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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Project Gotham Damageلعبة جديه على الأكس بوكس

10-09-2001, 09:33 AM
Project Gotham Damage

Get intimate with the Gotham damage models, and enjoy a bonus movie to boot!

September 7, 2001
Project Gotham's got a lot going for it -- incredible detail, the kudos system, fast cars and detailed replicas of real cities, just to name a few. But best of all, it's one of the few racing games to feature damage models for real life cars. Car companies are incredibly nervous about allowing their highly marketed machinery to explode, crunch, spindle or mutilate, which is why you usually see no damage, like in the Gran Turismo seris, or cartoon type damage like in Beetle Adventure Racing.
Microsoft managed to pull off the impossible in Midtown Madness by having real life cars crunch and flip to oblivion, and now it seems to be using its marketing muscle to open the crashable doors for Bizarre Creation's unofficial sequel to the Dreamcast game Metropolis Street Racer. We managed to secure some exclusive screens of Project Gotham's damage model on three different cars, and as an added bonus, nabbed a new movie of the game to boot. Check out crunched bumpers below, then watch the movie for amazing driver detail that will have your eyes popping in shock.
----------------------------------------------------الفرق بين السياره الحقيقيه والسياره الثري دي برمجه على الأكس بوكس
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