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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Let's write a story ^_^

19-09-2004, 06:11 PM
well, i don't have much to say (mainly because all the stuff i wrote got deleted and now i have to start all over again) so...... the idea is that we write our own story

it could get crazy, it could get wierd, but it stays OUR story

The rules are simple, you can at least add one more sentece to the story, of course you can ever write a whole story in our story ;) :p ;) :p

so let's cut the chase and get started

once upon a time, there lived a young boy. Nothing was really special about him, at least he thought so. This boy lived in a house deep, deep in the forest.

Okay people, now it's your turn to continue

(Show us some creativity (unlike me:p :p


Deadly Spot
19-09-2004, 08:28 PM
suddenly a man with a monkey look have shown up in his house
the boy asked him: who are you
the stranger said : am a man of justice
the boy said: i dont need justice in the forest
the stranger said: you are a threat to our nation
the boy respond :forest help me but the forst didnt do anything
the stranger said : you have to surrender or we kill u
the boy have escaped to the forest and hide but the forst have turned against him and he was caught by the stranger

weird huh:D
by the way great idea u have brought

Broken Angel
20-09-2004, 01:16 AM
Well .. when the stranger caught the boy, he noticed something .. something weird :shock22: about the kid .. .

Yes. Said the stanger, (I knew that you're that who we must not get close to.. :wow: You're him :shock22: my lord help me .. my lord have mercy .. noooo .. don't let it be you .. oh

the kid was like this << :bigeyes:

what's going dude ? what'saaaaaaaaab? :biggrin:

are you telling me that you don't have a clue about who you are :06:. the stranger said

but the kid liked the stanger's scared fase and said : oh .. you mean that thing ? :biggrin:

Yes, yes .. the stranger now more scared

the kid: ummm .. so :biggrin:





Broken Angel
20-09-2004, 01:20 AM
the stranger: hah? you mean that you're not mad at me? :33:

the kid: should I ? :biggrin:

the stranger: nooop .. just chill man :biggrin:

the kid: ok :biggrin:

the stranger: well do you have a joke ? :09:

the kid: nop .. not in the mode :أفكر:

the stranger: oh .. I thought you were talented .. :biggrin:

the kid: hah ? what do you mean by that ? :12:

the stranger now wishing that he did'nt say anything : err .. ahh :icon11:

the kid: I need an answer :12:

the stranger << :(


the kid getting more angry .. and then he said

well .. that was the joke :biggrin:

the stranger << :bigeyes:

:mad: youuuuuuu littel brat

the kid: whatsaaaaaaaaaaab man :biggrin: chill

Broken Angel
20-09-2004, 01:21 AM
the stranger took out his sword and swing it towrds the kid's head but he stoped at the last moment and said: oh .. that was a nice good joke actully :biggrin: I really liked it man .

the kid: I knew it :biggrin:

the stranger: well you're talnted after all .. wanna hang out with me ? :biggrin:

sure. the kid replayed :biggrin:

and they left togather very happppy :biggrin:

and on there way .. the stranger smelled something baaad .. and yes he knew it by then that he was right .. that kid was the one that should not get near to .. because he fart like crazy when he's happy.

sorry for 3 posts :(

20-09-2004, 09:12 AM
So The Stranger thought "Why must I walk along with him!! I can just leave!"

The Stranger: well kidooo... I shell leave now.. See ya around!

The kid didn't want this funny monkey face guy to leave.. He wanted company so he said:

"do you want to upset me… do you???"

"No!!! god NO!!!... it’s the last thing I wanna do ever!!"

"Then you should stay with me.. let's have fun together"

"F U N! FUN… oh man…" he whispered < I think I will have to suffer…>

So they kept walking… then

Great thread pal... thanx :biggthump

Amuro Ray
24-09-2004, 07:15 PM
and then he went to the market for buying a pike:biggthump

Mista Koo
26-09-2004, 11:47 PM
After That The Strange Man Strangley Disappeared
and the boy went to cut trees as usuall because it's his only work
then the boy felt into a hole
it was so deep hole
then he found a very huge creature and a lot of Monsters
Who Looked Worse Than The Stranger
Who Was Also There
And The Boy Was Stuck Into Slimy Sand
And He Telled The Stranger To Help Him And He Did
And Then They Had a Talk To Know Each Other More And More
So The Boy's Name Was Ted And The Stranger Is Ukiki!
Ted: What Is This Huge Stupid Thing??
Ukiki: Shut Up Boy! This Is Massuri Lord Of The....
But The Lord Heared Them
Massuri: Who Dares And Says That I am Stupid??
He Looked At Ted With Bloody Red Eyes Above His Smelly Blue Noise
Ukiki: He Was...Wasn't talking about u

2 B Continued..