المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Adventure Of The Dying Detective

29-05-2004, 08:51 AM
السلام عليكم ,,, وأنا أتصفح , لقيت هالموقع ...قلت يمكن يعجب اليعض ( وأنا أذكر إنه فيه إخوان هنا في الأدب الإنجليزي لجامعة الملك سعود ) .. هل "سيفروث" أعني "جاد" ما زال على قيد الحياة

:09: Is the old geezer still ticking

The Adventure Of The Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Sherlock Holmes at his best. He is dying, yet still manages to solve who planned his murder. Read how he does it in this exciting short ebook.


29-05-2004, 09:14 AM


eBook count: 209

Anthony, Piers - Xanth 01-05.rar - First 5 books in the Xanth series
Anthony, Piers - Xanth 06-10.rar - The next 5 books in the Xanth series
Anthony, Piers - Xanth 11-15.rar - And the next 5 after that
Anthony, Piers - Xanth 16-20.rar - And 5 more after that
Anthony, Piers - Xanth 21-25.rar - And, finally, the last 5 (I don't know if this series is still on-going or complete)o
Dickens, Charles (A-G).rar - 15 novels from American Notes to Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles (H-N).rar - 19 novels from Hard Times to Nicholas Nickleby
Dickens, Charles (O-W).rar - 18 novels from The Old Curiosity Shop to The Wreck Of The Golden Mary
Dickens, Charles & Wilkie Collins - No Thoroughfare.rar
Grimms Fairy Tales.rar - 76 stories
Grisham, John.rar - 13 Grisham novles includeing The Brethren, The Chamber, The Client, The Firm
A Painted House, The Partner, The Rainmaker, The Runaway Jury, Skipping Christmas, The Street Lawyer, The Summons,
The Testament, and A Time To Kill
Jordan, Robert - Wheel of Time 01-05.rar - First 5 books in the Wheel of Time Series
Jordan, Robert - Wheel of Time 06-10.rar - Next 5 books in the series (and it's still going on)o
Kafka, Franz - Metamorphosis and Other Stories.rar
Lewis, C.S - Chronicles of Narnia, The.rar - All 7 books in the series
Tolkien, J.R.R - Collection.rar - Contains 5 books includeing The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The Farmer Giles of Ham,
The Silmarillion, Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, and Unfinished Tales
Tolkien, J.R.R - Hobbit, The.rar
Tolkien, J.R.R - Lord Of The Rings, The (all 3 books).rar - The complete series with all the indexs and what-nots (sorry, no maps)o
Rowling, J.K - Harry Potter 1-5.rar - First 5 books in the Harry Potter Series
Zelazny, Roger - Amber Chronicles, The.rar - All 10 books in the series.

** All are in txt format
copy in Word and change font to your liking