المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شباب احد خلص لعبة monky island

16-07-2001, 06:55 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم شباااااااااااااااب الي خلص لعبة مونكي ايلاند يرد علي على طول هووووووووووووى
لاني وصلت مكان ماقدرت اعديه تكفوووووووووووووووووون :D :D :D :D

16-07-2001, 06:59 PM
انا مجنون بالهلعبة .. وموصي واحد يشتريلي اياها من لندن :)
قصد ذا كورس أوف منكي أيلاند ..
ولا اسكيب فروم منكي أيلاند ...
يعني الثري دي و لا التو دي ؟
اذا كانت الثريدي .. قولي وين توهقت ؟

17-07-2001, 07:31 AM
اخوي انا الي عندي هي the curse of monkey island وصلت الجزيرة الي فيها ذاك السكران الي في البار وتتتكسر السفينة وفيها قبيلة يعبدوا الاصنام في قرية في الجبل المهم انا توقهت في الجزيرة ماعرفت اش اسوي جبت للسكران فلفل وشعر كلب لكن ماعرفت كيف اجيب البيضة ارجووووووووووك هي فوق الشجرة
لكن ماعرفت كيف اخذها اذات تعرف قول لي وشكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررا على المشاركة

17-07-2001, 07:43 AM
Part 4

pick up the bottle in the sand (hard-bite the bottle), go to the cemetery, go
to the gravediggers hut (left), pick up the chisel and mallet, get hair off
dog, (easy- get biscuits and give them to dog), (hard-give biscuit from
chicken restaurant to dog), go to the hotel, go inside, talk to madame xima
until you have 5 death cards, open the door and go into the back room, use the
chisel on the cheese, get fridge magnet, go back to main room, get cushion
from far bar stool, get recipe book, read it, go to beach, use cushion on
rocks, use mallet on tree, get egg, go to windmill, get pepper, return to
hotel, give egg, pepper, and dog hair to bartender, talk to him, order a drink
with an umbrella, use the chisle on the hangover cure, use the hangover cure
with drink, drink the drink.

17-07-2001, 07:58 AM
شكرا اخوي سوبر نوفا انا مش عارف كيف اشكرك الف شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر
والله تستاهل كل خير وكثر الله من امثالك . :D :D :D :D

17-07-2001, 10:07 AM
اخوي سوبر نوفا اذا عندك الحل الكامل لل part4 عطني هو تكفى بسررررررررررررررررررررررررررعة
الله لايهينك والف شكرررررررررررررررررررررر. :D :D :D :D

17-07-2001, 04:26 PM
أول شي قول لي انت حطيت مستوى سهل ولا صعب؟؟؟؟
لأني أعتقد ان الحل اللي عندي حق الصعب
أما السهل أصلا ما يحتاج حل من سهولته:D :D

17-07-2001, 04:53 PM
شباااااب .. من وين شريتو هالنسخه ؟
وصيت عليها من لندن آنا ... مو موجودة بالكويت :( :( :(

17-07-2001, 06:08 PM
والله اخ zack انا شريتها من الخبر :D :D :D :D بس ماتقدر تجيب لي الحل الكامل لل part4 لاني تعقدت مرة ثانية تكفووووووووووووووووون الي يعرفه يعطيني هو وشكرا :D :)

17-07-2001, 06:32 PM
Part 4

pick up the bottle in the sand (hard-bite the bottle), go to the cemetery, go
to the gravediggers hut (left), pick up the chisel and mallet, get hair off
dog, (easy- get biscuits and give them to dog), (hard-give biscuit from
chicken restaurant to dog), go to the hotel, go inside, talk to madame xima
until you have 5 death cards, open the door and go into the back room, use the
chisel on the cheese, get fridge magnet, go back to main room, get cushion
from far bar stool, get recipe book, read it, go to beach, use cushion on
rocks, use mallet on tree, get egg, go to windmill, get pepper, return to
hotel, give egg, pepper, and dog hair to bartender, talk to him, order a drink
with an umbrella, use the chisle on the hangover cure, use the hangover cure
with drink, drink the drink. use chisel on coffin lid, get nails, open the
other coffin (with the chisel), talk to stan, leave, go back in, get insurance
policy, return to hotel, go upstairs, go into first room. bang nail with
mallet. go out, get nail. (hard-get portrait, use scissors on portrait, use
outside of portrait on first door, use businsess cad on far door). enter far
room, pull bed, use nails on bed, use single nail on bed, get and read the
book, (hard-return to first room, look through porthole), go downstairs, talk
to bartender about being part of the family (hard- get mirror, use face in
mirror frame), get jar, use chisel on jar lid, go back to the village (strange
lights), get tofu and cup, use chisle on tofu, wear tofu, go to volcano and
talk to lemonhead, after ceremony throw cheese into volcano, return to
windmill, (hard-use umbrella on windmill panes), fill jar and mug from the
barrel, go to beach, talk to haggis about the bottle until he tells you they
need tar, return to outside hotel an dput cheese in pot, take pot tohaggis,
get lotion, go to clearing (where elaine is), put jar on stump, put lid on
jar, use lubricant on elaines finger, take ring, go to lighthouse, use
'lantern' on lantern stand (hard -use mirror on mirror), return to hotel, buy
drink, mix it with hangover cure, drink it, talk to ghost, go left, get
crowbar, move towards crack, pickup murray, look through crack, (hard-use
paste on skeleton arm), use skeleton arm on lantern, go back, use lantern on
coffin lid, use murray on lantern, return to hotel, go into back room, get
death certificate, go upstairs, go to far room, use crowbar on boarded hole,
use crowbar on bed, get ring, go to stans, cash in policy, go to beach, talk
to ferryman, use magnet on pin, usepin on cork, use cork/pin on mug, give
compass to ferryman, go to skull island, talk to winch operator, go down, use
the umbrella when you're falling, talk to the pirates, play poker, use tarot
cards on weak hand, go to clearing, use diamond on ring, put ring on elaines

talk to lechuck until you can end the conversation, open the door. talk to
dinghy dog about competition, ask him to guess your age, get the anchor,
(easy-put anchor in meringe pie), (hard-use shaving cream on pie pan, put
anchor in piepan), make rat fire the cannon, open gate, look through hole,
push dinghy dog until he bites you, go right, get pepper, ask for snow cone,
use meringue, pepper, and hair on cone, eat it.

Stop at first stop, get fallen rope. at second stop, get keg of rum, at
third stop (easy- get flask of oil) (hard-open lantern, blow lantern, get
flask of oil), at fourth stop, go up the ice path, use keg on monkey, use oil
on rope, use rope on keg, when lechuck appears use pepper on him.

17-07-2001, 07:01 PM
مليون الف شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر
اخوي سوبر نوفا جزاك الله الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف خير
ويعطيك الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف عافية :D :D :D :D :D :D