المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المساعدة أخوان

22-12-2003, 12:24 PM
لقد كتب موضوع وكنت اريد ان اعرف ما اذا كان صيحيح او انا على خطاء لم اكن احب نشرة إلا بعد ان اتأكد منة و يسحب سمع رائ الجميع انة موجة للكل عامة و غير المسلم خاصة....

للعلم أننى حاولت جهدى إلى ان وصلت اهذا المستوى و لا اعلم ما اذا كنت جيداُ ام لا...

Sometimes in life you have to talk to be listened ,you have to make mistakes to be corrected ,you have to stand up and walk whenever you fall down ,having empty time might costs lots of troubles ,been a thinker might end up your life ,it is not been thinker would make you smarter ,but can make you more understanding ,sometimes you have to stop thinking and create this fake reality ,sometimes you have to face on what you see in life ,if you couldn't handle it then your not worth enough to be cool ,life has unexpected events sometimes happy others sad ,it might gave you people who respect you and others who consider you childish ,neither is right nor wrong ,each has his own opinion ,everyone is going throw what you are been throw by age by family troubles by been unaccepted by others because of what you believe in ,your inters isn't what's important ,been a thinker makes you away from life and people ,been away from (the thing they say when people talk to others and get to know them and etc etc etc) ,sometimes all you need is to do or act without thinking ,everyone is going through a lot of problems everyday ,so your not the only one ,sometimes ignorance people get angry or envy your intelligence ,yes you are intelligence if you are the thinker type ,but sometimes you don't need theories or plan for advance ,all you need is to be true to yourself and feelings like a bird ,free total freedom with no worries nor fear ,if they didn't accept you there is others who will ,let me show you how do you think.

For example
Your thinking now about getting a boyfriend ,it's like I get one now or I won't ,so you walk searching for one ,you will meet up with hundreds of boys which it fails.

You don't have a job you want a job badly cause you need money ,if you keep thinking you are a loser just because you don't have a job keep in mind that you aren't .

All you need is to free your mind and stop thinking about what you don't have , things will come when it's the right time ,it doesn’t mean to stop searching ,but it means to search but not like maniac that if you don't have it it's the end of the world.

So whenever you think the devil tells you what to do ,it's true then tell me ,why you think of bad stuff it's simple your been manipulated ,you think it's your own choice or freedom but your been manipulated to do these stuff ,so better not do what your self tells you to do ,and try to ignore the devil because he wants the worst for you. ,it's like..

"hey ,look at the chick there she's hot ,she wants you ,your wife will never knew if you do it ,c'mon what your waiting for ,this is your chance lets do it" so you do it and the devil goes to your wife "look ,your husband had done it ,he is acting suspicious " and therefore he costs more troubles.

I know you know about this but it's a reminder ,because you might forgot since your been away from the light.

(Different subject)

When you throw a ball it could bounce left or bounce right ,foreword or back which is unexpected ,with one single night or day everything you have could fall ,or with one single day you will get everything ,don't say your powerful cause Allah is more powerful than you can imagine ,nations fall apart ,the before you said they were the greatest and yet had fall apart , the before you thought they know everything and yet we proven so many of them is wrong ,that's why we are waiting ,waiting for the one ,the chosen one ,you ask me what a nonsense that sounds. Ok..

In each part of history whenever a great nation fall apart there was one guy who make it possible ,or was a warrior to be proud off ,from Egypt to U.K ,from Asia to Europe ,and the last one was Saddam ,and yet each dark or bad user of power is been pulled by the worst thing it possible happen , it's because Allah wants you to think you are the greatest and once you cross line and thought your so mighty he will crush you to the ground by the worst thing that possible ever happen to you ,like Saddam he posed his power and thought he could get away from it and yet been crushed by his worst enemy and none of Arab nations helped him .

Now they are taken the powerful weapons from us , the mass distraction weapons ,when the evil rulers ordered his men to kill every child that born and the was Jesus he was born from a virgin mother and he was been raised by his wife ,and he end up the evil ruler (whatever his name) ,so when we are been taken from our all weapons and they starts to bully on us ,there will be a miracle .

This isn't my talk this is the fact ,when horse fish had no female he get himself pregnant to keep the balance of his nature for surviving ,so in order to survive you have to reach to a point where there is no option ,you are been surrounded and you yell so laud out of anger of hope that you won't accept the fact and keep going foreword dashing throw the impossible to make what's on your mind possible ,here a miracle will born.

More like the water in Makkah ,it's called Ma`a Zamzam ,as Zamzam water ,when Abraham been ordered by Allah to send his wife and kid to a desert she lost her milk so she ran between the Ssafa and Marowa ,she was hopeless the child was crying he wanted something to drink ,so he kicked the ground therefore a water came out of it ,it was Zamzam water ,a living miracle that water till now from thousands of years still come from that ground ,and look how many water comes out from a place like that every year ,and there is the lifting rock ,you can see a rock has been lifted to the sky and there is no strings attached to it ,you can see it there hanging to make people see the miracle ,and there is the saying off end of the world will be when the sun comes from the west ,and not long ago the Marsh stopped and turned backwards ,and Science has proven that each planet will do the same till it reached earth ,and it's been written in Holy Qu`ran that it will for one thousand four hundred years ago , when you know the end is near and when you know what you do is wrong ,why not believe it?

And WHO are you to say whatever you want or believe in that your opinion would counts ,you are one person between a zillions ,and you have to look for your after life happiness more than your one life ,if others throw themselves from a bridge would you do it? ,others what they say or do doesn’t matter you should look for yourself yes life is where you born but in this life either you be unfair or victim there is no between ,and better be a victim other than been unfair ,but would you like to stay the rest of your life in hell? .

I gave you a chance a deal for better life better way of living it might has strong rules but for your own protection ,I gave you the light the free worries the true happiness ,it's not like a magic or some sort of spell ,it's something can not be said in words ,you can feel it too when you join.

I offer you a chance to join Islam ,the last sky religious (not been accepted by others religious though) ,if your hungry we give you food ,if your thirsty we give you water ,if you want a friend we are there for you and we don't want anything in return only good deeds to make us go to heaven. Because Islam is more like one body if one got sick the others will stay all night until it cured.

In heaven there is everything ,from rivers of whines ,mermaids that is so soft you can see through her skin for your pleasure , a big house with a big yard ,it depends on your deeds if it was a lot you have a lot ,life is temporary just a blink of an eye ,but afterlife is mortal and forever ,why do you keep living in ignorance? On what others tell you and you believe ,you must seek for the truth and happiness and you can find it only by opening your eyes ,if people didn't accept you for what you believe in then those people doesn’t deserve you ,throwing yourself into doom just to be accepted by them isn't the solution ,you are a human has freedom and your freedom to chose whatever you want ,if they didn't accept it then they are no good for you ,and sometimes you might lose precious people but keep in mind that Allah doesn’t forget about you and he will help you when the time comes right.

What I'm saying isn't an ignorance nor I made it up, I say it from my own experience of been Muslim and I had been away from Islam and now Alhamdlela I'm back ,you know that Islam doesn’t accept those who bomb themselves for suicide ,because they are so wrong ,killing yourself isn't like fighting for freedom ,bomb is simply crazy way to end up your life when you think it would effect but it won't it will only make people have the wrong idea about Islam ,But there is people who uses the name of Allah to manipulate others which they do it out of anger and hatred which for what happens in pilastains the death of innocent people and children ,the houses that been fall apart form Israel ,nobody can say anything or do anything because they have mass distraction weapons and America is with them ,that's why there is hatred for America ,and that's why people try hopelessly bombing themselves that it would make a different that's the main problem of things here ,if America isn't afraid of herself then why attacking and taken weapons from those countries? ,because what America do is wrong ,if it wasn't then others wouldn't be upset.

And now Islam is been attacked in so many ways more then before ,we have bad reputation we have known as evil people who bombing our self and the most stupid movie I ever saw when American soldier kill innocent people in Yemen and then blame it on Islamic terrorism that a child girl holds a gun against the soldier ,I saw the child and looked at the guy they make that child is an evil and the soldier is so innocent ,obviously they don't like us from history books proven so many times they and us fight.

And there is "study other religious without joining or changing your believe" on college they gave students to make them more ignorance ,and there is rumors about us using the past to manipulate others ,and so many avoid reading or known Islam because they are afraid of joining why afraid? Because it's they're enemy ,and it is life.

And this is also a prove that there is an Allah then why those people fighting and keep fighting?

So many times few army won against huge army and it was unstoppable by Allah will the prove historic books how Mohammed had won he wasn't been accepted by his family and makkah through him away and there is also proves that those people and Christians and Jews gang on Mohammed ,and yet had accomplish so much ,the prove millions of Muslims around the world Arabs is Islamic country ,it started with one man one thousand four hundred years ago and now look how much there is . isn't this itself a miracle? And yet he is sleeping under a tree with no fears and he is humble.

How can a man who can't read or write make these things possible? Answer me!

Am I ignorance for what I believe in? have you for once looked at it and thought carefully that your not the ignorant one ,or blinded?

Because humans make mistakes and we do a lot and I admit I had my share of mistakes ,so are you sure you don't make one single mistake? Because there was a guy who thought the same it was Saddam and look at him now like a dog wandering around ,don't be like him.

I'm not as great as Mohammed I'm just Ahmed simple guy who had been corrupted and tries his best to make others do the right way and be straight and fix himself who sometimes be unfair and be like a devil but he is trying his best to be straight ,but I want to take Mohammed as my idol not Tom hanks or Eminem ,someone who is great and had accomplished impossible things who is human like jesus and us ,I see those who brags about themselves saying they are the greatest when any person can do what they have done.

I see those who think they can fool others when they can't fool Allah ,make fun at themselves ,so tell me what is so special about you To say your opinion? You think you're so smart? Then why you can't find true happiness? Why can't anything you plan work?

If there was two captains on one ship it sinks ,and there is five religious the last one cancel them all so it would be one left ,that's why when you study all religious you find them familiar with one god ,life and death and the doomsday which is very near ,and they talk about the past present and future .

If you looked carefully way back when two men started a fight one believes in left and the other believe in right ,and each teaches his children his method and the children teaches they're children and so on after one thousand year each is of those left and right family try to lure the other to they're believe,
Like one million believe in left and the other million believe in right.
And there people kill each other for what they believe ,and people throw what they believe in and go on they're freedom not to go either ways cause killing is wrong.

So you see religious more like that and we are now more like those people I know it sounded lame but we are fallowing what before us said blindly without known what's right from wrong ,they could be mistaken ,I had my questions if this was the right religious yet discovered that I was on the right trace not been blindly follower ,I know it's right because it's what I believe is right not because what others tells me and I'm willing to change my religious if you proved that mine is wrong .

I believe a man has his freedom without bothering others
I believe in women right to protect her self and have a job and learn ,and not an amusement tool that shows her body so cheap.
I believe in nobody deserves to be worship from any humans because simply they are like us ,but we might pay respect.
I believe there is only one LORD as the creature his name is Allah
(Christians Arabs say Allah also ,not god like English)
I believe in the chosen one in the near future
I believe in the end of the world
I believe in heaven and hell
I believe in Jesus vs. Satan final battle
I believe in Islam I believe in Christians I believe also in the other three sky religious but I am an Islam follower.
I believe in devil and angels

Why a man with intelligent like me believe in such thing as religious ,is it an ignorance of me? Or I am been a blindly follower? It's neither of those this is what I believe in ,ofcourse Islam is like other religious except it is the right religious is like a guideline show you the right from wrong and guide you to the best way of living ,you are free to chose and free to do what you believe in ,and keep in mind that "inma al-Amal bel neyat" it means if you had on mind that what you have done is for good costs then it will count good event if you did the wrong costs then it will count bad but if you thought about doing bad and then didn't do it will count good ,here we encourage Muslims to do good stuff and know that they're deeds will count in good deeds for heaven.

This is a chance for you to go to heaven this is a chance for you for better life not this life but in afterlife .