المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Please Members - Diary of A Young Girl By Anne Frank

11-12-2004, 07:11 PM
Asalm 3laykim Montada Members

I have been looking for a book called:

The Diary of a Young Girl Gilr, by Anne Frank

I live in UAE, Dubai, i have went to biggets book shops there which are Magrudies and The Book Corner and they said its a banned BOOK !!

So can any one tell me how can I find it, can any one find it for me please......

And if you can dear members to be in .pdf format or .doc so I can open it on my PDA.....

And i will be greatfull

11-12-2004, 07:56 PM
its completely a Jewish book that u don’t want to read at all.. this book is about a JEWS girl in the world war two telling what Nazi German did for her and for her family ..Full of lying and wrong information

not just that its about all the JEWS tradition (celebration) and the life they had during the war.. as if they are the only one who suffer during the war

if you are Muslim i fell sorry that u want that book ..u can read the English newspapers about you brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, etc… and what happen to them and how the Jews treat them and the evil in this world US and the dumb bush

if you are not Muslim ..then pls we don’t want to hear about this book and we dont want our children to read it ...find it somewhere else

11-12-2004, 08:49 PM
Well sorry....but please i still need this book because I have a topic for my english research that is about it........so please will ypu help me.........i dont care weather its true information or wrong and weather its wriiten by a Jewish girl or Christian, i need this book so please please please will you help me...or just tell me how i can download it ...and i will be greatfull

PS : It was wriiten by a 13 years old girl, how could she lie

11-12-2004, 09:06 PM
PS : It was wriiten by a 13 years old girl, how could she lie

its excatley when someone start his topic by aslam alikum and call him self with thesainthm

topic for my english research that is about it

الله يهدي القائمين على التعليم في الامارات بس !

we cant help ..ask your Jews teacher to give it you

11-12-2004, 09:20 PM
Wel why...its only a book........im not going to take it and start to do and act like everything that is written in it !!

11-12-2004, 10:04 PM
Wel why...its only a book........im not going to take it and start to do and act like everything that is written in it !!

The problem is more than a book to read and do a research for ...the problem is our new generations are attacked by this Jews colonization

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