المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الألعاب القتالية Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Dark Zero
12-07-2005, 10:04 AM
هلا أيها القوم، كيف حالكم؟ بما أن اللعبة نزلت أظن إنه بعضكم حصل عليها، لكني ما لقيتها في أي محل فبكمل أدور عليه.
على أية حال هذا الموضوع هو حال الـcombos و النقاش عن هذي اللعبة إذا عندك combo حطه هنا. أنا عندي وايد combos بس باقي أعدل فيهم شوي و بحطهم.
يلا نشوفكم.

12-07-2005, 05:57 PM
بعدي ما قدرت أحصلها >_<
إن شاء الله اليوم بسير المحل أشيك على اللعبة :)

Kula Diamond
12-07-2005, 07:53 PM
didn't get it yet....:(

hopefully next week

12-07-2005, 09:50 PM
It's availble on torrents since last month, rleased on 27th or 28th not sure...but it's a stolen version, the arcade and versus modes are perfect, but the Practice mode has a coupla bugs i found till now which are :
1- When setting the CPU to be palyed by player 2, he will NOT be able to JUST DEFEND
2- sometimes the music will mess up and stage mess up, u choose Terry's stage, u get Freeman's stage with Terry's music and vice versa
3- in the Neo Geo version, Counter hits of some special moves resulted the opponet to be launched into a juggle, in the practice here it doesnt work, but in Versus mode it works perfectly

i heard there was a group that released a rip off the 30th june release, any clues? the practice mode in this version really feels weird...

Kula Diamond
13-07-2005, 02:36 AM
how about the idea to buy the original pack? lol

13-07-2005, 02:58 AM
i've got the game ....

nothing new exept 4 the gallary

13-07-2005, 04:08 AM
how about the idea to buy the original pack? lol

Drools on the Neo stick 2 =_=;;

i would really like too, its a good deal to pay 10$ more than the price of the stick alone and get the pack, i tried the Neo2 sticks and they are so close to the Neo sticks, except for the weight i feel it's a little heavier...maybe it's just me since i havent played a Neo game since KOF2002

sigh...*shakes empty wallet* maybe next month :D

Hmm and about the no changes made in the game, keep in mind that its not a remake, its just a re-release with Net option for japanese players, the game itself goes for 3000 yen opposed to other new games going around 6000 yen(3000 yen is around 22 US dollars) It's a good way to make money off a game that already had it share of quarters to munch in the arcade^^

plus~ haing the PS2 version around means u dont have to go thru the trouble to connect a dusty Neo Geo to the TV to play 1 game :D

Kula Diamond
13-07-2005, 04:53 AM
Well no need to add a thing to the game, it's perfect the way it is
and to be honest i never gave it a chance, I only played it a few times..so i'm excited to play it now
it's been a while.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 06:59 AM
Tizoc's voice in Garou is crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus he is like the WORST character in the game....unless you use him well
Here's one way how I perfer to use him:
Block Attack/Just Defend/Get Knocked down-->Big Griffon Fall
Falls for them almost every time hee hee

BTW I hate Kain in this game (worst 'charge' type character I ever played with

@Recca- Yeah.................shakes empty wallet ;_;

13-07-2005, 07:47 AM
Voice: Terry Bogard Satoshi Hashimoto
Voice: Rock Howard Eiji Takemoto
Voice: Kim Dong Hwan/Kain R. Heinlein Jun Hashimoto
Voice: Kim Jae Hoon Hiroki Asakawa
Voice: Gato Kouji Ishii
Voice: Hotaru Futaba Yuki Horie
Voice: Khushnood (Marco)/Tizoc (Griffon Mask) Hikaru Hanada
Voice: Bonne Jenet Rei Saitoh
Voice: Hokutomaru/Marky Junko Takeuchi
Voice: Freeman Eiji Yano
Voice: Kevin Rian/Grant You Kitazawa

hehe....Hikaru Hanada doing Tozoc and Butt :D he's sol's voice on the X drama CD, XX drama CDs and GGXXX story modes, weird how he sux as Tizoc(maybe he's trying to be as lame as a mexican lucha wrestler >.> ?) i like Butt's KONNNNNO when he's about to connect the QCFx2+D though he sounds so angry XD

and Gato being the same as Yamazaki's actor is quite a shock though XD although i seen yama's seiyuu acting cold(the doctor dude in fushigi ba6ee5, oji in black heaven) but wow...he's so full of himself as gato XD

and hmmmmm Kensou = Freeman??? LOL correct me if im wrong but this hilarious XD

nice play with the voice on Kain/donghwan's dude o_O

bleuh for a character with only one practical combo( Down + A *feint* justice hurricane(the 360 throw) ) he is not my type of character too, but some people who like Zangief find him enjoyable, i love to use him against noobs *with top gauge @ 1.75 and spamming Justic hurricane :p

as for kain _ _;;; i think the way to use him effecintly is being able to cancel his Back*charge*Forwad D AB cancel and Down*charge* up D cancel AB into each other, its annoying but thats how Raikoh makes the character's game flow i believe, still annoys me to death when i use him so i stick to a guessing game of the back*charge*forward A and C guessing game...unless the opponet uses just defend XD

sorry if i talk too much but im excited XD

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 08:39 AM
Did you know that Hokutomaru's voice is done by a girl? ...and that the same girl is doing the voice of Naruto in the anime Naruto? They both sound the same.
Of course Hokutomaru came before Naruto.....و أول واحد يقول العكس بيلاقيله Chou Haoh Sho Ko Ken في وجهه! :vereymad:

13-07-2005, 08:47 AM

i'm not a naruto follower, i stopped when the manga got boring, and wasnt intrested in the anime when it came out XD but like u said :

.....و أول واحد يقول العكس بيلاقيله Chou Haoh Sho Ko Ken في وجهه!

sigh...they should make a garou anime :p

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 09:33 AM

i'm not a naruto follower, i stopped when the manga got boring, and wasnt intrested in the anime when it came out XD but like u said :

sigh...they should make a garou anime :p
I have on in mind لكن بيكون نوع دراما و مب أكشن لكن طبعاً بيكون في ضرابة حماسية. و بيكون فيه Dan Hibiki و بيمثل دور pimp و هو الي يسكر كل الـdojos في 2nd Southtown.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 09:49 AM
Woah! Some Garou match vids!
Howard Arena (http://howardarena.sakura.ne.jp/)

13-07-2005, 09:55 AM
well........seems u really like dan XD

saw those matches some time back, theyre kick ass but there's even hotter videos at combovideos.com(click here for a sample http://www.atgig.com/lonewolfterry/GarouFight.rm ) i think u should find 4-5 mathces on combo videos so hot u might burn ur eyes omg they are so good i think the fights are coordinated >_< lol

regarding howard arena, the Terry Cancel Maniac™ really caught my attention he cancells Terry's power dunk without touching te opponet like it's hitting a basic (it's irritating to pull off, out of every 10 i get 7-8 with practice >_< ) and his C*fient*C*fient*down+C Buster wolf always hits >_> sigh

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 10:06 AM
I literally SUCK at feints.....but Terry's BUSTAH WURRRF'S cool.

13-07-2005, 10:12 AM
agreed on buster wolf, Garou's version is the best yet(just like corn flakes, the original and the best) :p

btw about fients i dont know why the hell SNK didnt add a button for feints in the PS2 version!!! making utlizing feints on a pad effecintly Impossible >_> some friends alreadycomplaining about it

it washard enough on a stick where u can reach A+C easily x_x now its worse XD

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 10:46 AM
Here's a Terry combo I remember with Feints (I think you wrote it Recca?)-
F, F+HP-->Standing HP-->Feint-->Standing HP-->Feint-->Standing HP-->Feint-->Standing/Crouching HP-->Feint-->Buster Wolf
Or something like that.

Freemans doesn't that many combos. His best are:
1- Jumping HP/HK-->D+LP+LK-->QCB+P (x3)
2- Jumping HP/HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+LP or QCB+P (x3) (QCB+P only connects at corner)
3- Jumping HP/HK-->D+LP+LK-->QCFx2+P
4- Jumping HP/HK-->Standing HP-->-->QCFx2+P

Those are the only ones I use when I play as him. Here's a nice way to end a fight with Freeman:
If opponent's like is 1/3 or less, do HCF+K, Break-->QCFx2+HP

13-07-2005, 10:54 AM
yeah the feint combo is the same but the way u started it is diffrently, intresting and useful since terry connects with FWDx2 + C like hell ^^ thx

i tried to play Freeman effecientely but couldnt >_< like u said freeman doesnt have many combos, the one i usually use with super is :
Jump D , C , Fient , Down+ C , QCFx2 C

hmmm ur down+LP+LK usage is intresting, never thought of it, any priorties on it? that would be cool XD

and regarding ur last freeman tup thats my biggest problem when playing him!! the command throw QCF+K, any tips how to make it connect?? it's range seems to be REALLY small >_< so small its hard for me to connect it in actual play

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 11:03 AM
Good that you asked! Freeman's HCF+K has 2 distances-
LK will connect if your opponent is like 'sticking' to you, while HK is if they're about a character's distance away. To break it, press LP+LK as he connects.
Freeman's D+LP+LK is good cuz he moves forward a little when he does it & it's faster than his standing HP.

Also try to abuse Gato's D+LP+LK as he moves forward a little when he does it. Here's one Gato combo that I know you'll love:

Corner: Jumping HP-->D+LP+LK-->QCB+HK then LK-->QCB+LK, then LK-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+HP

75% damage baby, 75 frickin' percent!....in TOP around.....90% damage+.

13-07-2005, 11:06 AM
sweet dude :D gonna go sleep now gonna try this stuff later x_X goodnig....morning XD

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 06:59 PM
OK! It's ready! و الأن اليكم الـcombos!
و لكن قبل ذلك:-

حسناً فلنبدأ بالأساسيات:

1- شرح التحكمات:
D: Down
U: Up
B: Back
F: Forward
UF: Up-Forward
UB: Up-Back
DB: Down-Backward
DF: Down-Forward
LP: Weak/Light Punch
HP: Hard/Strong Punch
LK: Light/Weak Kick
HK: Hard/Strong Kick
K: LK or HK
P: LP or HP
TOP Attack: Press HP+HK on ground
Charge: Hold the button used for move or hold that direction
/ means 'or
Normal Throw: Hold B/F+HP next to opponent
Crouching: Hold D when doing an attack
Break: Press LP+LK during attack (must be fast
QCF: Down, Down-Forward, Forward
QCB: Down, Down-Back, Back
HCF: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward
HCB: Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back
x#: Do that move '#' number of times
Corner: يجب القيام بهذه الـcombo عند أقصى الشاشة (إذا فهمت قصدي)

2- الهجمات الخارقة-Power Attacks:
أنا شخصياً أسميها Power Attacks. هُناك نوعان: S. Power & P. Power. كل هجمات الـP. Power أقوى من الـS. Power طبعاً (و لو بقليل :P). لكل شخصية هجمتان خارقتان، و للتاليين هجمة P. Power Attack ثالثة:
Rock: Neo Deadly Rave
Dong Hwan: Dong Hwan Flattener
B. Jenet: Ab Oi Madamoiselle
Gato: Tenryu Retsu Kiba/Comandments of the Heavenly Dragon
Khushnood Butt: Ryuko Ranbu

سأتحدث عن هذه لاحقاً (معلومة: أسم هجمة Dong & Gato بالإننجليزي مخرفنها من عندي :P)
تُنفذ هجمة الـS. Power هكذا:
QCFx2+LP أو QCFx2+LK
و الـP. Power هكذا:
QCFx2+HP أو QCFx2+HK

الفروق الوحيدة هُنا هي:
Dong Hwan: QCFx2+P is done in air, can't do on ground (can be started on ground though
Tizoc the Griffon: He has no QCFx2+P, but instead his must be done 720+P next to opponent
Freeman: You must attack Freeman so that his QCFx2+K will cause damage

هجمات الـS. Power ستنقص تقريباً 25% من حياة خصمك أما الـP. Power فستنقص تقريباً 40% من حياة خصمك أو أكثر.

و للقيام بالهجمات الخارقة الخمس تلك، فإنها تُنفذ هكذا:
Neo Deadly Rave: HCB, F+LP, then LP, LP, LK, LK, HP, HP, HK, HK, QCB+HP
قد تبدو صعبة لكنها سهلة الحفظ و التنفيذ، المُشكلة الوحيدة هي مع التوقيت.............

Dong Hwan Flattener: QCFx3+HP

B. Jenet: Quickly press LP, then LK, then HP during Just Defense
بيكون صعب شوي على الجهاز، لكن لازم تضغط الأزرار بسرعة أول ما تسوي Just Defense

Tenryu Retsu Kiba: F, D, DF+(LP+LK) 3 times
إذا قُمت بالهجمة الأولة و لم تتبع بالتاليتين، فسيذهب كل الـPower Guage!

Ryuko Ranbu: QCFx3+HP rapidly
في هذه الهجمة عليك أن تضغط زر HP مرات عديدة، إذا قدرت أن تضغطها تقريباً عشر مرات في ثانية واحدة (لا أمزح هنا) فسينقص تقريباً نصف حياة خصمك! لهذه الهجمة أربع "مستويات":
Level 1: 13 hits, 30% damage
Level 2: 19 hits, 36% damage
Level 3: 22 hits, 46% damage
Level 4: 12 hits, 51% damage
و للعلم أن بالتوقيت الصحيح، إذا قدرت الحصول على الـLevel 4، فإن كل الضربات قد تضرب خصماً على وشك أن يلمس الأرض (أي أنه ينزل من قفزة!).

طبعاً حينما تستخدم هذه الهجمات في الـcombos فإن النتائج تكون جيدة.

هناك بالمنُاسبة بعض الـPower Attacks التي لا أنصح بها:
1- Terry's P. Power Power Geyser
ضعيف و لعل الـgeyser الثالث ألا يضرب خصمك! إبق مع الـS. Power أفضل.
2- Rock's P. Power Raging Storm
هي بطيئة جداً لكن حاول أن تستخدمها لـ"مُفاجئة" خصمك أو بعد الـEvac Toss. للعلم أنها ليست جيدة جداً ضد الخصوم الذين يقفزون لبطئها. غير ذلك هي غير مُفيدة جداً، إبق مع الـS. Power أفضل.
3- Butt's S. Power Haoh Sho Ko Ken:
بييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييطئة جداً! هي بطيئة لدرجة أن خصمك بإمكانه أن يصدها ما أن يسمع صوت الهجمة! فقط إستخدمها إذا كان خصمك لا يلعب جيداً.
4- Hotaru's QCFx2+P vs. Grant/Tizoc
إياك ثُم إياك إستخدام هذه الهجمة حتى إذا كنت في الـTOP! (حسناً هذا يعتمد :P). الـdamage الذي سيقوم به هذه الـPower Attack مُثيرة للشفقة.....أما ضد الشخصيات الأخرى فلا بأس أن تستعملها.
5- Tizoc's QCFx2+K (both!
المُشكلة الأساسية مع هذه الـPower Attack هي أن بدايتها بطيئة! فقط إضرب Tizoc بـLP او LK و هو قد بدء بالقيام بهذه الهجمة و ستوقفه! إستعملها فقط إذا كان خصمك لا يلعب جيداً أو على وشك النزول من قفزة أو إذا كان مُنخفضاً (Crouching).

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:00 PM
3- Just Defended:
إذا أردت رأيي فإن الـparry في SFIII أسهل بكثير من هذه! للقيام بهذه الحركة الدفاعية المُفيدة، عليك أن تصد هجمة خصمك و هي على وشك ضربك. مثال: إذا إستعمل Terry هجمة Power Wave فعليك أن تصدها قبل أن تلمسك. من الفوائد الأساسية للـJust Defended هي:
1- إسترجاع كمية قليلة من الحياة
2- لن تتأذى بهجوم خصمك و لن تحصل على Guard damage
3- تستطيع أن تنفذ أي هجمة بعد أن تستعمل الـJust Defended كأن تقوم بهجمة الـReppuKen لـRock بعد أن تقوم بالـJust Defended ضد هجمة. هذه تُسمى Guard Cancel.
4- يمكنك القيام بـJust Defended متتالية و بذلك تسترجع الكثير من حياتك (حاول أن تفعل هذا مع هجمة QCFx2+K لـGrant).

4- تحطيم الدفاع-Guard Crush:
إذا إستمرت فقط بدفاع هجمات خصمك فسيتغير لون شخصيتك للأحمر و بعد صد بعض الهجمات سوف "يتحطم" دفاعك و يمكن لخصمك أن يتبع بأي هجمة يُريد لذا لا تدافع كثيراً.

5- Feint Moves:
مفاد هذه هي أنها تسمح لك ان توقف هجمة عادية (كـHP أو HK) و أن تتبعها بهجمة أخرى. مثال مع Dong Hwan:
Standing HP-->Feint Move-->Any attack
قد تبدو هذه الحركة غير مُفيدة لكنها من أساسيات الـcombos القوية. للعلم اني لست جيد مع الـFeint Moves لذا ليس معي combos استعملها فيها.
للقيام بالـFeint Move، فإنها تُنفذ هكذا:
F+(LP+HP) or D+(LP+HP)

6- T.O.P.
قبل أن تبدأ الـArcade Mode أو قبل أن تلعب ضد شخص ما في Vs. Mode عليك تعيين مكان الـTOP. للـTOP فوائد جيدة جداً، و منها:
1- زيادة في قوة شخصيتك الهجومية و قد يزداد بـ25% أو 50% أو 75%
2- يُمكنك إستعمال هجمة الـTOP Attack و التي تزيد فرص حدوث الـGuard Crush
3- سيزداد حياة شخصيتك في منطقة الـTOP فقط
و بإمكاناك تعيين الـTOP في بداية الـLife Bar أو نصفه أو في نهايته و هذا يعتمد على كيف تلعب أو "مزاجك" في اللعب.

7- Break- إيقاف الهجمة:
لكل شخصية هجمة واحدة يُمكن أن يوقفها ما أن يبدأ بتنفيذها. مفادها:
1- السماح لك بالقيام بالـcombos أو أن تتبع بـPower Attack
2- إذا تم صد الهجمة أو الضربة الأولى فسيقدر شخصيتك أن تدافع إذا ما قرر خصمك أن يُهاجمك، إذا إن شخصيتك لن تكمل الهجمة.
فكما يُرى فإن للـBreak فائدة دفاعية و هجومية.
أمرين يجب أن أذكرهما:
1- Tizoc can only Break QCB+HK & B, D, DB+HP. The only purpose is for defense
2- Freeman's Break will only have him switch sides, but makes opponent open for combo (as if he's got loads of those!

و هذه هي الهجمة التي يُمكن للشخصية أن يوقفها:
Terry: F, D, DF+K
Rock: 360+HP next to opponent
Dong Hwan: F, D, DF+P
Jae Hoon: Charge D then U+K
Hotaru: QCB+K
Gato: F, D, DF+K
B. Jenet: QCF+K
Hokutomaru: QCF+K
Freeman: HCF+K
Kevin: QCF+K
Khushnood Butt: F, D, DF+P (VERY hard
Kain: Charge D then U+K
Grant: F, D, DF+P

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:01 PM
8- Taunts:
بعد هزيمة خصمك إضغط على: B+Taunt أو F+Taunt للحصول على Taunt مُختلف :).

9- Counter hit:
عندما تظهر كلمة "Counter hit" فإن واحد من التالي سيحدث و هذا يعتمد على الهجمة التي قامت بالـCounter:
1- Opponent is stunned so can follow with combo
2- Opponent is sent to air (juggeled) & can be comboed
و هذا يحدث فقط إذا قامت هجمتك بضرب خصمٍ على وشك أن يهجم هو نفسه. و من الأفضل أن تكون مُستعداً أحياناً لهذه لأنك لا تعرف متى قد تحدث هذه!

X- Juggling:
بعض الهجمات ستبقي خصمك في الهواء لمدة قصيرة من الزمن فبإمكانك أن تتبع بهجمة خارقة أو خاصة (Special Move/Method of Mayhem).

XI- Dodge Attack:
ستستمح لك هذه الحركة بتفادي هجمة خصمك و ضربهم بدل أن تتأذى أنت! تقوم بهذه الحركة بضغط زر LP+LK. بضغطهما معاً يمكنك تفادي الهجمات المُنخفضة (مثل الضربة الأولى من هجمة QCF+K لـJae). و بضغطك على D+(LP+LK) ستتفادى الهجمات "الواقفة" (مثل Standing HP) و ربما الهجمات القافزة و يمكنك أن cancel الـD+(LP+LK) و الجيد فيها أيضاً هو أنه يُمكنك أن تبدأ أو تستعملها في الـcombos.

XII- Back-steping Invincibilty!:
حينما تقوم بالـBack-step فأن شخصيتك لن يضرب بهجمة خصمك! خذ هذا المثال:-
Butt does S. Power HSKK
Rock back-steps as projectile is about to hit
Rock avoids/dodges HSKK
لقد رأيت هذا مرة و مرات عديدة أين الـBack-step تجعلك تتفادى هجمات خصمك. للعلم أنه بعد الـBack-step فأن أي هجمة ترسل إليك ستضربك.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:02 PM
حسناً يبدو أنني قد تحدثت عن مُعظم أمور اللعبة، لذا.....لحظة.....سأكتب هذه المعلومة المُهمة جداً بالإنجليزي لأنها أسهل شرحاً:

XIII- Damage Ratios:
The following characters take approximately 95% damage from every single hit:
Tizoc & Grant

The following characters take 110% damage from every single hit:
B. Jenet, Hotaru & Hokutomaru

All other characters take 100% damage from every single hit

XIV- Combo 'Penalty':
Hard to explain, but this is as good as I can get it:
1st hit of combo ALWAYS does 100% damage; 0% damage reduction
2nd hit of combo will do 90% damage; hit does 10% less damage
3rd & 4th hit of combo will do 80% damage; hit does 20% less damage
5th hit & after will ALL do 70% damage; hits will do 30% less damage

TOP fixes this as you get bonus attack percentage

و الأن إليكم بعض الحركات و الأمور التي قد لا تعرفونها عن هجمات الشخصيات:
بعد أن تضرب خصمك بـStanding HK، يُمكنك ان تتبع بـF+HK، لكن هذه لا تسمح لك بالقيام بالـcombos
After 360+HP, hold LP+LK for Rasetsu
P. Power Shinning Knuckle & Neo Deadly Rave do more damage near corner
P. Power Shinning Knuckle can Juggle if you hit jumping opponent AT CORNER
QCB+LP can juggle jumping opponents، لكن مرات عديدة لن يكون هناك وقت كاف لتتبع بأي هجمة أخرى
QCF+LK counters jumping/standing attacks
QCF+HK counters low attacks
Charge D then U+P juggles jumping/juggled opponents

بعد ان تضرب خصمك بـStanding HP يمكنك ان تتبع بـF+HP، لم أستطع سوى أن أتبعها بـQCFx2+HP
F, F+HP stuns opponent for short time; you can combo after that

Dong Hwan-
In air, can do B+HP، إستعملها عندما تريد أن "تبدل" مكانك في الشاشة بالقفز
Can do High Jump, by tapping D, then pressing U/UF/UB، مُفيدة جداً
QCF+LK stuns for a short time
QCF+HK juggles
QCFx2+LP in the air juggles
Can do QCFx2+P in the air as so: QCF, QCF, U/UF/UB+P on ground
Dong Hwan Flattener is FAST
When doing QCFx2+HK, you must hold HK for more damage
F, D, DF+LP does NOT juggle

Jae Hoon-
After Back-stepping, press LK for a kick that juggles, this can be canceled
After D+K in the air, do DF+K or QCB+K
After Charge D then U+HK, do D+HK
QCFx2+P juggles
When doing QCFx2+HP, hold HP so that Jae charges for extra flaming kick, but you can't combo after that
QCFx2+HP does more damage to jumping opponents

You can combo into Dong's & Jae's Crouching HP from a Standing/Crouching/Jumping LP or LK & combo from it

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:04 PM
After QCF+P, do F, F+P
After QCB+K, LK juggles
F, D, DF+LK juggles, but seems to only combo into QCFx2+P
Charge D then U+P is a counter move that can juggle
QCFx2+K can juggle
If TOP Attack counters, it's a juggle that can combo into QCFx2+P
F+LK attack can avoid low attacks
F+LP can hit crouching opponents, & can be canceled into anything, but doing so will not make it hit
يمكنك أن تضغط على HP+HK في الهواء
Gato has 2 throws, one with HP and the other HK. HK is more damaging

QCB+K in the air juggles
TOP Attack juggles jumping/juggled opponents
Can do D+LK in the air (more damaging than jumping attack), can combo after
يمكنك أن تضغط على HP+HK في الهواء
F, D, DF+K does NOT juggle
QCFx2+K does more damage to jumping opponents

Tizoc the Griffon-
HCF+LK switches sides and juggles
F, D, DF+HP jumps half-screen distance
After Tizoc's normal throw, do DF, DF+HP for extra damage
Tizoc has a 2nd throw done with HK
First hit of Daedalus Attack hits crouching opponents

Khushnood Butt-
Can do F+LP on ground, if canceled, it doesn't hit
F+LP stuns for short time if it hits
QCF+P does more damage next to opponent
QCB+LP counters standing attacks
QCB+LK counters crouching attacks
QCB+LP or LK can juggle
Can hold HP or HK for fast attack (must hold for 3 to 10 seconds
Check above for QCFx3+HP Levels & damage
Last hit of TOP Attack can juggle
F, D, DF+LP can juggle jumping opponents
QCF+LK juggles jumping opponents, but is like Rock's QCB+LP's juggle
If TOP Attack hits jumping opponent, it might juggle، في هذه الحالة لن "تتصل" الضربة الأخيرة
If TOP Attack hits juggled opponent, opponent is juggled higher، في هذه الحالة لن تتصل الضربة الأخيرة

Can slide by doing DF+LK, stangely enough, CPU can cancel it! Maybe you must be fast
DF+HK is a juggle on 2nd hit
Press U in the air for Double Jump
DF+HK can be canceled on 2nd hit to QCB+HK or QCF+P
QCB+LK does nothing
إذا قمت بـQCB+P و لكن إستمرت بالضغط على زر P فإن Hokutomaru لن يهجم، مُفيدة لخداع خصمك و للدفاع
When you perform QCFx2+P, you can press LP+LK to send the last big shuriken/kunai (usless if you ask me
After D+(LP+LK), press LK+HP for Hokutomaru to 'dissapear
Hokutomaru has combination attacks-
Standing LP-->Standing HP
Crouching LP/LK-->Crouching HP
Standing LK-->Standing HK
Crouching LK-->Crouching HK
Standing LP-->Standing LK
Crouching LP-->Crouching LK
Jumping LP-->HP or K
Jumping LK-->P or HK
Jumping HP-->LP or K
Jumping HK-->P or LK
في هجمة الـQCFx2+LP قد لا تضرب كل الـshurikens خصمك إذا كُنت بعيداً جداً عنهم
TOP Attack can juggle jumping opponents

B. Jennet-
3rd hit of D+K rapidly in the air can juggle
Concerning the above, it is possible to juggle with that move multiple times!
Can do High Jump, by tapping D then U/UF/UB

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:06 PM
عندما تقوم بـQCB+P فإن لها مستويات:
QCB+P is Level 1
QCB+P, hold P shortly then release, is Level 2
QCB+P hold until Kevin changes stance then release is Level 3
Note that holding P for a short while can come out as Level 3
إن QCB+LP أقوى من QCB+HP و أسرع (لكن لـQCB+HP فوائده)
A charged QCB+LP juggles jumping/juggled opponent
عندما تقوم بـQCB+LK، يمكنك أن تهجم بـLP أو LK، أو ان توقف الحركة بـHP
QCB+HK can switch sides
QCFx2+HP does more damage if performed half a screen distance away from opponent
QCFx2+LP juggles
Can do F+LK

3rd hit of QCB+P DOES NOT JUGGLE (if it counters it juggles
HCF+LK connects if next to opponent
HCF+HK's range is very tough
See notes above for info on Freeman's QCFx2+K
You can hold P to delay QCFx2+P

QCFx2+P is slow to come out, but good against jumping opponents
His normal throw juggles
After D+(LP+LK) press HP for a punch that juggles. This punch is cancelable & makes his QCFx2+P come out fast, or sort of
His QCFx2+HP juggles
His QCFx2+P juggles jumping/juggled opponents

DF+HP juggles juggled/jumping opponents
F, B, F+P juggles opponent
After F, D, DF+P, can do D+K
Can do D+K in the air

هذا على ما أظن الأمور التي أردت ذكرها، و الأن إليكم الـcombos! (معلومة أنا مخرف من عندي ألقاب الشخصيات XD). تذكر أنه إذا لديك combo أن تقدمها فلا مانع لدي :)، أنا شخصياً أريد أن أعرف الكثير من الـcombos في هذه اللعبة الرائعة.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:07 PM
Khushnood Butt- Mountain Trembling Roar

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->QCF+HP [4 hits
1b- Charge HP, Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->Release HP [3/5 hits
1c- Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->QCF+LK [4 hits
2- D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+LP [2 hits
3- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->QCFx2+K [10/13 hits
3b- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->TOP Attack [12 hits
4- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+LP, Break-->TOP Attack-->QCFx3+HP (Has to be Lvl. 4) [23 htis
5- Corner: F+LP-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->QCFx2+K [10/13 hits
5b- Corner: F+LP-->Standing HK-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->QCFx3+HP (Lvl. 4) [15 hits
6- F+LP-->QCFx3+HP [14-23 hits
6b- F+LP-->F, D, DF+P, Break-->Power Attack/QCF+HP

5- عادة عندما تقوم بالـjuggle فإن خصمك سوف "يُرفع" إلى الأعلى و مهما كان إرتفاعه فإن بعض معظم الهجمات ستتصل بخصمك بعد الـjuggle. المُشكلة هُنا هو أنه على خصمك أن يكون في إرتفاع مُعين عندما تُنفذ الـQCFx3+HP و إلى فلن تحصل على كُل الـ23 ضربة و أحياناً لن تتصل الهجمة الخارقة بخصمك! لكن تذكر: Practice makes perfect، وأضف أن هذه combo جيدة لإذهال أصدقائك!
6b- الهجمات الخارقة التي أنصح بها هي: QCFx2+K, Lvl. 4 Ryuko Ranbu & QCFx2+HP، لا تستعمل QCFx2+LP لأنها بطيئة.

B. Jenet- The Feisty Pirate

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+LK [5 hits
1b- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+LK, Break-->QCFx2+K [14/19 hits
1c- Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->QCB+LP/QCFx2+P [3-11 hits
2- Corner: Crouching LK (x2)-->QCF+LK, Break-->QCFx2+K [14/19 hits
3- Conrer: QCF+HK, Break-->TOP Attack [4 hits
4- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->TOP Attack [4 hits

Dong Hwan- Thunderstorm of Tae Kwon Do

1- QCF+LK-->HCB+HP [6/7 hits
2- QCF+K-->QCFx3+HP [17 hits
3- QCF+HK-->D, U-->QCFx2+P (P. Power) [9 hits
4- QCF+HK-->QCFx2+LK [2 hits
5- Jumping HK/QCF+LK-->Standing LK-->F, D, DF+HP, Break-->QCFx3+HP [19 hits
6- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP-->TOP Attack [7 hits
7- Corner: Jumping HK/QCF+HK-->QCFx2+LP in the air-->QCFx2+LP in the air-->F, D, DF+HP [16-18 hits
8- QCF+LK-->Close HK/HP-->QCB+LK [4 hits
9- (Jumping HK-->)Crouching LK-->Crouching HP-->QCFx2+LK [3/4 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
10- D+(LP+LK)-->QCF+HK-->Power Attack [3-18 hits
10b- D+(LP+LK)-->QCF+HK-->QCFx2+LP in the air-->QCFx2+LP in the air-->F, D, DF+HP [17-19 hits

5- بعد QCF+LK دع Dong "يمشي" إلى الأمام قليلاً بـF، ثُم قُم بـLK ثُم ببقية الـcombo.
8- يجب أن تقوم بـQCB+LK ما أن ضغطت على زر HP/HK لكي يقوم Dong بضربة واحدة و يتبع بـQCB+LK.
9- يمكنك أن تبدأ هذه الـcombo بـJumping HK ثم Crouching LK، او أن تبداها كـCrouching LK.

Freeman- Nightmare of Hell

1- Jumping HK/HP-->D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+P/QCB+P (x3) [3/4/5 hits
1b- Jumping HP/HK-->Crouching HP-->QCF+LP/QCFx2+P [3/4 hits
1c- Corner: Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCB+P (x3)/QCFx2+P [3/4/5 hits
2- QCF+P counters-->QCFx2+P/Standing HP [2/3 hits
3- QCFx2+LP counters-->QCFx2+LP [2 hits

2 & 3- لهذه الـcombos يجب أن يقوم الهجوم الأول بـcounter

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:14 PM
Gato- The Crushing Assassin

1- D+(LP+LK)-->F, D, DF+(LP+LK) 3 times [4 hits
1b- Jumping HP/HK-->D+(LP+LK)-->F, D, DF+(LP+LK) 3 times [5 hits
2- Jumping HK/HP-->Crouching HP-->QCF+HP, then F, F+HP [4 hits
3- Corner: Jumping HP/HK-->D+(LP+LK)-->QCB+HK, then LK-->QCFx2+LK/QCFx2+LP [6/11 hits
4- Corner: QCB+LK, then HP-->QCFx2+P [4/5 hits
5- Corner: Jumping HK/HP-->Standing HP-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+P [9/10 hits
5b- Corner: Jumping HK/HP-->Standing HP-->F, D, DF+HK [8 hits
6- Standing HP or D+(LP+LK)-->QCB+K, then LP/HP [3 hits
7- Corner: Jumping HP/HK-->D+(LP+LK)-->QCB+HK, then LK-->QCB+LK, then LK-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+HP [12 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
8- Corner: Charge D then U+HP counters-->QCFx2+P [3/4 hits
9- D+(LP+LK) or F+LK or F+LP-->D+(LP+LK)-->F, D, DF+(LP+LK) 3 times [5 hits
10- QCF+LP-->Crouching LK-->QCFx2+P [4/5 hits
11- HK follow-up of QCB+K counters-->F, D, DF+HK/QCFx2+P [3-6 hits
12- HP follow-up of QCB+K counters-->Crouching HP-->QCF+HP, then F, F+HP [4 hits
13- HP follow-up of QCB+K counters-->D+(LP+LK)-->F, D, DF+(LP+LK) 3 times [5 hits
14- Corner: HP/HK follow-up of QCB+K counters-->QCB+K, then LK-->QCFx2+LK/QCFx2+LP [5/10 hits
14b- Corner: QCF+P follow-up counters-->QCB+K, then LK-->QCFx2+LK/QCFx2+LP [5/10 hits
15- Corner: HP follow-up of QCB+K counters-->Standing HP-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+P [9/10 hits
15b- Corner: QCF+LP-->Standing HP-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+P [9/10 hits
16- QCF+P follow-up counters-->QCFx2+P [3/4 hits
17- TOP Attack-->QCFx2+P [3/4 hits
18- Corner: HP/HK follow-up of QCB+K counters-->QCB+K, then LK-->QCB+K, then LK-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+HP [11 hits
18b- Corner: QCF+P follow-up counters-->QCB+K, then LK-->QCB+K, then LK-->F, D, DF+LK-->QCFx2+HP [11 hits

3- ضد Tizoc و Grant إستعمل QCFx2+LP أما ضد الشخصيات الأخرى فأنصح بـQCFx2+LK.
4- يجب ان تكون مؤقتاً جداًُ عندما تريد ضغط زر HP.
6- إنتظر قليلاً بعد QCB+K قبل أن تضغط على LP أو HP.
7- بعد كل QCB+K، يجب أن تضغط زر LK بسرعة! و بعد الـLK الثانية أدخل الـF, D, DF+LK و Gato على وشك أن يلمس الأرض و سيضرب خصمه، ثُم هي مسألة توقيت أُخرى و تكون قد قمت بواحدة من "أجمل" الـcombos في اللعبة! و الأمر نفسه ينطبق على combo 18.

في أي combo عليك فيه أن تثنهيها بـQCFx2+P عليك أن تدخلها و Gato على وشك ان يُنهي الهجمة التي قبله. مثال combo 4:
بعد ضغط زر HP ببطىء أدخل QCFx2+P حيث أنه بعد أن يلمس Gato الأرض سينفذ الهجمة الخارقة.
و أيضاً في أي combo تستعمل QCB+K, then LK و تثنهيها بـQCFx2+LP أو QCFx2+LK فيمكنك أن تقوم بـQCB+K, then LK ثانية.

كما ترى فإن لدى Gato الكثير من الـcombos و إمكانيت القيام بالـcombos ألدى أحدكم المزيد؟

Hokutomaru- The Promising Apprentence

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->QCF+HK, Break-->DF+HK-->QCFx2+K/QCB+HK [5/13/14 hits
1b- Corner: Jumping LP, then LK-->Standing LK-->Standing HK-->QCF+HK, Break-->DF+HK-->QCFx2+K/QCB+HK [7-16 hits
2- Corner: DF+HK-->QCB+HK/QCFx2+K [3/11/12 hits
3- Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->QCB+LP [3 hits
4- Corner: Standing LK/Jumping HK-->Standing HK-->QCF+HK, Break-->TOP Attack [4 hits
4b- Corner: Jumping LP, then LK-->Standing LK-->Standing HK-->QCF+HK, Break-->TOP Attack [6 hits
5- D+(LP+LK)-->QCF+HK, Break-->DF+K-->QCB+HK [4 hits

You must cancel DF+HK to combo into QCB+HK

Hotaru Futaba- The Stoic Angel

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP-->QCB+LK, Break-->F, D, DF+HK/QCFx2+K [8/16 hits
2- Jumping HK-->Standing/Crouching HP-->QCF+HP [3 hits
2b- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing/Crouching HP-->QCB+HP [7 hits
2c- Jumping HK-->Standing/Crouching HP-->QCFx2+P [19/18 hits
3- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP-->QCB+LK, Break-->TOP Attack [4 hits
4- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP-->QCB+LK, Break-->TOP Attack-->QCFx2+HK [16/17 hits
5- Corner: Jumping HK-->QCB+LK in the air-->QCFx2+K [8-16 hits
5b- Corner: D+(LP+LK)-->QCB+LK, Break-->QCB, U+K or QCB, UF+K-->QCFx2+K [9-17 hits

Jae Hoon- Blazing Phoenix

1- Jumping HK-->Crouching HP-->QCF+HK [4 hits
1b- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching LK-->Crouching HP-->QCF+HK [5 hits
2- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP/LK-->Charge D then U+K , Break-->QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LK [17 hits
3- B, B then LK-->QCF+P/Charge D then U+HK, then D+HK [3/4 hits
4- QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LK [14 hits
4b- Corner: B, B then LK-->QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LK [14 hits
4c- B, B then LK-->QCFx2+K [8/18 hits
4d- Crouching LK (x2)-->QCFx2+K [9/19 hits
5- B, B then LK-->TOP Attack [2 hits
6- Corner: D+(LP+LK)/Crouching HP-->Charge D then U+HK then D+HK, Break-->QCFx2+HP-->TOP Attack [12/13 hits
7- QCFx2+HP-->TOP Attack [11/12 hits
8- Corner: Jumping HK-->Crouching HP/LK-->Charge D then U+K, Break-->QCFx2+Hold HP [16 hits

Jae Hoon's Crouching HP pushes him away from opponent, so some moves like Charge D then U+K may not combo (though they do sometimes
عندما تقوم بـQCFx2+LP فقط أدخل QCFx2+LK و Jae قد نزل من القفزة للقيام بها.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:17 PM
Kevin Rian- Dynamite of the Law

1- Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCF+K, Break-->F, D, DF+LP [4 hits
2- Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+HP [7/8 hits
3- Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LK-->QCB+LP (Charge)/F, D, DF+LP [8/9 hits
4- Corner: [Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+LK] do this 2 times-->Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCF+K, Break-->F, D, DF+LP [10 hits
5- Corner: Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+LP-->QCB+LP (Charge)-->QCFx2+LP-->QCB+LP (Charge)/F, D, DF+LP [12 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
6- QCB+LP (Charge)-->QCB+LP [2 hits
7- QCB+LP (Charge)/QCB+LK, then LP-->QCFx2+K-->QCB+LP (Charge) [3-7 hits
8- Corner: QCB+LP (Charge)-->QCFx2+LK 2 times-->QCB+LP (Charge) [4 hits
9- Corner: QCB+LK, then LP-->QCFx2+LP 2 times-->F, D, DF+HP/QCB+LP (Charge) [8 hits
10- QCB+LP/F, D, DF+LP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+HP [7/8 hits
10b- Corner: QCB+LP/F, D, DF+LP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+LK-->Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCFx2+LK-->Jumping HP-->Standing HP-->QCF+K, Break-->F, D, DF+LP [10 hits
11- F, D, DF+LP-->Standing HP-->QCF+K, Break-->F, D, DF+LP [4 hits

في أي combo تقوم فيه بـQCF+K, Break، أدخل F, D, DF+LP بسرعة بعد ضغطك على LP+LK لكي تضرب خصمك.
و أيضاً في أي combo كتبت فيها charge بعد الـQCB+LP فإنه عليك تشحين تلك الحركة للقيام ببقية الـcombo.
في أي combo تقوم فيه بـJumping HP-->Standing HP يُمكك ان تستعمل D+(LP+LK) بدل Standing HP.
5- هذه للتباهي فقط. بعد الـQCFx2+LP الأولى قم بـQCB+LP و شحنها لفترة قصيرة ثُم إترك LP. تحتاج للتقويت لكي تقوم الـQCFx2+LP الثانية بضرب خصمك و القيام بالـjuggle. و إذا أردت إستخدام الـQCB+LP في النهاية شحنها قليلاً ثم دع LP.

Rock Howard- The Forsaken Wolf

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+HP [3 hits
1b- Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+LP [3 hits
2- D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+LP [2 hits
2b- Corner: D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+HP [5 hits
3- Near Wall- 360+HP, Break-->QCFx2+P [2/5 hits
4- Jumping HK-->Crouching/Standing HP-->Shinning Knuckle [7/13 hits
5- 360+HP, Break-->TOP Attack [2 hits
6- Rock's back behind corner- 360+HP, Break-->QCB+LP-->QCFx2+HK-->Charge D then U+HP [14/15 hits
7- Jumping HK-->Standing HP/D+(LP+LK)--> Neo Deadly Rave [15-17 hits
8a- Corner: Charge D then U+P-->Shinning Knuckle (S. Power) [7/8 hits
8b- Corner: Charge D then U+P-->Shinning Knuckle (P. Power)-->Charge D then U+HP [15/16 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
9- QCB+LP counters-->QCFx2+LP/Rising Tackle/QCF+HP [2-4 hits
9b- Corner: QCB+LP counters-->QCFx2+HK-->Charge D then U+HP [14 hits
10- QCB+LK counters-->Crouching HP--> Neo Deadly Rave/QCFx2+K [7-17 hits
11- QCB+LK counters-->360+HP, hold LP+LK [3 hits?
11b- QCB+LK counters-->360+HP, Break-->TOP Attack [3 hits?
12- Rock's back behind corner- QCB+LK counters-->360+HP, Break-->QCB+LP-->QCFx2+HK-->Charge D then U+HP [14-16 hits
5- إذا لم تكن عند الـcorner فعليك أن تضغط على HP+HK بسرعة بعد LP+LK.
6- الـcombo سهلة لكنها تحتاج لبعض التوقيت.
8- هذه تنجح فقط إذا كان خصمك يقفز.
11- هذه combo نادرة القيام بها لكن ستكون محظوظاً إذا نجحت بها................

Terry Bogard- The Legendary Wolf

1- Corner: Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->Weak Power Charge (x3) [5 hits
1b- Jumping HK-->Standing HP-->Weak Burning Knuckle [3 hits
2- Corner: Strong Power Charge-->Crouching LK-->Standing HP-->Weak Power Charge (x3) [6 hits
2b- Strong Power Charge-->Standing HP-->Weak Power Charge (x3) [5 hits
3- Strong Power Charge-->Standing HP then F+HP-->Power Geyser (P. Power) [6 hits
3b- Corner: Strong Power Charge-->Crouching LK-->Standing HP then F+HP-->Power Geyser (P. Power) [7 hits
4- Strong Power Charge/Jumping HK-->Crouching LK (x2)-->Buster Wolf [5/8 hits
5- Jumping HK/Strong Power Charge-->Standing HP-->Strong Power Dunk, Break-->Buster Wolf [5/8 hits
6- Corner: Strong Power Charge-->Standing LP (x3)-->Weak Power Charge (x3) [7 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
7- Burning Knuckle/Strong Crack Shoot-->Power Geyser/Power Wave [2/4 hits
8- Corner: Strong Power Dunk, Break-->Buster Wolf-->Buster Wolf [5 hits

3- يجب أن تقوم بـQCFx2+HP بسرعة بعد الـF+HP.
8- بعد الـBuster Wolf الأولى، قم بالثانية بسرعة.

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:20 PM
Tizoc the Griffon- The Valiant Beast

1- HCF+LK-->B, D, DB+LP/QCF+LP in the air/QCFx2+LK [2-4 hits
2- Jumping HP-->Standing HK/Crouching LK [2 hits
3- Corner: B, D, DB+P-->Crouching HK/ Daedalus Attack (S. Power!) [2 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
4- B, D, DB+P-->QCFx2+LK/Standing HP [2/4 hits
5- LP+LK/Jumping HK-->QCFx2+K [4/8 hits

1) 2 TOP Attacks, both are blocked-->Big Griffon Fall [2 hits
2) Back-step/Break Strong P. Wave-->D. Attack [3/7 hits
3) Active Tupon gets you close to opponent-->Big Griffon Fall [2 hits
4) Opponent landing from jump-->D. Attack [3/7 hits
5) Get knocked down, block or Just Defend attack-->Big Griffon Fall [2 hits

1- لكي تجعل كل 3 ضربات الـQCFx2+LK تضرب خصمك، عليك أن تؤقت متى تقوم بالهجمة و السبب في ذلك بطئها -_-.
1- After HCF+LK, hold F, then press UF, then do QCF+LP. If at corner, just jump then do QCF+LP
2- قم بـStanding HK إذا كُنت عند الـcorner فقط.
3- إذا أردت أنتنهي بـPower Attack فاستعمل الـS. Power D. Attack، لأن الضربة الأولى لكلا الـS. Power & P. Power تنقص بنفس الكمية.
5- يجب أن تقوم بـQCFx2+LK بسرعة بعد الـB, D, DB+P.

مفاد هذه التكتيكات هي أنها تسمح لك بأن تجعل هجمات Tizoc الخارقة تضرب خصمك.
1- بعد هجمتين من الـTOP سيتحطم دفاع خصمك و في هذه الوهلة القصيرة يُمكنك إدخال الـBGF و إستمتع بالنتائج.
2- الحركة الأولية ستضعك في أبعد مسافة يُمكن فيها الـD. Attack أن تضرب خصمك. مع أن هذه تكتيكة ليس جيدة جداً إلا أني قررت أن أعلمكم فيها.
3- لنقل أنك قُمت بالـA. Tupon و خصمك في وضعية صد الهجمات او crouching، في حالة أنك أصبحت قريباً من خصمك بهذه الهجمة، أدخل الـBGF و..............
4- مع أن الـD. Attack بطيئة جداً إلا انها مُفيدة إذا كان خصمك سينزل من قفزة إذا أن لها فرصة كبيرة أن تتصل بخصم فور نزوله الأرض.
5- إذا كان خصمك غبياً لدرجة انه قرر ان يقترب منك عاقبه بالـBGF.

Kain R. Heinlein- The Warden of Southtown

1- Jumping HK/HP-->Standing HP-->Charge B then F+LK [3 hits
2- Corner: Normal throw-->Charge B then F+HP/Charge D then U+HK [4/6 hits
3- Corner: Normal throw-->QCFx2+HK-->Charge D then U+HK or TOP Attack [12-17 hits
4- Near Corner: D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+LK-->QCFx2+LP-->Charge B then F+LK/TOP Attack [9/10 hits
5- Charge D then U+LK, Break-->QCFx2+LP(-->Charge B then F+LK) [2/3 hits
6- QCFx2+HP-->TOP Attack/Charge B then F+LK [4 hits
7- Corner: Jumping HK/HP-->Standing HP-->TOP Attack [3 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
8- Charge B then F+LK-->Charge B then F+LK [2 hits
9- Charge B then F+LK-->Charge D then U+LK, Break-->QCFx2+P(-->Charge B then F+LK) [4-6 hits
10- QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LP(-->Charge B then F+LK) [2/3 hits
11- TOP Attack-->Charge D then U+HK [6 hits
12- Near Corner: TOP Attack-->Charge D then U+LK, Break-->QCFx2+LP-->QCFx2+LK-->TOP Attack [13 hits

Grant- The Martyr of Might

1- F, B, F+HP-->F, D, DF+HP, then D+HK [7 hits
2- Jumping HK-->Standing LK-->QCFx2+K [15/16 hits
3- F, B, F+HP-->QCFx2+P [2 hits

For the following combos, the first attack must counter to do the remaining attacks of that combo:-
4- QCF+K-->QCF+K/QCFx2+P [2 hits
5- Corner: F, D, DF+HP, Break-->DF+HP (x5)-->QCFx2+P [7 hits
5b- Corner: QCF+HK-->DF+HP (x6)-->QCFx2+P (P. Power) [8 hits

Dark Zero
13-07-2005, 07:21 PM
*يلهث تعباً*
و في الختام أقول لكم إنه الي يريد مُساعدة في اللعب بـTizoc فليسألني و هل يمكنكم أن تضعوا combos لـKain?

13-07-2005, 08:27 PM
hey :D

just tried ur tip on freeman about the throw command, the D one's one character far thing reminded me of Kyo's Cross up setup, now i get it every time XD thx dude

whoa quite an amount of combos u have there and i didnt even get to try GAto's one yet o_O;;; hehe

i cant memorize a ton of combos XD;; i just go with the highest damage/easiest to do one and keep practicing it, if the first hit connects the rest flows naturally, if i have more than 2 complex combos on my mind i'd go weee wee x_x (like ur Tizoc section btw :p) on to kain combos

there's a hit that can be added to one of ur combos :

Near Corner: D+(LP+LK)-->QCFx2+LK-->QCFx2+LP-->Charge B then F+LK/TOP Attack

after the super, hit the opponet with Down + C , then use the top before he falls quick


with ur oppopnet in the corner and u quite far from him ( the ('s mean the edges of screen , the |'s are u and ur oppopnet) u can do this

(| | )

QCFx2 + D , TOP Counter hit , TOP

dunno if u can stick a down+C after the first TOP or not, i couldnt do it


Jump D*counter hit* , Down + AB , Neutral , C , QCFx2 A , QCFx2 B , TOP


you have the other Kain combos that are useable during a fight covered, dunno if there's more

oh and regarding the Marco AB break....dunno why but i find it easier than Terry...my friends say it's the PS2 version they toned it down but im sure im still having the same trouble with terry's and no trouble with marcos...guess difficulty of a manuver can change between people

hmmm seems ur a 3rd strike expert XD(white tower?) parrying to me is much much harder than Just defend, Just Defend to me is like a song, a rhythm of a move, let's say a move is normally 12 hits if u just defend a first hit ur oppopent will look like he froze in the middle of his move, and u gain a short invicibilty, so instead of having to JD all 12 hits ull have to JD 4 or 5 hits...not the same case with SFIII....hell u saw Umehara Daigo's full parry of chunli's super on Justin Wong>>>that was sme crazy stuff >_< sigh

anyway godspeed, and keep it up :D

15-07-2005, 12:28 AM
هل العبة نزلت ......؟ هل نزلت اصلية او كوبي ......

15-07-2005, 04:33 AM
نزلت كوبي يوم 27 الشهر الفائت , و الأصلي نزل يوم 30 الشهر الي راح

Dark Zero
15-07-2005, 04:35 PM
hey :D

just tried ur tip on freeman about the throw command, the D one's one character far thing reminded me of Kyo's Cross up setup, now i get it every time XD thx dude

whoa quite an amount of combos u have there and i didnt even get to try GAto's one yet o_O;;; hehe

i cant memorize a ton of combos XD;; i just go with the highest damage/easiest to do one and keep practicing it, if the first hit connects the rest flows naturally, if i have more than 2 complex combos on my mind i'd go weee wee x_x (like ur Tizoc section btw :p) on to kain combos

there's a hit that can be added to one of ur combos :

after the super, hit the opponet with Down + C , then use the top before he falls quick


with ur oppopnet in the corner and u quite far from him ( the ('s mean the edges of screen , the |'s are u and ur oppopnet) u can do this

(| | )

QCFx2 + D , TOP Counter hit , TOP

dunno if u can stick a down+C after the first TOP or not, i couldnt do it


Jump D*counter hit* , Down + AB , Neutral , C , QCFx2 A , QCFx2 B , TOP


you have the other Kain combos that are useable during a fight covered, dunno if there's more

oh and regarding the Marco AB break....dunno why but i find it easier than Terry...my friends say it's the PS2 version they toned it down but im sure im still having the same trouble with terry's and no trouble with marcos...guess difficulty of a manuver can change between people

hmmm seems ur a 3rd strike expert XD(white tower?) parrying to me is much much harder than Just defend, Just Defend to me is like a song, a rhythm of a move, let's say a move is normally 12 hits if u just defend a first hit ur oppopent will look like he froze in the middle of his move, and u gain a short invicibilty, so instead of having to JD all 12 hits ull have to JD 4 or 5 hits...not the same case with SFIII....hell u saw Umehara Daigo's full parry of chunli's super on Justin Wong>>>that was sme crazy stuff >_< sigh

anyway godspeed, and keep it up :D

LOL! I no SFIII 3rd Strike expert, but I can parry hadukens & single attacks, plus I may now be deadly with Necro+Electric Snake-
HCF+HP-->B+MK-->HCF+MP-->Electric Snake-->F, D, DF+MP/LP-->DB+HP

Makoto is my princess-
HCB+HK-->Standing HP-->QCF+HP-->SA I
Now if I can only do this-
SA II-->QCB+LK/MK in the air-->SA II-->QCB+LK/MK in the air-->QCF+HP 2 times
I'd be a force to be reckoned with

About Kain's D+LP+LK follow-up I've known about it before, but forgot to update my combos with it. :P
Speaking of Butt's Break- it's seem a lot more easierto Break if you combo into the Koho, you can still Break if it whifs/misses, but that's hard.

Tip against CPU Kain while playing as Freeman- Do HCF+LK & that stupid CPU won't do anything to retaliate, works with me EVERY time in Arcade mode.

Oh and Daigo is god for parrying all those hits.

Sorry for writing in English :(.
So I went to see Batman Begins yesterday & man was that movie the bomb or what?! Movie of the year IMO, too bad the Scarecrow went bye-bye so easily, still sweet movie!

اسم معروف
15-07-2005, 05:01 PM


15-07-2005, 06:34 PM
Speaking of Butt's Break- it's seem a lot more easierto Break if you combo into the Koho, you can still Break if it whifs/misses, but that's hard.

i was talking about the whiff/miss situation XD;; im such a terry n00b ; ; i cant even play my fave character right

OL! I no SFIII 3rd Strike expert, but I can parry hadukens & single attacks, plus I may now be deadly with Necro+Electric Snake
Necro is overpowered IMHO XD

Makoto is my princess-
yeah everyone likes Akane Tendo :p

So I went to see Batman Begins yesterday & man was that movie the bomb or what?! Movie of the year IMO, too bad the Scarecrow went bye-bye so easily, still sweet movie!

lol a good comic -> movie? been a while, and thanks for the spoiler >_># u shouldve given an alert :p

Dark Zero
16-07-2005, 11:51 AM
i was talking about the whiff/miss situation XD;; im such a terry n00b ; ; i cant even play my fave character right

Necro is overpowered IMHO XD

yeah everyone likes Akane Tendo :p

lol a good comic -> movie? been a while, and thanks for the spoiler >_># u shouldve given an alert :p
:P Who's Akane Tendo? I like her cuz of her great stun damage & her heavenly Seinchuu-sen Godanzaki! (SA I), plus the only over-power character is Gill & Ryu IMO.
OK before I forget:
With Tizoc, if opponent has VERY LITTLE life left, do HCF+LK then quickly do D. Attack (QCFx2+K) if timed right you'll go O_o;.
BTW sorry for spoiler.
I know a thing or two in SF III 3rd Strike ask if ya need any help.

16-07-2005, 07:54 PM
انا غلبت garnet بس مافي ending كيف :blackeye: ؟

16-07-2005, 08:51 PM
Who's Akane Tendo? I like her cuz of her great stun damage & her heavenly Seinchuu-sen Godanzaki! (SA I), plus the only over-power character is Gill & Ryu IMO.
she's ranma's fiancee XD;;;, my only gripe with makoto is her Shoryuken like move, the only useful thing i could use it for is anti crossup >_< any tips for using it other than that?

With Tizoc, if opponent has VERY LITTLE life left, do HCF+LK then quickly do D. Attack (QCFx2+K) if timed right you'll go O_o

here's another thing with Tizoc my shisho told me when i complained about the difficulty of a full circle in an A->Fient->Justice Hurricane combo

Justice Hurricane for a weird reason can be shortcutted like that, u must NOT continue the half circle and quickly switch to the high angle, i tried this on the Neo Geo version though, i didnt turn garou on the PS2 on since i learned this yet

أتذكر هذي كانت تصير لي في الأركيد...حاول تسوي أشياء ترفع الرانك حقك, مو متذكر بس أتوقع هالأشياء تساعد :
1- تسوي جست ديفند كثير
2-تفوز بيرفيكت
3-تنهي كل الجولات بسوبر
4-- ما تنهزم و لا مره

معليش لو واحد يتأكد لنا؟ بس في الوقت الحالي, أتوقع أن هذي الطريق ألى أنم تقابل كاين >_< بأسأل الشباب و بأرد لك خبر :ciao:

Dark Zero
19-07-2005, 04:04 PM
Grant isn't the final boss. First you must fight every match and get a ranking of AAA or higherthen after
beating Grant you will fight Kain. No wait, actaully u need to get a lot of rank AAA or higher :P.

she's ranma's fiancee XD;;;, my only gripe with makoto is her Shoryuken like move, the only useful thing i could use it for is anti crossup >_< any tips for using it other than that?

Makoto's F, D, DF+P will only connect to jumping opponents, but will also sometimes hit Elena if she close to you (she's an exception) anyway after it your opponent is juggle, but connecting's a little tough. The good thing about her F, D, DF+P is that for a very short time at the start, she'll avoid standing/jumping attacks, same goes for EX too.
here's another thing with Tizoc my shisho told me when i complained about the difficulty of a full circle in an A->Fient->Justice Hurricane combo
Ah I do that input for Rock's 360+HP too! I'll try this...

23-07-2005, 08:29 PM
:09: لو سمحتم ممكن اطلب :p أغاني فاينل فانتسي 10 :D

Dark Zero
26-07-2005, 05:31 PM
:09: لو سمحتم ممكن اطلب :p أغاني فاينل فانتسي 10 :D
-_-; إسأل في مُنتدى الـFinal Fantasy

OK كيف الحال- بعدني زفت مع Kain لكن في شي أريد أكتب عنه بأبدأه قريباً و لكن إلى ذلك الحين أبيكم تشوفون هذي الصور و تقولولي إيش إلي تلاحظونه فيه.



C Ya!

27-07-2005, 02:02 AM
oh noez!11!! this will become a bug/glitch thread? :sad2:

seriously though, are these pics from an official version or an emulator version? as i recall, MOTW roms had a few bugs, most apparent one was the ability to cancel a 2 hit basic into a special move, that was not possible in the neo geo or the new official versions >_< keh

Dark Zero
27-07-2005, 03:53 PM
:P لا بس صورة Tizoc يمكن فيها glitch لكن الصورتين الثانيتي مُب glitch بس الصورة الأخيرة ركز فيها زين.