المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Latest Team NINJA News

29-07-2004, 11:55 AM
Hi ^^

There were a lot of news in the past days for DOAU and NG
I'll try to post 'em all
I can't write arabic now, so sorry about that ^^

Warning: there will be alot of images here, beware 56K users

Interview with Itagaki

http://www.gameinformer.com/images/site/gi_logo.gif (http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200407/N04.0727.1752.42649.htm)

Click on the link for the full Interivew

For the first time I can say he's serious

Summary :
- DOAU won't have downloadable contents

GI: with Xbox Live you’re planning on downloadable costumes, downloadable characters, downloadable arenas, another tournament maybe like the master ninja tournament for DOAU.

Itagaki: Well, of course, I’m in full agreement with doing a tournament because it’s good. As far as downloadable content I don’t plan to do it because if it’s something that needs to be put in the game it should be put in the game to begin with.
- About Ninja Gaiden :

GI: It’s been noted that some day there will be a Ninja Gaiden 2. Why did you guys go with the add-on packs, the Hurricane packs instead of saving all these good things for the sequel? And why not charge because you guys are giving so much content with each pack? I mean, the first pack seems pretty beefy I would say.

Itagaki: My ultimate goal is to make Ninja Gaiden the ultimate action game on the current generation systems. So that’s why I don’t hesitate to hold off on implementing good ideas on the current version of the game. To give you an example, if I were to start stacking chips next to the roulette I would stack it very high. And other people might say, “Why is he doing that? Why is he stacking the chips so high?” Team Ninja’s philosophy is, “why not?” And, “Let’s see how high we can pile the chips.” And by doing so we can, first of all, please all those people who bought Ninja Gaiden, and get their feedback, and get more good information to be able to make better games in the future.
- Easy Mode for Ninja Gaiden ? There's a hope if they have time
I hope so because of the people that said It's sooo HARD :P

GI: Would you ever consider in one of the future Hurricane packs to allow for an easier mode to, you know, because some people have been swayed from purchasing the game because they’ve heard that it’s so difficult. Would you ever consider an easy mode to broaden your user base; or are you just not concerned with that?

Itagaki: Well if people are truly wanting us to do something like that, you know, it’s something that we could definitely consider. But, of course, first thing first, the current system, current generation system, I still have to perfect this game first. And once that’s all done, and if we still have time left then we might think about doing something like that. But, of course, having said that, I wonder if I should or not because I think I should cater to people who support my games and make them feel happy rather than supporting people who haven’t supported us, catering to people who haven’t supported my game.
- DOA Ultimate isn't just a remake, everything has changed and become new except the story of DOA 2

GI: So on to DOA Ultimate, what was the decision to go back and redesign 1 and 2 and bring them online and to Xbox only?

Itagaki: Well, the original intention was to bring the DOA series, all the series to Xbox for people who purchased DOA 3. And, of course, that’s for my personal needs and desire as well. So because that’s how we started working on this project, the DOA 1 portion is an accurate, pure port of the original game. … No, nothing. Straight port. If you brush up on one area it’s going to stick out like a sore thumb so I couldn’t do anything. In contrary, DOA 2 Ultimate, we ended up using DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball graphics engine. And then also we used some of the Ninja Gaiden technology. So the only thing that is old is the story of DOA 2, but everything else has changed and become new.
- DOA 4 is already in production

GI: … After you’re done with this are you onto DOA 4, or I’m assuming that DOA 4’s already in development by another team? And will that be on Xbox, or is it something that you’re looking for next gen?

Itagaki: DOA 4 is already in production, and it is for the next generation platform.[/QUOTE]

29-07-2004, 11:59 AM
New DOAU Impressions - screens and videos
GameSpot :
http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/shared/home2/leadhome/xbox_leadhome_072304.jpg (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/doaonline/preview_6103339.html)

We said it before, and we'll say it again: Dead or Alive Ultimate has all the makings of a must-have game if you're looking for some online fighting action. A meaty assortment of modes, leaderboards, and support for an audience of up to seven other players all add up to a promising title that will be worth a chunk of your time when it ships. Dead or Alive Ultimate is currently slated to ship this October for the Xbox, so look for more on the game in the coming months. - GameSpot
New images (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/doaonline/screenindex.html) / New videos (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/doaonline/media.html)
the new images are not really new, I've seen some of them in Famitsu :
There are more, more than 30

http://www.far7.com/up/files/Mesharey-1090651858.jpg (http://xbox.ign.com/articles/532/532899p1.html?fromint=1)

The first 3D online fighter may also end up being the best of this generation. Team Ninja does it again! - IGN.com
I read it, and yes there's nothing new
just this to make you sure :

DOA Ultimate plays smooth and quick online, so smooth in fact that I couldn't tell the difference between online and offline.
Also, new vids (http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/566/566556/vids_1.html)
IGN didn't say that Hitomi is in the game yet..Hehe


http://www.far7.com/up/files/Mesharey-1091089348.jpg (http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200407/N04.0723.1905.46985.htm)
check this out :

Today legendary Team Ninja frontman Tomonobu Itagaki stopped by the Game Informer Online offices to show off his highly anticipated online fighter Dead Or Alive Ultimate.

Well, he came, he saw, he kicked a lot of ass. Associate Online Editor Chris Cook gave a valiant effort, but in the end was defeated by the Master Ninja himself. Don't believe us? Check out these six direct feed movies of their epic battles. And, by epic, we mean one-sided.

Ouch! Itagaki-san sure knows his own game. But earlier in the day I did manage to battle him out to a 3-2 balance, with him winning.LOL Itagaki :P
they have New Videos (http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Media/Media.htm?CS_pid={3F330163-D0ED-494D-A937-A4A0CD969EE6})

The official Tecmo site :
Ninja Gaiden splash page is gone, now replaced with a shot of Kasumi.

DOA 2 Menu Options
DOA Online
Booster >> For DOA 3
DOA 2 Story
Time Attack
Tag Battle
Team Battle
Battle Record
CG Gallery

<the options if you hit 'DOA Online'>

Quick Match
Create Match
Online Options
World Ranking

<the options if you hit 'Create Match'>

Game Mode
Battle Type
Round Time
Match Point
Life Gauge
Max Players
Friend Slot
Online Talk

Then there are options for the symbols you use for your name


BTW, Hitomi (from DOA 3 ) will be in the game ( she's my 2nd favorite character in the game) Click here for more info (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/doaonline/preview_6103085.html)


29-07-2004, 12:12 PM
Ninja Gaiden

From GameSpot :
http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2003/xbox/ninjagaiden/1126/ninjag_logo.jpg (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/ninjagaiden/preview_6103675.html)
FAQ, They have New Images too. (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/ninjagaiden/screenindex.html)
I didn't read it yet, but I will

New Images and movies
New info :






New videos

DOA: Ultimate
New info on Team Xbox
I didn't read it yet, but I will
There are secret characters, U think DOA3 characters and Tengu, the boss for DOA2

http://insidermedia.ign.com/insider/image/insdr_doau_072704_299.jpg (http://insider.ign.com/videos/articles/534/534009p1.html)
For Insider only
I've seen it, it's really cool and he says that it is a must-have game
every character will have a special move in a certain stage, like Zack in the ice with Jan Lee
pics from the video, new stage called Spark Danger

New images :
most of 'em were in Famitsu, but now in high res. of course






H Triple H
30-07-2004, 12:06 AM
مشكور اخوي مشاري

Saud Almoayed
30-07-2004, 11:50 AM
First things first. What, exactly, is Hurricane Pack: Volume I?
The Hurricane Pack, which will become available for download exclusively via Xbox Live on Monday, August 2, is a free bonus for Ninja Gaiden fans, and it will be used as the proving grounds for Tecmo's second Master Ninja Tournament (http://www.masterninjatournament.com/), which is basically a high-score contest pitting the world's best Ninja Gaiden players against one another. You don't need to compete in the tournament to play and enjoy the Hurricane Pack, though. This download features a brand-new weapon, a new camera-control option, a key, a new play mechanic, and a remixed single-player campaign that features different item placements, different enemy placements, some brand-new enemies and enemy behaviors, and an overall greater level of challenge. Since it's free, the Hurricane Pack features enough new or changed content to make it well worth checking out by anyone who owns Ninja Gaiden. And if you don't already have an Xbox Live account, it may be well worth a subscription, because the Hurricane Pack cannot be acquired by any other means.

What's the new weapon? Is it really a completely new weapon?
The new weapon is the Lunar, a fighting staff. And, yes, it's a completely new weapon that features brand-new moves, animations, sound effects, and strategies. So, in practice, Ryu plays quite differently while equipped with this deadly staff. The Lunar may be upgraded two times at Muramasa's shop during the course of the game, and each upgrade (as with other weapon upgrades) changes the look of the weapon while granting Ryu Hayabusa access to some powerful new moves and combos. The weapon is definitely effective, because it features much of the speed and combo potential of Ninja Gaiden's nunchaku and Vigoorian flail weapons, but it has the long range of the bladed weapons. If the Lunar has a disadvantage, it's that it does tend to leave Ryu open to counterattacks in between flurries from its rapid swipes, spins, and strikes.

When do you get the Lunar? Is it the best weapon in the game?
You actually find the Lunar conspicuously located about halfway through the very first level of the game, and, unlike in the original Ninja Gaiden, you begin the Hurricane Pack not only with Ryu's Dragon Sword but also with the nunchakus already in your inventory. The Lunar has its strengths and weaknesses, so we don't think it's better or worse than most of the other weapons in the game. We do think Ninja Gaiden fans will naturally be drawn to it for novelty's sake, but we ultimately found ourselves depending on "old faithful"--the Dragon Sword. Then again, since high scores are important in the Master Ninja Tournament, and the Lunar is great for combos, we do think it will be a heavily used weapon even if it isn't strictly superior at dealing with every foe.

Any other new weapons, such as projectile ones?
No, not as far as we can tell. Incidentally, the semi-hidden windmill shuriken may still be found in the same place as before in the Hurricane Pack.. (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/ninjagaiden/screens_6103675.html?page=2)

Does Ryu get any new moves or abilities?
Why, yes, he does. Though the odds are generally stacked even higher against him in the Hurricane Pack, Ryu does gain one valuable new technique right from the start: the intercept. Fighting game fans will recognize this technique as a fighting game-style guard cancel. The way it works is, if you press the left trigger to guard against an enemy attack just as the attack is about to hit you (a shimmering effect indicates when you've done this correctly), you can instantly execute a fast or heavy slash, instead of being staggered by the enemy's attack as you normally would be. This is a risky maneuver, since Ninja Gaiden's enemies strike fast and hit hard. But the reward for mastering this technique is substantial, because it allows you to quickly turn the tables on your foes. Furthermore, since the countermove's technique can no longer be found in the game's airship level and is instead only available for purchase for a high price at Muramasa's shop (more on this later), the new guard-canceling maneuver proves to be indispensable early on. It's also just a really fun, new play mechanic that makes Ninja Gaiden an even faster-paced game. Now the one relatively passive aspect of the game's combat system--defending--has a new layer of depth to it.

Saud Almoayed
30-07-2004, 11:53 AM
What's this about a new camera? How does it work?
The Hurricane Pack features a new manual camera option, which may be toggled on at any time by pressing in on the right analog stick. A momentary flash of light indicates that the camera-control toggle took effect. This camera option lets you freely rotate your perspective around Ryu by moving the analog stick left or right. You may also tilt the perspective up or down. As with the default camera option, the right trigger instantly snaps the camera to a convenient behind-the-back view. This new camera option will be greatly appreciated by those who took issue with the original game's limited camera controls (by default, the right stick switches to a first-person-perspective view and lets you both realign yourself and look about from that viewpoint).

It's useful for the adventure-style sequences in which you're trying to find a ledge or an item that's hidden in a nook or cranny. It's not very useful, though, during the game's near-constant, high-speed action sequences; there's no time to be messing with camera angles when you're fighting for your life. Frankly, we weren't frustrated by the game's camera in the first place, since the right trigger worked so well to keep us aligned and oriented. But the new camera option is nice to have, and we think some players will find it to be superior to the default camera.

Are there new levels? What's different about the existing levels?
There are no new levels in the Hurricane Pack. The course of the game is more or less exactly the same as before. The difference is that many items have been moved to different places; enemy placement and enemy behavior has changed to make the game more challenging; bosses have likewise been beefed up; and--as if to add insult to injury--many of the prices in Muramasa's shop have been jacked up. Again, the sum total of all of this is that the Hurricane Pack can be considered a harder, remixed version of the original Ninja Gaiden.

Seriously. How much harder is it? Is it really that hard?
Yes, it's that hard. It's significantly more difficult than the original Ninja Gaiden on "very hard" difficulty. Put it this way: If you fancy yourself a Ninja Gaiden pro (as we did, going into the Hurricane Pack) and can basically breeze through the game on normal mode, then the Hurricane Pack is going to make you feel a lot like when you first started playing the original game. We were actually very impressed at this effect, because the Hurricane Pack really does feel like a brand-new, even tougher challenge.

So, whereas the developers at Team Ninja clearly took the opportunity with the Hurricane Pack to make concessions to those who complained about Ninja Gaiden's camera, they most certainly did not use the Hurricane Pack to address criticisms that the original game was too hard. If you found the original game to be too difficult, then the Hurricane Pack is most certainly not for you. In other words, unless you've finished Ninja Gaiden at the default difficulty, we wouldn't recommend bothering with the Hurricane Pack (though we'd love to see the look on your face if you tried it).

What makes it so much harder? How have the old enemies changed?
Basically, in the Hurricane Pack, you encounter more enemies, many of whom are tougher (meaning both more damaging and harder to kill) and more aggressive (meaning they attack more frequently). You also encounter some of the game's tougher enemies earlier in the adventure, when you have less maximum health and fewer moves and weapons with which to fend them off. For example: In the very first level, the brown ninjas from the original game are completely gone. Instead, you'll fight the tougher white ninjas in their place. And in place of where the white ninjas used to be, you'll face the black-clad Spider Clan ninjas from later on in the adventure--the ones with the incendiary shurikens and the unblockable throat-slashing move. As another example, in the second level of the game, the teleporting, spellcasting ninjas you'll square off against now fire a volley of energy bolts at you instead of just one energy bolt at a time. It should be noted that not all of the enemies in the game have changed. The zombies you'll fight in the catacombs are basically the same as before, as are the wraithlike, scythe-wielding foes you'll face in the monastery. The fact that these enemies will seem so easy to kill demonstrates the relative changes that make most of the old enemies a lot stronger in the Hurricane Pack.

Saud Almoayed
30-07-2004, 11:56 AM
There are new enemies, right?
Right. Once you reach the airship level, you'll notice that the Vigoorian commandos now look differently. They have a more robotic appearance than in the original game. (Honestly, we prefer their old look.) But they're mostly just the same, old commandos. You'll meet a brand-new type of foe once you reach Tairon, after the airship level. These feline enemies are extremely fast, attack in groups of three or four, and can deal tons of damage in the blink of an eye. They can also easily avoid many of Ryu's attacks and will attempt to disorient you by literally running circles around you--often along nearby walls. These foes will kill you the first time you meet them. But in time, as with Ninja Gaiden's other opponents, you'll be able to find weaknesses in their seemingly impenetrable defenses. It's best to attack these kitties right as you roll out of the way of one of their pouncing attacks. And if you manage to knock one down, press the attack till she doesn't get back up. In final analysis, we really enjoy these challenging, new foes. And there's an even bigger, new foe waiting to be discovered...

What about bosses? How much have they changed?
The bosses haven't changed that much, but like pretty much every foe in the Hurricane Pack, they're tougher. Basically, they'll use their stronger attacks more frequently. For example, when fighting the dinosaur-skeleton boss, we noted that it would often swipe its tail three times in a row (which isn't its most damaging attack but is definitely its most dangerous attack), whereas it tended to swipe just twice in a row in the original game. Basically, the bosses are changed in such a way that you really need to master their patterns to defeat them, although in the original game, sometimes if you had enough healing potions, you could just muscle your way past a boss. Also, we thought it was cool to be able to fight Murai, the first boss in the game, with nunchakus just like the ones he uses.

What kind of changes have been made to Muramasa's shop?
The locations of Muramasa's shops haven't changed. The prices (unfortunately) and the selections have changed. And so have Muramasa's rewards for golden scarabs (which, incidentally, may be found in the same locations as in the original game). Muramasa's first golden scarab gift is the wooden practice sword, which was instead available for purchase in the original game. Some more scarabs will earn you the armlets of fortune; some more scarabs will earn you the Vigoorian flail; and so on. Items that could be found during the course of the original game, such as the ninpo scrolls, and special techniques, like the counter arts and the izuna drop, can now only be purchased--and for steep prices that range from 10,000 to 20,000 essence points. (To put it into perspective, recall that a spiritual elixir costs 500 points). Furthermore, the weapon upgrades cost more than in the original game, so it'll cost 5,000 points for the first upgrade to the Dragon Sword or Lunar. Armlets are also very expensive.

Fortunately, items such as spiritual elixirs and other potions haven't had their prices jacked up. The net result of all this, though, is that you'll (initially) end up spending all of your money on potions, and you won't be able to acquire new and better moves as early on in the adventure as you could in the original game. In practice, the changes to Muramasa's shop do much to change the dynamic and pacing of the game's campaign, which is interesting; but not being able to use Ryu's better moves until more than halfway through the game was frankly somewhat frustrating for us.

Any other extras in the Hurricane Pack?
Why, yes. There are a couple of new outfits for Ryu that may be accessed by pressing and holding the white or black buttons when you first select the Master Ninja Tournament main menu option once the Hurricane Pack is installed. The first new outfit makes Ryu look just as he does in the Dead or Alive fighting games; his ninja cowl covers only his face, and his brown spiky hair and long ponytail are exposed. The second outfit makes Ryu look like a menacing biomechanical cyberninja, so it's pretty weird. Note that these outfits do not affect Ryu's moves or abilities.

Does the Hurricane Pack replace the original Ninja Gaiden game?
No. The original Ninja Gaiden game remains unchanged. Once downloaded, the Hurricane Pack version of the game is accessed by selecting the Master Ninja Tournament main menu option. If players save their progress during the course of the Hurricane Pack, they may load a saved game, as per usual, by selecting the Load Game main menu option. While we only recommend the Hurricane Pack for experienced Ninja Gaiden players, you don't need to have finished the original game to play the Hurricane Pack.

Saud Almoayed
30-07-2004, 11:58 AM
How big is the Hurricane Pack in terms of file size? How long is the download going to take?
Unfortunately, we don't have concrete answers to these questions. We got ahold of the Hurricane Pack directly from Tecmo and have not gone through the process of actually logging into Xbox Live to download the file.

Did they get rid of those damn ghost fish?
On the contrary, you'll face those damn ghost fish far earlier into the adventure than you did in the original game. We highly recommend using the Art of the Fire Wheels ninpo or repeatedly pressing the A and X buttons simultaneously--with the Dragon Sword equipped--to deal with them.

Sounds like there's a lot of new content. Are you going to rereview Ninja Gaiden because of the Hurricane Pack?
No, we're not. Though the Hurricane Pack is a great bonus for fans of Ninja Gaiden, it doesn't fundamentally change the game or anything else that drastically. In other words, we stand by our original review.

You gave Ninja Gaiden a near-perfect 9.4 out of 10. Let's say the game shipped with the additional content and features of the Hurricane Pack. Would you have rated the game even higher?
You'll never know, and you know what? Neither will we. The fact of the matter is...that was then, and this is now. The new features and changes in the Hurricane Pack are a great show of support from Tecmo to Ninja Gaiden fans. And it's those fans for whom the Hurricane Pack is squarely intended. If you love Ninja Gaiden, we think you'll love the Hurricane Pack. If, for some reason, you dislike Ninja Gaiden, we can't imagine that the Hurricane Pack will change your mind.

So when can I expect Hurricane Pack: Volume II? What's going to be in it?
Whoa! Hold your horses there, pal. We're talking about Hurricane Pack: Volume I here. To date, Tecmo hasn't announced anything specific about subsequent downloadable content packs for Ninja Gaiden. However, judging by the conspicuous "Volume I" part of the name for this first downloadable pack, it's implicit that there will likely be additional downloadable content packs to follow. We'll bring you details on any subsequent expansions to Ninja Gaiden as soon as we possibly can. Until then, good luck with Hurricane Pack: Volume I.

30-07-2004, 01:13 PM
Triple H
You're welcome ^^

Saud Almoayed
Thanks, but you can post a link to the article :09: ..


30-07-2004, 05:26 PM
مشكووور مشاري , بس كأنكم قلبتوا المنتدى إنجليزي بهالموضوع :tongue2:
Thanks to all of you :jester:

30-07-2004, 06:33 PM
وايد شيييييييييييي :wow: امشاري ما خليتلنا شي عشان انشارك فيه, كل المعلومات و الصور حطيتهم انت :tongue2: وايد متعوب عليه الموضوع :bigok:

DOAU won't have downloadable contents

افاااااا توهم قايلين في اشياء قابلة للتنزيل :31: ما امده يغير رايه Itagaki, بس هم صاج Itagaki عن سبب عدم وضع ميزة Downloadable Contents :33:

Then there are options for the symbols you use for your name


خوش شي :biggthump علاقل تغيير في شكل الاسم

new stage called Spark Danger

عجيب هالدور, يذكرك بجو DOA 2 علبلاي استيشن 2, مكان اوسيع :biggthump

There are secret characters, U think DOA3 characters and Tengu, the boss for DOA2

زين سوو :biggthump لان في ناس متعودين يلعبون بشخصيات DOA 3 اليديدة مثل براد وونغ و كرستي و هيتومي, بلللللل Tengu بو خشم لحين عايش؟ :09: يبيله الزعيم مال DOA 1 اللي يشبه Akuma << هذا حده دارك :6147:

^^ يذكرني بعدو النمر المقنع :tongue2:

حركة هالصورة :biggthump لووووول الصورة كأنها مسكونة :tongue2:

خوك اسعود داش عرض :06: يلا اللي يقدر يترجم رد اسعود كامل, راح تنشق صفحات القاموس اللي بترجم :09: قلتلك من قبل اسعود هذا منتده عربي و ممنوع تكتب بالانجليزي وايد

بس كأنكم قلبتوا المنتدى إنجليزي بهالموضوعاقولك :tongue2: شكله احتلو المنتده ابكبره و صار منتده انجليزي :p

ثانكس امشارجي علموضوع الفانتاستكي :bigok:

04-08-2004, 02:09 PM
تسلم مشاري على الخبر بس ممكن تقول لي اللعب فيه SYSTEM LINK???

و شكرا مرة ثانية على الخبر الرائع

04-08-2004, 02:10 PM

04-08-2004, 02:13 PM
ههههههههههههههه حلوة ذي داش في عرض

ايه و الله اخوي سعود لا تكتب انجليزي وايد اذا تبي تكتب اكتب شوي يعني 3 او 4 سطور مو هالكثر

و الصورة ذيج الي هيابوزا يتهاوش مع الرئيس الاول شفيها الصورة منقلبة (عفيسة)

04-08-2004, 03:57 PM
No -_______-

امشاري ما خليتلنا شي عشان انشارك فيه, كل المعلومات و الصور حطيتهم انت I'm a big fan of Team Ninja :tongue2: ..

و الصورة ذيج الي هيابوزا يتهاوش مع الرئيس الاول شفيها الصورة منقلبة (عفيسة) New attack called HP ultimate attack ^^
You can use it by pressing Y

You're all welcome ^_____^

Deadly Spot
04-08-2004, 10:05 PM
مشكور مشاري على الموضوع
اعتقد ان خيار التحميل اسطوانة الجزء الثالث
تخليك تنزل مراحل وشخصيات الجزء الثالث

04-08-2004, 10:32 PM
اعتقد ان خيار التحميل اسطوانة الجزء الثالث
تخليك تنزل مراحل وشخصيات الجزء الثالثNope, it's for new clothes to put in DOA3 ^^

You're welcome Yamazaki