المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المغامرة و الحركة تقييم Max Payne 2 في GameSpot

05-12-2003, 01:53 PM

قوية !!! :laugh:

عيوب نسخة البلاي ستيشن 2 (منقول لول)

Though the game is short-lived, Max Payne 2 made quite a splash when it was released on the PC some weeks ago, thanks to its excellent action and presentation. Now the game is available on the PS2, but, unfortunately, it's suffered severely in translation (and is far worse off, for that matter, than the recent Xbox version--and even that version had some corners noticeably cut). While the PS2 version basically features the same content as the original PC version, it's filled with terribly blurry, downright ugly textures and serious frame rate issues, and it's missing sound effects. It also has pretty lengthy loading times, and, worst of all, a completely messed-up save system, which requires you to manually save your progress from the game's options menu--an awkwardly slow process--or else you start all over from the very beginning of the game (or wherever it was you last saved) when you run out of health, rather than, say, from the beginning of the level you were on, as in other versions of Max Payne 2 or any other action game these days. As such, this particular version of what, at its core, is a stylish and intense shooter, loses much, if not most, of its appeal in translation and just can't be recommended in good conscience when two far superior versions of the game are already available for other platforms. Though if you only have access to a PlayStation 2, Max Payne 2 may still be worth a look, since it can still be entertaining and exciting, at times. Anyway, if you've already heard about Max Payne 2 and were wondering how the PS2 version turned out, now you know. Otherwise, read on for more details.
Enemies use cover and mostly behave in a plausible manner, for guys who are trying to shoot you to death. Not that they have an advantage over you; between bullet time and the PS2 version's "auto-aim" feature (toggled on by default), which makes your aiming reticle automatically snap to any nearby enemies, it's easy to pick off the bad guys. That's not all there is to the game, though. As in the first Max Payne, the sequel features a few sequences that take place in Max's mind, as well as in some other surprising locations. Many of these sequences, however, are analogous to those found in the original. For instance, there are a few parts that require some careful maneuvering, lest you plummet to your death. While these tightrope acts really aren't the best parts of Max Payne 2, they do break up the pacing a little and aren't very hard.

The action of Max Payne 2, as well as its story, are actually quite good. Unfortunately, almost the entire presentation of the PS2 version is seriously lacking, and the lengthy loading times and the huge oversight in the save system make it less than enjoyable to play. Ultimately, Max Payne 2 is a game that's worth playing, but try to experience it on the PC or Xbox rather than in this stripped-down, cheap-feeling PS2 port.


05-12-2003, 01:56 PM
IGN لم يرحم اللعبة كثيرا أيضا :09:

Fantastic Action
Stylish Story
Poor Port :31:


Zidan Tribal
05-12-2003, 02:06 PM
روكستار تفعلها للمره الثانيه نسخة البلاي ستيشن 2 سيئة جدا ليس على الصعيد الرسومي فقط و لكن التحكم ايضا سيء و بعض الخصائص نقلت بطرقية سيئة ايضا..

و هذا كله من المستوى المتدني للفريق الذي نقل الللعبة للبلاي ستيشن 2

05-12-2003, 02:06 PM
مقارنة رسمية بالصور من روكستار:



05-12-2003, 02:13 PM
جيم سبوت كله يضلمون الالعاب
وحلوة منك xenosaga

وانا انهيت نسخة PC
وان شاء الله اشتري نسخة PS2 واشوف

05-12-2003, 02:15 PM
الحمدلله ان عندي اكس بكس :09:

05-12-2003, 02:23 PM
نسخة البلاي ستيشن2 فعلا رديئة !!

راح اشتري نسخة الاكس

مشكور رطزت

05-12-2003, 02:38 PM
الحمد لله انه عنديXBOX

05-12-2003, 04:38 PM
تصوروا موقع الجيم سبوت يعطي ماكس بين 2 تقيم 6,5 (http://www.montada.com/showthread.php?t=250721)