المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفزعة يا أخوان بس دشو وشوفو...بكسر خاطركم والله

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:05 PM
السام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


كالعادة لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله طلب:31:

بس المرة أحس ضروري ويمكن يكون أخر طلب:D

المهم أخواني أبي أترجم قصة تتكون من 13 صفحة مطلوبة مني يوم الأربعاء أو الخميس:17:

وأبيكم تساعدوني

بحطي القصة كمقاطع و أبي كل واحد حاب يساعدني وياخذ أجري يترجمه لي بس يحطه لي بالموعد المحدد اللي هو يوم الأربعاء بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز:boggled:

و ينمي قدراتكم الترجمية ..........حتى الجملة شكلها غلط:31:

وبحطي القصة في المنتدى عشان الكل حتى لو ما شارك يستفيد يقرى القصة وترجمتها:D

بس عاد تساعدوني وكل واحد يحدد أنا مثلا بترجم مقطع (#)الرقم يعني

وياخذ راحته ويترجمها وعقب يردها ويقول أنا ترجمت المقطع كذه


بس أبيكم بليز كلكم تساعدوني

الحق عالمقاطع والكمية محدودة

يالله عاد برخصتكم

بكمل دوامي :boggled: :boggled:

يلا أتمنى أنكم فعلا تساعدوني قبل حتى الأربعاء

على فكرة أنا أقصد هالأربعاء يعني 22

المقطع الأول

The case of the innocent girl

My name is Gillian brayton. Both my parents were lost at sea. My uncle grey took care of me. He sent me to totham abbey school-a school for the daughters of rich people. I was brought up to be a rich women. Then uncle grey lost all his money: he died leaving me nothing.

Ethel Friedman had a dress shop, called "Madame Glothilde". she gave me work in her shop hoping that my rich school friends would come to it. She paid me very little. I stayed in poor lodgings with Mrs. Austin.

Then there came an invitation to a party at totham abbey school, Miss Evangeline Budd, the headmistress was leaving and all the "old girl" of the school were asked to a party in her honour before she left. I didn’t want to go to it, but I was silly and told miss Friedman about it.

"of course you must go" she said." if your rich friend won t come here, you must take the business to them. You can have a whole day off, and you can wear the grey Lejune hat which I got from Paris. Tell them I can copy it here in any colour, and the price will be 10. its worth 20.

The party was even worse than I had expected. The abbey and the gardens were so beautiful, but the hat was quite unsuitable! I met bunch Haworth as I came in: I saw her look at the hat. She was beautifully dressed, she made me feel awful in that hat." I am so glad you have come," she said. "oh," I said. " I always liked Miss Budd. Don’t keep on looking at my hat! I know it s terrible . Are we late?"

"you are. I went into the hall, but came out again. Everyone has come, even that unbelievable women Rita fayre. She was Rita raven before she married Julian Fayre."

"she left soon after I came. I never spoke to her. She has about thirty now, isn’t she?".

"about that. She may be very wealthy, but she is not the right sort of person for Totham Abbey. She has rather a mystery."

"oh?" I said." in what way? why is she mysterious?"

"well….", said Bunch. "After being away somewhere in Europe for eight or nine years, she came back and married Fayre. She gives wonderful parties and she has often in the newspapers because of her paintings, which I think are rather odd and rather nasty. But Julian Fayre comes of a very good family and lives in a beautiful old house. She has not the right person for him or for that house, and I don’t think that he or the house would like her noisy parties.

I left Bunch and went into the hall. I shook hands with miss Budd. I saw Rita Fayre immediately: the crowd round her was far larger than the few people round miss Budd. Her eyes were very bright and she was beautifully dressed. She was not beautiful ,but she had charm. She was clever: she looked important. I could easily believe that she was often in the newspapers.

I didn’t go close, because. Of course, I never knew her. We had never spoken and she could hardly have remembered me. I moved away and was talking to someone when an arm came over my shoulder and I was pulled gently away.

"My dear! Here you are at last! How pretty you have grown!".

Rita Fayre kissed me. She must have made a mistake. "I'm Gillian Brayton," I said.

"but of course you are,". She said. "doesn’t it seem a terribly long time since we played about together and shared our sweets on Sunday afternoons!"

But we didn’t " play together"; we didn’t "share our sweets". She was older than I was and I hardly knew her. But there was nothing I could say: it was very nice of her to claim friendship with me, but it was very difficult to understand why she did so.

She took my arm and led me through the room. I felt like a Princess with her Queen.

At last we came to the main door. "let has get out of here," she said." We have got to have a talk. You shall come into town with me in my car."

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:06 PM
المقطع الثاني

"it has very good of you," I said. "but…."

"I only came here today so as to find you, and we have got some serous talking to do…Dear. Simple, innocent. Little Gillie, you are just the same. I am so gald! I wondered what a year in London would have done to you. How are all your boy-friends?".

This question was just thrown in, but it was clear that she wanted an answer.

"There aren’t any?" I saw that she was pleased at my answer. We got into her big grand car.

"I suppose Clothilde made you wear that hat, hoping for orders. It isn’t suitable. Well, you have had enough of Clothilde. You are coming home with me now. We will go to your lodgings and get your things and drive home now."

"But why? You don’t really know me."

How did she know about Clothilde?_and that I lived in lodgings, unless she had been making enquiries about me?.

"listen, Gillie," she said. "I want you to come to me. Three hundred pounds a year, and of course you will live with us. I want someone whom I can trust, who will be a little sister to me arrange the flowers and that sort of thing.

I was so surprised that I did just what she told me. The big car and Rita's fur coat caused some interest in that little back street, Mrs Austin took me aside:

"My dear," she said "are you sure that this is all right? I will be feeling anxious about you. I do read of such things_such odd things in the newspapers….Do be careful!".

It was a beautiful house surrounded by lovely gardens reaching down to the river. We stepped into a wide hall. The driver carried my bags into the house, and an old man-servant came to meet us. It was as if we had been expected. It seemed a very friendly and happy home, except for one thing. Rita said something to the old man-servant : his name was Rudkin. As she turned away I saw such a look of hatred in his eyes. I thought. "There is a lot about Rita which I have yet to discover.".

Rita put her arm round me. "We will go and see who is in the studio___the picture-room."

We went under an arch at the end of a long passage into a large room with newly-coloured pictures hanging on the grey painted walls. It had been a beautiful old room once, but it had been made to look modern. It had been spoilt. Even the beautiful old book-case in the corner had been painted white and filles with bottles and glasses instead of books.

There were ten or twelve people there, drinking. "Meet my school-friend," said rita. "she has coming to live here with me, to be a little sister to me."

She led me across the room to a man sitting n a very big chair. He had been watching me. He stood up as we approached. He was middle-aged and foreign, with a pale, heavy face and a small black beard. I disliked him. I hoped that he was not the husband. "this is Dr Henri Phoebus," said Rita.

"Mrs. Fayre is a painter." He said. " I am her business manager."

Rita began to talk about the party at the school. Dr Phoebus smiled and seemed to be litening, but his eyes never left my face.

"And so you found this little one," he said at last. "yas. She was my only real friend at school. Isn’t she sweet?"

"yes: but not the hat, why do you wear it, Miss Brayton?"

I was surprised at this. He knew my name! how did he know my name? no one had said it. Rita said. "Do take off the hat." Phoebus took it in his fat white hands. "I forbid you to wear it," he said. He crossed the room and put it on the fire.

" its all right," said Rita. " We will explain to Glothilde and pay for it."

They were treating me as if I was some pretty little dog which someone had brought in. she was excited and seemed very pleased with her success: he seemed to be uneasy and doubtful.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:07 PM

"what do you think of her, Henri?" she said. "isn’t she just perfect for it?"

he looked at me gravely.

"Perfect," he said slowly. "you are a wonderful women, Rita. You are very clever; terrifyingly clever." Rita's hand closed tightly on my arm. "Go up to your room now, Gillie. Do you mind? Ask a servant where it is," she had become very pale, and she did not meet my eyes.

My bedroom was in the old part of the house. Rita, in a white silk dress with diamonds, come to my room just as I was unpacking the last of my things.

"I m in a great hurry," she said. "I m so sorry that I have to go out on your first night. We will have a lovely talk tomorrow. Mrs. Munsen, the housekeeper, will get a nice dinner for you and_and you will be all right, won t you?" she ran away downstairs to Phoebus.

I had dinner alone in a room big enough for thirty people. Rudkin waited on me. I said,"Nice weather, isn’t it?" he did not answer. It was clear that he disliked_even hated_Rita and all heer friends.

When dinner ended, he said, "Perhaps you would like to sit in the small sitting-room, miss?"

He led me through the silent house and at last opened the door into a small beaufully furnished room. Every piece in it had been chosen with loving care. The whole room was very unlike Rita. The servants too were different from her. It was as f there were two different ways of living in the house.

After about half an hour I went out into the garden in the moonlight. There were lights in the housekeeper' s room and the kitchen. Then there was a part of the house in which there were no lights. I turned the corner to the west side of the building. At first I thought that it was in darkness: then I saw a fire burning in a room in which there was no other light. It seemed to be a music room. There was a piano there: I wanted to try it. I thought, "if I play softly. I shall not be heard from the kitchen."

I opened the door quietly. There was no sound. I sat down and played for about an hour. It was wonderful sitting there in the warm darkness making music.

Then I heard a voice very close to me not three yards away: "Do you often break into houses like a thief so as to play the piano?"

"Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn’t know anyone was here."

Someone laughed. I rushed to the door. Then suddenly a light came from a reading-lamp behind the piano, and I saw a man sitting in adeep armchair on the far side of the fireplace. He looked very ill, and very sad. He was quite young__only a few years older than I . he had a fine face, but it was very pale and tried. He smiled," Don’t go" he said. "I like it."

We talked about music for some time. Then I said, "I am so sorry that I broke in on you. Really I am! ". "come when you like" he answered. "I wish you would sit down. I'm sorry I cant get up. Its one of my bad days."

"is there anything I can do? What happened? What is it?"

" I was shot through the leg and left out in the rain foe two weeks, and this illness is the result. I m getting better, slowly….you came as if in answer to a prayer. I was sitting here in terrible pain and wishing to god that someone would come and play to me. Sit down and talk."

I obeyed. I was just going to speak when the inner door opened and a women came in . she looked at me with suspicion. She was very angery. I guessed that she was the housekeeper, Mrs. Munsen. She was dressed in black and her hair was drawn tightly back.

"Hello, Mary," he said. "its not time for bed yet, is it?"

"Not yet, sir," she said. She spoke softly. I could see that she was very fond of him. "I thought you were playing, but then I heard the young lady talking."

"Mrs. Munsen was my nurse when I was a child, and she still is. Aren't you, Mary?"

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:09 PM
المقطع 4

she did not smile. She looked at him with some special meaning in her eyes. "Perhaps you do not know who the young lady is, sir?"

I saw his surprise changing to anger. All the warmth and friendliness went out of him. "Good night." He said. "Mary will take you to your room."

She led me silently away. "Mrs. Munsen." I said as we came to my door. "who is that man I have been talking to?"

"Don’t pretend that you don’t know the master of the house," she said, "and that his__his wife hasn’t told you where to find him. You are clever, miss, but you are doing what no respectable girl would think of doing. You ought to be ashamed. Good night"

As I lay in bed I thought, "Rita's husband! How could Rita go to any party leaving such a man sick and alone in the care of servants!"

An old servant, named Lily, brought me my break-fast. She said, "Mrs. Faye hopes that you will be down in time to see the doctor__Dr Crupiner. He will be here at ten o'clock."

"Do you know why iam to see him?"

"No, miss."

I went down and waited in the garden. I could see the road in front of the house and when the doctor' s car arrived, I was ready.

It was a very big, very grand, very old car with a lot of brass on it. It should have warned me of the sort of man who came in it.

I went into the hall. A door opened and Henri Phoebus came out. I was surprised to see him in the house so early.

"I always make an early call on people who have come to my parties . Perhaps next time you will come too?"

"that will be lovely," I said; then I made a quick movement so that he kissed the air two inches below my ear.

He drew back; I thought that he was annoyed but, to my surprise, I saw that he was surprised, and almost afraid. In what way could I have frightened him?

Rudkin appeared at that moment. I wondered if he had seen Dr Phoebus and me. I thought that perhaps his manner was a little less cold. "Will you wait for the doctor in here, miss?" He took me into the small sitting-room which I had seen on the night before.

"it is such a beautiful room!" I said

"Yes, miss Nr fayre' s mother loved this room. She was very wonderful lady. Very different from…"he stopped suddenly. " The doctor will be with you in a moment," he said.

The doctor entered. He held out two fingers to me. He was over eighty years old, and he looked like the doctor one would see on the stage in a theatre. He led me to the window, put on a pair of glasses;" let me have a look at you." Then he pointed to a chair.

"Mrs. Fayre wishes me to ask you some questions.

Do you know why you are being employed?"

"No, I don’t. Rita told me that I was to be___er__ to be a 'little sister' to her."

"Ah, yes Exactly my words. I am told that you have no experience in nursing. That does not matter. We want you to be a companion to a sick man. When a man has been wounded and has had a serious illness after a war, he is sometimes in a strange condition: he gets strange ideas. He may show hatred towards those whom he loves best__towards his wife."

"you are talking about Mr Julian Fayre?"

"yes. He is getting better, in body; but he still shows this unreasonable distrust of his young wife, and of all women. Your task is to cure this. Wait on him, talk to him, listen to him. Of course you must be

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:10 PM

entirely loyal to his wife. As a beginning you must make Mr. Fayre s evening coffee for him and put in it his tablets to help him sleep."

He went on talking, saying the same thing over again. I thought that he was rather a fool, but he admired Rita and was anxious to help J Julian Fayre. In spite of these orders I was not allowed to see Mr. Fayre. Mrs. Munsen attended to that. Whenever I asked to see him I was always told, "Mr Fayre is reading", " Mr. Fayre is sleeping", " Mr. Fayre does not wish to see anyone; he is resting."

I spoke to Rita about this. She didn’t really listen to me, and it was clear that she didn’t want to talk about her husband. I had dinner alone. I wondered if I would have to have a battle with Mrs Munsen about doing my one task of the day_Mr Fayre's coffee and sleeping-tablets.then she came into the room with Rudkin. They were so a like.

"Are you brother and bsister?" I said

"yes, miss. He's a little older. We have been here sixty years." She was almost friendly, and I wanted her to talk about old Mrs Favre.

"you must have seen a lot of changes?"

she froze again. "I have come to show you the room in which you must make the master's coffee." She held out a key. "Mrs Fayre gave orders that you are to have the key of the room__so that no one else may be able to open the door. Please follow me."

I had the bottle of tablets which the doctor had given me. I showed it to her_with the writing on it, "Mr Julian Fayre. Four to be taken in a warm drink an hour before bed-time.".

"Perhaps you will do it tonight. I will watch you." She nodded.

After this she always came into the room with me, then stood back while I made the coffee and put four tablets into it. Then I took the little yellow tray with the cup on it and we went together to Mr Fayre's room.

She knocked; then she waited outside until Julian Fayre thanked me, and I came out again.

It was such a waste of time. On the fifth evening I asked Mrs Munsen, "Why do you imagine I am here?"

"I should have thought that you know that better than I do, miss."

I was angry. I told her the whole story. "There!" I said ."I have been brought into the house only as a person who can be trusted. Why do you treat me as if I was not_as if I was not to be trusted?"

I could see that she was very surprised. She seemed to be no longer my enemy, but still rather suspicious.

"is that all you were told?"

"that is all. So there is no mysterious danger in me."

"only yesterday Rudkin said, " I don’t believe that she knows what she's doning."

That night I carried out my usual task, but I think she had spoken to Mr Fayre, because he sent for me and I played the piano to him for an hour, and afterwards we had tea together.

That was the beginning. If he wanted to talk, I listened. If he wanted a book, I read it so as to be able to discuss it. I tried to find anything that would interest him. He was always polite, but not friendly. After about a fortnight he said, "I once knew a very nice old man with the same name as yours. He came to the station with my father to see me off to school and be gave me a pound. His name was Grey Brayton."

"Uncle Grey," I said. "I loved him: he was the only family I had."

"you have no other family?" he said. "No one?"

then he said a strange thing. "So you are completely alone. Is that why my wife chose you?"

"I think she did it out of kindness. She knew me at school."

He looked at me curiously, as if a new and unpleasant idea had come to him.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:13 PM

At nine o'clock I went down to the room to make the coffee. I was crying so helplessly that I could hardly fit the key into the lock. Then I found that the light would not go on ; by leaving the door open,I could get just enough light from outside to see what I was doing.

I prepared two trays__julian's yellow tray, and another like it, but pink, for Rita . I filled both cups and was just counting Julian's tablets into his cup when I heard steps outsides. Rudkin came in.

"Has the light gone, miss? Let me see it." He got up on a chair and touched it. It come on immediately. " it was just turned a bit to the side. I came to ask if you would like that, " I said.

"you leave it to me."

"it's the pink tray," I said. He took it. I heard the sound of the cup on the tray as he took it up and went out. I look the other tray and went to Julian's room. The lights were low in his room. He was sitting by the fire with the dog.


"No. its me, Julian."

He got up and took the tray from my hands. "I heard," he said. "I beg you to forgive her: I am so sorry for the way she behaved."

The way in which he spoke told me how much he hated her: it was almost frightening.

"I shall go early in the morning," I said.


"Goodbye, Gillie," he said .He went with me to the door and opened it. As I passed him he gave me something.

"you must take this," he said. "just so that I know that you are all right until_later on. Please take it, my dearest."

When I got to my room I saw that he has given me a cheque for 200 and a letter to the bank telling them to open an account for me.

I went to bed and tired to sleep.

At seven o'clock next morning I was awoken by loud cries. It was Mitzi. Everyone was woken up by them.

When I heard Mitzi cries I put on a coat and ran to the top of the staircase. I saw Rudkin come out of the studio; he was supporting Mitzi. They looked up at me.

"Go back to your room at once miss," said Rudkin. "Don’t come down. It's no sight for you house

The whole house was alive now. I could hear voices and questions on all sides. I did not know then that the name spoken by everyone who came out of that room of death was mine. I did not know that Mitzi had found Rita's bed empty. Then she went down to the studio and saw her lying there dead, and the coffee cup on the pink tray was at her side. The cup was empty.

I was standing at my bedroom door when Julian came along towards me. He caught me by the shoulders and pushed me into the room. "Gillie," he said. "Oh,Gillie, what have you done? What did you put into that cup?"

Then I understood. Rita had been poisoned. I had sent her that cup of coffee last thing at night.

"I put only coffee in it, "

I said calmly. " that didn’t kill her. You had some yourself."

"God bless you, Gillie. Forgive me. I ought to have known . I ought not to have thought it for a moment.". he took my hands.

The door behind us opened and Mrs Munsen stood there watching us. Julian slowly let go of my hands and we both turned to face her.

She was not angry: she was frightened. "For the love of God, boy,go out of this room. Don’t be seen with her now."

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:14 PM
المقطع 7

She shut the door and put her back against it. "keep quite" she said, "and I will help you as much as I can; but don’t bring him into it. Save him, and I will help you."

"But I have done nothing, Mrs Munsen. There was nothing in that cup-only coffee. Do I look like a murderess?"

"you had so much to gain," she said. "I hated her too. But I'm not young, and I am not in love. Keep quiet and keep him out of it. I will help you."

I expected the police to take me off to prison; but my first visitor was Dr Grupiner. He looked so old and unsteady. I got a chair for him.

"A terrible thing!" he said. "they have told you.of course?"

"yes. Why did it happen?"

"Miss. Brayton, I must talk to you very seriously. We have sent for the police. There is no doubt that Mrs Fayre died from a very powerful 'narcotic'__a sleep-producing substance__after drinking the coffee last night. It is clear that she did not give it to herself because there is no box, no bottle."

"then you think that it was in the coffee?"

"I know that Mrs Fayre once told me that you were sometimes a little careless, not quite thinking about what you were doing."

"No! where could I get such a thing. There was nothing in that coffee."

"that means that you think Rudkin did it." "of course not!"

there was a knock on the door. "yes, Rudkin? Yes, I will come down to them."

Hours passed. Then there was a knock on the door: the police at last! But the policeman was not what i had expected. He was thin,bent, with short grey hair and an old well-worn suit of clothes which didn’t fit him very well. He had kind blue eyes.

"I am Alexander McNaught, Chief of police." He said.

Then he said, "You are Gillian Brayton, the girl who made the coffee."

"Yes, I made it."

"You are a sort of companion help here, but no one knows what your dutes are, except that you make coffee."

He looked round the room and saw my half-packed bag.

"And you have 'got the sack'__been ordered to go?"

"No. I told Mrs Fayre that i wished to go. I told her this last night."

"We will go and look at that room where you made the coffee. Is it true that you have only key?"

"i believe so." I showed him the key where i kept it in a little bowl. He took it and looked at the key of my room.

"i see that all the keys in this house are different," he said.

We went downstairs. He unlocked the door of the little room. "keep your arms to your sides.Dont touch anything. Now, tell me exactly what you did the last time you were here."

I repeated the story showing each thing_the pot, the cups, the trays. When i came to the tablets he stopped me. "Where is the bottle?"

"There." I pointed to it. It was in its usual place right in front of the first shelf, but as i looked at it i got a shock. It looked the same: it was about as full as it ought to have been. But the label, the paper on the bottle, was wrong. I bent forward to read it. McNaught did too.

"Mrs Fayre. Onr tablet when the pain is most serious ."

"It's wrong ." I said. "It's not Julian's"

"are these the tablets you used last night?" he asked.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:16 PM

"I don’t know. It was dark, as I told you. But I put the tablets in Julian's cup. These tablets seem to be Rita's. it says' Mrs Fayre' ".

he bent forward again and looked at the foot of the label_parhaps at the date: I couldn’t read it. It seemed to mean something to him. He called for Rudkin. Rudkin came at once, as if he had been waiting to be called. McNaught showed him the bottle." Don’t touch it: but look at it. Have yo ever seen it before?"

"Good God!" he said. "I thought it had been destroved. The last time I saw it, it was in my wife's hand. My wife, Harriet, died three years ago: she was old Mrs Fayre maid."

"When your wife showed you the bottle, did she say anything?"

"it was the day after Mrs Fayre was buried. We were tidying up her things. She showed me the bottle and said, "This was wonderful stuff. The doctor gave it to her to take away her pain when it was very bad."

"Was that the doctor whom I saw this morning?"

"No, sir, his brother. He died a year later."

"what did your wife do with the bottle? Do you know?"

" I told her to give it back to the doctor. But I think she hid somewhere in the house, thinkinghe it might be useful some time. She was like that: she liked to hide things away in case they became useful later." "Have you ever seen it since?"

"No,sir. Never.Not till now." "Do you know what this is?"

"I think I do, sir. I believe it's morphia. That's what Harriet said it was."

"And you. Miss Brayton, do you know how much morphia is needed to cause death?"

"No," I said.

He looked at me curiously. " I wonder." He said. McNught told me to stay in my room. There was a policeman outside to see that I did so. No one was allowed to come and see me. The policeman brought in my food.

There was a cupboard in my badroom. The boards at the bottom of it could be taken up so that you could see down into the kitchen. I heard someone knocking in there. I opened the cupboard and looked down. Mrs Munsen was standing on a chair to look up at me.

"Don’t get frightened," she said, " McNught is in the studio, having us in one by one and asking questions."

"Has the doctor gone home?"

"Yes. But they cayght Mitzi telephoning to Dr Phoebus."

"Has he come?"

"Not yet….Now remember what I told you. Keep Mr Julian out of it."

"Yes, I will. I promise you."

I thought, "Whatever I did was just a mistake. They can't call that murder. Yet I might seem to have the best possible reason. They might think that Julian and I had a very good reason__if we were different from what we really were. There was nothing against me….

Then I remembered the cheque and the letter to the bank. I went and looked in my bag. It was empty! They had searched the room and taken them.

At three o'clock the policeman put his head in through the doorway:" you are wanted downstairs."

When I came into the studio I saw the letter and the cheque on the table. McNught smiled at me: I didn’t expect that!

"we have lost two things, Miss Brayton. We have searched everywhere but can't find them." He looked round the room. Yes: that modern grey and white paint, and those bottles in the corner cupboard looked all wrong.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:19 PM

"We want the second key to that little room__if there is one. It's an unusual lock: no other key in the house turns it." "My key used to lie in that bowl in my room all day.". ."And you were packing in your room from 6.30 to 8.45? And you didn’t lend it to anyone? No ? Well, the second thing I should like to find is Mr Fayre's tablets."…"I put four in his coffee. I saw him drink it.".."Yes. you told me that before. Sit there." He pointed to a chair. "I want to talk to you about something else . Mr ayre has told me that it was he who advised you to leave. And his reason was that he thought that you were becoming too fond of him. Was that true?"

"I liked him very much. I liked him enough to go when he said he wanted me to do so. I wanted to help, to do what he wished."

"I see." He leant back in his chair: then he said, "Mr Fayre has the idea that his wife brought you into the house in the hope that he would fall in love with you and so give a judge a very good reason for ending her marriage and ordering him to pay her a lot of money as 'alimony'_ money to support her after she had ceased to be his wife. Is that so?"

"that's impossible. Rita employed me because she could trust me. The doctor told me that in the beginning."

"yes. He told me that; but other people believe the second story."

"I don’t believe it . it's a terrible idea. I wouldn’t believe it of anybody! Rita chose me because we were friends at school."

He watched me. "I wonder if anyone on earth is as innocent as you look. You could not have been great friends: there is too big a difference in your ages. Why did you turn the lamp so that light would not come on?''

"I didn’t. why should I ?"

"you and Mrs Fayre arranged the whole thing and Mr Fayre gusses it last night? Is that it?"


A soft voice from the doorway surprised us. "I am so sorry. I had no idea that anyone was here."

McNaught looked angrily at him. "who let you in?" Henri Phoebus was terribly changed. His round fat face was drawn, and his eyes looked heavy. He looked as if he had some terrible shock.

"I have been in the house for some time. I will leave at once."

McNaught followed Phoebus into the hall. I heard him speaking angrily to the policeman. When he came back there was a different expression in his eyes. "who is that?"

"Di Henri Phoebus. Rita told me that he was her business manager.

"Did he now her when she lived abroad_in France and other countries?"

then he repeated the words, " Business manager. Her business manager."

He stood there as if a sudden almost unbelievable idea had come to him. "when did she first meet him?"

"I don’t know," I answered. " I don’t know where she first met him."

"No," he said, "you wouldn’t. go back to your room and stay there."

A little later on the policeman brought in my tea on a tray. I sat looking at it_not at the teapot and the cup, but at the tray . it was pink_the tray I had sent to Rita last night. Why had someone taken it out of the studio and sent it up to me?Why could anyone be so cruel? I look the tea_things off it, and turned on the light. Now I could see that the tray was not pink: it was yellow. The truth_or part of the truth_came faintly into my mind.

I decided to wait until after midnight. I dared not risk it until then. I meant to go down to the studio and look at the other tray_if it hadn’t been taken away.

At about ten oclock I heard Mrs Munsen knocking below the bathroom cupboard, and I saw her standing on a chair looking up at me.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:21 PM

" McNaught has gone at last, "she whispered. " the other policeman won't stay all night. Rudkin thinks that they will leave one man. Dr Phoebus has gone too. I told him to get out: this is no house for visitors. And he went. He has been all over the house like a mad person. Lily found him in Mrs Fayre's bedroom."

"in Rita's room?"

"yes. He asked Lily,"Are the police still in the studio?' so he hasn’t been in there. He and Mitzi have are looking for something. Now you go to bed."

"Mrs Munsen. I didn’t do it!"

"you go to bed, and say your prayers_if you aren’t afraid to."

At eleven oclock I opened my door and looked out. The policeman had gone. Rudkin had said that they might leave a man on watch in the hall , but I did not feel quite sure that I was alone in this part of the house. Several times I thought that I heard footsteps,but I could see on one there. Once I thought that I saw something_a dress or a coat disappearing round the corner.

I turned off the light outside my room. Then I lay down on my bed to wait I bought, "if I wait long enough I may get past the man in the hall and get into the studio."

At one oclock I opened my door and stepped out. I had taken off my shoes so as to make no sound. I was so busy finding out if there was anyone watching in the hall that I was not listening for any sound behind me. When I was half_way down the stairs I thought that I heard someone breathing. I stopped and looked back: I was sure that there was someone in that shadow. For a moment I stood, frozen. I moved on at last. I reached the bottom of the stairs. The studio door was at the far end of the hall.

At that moment I heard a sound, close behind and a little above me. Then a beam of light came from the doorway of the studio. It held us both, me and the man just behind me. It was Julian. His arms went round me. I saw his frightened eyes and his ,mouth set in a hard line. As I opened my lps he put his hand over my mouth. It was he who had been near me all the evening. He had kept watch at my door after the policeman had gone.

The beam of light came closer. I saw McNaugh's face above the light. He made a sign to us to keep quite. Jukian nodded. The light went out.we waited in the black darkness . I had no idea what was happening but lay back contentedly against Julian. His arms were still round me. I could hear his heart.

Suddenly McNaught spoke. "Now!" he said. The door of the studio opened. There was a rush of feet. A number of policeman had been hidden in the hall waiting for something to happen in the studio. The crowd of policemen carried me and Julian into the room where Rita had died. There I saw Henri Phoebus. He was kneeling with his arm in a small cupboard at the bottom of the cupboard where the bottles and glasses were kept. It was a secret cupboard: I had never guessed that it was there. Only old Mrs Fayre and Harriet would have known it. I was the first person whom Phoebus recognized. " You killed her!" he shouted. " you knew!" A police man seized him. McNaught went and examined the cupboard; then he came to me holding a small bottle in this hand. "Look." He said. it was Julian's bottle of sleeping-tablets.

"And here is the other key of that room. A new key. That is all the proof we need of "attempted murder of Mr Fayre." . he turned to the policeman: "Take him away."

We sat in the music room .Rudkin put wood on the fire: Mrs Munsen brought hot drinks. McNaught waited until they had gone. Then he turned to Julian."she was not your wife," he said. "she was Mrs Henri Phoebus. They were two clever criminals. Ten years ago Rita Raven went to live with her mother in France. She met Phoebus: he was then a criminal in a small way. They married and after that they went on to bigger things___blackmail, finding out rich people's wrong-doings and then

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:22 PM
المقطع الأخيييييييييييييييييييييييييير

London. You were a rich man just going to fight overseas. It was not likely that you would come back. You thought that you might not come back: you wanted to have someone who would take care of this house and the old servants. She pretended to be just the wife you needed to do this. Immediately after the marriage you went overseas. Your lawyer forced her to keep the old servants, but she had a gay time. Then you came back. You were a sick man but you were getting better. Her noisy friends began to stay away. Suppose that you got quite well. Things would be difficult."

"And so," said Julian, "they thought of killing me!", "yes," said McNaught. I think she got the idea when she discovered the morphia where Harriet had hidden it. She saw that the tablets were very like those given to Mr Fayre, and how easily there might be a mistake. But she dare not do it herself: there would be too many question."

"so she got hold of Gillie! That's terrible!" said Julian.

"yes, sir. She was very clever. She found just the right girl_an innocent young girl who had no relations to cause trouble, a girl who was said to be a little thoughtless and likely to make mistakes. But someone made a mistakes with the trays or the cups."

"But I didn’t do that," I said. " I didn’t make a mistakes with the trays."

"Didn't you?" he looked at me. " Perhaps you didn’t. Perhaps Rudkin did. He tells me that he is colour-blind: he can't see colours. The two colours do look very much the same by electric light. They had their plan all ready, but Mrs Rita had to carry it out at once. You forced her to do this,"

"by telling her that I was going?"…"yes. that was a surprise to her. She decided to act at once. She opened the door with the other key which she got made. She changed the bottles, did that to the light. She meant to go back later to put back Mr Fayre's bottle__ so that there were two bottles and you might have made a mistake, and to put the light right. Then she would have told the police that there were always two bottles there. But she made a mistake. She wanted to make herself safe by drinking some of the coffee. If she hadn’t done that I would be sitting here telling Miss Braton that she had been telling lies."…. "but I did do it. I killed her."

"Wait!" said McNaught. " Rudkin guessed that something of the sort was being planned. That light must have made him think. He saw the two pups waiting, perhaps he thought that it would be a good idea to change them. If he was wrong, no harm would be done. Mrs Fayre would have taken a harmless medicine which would quieten her down after that angry scene with you. But no one will ever know if he did this. He won't say so."

We were silent for a long time after McNaught had gone . julian and I sat by the fire. At last I said, " iam going back to my room in London."

He looked at me. His eyes looked steadily into mine. "For how long, Gillie?" he asked.

إمارات المحبة
19-12-2004, 01:27 PM
وهذه القصة كاملة على الوورد إّا تبون تشوفونها

بس بليز خذوها

وترجموها وأنا بحاول اترجم بعد

بس أنا والله عندي ظروف ما يعلم بيها غير رب العالمين

يا ريت تترجموها لي

مع السلامة

19-12-2004, 05:06 PM
مرحبا, امارات المحبة

لقد ترجمت لك القطعة الأولى.

ولكني لا أعتقد ان الترجمة دقيقة:17: . ولكني حاولت بقدر استطاعتي ان اساعدك.:(

اسمي (جيليان براتون). كلا والدي قد فُقِدا في البحر. والآن أعيش مع عمي (جري)، وهو يعتني بي. لقد ارسلني إلى مدرسة (توثام أبي). انها مدرسة لأولاد الأغنياء. لقد جُلِبت إلى هنا لأصبح امرأة غنية. وفي يوم من الأيام خسر عمي جميع أمواله. ثم توفي وتركني من دون شئ.

(إيثل فريدمان) تمتلك محل للأثواب. يدعى (مادام جلوثلد). لقد أعطتني عملا في محلها سعيا في احضار زبائن من مدرستي. ولكنها لا تعطيني إلا القليل من جراء عملي. أنني أسكن الآن في سكن مع السيدة (أوستين).

لقد دُعيت إلى حفلة وداع لمديرة مدرستنا السيدة (إفانجيلين بد). وقد دعت جميع الطالبات السابقات إلى تلك الحفلة التي أقيمت على شرفها. لم أشأ الذهاب، فأخبرت الآنسة(فريدمان) عن ذلك ولكنها قالت لي: (بالطبع عليك الذهاب؛ إذا لم تأت صديقاتك الأغنياء إلى هنا، فعليك أن تحملى عملك إليهم. يمكنك أخذ إجازة يوم كامل. وبإمكانك ارتداء القبعة الرصاصية من (ليجون) الذي أحضرته من باريس. أخبريهم انني أستطيع أن أصبغه بأي لون آخر هنا في محلي. والسعر سوف يكون 10. انه بمقدار 20. )

الحفلة كانت اسوأ مما توقعت. المدرسة و الحديقة كانتا في غاية الجمال. ولكن القبعة لم تكن مناسبة للحفلة. التقيت بـ(بنش هاورث) عند دخولي. رأيتها تحدق بقبعتي. كانت مرتدية أجمل الثياب. لقد جعلتني أبدو قبيحة بهذه القبعة. قالت لي: أنا سعيدة بقدومك.

فقلت: آه؟ أحببت الآنسة (بد) دوما. لا تستمري في نظرك إلى قبعتي هكذا. اعلم أنها قبيحة. هل نحن متأخرون؟

فردت: انت المتأخرة.

ذهبت إلى الصالة العامة،و خرجت منها مرة أخرى. لقد وصل الجميع. حتى

( ريتا فاير)التي لم نكن نتوقع قدومها.

(كانت (ريتا رايفن) قبل أن تتزوج ب(جوليان فاير).

لقد تركتنا بمدة قبل أن أصل. لم أتكلم معها قط. انها في الثلاثين من عمرها، أليس كذلك؟ قد تكون غنية، ولكنها ليست من النوع الذي يجب أن يكون في (توثام أبي). انها غامضة بعض الشئ.)

آه؟ في اي صفة. لم هي غامضة؟

(في الحقيقة.....بعد أن كانت في مكان ما من أوروبا لمدة ثمان أو تسع سنوات، عادت وتزوجت (فاير). انها تقيم أجمل الحفلات وهي عادة تنشر في الصحف بسبب لوحاتها. التي أعتقد انها ليست بذلك الجمال. ولكن زوجها من عائلة محترمة وهو يعيش في بيت قديم وجميل. انها لا تناسبه ولا تناسب ذلك البيت. وانا أظن انه و ذلك البيت لن يستطيعان تحمل ازعاج الحفلات التي ستقيمها.)

تركت (بنش) وذهبت إلى الصالة. صافحت الآنسة (بد). وفي نفس اللحظة رأيت (ريتا فاير). الجموع حولها كانت أكبر من الجموع حول الآنسة (بد). كانت عيناها فاتحة الألوان بقدر ثوبها الجميل. لم تكن جميلة، ولكنها تملك سحر الجمال. كانت ذكية وبدت شخصا مهما في الحفل. لم أكن متعجبة من ان صورها تنشر في الصحف. لم اقترب منها لأنني بالطبع لم أكن اعرفها جيدا. ولم اتكلم معها من قبل وسيكون صعبا عليها ان تتذكرني. ابتعدت قليلا وكنت اتحدث مع احدهم، حين امسكني ذراع وسحبني بهدوء.

(عزيزتي. ها أنت هنا في النهاية. كم تبدين جميلة وقد كبرت. قبلتني (ريتا فاير).

اظن انها وقعت في خطأ. فقلت: أنا جيليان برايتون.

(بالطبع أنت جيليان. ألا يبدو انها مدة طويلة منذ ان لهونا مع بعضنا وتشاركنا الحلويات في ظهر أيام الأحد. )

فقلت: ولكننا لم نلهو مع بعضنا أو نشارك حلوياتنا.

لقد كانت أكبر مني بعدة سنين وكنت بالكاد اعرفها. ولكنني لم استطع قول شئ. انه شئ لطيف منها ان تقيم علاقة معي. ولكنه غريب بعض الشئ. ثم امسكت بذراعي وقادتني إلى غرفة. شعرت كأنني أميرة مع ملكتها.

ثم قالت: اخيرا وصلنا الى المدخل الرئيسي. وعليك القدوم معي إلى المدينة في سيارتي حتى نستطيع الكلام.


أختك, Hiroshi:biggthump

إمارات المحبة
20-12-2004, 02:22 PM
مشكورة أختي على الترجمة
يلا أخواني ترجموا المقاطع الثانية بلييييييييز
ما عندي وقت:31: :boggled:

معقولة ما حد دخل غير هالعضوة أنا قلت بيتسابقون على النص وبيخلص اليوم

يالا بليز ما شاللع عليكم عالم

21-12-2004, 10:27 AM

متى اخر يوم لك هذا كثير مرره ليش ماكتبته قبل؟


إمارات المحبة
21-12-2004, 12:52 PM
هلا أخوي
أخر يوم هذه موضحة في الموضوع:vereymad:

وليش ما حطيته من قبل أصلا ما جت الفكرة إلا الحين وزميل اقترحها لي

بس للأسف طلع توقعي عنكم غير جي:17:


والله العظيم زعلت وقلبي عورني

برد بروحي أترجمها و شكلي ما بنام الليل ألا هالقصة والبحث الزفت الثاني

مشكورين على العموم:31:

وما قصرته:31:

يلا برخصتكم

ومشكورة أختي اللي ترجمت النص الأول.. والله يجعله في ميزان حسناتج:)

مع السلامة

أنا بظل أفتح الموضوع لين يوم الخميس فبليز إذا حد بيتبرع وبيترجم لا يبخل علينا___عنده أمل الأخ:أفكر:


إمارات المحبة
22-12-2004, 09:07 AM
ويييييييييييييينكم يا جماعة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

وينك يا faros


mc master

وغيره وغيرم من الأعضاء المعروفين ما أشوفكم دشيتوا موضوعي أو قدمتوا مساعدة

the wold

لو أخذت نص جان خلصته ألحين الله يهديك وريحتنا من جزء ...

25-12-2004, 03:15 PM
مرحبا أختي إمارات المحبة:biggthump

هذه هي القطعة الثانية:

"انه لطف كبير منك، ولكن.... "

"لقد قدمت إلى هنا اليوم لأراك، واريد أن أحادثك بكل جدية، .....عزيزتي. بكل براءة. صغيرتي (جيلي)، انت لم تتغيري.انا مسرورة جدا لذلك. لا أدري ماذا فعلت بك سنة كاملة هنا في لندن. كيف حال جميع أصدقاءك الفتيان؟"

لقد وقع ذلك السؤال فجأة، ولكنه من الواضح أنها تريد إجابة. فقلت لها:"ليس لدي أحد" رأيت انها راضية بإجابتي. بعدها ركبنا سيارتها الفخمة.

" اتوقع أن (كلوثيديل) جعلتك ترتدين تلك القبعة، سعيا في الأوامر. انه ليس عدلا. حسنا، لقد اكتفيت من (كلوثيديل). والآن عليك القدوم معي إلى منزلي. سنذهب إلى مسكنك ونجلب حاجياتك بعدها سنذهب إلى المنزل."

"ولكن لم كل هذا؟ انت لا تعرفيني حق المعرفة؟" كيف عَرِفَت عن (كلوثيديل)؟ وأنني أعيش في سكن. لابد أنها كانت تسأل عني.

"اسمعي (جيلي). اريدك ان تاتي معي. ثلاثمائة باوند في السنة، وبالطبع ستعيشين معنا. اريد شخصا استطيع ان اثق فيه، وتكون بمثابة اختي الصغرى، ترتب الأزهار وما إلى ذلك.

كنت في قمة الاستغراب عندما سمعت ما قالته حيث انني فعلت كل ما طلبته مني. السيارة الفخمة، ومعطف (ريتا) المصنوع من الفرو، اثارت اهتماما في الشارع. أخذتني السيدة (أوستن) جانبا وقالت:

"عزيزتي. هل انت متأكدة ان كل شئ على ما يرام؟ سأكون قلقة عليك. اقرأ اشياء غريبة في الصحف ...فكوني على حذر دوما."

كان المنزل جميلا، تحيطه حدائق غناء يصل إلى أسفل النهر. وقفنا في صالة كبيرة. حمل السائق حقيبتي إلى المنزل، وقدم في استقبالنا خادم كبير في السن. وكأنهم كانوا يتوقعون قدومنا. بدا لي المنزل سعيدا جدا، ماعدا شئ واحد. قالت (ريتا) شيئا للخادم العجوز. كان اسمه (رودكين). عندما استدارت رأيت نظرة كره من الخادم." هناك أشياء كثيرة لم اكتشفه بعد عن (ريتا)"

وضعت (ريتا) ذراعيها حولي. "سنذهب إلى الاستوديو لنرى من هناك"

سلكنا طريقا في نهاية الممر إلى غرفة كبيرة، كانت هناك صورا ملونة معلقة في الحائط المصبوغ باللون الرصاصي. كانت غرفة جميلة في السابق، ولكنه اقيم ليكون جديدا. لقد أصبح رديئا. حتى خزانة الكتب الجميلة في الركن صبغت باللون الأبيض وملأت بالأكواب والزجاجات بدلا من الكتب.كان هناك عشرة أو اثنى عشرة شخصا يشربون.

"قابلوا صديقتي من المدرسة، جاءت هنا لتعيش معي ولتصبح أختى الصغيرة"

قادتني إلى رجل يجلس في كرسي كبير. كان يراني منذ ان دخلنا. وحين اقتربنا منه وقف من على كرسيه. كان شابا و لم يكن مألوفا . كان وجهه شاحبا ولديه لحية سوداء صغير.

لم أحبه. تمنيت ان لا يكون زوجها. "هذا هو الدكتور (هينري فيبوس)" ثم قال:"السيدة فاير رسامة. وأنا مديرها."

بدأت (ريتا) بالتحدث عن الحفلة التي أقيمت في المدرسة. ابتسم الدكتور (فيبوس)، بدا وكأنه يستمع لما تقوله ولكنه لم يبعد انظاره عني.

"وهكذا عثرت على هذه الصغيرة"

"نعم . لقد كانت صديقتي الوحيدة في المدرسة. أليست لطيفة؟"

"نعم. ولكن من دون القبعة. لم تلبسينه آنسة (برايتون)؟"

كنت متعجبة من هذا. لقد عرف اسمي! كيف عرف اسمي؟ لم يذكره احد. (ريتا) قالته. " اخلعي تلك القبعة" أخذ (فيبوس) القبعة بيديه الأبيضين الضخمين. " أنا امنعك من ارتداءه" عبر الغرفة والقاه في الموقد.

(ريتا): "لا بأس. سنشرح الأمر لـ (كلوثيديل) وندفع ثمنه".

كانوا يعاملوني كأني كلب لطيف، والذي أحضره أحد ما إلى هنا. كانت سعيدة بتفوقها، وبدا هو متورطا وقلقا.

إلى اللقاء:ciao:

25-12-2004, 03:24 PM
أهلا مرة أخرى:ciao:

أرجو أن تكون القطعة الثانية قد نالت إعجابك:cool: . وهذه هي القطعة الثالثة.

" ما رأيك بها (هينري)؟ أليست مناسبة تماما لذلك؟"

ثم نظر إلي نظرة جادة. وقال بكل هدوء: "ممتاز. انت امرأة رائعة يا (ريتا). انت ذكية جدا. تخيفين من حولك بذكائك."

امسكت (ريتا) ذراعي بيديها وقالت: "هل تمانعين إذا ذهبت إلى غرفتك الآن. اسألي أي خادم ليدلك على غرفتك"

لقد تغيرت فجأة وأصبحت شاحبة ولم تلفت نظرها إلي أبدا. كانت غرفتي في الجهة القديمة من المنزل. بعد فترة من الزمن جاءت (ريتا) إلى غرفتي مرتدية ثوبا أبيضامصنوعا من السلك ومرصا بالألماس. وكنت حينها أفرغ آخر ما في حقيبتي.

"انا في عجلة من أمري. انا متأسفة جدا لأن علي الخروج في أول ليلة لك هنا. سأحادثك غدا. كبيرة الخدم السيدة (مونسون) ستحضر لك عشاءا لذيذا. وستكونين على ما يرام. أليس كذلك؟"

ثم ذهبت مسرعة. تناولت عشائي بمفردي في غرفة كبيرة تسع لثلاثين شخصا. (رودكين) كان ينتظرني حتى انتهاءي من تناول طعامي.

"الجو لطيف أليس كذلك؟" لم يجب على سؤالي. كان واضحا انه يكره (ريتا) وجميع صديقاتها.

عندما انتهيت من تناول عشائي، قال لي: "يا آنسة، أتوقع انك ترغبين ان تجلسي في غرفة الجلوس لفترة". ثم قادني عب المنزل الهادئ الذي لا يسمع صوتا منه. وفي نهاية الممر فتح ابواب غرفة صغيرة. كان اثاثها جميلا. كل قطعة منها كانت قد اختيرت بتمعن ملحوظ. لم يشبه أي شئ من الغرفة (ريتا). والخدم أيضا، لا يشبهونها. بدا وكأن في المنزل طريقتتين مختلفتين للعيش.

بعد نصف ساعة تقريبا. اكتمل القمر، ذهبت خارجا إلى الحديقة في ضوءه. كانت غرفة كبيرة الخدم مضاءة والمطبخ أيضا كانت كذلك. ولكن كان هناك جزءا من المنزل لم يكن مضاءا. انعطفت يسارا إلى الجانب الآخر من المنزل. في البداية ظننت انه في ظلام دامس، وعندما اقتربت أكثر رأيت نارا يشتعل في المدفأة. لم تكن مضاءة بشئ آخر سوى المدفأة. بدت وكأنها غرفة للموسيقى. رأيت بيانو في تلك الغرفة، فاردت تجربته. ففكرت في نفسي انني اذا عزفت بهدوء فلن يسمعني أحد من المطبخ.

فتحت باب الغرفة بهدوء. ودخلت من دون ان اسمع صوتا. جلست على الكرسي وعزفت لمدة ساعة تقريبا. جميل ان تجلس في غرفة دافئة ومظلم وتعزف ما تشاء من الألحان.

ثم سمعت صوتا ليس بعيدا عني "هل تقتحمين المنازل دائما لتعزفي على البيانو؟"

"آه! آه! انا اعتذر. لم أكن اعلم ان هناك أحد هنا"

ضحك أحدهم. فهرعت إلى الباب وفجأة، لمحت ضوءا من خلف البيانو ورأيت رجلا يجلس في كرسي بعيدا عن النار الموقدة. ظهر عليه المرض والحزن الشديد. كان شاحبا وتعبا. ثم ابتسم وقال: "لا تذهبي. لقد اعجبني عزفك"

تكلمنا عن الموسيقى لبعض الوقت. ثم قلت: "أنا فعلا آسفة عما بدر مني ؛لأني اقتحمت الغرفة. فعلا انا آسفة"

فقال: "تعالي الى هنا وقت ما تشائين. اتمنى ان تجلسي معي لأطول فترة ممكنة. انا اعتذر ؛لأني لا استطيع الوقوف. انها من اتعس ايامي"

"هل استطيع مساعدتك؟ ماذا حدث؟"

"لقد اصبت بطلقة نارية في قدمي و تُرِكتُ في الخارج لمدة اسبوعين في الجو الماطر. وكانت النتيجة ما ترينني عليه الآن . أنا في تحسن.... بطئ جدا. لقد جُئتُ وكأن دعوتي قد استجيبت. قبل قدومك إلى هنا كنت جالسا، شعرت بألم شديد وادعو الله أن يأتي أحدهم و يعزف لي. اجلسي من فضلك وتحدثي معي."

لم ارفض طلبه. كنت على وشك الكلام حين فتح أحد ما الباب، فدخلت امرأة. نَظَرَت إلى بحيرة، لقد كانت غاضبة جدا. اظن انها كبيرة الخدم في المنزل. السيدة (مونسون). كانت تلبس ثوبا أسودا وكان شعرها مشدودا إلى الخلف باحكام.

"مرحبا ماري. لم يحن وقت النوم بعد، أليس كذلك؟"

"لا لم يحن الوقت بعد" تكلمت السيدة (مونسون) ببطء شديد. استطيع ان ارى انها تكن له مشاعر صادقة.

"ظننت انك كنت تعزف على البيانو، ولكن بعدما سمعت الآنسة تتكلم..."

"السيدو (مونسون) كانت ممرضتي عندما كنت صغيرا وما زالت، اليس كذلك؟ ماري"

تحياتي :flybye:

إمارات المحبة
26-12-2004, 09:28 AM
هلا خويتي

مشكورة على الخدمة اللي طول عمري ما رح أنساها

تسلمين يا رب

إن شالله ما أكون تعبتج بس:08:

سلامي لج الغالية


إمارات المحبة