المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : لخبراء اللغة الانجليزية <== دعوة خاصة لشعراء المنتدى خوباج و عماد و غيرهم

21-05-2003, 01:51 PM
قد يقولون مكان هذا الموضوع ليس هنا

طيب شباب .. انا مكوافقة ينحذف او ينقل بعد يوم الجمعة

1/ advices about how to keep fit
2/ the mother is complain about the housework

ابغى فقرتين عن هذين الموضوعين كل فقرة في 10 اسطر على اقصى الحدود ..

الجمعة الصباح عندنا فرض انجليزية .. و الwriting رح يجيبلنا على هذين الموضوعين

و الله شباب انا عاوزه المساعدة القيمة من عندكم

و الي يساعدني رح .. احاول اسويليه الي يبغاه ..

انا مستعدة لكل شيء ..
help the poor girls who is me


21-05-2003, 02:11 PM
Hi yosr how r u ?

ok this is about advices about how to keep fit ;)

Choose a chair with a sturdy back that allows you to sit up straight. If you are in an office chair, adjust your position to sit tall without slouching. Instead of using the couch or recliner in the TV room, bring in a straight-backed chair. Unless otherwise noted, begin each movement sitting in a neutral position.

Warm Up, Tone Up

Perform these exercises in sequence. Whether it's a commercial or coffee break, stay where you are and…

Pump your ankles up and down (flexing and pointing your feet) 10 slow times, holding a few seconds in each position. This improves the circulation in your legs and tones the lower leg muscles.

Tighten your buttocks and hold for a count of 10. Relax and repeat several times. This helps prevent fatigue in sitting.

March in place while sitting, lifting your knees as high as possible. Work up to two or three minutes. This works hips, knees and upper leg muscles.

Sit tall and press the small of your back into the back of the chair while tightening your abdominal muscles and exhaling through your mouth. Hold for a count of 10. Repeat five times. This strengthens the back and ab muscles.

Place your hands on your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together, gently pushing back your elbows as far as possible. You should feel movement between the shoulder blades. Repeat five times. This works the shoulder and upper back muscles, which support good posture.

Raise your shoulders toward your ears until you feel slight tension in your neck and shoulder. Hold for a count of five, then release and relax your shoulders. Repeat three times. This exercises and relaxes the shoulders and neck.

Sit up tall and press your lower back firmly into the back of the chair. Engage abdominals by pressing navel into spine. Extend one leg straight, tightening thigh muscles, and hold for a count of 10. Switch legs. Repeat four times. This strengthens the thigh muscles.

Head to Shoulders

Stretching and strengthening your neck and shoulder muscles helps relieve tension and improve posture. Take your time; keep your breathing slow and controlled.

Head Rolls
Sit tall (but not tense), lengthening your spine. Inhale.
Exhale and gently roll your head forward. Inhale.
Exhale and roll your head to the right. Inhale.
Exhale and roll and lift your head back. Look up at where the wall and ceiling meet, but don't drop your head all the way back.
Return your head to neutral.
Repeat entire sequence to the left.

Neck Press
Place both hands on the back of your head. Inhale.
Exhale. Holding your head still, push your hands forward, as if you are trying to push your head. But resist; don't let your head move. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat five times.

Phoner's Stretch
Grasp your right wrist with your left hand behind your back at waist level. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly pull your right arm down and across your back. Tilt your head to the left. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Change sides and repeat.

Posture Pleaser
Lift both arms in front of you to shoulder height, shoulder distance apart. Inhale.
Exhale and glide your shoulder blades toward one another, keeping your shoulders as relaxed as possible. Open your arms about 12 inches. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Return slowly to a neutral position.
Repeat five times.

Heavenly Hug
Cross your right arm over your left, giving yourself a hug. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly curve your spine. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily. Inhale.
Exhale and lengthen your spine back up to neutral.
Uncross your arms and switch, crossing your left over your right.

Back to Back

Stretching and strengthening your back muscles can ease pain, improve circulation, help prevent injuries and reduce tension.

Upper Back Stretch
Clasp your right hand in your left hand. Inhale.
Exhale and gently pull your right hand across your chest toward your left shoulder. Keep your torso facing forward. Hold 10 seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat with your left hand.

Cross your left leg over your right. Place your right hand on your left knee. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly twist to the left, pushing gently with your right hand. Continue the twist, looking over your left shoulder, until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Slowly return to neutral and uncross legs.
Repeat in the other direction.

Wrist Watch

If you spend a lot of time at a keyboard, this will strengthen your wrist muscles. That may prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Stress Injury.

Desk Lift
Rest your arms on the armrests.
Slide your hands under the desk, palms facing up. Inhale.
Exhale and press your palms up against the desk. (Don't try to really lift it!) Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat five times.
Repeat entire exercise with the palms facing the floor.

High Thighs

Your hips and thighs (front and back) will benefit from these moves, which stretch the muscles, increase circulation and reduce back strain.

Thigh Lift
Place your hands behind and above your right knee. Inhale.
Exhale and gently pull your right knee toward your chest. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Slowly lower your right leg to the floor.
Repeat with the left leg.

Cross right ankle over left knee.
With your right hand, apply mild downward pressure on the right knee. Try to bring your shin parallel to the floor.
While maintaining a neutral spine, bring your chest forward. Don't curl over; just lean from the hips, keeping an upright posture. You'll feel a stretch in the right hip. Hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat with the other side.

Leg Stretch
Stand in a neutral position, holding the desk, chair or wall to maintain balance.
Lift left foot behind you. With your right hand, reach back and hold the left ankle and foot. Inhale.
Exhale and pull ankle toward buttocks, pointing knee directly at the floor. Hold 10 seconds.
Release ankle and return to neutral standing position.
Repeat with other leg.

Seated Hamstring Stretch
Extend leg forward, straightening knee and placing heel on floor.
Stretch same-side hand toward foot. Hold for 15 seconds.
Repeat on other side.

Ankles Away!

Feet and ankle muscles are often overworked and underappreciated! Strengthen and relax them while improving circulation.

Ankle Circles
Extend your lower right leg slightly, lifting your foot but not straightening your knee. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly rotate your right foot outward.
Repeat 10 times, breathing steadily.
Lower your leg back to the floor. Repeat with your left foot.
Repeat exercise, rotating feet inward.

Full Body Stretch

Nothing locks up your muscles like a long period in a chair. This wonderful stretch increases circulation while relaxing you.

Reach both arms overhead while extending both feet out. Hold at least 15 seconds.
Relax, return to a neutral position, then repeat.

Relaxation Station

Deep, mindful breathing can improve your overall well-being by:

Allowing more oxygen to enter the bloodstream and expelling stale breath
Reducing stress and anxiety.
Enhancing concentration and focus.

Here are two techniques.

Sit quietly with eyes closed.
Focus on a slow, rhythmic pattern of breathing: Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
Allow the rhythm to induce a gentle state of relaxation for several minutes.

Close your eyes and create a calm, beautiful scene - perhaps the mountain or ocean - in your mind. Block out all other thoughts.
Allow your imagination to run free. Focus on the details of your scene for 5-10 minutes. ("See" the palm trees; "hear" the waves breaking.)
Breathe deeply. Explore the scene until you feel rested. Let your body relax totally.

U can make it smaller thin that

if u can't Till me ok and welcome;)

21-05-2003, 02:30 PM

الله يعينك..

بحاول اساعدك بكم كلمه متواضعه وعاد انتي اختاري الي تبين وتقدرين تدمجين كم واحد مع بعض

وهييييييه تراني مابي جوائز بس ابي اساعد:#

1/ advices about how to keep fit

In our life, we all seek the good health … but this won't happen if we didn't keep being fit… eating the healthy food and keep doing the daily exercises is the best and shortest way to acquire that…it is not a hard task…and the result will be a happy life and a strong healthy body…

But if you are asking how to get this fine treasure…don't be afraid…it's not climbing the highest mountains our cross the deepest rivers…it's doesn't take more than one walking our each day…always eat the fresh vegetables and fruits…it's the secret of being in good physical shape…

ويبغا له كمالة ترى

هذا الي عندي ادري انه عادي بس ودي اساعدك:p

عماد 18
22-05-2003, 01:02 AM
Me no speak english http://www.webpost.net/sp/spikeyman/dog.gif ..
<== تورط :6 ..
هلا يسر ..
قاهر ما قصر :) ..
و مشكورة على ثقتك فيني ..

TIFA Lockheart
22-05-2003, 03:25 AM


كنت احسبه موضوع ادبي:D

22-05-2003, 04:35 AM
اسمحيلي لينا بحرر موضوعك من بعض الاخطاء الصغيرة....
1/ advices about how to keep fit

In our life, we all seek a good health … but it won't happen if we dont't keep being fit… eating healthy food, and keep doing daily exercises are the best and shortest way to gain that…it is not a hard task…and the result will be a happy life and a strong healthy body…

But if you are asking how to get this fine treasure…don't be afraid…it's not hard as climbing a high mountain or crossing the deepest rivers…it's doesn't take more than one walk each day…always eat fresh vegetables and fruits…it's the secret of being in good physical shape…

والسموحه اختى

22-05-2003, 04:41 PM
:واو: :واو:

شباب :" فاكريني عبقرية انجليزية ..
انا ما قدرت افهم كلامكم الا بعد نص ساعة
نقلته ع الكراس و بعدين جلست و المعجم و اترجم

انا بنت صغيرة في الانجليزية ....

اقول هذه الافكار ح تخلي الاستاذة تخليلي 5/5 في الريتنيق

ع العموم الي شارك او ماشارك الكل رح تستناكم هدية كبيرة

thank you
hi .. what is your name


Darkness withiN
22-05-2003, 09:31 PM
السلام عليكم:D
يا أخ خوباج أحرجت البنت:6 ماعليه إحنا موجودين^^
إختي يسر أنا مستعد أساعدك^^
خاصةً إنها هوايه من هواياتي :D
لكن التعبير يحتاج كلمات خاصة..يعني مثلاً..
الكلمات الموجوده في تعبير طلاب الإبتدائي تختلف عن الإعدادي تختلف عن الثانوي..من الصعوبه وغيره..وكل مرحله تحتاج كلمات خاصة!!
حددي لي إنتي بالإعدادي ولا أي مرحله وأنا مستعد أكتب لك!!
أنا دايم أكتب حق إختي الصغيره وإبن خالي:6

22-05-2003, 10:02 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة قاهر كل الألعاب
Hi yosr how r u ?

ok this is about advices about how to keep fit ;)

Choose a chair with a sturdy back that allows you to sit up straight. If you are in an office chair, adjust your position to sit tall without slouching. Instead of using the couch or recliner in the TV room, bring in a straight-backed chair. Unless otherwise noted, begin each movement sitting in a neutral position.

Warm Up, Tone Up

Perform these exercises in sequence. Whether it's a commercial or coffee break, stay where you are and…

Pump your ankles up and down (flexing and pointing your feet) 10 slow times, holding a few seconds in each position. This improves the circulation in your legs and tones the lower leg muscles.

Tighten your buttocks and hold for a count of 10. Relax and repeat several times. This helps prevent fatigue in sitting.

March in place while sitting, lifting your knees as high as possible. Work up to two or three minutes. This works hips, knees and upper leg muscles.

Sit tall and press the small of your back into the back of the chair while tightening your abdominal muscles and exhaling through your mouth. Hold for a count of 10. Repeat five times. This strengthens the back and ab muscles.

Place your hands on your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together, gently pushing back your elbows as far as possible. You should feel movement between the shoulder blades. Repeat five times. This works the shoulder and upper back muscles, which support good posture.

Raise your shoulders toward your ears until you feel slight tension in your neck and shoulder. Hold for a count of five, then release and relax your shoulders. Repeat three times. This exercises and relaxes the shoulders and neck.

Sit up tall and press your lower back firmly into the back of the chair. Engage abdominals by pressing navel into spine. Extend one leg straight, tightening thigh muscles, and hold for a count of 10. Switch legs. Repeat four times. This strengthens the thigh muscles.

Head to Shoulders

Stretching and strengthening your neck and shoulder muscles helps relieve tension and improve posture. Take your time; keep your breathing slow and controlled.

Head Rolls
Sit tall (but not tense), lengthening your spine. Inhale.
Exhale and gently roll your head forward. Inhale.
Exhale and roll your head to the right. Inhale.
Exhale and roll and lift your head back. Look up at where the wall and ceiling meet, but don't drop your head all the way back.
Return your head to neutral.
Repeat entire sequence to the left.

Neck Press
Place both hands on the back of your head. Inhale.
Exhale. Holding your head still, push your hands forward, as if you are trying to push your head. But resist; don't let your head move. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat five times.

Phoner's Stretch
Grasp your right wrist with your left hand behind your back at waist level. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly pull your right arm down and across your back. Tilt your head to the left. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Change sides and repeat.

Posture Pleaser
Lift both arms in front of you to shoulder height, shoulder distance apart. Inhale.
Exhale and glide your shoulder blades toward one another, keeping your shoulders as relaxed as possible. Open your arms about 12 inches. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Return slowly to a neutral position.
Repeat five times.

Heavenly Hug
Cross your right arm over your left, giving yourself a hug. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly curve your spine. Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily. Inhale.
Exhale and lengthen your spine back up to neutral.
Uncross your arms and switch, crossing your left over your right.

Back to Back

Stretching and strengthening your back muscles can ease pain, improve circulation, help prevent injuries and reduce tension.

Upper Back Stretch
Clasp your right hand in your left hand. Inhale.
Exhale and gently pull your right hand across your chest toward your left shoulder. Keep your torso facing forward. Hold 10 seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat with your left hand.

Cross your left leg over your right. Place your right hand on your left knee. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly twist to the left, pushing gently with your right hand. Continue the twist, looking over your left shoulder, until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Slowly return to neutral and uncross legs.
Repeat in the other direction.

Wrist Watch

If you spend a lot of time at a keyboard, this will strengthen your wrist muscles. That may prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Stress Injury.

Desk Lift
Rest your arms on the armrests.
Slide your hands under the desk, palms facing up. Inhale.
Exhale and press your palms up against the desk. (Don't try to really lift it!) Hold for five seconds, breathing steadily.
Repeat five times.
Repeat entire exercise with the palms facing the floor.

High Thighs

Your hips and thighs (front and back) will benefit from these moves, which stretch the muscles, increase circulation and reduce back strain.

Thigh Lift
Place your hands behind and above your right knee. Inhale.
Exhale and gently pull your right knee toward your chest. Hold for 15 seconds, breathing steadily.
Slowly lower your right leg to the floor.
Repeat with the left leg.

Cross right ankle over left knee.
With your right hand, apply mild downward pressure on the right knee. Try to bring your shin parallel to the floor.
While maintaining a neutral spine, bring your chest forward. Don't curl over; just lean from the hips, keeping an upright posture. You'll feel a stretch in the right hip. Hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat with the other side.

Leg Stretch
Stand in a neutral position, holding the desk, chair or wall to maintain balance.
Lift left foot behind you. With your right hand, reach back and hold the left ankle and foot. Inhale.
Exhale and pull ankle toward buttocks, pointing knee directly at the floor. Hold 10 seconds.
Release ankle and return to neutral standing position.
Repeat with other leg.

Seated Hamstring Stretch
Extend leg forward, straightening knee and placing heel on floor.
Stretch same-side hand toward foot. Hold for 15 seconds.
Repeat on other side.

Ankles Away!

Feet and ankle muscles are often overworked and underappreciated! Strengthen and relax them while improving circulation.

Ankle Circles
Extend your lower right leg slightly, lifting your foot but not straightening your knee. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly rotate your right foot outward.
Repeat 10 times, breathing steadily.
Lower your leg back to the floor. Repeat with your left foot.
Repeat exercise, rotating feet inward.

Full Body Stretch

Nothing locks up your muscles like a long period in a chair. This wonderful stretch increases circulation while relaxing you.

Reach both arms overhead while extending both feet out. Hold at least 15 seconds.
Relax, return to a neutral position, then repeat.

Relaxation Station

Deep, mindful breathing can improve your overall well-being by:

Allowing more oxygen to enter the bloodstream and expelling stale breath
Reducing stress and anxiety.
Enhancing concentration and focus.

Here are two techniques.

Sit quietly with eyes closed.
Focus on a slow, rhythmic pattern of breathing: Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.
Allow the rhythm to induce a gentle state of relaxation for several minutes.

Close your eyes and create a calm, beautiful scene - perhaps the mountain or ocean - in your mind. Block out all other thoughts.
Allow your imagination to run free. Focus on the details of your scene for 5-10 minutes. ("See" the palm trees; "hear" the waves breaking.)
Breathe deeply. Explore the scene until you feel rested. Let your body relax totally.

U can make it smaller thin that

if u can't Till me ok and welcome;)

لول..واضح جدا ان قاهر مسوي copy و paste!!
مستحيل يكتب هذا الموضوع المتناسق بعدين يقول Till بدل من tell و thin بدل من than ..لول..و يقول في توقيعه is come back...بدل is coming back او is back!!
لول ، اعترف!

23-05-2003, 07:37 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة voulnet_86

لول..واضح جدا ان قاهر مسوي copy و paste!!
مستحيل يكتب هذا الموضوع المتناسق بعدين يقول Till بدل من tell و thin بدل من than ..لول..و يقول في توقيعه is come back...بدل is coming back او is back!!
لول ، اعترف!

قوية يا قاهر الألعاب :0) <-------- يشب بينكم :6

23-05-2003, 09:17 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة voulnet_86

لول..واضح جدا ان قاهر مسوي copy و paste!!
مستحيل يكتب هذا الموضوع المتناسق بعدين يقول Till بدل من tell و thin بدل من than ..لول..و يقول في توقيعه is come back...بدل is coming back او is back!!
لول ، اعترف!

حتى لو سوى كوبي بيست

على الأقل بحث وجاب موب زي بعض الناس ما عنده الا التعليقات :p

يعني يعجبني خدوم http://www.montada.com/images/icons/icon14.gif

23-05-2003, 11:14 PM
ومتى قال هو انه كاتبها:أفكر: ؟

23-05-2003, 11:25 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة RPG_master
ومتى قال هو انه كاتبها:أفكر: ؟

حتى لو سوى كوبي بيست

على الأقل بحث وجاب موب زي بعض الناس ما عنده الا التعليقات

يعني يعجبني خدوم
شفيهم هذوله معصبين؟ يعني ما نعلق؟وين الديموقراطية!!
شباب ترى انا قاعد اتغشمر و مبين من رسالتي!!

23-05-2003, 11:41 PM
ما عصبت..

بس المفروض اصلا طريقه تفكيرك كذا بتجرح شعور الشخص الي تتكلم عنه..لو فعلا قال انه كاتبها..

فأنا ادافع عنه فقط..

25-05-2003, 07:04 PM
مو كأن هنا لي رد انحذف:أفكر: ..


الامل عادي وش فيها اذا صححتي ما يحتاج هالاعتذار:p

لو مالقيتي غلط بقول صدق انا مالفته ولا وشو:6 ...؟

يوسر خلاص غيرت رأيي ابي هديه:# ..

عماد 18
25-05-2003, 08:18 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Lena

الله يعينك..

بحاول اساعدك بكم كلمه متواضعه وعاد انتي اختاري الي تبين وتقدرين تدمجين كم واحد مع بعض

وهييييييه تراني مابي جوائز بس ابي اساعد:#

1/ advices about how to keep fit

In our life, we all seek the good health … but this won't happen if we didn't keep being fit… eating the healthy food and keep doing the daily exercises is the best and shortest way to acquire that…it is not a hard task…and the result will be a happy life and a strong healthy body…

But if you are asking how to get this fine treasure…don't be afraid…it's not climbing the highest mountains our cross the deepest rivers…it's doesn't take more than one walking our each day…always eat the fresh vegetables and fruits…it's the secret of being in good physical shape…

ويبغا له كمالة ترى

هذا الي عندي ادري انه عادي بس ودي اساعدك:p

هذا ؟؟

25-05-2003, 08:29 PM

شيئون غيره يا فتى:6 ....

forget about it it's not that important