المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام موضوع مفصل بالكامل مع صور على البلاستيشن3

26-05-2005, 12:33 AM
جهاز البلاستيشن 3 الاعجوبة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

جهاز البلاستيشن3 الجهاز الدى كان منتظرا من قبل هواة البلاستيشن وقد جاء هذا الجهاز ليعيد صدارة شركة سونى (اليابنية) فى انظمة العاب الفيديو ولكن حتى الان لم تعطى معلومات مفيذة عن هذا الجهاز تتبث انه جهاز خارق (سوبر) كما يقال!! ولكن دعنا لانخطىْ فى حق شركة (سونى) ونرى المميزات التى قمت بجمعها لكم لكى تعرفوا حقيقة هذا الجهاز ونبدا الان :

اولا: معلومات عن الجهاز "

الشركة المصممة : سونى كمبيوتر انترتيمنت

اصل الشركة : اليابان

لون الجهاز : رمادى اللون

نوع دسكات الجهاز : البلو راى

سعر الجهاز : غير محدد حاليا ...

ثانيا: مواصفات الجهاز بالكامل "

1- حجم الجهاز : اكبر من السابق بقليل .

2- كرت الذاكرة : موجود فى دراع التحكم .

3- دراع التحكم : بالليزر وعن بعد وصورتها موجودة تحت .

4- داكرة الجهاز : 512 باش .

5- قراةء الجهاز : يقراء دسكات ps1 , ps2 ,dvd ,cd)

6- الجرافيك : غير معروف للان .

اتمنى ان اعجبكم هذا الشرح عن الجهاز انه ليس مفصل ولكن هذا المتوفر للان وساضع موضوع جديد خلال هذا الاسبوع ولزالت ابحث عن معلومات لاضعه مفصل عن جهاز البلاستيشن 3 . وشكرا ...

الكاتب : سبيد 2 . لمزيد من الاخبار زيارة موقعى www.n2005.tk

26-05-2005, 12:52 AM
The new PlayStation 3 console has a simple design, resembling a minimalist stereo component. The clean lines of the new case will be available in three different colors: white, black, and silver. In an attempt to make inroads with the general consumer, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have all given much more attention to cosmetic considerations in this console generation.

Like the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Revolution, the PlayStation 3 will be able to stand vertically or sit horizontally on an AV rack. The curved console-top suggests that the PS3 will need to sit at the very top of your equipment stack if placed horizontally.

Holy Bluetooth Controllers, Batman!

The new PlayStation 3 controller resembles what can very easily be described as a "batarang." The crescent shaped controller looks to offer the same number of buttons and analog joysticks as the PlayStation 2 controller in a new, aerodynamic design that is sure to strike fear into the criminal element. The ever-present square, circle, triangle, and X buttons make their appearance in the same arrangement as in previous Dual Shock 2 controllers. The familiar dual analog joysticks and D pad are located in all the right places.

http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2005/features/ps3inandout/ps3inandout_embed001.jpg (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6125429/screens_6125429.html?page=1)
The new wireless controllers for the PS3 have a very...interesting design. (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6125429/screens_6125429.html?page=1)

Like the Xbox 360 controller, the new PlayStation 3 controller will be wireless but will function via Bluetooth 2.0 EDR. Devices operating with Bluetooth generally have a range of 30 feet. Sony reports that the controller will have a 24-hour battery life, a figure that seems to be in line with other Bluetooth devices, but far short of the 300-hour 2.4GHz models used in the PlayStation 2. Despite the decreased battery life, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR offers numerous features. Bluetooth 2.0 EDR can transmit data at rates of up to 3.0Mbps. Furthermore by using Bluetooth, the PlayStation 3 may be capable of supporting other Bluetooth devices on the market like headsets, mice, or keyboards.

The PSP handheld will be able to work with the new console via the built-in Wi-Fi connection. The PSP will be able to function as a remote control or as a sort of controller for the PlayStation 3. Sony has not announced if there will be games with added functionality only accessible through a PSP.

Media Mogul

The PlayStation 3 has an enormous number of inputs and outputs, some wired, some not. The console features a front-slot-loading Blu-ray optical disc drive, six USB ports, a memory stick, compact flash, and SD readers to provide for an absurd level of media connectivity. The unit even has a slot for a detachable 2.5-inch hard drive. Sony has not made it clear what the drive will be used for, but when you start looking at all the different kinds of media the PS3 supports, Sony needed the hard drive support to complete the PS3's media compatibility empire.

http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2005/features/ps3inandout/ps3inandout_embed002.jpg (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6125429/screens_6125429.html?page=2)
The PS3 does not lack for ports and other connection options (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6125429/screens_6125429.html?page=2)

In a not-so-strange turn of events, Sony decided to use its proprietary Blu-ray technology on the PlayStation 3. Each Blu-ray disc can hold up to 54GB worth of data, which should virtually guarantee that games won't be left wanting for extra media space. The PlayStation 3 also comes with support for many of the older disc formats including CR-ROM, CDR+W, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, and DVD+R.

Armed with three Gigabit Ethernet ports (1 x input, 2 x output) and built-in 802.11 b/g wireless connectivity, the PlayStation 3 looks more like a router than a gaming device. We already know that the PSP will interact with the PlayStation 3 over the Wi-Fi connection, but the two Ethernet outputs offer some intriguing connection options. Sony might use the Gigabit LAN connector to string several PlayStation 3 consoles together for some system-link action.

Got HD Televisions?

Sony boasted in its E3 presentation that the PlayStation 3 could output 1080p over two separate HDMI outputs, enabling dual-HDTV gaming. However, this is a future-looking feature to say the least, as most HDTVs on the market today cannot output 1080p. Most HD televisions only support the standard 720p and 1080i HD resolutions. The "i" in 1080i stands for interlaced, and the "p" in 1080p stands for progressive. Interlaced video draws onto a TV using every other line. Progressive video, or progressive scan, allows the TV to render every line. Like 1080i, 1080p functions at a resolution of 1920x1080, but the progressive scan means that 1080p is twice as hard to do as 1080i. The PlayStation 3 should support composite, S-video, and component video outputs, but you might need to get a breakout cable to get these non-HDMI connectors.

26-05-2005, 12:54 AM
أسف جدا!!! على اللغة بالانجليزى واعدكم :vereymad: بترجمتها قريبا ان شاء الله ...

26-05-2005, 01:33 AM
يعطيك العافية اخوي وماقصرت ..ومقدرين جهدك (في الرد الأول) ..

لكن الموضوع مكرر ومافيه أي شي جديد .. وهناك موضوع مخصص لجهاز PS3 :

E3 2005 : الكشف عن ال PS3 (الموضوع الرسمي) (http://www.montada.com/showthread.php?t=373798)