المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المغامرة و الحركة الموضوع الرسمي ل Prince of persi 2

19-12-2004, 03:48 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته


اخيرا نزلت حبيبه الكل

الجزء الثانى من اسطوره برنس

ومثل ما لاحظت اسلوبها اكشن

بس جميله والقصه حلوه

وعلى فكره فى فلم عن هالاسطوره الرائعه قريبا



اسمه محمد ريزا جولزار

شو رايكم فيه

بعدهم ما اختاروا ممثل لكن هالممثل

على من قائمه الممثلين المنتخبين للدور



اتمنى منكم تساعدونى فى هالموضوع

نحاول نحط كل المعلومات



حلول الاستفسارات

وغيرها هنا بدل ما نفتح مليون موضوع


صحيح ان اللعبه بعدها يديده والاسرار والنهايات

بعضها ما انعرف

لكن بنحاول اوكى


من اهم المعلومات اللى سمعت عنها

هى ان اللعبه لها اكثر من نهايه

ويقولون النهايه السريّة

ما توصل لها الا اذا جمعت كل Life Upgrades

اى اللى توقي الدم او الحياه .

ويقولون صعب الوصول لها

وفي ناس يقولون هى 6

وناس يقولون 9

المهم هى 9 لحد الان

وانا لقيتهم بالانجليزى

وحضرتي مو شاطر وايد بالانقليزى

فبحاول اترجمه قد المستطاع

واللى يلقى هالاماكن السرية

يخبرنا باسلوبه اسهل الله يسهل عليه

دنيا وآخره :D


:reporter: وايت

19-12-2004, 03:51 PM
هالطريقه للوصول لمقويات الدم او الحياه

مع بعض المعلومات

1. The past version of the area where you first fight the Crow King. There's a switch on the side at the bottom of the stairs. Normally you'd need to slow down time to be able to get through the timed grate. But so early into the game I don't have that ability yet. So you quickly jump on the side of the stairs and pull yourself up. And roll like crazy up the stairs and through the grate.

2. (Sacrificial Altar - Past) After you defeat Shadee or whatever her name is, you go into the shrine and pull open the stone door.

3. After you receive the key/sword for the main hallway from Kaihleena, you have to move the lever to the third option (that doesn't allow you to the towers). Go to the gap and jump down to the platform 2 feet below. Now Push off and press jump on the walls to slow your descend to the bottom. Now wall run to the right and at the last moment wall jump up. From there wall run to the right again and wall jump down the two walls and slowly make your down to the door.

Now you can either go to the clock tower or the water tower. I chose Water Tower

4. Now when you get to the area where you fight in a mini forest like area where 4 demons and 3 shadows lurk. Run to the left side of the area and there's 2 ledges and a wall run to the right. after that it's only a series of ledges away.

5. This is in the area where there are 4 tall water spouts and 2 mini water spouts. After making your way to the lever that will turn on the spouts. Look up and there should be a doorway.

Now unto the Clock tower.

6. Now when you encounter the bomb throwing Giant. There are two breakable walls in that area. One for a fountain and switch. And the opposite breakable wall is the life upgrade. Use the bomb throwing giant.

7. Two parts to this. Above the area where you fought the Giant or received the Lion Sword. After dispatching the 3 demons there's two walls to break. break then first and then run up the wall to press a switch and immediately slow time and run to the other broken doorway.

8. In the Library. On the second circular balance beam. Jump off unto a ledge and shimmy across the bottom ledge and up to the door.

9. (Courtesy of j000000000000000000j) Remember the Place near the beggining where you chase Shadee and a door shuts behind her? And then you have to go up a set of platforms to finally reach the switch atop the room?. Right before sacrificial pit.

-You must go back there when you get a sword that can break walls.

-Make your way back up this room. Look carefully when on the top platforms.

-There should be A set of metal bars in one of the wall that seem damaged. There's a crate behind those bars.

-Break the metal bars with your sword. Bring the crate onto the platform and look up. You can use the crate to acess a passage in the roof.

That's it! enjoy the secret weapon and second ending!! ( منقول )

19-12-2004, 03:53 PM
على فكره بعضنا عانا من النسخ اللى تعلق او اللى مافيها عروض

للاخوان من الشارقه او دبي اللى حابين ادلهم على نسخ نظيفه

يراسلونى على الخاص

واتمنى من كل الاخوان فى كل بلد ومدينه يساعدوا بعضهم البعض

شرط عالخاص حتى ما ينصادوا هالمحلات