المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام شباب إليكم ما قاله كين كوتاراجي عن الاكس بوكس الجديد

28-07-2005, 07:55 PM
هذا نص ما قاله كين كوتاراجي عن الاكس بوكس 360 مقارنه بالبلاي ستيشن 3 :)
Outspoken Sony Computer Entertainment chief Ken Kutaragi is in the news again. In an interview hosted by Japanese technology site Watch Impress, the father of the PlayStation brand takes another stab at explaining his vision for the PS3 console while also taking a few sharp stabs at the competition.
When asked about the difference between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Kutaragi responds, "This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after the PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that."

Kutaragi reminisces about the unveiling of the original PlayStation and how many compared the system with 3DO, stating that both could do 3D graphics. "It was tough," he states. "Even after we said that the PS1 is actually doing 3D calculations while the other one isn't, people still insisted that they both had CD-ROM drives and 3D graphics. I believe that many people, even when looking at specs, don't understand the differences."

Things are similar this time around, according to Kutaragi, who explains, "This time, people probably won't be able to understand the difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 if the spec charts are just lined up. However, at E3, a suitable number of people said that they were glad they came and saw rather than just looking at the specs. When the PS3 is actually released, this will spread and people will come to understand."

Commenting on the demos shown by Microsoft and Sony at their respective conferences, Kutaragi adds, "One famous reporter let slip, Xbox is 1.5, the PS is more than what I was expecting, so it's 3.5. That's the difference."

I didn't say it...

Elsewhere in the interview, Kutaragi manages to share more of his vision for the PlayStation 3 (while continuing to take shots at the competition... we'll spare you the details, though). Kutaragi once again stresses that the PS3 isn't just a game machine, stating "From the start, we intended to make not just a game machine for kids, but a computer for entertainment that adults throughout the world could enjoy."

Terminology is apparently important here. Kutaragi adds, "Other companies may talk of game machines, but we've always referred to 'computer entertainment,' even in our press materials. It's entertainment and also a computer. That's what's important."

SCE made some deliberate choices with the design of the PlayStation 3 in order to reflect this vision. Kutaragi states that the system's name is now displayed all in capital letters in order to let people know that the new system is the PLAYSTATION -- the next Playstation. It seems as though we'll be seeing the full capitalization in all official texts from Sony Computer Entertainment from now on.

Even though the focus of the system may be on entertainment and computing as a whole, Kutaragi does admit, "of course, the conversation becomes at first, what's interesting as a game machine -- as computer entertainment." To answer this question, he touches upon the goals of the previous PlayStation consoles -- the original PlayStation, establishing the viability of 3D visuals, and the PlayStation 2, setting up a single standard for 3D. For the PS3, the difference involves the real time calculations that goes on behind the visuals -- the background physical simulations for AI and synthesis.

Getting a bit abstract, he explains, "Even if you display beautiful high definition visuals, you can't immediately tell if it's being calculated in real time by the Cell. However, if you look closely, the difference between things that are being calculated and things that are simply being changed and moved is clear." In Kutaragi's mind, when something is being calculated in real time, it's far more impressive to look at and developers can do stuff that's never before been done until now.

Bringing up the competition, he states, "Other companies may have HD [high definition] graphics, but the internals are the same. For the most part, they don't do calculations. For the most part, they don't do physics -- they just add movement through motion capture. Even if you can't tell the difference with a quick glance at the visuals, this difference is something that can be immediately understood."

The "other companies" to which Kutaragi is referring apparently aren't making PS3 games. Kutaragi states that developers understand what he's talking about regarding real time calculations, and that the E3 demos show this. "Even for the E3 demos, they used real time on the fly calculations rather than pre rendering and pre calculations. At E3, most of the demos had various calculations going on in the background. For the graphics too, determining which movements to make were all calculated." According to Kutaragi, this type of calculation, which wasn't possible before, is now possible with Cell.

Kutaragi gives an interesting perspective on sound and why the PS3 doesn't have a separate sound chip for doing audio. "It's obvious that we shouldn't have a sound chip. Because [the audio] is all calculated [through Cell]. Sound is not the about the number of voices, but is itself an object."

There's a lot of abstract talk in Kutaragi's comments. Is the PlayStation creator just throwing out buzz words in order to make people wait for the PS3, or is there any real palpable advantage to ditching motion capture for real time calculations and making audio into in-game objects? The truth should be in the games, meaning we'll find out once we've actually seen PS3 games up and running (probably close to the Tokyo Game Show). Before then, we expect to hear more from Kutaragi.

بإختصار ما قاله ان البلاي ستيشن 3 تفوقت على نظيرتها لأن مايكروسوفت لا تعرف مدى قوه البلاي ستين الثالث كما فعلت مع الاكس بوكس و البلاي ستيشن 2

29-07-2005, 01:24 AM
اتمنى احد يترجم المقال جزاكم الله خير

06-08-2005, 03:26 AM

06-08-2005, 01:30 PM
شكرا:) :)


