المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نداء استغاثه

03-11-2003, 08:59 AM
رسالة هامة للغاية مررها لكل من تعرف و لكل منتدياتك .... الان

السلام عليكم
الاخوة مدراء المجموعات برجاء نشر هذة الرسالة "الان " فورا نظرا لاهميتها
وضرورة التحرك العاجل لها خاصة الرسالة الاولى الخاصة بموقع الصوت العربى الحر الذى يسعى اليهود الصهاينة لاغلاقة
و ارجو من الاخوة جميعا سرعة التحرك فورا و حالا و ان ترونا همة و نشاط الجميع فى المساعدة فى منع اغلاق موقع الصوت العربى الحر
و ايضا لا تنسوا ميعادنا 17 رمضان على البال توك فى يوم القدس الاول

البعض قد يتكاسل و ينسى
و البعض يقول هل سيؤثر صوتى فتكون النتيجة ان يقول 70 مليون " هل سيؤثر صوتى "
لذلك فالصهاينة برغم قلة عددهم عن عددنا فهم ينجحون اكثر منا فى نشاطهم على النت لانهم
" يعملون " بجد و همة
فارونا هذة المرة و لمرات قادمة همتنا و لنكن اكثر منهم و انشط و افعل
فلنجعل العالم يعرف اننا ايضا لنا قوة مؤثرة و لنا صوت مسموع و مؤثر و قوة ضغط يعترف بها
سارعوا لخدمة دينكم ووطنكم اصلحكم الله و حفظكم و بارك فيكم
ايمان بدوى

English follows Arabic/ Please scroll down
A Call for Help from Pro-free speech and Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Arab, and Pro-Muslim activists on the internet. The Haganah Organization threatens the Free Arab Voice with closure once again.

نداء استغاثة إلى نشطاء الإنترنت:

منظمة الهاغاناة الصهيونية تهدد نشرة الصوت العربي الحر

بعد أن تم إغلاق موقعنا الصوت العربي الحر يوم 15 أيار 2003 من قبل الشركة المضيفة له بتهمة تأييد العمليات الاستشهادية كما قيل لنا حرفياً، تمكنا مؤخراً من استئجار موقع جديد على شبكة الإنترنت قبل مدة بسيطة ولكننا تلقينا تهديداً من منظمة إرهابية صهيونية تسمي نفسها الهاغاناة البارحة الموافق في 31/10/2003 جاء على شكل رسالة من تلك المنظمة إلى بعض المجموعات اليهودية التي تعمل في إطار حملة تطلق على نفسها اسم "حملة مواجهة الإرهاب الإسلامي وأنصاره على الإنترنت".

وقد جاء في تلك الرسالة التي تجدون نسخة منها أدناه أن الناشطين في تلك الحملة وجهوا رسائل إلى الشركة الجديدة التي تستضيفنا يحتجون فيها على موقف الصوت العربي الحر من القضايا التالية:

1) العمليات الاستشهادية في فلسطين وحججنا للدفاع عنها

2) عمليات المقاومة العراقية وتغطيتنا لها منذ ما قبل سقوط بغداد

3) قضية "المحرقة" اليهودية المزعومة وعلاقتنا مع المؤرخين المراجعين في الغرب الذين يفندونها

ويبدو أن الشركة المضيفة الجديدة تجاوبت مع الحملة الصهيونية المطالبة بإغلاق موقعنا. ولذلك، نود أن نطلب من كل نشطاء الإنترنت، ومن قراء الصوت العربي الحر، ومن كل المدافعين عن حرية الرأي في كل مكان، أن يقوموا بحملة رسائل مضادة وأن يرسلوا الرسالة التالية إلى المسؤولين في وست هوست WestHost التي تضيف موقعنا والتي أرسلت لنا إنذاراً بإخلاء الموقع خلال 24 ساعة إذا لم نزل كل المواد التي يحتج عليها فرع الهاغاناة في الولايات المتحدة، وهي منظمة معروفة بتاريخها الدموي والإرهابي على مدى عقود في فلسطين. وكانت هذه المنظمة قد أضافت عنوان منزل أحد المسؤولين عن موقع الصوت العربي الحر في نهاية رسالتها للمجموعات اليهودية ولكننا أزلناه لأسباب واضحة. ويمكن أن ترسلوا رسالة المطالبة بالإبقاء على موقع الصوت العربي الحر على عنوان الإيميل التالي: info@westhost.com

Dear WestHost Managers,

WestHost, Inc.
164 N Spring Creek Parkway
Providence, UT 84332
(800) 222-2165 Toll Free
+01 (435) 755-3433 International
(435) 755-3449 FAX

In the interest of freedom of speech and the right of pro-Arab activists to express themselves freely on the internet, we kindly request that you keep the site of the Free Arab Voice (www.freearabvoice.org) intact and available for all to have access to alternative viewpoints that are not covered by the mainstream media. We consider this a smart business move on your part as well as a courageous stand for the principles of free speech. Please note as well that the campaign against the Free Arab Voice is being carried out by a group that calls itself the Haganah which is very well known for its bloody and terrorist history in Palestine for many decades.


الرجاء وضع اسمك بالإنكليزية هنا بعد نسخ الرسالة كما هي دون إرسال أي شيء بالعربية معها

وبإمكانكم أن ترسلوا رسالتكم الخاصة إذا أردتم على أن تكون بالإنكليزية لأن مضيفي موقعنا لا يعرفون العربية، وانتبهوا رجاءً أن لا ترسلوا في رسائلكم للشركة أية كلمات نابية أو ما شابه، ومرة أخرى عنوان الشركة هو info@westhost.com

إلى نشطاء الهاكرز العرب، نطلب منكم المساعدة بأقصى سرعة للرد على المجموعات الصهيونية التي تقوم بتدمير موقعنا دورياً أو تضع بدلاً عنه المواد الإباحية أو الصهيونية. فهناك أولاً موقع منظمة الهاغاناة على الإنترنت التي وضعت إعلاناً يطالب بإغلاق موقعنا، ويحرض النشطاء اليهود عليه، وهذا الموقع هو http://haganah.us/haganah/archives/001161.html

كما توجد لائحتان بريديتان للحركة الصهيونية هما اللتان نظمتا الحملة ضدنا، وهما مفتوحتان لمن يرغب، وعنوانهما: terror_web@yahoogroups.com

أما عنوان الأخرى فهو deface_the_nation@yahoogroups.com

A call for help from all supporters of free speech and Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim rights

The Haganah threatens the Free Arab Voice with Closure yet again

Dear Readers of the Free Arab Voice,

After being shut down on May 15, 2003, on the charge of defending the Palestinian armed resistance against the occupation, we managed recently to obtain webspace from a new internet company. However we received on October 31, 2003, a copy of a message circulated by supporters of the Zionist Haganah organization (below) in which threats are made that indicates another campaign was launched to shut down the Free Arab Voice once again. It seems our new hosts have succumbed to this Zionist blackmail. That’s why we are requesting that the supporters of Palestinian, Arab, and Muslims rights, and the supporters of free speech everywhere, launch a counter-campaign demanding that the Free Arab Voice stays on. Please copy and paste the message below or write one of your own making sure it’s short and sweet and doesn’t include any Arabic as our hosts cannot read that language.

Dear WestHost Managers,

WestHost, Inc.
164 N Spring Creek Parkway
Providence, UT 84332
(800) 222-2165 Toll Free
+01 (435) 755-3433 International
(435) 755-3449 FAX

In the interest of freedom of speech and the right of pro-Arab activists to express themselves freely on the internet, we kindly request that you keep the site of the Free Arab Voice (www.freearabvoice.org) intact and available for all to have access to alternative viewpoints that are not covered by the mainstream media. We consider this a smart business move on your part as well as a courageous stand for the principles of free speech. Please note as well that the campaign against the Free Arab Voice is being carried out by a group that calls itself the Haganah which is very well known for its bloody and terrorist history in Palestine for many decades.


(put your name here please)

Copy and paste the message above then send it to the following email address please: info@westhost.com

Thank you for your support.


The text of the message by the Haganah

نص رسالة الهاغاناة المتعلقة بالصوت العربي الحر

Web Site Advocating the Killing of Jews Has 24 Hours to Clean Up
its Act
Jeremy Reynalds
Oct 31, 2003

A website openly advocating killing Jews removed from its former ISP in New Jersey has surfaced again " for a while" at a small ISP in Providence Utah (near Logan).

The web site is violently anti-American and anti-Semitic. For example. In an article titled "Ten Reasons Why Jews are Kosher Targets," (www.freearabvoice.org/tenReasonsIsraeliJewsAreKosherTargets.htm) the writer first comments that the views expressed in the article are not "extremist."

Then he writes "Palestinian and Arab opinion polls, on Al Jazeera.net for example, indicated in the past that support for the human bombs tactic runs upwards of ninety percent on the Arab street. Indeed, such human bombs are not only justified. Much more of them is needed."

Reasons given for advocating Jews as targets include "They are occupying by force land which doesn't belong to them, they have ethnically cleansed the Palestinians from that, after more than fifty years, they still refuse to let the Palestinians return to their land and property, they are objectively part of an imperialist colonial base in the heart of the Arab World."

Another writer on the site expresses his dislike for the United States policy in Iraq and his apparent happiness that clergyman Abdul Majid Al Khoui was killed.

In an article titled "Iraqi Resistance Report V" dated April 10 2003 (www.freearabvoice.org/Iraq/Report/report05.htm) he writes that there were two important things that have happened recently. "The first was the human bomb that took several American invaders to meet the landlord of the planet, ironically enough, in front of PALESTINE Hotel in Baghdad. The second was the successful elimination of an important agent of imperialism, a clergyman of a very high rank who came in the holy city of Najaf on top of an American tank just a few days ago to help form a pro-American Iraq. If they don't imply anything, these two painful blows to the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq imply ... That the resistance is far from over. On the contrary, it has just begun on a wholly different dimension (although it continues in its old form in many parts of Baghdad)."

After being informed of the nature of the site being hosted by his company, Mark Stevenson, vice president of operations at West Host Inc., said in an e-mailed response "We appreciate being informed about the true nature of this website. Any web host can tell you that enforcing the policies and guidelines is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. We do not set these policies to only protect our company legally, but also because we firmly believe in these standards on a personal level as well. We do not wish to provide service, support, or in any way help a web site that we find objectionable and is in violation to the clear standards that we set."

Stevenson said he has e-mailed the site operators instructions to clean up their act. He said he wrote "We have recently received a complaint about your web site and were made aware of the focus and nature of your website and need to remind you that you are violating the policies and guidelines that you agreed to when you signed up with WestHost ... You have 24 hours to conform your website content to our policies and guidelines or we will be forced to disable your account. Please respond with details on what you plan to do to rectify the situation. If you have any questions about this, please let me know."

In addition, Stevenson said he sent a reminder to the site operators about his company's terms of service.

In part the company's terms of service read (www.westhost.com/policy.html), "WestHost Inc reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Clients may only use WestHost Inc's servers for lawful purpose. Transmission of any material in violation of any Federal, State or Local regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, and material protected by trade secrets."

Stevenson said he suspects the web site operators will not conform to his company's policies, but will use the 24 hours to find another host.


***** NEWS RELEASE ***** 10/31/2003 *****

Palestinian-Israeli Cyberwar comes to Logan UTAH.

A website openly advocating killing Jews, and TOS'd (removed for Terms of Service violation) from it's former ISP in New Jersey has surfaced again at a small ISP in Providence Utah (near Logan).

Internet Haganah, a site dedicated to "Confronting Islamist Terrorism and its Supporters Online" is suggesting that those who disagree that suicide or homicide bombing is a legitimate form of political _expression exercise their freedom of speech and write a polite letter to the ISP and ask them to remove the site
(لازم يا جماعه تردوا علي ونحاول نعمل حاجه كل واحد اللي يقدر عليه)

03-11-2003, 09:25 AM
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
تأكد يا أخى إن أنا إنشاء الله حعمل ما بوسعى لنشر الرساله والبحث عن طريقه للمساعدة

04-11-2003, 12:25 AM
شكرا يا مان وان شاء الله يعينك
بس فين الشباب عايزين اكتر