المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نقاش الرسامين Naruto Massive Online RPG Game

Ralph Jones
22-12-2003, 06:33 PM
Ralph Jones Here

منذ مدة كنت أتجول بأنحاء الانترنت في محاولة لقتل الملل :o وأثناء هذا قد عثرت على خبر رائع جدا لجميع عشاق ناروتو !!!
هناك لعبة PC جديدة مجانية تتم حاليا برمجتها من قبل بعض المعجبين بالمانغا و مسلسل الانماي الشهير Naruto على نمط ألعاب الار بي جي الشاسعة عبر الانترنت أو (MMORPG) أختصارا ... يمتاز هذا النوع من الألعاب بشكل عام بوجود عدد هائل "جدا " من اللاعبين بنفس اللعبة مع وجود مجتمعات كبيرة و طوائف و قبائل (من اللاعبين طبعا) ... هذا بالاضافة لوجود عالم أفتراضي شاسع جدا !! (قد تضيع بهذا العالم اذا لم تملك خريطة ما او مرشد ... انني جاد بما أقول !! ) :D COOL


إليكم بعض المعلومات الأولية عن اللعبة التي تمكنت من أقتطاف بعضها لعرضها هنا بالمنتدى ;)

1. Character Design
- Hair style
- Some Facial Hair (lil bit of hair, eye brows)
- Style of Clothing (meaning your character has a set body look like in Ragnarok Online. It only changes a lil when you become higher class. The colors of the outfit will change depending on the armor more below on that)
- The Placement of the forhead protector (the style of it depends on the village chosen more below. You can put it on certain places on the head and on the body)
- GM Characters will be special
NOTE: The main characters from Naruto( Naruto himself, Sasuke, Gaara etc... will not be available for play. They will all be NPC.)

2. Starting Game
- After making your character your last choice is what village you wish to be born in. The village will be the determining factor on what jitsu and what will happen with your character.

3. Villages
- Each village has a certain style of weaponry, armor, accecories that they sell. You may buy the items from these villages depending on which you start in (the village that you call home). Example: The Leaf village sells special Leaf Village Daggers (those knives Naruto uses) these daggers are sold ONLY in the leaf village. If you start the game in the leaf village you will recieve special benefits. Such as discounts on all the items, special quests that will take you to learning special jutsu(magic/skill) or getting special items. Each village has allies and enemies. These are the same as in the Anime. Example: The Leaf Village is strong allies with the water island village but The Leaf village and the Hidden Sand Village are against each other. Because they are against each other. If a leaf village member goes to the hidden sand village he/she will find it difficult to buy items and to communicate with the NPC. This allows a very complicated way of gameplay between the players. Also note that all the alliances and enemy villages can change depending on how the players fight each other. Example: If the leaf village players attack alot of the water village players these villages alliances will become uneasy and might be broken. Alliances can also be gained. Example: If players from the leaf village help the sand village with a quest or in defending the village or if the players from the 2 villages dont fight as much then alliances will grow.

4. Skills or Jutsu
- The skills or Jutsu that the players learn in the game are different depending on the village that they are born at. This is not the only factor. Different skills will be learned from killing Monsters and winning battles with Players. If a Player fights a certain monster and it is a pre req for a certain Jutsu then they will gain access to it. Example on PVP skill gaining: If a player from the Leaf Village fights a Player from the Sand Village he will gain access to certain jutsu depending on the lvl and difficulty of the fight. The skills available will also be able to change depending on the Alliances between villages. This will allow no 2 players to be the same. Since i find that to be a common flaw in most MMORPG. By allowing such a VAST skill/jutsu database with so many influencing factors the players will never become bored of the game.

5. Items
- All items do NOT change the character sprite. THe weapon sprite will change depending on the weapon equiped but the armors will not effect the character. The armors will only cause the colors or designs on the character sprites standard design to change. (that isnt worded all that well. Ask if u got a problem understanding). Heres an Example: If someone chooses to use the outfit similar to the Zebuza(that guy on the clickable smilies who is waving with the huge sword behind him) then his colors will change depending on the armor warn. Certain Armors will have more atributes such as + certain stats or +defense against a certain element of jutsu(EX: Sand, Earth, Fire etc...) The weapons will work in similar ways allowing stat bonuses but it will NOT allow more damage to certain players depending on their village. This would cause too many players to use certain weapons against their enemy village. We want a WIDE variety of weapons to be used along with Armors.

6. Stats
- All characters will start out with 1 stat all. The stat options will be:
Strength (increase maximum damage and the maximum weight)
Vitality (increase the maximum health and defense)
Agility (increase the chance to flee the enemy and faster attacks)
Dexterity (increase chance to hit and the minimal damage done)
All of these stats will be dependent on the amount of points put into it. There will be a maximum number of points capable of being achieved. Such as a max once u reach a certain lvl.
The main idea is taken from Ragnarok Online but it is altered slightly.

7. Classes
- The classes in this MMORPG will be very different from the others. Instead of a set class to follow like in Ragnarok Online where u have to choose between Swordsman or being an Archer. In this game you will just start out as a normal boy who is attending the Ninja Academy. Once u have graduated the Ninja Academy then you will have become a Genin. Then you must meet a certain peramiter to try out for the next lvl Chunin (spelling? its the one test Naruto is in now). Most of the characters will be stopping at that point. Then once your character reaches lvl 99 you will be able to try out for Hokage(spelling?) there can only be 1 hokage per village. If there are multiple lvl 99 characters then they must fight to decide who will be the true one. These fights would occur every month or so. Becoming lvl 99 will take VERY long. It is supposed to be an honor. The skills will be effected by what class you are. Hokage have full access to learning all the banned skills. Others have only certain ones they can learn. There is also the class of Shinobi(spelling?) The shinobi will have access to special techniques that regular classes do not have access to. But this comes at a price as stated below.

8. Leveling and Killing Things
- In order to lvl your character you have to kill monsters. But you gain more experience by fighting other players and winning. When killing monsters it is similar to Ragnarok Online where it is for the most part Free For All exepting players dont Kill Steal Each other. As far as fighting other players they have 2 choices. The player can either challenge the other player. By doing so they show the honor of the ninja and the village respects them. The more the village respects them then the more quests become available. The other option the player has is to jump the other player. This causes the other player to be caught off guard. His defense will be dropped by 40% and then the battle would begin as normal. By jumping the other player the village loses respect for the player who did the jumping. If that player does it enough then the village will loose all respect for them and remove them from the village. That player will become a Shinobi and have no village to call home. He will be able to keep his old villages forhead protector tho. This will keep most players from just jumping/ambushing random players. This will keep the community very open. If the shinobi attacks certain village members alot then that village might make a quest to kill that shinobi. If a Shinobi is killed he will loose all his items and be forced to make a new character.

9. Death and Stuff
- The only class that is forced to make a new character after loosing a battle is a Shinobi. All the other classes dont fight to the death. This will make the community think twice about playing as a Shinobi.

10. Maps outside of villages.
- Ofcourse there will be maps leading to all the villages and these maps are where all the monsters will be located. PVP will normally take place in these maps and there will be dungeons below certain maps. There will not be a warping NPC system. Players should have to walk between areas. it shouldnt take too long to walk about as long as in Ragnarok Online.

هذه وصلة أضافية للأطلاع على التفاصيل التقنية للعبة ..

هذا هو موقع اللعبة المؤقت (تحت الإنشاء)
www.narutorpg.com (http://www.narutorpg.com/)

:biggthump ما رأيكم ؟

Ralph Jones ... Over & Out

Ralph Jones
22-12-2003, 06:51 PM
:) قد يصادفكم أثناء قراءتكم لتفاصيل لعبة Naruto وجود مقارنة بينها و بين لعبة أخرى Ragnarok Online .. يمكنكم تجربة هذه الأخيرة من خلال تنزيلها مجانا من موقع الشركة :

Sparta Ghost
23-12-2003, 07:39 PM
هلا رالف ...شئ رائع فعلا ..أنا أرى ناروتو ..لعبة بي سي ...كوول


وبحجم ضخم جدا وتصميم شخصية وبيع وشراء ....الخ لعبة أربي جي حقيقية .. :biggthump

أنا بنزلها علطول ..خصوصا أنها مجانا :tongue2:

أما عن لعبة راجانروك...فهذه اللعبة صارت بفلوس ...تنزل اللعبة مجانا بس تسجل في اللعبة بفلوس أسئل مجرب :tongue2: نزلتها على ذيك الأيام كانت تجربة مجانا ..واليوم بسجل صارت بفلوس ..خيبة كبيرة ..

مشكورر على الخبر الرائع رالف :biggthump

23-12-2003, 09:11 PM
واااااااو لعبة ناراتو اونلاين :afraid:

I cant wait :biggthump