المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : tell me rvry thing about BCNM40

18-01-2005, 07:31 AM

في انواع واجد من BCNM40 وحتى لل سولو :umm2:

ممكن تعلموني كل شي واحسن الخطط لل BCNM40 واكون شاكرلكم

ما ودكم نسويه انا ريد مجيك :tongue2:

Hi-nu gundam
18-01-2005, 10:46 AM

في انواع واجد من BCNM40 وحتى لل سولو :umm2:

ممكن تعلموني كل شي واحسن الخطط لل BCNM40 واكون شاكرلكم

ما ودكم نسويه انا ريد مجيك :tongue2:
Final Fantasy XI
Giddeus BCNM40 Battle Guide
c. 2004 Tristan Baletori
ver. 1.00

Part One: The Basics

BCNM40 is a unique type of boss fight that many players choose to participate
in once they hit level 40+. In this fight, you and your party face several
enemies, and afterwards if you win you can get some VERY expensive loot.
It's called BCNM40 for several reasons: It costs 40 Beastmen's Seals to buy
an orb, and that orb will allow you and everyone in your party to participate
in the fight; all but one of the enemies in the battle are level 40; and 40 is
the level cap for the battle, so if you're higher than 40 you will be
temporarily de-leveled to 40 for the duration of the battle. The "BCNM" part
stands for "Burning Circle Notorious Monster", because you fight these battles
at one of the Burning Circles scattered around in different zones. I strongly
suggest you make sure you're AT 40 and no lower, since these battles aren't
easy and you'll need every bit of those 40 levels. For this document, I'll
assume you're doing BCNM40 Giddeus (against mandragoras) since that's the
easiest of the three to form a bard-centric party for. BCNM40 is an excellent
way to make money for level 40+ characters because the spoils are very rare and
sell for great money. Bards especially benefit from BCNM40 since our ability
to farm for gil is the worst in the game. Certain items that can be gotten
from BCNM battles cannot be gotten anywhere else in the game, so the demand
for BCNM parties is quite high. It's a LOT of work to win the battle, but the
payoff is extreme.

Your opponents for this battle will be seven Domovois (mandragora-enemies, all
level 40, with the standard array of mandragora abilities), and their master,
the Dvorovoi (a larger, scary-looking black mandragora with some VERY nasty
tools at his disposal, including Paralyga [huge AOE, casts a very strong
version of Paralyze on everyone in the area] and the ancient magic Flood).
The Dvorovoi is your true enemy, and he's a level 45 monster.

A note: Due to the introduction of new BCNM battles, there are now several
choices for each type of orb. The level 40 orb is called "Star Orb", and the
battle this guide covers is officially called "Balga's Dais - Steamed Sprouts".
This particular BCNM40 is probably the easiest for a standard party+bard
formation. If you're going to be doing an all-beastmaster party, I highly
recommand Ghelsba BCNM40 "Horlais Peak - Tails of Woe". You'll be fighting
rarab-type enemies there instead of mandragoras. Because rarabs have high
offense, the battle will go much quicker since the rabbits will hit much harder
than the onions would. Charming the mandragoras takes too long because their
attacks are so weak that they take too long to kill one another.

Additional note: This guide talks in detail about BCNM40 from a bard's point
of view. Not only am I a bard, but the bard has the most important role to
play in BCNM40, so more will be discussed about that role than any other.
However, don't think that the bard is the ONLY important member of the party:
every class has a job to do and a role to serve in this fight. The bard can't
win without the support of the other members. ONLY a cohesive, intelligent
team can hope to win these grueling fights. Everyone must know their job
and do it quickly and efficiently. Anyway, back to Giddeus and Balga's Dais.

i'll give you 1 gil if you finshed it in 5 min :tongue2:

Hi-nu gundam
18-01-2005, 10:52 AM

see the link for more infos

27-01-2005, 02:11 PM
is there a BCNM that you can solo???
which one is it ??and what lvl??i want to try it out

Hi-nu gundam
27-01-2005, 07:50 PM
i don't think so bcmn are really hard you fight like 7 mobs thats in your lv and more

thats the easy fight lol

i saw a whole party in full AF in bastok going for bcnm it looks scary>,> lol

28-01-2005, 06:13 PM
:33: وهذا اللي كنت اعرفه ...بس استغربت من المعلومة في اول الموضوع :06:

بو ضاري
28-01-2005, 06:50 PM
ياجماعه في MNK سوا BCNM40 سولو ..

28-01-2005, 09:09 PM
ياليت اسم الـ BCNM

28-01-2005, 10:51 PM
السلام عليكم

ماعتقد ان فيه BCNM سولو بحثت في النت مالقيت والي عنده اي معلومه من الشباب ياليت يشاركنا فيها .
اما بالنسبه لل MNK فهو عمل سولو mission 6 / RANK3 وبالتحديد ل WINDREST DRAGON والفيديو موجود عندي للي حاب يشوفه

RIEEKIL /wave :wizard:

29-01-2005, 12:35 AM
فيه BCNM تقدر تسويه بلحالك BCNM 50 على ما اعتقد ..

تدخل تلقى 3 chest's .. الي اعرفه انه واحد منهم فيه item's و اثنين فيهم وحوش XD ..
انا الصراحه ما دخلته لكن واحد من الشباب داخله من زمان ..
هو مايسوى الا اذا طاحت لك الـ item's المحترمه ... صراحه ناسيها بس انها تسوى ^^ .

29-01-2005, 09:58 AM
mission 6 ممكن تسويها solo في امكانية اعتقد ...
ياليت اذا احد عنده معلومة بـ BCNM تقدر عليه لحالك ....يعطينا الاسم اذا ممكن ...لانه في اكثر من واحد لكل LVL
ومشكورين للتفاعل ^_^

31-01-2005, 02:44 AM
فيه BCNM تقدر تسويه بلحالك BCNM 50 على ما اعتقد ..

تدخل تلقى 3 chest's .. الي اعرفه انه واحد منهم فيه item's و اثنين فيهم وحوش XD ..
انا الصراحه ما دخلته لكن واحد من الشباب داخله من زمان ..
هو مايسوى الا اذا طاحت لك الـ item's المحترمه ... صراحه ناسيها بس انها تسوى ^^ .
هذا السولو الي اقصده

31-01-2005, 12:49 PM
T_T LVL 50 باقي لي كثير ...هم رفعت المستوى من بعد 40

Hi-nu gundam
31-01-2005, 06:11 PM
lol 50! i just got to 30

and the dragon got a lv25 cap you can't solo him

but i'd like to see this guy who did

good luck

01-02-2005, 04:12 AM
and the dragon got a lv25 cap you can't solo him

but i'd like to see this guy who did


09-02-2005, 05:07 PM
My friend is mnk and he kind of solod the dragon but he had a rdm that only Cure him .... he wiped the dragons ass with The Hundred Fist

09-02-2005, 05:12 PM
يونا مو لازم تكونين LVL50 عشان تدخلين BCNM50 جقت ال3 Chest اصلا لو كنتي 50 ودخلتي وطلعلك الوحش راح تموتين لانه صعب وخفسي ..... انا دخلت يوم كنت 40 عاادي هي بس تعتمد على الحظ