المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعده عاجله !!

؟ .Mr
01-12-2004, 05:45 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

حبيت استفسر اذا احد عنده خبره بالادب الانجليزي واستخراج المعاني الرمزيه من القصه

اللي اعرفه ان القصه تمر باحداث معينه يمكن اننا نحددها ونسميهاا باسماء


1 expision or complication
2 rising action
3 tyrning point or climax
4 falling action
5 the end or denouement

لكن ممكن احد يشرحلي المضمون منهااا :06:
اذ هو مقرر عندنا بقسم اللغه الانجليزيه ( مادة النثر )

واتمنى احد يوضحلي اياهاا على هذه القصه

Once upon a time there was a Siamese cat who
pretended to be a lion and spoke inappropriate
That language is whinnied by the race of striped
horses in Africa.
Here now :An+ innocent zebra is walking in a jungie and approach.
ing from another direstion is the little cat they meet.
Hello there says the siamese cat in perfectly pronounced Zebraic.
It certainly is a pleasant day isn t it The sun is Shining the birds ara singing isn t the world a lovely place to live today
The Zebra is so astonished at hearing a Siam cat speaking like azebra why he s just fit to be tied.
So the little cat quickly ties him up kills him and drags the better parts of the carcass back to his den.
The cat successfully hunted zebras many months in this manner dining on filet mignon of zebra everynight and fromthe better hides he made bow nickties and wid belts after the fashion of the decadent princes of the Old siamese court.
He began boasting to his friends he was a lion and he gave them as proof the tact that he hunted zebras.
The delicate noses of the zebras told them there was really no lion in the neighborhood. The zebra deaths caused many to avoid the region.Superstitious they decided the woods were haunted by the ghost of a lion.
One day the storyteller of the zebras was ambling and through his mind ran plots for stories to amuse the other zebras when suddenly his eyes brightened and he said Thats
it I will tell a story about a Siamese cat who learns to
speak our language What an idea! that will make them laugh!
Just then the Siamese cat appeared befor him and said
Hello there! Pleasant day today is not it
The Zebra storyteller was not fit to be tied at hearing a cat
speaking his language because he had been thinking about
that very thing
He took a good look at the cat and he did not know why
but there was something about his looks he did not like
so he kicked him with a hoof and killed him.

عارف اني زودتهااا :( بس وش اسوي من جد محتاج واتمنى تتعاونون معي وجزيتم خير على ماتقدمونه
على الاقل ترجمة القصه ان استطعتم وشكراً