المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : E3 2005: مقابلة IGN مع Katsuya Eguchi حول Animal Crossing DS ^^ ...

Lunar Poet
20-05-2005, 02:23 PM
السلام عليكم ^^ ..

كيف حالكم ^^؟ ان شاء الله الجميع بخير ^^ ...

قام IGN باجراء مقابلة مع Katsuya Eguchi حول لعبة Animal Crossing DS ^^ .. و قد دار النقاش بين IGN و Katsuya Eguchi كالتّالي ^^:

IGN: I've noticed a lot of extra elements included in the Nintendo DS design on top of the familiar GameCube design, such as the ability to add hats and glasses to your character. What sort of additional elements will this game have when it's finished?

Katsuya Eguchi: In the Nintendo DS version you can obviously use the system's WiFi abilities to have as many as four players in your village and communicate with them in realtime. And it's not in the E3 version but the department store will have an additional floor. And, of course, the ability to play the game anytime, anywhere is something that just wasn't possible on the GameCube version.

IGN: What's the reasoning behind the rolling effect of the land in the Nintendo DS version?

Katsuya Eguchi: The reason we went with the "rolling log" effect: if you look at the top screen, that's the sky. And it makes more sense to do this effect than using the scrolling camera since the sky is on top.

IGN: Why do we need to see the sky?

Katsuya Eguchi: In the GameCube version, there were balloons that floated around the village, and you'll be able to see these on the Nintendo DS version as they float up into the sky. And the pelican that delivers the mail? Players will be able to shoot him down and make him drop his mail. At night, stars will appear, and you will be able to connect the stars and create constellations for your village.

IGN: One of the main reasons people played through Animal Crossing was to collect hidden NES games. Is this something that will be in the Nintendo DS version?

Katsuya Eguchi: At this time, there are no plans to do this in the Nintendo DS game.

IGN: People felt that the NES games were a "special" item to collect. What will be put into Animal Crossing DS that would be special and rare?

Katsuya Eguchi: The NES games in the GameCube version sort of took players away from the adventure, and for the Nintendo DS version we wanted to put more focus on living in the Animal Crossing world. Right now there are no plans to include these games, but I don't think the Nintendo DS version will feel lacking without them.

IGN: Will there be anything special for players who go online?

Katsuya Eguchi: There is one idea we're considering: creating a unique character that might appear in your village. Players can then create this character's face using the art program. When the character leaves your village he might show up in someone else's village where they'll see your face creation as well as find out information about your village.

IGN: Will players be able to visit villages of players that aren't currently online?

Katsuya Eguchi: : No, both people will have to be online at the same time.

IGN: What about sending messages to other players using the Animal Crossing mail system? Do you have to visit their village just to send them email?

Katsuya Eguchi: Yes, you'll have to go to that person's village town hall in order to send them mail.

IGN: How will the online work in terms of interface?

Katsuya Eguchi: In the GameCube version there was a train station, and in the DS version there's a gate in a similar location to where the train station was located. And in this gate is Copper from the GameCube version who is now a gatekeeper. And you can tell them that you want someone to come visit, so they'll open the gate. Or, you can tell them that you want to go visit someone, and they'll search out available villages, and if they find one, they'll let you out. When you appear in someone's village, that person will get a message that you have arrived. The screen will cut away, the gate will appear, and they'll see you arrive in their village.

IGN: How will you restrict people from visiting if you open up your gate?

Katsuya Eguchi: In order to avoid strangers coming into your town, we make players create a friends list. You can manually enter in that person's name to give them access to your village, or if you've connected with them locally you can opt to add their name to your friends list for online play.

IGN: How would you compare the Nintendo DS version to the GameCube version?

Katsuya Eguchi: The characters we selected for the Nintendo DS version were the most popular ones from the GameCube version. In addition to those, we've created new characters. There are about the same number of items in the Nintendo DS version, some from the GameCube and some new ones.

IGN: One of the cool elements in the GameCube game was the Animal Island that appeared when connecting the GBA system to the GameCube. Will the Nintendo DS have a separate island to visit that's not immediately attached to the main village?

Katsuya Eguchi: The reason why we created the Animal Island was to give something for people to take with them on the Game Boy Advance. Maybe with the DS we'll do something similar between the DS and the Revolution.

× آسف لأني ما ذكرت أهم النقاط بس مشغول شوي XD .. ×

و شكراً ^^
Lunar Poet

20-05-2005, 02:46 PM
انا قريت هالمقابله وخلاص انهبلت على اللعبة!!!!!!!

على فكرة علشان تزور مدن اصدقائك *لازم تكون اونلاين* مع الاسف .. قالها في المقابله يعني توقعي في ان تقدر تزور اصدقائك وانت اوفلاين خطأ لأن قال:
No, both people will have to be online at the same time

اهم النقاط:

- مافيه العاب NES تجمعها ..
- تقدر تكون قائمة بالـFriend List وهم اللي يقدرون يزورونك بدون اخذ اذن في الاونلاين
- الحين مع بيئة العالم "الكروية" والشاشة العلوية .. تقدر تشوف النجوم في الليل وتقدر حتى تكون مجموعتك النجمية الخاصة .. وتستطيع مشاهدة الطير اللي يوصل الرسائل (نسيت اسمه ×.×)
- جميع ماكنت تفعله في نسخة الجيم كيوب موجود هنا .. لكن مع اضافات عديدة
- احتمال يكون في توصيل بينها وبين نسخة الريفيلوشين .. حيث تم الكشف عن وجود جزء قادم للريفيلوشين

Snake Fang
20-05-2005, 02:46 PM
في اٍنتظار اللعبة بفارغ الصبر ,, شكلها راح تستخدم قدرات الجهاز بشكل ممتاز :bigeyes: ..
شكرآ لونار :biggthump ..

و شكرآ

20-05-2005, 06:39 PM
مشكور لونار على المقابلة ، بانتظر اللعبة :)

20-05-2005, 07:39 PM

والله انا متحمس
تشكر لونر



20-05-2005, 08:58 PM
شباب هي اللعبة ايش فكرتها ؟؟ يعني لو أنا كنت أف لاين ماالذي أفعله في اللعبة ؟(1 player):06:

هل هي مغامرات ؟ أكشن ؟ :06:


20-05-2005, 10:12 PM
إياد اللعبة شبيهة بلعبة the sims ... يعني لعبة محاكاة و لكن تتحكم بالحيوانات + بتحس بلمسة ننتندو الفنية باللعبة :)