المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : I NEED HELP

22-01-2004, 04:21 PM
السلام عليكم جميعاً :ciao:
عندي واجب VB و أحتاج مساعدة من أحد لأني ما أتمكنت من المادة :afraid: لظروف خارجة عن إرادتي :(
:D ill Attach the Assingment and if anyone Can help me then plz do


This assignment is concerned with the development of a variety of text-handling applications and some related utilities. You are required to develop a text viewer. Additionally you can also opt to develop a text editor or both a text editor and a word processor. You are required to build a code module to facilitate text analysis and you can opt to develop the functionality to allow spell checking and text concordance to be performed on your documents. There are also opportunities to develop a detailed test plan, design menu structures, create user dialogs and implement an automatic report generator. A careful approach to design and planning will allow you to maximize your marks by building upon the efforts made in the earlier stages of the assignment. During later sections. This assignment specification details the requirements. Some general guidelines are given, followed by the details of each of the applications.
Requirements, issues, Deliverables and checklist

This section gives a brief details of the contents to be found in the remainder of this document.
The following section gives a brief overview of the requirements for the assignment. There then follows a section that outlines in some detail the core requirements, the bonus requirements and the issues, for each level. The last two sections discuss the deliverables and provide a checklist for each level.

The sections that discuss the core and bonus requirements indicate what you are to do, as opposed to what you have to hand in. the details of what is to be handed in are detailed in the deliverables section.

The deliverables detail the items to be handed in to ensure you attain the mark for the claimed level, subject to the usual considerations of the material being present, complete and of a satisfactory standard.

It is intended that the checklist together with the previously mentioned sections provide enough detail that it is clear to the reader:
• What the precise functionality of the code submitted is to be, and
• The points it is necessary to address in the report.

You should ensure, regardless of the level you attempt that the filled-in checklist is submitted together with your deliverables, to indicate the final status of your effort. You might find it useful to tick-off the points on the checklist as they are satisfied, to provide your self with a fairly immediate indicator, at any point in time, of the progress of your efforts.

General Requirements overview

This section is intended to give an overview of the Visual Basic application that you are required to develop.

LEVEL D in this assignment is the first of the levels offered, followed by C, B and A, increasing levels of difficulty , in short the core requirements require the development of a series of increasingly sophisticated programs, each of which are to allow – as a central part of their operation- text analysis to be performed. The bonus requirements vary in their type.

The Core Requirements for Level D involve the development of a text viewer utility that via a command button interface has the functionality to analyze text, held within a text file. The code to analyze text is to be held in a code module. Dialog boxes appropriate to the functionality of this level should be presented to the user wherever pertinent. See the italicised paragraph below.

The Bonus Requirements for Level D requires that the report present a detailed test plan that describes both the aspects covered and not covered by the text analysis functionality contained in the code module.

The core Requirements for Level C involve the development of a text editor via both a command button and pull-down menu interface. Such a utility should allow for text to be added to, edited or deleted from, a file with subsequent re-analysis of the text. See the italicised paragraph below.

The Bonus Requirements for Level C require the design work relating to the command button and pull-down menu interface and user dialogs for the Core Requirements of each of the levels

It is a requirement of each of the core and bonus requirements that involve coding, that the user is to see dialog boxes pertinent to the functionality of that level, wherever appropriate.

Detailed Requirements and issues
Level D requirements and Issues
core requirements (15) marks
the level D Core Requirements requires you to develop a text viewer utility and a code module that processes string data and allows text to be analyzed. The string data to be analyzed is to include alphabetical and grammatical characters. It is emphasized that the text analysis is to be performed by making use of the code module that is to be developed in this level.

It is required that an existing file can be opened, and that its content can be analyzed if required. The program is to be able to close the file whenever requested, by the user. The user is to be allowed to repeat the process of opening, analyzing and closing the files, while working within the text viewer for as long as they require. The text viewer is to allow the user to open, analyze and close files and exit the program through the use of command buttons. It is also a requirement that a set of dialog boxes, appropriate to this level be developed, to facilitate the creation of an environment that is both flexible and forgiving to the user. There is no requirement at this level to create new files. Also the editing of open files is, at this level not allowed.

It is an important part of this level as it is with subsequent levels that you ensure that the program acts in a consistent, intuitive and sensible manner. A couple of indicative examples applicable to this level might be useful: Has a consistent, intuitive and sensible approach been taken for the enabling and disabling of command buttons? It will be assumed that each command button works and the logic of its operation is self-evident. If a file has for example, been closed, and no file is currently open, does the command button still offer the user the choice to analyze text? The text viewer is required to open only one file at a time. It may be that a file has been closed before attempts are made to open another one. Alternatively, if a file is open, can another be opened without confirmation from the user/? In other words, is canceling the original file without confirmation always, ever or never acceptable? You may wish to allow for both of these situations to be allowed to occur, and yet it will be necessary to carefully consider whether the enabling and disabling of the command buttons, or indeed the firing of an appropriate user dialog is the same in each case.

You are required to create a text file that can be used as a basis for testing and it expected that the results are tested and have been checked for correctness. It is however a requirement of each level ( including this one ) that the program can be used by ( and tested with ) any text file without the necessity to change source code – so avoid hard- coding drive, directory or text file names.

When testing the result of your text analysis efforts it is important that you gain an understanding of precisely those situations which are and which aren’t dealt with by the code module. It is worth mentioning that a number of programs have been previously witnessed giving an initial impression that they work in a particular way, only for further investigation to reveal unrealized shortcomings. It is important that you understand, test for and develop the insight necessary to accurately explain the precise functionality of your module and especially to be aware of and document any shortcomings. It is expected that a detailed understanding of the way that the code module works will be gained as part of the work carried out of this level. It is a requirement of the Level D Core Requirements that any realized shortcomings in either the code module or the interface you build, is discussed in the report.

It is not expected that the code module cover all text analysis situations, but it is expected that you know what it does and doesn’t do and in particular detail the latter in your report. This awareness will in turn be improved by the consideration you apply to the development of a detailed test plan, should you choose to attempt the Level D Bonus Requirements and consequently if carefully detailed can be viewed as a comment upon the quality of your testing. It would be a cause of concern if an independently designed set of test data were to indicate that there are situations not dealt with by the code module and yet it would be a cause of greater concern if such test data failed to highlight situations that do occur. Such a failure could reasonably be taken at worse, as indicating a worrying lack of understanding of the workings of your own code module and at best is a rather lamentable comment upon the quality of the testing done by yourself.

Again a couple of indicative examples might be useful: what indicates the end of a word to you ? is it the presence of a space character following the final alphabetical character? That seems a reasonable start. What then if the text file has two consecutive spaces? Hopefully you are not merely counting the spaces to indicate words. So, although a single space character might seem to frequently ( but confusingly, not always ) denotes the end of both a word and a sentence. Proceeding from here, what then of the.. string? It surely will not indicate the end of three words and sentences. In a similar vein, it can be noted that it is not only the full stop character that indicates the end of the sentence. And so on and so forth…

It is expected that the code module can minimally detect paragraphs, sentences, words, characters and spaces, and also report upon how many of each of these are present in the string data. It is also a requirement that a minimum of two other grammatical constructs, of your choosing, is reported upon. The development of a detailed test plan for this module is discussed in, and is a requirement of the level D bonus requirements.

As you read the next section it should become readily apparent that the comments of the previous four paragraphs are also to a significant extent applicable to the Level D Bonus Requirements section.

The Core Requirements for Level D requires that the report include a section to cover each of the following points:
• A description of the aspects of text analysis that are handled by the code module.
• A description of the aspects of text analysis that are not handled by the code module.
• A description of those aspects of the programs interface, deemed by you to not completely satisfy the required functionality.

Bonus Requirements (10 marks)

The Bonus Requirements for Level D requires that the report contain a section to cover the following point:
• A detailed test plan indicating both how those aspects of text analysis that are handled and those that are not handled by the code module can be tested for.

You are to develop a set of tests, taking care to explain their purpose, the required input and the envisaged output of each test. It is also necessary to describe the purpose of the test, the function being tested (and incidentally, there may be several tests upon a single function) and the particular facet of the function that is being tested. It should be readily apparent which situations have been tested and which are hypothetical and so have not been tested.

Recall that you are expected to understand what your program does and doesn’t do. This section affords an opportunity for you to fine-tune that understanding, by encouraging you to think carefully about the precise state of the functionality of the code module presented.

You are advised to develop a template that allows you to readily describe each of the above points clearly.

You are reminded that there are four paragraphs in the Level D Core Requirements section, as commented upon in that section, that are also applicable to this section.

Finally note the following points in relation to the Level D Bonus Requirements:
• There is no requirement to develop (and indeed no marks awarded for) tests that relate to the programs interface. It is only required that a test set pertaining to the analysis of text be developed.


For planning purposes you should be aware that the code module to be developed as part of the Level D Core Requirements is to be used not only as part of that level but also as part of the Core Requirements for Levels C, B and A and the Bonus Requirements for Levels B and A.

The Core Requirements of this level infer a need to extensively test the module’s functionality, there is little explicit emphasis placed on this, but there is a considerable degree of implicit emphasis. Confidence in a module’s robustness will only follow extensive testing. Such testing may be done in a number of ways. One approach might be to write a number of small programs, with each being responsible for testing a single aspect of a function, with a carefully selected set of test data. This can be done extensively but if not carefully planned is likely to be a rather ad-hoc process with the likelihood that some situations will unwittingly be omitted from testing.

An explicit emphasis on the need to extensively test the code module is stated as part of the Bonus Requirements for the level. The focus here is on both the careful design of a set of tests intended to lead to a more methodical and rigorous examination of test situations, and also to credit those efforts, that attempt to meaningfully feedback the results of such tests. You can of course elect to not do the Bonus Requirements for this level, but should be aware of the implications of such a choice, especially given the potential problems cited in the last sentence of the previous paragraph. Particular care must be taken with testing in the Core Requirements if you choose not to address the Bonus Requirements for this level.

If you elect to not do the Bonus Requirements for this level you in effect elect to not develop a test plan, the purpose of which is to extensively dry-run your code module and report in detail on the various situations that you consider appropriate for testing. Such a decision is not to be taken to infer that there is no need to extensively test the module. There is. Extensive testing for example will need to be done in the development of the code module, otherwise there is likely to be a number of serious flaws it’s functionality. So, by electing to not do the Bonus Requirements you are simply making a decision to not formalize the development of a test plan whose purpose is to both extensively help efforts to test the code module and report on the various situations that have been tested. In short you are simply choosing to not write up the Bonus Requirements section. This does not absolve you of the responsibility to do the testing itself.