slices of melody or even just a rhythm, and we have a bunch of these for any particular level or area, so we can then take them and paste them onto what's happening in the game in real time. It works nicely, as you heard, though sometimes Harry-san has composed a linear piece so well that we brush it up an fit a game scene to it!

GW: Does Harry spend a fair amount of time here at KCEJ in Tokyo?

HK: He's never been here, but we've been over to LA to see him a few times.

GW: How much of the PS2's power are you using for A.I., effects like rain and lighting, and the basic polygon pushing itself? Can you give us a breakdown?

HK: We really can't break it up like that in terms of numbers. The basic point is, when you have a machine with as much power as PS2, the issue is not one of how much you of the system's power you're using but more one of time and money. If we were allowed to spend five years on the game we could create something much more awesome than you see here. What we end up with is really a compromise of time and money, more than a limitation of the PS2's power itself.

GW: Aside from the story details, what's the basic concept you're shooting for with MGS2's game play?

HK: We want to capture the essence of 'infiltration', of sneaking and stealth. That's what's we're trying to achieve in terms of the essence of MGS2. And thanks to the power of PS2, more than just the visual improvements, we can really give people a sense of choice in terms of the style with which you play the game.

GW: How much of the game is set in the tanker?

HK: We can't say yet—it's changing every day! But we can say that there's a lot more than what we've shown outside KCEJ so far. (smiles)

GW: Will you be including an option for changing languages, like in Onimusha and The Bouncer? That seems to be becoming more of a trend with PS2 games.

HK: Unfortunately not—because there's over three times the amount of voice in MGS2 than in MGS1, so it just wouldn't fit!

GW: The game will be a single DVD?

HK: That's right.

GW: Can you tell us more about the female character we saw in trailer A?

HK: We can't release anything about her background yet, as things are always changing. But we can say her name's Olga.

GW: Olga! Err... attractive name...

HK: (laughs) Thanks.

GW: How eager were you to jump straight back into doing another MGS game after MGS1, because I understand you and your team didn't have much of a break after MGS1 before starting on the sequel.

HK: Actually, in my mind I had no plans for a sequel after finishing MGS1. We released the Japanese game, and then we worked on localizing the game for other territories. But even before we released the English version of the game we started hearing amazing reviews from import buyers and the foreign press. And that's when we first started thinking along the lines of a sequel. When the game came out in Feb 1999, we went to London and I was overwhelmed by the response from people telling me how much they loved the game, and asking if there would be a sequel. And that's when it sort of hit me.

GW: So where do you stand on Metal Gear Solid 3? What are the chances if the second game is even more of a smash than MGS1?

HK: If we made a Metal Gear Solid 3, there would be two approaches. First of all I could work on the game as the director myself and make a true MGS3. But more likely if it happened, I would work more as a producer like Sakaguchi-san works on the Final Fantasy games, and let a younger, new director take on the main creative duties. If that happens, it'll be MGS3, but it won't be a 'Kojima' Metal Gear—it'll work more as the vision of someone else. Personally speaking, I'd like to work on something else as there are quite a few fresh ideas building in my own drawer.

GW: So to get a firm answer on that, MGS3 is still definitely a possibility?

HK: It all depends on how MGS2 turns out and what the staff wants to work on. As for me, sure there are fans that want to see me direct another Metal Gear game, but there are probably just as many out there who want to see me try my hand at something different. Originally, even with MGS2 the plan was to have a new, younger director work on it while I overlooked the project and worked on something totally fresh. But then as I said, you'd be getting something quite different to the last game. It was a very difficult choice to make.

GW: You mentioned a while ago that you were having trouble developing the concept of MGS2 on PS2 and made some quite public complaints about the machine. But more recently, and certainly today, you don't see to be expressing those troubles anymore. What's changed? Has Sony been more supportive or is PS2 just something that gets a lot easier with practice?

HK: Well.... it's hard. See, a while into MGS2's development we started getting information on GameCube and X-Box, and it hit us that all these so called 'next generation' machines are fundamentally pretty similar. They're all the same in a way, and to reflect that, the way we conceptualize games for these kinds of systems would be roughly the same too.

When PS2 first came out, I had a hard time with it. But that wasn't because of the tools, or even the machine itself specifically. As a team we had just set our goals higher than even the current level of these next generation machines. Trying to attain these goals with machines like PS2 would always be really difficult. All companies out there were having similar problems creating something really fun on PS2, and actually, that's when we saw a boom in software for portable machines. But who knows, in a couple of years we'll be seeing portables with the power of current generation platforms so the problems will be the same. It's really just a question of visualizing your game in terms of the fundamental hardware in advance.

GW: Then would you say it's easier developing for PS2 now than at the start?

HK: I guess it's more a matter of us getting used to creating a much higher benchmark of video games than before. It's not that we have better tools now, or that Sony's been suddenly helping us more or anything. It's just a case of getting used to a new level. We had to do the same with PS1!

GW: Well Konami as a whole has quite vocally supported X-Box as a system. Can you clear up once and for all what version of Metal Gear X-Box is getting? Konami Europe and Konami USA seem to have rather different views on this.

HK: First of all, Konami USA and Konami Europe don't have any information on this whatsoever. I don't know if they've commented yet, but if they have you can take it from me that it's nonsense because we ourselves haven't made a decision on that yet. Right now we're just too busy working on the PS2 game I'm afraid!

GW: Okay then hypothetically speaking, what would you have liked to include in an X-Box version that you couldn't do on PS2?

HK: Nothing specific in terms of features, but I suppose with X-Box a lot of things we've spent time coding in software in PS2 could have probably been done in hardware on X-Box. More specifically, features like shadows and lighting could have been done better.

GW: We'll talk more about this in our final interview, but what do you think about GameCube and X-Box generally?

HK: Honestly speaking, the X-Box, GameCube, and PS2 are pretty much the same for me. Obviously each machine has it's advantages, but I mean they're not introducing anything wildly new like say smell. I guess we'll have wait for the next generation for features like that!

That concluded our discussion on MGS2 for PS2. Once again, we'd like to thank Kojima-san for the immense generosity with his time in allowing these interviews, as well as international product manager Scott Dolph (also Kojima-san's interpreter of choice) for his help. Join us again on Friday for the third and final interview with Hideo Kojima, where discuss more general topics and get Kojima-san's take on various criticisms that have been leveled at him, as well discussion on what he wants to do after the Metal Gear series!

http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe08b.jpg http://www.sonyweb.com/media/kojima/zoe07b.jpg

09-02-2001, 11:55 AM
اخي صغير(سنيك):))عندك مواقع تتكلم عن بلاستيشن2 و متيل جير2

10-02-2001, 05:38 PM
هلا بك يا سوليد سنيك بس وش قصدك بأخي الصغير هذي ؟؟ ؟؟

10-02-2001, 07:40 PM
عفون ارجوا انت تكون ما زعلت مني ...فقط كنت امزح معك:):)

12-02-2001, 05:09 PM
يا اخواني ابي ردودكم حول انكم متوافقين مع هيدوكوجيما ان ميتل جير2 على السوني2 راح يكون آخر جزء ؟؟ ؟؟ .

13-02-2001, 12:11 PM
اعتقد هذا
1-هذا مش الجزء الثاني بلا الجزء تقريباً السابع ولابد ان ينتهي
2-هو ذحين يسوي شريط حق الالت يمكن يدمج متيل جير معها
علشان متيل جير وحش إلي لذالك يمكن يدمج الشريطين معا بعض
علشان كمان الشريط الجديد كله إلالت حربية يدمجها معه

13-02-2001, 03:46 PM
انا من رأيي اني انا متوافق مع هيدوكوجيما ليش ؟؟؟ انا اقول علشان ميتل جير2 راح يكون بالنسبة للسلسلة الجزء السادس وطبعا القصة طالت من هيدوكوجيما واذا كان هذا هو آخر جزء أحسن علشان تكون القصة انختمت بهذا الشكل اما اذا طولها اكثر من كذا اكيد القصة راح تخرب واللعبة تطيح من عيون الناس علشان كذا انا اتمنى انها تنتهي واسمها مرفوع وصير ينذكر عنها باللعبة الأقوى وهذا من وجهة نظري .

13-02-2001, 06:35 PM
بعدين انا ما اتقد انه حيكون هذا الجزء قصير اللعبة
وكمان ما حتمل منها حتى ولا انهيتا مليار مرة:)
انا يومين العب متيل جير1 ولا امل منها

13-02-2001, 07:14 PM
انا معاك يا سولد سنيك انه الجزء الي على السوني1 ما ينمل منه موب بس الي على السوني1 انا الى الحين العب الأجزاء الي على الصخر والسوبر ننتندو وكلها ما ينمل منها ولكن انا مبسوط على ان ميتل جير 2 هو آخر جزء للسب الي انا ذكرته قبل وزعلان اكثر ان شخصية زي سنيك حرام انها تموت او تخرج عن عالم الألعاب ولا اتوقع انه مهما سوت كونامي او اي شركة ثانية تقليد شخصية سنيك انها راح تفشل 100% زي ما صار مع سكوير سوفت الي حاولت ان LYNX او KUJA او سيفر انهم يصيرون زي سفروث ما قدروا يسوون زيه وانا راح اكتب تحت اطار هذا الموضوع عن شخصية سولد سنيك .

13-02-2001, 08:00 PM
بدأ المخرج هيدوكوجيما من عام 1982 بإنتاج لعبة حطمت جميع الألعاب الجاسوسية
لعبة بقدرات عالية تحت مسمى ميتل جير سوليد وقد نجحت هذه اللعبة منذ صدورها لأول مرة عام 1982 على جهاز الصخر التي انبهر فيها الناس عند رؤيتها مع أن جهاز الصخر كانت قوته ضعيفة وتواصلت سلسلة إصدارت لعبة ميتل جير سوليد على مدار الأجهزة
فقام هيدوكوجيما بإصدار جزئين ميتل جير على جهاز الصخر وجزء على السوبر ننتدو وجز على الجيم بوي وجزأ على السوني1.
وأخيرا وليس آخرا أعلن هيدوكوجيما مخرج لعبة ميتل جير سوليد عن إصدار جزء من سلسلة اللعبة على جهاز السوني2 تحت مسمى ميتل جير سوليد2 : سينس أوف ليبرتي ( أبناء الحرية ) وحيث سيكون هذا الجزء تكملة لباقي الأجزاء
تدور قصة اللعبة من عند نهاية جزء السوني1 عندما هرب ريفولفو ايسولت من ألاسكا ومعه الدسك الذي يحوي معلومات حول صناعة الميتل جير ركس قام ريفولفو ببيع نسخ على أقوى دول العالم وهي الدول النووية .
بعد هذا قام وأخذ مجموعة من العلماء لصناعة ميتل جير جديد تحت اسم ميتل جير راي ووضع هذا الميتل جير على ناقلة بترول لنقله لمدينة نيويورك
تدور الأحداث على متن السفينة لم يفصح هيدو كوجيما عن احداث اللعبة بالضبط إلا انه قال أن على متن السفينة ستظهر عصابة هدفها خطف ميتل جير راي وهذا الطرف الأول والطرف الثاني ريفولفو وعصابته والطرف الثالث بطلنا سوليد سنيك والطرف الرابع والغامض المرأة الي ظهرت في العرض الذي تم عرضه بمعرض E3 .
اللعبة بالتأكيد تحتوي على العديد من الأسلحة والشخصيات الجديدة وبلا شك أن هذه اللعبة ستزيد من مبيعات جهاز السوني الجديد وستجعل سنيك من شخصية من أكثر الشخصيات شهرة في العالم.
اللعبة تحوي الكثير من التفاصيل ولكن أهم ما يجعلنا ننتظر متل قير سوليد 2 هو التسلل!!! إذ ستجد هذه العملية متفاعلة تماما مع يد التحكم الإرتجاجة 2. فعند قيامك بالضغط على أزرار اليد القياسية ببطء ستلاحظ أن سنيك سيخر السلاح ببطء أيضا ؟؟؟؟!!!!! أو المشي أو الزحف أما إذا قمت بالضغط بسرعة فهذا سينعكس ردة فعل سنيك إذ لن يتردد في التحرك بسرعة أو إطلاق النار مباشرة .
ولعل من أكثر الأشياء إثارة أن الجثث لا تختفي بعد قتلها بل يجب على سنيك إخفائها ولعل الشيء الرائع أن آثار الدماء تبقى على الأرض (هل تبقى رائحتها أيضا هاهاها).
المفاجأة التي ستزيد من حماس الكثير زايده على ما هم عليه من الحماس سيظهر في هذا الجزء أخو سوليد سنيك الثالث الي هو سوليدس وهو كمان مستنسخ من ــ DNA الـ البيج بوس – الي هو يصير أبو سنيك وليكويد وسوليدس- ومن الأخبار الغربية الي قالها هيدوكوجيما هو أنه يمكنك أن تنهي اللعبة بالسلاح المخدر قالت له الصحافة ولكن كيف يهزم الميتل جير؟؟؟ قال أن اللاعب يطلق الرصاص المخدر على راس الشخص الي يتحكم بالميتل جير كل ما علينا فعله بعد سماعنا لهذه الأخبار السارة حول هذي اللعبة إلا لطالما استمتعنا بها الا الحصول على البلاي ستيشن 2 وانتظار صدورها .
موعد الإصدار:- شتاء عام 2001 ( يوليو 2001 ).
عدد اللاعبين:- لاعب واحد فقط.
أجهزة أخرى :- X-Box ( احتمال )

14-02-2001, 11:57 AM
سويله موضوع خارجي..

14-02-2001, 03:07 PM
انت تقصد اني اسوي الموضوع الي قلت عنه عن سوليد سنيك تبيه يكون موضوع خارجي على العموم اذا كان هذا طلبك انا راح اسويه موضوع خارجي وكمان راح اضيفه ضمن صفحات هذا الموضوع .

14-02-2001, 03:20 PM

14-02-2001, 03:22 PM

14-02-2001, 03:24 PM

14-02-2001, 03:25 PM

14-02-2001, 03:27 PM

14-02-2001, 03:29 PM

14-02-2001, 03:30 PM

14-02-2001, 03:32 PM

14-02-2001, 03:34 PM

14-02-2001, 03:36 PM

14-02-2001, 03:40 PM

14-02-2001, 03:41 PM

14-02-2001, 03:44 PM

14-02-2001, 05:22 PM

14-02-2001, 05:27 PM
لو تلاحظو بهذي الصورة ان سنيك قاعد ينزل من الدرج وموجود بالخلف شاشة وعارض فيها كوجيما صورة للعبة الجديدة من كونامي z.o.e زون أوف ذا ايندرز .


14-02-2001, 05:29 PM
واحده من حركات التسلل لسنيك في ميتل جير 2 .


14-02-2001, 05:32 PM
من هي هذي الشخصية ؟؟؟ ميتل جير2 راح تعرفنا بها وتكشف لنا الأسرار وما صلة علاقتها بالآلي ميتل جير راي انتظروا نزل اللعبة الى شهر مايو 2001 .


14-02-2001, 05:34 PM
يقول سنيك في هذا الموقف :- (( وش تبي ذا البنت وش جابها هنا ؟؟؟ !! )) .


14-02-2001, 05:36 PM

14-02-2001, 05:37 PM

14-02-2001, 05:39 PM
لاحظو الدم كيف في ميتل جير2 .


14-02-2001, 05:41 PM
لاحظو كيف ان المشط حق الرشاش ما اختفا .


14-02-2001, 05:44 PM
لاحظو كيف الرصاص الي يطلقه سنيك يظل موجود على واقي الرصاص حق الأعداء .


14-02-2001, 05:45 PM

14-02-2001, 05:47 PM
كوجيما يبهر ويبهر .


14-02-2001, 05:48 PM

14-02-2001, 05:55 PM
يقول هيدوكوجيما العبقري في هذي الصورة الي راح اعرضها انه بالدفتر الموجود بالصورة ان لو سنيك او الأعداء اطلقوا الرصاص من اي جهه على هذي الدفتر فإنه راح يميل على حسب طلقة الرصاصه ( شفو كيف الدقه ) وكمان يقول في ىخر مقابله معه انه يمكنك انك تقتل العسكري بطريقه غير مباشره كيف ؟؟؟ بحيث انك تطلق الرصاصه على الجدار وهي راح تصقع بالجدار وترتد على العسكري و تقتله ( الله يا كوجيما والله انك ملك ) .


14-02-2001, 05:59 PM
كوجيما ما يستغني عن الصندوق في التسلل لصالح سنيك .


14-02-2001, 06:01 PM

14-02-2001, 06:03 PM
شوفوا وجه سنيك داخل الصندوق .


14-02-2001, 06:10 PM

14-02-2001, 06:12 PM
لاحظو بهذي الصورة كيف انه العسكري لما طلق الرصاص على سنيك الفتحات الي انتجها الرصاص على الصندوق موجوده وكمان النور قاعد يدخل منها ( كوجيما king و ملك وكل شي ) .


14-02-2001, 06:14 PM

14-02-2001, 06:16 PM

14-02-2001, 06:17 PM

14-02-2001, 06:19 PM

14-02-2001, 06:21 PM

14-02-2001, 06:25 PM

16-02-2001, 11:49 AM
ما شاء الله كل هذي الصور مرة وحدة؟؟
اخي سنيك من فين لك هذي الصور؟من اي موقع؟