المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Punctuation

10-08-2005, 07:21 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

Punctuations are special marks that you add to your writing to separate phrases and sentences , to show that something is a question , etc.
There are many punctuation marks , and here , I am going –by Allah's willing – to explain them .
So , here we go:

علامات الترقيم هي علامات تستخدم اثناء الكتابة لعدة اغراض مثل فصل الجمل عن بعضها البعض او للدلالة على سؤال و نحو ذلك . هناك العديد من علامات الترقيم في اللغة الانجليزية و فيما يلي سوف نقوم بشرحها باذن الله .

1- Capital letter
- For the first letter of a sentence.
Fishing is popular in Britain
- For countries , nationalities , languages , religions , names of people , places , events , organizations , trademarks , days , months , titles.
Africa , Moslem , John , Jaguar , Sunday , Mr.
- For titles of books , films , etc.
Silence of the lambs
- For abbreviations.

العلامة الاولى - بالرغم من انها لا تعد علامة - هي الاحرف الكبيرة و لها عدة استخدامات :
- اول حرف في كل جملة يجب ان يكون كبيرا
- الاحرف الاول من اسم دولة . جنسية . لغة . ديانة . اسم شخص او مكان . حدث مهم . منظمة . ماركة تجارية . ايام الاسبوع . اسماء الشهور و الالقاب يجب ان تكون كبيرة
- عناوين الكتب و الافلام يجب ان تكتب باحرف كبيرة
- و الاختصارات يجب ان تكتب جميع حروفها بشكل كبير

2- Full stop / period
- At the end of a sentence.
I'm going for a walk.
- Sometimes after an abbreviation.
Dr.Ahmed P.S.
- As the decimal point in figures and amounts of money . This is usually read out as 'point'.
$3.5 million
- to separate parts of email and web addresses . This is read out as 'dot' .
www.montada.com Or blabony@hotmail.com

العلامة الثانية هي النقطة و لها عدة استخدامات في اللغة الانجليزية:
- عند نهاية الجملة يجب وضع نقطة
- بعد الاختصارات للدلالة على ان هذه الاحرف تدل على عدة كلمات و ليست كلمة واحدة او بعد الالقاب
- تاتي في الارقام العشرية
- في عالم الانترنت تاتي لتفصل بين عنوان البريد الالكتروني و اسم الموقع الذي يقدم هذه الخدمة او لفصل اجزاء اسم الموقع

3- Question mark:
- After a direct question.
What is your name?
- To show doubt.
He was born in 1980? well , I'm not sure.

علامة الاستفهام هي العلامة الثالثة و تستخدم في حالتين:
- للدلالة على سؤال مباشر
- للدلالة على التشكيك و عدم التيقن .

4- Exclamation mark:

- At the end of a sentence in order to show surprise/shock , etc.
I can't believe it !
- To indicate a loud sound .

علامة التعجب و تستخدم ايضا في حالتين:
- في نهاية بعض الجمل للتعبير عن التعجب او المفاجاة
- للتعبير عن الاصوات

5- Comma:
- Between items in a list.
I need new shirt , pants , and a cap.
- to show a pause in a long sentence .
They didn't want to eat before I'd arrived , but I was an hour late.
**P.S : using comma is necessary when you write a time clauses , but clauses , although clauses .... etc . We might talk about this later In sha'a Allah-
- When you want to add extra information.
Ahmed , who I told you about before , will visit us tonight.
- Before tag question.
You do love me , don't you?

خامس هذه العلامات و هو يعد من اكثرها اهمية هي الفاصلة و لها عدة استخدامات:
- عندما تقوم بتعديد قائمة من الاشياء يجب وضع فاصلة بين كل شيئين
- لفصل جملتين او مقطعين
ملاحظة : هناك العديد من العبارات و الجمل في اللغة الانجليزية التي يجب فصلها باستخدام الفاصلة و سنتطرق الى ذلك ان شاء الله لاحقا او في مواضيع قادمة .
- لاضافة معلومات او لوصف شيء يوضع الشرح بين الفاصلتين لتجنب الارتباك و لفهم العبارة بشكل صحيح
- و اخيرا تستخدم في الاسئلة الغير مباشرة لفصل المقطعين

6- Apostrophe :
- For missing letters .
I'll *I will* , don't *Do not
- For possessives.
Ahmed's car
*P.S : it's can only be an abbreviation for it is or it has . There is no apostrophe in the possessive form its.

هذه العلامة تسمى الفاصلة العليا و لها استخدامين هما:
- لاختصار بعض الاحرف و لكتابة الصيغ القصيرة
- للدلالة على الملكية

7- Colon:
- To introduce a list or a quotation in a sentence .
You need the following: paint , brushes and water
- In the greeting in a letter.
Dear Customer:

النقطتان الراسيتان و تستخدم في :
- لتقديم قائمة من الاشياء
- تستخدم في الرسائل بعد اسم المرسل اليه للدلالة على ان الخطاب موجه له

8- Semi-colon:
- To separate two parts of a sentence.
I spoke to him on Monday ; he can't come to the meeting .

علامة الفاصلة المنقوطة و تستخدم لفصل جزئن في جملة واحدة و هي تستخدم قليلا و تحتاج الى بعض التدريب

9- Hyphen:
- To join two words together .
- To show that a word has been divided and continues on the next line.
I used to visit my friend eve-
ry day.

علامة الشرطة و لها استخدامين هما:
- لربط كلمتين تدلان عند ربطهما على معنى واحد مختلف عن لو قرئتا بشكل منفصل مثل كلمة اسود-مزرق تدل على لون وسط بين اللونين و تختلف عن كلمتي اسود ازرق التي لا تدل على اي معنى
- لبيان ان للكلمة تكملة في السطر اللاحق و هذه من مميزات اللغة الانجليزية حيث يمكن فصل الكلمة الى جزئين كل منهما في سطر

10- Dash:
- To separate parts of sentences.
The man _ the one with black hair _ staring at me.
- To mean to.
The Riyadh _ Dammam train is too slow.

علامة القاطعة و تكتب مثل الشرطة لكن بشكل طويل و لم استطع كتابتها بشكل صحيح على الكومبيوتر فاستخدمت الشرطة التي اسفل السطر و تستخدم في وجهين :
- لفصل جزء من الجملة و غالبا ما يكون هذا الجزء يصف الذي قبله
- و تستخدم ايضا بمعنى "الى" مثل الرياض _ الدمام تعني من الرياض الى الدمام
ملاحظة : علامة الشرطة تكون ملتصقة بالكلمة التي قبلها و التي بعدها او بالجزء من الكلمة الذي قبله و الذي بعده اما القاطعة فيترك فراغ بين الكلمتين او المقطعين الذين تربطهما القاطعة

11- Inverted commas.
" " or ' '
- To show that words are spoken.
' Let's go' he said.

لم استطع الحصول على ترجمة حرفية لهذه الكلمة لكن يمكن ان نسميها الفاصلتان المتتابعتان و الكلام المحصور بين هاتين الفاصلتين يدل على انه كلام تلفظ به شخص ما و انه منقول .

congratulation, now we mastered the punctuation marks .
Thank you very much for reading my poor topic .
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes .
Thanks again

Victory's sword
10-08-2005, 08:01 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله

!!! Tell me , what can I say

you're active as usual

admirable ;)

awesome :)

brilliant :D

wondrous :05:

unexceptionable :ciao:

really really without a doubt extraordinary

keep the marvelous work up ;)

salam :ciao:

10-08-2005, 08:12 AM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله

!!! Tell me , what can I say

you're active as usual

admirable ;)

awesome :)

brilliant :D

wondrous :05:

unexceptionable :ciao:

really really without a doubt extraordinary

keep the marvelous work up ;)

salam :ciao:

Hi my dear brother
Long time no see
Frankly , I'm the one who can't say anything
Thank you very very much
Your sweet and amazing words always encourage me
جزاك الله خير
Thanks again for your passing by and your wonderful reply

See you soon


10-08-2005, 08:25 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ،،،

I took a punctuation class last month but it wasn't as easy as ur explanation
:أفكر: Hope every member gets benefit from it

Sticky for a while

then to special topics

:05: Thanx brother

10-08-2005, 08:34 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ،،،

I took a punctuation class last month but it wasn't as easy as ur explanation
:أفكر: Hope every member gets benefit from it

Sticky for a while

then to special topics

:05: Thanx brother

Thank you very much my brother and my respectful teacher
I really appreciate your passing by and your amazing words
Thank you for your encouragement


Lips Licker
10-08-2005, 08:53 AM
Wonderful explanation

:) Thnq very much

10-08-2005, 08:58 AM
Wonderful explanation

:) Thnq very much

No dear , thank you for your sweet reply

I'm glad that my topic satisfy you

See you

10-08-2005, 02:52 PM
:bigeyes: Woooooow

What do you want me to say?

:D It's useful and understandable

:o You are great in these type of topics

Thanks bro for the great job

:biggthump So keep it up

:ciao: Bye

مستر حريقة
11-08-2005, 02:47 AM
Hi Dear

very useful topic

really wonderful explanation

verey easy too

keep ur hard work up:reporter:

and thank u so much

thanks Another_One too for sticking it:biggthump

11-08-2005, 03:06 AM
:bigeyes: Woooooow

What do you want me to say?

:D It's useful and understandable

:o You are great in these type of topics

Thank you very much sis
I am happy to see you here in my topic
Thanks for your sweet word
See you soon

Thanks bro for the great job

:biggthump So keep it up

:ciao: Bye

Thank you very much sis
I am happy to see you here in my topic
Thanks for your sweet word
See you soon

11-08-2005, 03:21 AM
nice lesson :biggthump
useful and easy to understand
Thanks :D

11-08-2005, 04:01 AM
Hi Dear

very useful topic

really wonderful explanation

verey easy too

keep ur hard work up:reporter:

and thank u so much

thanks Another_One too for sticking it:biggthump

Hi bro
Thank you for passing by
It is nice to see a great poet in my topic :)
Thanks again


11-08-2005, 04:03 AM
nice lesson :biggthump
useful and easy to understand
Thanks :D

Thank you very much my dear sis
I'm glad to here these words from you
Thanks again

Mr. vampire
20-08-2005, 10:05 AM
Thankx alot My bro

It's very helpful

20-08-2005, 01:12 PM
Thankx alot My bro

It's very helpful

My pleasure

Thank you very much for passing by

NoBody But Me
24-08-2005, 12:14 AM
Ma sha'a Allah
It's a useful subject
I hope it was supported by some examples to make more clear
If you can , it would be better .

24-08-2005, 04:20 AM
Ma sha'a Allah
It's a useful subject
I hope it was supported by some examples to make more clear
If you can , it would be better .

Hi bro

Thanks for passing by

And thanks for your suggestion

Well, I put one example for every punctuation mark , but you are right I think

it is not enough.

But I'm so sorry it is too late now . I can not edit my topic anymore...

But if you want anything specific

Just name it

And I'll help you out whith it In sha'a Allah

Thanks again


Lips Licker
24-08-2005, 06:01 AM
:p Hi ps xbox sony
'how u doin

i just wanna say
:biggthump great lesson u got there

thank u

08-09-2005, 09:30 AM
:أفكر: Hi

:biggthump that is so much professional

so much wonderful

i really liked it

it resembles what i studied in translation

thank u so mcuh

keep it up

:D we need such masterpieces in this forum

thanks alot

موضوع مميز ,,, ينقل للمميزه:biggthump

09-09-2005, 06:02 AM
:أفكر: Hi

Hi dear
It is nice to see you around again

:biggthump that is so much professional
so much wonderful

Thank you very much
I'm really glad to read these word from you

i really liked it
it resembles what i studied in translation

:أفكر: I wish I could bring somthing new one day

thank u so mcuh
keep it up
:D we need such masterpieces in this forum
thanks alot

Not at all
You are the one whom must be thanked
And thanks for the encourgment

موضوع مميز ,,, ينقل للمميزه:biggthump

I don't know what to say.......
You and Another_one always encourage me althogh that I'm not so good
جزاكم الله خير

Thanks again


Amal Sayed
23-06-2007, 01:31 AM
Asslam Alikum
Thanks a lot for this usefull information I was just looking for the used of the semi-colon ;
Thanks again

23-06-2007, 07:04 PM
A great thread brother, You deserve all appreciations
Thank you so much...

katsumi san
02-07-2007, 12:39 AM
excellent & wonderful work my brother ps
Thank you very much for your great effort
and for this useful topic
May Allah bless & reward you

رجل من الماضي
02-07-2007, 11:49 AM
Thank you very much this is really useful
but can you give us a real life examples please
so we can see them in real paragraph and get little familiar with them
because i really do n't know how to use them the right way
example : should i put space after the comma or not ?
and should i write the whole title in capital letters or what ?
finaly thanks for the great topic
your Bro. Sam

03-06-2010, 06:20 PM
Hi, first I want to thank you for your efforts
but I have a comment about a mistake, as I think its when you say
To show doubt.
He was born in 1980? well , I'm not sure
I just want to say that it suppose to be "was he born in 1980?" am I wrong ?

yami vergil
03-06-2010, 11:57 PM
This thread is great @@

I can go back to it as a reference when I am writing letters at work

your the best ^^

am not gona use them now coz it is not sth official ^-^