المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام لقاء مع رئيس شركة Immersion Corp حول قضية سوني!!!

31-03-2005, 12:04 PM
السلام عليكم,

اللقاء التالي تم مع رئيس شركة Immersion فيكتور فيجاس حول القضية المرفوعة ضد شركة Sony :

GameSpot: Is this week's decision a victory? Is the heavy lifting over for Immersion Corp.?

Victor Viegas: On September 21, 2004, the jury reached a meaningful verdict, a unanimous verdict. They found that 16 claims of two patents were both infringed and valid, and they awarded us damages of $82 million. The judge's decision [this week] was consistent with the jury's findings, and she added to that interest of $8.7 million, for a total award of $90.7 million.

GS: You sound pleased.

VV: We're happy that she eliminated or dismissed a number of defenses and arguments made by Sony. I wouldn't call it a victory. [The decision] is still subject to appeals, number one. Number two, it's a judgment based on a verdict of $82 million, which is a 1.37 percent royalty for infringing products that were sold. Our typical license is approximately 5 percent of the wholesale selling price.

GS: Sony got quite a bargain in the decision.

VV: That's right. It will be hard to call it a real victory because it's a lower royalty rate than we would be happy with.

We believe any infringing product should cease to be sold. [The judge] stayed a permanent injunction, but she allowed Sony to continue to sell those products while they appeal this judgment.

GS: Let's say they appeal, but the court or the judge does not recognize their argument. Does Sony then become a long-term licensee of your technology, conforming to the 1.37 percent royalty fee?

VV: Let's say that we go through appeals, and Immersion wins the appeal, and the judgment is enforced, then they could no longer sell these products. That's the big risk to them.

If, on the other hand, they feel that that risk is too great, they could begin negotiations with Immersion on acceptable licensing terms.

GS: Have negotiations been taking place with that in mind over recent years since you brought the initial complaint, back in February of '02?

VV: We've had a number of discussions from before the trial began, or the lawsuit was filed in February of '02, and we've had subsequent discussions throughout the process. But none of those discussions have led to any meaningful resolution or settlement.

I would say, at this stage, Sony has taken the position that they feel they're better off trying to win this in court, or through appeals.

GS: This is not just an appeal to overturn the verdict, but an appeal for resolution entirely in their favor, right?

VV: That's right.

GS: In what way do you think that this legal argument affects gamers, or should be of interest to gamers?

VV: The most meaningful thing to a gamer would be the risk of this permanent injunction. If suddenly Sony can't sell games, obviously consumers will be affected. Retailers, obviously will be affected. Third-party providers, suppliers to Sony, game publishers who publish these games won't be able to sell them. So there would be a dramatic impact for anybody who currently is using a PlayStation product.

And it probably is very good for the Xbox product line.

The question is, will Sony allow this to occur, will they at some point decide that it's better to resolve this than risk losing their PlayStation franchise? You can only assume that they would, but we've been at this for three years and they haven't decided to go in that direction. So they decided to fight it at all costs through court--and that, I think, does subject their customers and their partners to some risk, if, in fact, the permanent injunction is in place without stay.

GS: Had you pitched Sony in terms of them incorporating your technology prior to the Feb. '02 lawsuit?

VV: Oh, yeah. We've talked about not only the technology they're currently using that infringes our patents, but we've talked about new technology that includes better, more precise effects. We have technology that would work on the wireless platform, so wireless controllers with high fidelity effects are available. We have lots of new technology above and beyond that which they're currently using.

GS: Any crossover into the PSP camp here?

VV: I can't honestly say that we've talked about the wireless platform, the PSP, but we've shown them demonstrations of wireless controllers that could clearly work on any PlayStation embodiment. And we also have shown them technology that is about to be launched by Samsung in the cell phone market. That's the same technology that could easily be incorporated in a handheld gaming device.

GS: How important is the gaming industry to the Immersion business model?

VV: It's very important. We have in excess of 20 other licensees in the gaming space. People like Apple, Microsoft, Logitech, Intec, Mad Catz...we have a lot of licensees. In fact, we just signed three additional licensees in the last few months, including Joytech and Gemini.

The gaming industry is a very important part of our business. It's also the number one volume product which incorporates Immersion technology. From purely a consumer awareness standpoint, it's important that the experience be high quality, and high volume. Yet the largest shipper of Immersion technology is not licensed.

That is not fair to our existing licensees or to our shareholders


من الواضح بأن سوني في مشكلة حقيقية والذي يتمثل في حديث رئيس شركة اميرجن فيكتِر فيجاس!

لكن, ليكن معلوماً لدى الجميع بأن ما يجب على سوني دفعه للشركة يعتبر امر لازم عليها مسبقاً!! أي هي عبارة عن مصروفات مستحقة على الشركة سابقاً ولم تدفعها الى حتى هذا اليوم, علماً بأن سوني كان من المفروض ان تدفع ما يقارب 5% فقط من سعر البيع الاجمالي الى شركة اميرجن لكي تحصل على الترخيص!!! ووفقاً للمبلغ الواجب على سوني دفعه وهو ( 82$ مليون بدون فوائد) , فانه لا يشكل الا 1.37% من مبيعاتها!!! وهذا ما ادى بالمدير فيكتِر فيجاس الى عدم اعتبار هذا الحكم بهذا المبلغ انتصاراً كاملاً للشركة!

لكن اللافت للنظر, بان اذا صدر الحكم على سوني بهذا المبلغ فانه سيتم وقف منتجاتها في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية ( واقصد بالمنتجات هي المنتجات التي دارت عليها القضية) مما سيسبب مشاكل عدة لناشري العاب سوني ولمحلات التأجير ولمستخدمي اجهزة سوني مما سيشكل مشكلة حقيقية لسوني وفي هذه الحالة سيكون المستفيد هو ...الاكس بوكس!

اللقاء جميل ويوضح بأن سوني لم تتوصل الى اتفاق مع شركة اميرجن قبل رفع القضية في فبراير 2002 وذلك بسبب اعتقاد سوني بكسب القضية سواء في حالة رفعها او في حالة استئنافها!

وقد ذكر الرئيس فيكتِر فيجاس بأن شركته تملك تطويرات اخرى ستكون ضرورية لشركة سوني في المستقبل كذراع التحكم اللاسلكي وغيره!

للمعلومية فقط , فان من شركاء شركة اميرجن شركة ساسونج و كوالكوم في مجال الهواتف, بالاضافة الى شركة ميدترونيك في مجال الطب!

المصدر: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/03/30/news_6121323.html

عموماً, شكراً

31-03-2005, 12:15 PM
والله القضية معقدة شوي...

بس كل فترة و فترة نسمع عن اخترعات تستعمل لمده و تطلع شركة أو أكثر و تقول انه هالاختراع لي...و من فترة قرات بموقع Games4arab عن قضية لصالح شركة سيغا تدعي فيها ان سوني استخدمت تقنية لها بس ما عاد اذكر شو هيي...

المهم الله ينهيها على خير :) ... طبعا مثل العادة ميكروسوفت حلت قضيتها من ورا و باللف و الدوران...:)

31-03-2005, 02:18 PM
في الحقيقه ...يجب ان نعرف جميعنا ان شركة سوني حققت نجاحا قويا
في السنوات الاخيرة ومن المعلوم ان شركة سوني لاتبيع منتجا واحدا فقط
واثبتت الاحصائيات ان مبيع فقط البلاي ستيشن حقق الكثير...
اذا هناك شركات كبرى تريد فرض نفسها بالقوه على شركة سوني
واعتقد (طبعا هذه وجهة نظري الشخصية)ان هناك تأمر من بعض
الشركات على شركة سوني لماذا ؟
ربما لتضرب بسمعتها , وهذا اولا مهم لهم قبل صدور اي منتج جديد
سواء PS3 اوغيره من منتجاتها التي اثبتت جودتها.
ولصالح من ؟؟ طبعا هناك منافس XBOX2ومن المعلوم ان مايكروسوفت
عملت على احتكار الكثير من المنتجات منها الوندوز الذي استخدمه الان
لاننا اذا نظرنا لاخطاء بعض الشركات نراها فادحة وهذه الاخطاء
كثيرة منها سرقه حقوق الغير ولا اريد الاساءه اعذروني
وشعوب العالم هي التي تختار الشي الذي تفضله ..بكل حريه
ارجو ان تسامحوني على سوء التعبير لكن اتمنى ان يكون المقصد قد وصل
اليوم انا متعب قليلا
هذا ولكم تحياتي:أفكر: