المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : xbox live 3.0 code name:Tsunami

opz box
22-04-2004, 07:25 PM
تم تطوير خدمة الاكس بوكس لايف و اضافة مميزات جديده للخدمه و لكن اغلب هذي الخدمات اليديده غير واضحه
الخدمه الوحيده اللي سيتم الاستفاده منها هي خدمه الvoice messege و فقط شغاله على الداش بورد يعني تقدر ترسل رساله صوتيه لاي مشترك و مدة الرساله 15 ثانيه فقط و ما تشتغل هذي الخدمة على اي من الالعاب القديمه و راح تكون مدعومه من الاعاب اللي راح تصدر على اللايف و باقي الخدمات راح تستفيدون منها لمه شركات الاعاب تضيف الخدمات للعبه
و انا بالنسبه لي اهم خدمة هي المسنجر و اهيا انك تقدر ترسل رسائل من الاكب بوكس لمسنجر اي واحد من قائمة الاصدقاء و هذي الخدمه راح تشتغل قريبا
و اي واحد راح يدخل الايف راح يسويله ابديت حق اللايف مع العلم انه الخدمة كانت متوقفه امس و ذللك لتطويرها ة اشتغلت اليوم
و كود مال الخدمه اسمه Tsunami
و هذا الموضوع بالتفصيل للي خلق يقرا

2) We don't call updates to the service "Xbox Live (insert number here)" In other words; we don't say "Xbox Live 3.0." For the sake of everyone, don't use numbers...they'll confuse people and they really don't make sense the way we do updates.

3) We DO use codenames to refer to a collection of features. This next update to the service is called 'Tsunami.'

5) When we DO ship "Tsunami" all of the features won't be available in games that shipped already (for the most part.) In other words, there is work that game developers have to do to make these new features available in a game, so you'll only see these new features on upcoming releases. When we do an update like this, the older titles don't have the "hooks" in them to connect to our service to use these new features.

6) Not all games will use all of the new features. It's up to the publisher to decide what they want to use in a game and where and when that game will be released.

7) Please don't post any questions about the feature list below. Posts like "Will it allow me to do this..." or "Be sure you allow (insert request here)!!!!" I can't answer any of these types of questions; I have not had time to play w/ the new features yet or and I have no idea how titles will implement them.

8) The decision to make a feature available in a specific country is up to the game publisher as they decide what features to use and what country they release in Xbox Live leaves that into the hands of our great game developers. (see point 6 above)

9) No whining.

Now that we got that out of the way, a drum roll please...............

As good as Xbox live is right now, it is just getting better. The next major upgrade to Xbox live is code named “Tsunami,” and it will be coming to you at some point in the not-too-distant future. Now I've got some detailed insight just for you!

What It Is: Developer support for integrating team/clan functionality into their titles.
What It Means to You: It’s all tightly integrated into the service with built-in support for messaging, stats, competitions, storage, and presence.
Just Imagine: A kind of automated clan communication set up that notifies the entire team of matches, strategy, and even competitions.

What It Is: Easily build different types of competitions into titles that
can be created and administered by the publisher and/or users.
What It Means to You: It’s all tightly integrated with the rest of
the service and makes playing in and creating competitions a total breeze.
Just Imagine: Creating your own tournament and having Xbox Live do all of the work for you…you just create, invite, and play.

What It Is: Invitation and Presence-based alerts and a new Xbox/MSN Messenger tab with user contextual information.
What It Means to You: Allows existing Xbox Live users to engage more with their Xbox Live community by extending the Xbox Live messaging and presence systems beyond the console.
Just Imagine: You’re at work when you get an alert that one of your buddies has just logged onto Xbox Live and has sent an invite to your PC to take him on in a game. Talk about inspiration for getting home early!

What It Is: Provides user profile data storage along with a simple way for titles to dynamically manage game influencing data on the fly.
What It Means to You: Create and share mottos, emblems, and custom content along with titles; create and update maps, rosters, and other environment data.
Just Imagine: Creating a custom logo for your squad and playing on maps that you’ve just created!

The Fine Print so I don't get in trouble:
Not all games will support all or even some of the features in the "Tsunami" release; it is up to each game developer to implement. Please check all game packaging information to see if it supports the features you are looking for.

22-04-2004, 07:57 PM
الرسائل الصوتية وخاصية ارسال ايميلات شيء مثير جدا, اكس بوكس لايف فور ايفر. :biggthump

23-04-2004, 01:04 PM
متى راح ينزلون السوفتوير الاخير؟

23-04-2004, 01:23 PM
متى راح ينزلون السوفتوير الاخير؟تقصد مزايا اكس بوكس لايف 3 ؟ أمس اشتغلت.
هي ماتشتريها...مجانا :biggthump

opz box
23-04-2004, 05:00 PM
متى راح ينزلون السوفتوير الاخير؟
نزل السوفوير اليدي امس مثل ما قال زينو بس ما راح تشوف ولا ميزه يديده الا لمه الشركات تحطها في العابها
و الميزه الوحيده الشغاله هي ارسال رسائل صوتيه على الداش بورد
و فيه ميزه بعد اشتغلت بس مو الكل يستفيد منها بس فادتني انا وايد
انك تقدر تشغل الداش بورد على على hdtv 480p
و طريقة تشغيله انك تضغط على زري الانالوج مع الleft , right في وقت واحد و راح يكون الداشبورد واضح و صورته احسن لانه قبل كنت اذا ابي اشغل الداش بورد اغير مكان فتحات الوايرات