المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أول المعلومات عن فلم Metroid !!!!!

Snake Fang
04-04-2005, 05:11 PM
السلام عليكم ^^

كيف الحال جميعآ ؟ ,,, ان شاء الله بخير :) ..

أعلنت Nintendo عن نيتها بأن يكون هناك فلم سنمائي خاص بالأسطورة Metroid .. و قد تم الأن فعلآ الكشف عن الفلم , و بعض من المعلومات المتعلقة به ..

According to a report in today's Variety, famously low-budget movie

company Troma Studios, best known for its Toxic Avenger franchise, is moving forward with a live-action adaptation of Nintendo's respected Metroid franchise. The production company has secured German director Uwe Boll for the project, according to the trade magazine.

As a director, Boll has worked exclusively on videogame franchises, first piloting the critically panned Sega adaptation House of the Dead and more recently delivering audiences the box office bomb Alone in the Dark, which starred Christian Slater. The director recently completed a movie version of Majesco's BloodRayne games, and in addition to Metroid is tied to a number of future videogame-to-movie licenses, such as the PC first-person shooter Far Cry.

http://media.ign.com/ign/image/pixy.gifhttp://media.ign.com/ign/image/pixy.gif"I couldn't be more excited to be involved with this project," Boll told Variety. "Samus Aran is one of the greatest heroine's in videogames and the Metroid universe is practically made for the big screen."

Variety reveals that the tough and edgy Michelle Rodriguez has been lined up to play Metroid bounty hunter Samus Aran. Rodriguez is no stranger to videogame adaptations herself. The actress formerly starred in Hollywood's re-imagining of Capcom's survival horror title Resident Evil. We presume that the dark-haired beauty will be dying her hair blonde for her role as Samus.

Ironically, Rodriguez may not be the biggest Metroid fan. When asked what her favorite videogame systems were in an online interview last year, she responded: "It's not GameCube (http://cube.ign.com/articles/600/600860p1.html#), that's for sure... that machine's for kids. The games are juvenile."

Purists may be discouraged to learn that the Metroid movie, which is still without an official name, will not follow the storylines in any of the games. Rather, the film will be set in the near future on an Earth that has recently been attacked by an alien race. Samus Aran, a scientist for the government, will don a special suit in order to fight off the alien attackers.

"One thing the games have never done is explore the Samus character," Boll told Variety. "What does she do when she's not blasting things? What are her passions? I want people to learn about the woman behind the helmet."

With a reported budget of $19 million, the movie is currently in pre-production and is set to start filming this June. Troma is shooting for a January 2006 release. Variety also didn't report any of this because it's an April Fools joke


معلش شباب خيرها في غيرها :p

و شكرآ
snake fang

04-04-2005, 05:18 PM
وانا اقرى المقاله .. انقلب وجهي لـ":vereymad: " .. بس الحمدلله انها طلعت كذبه ابريل -_______- ..

اكره هاليوم 1 أبريل :أفكر: ..

Tomb raider
04-04-2005, 09:01 PM
ههه الحمد لله اني ما قرأته كامل
قريت سنيك يقول خيرها بغيرها وبعدين على طول قرأت الكلام اللي بالاحمر
ههه وعرفت
وأكره الانجليز وسخافتهم :jap018:
شمكور سنيك ^-^

05-04-2005, 01:17 AM
معليش سنيك ما مشت علينا ( كنت قاريها قبل هيك )

خيرها بغيرها :09: