المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ...So Confused

10-05-2003, 07:52 AM
hey all
i know i don't post often here
but i try to keep up to date with all of the new things:)
how ru all doing...hope ur all fine;)
and good luck on all of ur exams:0)

well....i'm just going to get to the reason why i'm posting this

i'm really confused about something and i want ur opinion
so, i hope u ppl will not mind helping me out:":

Mmmm...let me ask u this
if u had a friend, and u two were really close
u did your best to be good to them
everything seemed to be ok at first
but when u two reached the point where u two thought the same way
ur friend just changes...and doesn't treat u the same
and they just make up these sad excuses for the reason why they’re acting that way
they either blame it on u or if it doesn't work they'll say that problem is all their fault, not urs
and that the friendship that once was there can't work anymore
u do ur best to keep it up
but ur friend keeps pushing you away
so, u just leave it at that and separate
a while after it seemed like it might work
so u SOMEWHAT got back together and then again it didn't work
u kind of just gave up on it
But it really hurt u right
and u know...time goes on
and u still hear about ur friend
but u see ur friend in great pain
like is going through really hard times..and it hurts ur to see them that way

?what will u do
?will you go and talk to ur friend forgetting what they've done to u
?or will just forget about that unfaithful friend and move on with ur life
But u'll move on knowing that u've left a friend alone knowing that u could've helped

i'm so sorry for the very long post, but i really want to know what other people would do:-)
thank you guys and gurls for talking the time and reading


10-05-2003, 11:39 AM
أطقع له و لا اكلمه لني لو رجعت له يقدر يسوي فيني نفس الحركة
تكراراً و مراراً .. الا اذا وقفتيه عند حده .. بأنج ما تكلمينه و هو يتاسف ..
و بعدين ترجعين للnormal life و اذا ما تاسف اعرفي انه الحق معاج ..
بس نصيحة اذا بتكتبين موضوع في المنتدى اكتبيه بالعربي حتى لو انج بطيئة !!
لأنه باين انه محد رد عليج لأنه الموضوع كله بالانجلش ;)

10-05-2003, 02:06 PM
هاذي اغنية Some where I belong

يازيني ساكت والا:)

10-05-2003, 02:41 PM
so, u think i should just move on
but before that try to see if it works
ok..thankx for ur opinion
and about me writing in english
i don't have the arabic keyboard
plus i don't really know how to make sense when i write in arabic
cause i never do

well, u think that i should just forget about them
i wish i could do that...but then again it's hard for me to walk out on my friends:)
thankx for ur reply

Boy thing
i'd love to do what u said
but my friend doesn't want to talk
just because they are afraid
from what...only God knows
and about the arabic keyboard thing
my arabic is really bad
and i'll just get teased at if i do write in arabic
i actually tried before, and it didn't work out..:6
but thankx alot anywayz
and thankx so much for ur reply

Down Town
thankx alot for the song
i'm already crazy about it
the lyrics r really nice
thankx for replying:)


10-05-2003, 02:51 PM
اممم أوكي.. من ناحية واقعية .. صعب ان الواحد ينسى الصداقة القوية.. بس في نفس الوقت اصعب انه يجرح كرامته..

But if what she did hurt you more than once & hurt you deeply, then.. well, perhaps you could consider a formal relationship.. Like, what Boy_Thing said, who knows? you may
need her someday.. that's the way the world goes i guess...

And who knows, maybe she'll be embarassed at all the things she did before if you were there for her.. and things might work out for good again

And from they way you described your friend, i guess she's the moody type.. one day she likes you and the next she doesn't.. i really suggest a formal relationship with this kind of a person.. so you wouldn't have to gain an enemy as well..

You're gonna meet much more worse people in the future, though :(

That's what i think.. i may be wrong.. but i don't think you should burden yourself too much about it

Best of luck, sweety :)

10-05-2003, 09:53 PM
لا حياة مع اليأس ولا يأس مع الحياة
حاولي مرة وثاني وثالث .. لانه الصديق مهما كان بعيد .. فاعتقد نفس التفكير يدور في راسه ... يعني مهما يسوي .. اعتب رنفسك انت الغلطان
:": >> فيلسوف

11-05-2003, 05:53 PM
حيا الله سوسو :p ,,

بالنسبة للموضوع .. المسامح كريم ":"

12-05-2003, 02:02 AM
هلا والله بسوسو

أنا مريت بهالتجربة من قبل ..وهي صح صعبة ..لكن أنا حاولت أقترب منه لكن شفته يبتعد عني عرفت أنه مايريدني ..لكن هالشي ماخلاني أقطع علاقتي فيه ...بس أصبحت علاقتي معاه هي (السلام عليكم .وعليكم السلام) يعني سطحية ...

ماأعرف إذا كان هذا المقصود ..ولا قصدج غير لأني شوي في الإنجليزي :":