المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : we7 فاشل بشهاده المراقبين الفاهمين

ملك كل الالعاب
15-08-2003, 04:20 PM
معليش على العنوان
اوكي خنقول ويننج اليفن 7 ليس بمستوى التطلعات ولن اكتب فاشل

وهذا موضوع من جيم ماستر من المراقب وردوا عليه مراقبين واكدوا كلامه

دليل انهم مقتنعين انه موب حلو ابدا

وصح انه ما سب الشريط وهاجمه زيي بس هاجمه بطريقته الخاصه (( ولا شكله وده يحشه بس خايف عشانه مراقب :D ))

على العموم انا مع راي كاتب الموضوع حرف بحرف واعجبني موضوعه

وما احد يقول هذولا موب فاهمين يكفي انهم مراقبين

هذا الموضوع


15-08-2003, 04:31 PM

انت مصمم تخلي اللعبة مو زينة والله هذي مشكلتك يابو الشباب ومااحد ضربك على ايدك وقالك العب وينج اليفن الجديد بس قصة انك تدخل كل شوي منتدى عشان تدور موضوع واحد فقط يذم اللعبة من بين الف موضوع يمدحونها هذا مو منطق ابدا

وبعدين اذا كان مراقب خير ياطير يعني المراقب كائن من كوكب ثاني عشان نعتبر رايه حدث مسلم به؟؟

المراقب بشر مثلنا ممكن اللي مايعجبه يعجب غيره وحنا عجبنا الاصدار وطبعا احنا احرار ومقتنعين بكل شي بس مااقول الا كيف الحال؟


15-08-2003, 04:34 PM
أخوي كل واحد يشوف اللعبة بنظره.. وأحنا ما علينا من المنتديات الثانية.. ولو أني مسجل في منتدي جيم ماستر..بالعكس طريقة اللعب واقعية..
اللعب أحلى وأجمل..وغيرهم من المواصفات الي يتمتع بها الجزء السابع..من اللعبة..فهذا الجزء أفضل اجزاء الويننج اليفن..وألي مهب
عاجبه((ليس قصدي المشرفين))..خله يشتري شريط الكورة التافه
والسلام عليكم..;)

15-08-2003, 04:47 PM
انا بصراحه اللعبه داخله مخي 100%
والي مب عايبتنه اللعبه

يلعب فيفا احسن له

15-08-2003, 04:53 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بـوسنيده
انا بصراحه اللعبه داخله مخي 100%
والي مب عايبتنه اللعبه

يلعب فيفا احسن له

يا ولد مثل ردي..الي مهب عاجبه..الشريط يشتري فيفا..:D:D..

15-08-2003, 05:07 PM
يعني واذا كانوا مراقبين يعني :غضب: هم أحسن منا :غضب:
وبعدين خليك من هذي السخافات اللعبة ماهي حلوة ،
اللعبة فاشلة، المراقبين قالوا ، خلاص اللعبة ماهي عجبتك لا تلعب فيها
ألعب في الفيفا زي ما قال أخوي ROKCY MAIVIA تراها تصلحلك
من جد حركات أطفال:غضب:

15-08-2003, 05:09 PM
اخوي انت كل شوي وطالع بموضوع عن We7ان اللعبه خايسه وممله
اريد اعرف شي واحد.....انته شو هدفك يعني
اخوي اذا مو عاجبك الشريط ارجع ل We6
ولا احسن لك فيفا
اخوي والله ذبحتنا كل شوي خايس وممل

SnaKe EateR
15-08-2003, 05:21 PM
اخواني انا رأيت انتقادات كثيره على we7 ومواضيع كثيره تعارض هذا

الاصدار . فما حبيت اتدخل فيها لكن الان اسمحولي اني اوضح نقطه

لجميع الاشخاااص....

اخواني:راكانو--ROKCY MAIVIA---بـوسنيده---مشكلني

الرجاء عدم الحقد على اخونا ملك كل الالعاب لانها مجرد حرية رايي

(( مجرد راي لايفسد للود قضيه ))

اخي ملك كل الالعاب. انا قرأت موضوع المشرف في g m وبصراحه عجبني واسلوبه واحترم رأيه الشخصي ولو تعيد النظر لموضوعه ستجد انه كتب مجرد رأي شخصي

اريد ان اوضح نقطه مع احترامي الشديد لرأيك الشخصي

اخي انا لا احب العاب rpg مثل فاينل فانتسي((مع احترامي الشديد لمحبيه))

لذلك لم افكر ابدا بان اذهب للقسم تبع فاينل فانتسي واعارضهم

وانتقدهم واكررهم اللعبه .. لانني اعلم ان اذواق العالم تختلف وارائهم

اخي ملك كل الالعاب .. اكيد فهمت قصدي

اخي لو نظرت الي المنتدى بشكل عام لرأيت انه مقسم الي عناوين كثيره

عام,,ررياضي,,..........ز وهكذا لماذا؟؟؟ هل سألت نفسك هذا السؤال من قبل؟؟

لان المشرف العام او بالاصح مصمم الموقع يعلم ان الناس اذواق وان

اصابع اليد ليست مثل بعضها..... اكيد فهمتني

فبما انك اخي لم يعجبك اصدار هذه اللعبه فهذا رأيك الشخصي ولايستطيع

اي شخص ان يعارضك عليه...................

الف شكر لك اخي ملك كل الالعاب ولجميع الاعضاء

مع تحياتي وتقديري اخوكم

SnaKE EaeteR

15-08-2003, 05:33 PM
مهما قالوا ان اللعبة فاشلة يكفي انه ويننج اليفن
وإذا ماعجبتك اللعبة عندك الفيفا مثل ما قال الاخ NeDVeD

أبو بدر
15-08-2003, 05:41 PM
أخوي ملك كل الالعاب
هذا ثالث موضوع لك ونفس المضمون...

خلاص اللعبه ما عجبتك هذا رايك انت...مو لازم تنقع الكل يوافقونك...

على العموم هذا الموضوع مخالف بسببين.
الأول: نشر وصلات لمنتديات أخرى..
5)المواضيع المكررة سيتم حذفها مباشرة إلا ان كان الموضوع المكرر أفض واكثر تفصيلا وافادة من الموضوع السابق.

أبو بدر
15-08-2003, 07:20 PM
واذا كنت تبي تأخذ رأي المراقبين فهذا رأي مراقب في منتدى ((أجنبي))
At the start of July I was asked if I wouldn’t mind writing a review for Winning Eleven 7. I thought, “It shouldn’t be too tough after all I have been playing the game in its various forms for the last few years, how much different can it be?”
How wrong I was, playing the game in its native language is baffling no matter how many years you have been playing the WE/PES series.
Anyway I was asked and seeing as the boss is currently on a tour of the Philippines looking for a wife with no possible method of contact I suppose I have to carry on regardless.

On booting the game for the first time you get an intro that is similar to the one that started PES2 but instead of the wonderful display of finishing you are treated to some of the most dismal defending that makes even Sunderland’s back four look good.
After watching that you get some cheesy Yank announcing that you are now playing “Winning Eleven 7” just in case you were unsure as to which game you had started. Then the main menu appears and something strikes you straight away, it’s in English! Before you get too excited and dash off to order it I have to warn you, the main menu is currently the only menu that is in English, everything else is in Japanese.
So we now move onto how the game actually plays. Some people have been complaining that the new game `feels` different from the previous version. I will admit that during my first few games I also thought it felt different but it wasn’t a bad thing it was just that it was a slightly new system. The way the ball moved was different and it wasn’t until I had those few games under my belt that it dawned on me, it was more realistic. It reacts like a real football would, when Zidane has it for instance he pings passes left, right and centre without breaking his stride. On the flip side of that we have Heskey and although he is a good target man he can’t pass the ball for toffee. As I said it’s more realistic. Konami have also tweaked the striking animation so it now looks like your player is actually striking the ball as a real footballer would. Next we have the way the players move. In PES2 it wasn’t really that bad, you could pick out the players who had their own signature moves, with WE7 it’s pretty much the same but the variety with other players is also part of the game in as much as they all seem to have their own way of running and moving with the ball.
There is also a new addition when playing the game. Those who have been reading the forums will have seen it being referred to as `Libeiro Grande` mode. This is a nod to the shoddy game that pioneered the idea; unfortunately the game engine wasn’t up to much, thankfully with WE7 it works very well. On starting the game in this mode you pick the one player who you want to be for the whole 90 minutes. You may think it sounds a bit dodgy but believe me timing your runs as an attacker takes a bit of practice. The camera in this mode works as it does when you are playing as the whole team, its follows the ball so you need to rely on the scanner even more when flying solo. All in all it’s a good addition to the game and adds a bit more to the way you play.

Now we move onto the sound in the game. I’m no expert but to me it sounds exactly the same as WE6 did. The commentary may well be new and improved if you are Japanese but for me Kabira and his mate may well as well not have bothered turning up in the recording booth. The stadiums will also seem like much quieter places for those of us who added one of the many chant patches to our other versions. There are some noises from the stands when you score or there is a Thomas Repka style challenge on the pitch. Apart from that not much has changed, ah well you can’t have it all.
The way the players actually look has always been the cause of much discussion. This version is no different; we have all the recognisable players in the game even those we don’t want to look at, mentioning no buck toothed Brazilians by name as I think they know who they are. There is also a huge amount of in game editing options available to you. You can change a players face, hairstyle and even weight to keep the game bang up to date. For example you can make Wayne Rooney fatter and give Becks his even more girly hairdo should you feel the need.

One thing I haven’t mentioned during this review is that by playing matches and winning Cups you are awarded WEN points. What’s a WEN point I hear you ask? Well it’s a cunning ploy by Konami to put in a few extra features that you have to work to achieve. Certain points unlock certain things such as extra hairdos, extra teams and other delights that I won’t ruin for you.

The Master League also returns and from what I can tell there are only a couple of things that have changed. The first thing that has changed is that you now have 4 divisions to work your way through as opposed to the 3 in PES2. Another addition is that there is now a European Cup you are entered into, but its more Uefa Cup than Champs League. You start with the same band of no hopers and have to build them into a team capable of challenging for titles. Much wheeling and dealing is required in order to make your team the team of your dreams but it’s a good way of putting some players together who you would never see in real life, unless you support Chelsea.

Overall it’s a good addition to the series and has enough features to make you want to keep coming back for more. You can now officially bin every other football game you have; this is the only one you will need.

Plus Points
- New player animations
- Now replay at any time, yes they have finally listened
- More teams

Minus Points
- Still no ref on the field at all times
- Crossing requires much more practice
- Dammit, can’t come up with 3…..

Final Score 9.5 out of 10 – Football perfection

Thanks to Kenny for his help on the Master League section of this review.

All comments and arguments to be held below

ومعطيها 9.5/10