المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Detonator 51.75 & Aquamark3 results

16-09-2003, 02:39 PM
BetrayerX has dropped word of Guru3D's results of running a preview copy of the benchmark Aquamark3 with the newly 51.75 Detonators that was given to reviewers. The results speak for themselves. The question a lot of people will be wanting answered is how come the results are closer to the 9800 Pro in this thing vs Half Life 2 results? Be forwarned though, a lot of pro nVidia users in the forums over there. Plus what's with the bashing of Valve selling out to ATi? Hasn't it occured to some that ATi's hardware has followed the DX9 guidelines a lot better then the FX and Valve choose to go with one that has choosen to stick to the guidelines? Valve wouldn't have to have thrown in 5x extra man hours to make sure the game runs on nVidia FX hardware if nVidia followed the guidelines a little better. I guess it just goes to show that you should always color within the lines! Heh. Anyways, here is a snip:

We used the soon to be released AquaMark 3 self proclaimed DX 9 benchmark which definitely makes good use of DirectX 9 Pixel and Vertex Shaders 2.0 IQ wise it's hard to tell the difference, I can only hope that NVIDIA did not do any nasty stuff, there's no guarrantee though. However, it doesn't seem like it. As can see the new dets definitely show a potential 10-15% performance increase over the previous official build which brings it very close to Radeon 9800 Pro for DX9 titles.