المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشبكة EVER QUEST 2 Online

16-11-2004, 07:02 AM
السلام عليكم

هل يوجد احد يلعب اللعبه هذي هنا ؟؟؟

انا طلبتها وراح توصلني بعد كم يوم , وودي اشوف اذا احد يلعبها ويحب نلعب سوا يكتب اسم اليسرفر الي هو فيه

16-11-2004, 04:44 PM
سلام عليكم ...

أنا والله كنت العب ever quest الجزء الاول ... تقريبا سنتين .. والحين انشاء الله يمكن العب الجزء الثاني ... مب اكيد .. بس اعرف شباب وايدين يلعبو everquest بيحولو ل everquest2 ... فل شباب بو عراب ... كلهم في guild واحد ... عالعموم سولي ادد على الايميل و بخبرك اي سيرفر و متى بيدؤوا انشاله .. prince_2007@hotmail.com

16-11-2004, 05:15 PM
ياليت تتكلم عن اللعبه
يمكن تعجبني انزلها

16-11-2004, 05:28 PM
السلام عليكم

Just_Me007 : سويتلك اضافه وانشالله نكمل على الماسنجر

باهاموث : اخوي اللعبه مثل فاينال فانتزي 11 وورلد اوف وراكرافت يعني MMORPG ولازم تشتري النسخه الاصليه وتحتاج بطاقه ائتمانيه علشان الدفع الشهري , واللعبه هذا جديده توها نازله الاسبوع الي فات , اذا تبي صور عن اللعبه او مزيد من المعلومات شيك على الموقعين هذي



16-11-2004, 06:26 PM
اش اللعبة ذي؟ :bigeyes: يمه فيها 5 جوبات اساسية, و16 Race!!!!
اقول كم الدفع الشهري؟ :wow:

16-11-2004, 08:24 PM
حاليا مبلغ الاشتراك الشهري 15 دولار .

19-11-2004, 12:02 PM
مشكور وما تقصر

20-11-2004, 07:13 AM
salam everyone, you may try Noktulos server me and some arab friends are there already

if you like MMORPG then this game is a musthttp://montada.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

20-11-2004, 02:06 PM
where do i buy these games from ? (online shops ??)

20-11-2004, 05:45 PM
you can try ebgames or gamespot, or if you have any friends in US :cool:

but i think you may find it at local shops its been out now for 11 days.

good luck i must go back to play :09:

let me know if you need any more info:)

20-11-2004, 06:12 PM
salam everyone, you may try Noktulos server me and some arab friends are there already

if you like MMORPG then this game is a musthttp://montada.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

اوتش , انا سويت شخصيتي في سيرفر TOX :(

بس ناوي اسوي شخصيه artisan اليومين هذي ,
اذا كان ممكن احول فلوس من شخصيه لشخصيه بين السيرفرات باسويه انشالله في السيرفر الي انتو فيه , او الله يعين العب لحالي :(

بالمناسبه معي واحد في الماسنجر اسمه One must keep his friends close, But keeps his enemies closer

هذا انت ؟؟؟ :)

23-11-2004, 05:07 PM
lawallah bro, mob ana :أفكر:

regarding EQ2 i dont think you cant share your money across defferent servers
and you can be artisian on same toon you are playing, lets say you have a necromancer lvl 25 you can be artisian lvl 9 at same charecter
charecter tradeskill classes are a little complicated which i am trying to uderstand atm.

feel free to ask me anything just keep in mind am still 19 so am not really familiar with everything :08:

23-11-2004, 09:39 PM
lawallah bro, mob ana :أفكر:

regarding EQ2 i dont think you cant share your money across defferent servers
and you can be artisian on same toon you are playing, lets say you have a necromancer lvl 25 you can be artisian lvl 9 at same charecter
charecter tradeskill classes are a little complicated which i am trying to uderstand atm.

feel free to ask me anything just keep in mind am still 19 so am not really familiar with everything :08:

yup i can confirm this now i did few search about this last night and the only way to share stuff is by bring both chars in any town and put stuff on "shared" slots after u talk with the banker

anyway i'm gona join u guys just let me lvling my new char on that server tonight and leave the refuge island i already deleted my warrior char , playing with mage is way fun drop ur char name here and i will pm u when i hit the main town

btw are u guys all good or all evil or mixed
just wondering

25-11-2004, 11:49 AM
evil guardian path :cool:
giga on noktulos

25-11-2004, 11:56 AM
sweet ,

gona make my last char on that server , catch ya there

25-11-2004, 12:01 PM
good luck, remember if you going to do some tradeskill you must talk to some guy in tower in the island of refugee, with this you can get ez lvl 3 artisian, but ig you skipped it you r going to have some hard time in freeport

25-11-2004, 12:19 PM
gona completely ignore harvesting on the refugee isle , the artisan i told u about is lvl 11arty /lvl11 summoner now, spent 2 nights harvesting resources on that island til i got 35 skills point on all tradeskills

craft system still need lot of improvments and will focus on lvling only with the new char


26-11-2004, 07:44 PM

guy's is that true that EQ2 have no story and simple quests ?

26-11-2004, 08:39 PM
it does have a story, and side storys with quests too

27-11-2004, 02:08 PM
على المنسابه اللعبه تحتاج dsl ولا لا واذا صار اشتراك عادي يصير تقطيع وله شي جذي ؟؟

27-11-2004, 05:07 PM
i am using a dsl, with a nice graphic card and its no problem

i think its playable with a dial up but with less performance however i think you will need good pc so you can play it with dial up and lowering graphics settings i think is a must:)

27-11-2004, 05:09 PM
i have some advice to my fellow brothers here
if you have school or some serious life issues, i strongly dont recommand you to play this game because it needs so much time spend to progress in the game

27-11-2004, 05:22 PM
:biggrin: Ever quest now avliable on bit torrnet

27-11-2004, 06:48 PM
i have some advice to my fellow brothers here
if you have school or some serious life issues, i strongly dont recommand you to play this game because it needs so much time spend to progress in the game

i disaggree with you here , man looks like u got ur self into big problems coz playing this game :D
it's depends on your free time , for me i have work time everyday ,and also family to take care of but in same time i have lot of free time i can spend on few things like MMO games, but for ppl have school dunno about this finished mine long long time ago :)

thanks for the advice man i'm sure it's came from someone caring about us

Ever quest now avliable on bit torrnet
على عكس الالعاب الثانيه اللعبه هذي تحتاج CD-KEY اصلي وايضا بطاقه ائتمانيه علشان التسجيل واللعب فيها


28-11-2004, 06:03 AM
well hmm, not really bro , i just read somewhere about a new addiction called eq some people in community calls it ever crack and am too old for school now and i manage my play time :p

gl and i wish to see you on nektolus bro, i just made it 10 scholar but i still have long long way to go

28-11-2004, 06:34 AM
hail (EQ style)

well hmm, not really bro , i just read somewhere about a new addiction called eq some people in community calls it ever crack and am too old for school now and i manage my play time

maybe u right some ppl just spend the whole day playing EQ2 i know someone grouped with em when i start playing the game and he is lvl 30 now , ....

i tried to PM you in game many times , but did not catch ya yet , what is ur play time ??

i did not lvled much too , still low lvl in the starter island

was working on other stuff in RL but i return to play eq2 now, will kepp try pm you

name in game Goden


28-11-2004, 10:22 AM
too bad i dont have aranic keyboard lol

i usually play in the evening

29-11-2004, 09:17 PM
سلام شباب ...

أعرف شباب في سيرفر mistmoore حد موجود في هالسيرفر ؟؟؟