المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الكثير من اسرار العاب

23-09-2004, 12:57 PM
سلام عليكم
اخوانى انا من اكثير محبي الاعاب البى سى ولهذا سوف اضع اليوم مجموعة كبيرة جداً من الاسرار الاعاب
واعلم ان هدا الموضوع قد ثم فتحه من قبل ولكن موضوع سوف يكون متواصل اى انى سوف اقوم بضافة اسار كل مرة اكون فيه على نت سوف ترون الاكثير من الاسار
ولى عنده مشراك يمكن ان يضع اسرار التى يعرفه
بسم الله ابدا

اسرار بعض الاعاب شفرات لعبة كوماندو2
اولا كتابة هذه الكلمه داخل اللعبه( gonzoandjon )
ثانيا الشفرات
1- ctrl + shift + n
2- shift + x
3- ctrl + v
4- ctrl + shift + x
5- ctrl + i
1- win
4-all enemies die
هذه شفرات جراند ثيفت اوتو فيس سيتي اذا ماعرفت اترجمها جرب واعرف ايه الوظيفه
THUGSTOOls / Tier 1 Weapons
NUTTERTOOLS Tier 3 Weapons
ASPIRINE / Full health
YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE / Raise wanted level
LEAVEMEALONE / Lower wanted level
APLEASANTDAY / Nice weather
ALOVELYDAY / Great weather
ABITDRIEG / Cloudy weather
CATSANDDOGS / Rainy weather
CANTSEEATHING / Foggy weather
BIGBANG / Destroy all cars
STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP / Cycle pedestrian costumes
FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT / Pedestrians riot
NOBODYLIKESME / Pedestrians attack you
ONSPEED / Walk faster
BOOOOOORING / Walk slower
COMEFLYWITHME / Flying dodo cars
GREENLIGHT / Set all traffic lights to green
MIAMITRAFFIC / Fast traffic
TRAVELINSTYLE / Bloodring banger
RUBBISHCAR / Trashmaster
ROCKANDROLLMAN / Rock 'n' roll skin
ONEARMEDBANDIT / One armed bandit skin
FOXYLITTLETHING / Mafiosi daughter skin
WELOVEOURDICK / Scottish skin
CERTAINDEATH // Tommy starts smoking
CHICKSWITHGUNS / Bikini women with guns
SEAWAYS / Cars float on water
GRIPISEVERYTHING / Improved Car Handling
CHASESTAT / See Wanted Stats

اسرار كاونتر
ملاحظة: بفرض انك تلعب في محل شبكات مع أصدقائك فإنك لا تستطيع إدخال الأسرار إلا إذا أدخل الذي بدأ اللعبة أسرار "يعني الذي عمل Create " و بعدما يدخل هو أسرارا تستطيع أنت الإدخال أما اذا كنت أنت من بدا اللعبة فيجب عليك أن تكتب كودا لتفعيل الأسرار و ذلك بالطريقة التالية:

تضغط "ذ" و من ثم تنسدل لك قائمة و تكتب "sv_cheats 1" و من ثم تضغط Enter .

و بعد ذلك تستطيع إدخال الأسرار التالية و ذلك بعد الضغط على "ذ" و من ثم كتابة السر و من ثم ضغط Enter.


Givespaceweapon_awp للحصول على قناصة خارقة

Sv_aim تصويب تلقائي

Sv_gravity 1000 تغيير قوة الجاذبية إلى 1000 "يمكنك تغيير الرقم 1000 كما تشاء حتى أنه اذا قللتها جدا سوف تستطيع الطيران"

Gl_zmax 9999 الرؤية من خلال الجدران

Cl_forwardspeed 999 سرعة ركض كبيرة

+reload تلقيم تلقائي

Lambert-1.0001 رؤية واضحة خلال الظلام

Sv_clienttrace 999999999 تصويب تلقائي دقيق جدا "على فكرة هذه عبارة عن تسعة تسعات"

Impulse101 عملة بحر

Mp_footsteps 0 ركض بدون صوت أقدام

Give weapon_ak47 تحصل على رشاش روسي

Give weapon_hegrenade القنبلة

Give weapon_deagle الماغنوم

Give weapon_mp5navy البندقية الخفيفة 1-3

23-09-2004, 12:59 PM
للعبةDiablo 2

هناك حلول لبعض الاشياء الغامضة وهناك كلمات سر

To get many money. Open savegame; go to 00000265 add "9F86 0100".
You will have 99999 Gold.

Hex cheat:

to cheat gold:
-open the *.d2s file that has the name of your character with a hex editor.
-Go to 265 in hex and put the classical FF FF !!
-you will get 65535 GOLD.

Monster level cheat for Multi-Player:

Here's a way to use a Multi-Player concept to get easy monsters.
Supposing you and your X friends want to kill Diablo. Just before
he will be created, everyone saves&exits. After you're in a one
man game make sure Diablo comes after you, and then run away or
something. Next, all players reconnect and fight Diablo. X players
will fight a Diablo created for 1 player. Otherwise his HP would be
multiplied by the number of players.

Multi-Player Waypoint Sharing Tip:

To save time and probably lives, ask another character to give you a
waypoint. Tell him to go thru it and open a Town Portal aside it.
Then you go thru the portal and activate the Waypoint for yourself.
This is helpful for getting in hard to access place like Canyon of
the Magi in Act II or Durance of Hate level 2 in Act III.

Paladin Auras Tip (for Multi-Player):

In a multi-player game remember that a number of paladins using the same
aura at once will not amplify the effects of the aura by that number. It
is better for each paladin to simply use different auras. This also stands
for Barbarian's benefic howlers.

Multi-Player Town Portal Tip:

Two players each open one portal and then go thru it. When returning to the
battlefield, they use each other's portal, thus the portals will not close,
so they can be reused. Other players other than the two owners of the portals
can return to the battlefield thru any of the two portals (see note).
Note*: Town Portals only close when the OWNER travels from town to the battlefield.

Multi-Player Item Cheating Methods:

Here's a very simple and useful way of getting some cool objects from a friend.
Tell him to make a back up of his character files (copy the <character_name.xxx>
files from the ...\save\ directory to a separate folder). Next you (or him,
doesn't matter actually) host a game. He'll give you everything you want, and
then you both save&exit. Now he has to replace the save-game files with the back
up he previously created.


If you want to modify your character,get all way points,
more health plus much much more download this great
programme. The web Address is
http://www.geocities.com/burtontsan...ms/d2editor.htm (http://www.geocities.com/burtontsan...ms/d2editor.htm)

Secret cow level:

This cheat should work on the expansion as well.
When you have the Horadaric Cube, Get Wert's Leg in
Tristram (where you go to rescue Deckhard Cain). Go
to the northwest part of the town and search the boy's
body. Place both Wert's leg and a Tome of Town Portal
in the Horadaric Cube, and it will open a portal to a
hidden level filled with axe carrying cows. You can not
enter it until you become a slayer. You can use A
programme to modify your character to a slayer with
out defeating diablo. The web address is
http://www.geocities.com/burtontsan...ms/d2editor.htm (http://www.geocities.com/burtontsan...ms/d2editor.htm)
I recommend you have a look at it!!
Make sure you are a level 25+ to Manage with the cows.


if u die an easy way to get your items back is to
turn your computers power off (this might mess your
computer up) then start the computer up play diablo
2 then go to your stash your body will be there and
you can get your wepaons armor etc. but you wont
get your gold.

thang, Submitted the following Information:

You play Diablo2, when your level move up, you save and exit
game. Use Norton Comander,move to your save, press F4, move
to line 587,delete piece and makeup is ~
Ex: w a d
Ex: w a ~
Ex: w ~ ~
Ex: ~ ~ ~
After you makeup your save,please save it and out it,
play Diablo with your save's maked up.
This cheat will make you fell stronger when you play Diablo2.


In the first act, every time you speak with Akara, she
refills your mana/life/stamina.

Here's how to dupe an item without any hacking:

Use Town portal.
Set any item in front of the portal.
Click with the mouse on the item and step through the portal.
When you reach the town the item will be in your inventory.
Go back through the portal and the item will be where you
left it. To duplicate an item in multiplayer:

Fill up your belt with healing or mana potions.
Drop any item on the ground.
Walk some distance away.
Click back on the item. Your character will start walking
toward the item.
Just before the character picks it back up, click on a potion
that you should have on your belt.
If the item is picked up, you can then drop the potion.
When the potion hits the ground it will change into the item
that you pick up. If the potion doesn't change when it hits the
ground, you clicked on it to late.

Repeat 1 through 6, but try walking farther away from the item.
It might take a few tries to get your timing down, but it will
Also, you can not have more than one of the same item on the
ground at any one time.
If you try, the screen will say "duped item detected," and it will
remove one of them.

Diablo 2 in a Window:
Although not documented, you may run Diablo 2 in a Window
instead of full-screen. Simply add "-w" to your Diablo 2
shortcut. (ie: "C:\Diablo 2\Diablo II.exe" -w)

Retreiving Items from Dead Corpse:
(Tested with version 1.01)
When you die and are transported back into town, shutdown
the game incorrectly (example: [Alt] + [Tab] back to Windows,
press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete] and shutdown the Diablo 2 task).
When you load the game back up again, your dead corpse will
appear in town and you may collect your items/gold.

Savings & Load:
Unlike in Diablo I, you cannot save the game in the
middle of a dungeon, and re-load the game back to that
point. That is, if you pick up an unidentified magic
item and want to save the game before you identify it,
so that you can reload the game and dump the item if
its actually cursed or useless, you cannot do it directly
through the main game menu like you could in Diablo I.
This is because your in-game menu options are various
game setting 'Options', 'Save and Quit', and 'Return to
Game'. To do this in Diablo I you would just: save,
identify item, load game, and then dump the item if you
wanted. To do this in Diablo II, you need to: save and
quit, load game, identify item, Alt-Tab (to bring up your
Windows desktop), end task Diablo II (ctrl-alt-del, select
Diablo II, click on 'end task'), then relaunch the game,
and reload the game. Your item now returns to an
unidentified state, and you can unload (sell, drop) it
if you want.

This doesn't work for any class except the Barbarian.
It definitely takes patience. OK, first learn the find
potion skill. If u want to, after go to the skills shrine,
then go around and kill everything, in between use the find
potion skill and with the shrine enhancement u should be able
to get light health and mana, and maybe even a rejuvenation.
when your full go to the blacksmith and sell your potions.
Presto, Mo money!

Hex Cheat (Stash)
WARNING: Always make a backup of your savegame before

To modify the amount of gold contained in your "Stash",
do the following:

1) Try to put at least 1000 gold in your stash. This cheat
will work with smaller amounts, but you may be limited on
how much you can add.

2) Load your game. Record the amount of gold in your stash.
Exit from game.

3) Load a Hex Editor and convert your gold to HEX. Open the
file savegame.d2s (savegame will be the name of your character)
in your Diablo 2 save folder.

4) Search for the HEX location (from converted amount of gold).
Modify the HEX location to FFFF (or any amount in HEX that you
wish - up to 65000). Save the file.

5) Re-load your Diablo 2 savegame and you will have 65000 in
your stash!

Gain money and items quickly:
Travel past the Blood Moor and look for a cave. The
cave has two levels, with a golden chest somewhere
at the second level. Inside are usually health potions,
mana potions, scrolls of town portal or identify,
unidentified weapons and armor, and sometimes even a
rare item that can be sold for a great deal of money.
If you identify the item and it is something that you
do not want, sell it. Save and exit the game. The next
time the game is loaded, the chest will still be there
with different items. This can be done as many times as

Cow level:
When you have the Horadaric Cube, obtain "Wert's Leg"
in Tristram (where you go to rescue Deckhard Cain).
Go to the northwest part of the town and search the
boy's body. Place both Wert's leg and a Tome of Town
Portal in the Horadaric Cube, and it will open a portal
to a hidden level filled with axe carrying cows. Do not
go through the portal until you are over level 35 because
the cows are quite numerous and strong.

Duplicating items:
Note: This only works on Open Battlenet, as the characters
need to be saved on your computer. This trick also requires
two computers with two copies of Diablo 2. Get the items to
be duplicated. Copy the "Save" folder from the Diablo 2
folder of that computer and paste it on your desktop.
Go online with both computers and meet in a game. Give the
items to be duplicated to the second computer, then save and
exit. Press [Alt] + Tab] on the first computer to switch to
Windows and copy the "Save" folder from your desktop back to
its original location, overwriting its current contents.
Return and join the other computer in the game. You will
now have all your original items and the other computer will
have a copy of them. Note: This does not work with the +1 Skill
book from Act 2, as you are only allowed to do it once.

Can't get your Dead body?:
Just save, exit and go back to the game. Your body
will be in the town.

Avoid no-win situation:
Press [Esc] when facing imminent death, then save and
exit the game. Load the game again to start in town,
where you can buy weapons, life etc.

Change enemies:
If enemies in a certain area, such as Hell, are too tough
restart the game. Enemies such as Flesh Spawners, Stygian
Hags, and the Hell beetles can spawn dozens of creatures in
seconds. After restarting, check the area and repeat if
needed. The Hell beetles are usually replaced by Doom Knights
and Venom Lords, and the Hags are usually replaced by the same.
This may also work with other areas.

Imbue without worry:
When you get an item and want to imbue and are worried about
the outcome, copy the "Save" folder from the Diablo 2 folder
to the desktop or any other location. Start your game and imbue.
If you do not like what happened, save the game and exit.
You will now be in main menu again. Press [Alt] + [Tab] and
copy the save folder back to its original location. Then click
"Single Player Game" and start. You have another chance to imbue
the item. Repeat this until you get the desired effect.

Unlimited one way portal:
Cast a Town Portal from a safe location, then take the portal
into town. Use the waypoint system and run to get back to your
last location. This allows you to use the portal to go back into
town an unlimited number of times as long as you do not use it
from town to return to where you were previously.

Using items in Act 1 for Necromancers:
Because gems in the beginning of the game are usually
more precious than any unique/rare item you may find,
get a socketed bardiche and fill it with chipped or
flawed rubies or sapphires. For boots and gloves, try
to go for + to gold from enemies because gold in Act 1
will allow you to buy useful items in Act 2. For rings
and amulets, lean towards + to life Mana or Attack ratings.
For armor and helm, try to get the best defense. However
if you find something that has kicking abilities, do not
hesitate to sacrifice the few defense points in difference.
For belts, the more slots the better. In skills, + to strength.
In abilities, +2 raise skeleton, +1 to amp damage, +2 to clay
golem, + 1-2 to bone armor.

Unlimited imbued items:
After installing v1.00, play until Charsi offers to imbue
something for you. Save and exit the game. Then download
patch v1.03 and install it. Join a TCP/IP or open Battle.net
game with the same character. Imbue something, then give it
to a trusted player. After exiting, return as the same
character, and you will be able to imbue again. Note: v1.00
save files cannot be overwritten by v1.03.

Before selling an item, repair it. This will increase its

Always have several Town of Portal spells ready.
These portals can provide a quick escape if the dung
hits the fan and there's no other way out.

You can use the waypoints to move between the different
acts. This is helpful if you want to go back and buy an
item or get something repaired.

Horadric Cube formulas:
NOTE: These formulas will not work with patch 1.02

The Horadric Cube, found in Act 2, works as a kind of magical
If you put certain items into the Cube, it will transform them
into another item. Here are a few formulas that work:

2 quivers of Arrows = 1 quiver of Bolts
2 quivers of Bolts = 1 quiver of Arrows
1 quiver of Arrows + 1 Spear = 1 bundle of Javelins
3 Perfect Gems + Magical Item (armor, weapon, jewelry) = random
high level item
2 Topaz + 1 Ring = 1 Coral Ring (lightning resistance)
3 Mana Potions + 3 Heal Potions = 1 Rejuvenation Potion
3 Gems of same grade and type = 1 higher-graded Gem of same type
3 Rings = 1 Amulet
3 Amulets = 1 Ring

Recipes for the Horadric Cube:
Ingredients: Wirts Leg, Tome of Town Portal
Result: Red Portal to Secret Cow Level
Special Note: Must finish the game first and be in the
Rogue encampment on the same level as when you finished

Ingredients: Amulet, 1 Perfect Gem of each type except Skull
Result: Prismatic Amulet - 18-24% Resist All
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 3 Perfect Gems: same type, 1 Magical Item
Result: 1 Random Magical Item
Special Note: Works with Magical Armor, Weapons or Jewelry

Ingredients: 3 Gems: same type and quality
Result: 1 Gem of next higher quality
Special Note: 3 Perfect Gems will not transmute

Ingredients: 1 Ring, 2 Topaz gems
Result: 1 Coral Ring
Special Note: Ring gives +21-30 lightning resistance;
quality of gems and ring properties do not matter

Ingredients: 1 Ring, 1 Sapphire, 4 Thawing potions
Result: 1 Cobalt Ring
Special Note: Ring gives +21-30 Cold resistance; Quality
of gem and ring properties do not matter

Ingredients: 1 Ring, 1 Ruby, 4 Exploding potions
Result: 1 Garnet Ring
Special Note: Ring gives +21-30 Fire resistance; Quality
of gem and ring do not matter

Ingredients: 1 Ring, 1 Emerald, 4 Antidote potions
Result: 1 Viridian Ring
Special Note: Ring gives +21-30 Poison resistance; Quality
of gem and ring do not matter

Ingredients: 3 Rings
Result: 1 Amulet
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 3 Amulets
Result: 1 Ring
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 3 Healing Potions, 3 Mana Potions, 1 Gem
Result: 1 Full Rejuvenation Potion
Special Note: Gem quality does not matter; quality of
potions does not matter

Ingredients: 6 Gems: any type or quality, 1 Sword
Result: 1 Socketed Longsword
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 3 Healing Potions, 3 Mana Potions
Result: 1 Rejuvenation Potion
Special Note: Quality of potions does not matter

Ingredients: 1 Healing Potion, 1 Strangling Gas Potion
Result: 1 Antidote Potion
Special Note: Quality of Healing Potion does not matter

Ingredients: 1 Quiver of arrows, 1 Spear
Result: 1 Set of Javelins
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 2 Quivers of Arrows
Result: 1 Quiver of Bolts
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 2 Quivers of Bolts
Result: 1 Quiver of Arrows
Special Note: -

Ingredients: 1 Dagger, 1 Axe, 1 Stack of Throwing Knives
Result: 1 Stack of Throwing Axes
Special Note: Axe/Dagger class and properties do not matter

Defeating diablo using Amazon:

Since Amazon is one of the weakest characters in diablo2 it is very difficult
to kill the Diablo himself. However, you may kill him easily by following this
technique. Learn the "STRAFE" spell and level it up as higher as possible.
The higher the level of "STRAFE" the easier is to kill Diablo and his companions
(Mephisto, Duriel and Andariel). If more doubts persists, Mail me.

Defeating Diablo using Necromancer:

Necromancer is a summoner of undead & minions. You can kill Diablo by this method.
First, send a fire golem to make Diablo somewhat busier at that time sneak nearer
to Diablo. The Fire golem absorbs all the fire damage and when it is struck by
chain lightning spell of Diablo. Diablo emits this spell every 10 seconds so beware!.
Attack Diablo from backside and cast the Blood Golem spell. Now the Golem too joins
with you and attacks Diablo. Diablo won't attack the golem instead he attacks you.
The Main asset of the blood golem is that he re-vitalizes your health orb when you
hit the enemy and even if he hits the enemy. This requires a quite patience so
...If more doubts persists, Mail me.

if u want to dupe items, follow dis:

first, select yr character files(my comp/c/program files/diablo 2/save directory),
right click on them and select properties. then, click on the box b side read-only.
a check should appear.ur frnd should not do this

second, open a multiplayer game(doesn't matter wich) with a friend.

give him da item u want to be duped. then, both of u exit. then both of u
press alt+tab and un- read only ur files. ur frnd should read-only them.

then continue ur multiplayer game, and u should still have ur item but yr
frnd also has 1. now ur frnd gives u da item. an then repeat step 2


In the 2nd act you said that coldworm doesnt hurt you in maggot lair.
That is wrong because I fought him and he starts the battle by shooting
out poison goop everywhere (the poison is reeaaalllyy powerful).
But, he doesnt attack you directly

23-09-2004, 01:00 PM
اسرار Gta فايس سيتي للكمبيوتر
1 - جميع الأسلحة الثقيلة :
وانت تلعب اكتب NUTTERTOOLS

2 - جميع الأسلحة الخفيفة :
وانت تلعب اكتب THUGSTOOLS

3 - جميع الأسلحة المتوسطة:

4 - كل السيارات لونهم أسود :

5 - جميع إشارات المرور خضراء :
وانت تلعب أكتب GREENLIGHT

6 - تفجير السيارات القريبة :
وانت تلعب اكتب BIGBANG

7 - السيارات تطير
وانت تلعب أكتب COMEFLYWITHME

8 - انتحار

9 - خفض ال Wanted Level
وانت تلعب اكتب LEAVEMEALONE

10 - لكي تتعالج
وانت تلعب اكتب ASPIRINE

11 - الفتيات يحملن أسلحة
وانت تلعب اكتب CHICKSWITHGUNS

12 - حرب أهلية
وانت تلعب أكتب FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT

زحمة و حوادث MIAMITRAFFIC
القيادة فوق البحر SEAWAYS
تغيير البشرة و الملابسSTILLLIKEDRESSINGUP
غيوم كثيفة ABITDRIEG
المدنيين يركبون معك HOPINGIRL
المدنيين يكرهونك NOBODYLIKESME
اللعب بشخصية هيلاري LOOKLIKEHILARY
اللعب بشخصية كين MYSONISALAWYER
اللعب بشخصية لانس LOOKLIKELANCE
اللعب بشخصية جيز ROCKANDROLLMAN

للعبة Rise Of Nations ،
cheat deploy Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are deploying units
cheat damage (damage(o[,who]|select)[+|-]damage ) Adjust damage to object
cheat explore (explore[normal|explored|all]) Change game explore config
cheat safe Creates a lot of machine guns around every human capital
cheat defeat (who) Defeat nation
cheat achieve Display achievements
cheat nuke Drop a Nuke at mouse position
cheat bird Drop a Wild Bird at Mouse
cheat finish (finish) Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queue
cheat ally (who) Force alliance with nation
cheat meet (who) Force encounter with nation
cheat unmeet (who) Force encounter-off with nation
cheat peace (who) Force peace with nation
cheat war (who) Force war with nation
cheat resource (resource[who][goodtype|all][+/-][amount]) Give/take away resources
cheat insert (insert[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) Insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat add (add[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) Insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat die (die[o[,who]|select]) Kill object or all selected
cheat age ([age]who) move to certain age
cheat pack Packs the currently selected unit(s), if they are packing units
cheat pause (0-1) Pause Game
cheat sandbox Sets all players to human
cheat diff (0-5) Sets difficulty
cheat ai (on/off/debug) Sets the AI
cheat ranges (1|0) Show combat ranges
cheat age (age[age][who]) Show or change age
cheat library (library[level][who]) Show or change all library tech levels for nation
cheat civic (civic[level][who]) Show or change civic level for nation
cheat commerce (commerce[level][who]) Show or change commerce level for nation
cheat military (military[level][who]) Show or change military
cheat military (military[level][who]) Show or change military level for nation
cheat science (science[level][who]) Show or change science level for nation
cheat tech (who)[tech|all](on/off) Show or change technology
cheat bbox (1|0) Toggle bounding box mode
cheat reveal (reveal[1|0]) Toggle reveal map
cheat human (who) Turn off computer control
cheat computer (who) Turn on computer control
cheat victory (who) Victory for nation
اضغط Enter واكتب التالي :
cheat safe لإنشاء دفاعات حول العواصم .
cheat nuke إسقاط صاروخ نووي على مكان مؤشر الفأرة
cheat bird إظهار طير جارح مكان مؤشر الفأرة

23-09-2004, 01:02 PM
اسرار لعبة جنرال
""Command and Conquer Generals

ما اعتقد فيها اسرار .... على كلا هذا الي لقيته

جينرالز :

Using your text editor alter the "skirmishstats.ini" file in the "command and conquer generals data" folder. Which can be found in "c:\my documents\" or "c:\documents and settings\administrator\" in Windows XP. Change the Honors line to "Honors = 999999999999999". If you do not have the Honors line, enter that line under the Challenge line.

100% complete:
Using your text editor alter the "skirmishstats.ini" file in the "command and conquer generals data" folder. Which can be found in "c:\my documents\" or "c:\documents and settings\administrator\" in Windows XP. Replace the current contents of the file with the following. The "winstreak", "best win streak", "wins" can be changed as desired.

BestWinStreak = 100
Challenge = 0
Honors = 1000000
LastHouse = America
Losses = 0
LoyalGames = 31
Nuke = 1
PPC = 1
SCUD = 1
WinStreak = 100
Wins = 100
maps\alpine assault\alpine assault.map_2 = 1
maps\armored fury\armored fury.map_2 = 2
maps\dark mountain\dark mountain.map_2 = 1
maps\desert fury\desert fury.map_2 = 1
maps\fallen empire\fallen empire.map_2 = 1
maps\final crusade\final crusade.map_2 = 1
maps\fortress avalanche\fortress avalanche.map_2 = 3
maps\golden oasis\golden oasis.map_2 = 1
maps\heartland shield\heartland shield.map_2 = 1
maps\homeland alliance\homeland alliance.map_2 = 3
maps\lone eagle\lone eagle.map_2 = 1
maps\rogue agent\rogue agent.map_2 = 1
maps\sand serpent\sand serpent.map_2 = 1
maps\scorched earth\scorched earth.map_2 = 1
maps\silent river\silent river.map_2 = 1
maps\tournament desert\tournament desert.map_2 = 1
maps\tournament island\tournament island.map_2 = 1
maps\tournament lake\tournament lake.map_2 = 1
maps\tournament tundra\tournament tundra.map_2 = 1
maps\twilight flame\twilight flame.map_2 = 3
maps\wasteland warlords\wasteland warlords.map_2 = 1
maps\whiteout\whiteout.map_2 = 3
maps\winter wolf\winter wolf.map_2 = 1

Easily selecting units:
When you have many units of soldiers or vehicles, first select all the units. Now push CTRL and a number (0 to 9) to find the selected unit.

Americans: Prevent enemy from passing:
When playing as the Americans, put six Rocket Soldiers and four Snipers inside a building. They will stop any enemy movement nearby, even the helicopter combat drop. The Rockets Soldiers will tear any vehicle and airship, while snipers take out Soldiers. You can use this to defend your base or specific places.

Allied artillery:
Use the Strategy Center's Bombardment. It will be same as the Artillery. Note: If you shoot very close to the Strategy Center, it cannot fire.

زيرو اور :

Best defense for China:
If you want to defend your base efficiently, you should have two Bunkers filled with Tank Hunters and a Gattling Gun in the middle. The gattling gun mows down Infantry and the Tank Hunters blow the flegeebies out of tanks. The enemy will need twenty tanks to get through this defense but this fails if the enemy has artillery but the other than Tomahawk Missiles or a SCUD Launcher.

US Defense Strategy:
Construct four patriot missiles and two firebases (Artillery center) inside each of the firebases put a sniper tw rockets and a machine gunner
This will tear your enemies assault vehicles and infantry to pieces very quickly

23-09-2004, 01:06 PM
kmtobal :

Cheat mode:
Press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

God mode god_mode_count=1
All weapons give_all_weapons=1
Ammunition give_all_ammo=1

Far Cry Cheats

Cheat mode:
Press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

What code does Code
God mode god_mode_count=1
All weapons give_all_weapons=1
Ammunition give_all_ammo=1

Developer mode:
Start the game with the -DEVMODE command line parameter. Then, press one of the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: When in developer mode, all levels will also be unlocked.

Spawn point [F3]
All weapons P
0 999 ammunition
Toggle no clipping [F4]
Move to next checkpoint [F2]
Save current position [F9]
Load current position [ F10]
Toggle extra information [F11]
Toggle first and third person view [F1]
Toggle God mode
Increase speed [Equals]
Decrease speed [Minus]
Return to Default speed [F5]

بندر :

Using cheat mode
In the main menu, push ALT + SHIFT + A to unlock cheat mode. Now press one of the codes below over and over again while playing the game to enable that particular cheat code

Cycle characters ALT + C
Destroy main stronghold ALT + G
Destroy the enemy's fortress ALT + K
Level up one unit ALT + L
Level up characters ALT + P
popularity and 1000 more gold ALT + X 100
Everything is free ALT + F
Change time ALT + S
Debug mode ALT + D
Faster game play ALT + Q
Defeat all on-screen enemies ALT + Y
Defeat selected enemy ALT + Z

لعبة القتال dragon ball Z 2 الحل الكامل [b]الان اقدم لكم الحل الكامل للشخصيات

المرحلة الاولى : تستطيع ان تكشف ثلاثة لاعبين هم yamcha و napa و raditz اذا كنت تريد yamcha عليك ان تهزم napa بtian الى الابد يعني تقتله بالمرة اذا كنت تريد napa اهزمه ب Goku ونفس الطريقة اذا كنت تريد Raditz وانا انصحك ان تقتل نابا و رادتز ب Goku وهذه طريقة كي تكسب المزيد من الشخصيات

ملاحظة : اذا كنت لاتعرف كيف تحصل على كرات التنين سوف اعلمك طريقة في بعض المراحل يكون لديك الكاشف وبعضها لا يوجد عليك اخذ الكاشف ثم تحديد مكان الكرات وهوة سهم اخضر وهو يدلك على مكان الكرة ثم سوف يتحول الى شكل كرة برتقالية وذالك يدل على اقترابك اليها اذهب الى الكرة البرتقالية ثم اذا كانت الكرة في وسط الكاشف معناها انك فوقها تماما بعد ذالك اظغط الزر مربع سوف يبدا الاعب بالبحث ثم سوف تجد الكرة في كل مرحلة عدة كرات الا المرحلة الاولى.

المرحلة الثانية : لا يوجد اي لاعب تكشفه

المرحلة الثالثة : يوجد بعض لا عبي تكتشفهم : vegeta - reccom -captien genyu- freaza - trunks اذا كنت تريد vegata عليك ان تقتله Goku ثم سوف يظهر لك vegeta وانت بنفس المرحلة اذا كنت تريد captien genyu عليك ان تقتله ب vegeta الذي قضيت عليه بالتو ب Goku اذا كنت تريد reccom اقضي عليه ب Goku و بنفس الطريقة اقتل Freaza واذا كنت تريد trunks المستقبلي اقي على vegeta ب trunks الصغير و انا انصحك ان تقتل الجميع ب Goku الا captien genyu اتركه لي Vegeta

المرحلة الرابعة: تسطيع الحصول على d.r Girow -andriod 18-andriod-17 - andriod 16 - cell اذا كنت تريد الحصول على andriod 18 الالي الرجل ليس الاخضر بل الشاب اقضي عليه نهائيا ب piccolo واذاكنت تريد andriod 17 الالية المرأة اقضي عليها ب krillin واذا كنت تريد شىيقهخي 16 اقضي عليه ب Goku وبنفس الطريقة اقضي على cell
المرحلة الخامسة : تستطيع الحصول على sepream kai - اقضي عليه ب Goku

المرحلة السادسة : لقد نسيت انا كيف احصل G. sayaman اذا كان احد استطاع الحصول عليه اقضي به على ماجن بوو سوف تحصل مستر ساتان

المرحلة السابعة : لايوجد من تستطيع الحصول عليه

المرحلة الثامنة : اقتل بمستر ساتان Super Buu لكي تحصل على Vaidal

المرحلة الاخيرة : اقتل Cell ب Gohan كي تحصل على Teen Gohan

مبروووووك لقد حصلت على جميع الا عبين لاكن لم تحصل Kid Buu و Majin buu و Super buu و dobura
كي تحصل عليهم ان تجمع كل الكرات التي بدا العب منها اذا جمعتها سوف يظهر لك التنين شينرون ويقول لك اختر واحد من هاؤلاء سوف يعطيك braek throw وهي جميع الضربات بانبوبة واحد سوف يخيرك منها اثنتين للاعبين محددين ثم babidi space ship اخترها هي ولا تختر البريك ثرو الانك اذا اخترت babidi space ship سوف تحصل جميع ال Buu و dobura ___________________________________ وهي عبارة عن عدة العاب تلعبها ثم تحطم كل ارقامك القياسية ثم سوف تحصل دابورا ثم ماجن بوو ثم سوبر بوو ثم كيد بوو _____________________ سوف تجد عنوانها بالقائمة اخير شيى اخترها ثم العب وحطم ارقامك القياسية بالتوفيق

23-09-2004, 01:07 PM
اذا كنت تريد napa اهزمه ب Goku

نابا لازم تقضي عليه بفيجيتا يعني العب وانهاه وطلع فيجيتا بعدين العب من جديد هذي المرحله واذبح نابا بفيجيتا

اذبح سيل بجوهان بمرحله الاندرود وراح يطلعلك جريت سايمان

وعندي شغله بسفينه بيبيدي وصل 10000 هذا اعلى شي

راح تاخذ التحول مالت سوبر بو البالونه الي يدمج فيها الشخصيات << عجييبه

وهذي من عندي بطور ناسي اسمه الي تحصل فيه فلوس ثالث واحد يمكن

انت اول ماتلعب يحطولك adebt

وبعدين طلع 19 شخصيه يحطولك وحده ثانيه

بعدين طلع كل الشخصيات وعددهم 29 يحطولك ادفنشر وهذا تاخذ 50 الف <<< كول

واذا تبي ماجين فيجيتا هذا تلقاه بكبسوله حق فيجيتا بس

والله يمكن تطلعها بسفينيه بيبيدي او تطلبها من التنين ناسيها والله

وفي شي عجيب الي اهي الكبسوله الي تاكلها وتردلك طاقتك هذي موجوده وتقدر تاخذها وتقدر تلعب فيها باي طور كل شي بايد التنين مشكله هذا صح

وانشالله مانسيت شي

وهذه كلمات سر لعبة SPIDER MAN 2
Spider-Man 2

Name Entry Cheats
You may only use these cheats with a memory card that has no previous Spider-Man 2 gamesaves on it. If you enter the code more than once in a row you will have 200000 more hero points than if you entered it once. So twice gives you 4000000, 3 times gives you 6000000, etc.
Password Effect
HCRAYERT You will have more than 40%, 21,000 Hero points with swing speed and Win Zip upgrades, and Big Game Hunter, Alien Buster, Shock Absorber.

Contributed By: ALSA7ER
Spiderman 2 Unlockables
Unlockable How to Unlock
Endurance Rounds in Fight Arena Beat Timed Round 3
Fight Arena Beat the Final Doc Ock Battle
Movie Theatre Beat the Final Doc Ock Battle
Wallsprint Upgrade 2 Collect all 150 Secret Skyscraper Tokens

Contributed By: ALSA7ER
Unlockable Awards
You can find these in your awards screen in the pause menu. There is a total of 40 awards.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Alien Buster Defeat Mysterio
Alien Buster Defeat Mysterio in story mode
Anger Manager Stop 25 road rages
Automobile Avenger Stop 25 car jackings
Balloon Popper Pop 25 balloons
Bane of Petty Thieves Stop 25 purse snatchers
Big Game Hunter Defeat Rhino
Big Game Hunter Defeat Rhino in story mode
Champ Defeat 200 enemies
Crime Stopper Stop 250 petty crimes
Drenched Explorer Collect all 130 Bouy Tokens
Employee of the Month Complete all Pizza Missions (20)
Friend to Children Return 25 balloons to children
Game Master Complete Everything in the game (100%)
Game Master Receive all other awards
Gold Medalist Beat all challenges' mega times
Good samaritan Help 250 citizens in distress
hardcore gamer Complete all arcade games, with top scores
Hardcore Gamer Complete all arcade games
Hero Accumulate 45K hero points
Hero in Training Accumulate 15K hero points
Honorary Deputy Assisted 25 officiers
Human Ambulance Resolve 25 medical emergencies
Knowledge Seeker Collect all 213 Hint Markers
Lifer Preserver Resolve 25 sinking boat crisises
Lifter of Spirits Rescue 25 hanging citizens
Lover not a Fighter Complete all Mary Jane Missions (10)
Lover Not a Fighter Complete all MJ missions
Master Explorer Collect all exploration tokens
Master Explorer All exploration tokens found
Mega Champ Defeat 500 enemies
Mega Hero Accumulate 200K hero points
Partycrasher Stop 25 battle royals
Peace maker Prevent 25 gang wars
Shock Absorber Defeat Shocker
Shock Absorber Defeat Shocker in story mode
Shutterbug Complete all Daily Bugle Missions (6)
Silver Medalist Beat all challenges
Speed Freak Get max swing speed
Stick Up Artist Foil 25 robberies
Sucker Foil 25 ambushes
Superhero Accumulate 100K hero points
Tentacle Wrangler Defeat Doc Ock
Tentacle Wrangler Defeat Doc Ock in story mode
Thug Mugger Prevent 25 muggings
Towering Explorer All skyscraper tokens found
Towering Explorer Collect all skyscraper tokens
Vigilant Explorer Collect all hideout tokens
Vigilant Explorer All hideout tokens found
Watch Dog Foil 25 break-ins
Watchful Explorer All secret tokens found

وهذه كلمات السر لعبة Resident Evil Outbreak

Resident Evil Outbreak
Cheat Codes & Secrets

Character Collage
Unlockable How to Unlock
Alyssa - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Alyssa - 500 points
Cindy - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Cindy - 500 points
David - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with David - 500 points
George - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with George - 500 points
Jim - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Jim - 500 points
Kevin - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Kevin - 500 points
Mark - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Mark - 500 points
Yoko - Character Collage Defeat any 3 scenarios with Yoko - 500 points

Misc. Unlockables
Unlockable How to Unlock
All Characters CG Picture Complete the decisions decisions scenario - 500 points.
Alyssa Voice Find all of Alyssa's Special Items.
Alyssa's Red Dress outfit Collect Alyssa's Sp items: Red Dress, Stiletto Heels, Red Lipstick
Alyssa's Street Scene Outfit Collect Alyssa's Sp items: Sportswear Top, Sportswear Bottom, Sport Shoes, Women's Sunglasses
Battle BGM Complete all five scenarios.
Below Freezing Point BGM Complete the Below Freezing Point scenario.
Bob Complete "Outbreak" as Mark Point Cost-4000
Cindy : Bunny Costume Collect the following SP items : Bunny Cuffs, Bunny Bow Tie, ***y Lipstick, Fishnet Tights, Bunny Ears, High Heels, and Bunny Suit
Cindy Costume B Collect Light Blue Shirt, Cool Sunglasses, Sandals, White Pants - 10,000 points
Cindy Voice Find all of Cindy's Special Items.
Danny Complete "Hellfire" and Collecy Ren's ID Tag Point Cost-5000
Danny : B (alternate Costume) Complete Hellfire with Charlie's ID Tag (comes with Danny) 5000 points
David Voice Find all of David's Special Items.
David's "Urban Zironi" Costume Find the following Special Items: Leather Pants, Lapel Shirt, Leather Jacket, Boots, and Masculine Pendant.
Decisions, Decisions BGM Complete the Decisions, Decisions scenario.
Doctors (Doctors 1,2, and 3) Complete "The Hive" as any character Point Cost-6000
ETC BGM Clear any scenario with 3000 or more result points.
ETC Voice Clear any scenario with 3000 or more result points.
Fireman Complete "Hellfire" as any character Point Cost-3500
Frank Complete "Decisions, Decisions" as George Point Cost-3000
George Voice Find all of George's Special Items.
George's "True Tenderness" Costume Find the following Special Items: Cargo Pants, Sport Sunglasses, Brown Inner Wear, Outdoor Shoes, and Yellow Raincoat.
Gill Complete "Hellfire" and Collect Charlie's ID Tag Point Cost-5000
Gill : B (alternate costume) Complete Hellfire with Ren's ID Tag (comes with Gill) 5000 points
Greg Complete "Decisions, Decisions" on Very Hard Mode Point Cost-10000
Hard Mode Complete all five scenarios on easy or normal mode
Hellfire BGM Complete the Hellfire scenario.
Hursh Complete "The Hive" on Very Hard Mode Point Cost-4000
Infinity Mode Complete all scenarios event lists with 100% to unlock Infinite ammo mode in the shop. You can then purchase it in the shop for 50,000 points.
Jim Voice Find all of Jim's Special Items.
Jim's "Basketball Star" Costume Find the following Special Items: White Tanktop, Rare Basketball Shoe, Favorite Uniform, Wide Shorts, and Autographed Ball.
Kevin Voice Find all of Kevin's Special Items.
Kevin's "Lucky Cowboy" Costume Find the following Special Items: Western Boots, White T-shirt, Wrinkled Cigarettes, Faded Blue Jeans, Leather Belt, and Cowboy Hat.
Mark Voice Find all of Mark's Special Items.
Mark's "Sandals Father" Costume Find the following Special Items: Brown Belt, Shorts, Polo Shirt, and Sneakers.
Monica Complete "Below Freezing" as Yoko Point Cost-5000
Mr. Color (Mr. Green, Mr. Black, Mr. Blue, Mr. Red, and Mr. Gold) Collect all Special Items Point Cost-100,000
No Partner Mode Beat All Five Scenarios on Hard mode, the purchase for 10,000 points.
Nurses (Nurses 1 and 2) Complete "The Hive" on Hard Mode Point Cost-5000
Outbreak BGM Complete the Outbreak scenario.
People of Raccoon City (Men 1-5) Complete All Scenarios Point Cost-10000
Peter Complete "Decisions, Decisions" on Hard Mode Point Cost-3000
Police Officers (Eric, Elliott, Harry) Complete "Outbreak" on Hard Mode Point Cost-5000
Police Officers (Raymond, Aaron, Dorian, Arthur) Complete "Outbreak" as any Character Point Cost-5000
Scholars (Scholar 1 and 2) Complete "Below Freezing" on Very Hard Mode Point Cost-3000
The Hive BGM Complete The Hive scenario.
U.S.S. Special Forces Member Complete All Scenarios with all Characters Point Cost-5000
UBCS (1 and 2) Complete "Decisions, Decisions" as any character Point Cost-8000
Very Hard Mode Complete all five scenarios on hard mode
Will Complete "Outbreak" on Very Hard Mode Point Cost-3000
Yoko Finish "Outbreak" Scenario as Yoko. Point Cost-8000
Yoko Voice Find all of Yoko's Special Items.
Yoko: Costume A Collect following SP items - Exercise Uniform, Exercise Shoes, Gym Shorts

23-09-2004, 01:08 PM
اسرار لـ Need for Speed Underground..
اعتــقد انهـا جـديـده

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unlock Drift Physics in all modes R1, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, L1
Unlock all Drift Tracks Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, R2, R1, L2
Unlock all Drag Tracks Right, Square, Left, R1, Square, L1, L2, R2
Unlock all Circuit Tracks Down, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, R2, Square
Unlock all Sprint Tracks Up, R2, R2, R2, R1, Down, Down, Down
Unlock Lost Prophets Car Up, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Up, Right
Unlock Rob Zombie Car Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right
Unlock Mystikal Car Up, Right, Up, Up, Down, Right, Up, Right
Unlock Acura Integra R2, R2, R1, R2, L2, L1, Down, Up
Unlock Acura RSX R1, R2, Down, Left, Up, Right, Left, Right
Unlock Nissan 240SX Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, R1, L2, R1
Unlock Toyota Supra R1, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, L2, L1
Unlock Honda S2000 Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Square, R2
Unlock Nissan Skyline Down, Down, L1, L2, L1, L2, L1, Down
Unlock Nissan 350Z Right, Right, Down, Up, Square, L1, R1, L2
Unlock Hyundai Tiburon Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down
Unlock Nissan Sentra Right, Right, Right, L2, L2, R2, R2, Up
Unlock Mitsubishi Lancer Left, Left, Left, R1, R1, R2, R2, L2
Unlock Subaru Impreza Up, Down, Down, Up, L2, Up, L2, Down
Unlock Ford Focus Left, Right, Up, R1, R2, R1, R2, Up
Unlock Petey Pablo Car Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Up, Right
Unlock Nismo Car Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Down, Up, Right
Unlock Level 2 Visual Parts Down, Left, Up, Down, R1, R2, R2, Square
Unlock Level 2 Performance Parts R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, Left, Right,
Unlock Level 1 Performance Parts R2, R2, R1, R1, Left, Right, Left, Right

واتمنـى انها تفيدكــم..
بلغة العربية
need for speed underground

لفتح كل من قطاع البدي و الجنوط و الاكسسوارات و و تزيين السياره بالالوان
و لون السياره نفسها
و التشكيله الخاصه للسياره :
ما عليك الا بأنهاء طور اندر قراوند

والاسرار الي بتجي الحين تسويها وانت في الصفحه الرئيسيه

لفتح كل مضامير الدوران :

Down, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, R2, Square

لفتح كل من المضامير من نقطه الي نقطه :

Up, R2, R2, R2, R1, Down, Down, Down

لفتح كل مضامير الدرق ريس (حق قومه السيارات) :

Right, Square, Left, R1, Square, L1, L2, R2

لفتح كل مضامير التفحيط :

Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, R2, R1, L2

لفتح الطور الاول من تعديل اداء السياره :

R2, R2, R1, R1, Left, Right, Left, Right

لفتح الطور الثاني من تعديل اداء السياره :

R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, Left, Right,

لفتح سياره Nismo Car :

Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Down, Up, Right

لفتح سياره Petey Pablo Car :

Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Up, Right

لفتح سياره Rob Zombie Car :

Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right

لفتح سياره Mystikal Car :

Up, Right, Up, Up, Down, Right, Up, Right

لفتح سياره Lost Prophets Car :

Up, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Up, Right

لفتح سياره Ford Focus :

Left, Right, Up, R1, R2, R1, R2, Up

لفتح سياره Subaru Impreza :

Up, Down, Down, Up, L2, Up, L2, Down

لفتح سياره Mitsubishi Lancer :

Left, Left, Left, R1, R1, R2, R2, L2

لفتح سياره Nissan Sentra :

Right, Right, Right, L2, L2, R2, R2, Up

لفتح سياره Hyundai Tiburon :

Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down

لفتح سياره Nissan 350Z :

Right, Right, Down, Up, Square, L1, R1, L2

لفتح سياره Nissan Skyline :

Down, Down, L1, L2, L1, L2, L1, Down

لفتح سياره Honda S2000 :

Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Left, Square, R2

لفتح سياره Toyota Supra :

R1, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, L2, L1

لفتح سياره Nissan 240SX :

Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, R1, L2, R1

لفتح سياره Acura Integra :

R2, R2, R1, R2, L2, L1, Down, Up

لفتح سياره Unlock Acura RSX :

R1, R2, Down, Left, Up, Right, Left, Right

23-09-2004, 01:10 PM
أسرار لعبة درايفر الثالث

جميع الأسلحة:
R1, L2, Square, Circle, R1, R2, L2
حياة لا نهائية (فقط في طور اللعب بدون مهمات)
Square, Square, L1, R1, L2, R2, R2
جميع المهمات:
L1, R1, L1, L2, Square, Square,Circle
جميع السيارات:
L1, L1, Square, Circle, L1,R1, Circle
ذخيره لا نهائيه : R1, R2, R1, R2, Square, Circle, Square
عدم تعدي الشرطة عليك: circle, circle, L1, L2, R1, R2, Square

ملاحظة1:أدخل هذه الأسرار في القائمة الرئيسية وبعدين روح للخيارات
(الابشننس) وشغل الاسرار من اخر كلمة.
ملاحظة2:اذا سمعت صوت بعد ادخال السر يعني نجح
اسرار Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 بالعربي:

قوانين السّيّارة
إذا حاولت إنقاذ سيّارة أنت ذلك فُتِحَ بقانون, السّيّارة لن توفّر . سيجب عليك أن تدخل القانون كلّ مرّة الذي تلعبه .

يهزم أستون مارتن V12
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R2 الصّحافة, يمينًا, R2, يمينًا, المثلّث, يسارًا, المثلّث, يسارًا . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .
بي إم دبليو Z8
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, ميدان الصّحافة, الحقّ, المربّع, الحقّ, R2, المثلّث, R2, المثلّث . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

Z06 شيفروليه كورفيت
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, يسار الصّحافة, R2, يسارًا, R2, L1, R1, L1, R1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, بنجاح يكمل حدث المطاردة السّاخنة 13 .

حاجة Z06 شيفروليه كورفيت لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, ميدان الصّحافة, الحقّ ( 3 ), R2, R1 ( 2 ), الحقّ . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

حاجة فيبر جتس الحيلة لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, L2 ( 3 ), الحقّ, المثلّث ( 2 ), L2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم مليونان نقطةً لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لفيبر جتس الحيلة .

360 سبيدر لفيراري
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R2 الصّحافة, المربّع, R2, المربّع, المثلّث, L2, المثلّث, L2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

360 حاجة تحدّي بمودينا لفيراري لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, يسار الصّحافة, المربّع ( 3 ), R1, L2 ( 2 ), المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

فيراري F50
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, المثلّث, L1, المثلّث, تمامًا, L2, يمينًا, L2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, أكمل ثمانية سباقات جولة تقود كلّ جولة ( سباق عالميّ, التّحدّي, ال*** الواحد, تقدّم ) لفتح فيراري F50 .

يحتاج فيراري F50 لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, مثلّث الصّحافة, L1 ( 3 ), اليسار, ( 2 ), L1 أيمن . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, قد ***ًا واحدًا, الشّبكة الممتلئة, تقدّم لثمانية حجور لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لفيراري F50 .

فيراري F550
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, المربّع, L1, المربّع, الحقّ, R1, يمينًا, R1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

آر كوبرا مستنج سعي قطاع ضحل
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, يسار الصّحافة, المربّع, اليسار, المربّع, R2, R1, R2, R1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

فورد TS50
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, الصّحافة يمناء, اليسار, أيمن, اليسار, R2, المربّع, R2, المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

جي تي إس سيّارة ببابين إتش إس في
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, L2, L1, L2, R1, المثلّث, R1, المثلّث . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

6.0 فيرمونت للامبورجيني ديابلو
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, حقّ الصّحافة, R2, يمينًا, R2, R1, L1, R1, L1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 2.5 مليون نقطةً لفتح طبعة إن إف إس للامبورجهيني ديابلو .

لامبورجهيني مرسييلاجو
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, R2 ( 3 ), اليسار, المربّع ( 2 ), R2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 3 ملايين نقاطًا لفتح طبعة إن إف إس للامبورجهيني مرسييلاجو .

إلايز اللّوتس
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, مثلّث الصّحافة, R2, المثلّث, R2, يسارًا, المربّع, اليسار, المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

مكلارين F1
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, مثلّث الصّحافة, L1, المثلّث, L1, R1, يسارًا, R1, يسارًا . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

يحتاج مكلارين F1 لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, يسار الصّحافة, المثلّث ( 3 ), L2, المربّع ( 2 ), المثلّث . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 4 ملايين نقاطًا لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لمكلارين F1 .

مكلارين F1 لم
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, ميدان الصّحافة, L1, المربّع, L1, المثلّث, تمامًا, المثلّث, تمامًا . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

يحتاج مكلارين F1 لم لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R1 الصّحافة, المربّع ( 3 ), R2, اليسار ( 2 ), المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 5 ملايين نقاطًا أو فز بالبطولة العالميّة لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لمكلارين F1 لم .

ميرسيدس سي إل كيه جتر
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R2 الصّحافة, R1, R2, R1, يسارًا, المثلّث, يسارًا, المثلّث . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

تحتاج ميرسيدس سي إل كيه جتر لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, مثلّث الصّحافة, اليسار ( 3 ), L1, L2 ( 2 ), اليسار . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 4.5 مليون نقطةً لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لميرسيدس سي إل كيه جتر .

بورش كاريرا جت
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, يسار الصّحافة, أيمن, اليسار, أيمن, R1, R2, R1, R2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

حاجة كاريرا جت بورش لطبعة السّرعة
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R2 الصّحافة, المثلّث ( 3 ), R1, المربّع ( 2 ), المثلّث . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر . بالتّناوب, افهم 3.5 مليون نقطةً لفتح طبعة إن إف إس لكاريرا جت. بورش

السّباق الضّبابيّ
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, مثلّث الصّحافة, المربّع, الحقّ, R2, الحقّ ( 3 ), المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

الجرافيك الأحاديّ اللّون
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, R1 الصّحافة, L1, يسارًا, المثلّث, اليسار ( 3 ), L1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

الحركة التي تنطمس
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L2 الصّحافة, L1, R1, المربّع, R1 ( 3 ), L1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

دهان الكروم
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L2 الصّحافة, R2, يسارًا, المربّع, اليسار ( 3 ), R2 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

حدث البطولة 31
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, L1 الصّحافة, المربّع, R2 ( 3 ), R1, L1 . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

حدث المتسابق الأبعد 31
في القائمة الرّئيسيّة, الصّحافة يمناء, المربّع, اليسار ( 3 ), R2, يسارًا, المربّع . إذا أدخلت القانون بطريقة سليمة, رسالة ستظهر .

23-09-2004, 01:11 PM
تفضلوا أسرار لعبة gta San Andreas قبل ما تنزل

سيارة تسبح
R2, L1, Right, Left, Up, Down
اربح 250 ألف دولار
R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
درع كامل
R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
تفجير جميع السيارات
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
خسارة الوقت
R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, UP, Down, Up, Down
دم متخثر
Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X
جو نقي
L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle
قلب كامل
R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
أسلحة كاملة
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
ساندي ساكس من فايس سيتي
خذ الميموري كارد حقت فايس سيتي والعب بها في سان أدرياس وشوف ويش بيصير.

Sims 2 شفرات

94d4bea2 9f369d52
2451a6aa 9276c10b
2453a69e 9a74c02b
24daf60a 1675c118
24d1bea8 1357c139
24d13268 30b657e4
24810eba 16b6d279
249914ae 1696d359
249914ae 9696d369
24c12cfa 1636c419
24d935ee 9e16c519
24d935e8 1e16c539
24d935e8 9e16c589
24c10eba 16b6d249
24d116e8 06b5d718
24810dba 16b6d2e9
249915ae 1e96d3f9
شفرات جراند ثيفت اوتو vice city

أموال كثيرة

DE428F52 C19E7B82 DE428F5E C19E7B82
سرار جراند ثيفت اوتو vice city
أسرارجراند ثيفت اوتو (vice city --grand theft auto )

ملاحظة:1-الأسرار تبدأ من اليسار إلى اليمين والسر الا بين قوسين من اليمين الى اليسار
2- U فوق _ D تحت _ R يمين _ L يسار _ S مربع _ T مثلث _ C دائره
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

طاقة كاملة:
R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1

الشرطة تطاردك:
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

مسح البلاغ:
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

تجمع البنات على الاعب:
Circle, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, Circle, Triangle

تغير اللباس:} R – R – L - U – L1 – L2 – L – U – D – R {
شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
R1, L2, R2, L1, Right, R2, Left, X, Square, L1

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1 ,Right, Circle

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

شخصية جديدة: (لاعب جديد)
R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle

Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

سيارت سباق1
Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left

سيارت سباق2
Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2
R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2

سياره روميرو
Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right

سيارت الحب
R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

سيارت النفايات
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left
Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X

تفجير السيارات:
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1

فوضى في سير السيارات:
R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2

سيارات ورديه
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X

سيارات ورديه2
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle

سيارات سوداء
Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle

السياره تطير
Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1
السياره تسبح :
}يمين - R2 - O – R1 – L2 - S - R1 - R2 {
فرامل اقوا
Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1

جو مشمس:
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down

جو مغيم: (غيوم)
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle

جو مغيم في المساء:
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square

جو ممطر:
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

تعجيل الوقت:
Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
تبطيء الوقت:
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1
الشعب يتحاربون
Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1

الشعب يحاربونك
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
القارب يطير R2-C-U-L1-R-R1-R-U-S-T
السياره مخفيه T-L1-T-R2-S-L1-L
عجلات غريبه: } R1 – X – T – يمين – R2 – S – U – D – S {
الشعب معهم اسلحه:} R2 – R1 – X – T – X – T – U – D {
الحريم معهم اسلحه:} R – L1 – O –L2 – L – X – R1 – L1 – L1 – X {

01-11-2004, 06:44 PM
mshkoor bas ngoloo madry lish 7ata maw.9oo3y ngoloow