المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام المراجعة الاوليه للعبة سايجيرلز من جيم سبوت

12-02-2004, 02:18 PM

Konami has given Cy Girls a slightly edgier title that fits in with the varied and entertaining action you'll find in the game. :33:

Visually, Cy Girls contains a unique and appealing presentation :33:

Both girls' levels look nice and run at an ultrasmooth frame rate with no hint of slowdown whatsoever. مب متل جير توين سنيكس:tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

The gameplay types offered by the two discrete halves of the game are strikingly different, so at times, you'll almost feel like you're playing two different games. :bigeyes::bigeyes:

From our initial experience with the game, it's got a very diverse mixture of gameplay types that should keep the action fan entertained throughout. Ice and Aska's different storylines and gameplay types will make for two very different experiences, both of which are quite cool. :biggthump
المراجع:Brad Shoemaker
هممم..ماذكر شي عن عيوب الكاميره اللي تكلموا عنها بعد تجربتهم في e3..:33:
:ciao:thats all
طبعاً هذي هي لعبة كول جيرل بس التناقض بين التقيمات اللي شفتها وهذي :06::06: