المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : لينكس السلام عليكم ..سؤال عن الـ PVM

04-10-2001, 09:20 PM
السلام عليكم .........

أنا أستعمل ( Mandrake 7.2 ( 2 CD .

ولم أجد الـ PVM ( Parallel Virtual Machine ) Package .

ذهبت لموقع شركة MandrakeSoft ووجدت ما أريد ( pvm-3.4.0-4mdk RPM for i586 )

وضعت الملف pvm3.4.0.tgz في الـ usr/local/pvm3

(Then I went to any terminal ( for example GNOME

And typed the following :

mkdir pvm3

gunzip pvm3.4.0.tgz

tar xfv pvm3.4.0.tar

(the problem is when I type make ( there is an error

I read the documentation that came with the Package

and there is something about setting two environment variables : PVM_ROOT , PVM_ARCH in the .cshrc
file or .profile

I typed the following ( as the root ) in the .cshrc

setenv PVM_ROOT /usr/local/pvm3

'setenv PVM_ARCH ‘$PVM-ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch

and then typed make ………….and still nothing works

( I tried for hours to find a way but without success )

ممكن المساعدة ( أنا أحس أن المشكلة سهلة حلها........ بس للي ما يعرف - مثلي - يتعقد )


ملاحظة : أنا ممتدأ في لينكس ( لي إسبوع ) , ولكن مستعد أتعلم ........^_^

كما قلت مشكلتي في تفعيل المتغيرين PVM_ROOT , PVM_ARCH حتى يعمل الـ PVM

أ ر جــووووووووووووووووووووووووو المسااااااااااااااااااااااااعدة في أسرع وقت

شكراً لكم ......................

والسلام عليكم

05-10-2001, 08:24 AM
what you did only applies to tcsh
I think you are using bash (Bourne Again SHell) not csh
to know what shell you are using type the command :
echo $SHELL
it should give you : [/bin/bash] OR [/bin/tcsh] or anything else

if you are using bash do the following :
type the command (as root) :
cat >> /etc/profile
then write these two lines :
export PVM_ROOT="/usr/local/pvm3"
export PVM_ARCH="$PVM-ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch"
then press ENTER
then press Ctrl-D
after that type the command :
and it should work for all users (root , ...etc)

also if the only one who will use it is root (or anyone else) login as him and type the command
cat >> ~/.bashrc
then write these two lines :
export PVM_ROOT="/usr/local/pvm3"
export PVM_ARCH="$PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch"
then press ENTER
then press Ctrl-D
after that type the commands :

and it should work

to be sure that it works type :
echo $PVM_ROOT
and it should give you : [/usr/local/pvm3/lib/pvmgetarch]

that's all