المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : PSO BB

03-05-2004, 10:21 PM

PSO BB will be available through the following ways:

1. Free May 21st game magazine addition,

2. Free download on May 21st

Both ways will only let you play the game for gree for up to Level 20.

3. Special package edition sale starting June 3rd at 1,980 Yen (2,079 including
tax) with 30 days play free

4. June 3rd download at 1,200 Yen (1,260 including tax) with 30 days free

Hunter's License fees are at (payable through credit card or Webmoney):

1. 1,200 Yen (1,260 including tax) for every 30 days or

2. 1,000 Yen (1,050 including tax) for every 30 days with automatic renewal :bigeyes:

:Pso: bb info

Blue Burst is actually just the PC version of Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 & 2 which already appeared on GameCube and Xbox. However, there are a few changes in store. You can now access shortcut commands, visible at the bottom of the screen. A new character, Momoka, appears in the game's lobby area and offers up new quests. More exciting is the new "Team System," where you hook up with team members and can even communicate with one another from across different ships.

There is also the promise of improvements in a few areas that have gotten a bit stale in the PSO world. Sonic Team has mentioned improved graphics and control. We're not sure how much these areas will be improved, but with the PSO engine being a few years old now, we'll take any additions.

The biggest change appears to serve as a good means of keeping people from cheating. Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst is an online-only experience. Character data is now stored on the game servers far out of reach from those who would modify their characters to give them an advantage in battle.

دحين ماعندكم عذر انكم تجربو اللعبة :tongue2:

الصور قريب :05:

04-05-2004, 10:55 PM
يا ليت احد يكتب الترجمة

04-05-2004, 11:03 PM
يا ليت احد يكتب الترجمة
كل هذا مالك خلق تقرأ -___-

تبي الصراحة..حتى أنا P:

على السريع..
Blue Burst نسخة البي سي من Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 & 2 GameCube and Xbox.
وفيها تغييرات نفس الجرافيك والتحكم ومنع الناس من الغش..وهذي :
You can now access shortcut commands, visible at the bottom of the screen. A new character, Momoka, appears in the game's lobby area and offers up new quests. More exciting is the new "Team System," where you hook up with team members and can even communicate with one another from across different ships.

وتقدر تحصل على اللعبة من :
1- مجلة بيوم 21/5

2. او تنزلها نفس اليوم..

امممم..هذي الزبدة -____-

05-05-2004, 09:27 AM
شكراً مشاري :tongue2:

pics :31: :

صور للمرحلة الجديدة والوحوش الي فيها:






الجرافيك احلى من اول

05-05-2004, 09:37 AM
هاذي متطلبات اللعبة:

Minimum Suggested
OS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP JP version or later Windows XP JP version
CPU PenitumIII 700 MHz Pentium 4 1.5GHz
Memory 128MB 256MB
Empty HDD 1.3 GB (Future patches taken into consideration)
Graphics Direct 3D Compatible & 32MB VRAM Direct 3D Compatible & 64MB VRAM
NVIDIA GeForce, ATI Radeon 8500 or later
Sound DirectSound Compatible
DirectX DirectX 9.0b
Controllers Keyboard, mouse, DirectX compatible game controller
Network Internet Connection. 256 kbps or more
Japan: Currently in development
Selling price: Unknown
Console: PC
Publisher: Sega






07-05-2004, 11:17 PM
لول ما لك نفس تترجم الخبر p:

أنا متحمس لها ^_^ لسى ما ملينا من اللعبة ..