المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نقاش الرسامين أمامك الأن فرصة الأشتراك بتصاميم و رسوم للعبة Naruto الجديدة

Ralph Jones
22-06-2004, 01:36 PM
السلام عليكم :)

هذا الموضوع منقول من أحد مواقع المختصة بالأنمي Naruto :

Good day, everyone! I'm Danel. I used to work for Naruto Guide, a site hosted by the Naruto Fan servers, but I've moved to Naruto Fan because the site got shut down. My job on Naruto Guide and Naruto Fan is the same - work on a Naruto Role-Playing game called Wings of the Shinobi (WotS). WotS will be a massive, exciting and original game, but skilled people are needed in order to have it completed, and that's where you come in, if you have experience with any of those subjects:

Drawings - Being able to draw correct anatomy and proportions and scan at a high quality.
Digital art - Being able to skillfully color using art programs such as Open Canvas or Photoshop.
Pixel art - Being able to skillfully shade, color and draw using pixels.
RM2K/3 skills - Being able to code with RM2K/3 using switches, variables etc.
Music composing - Being able to compose MIDI music using programs such as Cakewalk Home Studio.
Banners and logos - Being able to make professional looking logos and banners.

If you're exceptionally good with any of those subject and are willing to work for many hours on this massive Role-playing game, contact me on MSN danel_kun@hotmail.com or e-mail me on daneled@zahav.net.il. It is important to note that unfortunately this is NOT a paying job

;) فما رأيكم يا رسامين ؟


Renoa Heartilly
09-07-2004, 05:38 AM
مشكور رالف على الموضوع, بس أعتقد آخر سطر يخلي نص الرسامين يغيرون رايهم :P