المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أخبار سياسية أستاذأمريكي يشيد بأبطال 11سبتمبر

حدوتة مصرية
12-02-2005, 06:52 PM
أشاد الناشط في الدفاع عن حقوق الهنود الحمر الأمريكيين ،اٍستاذ الدراسات الأ ثنيه (الأعراق البشريه) في جامعة كولورادو (الأستاذ وورد تشرتشل)بمنفذي الهجوم على مركز التجارة العالمية بنيويورك في 11 سبتمبر واصفا أياهم بالمضحين الشجعان فيما شبه قتلى تلك الهجوم من الموظفين ذوي الياقات البيضاء بالنازيين من أمثال (أدولف أيخمان) وذلك في خطاب له أمام أكثر من 1000من الحضور الذين قاطعوا خطابه أكثر من مرة بالتصفيق الحاد كما جاء نصا في الخبر أدناه.. وكان ذلك الأستاذ قد كتب عدة مقالات وأصدر كتابا يعرض فيه وجهة نظره تلك!

السؤال ماذا لو كان ذلك الأستاذ عربي الأصل أو مسلم الأعتقاد ؟...أم كان الأن يرزح في أحد السجون الأمريكية مثلما يرزح العديد من أساتذة الجامعات الأمريكية من العرب الأمريكيين منذ سنوات لمجرد الدفاع عن القضية الفلسطينية ، ولكن حرية التعبير كما يبدو واضحا مكفولة للبعض دون الأخر، أما من يدافع عن همجية وجرائم أسرائيل وديمقراطية وحرية سجون أبو غريب وجوانتانامو وغيرها من السجون الأمريكية (العائمة أو في البلدان المتواطئة) والأنجليزية والأسرائيلية المخصصة للعرب والمسلمين دون غيرهم ،كما دافع الأسرائيلي(شارانسكي)عن تلك الممارسات بأسم الحرية والديمقراطية في كتابه الأخير، فيستقبل في البيت الأبيض وتستشهد بمقولاته( كوندي) وربما يمنح جائزة نوبل للسلام أو الأدب كما منح غيرة لأسباب سياسية ضحلة محضه

Professor won't back down on 9/11 controversy

He called white-collar workers at World Trade Center 'little Eichmanns'

BOULDER, Colo. - An embattled University of Colorado professor who likened Sept. 11 victims to Nazis got a standing ovation when he told a campus audience of more than 1,000 people that “I’m not backing up an inch.”

Ward Churchill, who had filed a lawsuit after the state-funded university threatened to cancel his address, was interrupted several times by thunderous applause.

Churchill has resigned as chairman of the university’s ethnic studies department. Gov. Bill Owens has called for Churchill to be fired, and the university’s Board of Regents is investigating whether the tenured professor can be removed.

“I don’t answer to Bill Owens. I do not answer to the Board of Regents in the way they think I do. The regents should do their job and let me do mine,” Churchill said to thunderous clapping. “I’m not backing up an inch. I owe no one an apology.”

Nazi comparison
In an essay, Churchill wrote that white-collar workers in the World Trade Center were the equivalent of “little Eichmanns,” a reference to Adolf Eichmann, who ensured the smooth running of the Nazi system. Churchill also spoke of the “gallant sacrifices” of the “combat teams” that struck America.

The ethnic studies professor said Tuesday his essay was referring to “technocrats” who participate in what he calls repressive American policies around the world.

A longtime American Indian Movement activist, he said he is also culpable because his efforts to change the system haven’t succeeded. “I could do more. I’m complicit. I’m not innocent,” he said.

The Boulder Faculty Assembly, which represents professors at the Boulder campus, has said Churchill’s comments were “controversial, offensive and odious” but supports his right to say them based on the principle of academic freedom.

Attempt to cancel speech
During his 35-minute speech, Churchill said the essay was not referring to children, firefighters, janitors or people passing by the World Trade Center who were killed during the attacks.

The essay and follow-up book attracted little attention until Churchill was invited to speak last month at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., which later canceled his talk out of security concerns.

University of Colorado officials cited those same concerns but backed off after Churchill filed a lawsuit earlier Tuesday asking a judge to force the school to let him speak.

The crowd Tuesday night was loud and orderly as Churchill spoke: “I do not work for the taxpayers of the state of Colorado. I do not work for Bill Owens. I work for you,” he said.

About two dozen police officers were scattered inside and around the ballroom where the speech was given. Most of those attending supported Churchill.

“I’ve read some of Ward’s work,” said 26-year-old Vinita Laroia, an environmental studies major. “I think what he has to say is true and interesting. I wanted to hear his actual voice say what he’s thinking.”

Free speech cited
The ACLU issued a statement defending Churchill’s right to speak out and called on regents, legislators and the governor “to stop threatening Mr. Churchill’s job because of the content of his opinions.”

David Horowitz, a champion of conservative causes who has long accused American universities of overstocking their faculties with leftists, has said firing Churchill would violate his First Amendment rights and set a bad precedent.

He called instead for an inquiry into the university’s hiring and promotion procedures to see how Churchill managed to rise to the chairmanship of the school’s ethnic studies department.

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http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6937239/ (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6937239/)
