المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أخبار سياسية Al Moqren is not dead

19-06-2004, 09:06 AM
I found this on a forum


Perfect Chaos
19-06-2004, 10:24 AM
واضح الكذب في هذا البيان ...
صورة مركبة و لا أساس لها من الصحة ...

19-06-2004, 10:31 AM
It is published on:




and others...

Al Mokren is alive...

I don't think that the leaflet is fabricated...if Saudi Government killed him, let them show us his deadbody photo!!!!

Perfect Chaos
19-06-2004, 10:53 AM
you will see it soon enought :33:

قلم دبلوماسي
19-06-2004, 11:21 AM
Al Moqren is dead
you will see him soon dont worry :p :p

19-06-2004, 12:53 PM
الاخ مصعب, بعد التحية..

اعتقد ان البيان فعلاً ملفق.. اولاً نوع الخط المستخدم مختلف وكذلك وجود اخطاء املائية لم نعهدها عن البيانات السابقة .
لكن في كل الاحوال "المقرن" ليس هو حلقة الوصل بين هذه الجماعات. كما ذكر من قبل يوجد خلايا نائمة الى الآن لم تنشط. اتذكر العام الفائت حدث مثل هذه الاحداث, وتم قتل ثلاثه من بينه القائد الميداني (لااتذكر اسمه), بعدها بأسابيع تم تعيين "المقرن" و "الدخيل" نيابة عنهم. جميع المصادر الامنية اعلنت ان هذه الخلايا تتحرك بشكل منفصل عن بعضها وهذا هو اكبر سبب لعدم التمكن منهم بسرعة.

19-06-2004, 01:05 PM
the killer is dead..alhumdllaiaaahhhhhhhh...mabrooooook...

فيصل بن عبدالرحمن الدخيل

عبدالعزيز بن عيسى المقرن
look at those pictures


19-06-2004, 01:47 PM

If he was sincere, may Allah give hime all the mercy and send him to heaven...and may Allah send the American guy to Jahannam...

I wonder why our weapons only appeas against muslims...

thousands of muslims have been killed in Palestine, afganistan, iraq...etc. the muslims army were only sleeping and watching...when an american criminal was killed in Belad Al Haramain..The army did the best to kill the muslims who killed that criminal!!! Subahan Allah...

Are these armies for muslims....or for the God of our rulers, America???

19-06-2004, 02:18 PM
don't mix things ...why ur saying the criminal american?..do u know anything about him? why is he criminal? just because he is an american doesn't mean he is a criminal...he was working with the saudi forces...i don't care what u think but ur an idiot..why do u mix things? what goes on in Palastine and Iraq is another thing..if those terrorists were fighting in Palastine or Iraq, u may call them whatever u call them..u fight face to face ..those killers r cowards..and now ur saying Subhan allah..yes subhan allah..but those guys ur crying for, they bombed the saudi special forces and the traffic deparment last month...cut the bullshit and wake up..prophit mohamed peace be upon him said "mn gatala mo3ahdan lm yshm ra27at aljnh" ..r u muslim??? do u go by what the prophit said? if yes, then cut the crap...ygool t3ala "ato2menoon bb39' alktaab wtkfroon bb39'h "...u just select what u like from the quran and forget about all the other verses that says clearly u can't kill someone without a valid reason...."mn gatl nfsn b3'er 7g"...give me a break u don't even know what the quran says....r u happy now that saudi is shaking?...r u happy now that america might attack saudi...r u happy now that we don't feel safe now?..r u happy now that we don't know whom to trust from our own people?.....ur an idiot and i hope you educate urself ....get lost...

19-06-2004, 02:19 PM

I agree with you that the the murder of these three muslims will not stop the operations of their group...Because muslim groups are not built upon persons!!! they are built on thoughts and ideology...so if you want to change them, you have to change their thoughts and ideologies...and this requieres that you have stronger thoughts...

I want to tell my brothers in the Islamic Militiant Groups that I understanf that Jazeerat Al Arab should be for muslims only...and there are no Ahl Themma in the Jazeerat Al Arab...And I know that all the governments in the Islamic World are not ruling by Islam and they are doing what America orders them to do...

But this is not the way of prophethood to change the situation...Please go back to the sunnah and see how the Prophet (pbuh) established the first Islamic State...This should be our method to Re-establish the Khilafah Rashida...The Method of Prophethood...

May Allah bless the Islamic Ummah...

May Allah bless muslims...

May Allah send us his vectory soon by the reastablishment of the Khilafah...

* I am sorry I don't have an arabic keyboard

19-06-2004, 02:29 PM

I wonder how a braveheart could fear someone else than Allah!!!

Anyway, if you read my previous article, you can see that I do not agree with the killings that have been done in ( Belad al Haramain)...because this is not the method of prophethood...But I will never be happy when a muslim is killed, even if I disagree with him...He could be better than me...

But for your information, since you are highly educated Professor Brave!

Is it permitted in Islam for non musilms to stay in Jazeeret Al Arab?

are they ( ahl zemma) in Jazeeret Al Arab?

there are special rules in Islam for Jazeerat al Arab...

these rules will by applied agin soon inshallah under the khilafah rashida...

Please read, understand, think and then reply...and if you want me to keep discussing with you, do not use such impolite language like " idiot"!!I am a muslim and I do not use such a way in discussing things


19-06-2004, 02:38 PM
now listen
u really need to educate urself...this guy is fighing and killing people..saudis muslims just like me and u not just americans...so, don't give that brotherhood bullshit...

second, yes i know...yes ahl althmaa or as u said zimma r allowed to stay not settle in jazerat al3rb...u really know nothing...yes they are allowed to..don't u read what i wrote above..don't u read what the prophit said about them and those who kill them.....don't u know that prophit mohammed died and there were christians living in Najran, Majoos in Hajar(near al2hsaa), and Jewesh in khybar...near almadenah...read and educated urself before and don't argue if you don't have enough knowledge to back up ureself....u think we are allowed to just go ahead and kill people because they are not muslims?..and even that saying "a5rjooo almoshrkeen min jazerat al3rb"..it says "a5rjoo..get them out not kill them or bomb their homes...can't you understand simple arabic..a5rjooooooooooooo...deport them...that's the problem with terrorists..they are just bunch of ignorants....

and by the way..it is called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...whether u like it or not..

19-06-2004, 02:39 PM
now listen
u really need to educate urself...this guy is fighing and killing people..saudis muslims just like me and u not just americans..he is fighting, u don't talk with somebody pointing a gun in your face....so, don't give me that brotherhood bullshit...

second, yes i know...yes ahl althmaa or as u said zimma r allowed to stay not settle in jazerat al3rb...u really know nothing...yes they are allowed to..don't u read what i wrote above..don't u read what the prophit said about them and those who kill them.....don't u know that prophit mohammed died and there were christians living in Najran, Majoos in Hajar(near al2hsaa), and Jewesh in khybar...near almadenah...read and educated urself before and don't argue if you don't have enough knowledge to back up ureself....u think we are allowed to just go ahead and kill people because they are not muslims?..and even that saying "a5rjooo almoshrkeen min jazerat al3rb"..it says "a5rjoo..get them out not kill them or bomb their homes...can't you understand simple arabic..a5rjooooooooooooo...deport them...that's the problem with terrorists..they are just bunch of ignorants....

and by the way..it is called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...whether u like it or not..

الذئب العربي
19-06-2004, 03:11 PM

الرجلين تبدوا عليهم ملامح السعادة والراحة رغم الم الموت ؟؟؟

19-06-2004, 03:13 PM

as I said before...I will not continue the discussion with you, because of your miserable language...

read the following article...may be you can understand...

I advise you to read more and more...do not read only your beek at the school...this is not enough...

go and find other resources !!!


The following article is from Al-Waie Magazine...


19-06-2004, 03:19 PM
By the way...

it seems that when you read , if you read, you do not understand and you do not think in what you are reading!!!

I have said before that I am against the killings that happend...ya3nee against the bombings and other operations that happend in Belad Al Haramain...

But your last argument shown that you didn't read what I have written or you didn't understand...

may be you have some problems in your reading skills!!!

19-06-2004, 03:48 PM

i did read all u wrote..or most of it...i know u said u don't support the killings and bombings..but..in reality u do..u basically agree with all what those killers r doing but u ask them to stop for the sake of brotherhood....

i read what's in that website...listen...u basically twist the verses...ok...now we all can read the quran and we don't need somebody to explain things to us....Islam is not stupid religion...we muslims r not dumb...we distinguish between people....i live in the united states...what if somebody came to my apartments tomorrow and killed me just becasue i am muslim or because i am saudi??...wake up buddy...the world is not like how u look at it now..it is not just "belaad kufaar wblaad muslmeeen"...muslims r all over the world..you think ur the only one who understands islam..all those muslims in the world r wrong except bin Ladin's gang??....ur saying ur not with them but ur showing simpothy....that's not right...ur talking about the killing of almqren in this topic and then u took about palastine and iraq...that shows ur linking those issues together which is not fair for us saudies....

19-06-2004, 04:01 PM

الرجلين تبدوا عليهم ملامح السعادة والراحة رغم الم الموت ؟؟؟

فعلاً الرجلين مبتسمين ... من ينكر ذلك ؟؟

19-06-2004, 04:49 PM
BraveHeart_usa & musab
First thing if u r in usa that doesn't mean to use words like bullshit and crap(ya i know that u don't mean it but still not prever to use with people u don't know)
second iam with u about what u said before ,that ahl alzemah can stay in jazeerat al arab
third iam not with killing ahl alzemah but my comment is about y every body in ksa is happy now bcoz they kill those people(terrorists as they said) y they show there pics is that allowed in islam to show the pics of dead people ok y they didn't show the dead body of the amircan guy,bcoz they(usa government) said that will heart the filling of the americans ok showing the pics of the terrorists(remmeber they r still muslims)don't heart our filling even though we know that they did something wrong ,is the american guy is so presious
than the muslims
last point y all the ksa government are soooo happy that they killed those people aren't the ksa government make these people

that is all my points
iam sorry if there a grammer or spelling mistakes

19-06-2004, 05:01 PM
my friend..first of all ..ur right i am not gonna use those words again...

my friend, they show the pictures because a lot of people including alquida websites were questioning the crediblity of yesterday's news...alquida denied the killings of almoqren..showing the picture was very important to prove and confirm the news...i just don't understand why people try to link everything happening with what the americans think or feel...i don't know my friend what were u thinking..but i don't know what feelings u were talking about..saudies were happy to hear about killing that criminal yesterday...saudes from different backgrounds were happy..i was so happy...people were sending text messages...check the websites that reflects the voice of the saudi streets like eqla3.com and others...please ...this is our country...we are all muslims but we don't except somebody destroying our country while hiding under the name of islam and jihad....if americans don't want the pictures to be shown, that's their right...that guy was killed but wasn't criminal...and there is no point of showing his picture in TV because nobody denied his killing....got my point?.....