المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الألعاب القتالية قصة كينج اوف فايتر

26-09-2005, 11:27 AM
السلام عليكم :)
هذه قصة اللعبة كاملة :12:
كينج اوف فايتر:biggthump

Greetings, and welcome to the cronology of the events that have occured in
the legendary King of Fighters tournament. This document has been recorded up to
April 1, 2002, only months after the conclusion of the seventh tournament that
introduced the team battle mode. This goes way back to the year of 1994, but the
story of the tournament goes way more back than that. However, I shall cover the
events that have occured ever since, and the present situation in the
tournament. The King of Fighters '98 event is not covered, since it has no
official link with the main storyline (as well as the KOF R-1/R-2 games, as they
are basically the retelling of some KOF games), but there are some interesting
features in it, which I will mention in the right moment...
First, let me state that, behind the glamour and glimmer of the
tournament, lies true carnage and passion. The fights in the event not only
represents advancing, winning positions, and earning a lot of money out of it.
It also involves honor, glory, fame, and even taking care of several grudges,
personal vendettas, or longtime rivalries between families. The warrior must
dedicate their mind, body, soul, even their very lives into perfecting their
skills, to overcome all obstacles and come out a winner at the end. However, if
he/she doesn't rely on their partners, defeat is not only a choice, but a
reality. That is why, as of late, some fighters have decided to enter the
tournament alone, since they feel they have no need for partners to aid them.
However, this is also a proof of true courage, strength, and determination.
I haven't had this experience yet, but after watching so many cases
(especially Kao Megura), I want to avoid misinterpretations:
This FAQ is created for public use, and intends to inform people about the
story of the King of Fighters series. This FAQ is NOT to be sold in any way
possible, nor can it be published in any page or printed media (aka those lazy
bums at EGM and such) without the permission of yours truly. This FAQ does NOT
include gameplay info, so if you're looking for strategies, combos, or the like,
go take a look elsewhere. If these rules are not applied, I will be tempted to
send the messengers of the Orochi down to your quarters, and you'll be wishing
that you had kissed that girl/boy you had this terrible crush, or punch your
chemistry teacher's face, or what not.
The King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, and Art of Fighting series are
registered trademarks of SNK Corporation (for now!). The info contained in this
document contains mostly real data that I've extracted from the SNK sources
(drama CDs, SNK home page) and the endings. Of course, there is also made-up
info made to tie loose ends (which, at the end, always works and can be hardly
denied). Obviously, you can tell where they are (the final battles, for
example). This was put in because some people think I'm making fool out of
people, especially some certain lousy URL ##### Brit whose name begins with G
and ends with unsmith. Yeah, that guy actually put in his page that some info on
my FAQ was made up. Look, I'm not ashamed! Wanna pick a fight? >:)
1.-The Beginning
2.-The Evolution
3.-The Chaos
4.-The Resurrection
5.-The City of Sins
6.-The Downfall
7.-The Fighters of Legend
Now, let me begin with has happened before the team battle mode was
introduced back in 1994.
Southtown. A city overflown with industrial activity, and most of all,
well known for it's passionate nightlife, and the interesting fights that take
place in the innards of the small city. Because, basically, that is the
lifestream that feeds the veins of Southtown: Fighting has stopped being a hobby
to become a way of life, a way to survive in a town gone mad. Even if you chose
anotehr path, ultimately, your life will sooner or later head you to the battle
arena. This reflects, in summary, the violent nature of the citizens of
Southtown. However, this has been more evident ever since the arrival of a
mysterious man named Geese Howard.
Geese Howard soon established himself as the most powerful man in
Southtown, thanks to his illegal operations in gun and drug dealing. His
personal wealth became far beyond anybody could ever imagine, even surpassing
that of the mayor of Southtown. Even though he was not the mayor of the city,
Geese began to insert the flow of corruption and fear in the hearts of
Southtown's policy. It has reached such high levels, that the police barely does
something about it. Not only have they been paid well to keep their mouth shut,
they also fear for their very lives. People in Southtown were no different.
Geese's illegal operations couldn't be stopped in any way. And even if they
tried, they would soon be violently rejected by Geese's forces. But Geese was
not a man who needed personal protection all day. Geese himself is a master in
the Hakkyokuseiken school of martial arts, and his strength is so terrible that
no one had survived while facing him. Wielding an incredible power at his hands.
Geese ruled Southtown with an iron fist, indeed.
However, to keep himself entretained and to eliminate any possible
opposition, Geese created the "King of Fighters" tournament. The competition
involved having a group of fighters fight among themselves the prove who is
truly the most powerful, and the one with the right to challenge Geese in the
championship match. However, nobody has ever reached him, since Geese placed as
his number one contendant his own personal bodyguard: pole master, Billy Kane,
from England. His ability with the stick was so admirable, he made short work
out of anyone who challenged him. That was why Geese almost never fought
anybody. Until one faithful day...
On the outbreak of yet another tournament, new contenders came in. It
seemed practically normal, except for one thing: a certain pair of brothers who
came in to make things harder for Geese and his men. And it was quite obvious,
considering that their father, another great Hakkyokuseiken master named Jeff
Bogard, was killed by Geese since Jeff was alywas a better student and stronger
fighter than Geese. That's why Geese eliminated him as any possible threat to
his grip on the city. However, Jeff's two sons, Terry Bogard and Andy Bogard,
along with their friend, Japanese kickboxer Joe Higashi, had come to exact
revenge from Geese, and this time, Geese's championship was put in serious
jepordy, even more notable by their incredible easiness in winning their
battles, and even in smashing Billy Kane. Geese saw in this the perfect
opportunity to squish the worms. However, he was surprised by the incredible
strength of the elder brother, Terry Bogard. He used all the techniques his
father had used, but he had a certain something that separated him from Jeff:
the fact that he actually enjoyed fighting and in defeating stronger opponents.
Geese wasn't expecting so much enthusiasm out of a man, and he was even more
surprised by the fact that he also knew a few more tricks. In his agony of
defeat, Geese was knocked out of the window on the top of his tower where he and
Terry were fighting. Geese was presumed dead afterwards.
A year later after Geese's defeat, the world was shuddered when a man by
the name of Wolfgang Krauser took the role of the tournament and increased it
from a local stage to a worldwide stage. Krauser was a German noblesman, but his
fighting skills, extracted from the Strolheim boodline, were devastating and
ruthless. His strength was many times more bigger than Geese's, and his skills
were twice as deadly. Krauser began a intensive search of the man who defeated
Geese Howard, but not precisely to take revenge, but to challenge him, as
Krauser enjoyed having a little fun with men inferior to him. So, as the
tournament was taking place in several parts of the world, Krauser himself began
his own streak in smashing reknown fighters around the world, making more and
more evident his power to the world. Once again, the Lonely Wolves (as the trio
formed by Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, and Joe Higashi was later known as) took on
the challenge of Krauser, but they were no longer alone in their battle. Five
other warriors from around the globe gathered to compete for the right to face
Krauser in the last, fateful battle. Once again, Terry managed to reach the
finals, passing through such tough opponents like the ex-heavyweight boxing
champion Axel Hawk, and Krauser's right-hand man, the Spanish bullfighter
Lawrence Blood.
Once again, a fatal battle was about to begin. Terry and Krauser engaged
in a legendary battle, indeed. Both had finesse, skills, and the enjoyment of
battle in their souls. It was the clash of two inmense powers. However, Terry
had learned a lot from his previous battles, and gained enough experience, thus
which Krauser did not gain in his previous encounters with other fighters. So
while Krauser was only goofing around, Terry actually learned something from his
previous opponents. Taking a new air, Terry used his ultimate techniques, and
managed to defeat Krauser. Thus, the second King of Fighters tournament ended,
and as last year, it was unknown who would take the tournament in his/her own
hands. Until...

لاحد ارد حتى اكمل الموضوع ............................................:ciao:

26-09-2005, 11:33 AM
تابع الموضوع

1994. The modern age is now in it's total fulfillment. The world has
suffered various changes, and technology has advanced as well. However, in the
fighting world, a more dramatic outbreak was to take place...
This year, the man known as Rugal Bernstein began to make waves in the
world. His reputation as a black market leader and expert in weapon and drug
trafficing were unsurpassed, and known by many as one of the more wealthy men in
the world. Aboard the Blacknoah, his private air carrier, from where he receives
and delivers his stocks, Rugal cruised the seas of the world, without being able
to be stopped by the world governments. And not only was Rugal feared and
respected in the crime world. He was also known to be quite a formidable
fighter, and it is known that anybody who has faced him aboard the Blacknoah,
has not escaped alive.
Rugal, bored by the lack of competition, had an ominous idea. He ordered
one of his personal secretaries, Mature, to go around the world, and give eight
invitations to certain people around the world. These invitations were enclosed
in white envelopes, with red seals marked the "Rugal" sign. He was to retake the
old King of Fighters tournament, and take it in his own hands. However, he was
going to create some new rules this year. Instead of one-on-one fights, the new
competition system was to include battles between teams of three people. Fights
will take place between these teams, in a tag-team fashion. If one of the
members were to be defeated by one of the other team's members, the next member
will come in to fight the winner, and will go on until all three members of one
team would be defeated. However, before the tournament was to be commenced, a
man stood before Rugal...ready to fight him to the end and finish his stupid
ambition. Of course, Rugal was not the one to be intimidated...
Days later, the new King of Fighters tournament began. Eight teams had
entered, representing eight different countries. Japan, with the newest breed of
Asian heroes. Italy, having no other than the legendary Lonely Wolves. Mexico,
showing the power of Kyokugenryo Karate. Brazil, represented by Ikari
mercenaries. China, combining both old and new generations. Korea, sporting some
weird combination of justice and crime. England, the only all-female team. USA,
and the three most important country sports. Thus, the battles began. Emotive
encounters took place, and the passion and fury of battle once again raged on,
with more emotion than ever before. So many different fighters, so many
different styles. It was a delight to see so many fighting skills facing one
another, in a battle not presenting hatred, just the satisfaction and honor of
winning. The battles were long and winded, and the winners were only defined by
short instances.
At the end, it was not the Lonely Wolves, but the Japan Team which came
out the winner. This team had two young fighters and one experienced warrior.
One of the young ones was Kyo Kusanagi, latest descendant of the Kusanagi clan,
reknown for their crimson flames. The other was Benimaru Nikaido, a brash and
arrogant fighter, expert in shooting karate (a variation of Muay Thai
kickboxing), and also having the power of lightning. The experienced one was
Goro Daimon, the large Judo champion, who's impressive strength made the earth
itself tremble. All three were defined by a national martial arts championship
which took place in Japan: Kyo came out on top, beating Benimaru in the finals;
Daimon was third, after being beaten by Kyo in the semifinals.
Mature, Rugal's personal secretary, invited the Japan Team atop a
helicopter, which was to transfer them to the Blacknoah: their final battle was
about to begin. Rugal saluted the team as they came in the Blacknoah, aside his
pet panther and a glass of wine. He laughed and honestly thought they wouldn't
come this far. Shocked at this statement, the three fighters were paralyzed at
the sight around them: groups and groups of statues of fighters extended
everywhere. With another evil laughter, Rugal admits that all those fighters
were alive once, and that he had defeated them all, and bathed their bodies in
steel so that they would be inmortalized. And the Japan Team was the next in the
eerie collection...
Rugal fought the three fighters. Benimaru and Daimon fought well, but they
only managed to make Rugal a lot more angrier, obligating him to use his best
techniques. He confesses that he never had to reach to such instances, but the
circumstances so applied for it. Using his full power, Rugal even took the best
techniques of Geese and Krauser, past hosts of the tournament! After defeating
Benimaru and Daimon, Kyo was the last one standing. Although Kyo fought with all
his might, Rugal turned out to be a ruthless fighter, and began to make Kyo feel
the heat of the battle. Almost on his knees, Kyo, with sore eyes, saw a body
lying in a corner of the room. With disbelief, he saw that it was no other than
his own father, Saisyu Kusanagi. He had turned out to face Rugal prior to the
tournament, but had been defeated...perhaps even killed. Kyo couldn't take it
anymore. He bursted in rage, and in sheer fury, attacked Rugal like a crimson
tornado. Unable to avoid the rage of the Kusanagi, Rugal fell in defeat. With
his voice paused by the pain, Rugal silently condemns the Japan Team to a swift
death...crazy of revenge, and a poor loser, Rugal took a strange device, and
pressed the button. The Blacknoah was now to autodestroy itself! Kyo, Benimaru,
and Daimon barely made it out alive, as the Blacknoah, engulfed in flames, sank
to the bottom of the ocean. Thus, the King of Fighters tournament ended yet
again, and as the same as the past two years, nobody was seen to be able to take
hand of the tournament.
A year passes. It's 1995. All the fighters of the past tournament remember
the competition with fond memories, but now know that now that Rugal is dead,
the tournament would die with him. That was, until seven of the eight teams
began to receive invitations once again...
This time, the envelopes were signed by some "R" fellow. Who was he, and
what was that he wanted? Nobody knew, and many didn't even care, as the fighting
will take place yet again...in 1995! All the teams gathered again, except
one...the USA team was nowhere to be seen. This year, the teams were no longer

26-09-2005, 11:36 AM
تابع الموضوع

affiliated to no country, but it was strange not to see or hear from them.
However, one team did show up in their place...and, for some of the fighters, it
wasn't a very grateful team at all. The team was formed by: Billy Kane, ex-
champion of the tournament, and with a grundge against the Lonely Wolves. Eiji
Kisaragi, a ruthless ninja with unfinished business with the Sakazaki family.
And, the captain of the team, a lonely, but yet, incredibly strong fighter, whom
used similiar techniques to Kyo, but with the difference that he wielded purple
flames! The mysterious young man was known no other as Iori Yagami, a descendant
of the Yagami family, eternal rivals of the Kusanagi family. Now, the tournament
would be filled of personal interests, giving way to more passionate fights than
last year!
With this frame of hatred, emotion, and excitement, the battle began once
again. Warriors once again took one another, now with one year of experience,
and some new techniques, making the battles more intriguing and exciting. This
time, the results of the battle were decided in some times in the last fighter
of each team, and the winner was nowhere to be defined. Not even the current
champion, the Japan/Hero Team had an easy path. Revitalized warriors, combined
with the new blood, made this tournament much more emotive and skillful than the
last one.
As the Hero Team was about to enter one of the last battles, they
concentrated in the locker room. However, all of a sudden, a green smoke began
to surround them. The trio noticed that they were losing their senses, and
suddenly, all became black. Sleeping gas...
Kyo woke up in a dark place. He could barely see his fainted companions
next to him. He was received with a certain familiar laugh. It was no other than
Rugal! Kyo, Benimaru, and Daimon were skeptical, but it was indeed him! He had
something new about him...besides his cybernetic arm, he had a lot more power
than before! How could this be? It seems that Rugal is also in terrible need of
revenge! Rugal beckoned for the Hero Team, but he had a new partner up his
sleeve...His other secretary, Vice, let way to a familiar man. Benimaru and
Daimon were surprised, but Kyo was speechless...It was Saisyu Kusanagi, his own
father! Kyo was filled with joy and happiness, but was stopped cold when his
father challenged him to a fight. His eyes indicated that he was not himself.
Rugal had brainwashed him, and ordered him to kill his own son! Kyo was so
confused in fighting his own father...but Benimaru and Daimon fought the battle
for him. Saisyu was a formidable opponent, being the father and master of Kyo,
but he couldn't fight at his whole potential, due to his resistance to the
brainwash. He was finally defeated, but both Benimaru and Daimon were exhausted
and couldn't fight anymore. Saisyu regained his senses, and summoned Kyo. He bid
his son to defeat Rugal, and avenge him. Then, Saisyu loses consciousness. Kyo
slowly gets up, and faces Rugal once again. However, facing Kyo's rage, was
Rugal's hatred! He suddenly began to emit a previously undetected aura, and his
power began to rise to unexpected heights! His appearance took a different form,
now with a demon look! It was the fury of Omega Rugal!
The last battle began in the missile platform of Rugal's hidden
underground base. Even though Kyo fought with the same entusiasm as last year,
the new power acquired by Rugal was far too much for Kyo to handle. His power
and speed had now been doubled, and along with his feelings of hatred and
revenge, things began to become bleak for Kyo. However, at the same time, he was
aided by his friends, Terry, Ryo, Athena, between others. They all gave him
strength to go on. Kyo got up once and once again. However, the tide had began
to turn in Kyo's favor. And to boot, Rugal was beginning to lose control of his
own body. Kyo forced Rugal to go all out, but that was his own downfall: the
power in his body began to go out of control, and his body began to twitch and
begin exploding. During his suffering, a deep voice could be heard in a far
place: "You fool! Only those of the bloodline can control such power! You didn't
have a chance!" Rugal vowed vengeance, and a pillar of light consumed Rugal,
blinding Kyo. When he turned around, both Rugal and Iori had vanished. Taking
Benimaru and Daimon with him, Kyo escapes from the base. Now, even though Rugal
was gone for sure, nobody could tell if the tournament was dead or not.
And nobody could tell what horror lied behind the power Rugal had...
A year passed since the last tournament ended. It is the year of 1996, and
once again, most of the past tournament's teams were invited to the ultimate
fighting tournament. This time, the host was to be unknown, but it was certainly
not Rugal; not just by the fact that the host was known to be a famous business
woman, but also, the tournament broke it's own solemn seal of silence, and
turned into a commercial, worldwide known event. The fights would be broadcasted
by international T.V., and many sponsors would be watching the tournament. Soon,
the King of Fighters tournament got as much attention as the Olympics or the
soccer World Cup.
As mentioned before, the same teams of last year were invited, but most of
them presented some interesting changes. Some of the more veteran fighters, such
as Heidern and Takuma, retired from the battle scene, leaving their places to
those of the younger generation. Takuma sent his daughter, Yuri, in his place in
the Kyokugenryo Team, and teh Gorgeous Team welcomed Kasumi Todoh as their new
teammate. Heidern gave his place to his student, Leona, a young woman with
mysterious powers. Iori, after severly beating up his old partners, had made an
eerie union with both of Rugal's secretaries: Mature and Vice. But the one team
that got the most attention, was the most evil team: the one leaded by Geese
Howard and Wolfgang Krauser. Both of them showed by themselves that they were
pretty much alive, and ready to claim rights for the tournament. Alongside them,
was one of Geese's lackeys, Mr. Big, who had a very bad grudge against the
Kyokugenryo school. It seems that this year would be filled of passion and honor
as well!
Before the main event began, Kyo, the fateful warrior that defeated Rugal
twice in the past, was challenged by a mysterious man. Attending the invitation
alone, Kyo faced this ominous man, whom offered Kyo a fight. However, even
before the battle began, Kyo sensed a terrible power behind that man. The same
power that Rugal possesed, and the one that destroyed him at the end. Kyo was
even more anguished by the fact that the man was outrageously strong, making
short work of Kyo in an instance. Kyo winded up in the hospital, forced to
improve his techniques, and to fight him once more.
As fights took place, everything seemed to go perfectly on the outside:
the battles went on with a more dramatic sense to it, the fighters putting their
own life on the line in order to win, thus, creating much more intense fights to
decide the winner. Personal vendettas, such as the Kyo-Iori, and the Terry-Geese
rivalries, took central stage in the tournament. However, an evil presence
surrounded the tournament. The shadow of Rugal wasn't quite gone from the
tourney, and something even worse was presented to come. Iori and the new Ikari
member, Leona, began to show powers far beyond those of the fighters'
comprehension, and the entrance of Geese was also quite disturbing. What was all
this ominous feeling about? As the life-and-death battles raged on, the sense of
evil power remained more and more resident in the mind of the fighters.
As the finals drew nearer, the host finally revealed herself: it was no
other than Chizuru Kagura, latest descendant of the Clan of the Yata, the group
in charge of taking care of the seal that was imposed over an evil power.

26-09-2005, 11:37 AM
تابع الموضوع

Chizuru revealed to the competitors that the seal upon this dangerous power was
broken ten years ago, and that now, it has began to run amok, now more than
ever. She now needs the help of the strongest team in order to aid her in her
quest to seal off the power once again. She called for the Hero Team, past
champion of the two tournaments, and they responded. The Hero Team was invited
to a very big stadium, property of the Kagura family. The many people united
there was pretty impressive. Chizuru appeared in front of the Hero Team, and
asked them, if they were worthy, then they should have a battle with her.
However, Chizuru gave more attention to Kyo than any of the other two teammates.
The Hero Team won the emotive battle against Chizuru, but she stood up to
tell Kyo and his two friends that the power that ultimately vanquished Rugal
was, indeed, the power of the Orochi. Benimaru and Daimon did not understand,
but it did seem to ring a bell in Kyo's head. He had heard from his father that
the Kusanagi was destined to battle the Orochi once again, as they did 1800
years ago in order to seal the power. However, in the present day, the Orochi
power was released by a messanger of Orochi, and that Rugal, in a haste to
control that power, winded up being defeated and his right eye taken, but that
he received the Orochi power anyway, the messanger knowing that it would kill
him sooner or later. As they talked, a strong wind began to blow in the stadium,
and suddenly, a huge gush of wind blew everyone away...
As the Hero Team got up, the festive and happy background had been morphed
into that of death and destruction. The stadium was a bit less than destroyed,
and a very big power began to surface. Chizuru was barely standing, badly
wounded by the past gust. With her last breath, she tells Kyo to join Iori in
order to seal the Orochi power. Kyo couldn't believe that he had to ally with
his age-old enemy in order to seal the Orochi power. However, a strange voice
emerged from the middle of the wind. Benimaru and Daimon did not know who that
voice was, but Kyo knew for sure, since it was no other than the man who
defeated him prior to the tournament. The surface materialized. The man
introduced himself as Goenitz, and that he was the one would liberate the Orochi
power completly. Kyo stood in front of him, daring Goenitz that he would be the
one to stop him. Goenitz chuckled and warned Kyo the same result as the first
battle. Kyo grinned and tells Goenitz he is not the same man he defeated
earlier. Kyo tells Benimaru and Daimon to stand back, as they would only get
killed by Goenitz subsequently. Soon enough, Kyo and Goenitz began the fight
that would decide the fate of all mankind.
Kyo fought with every ounce of strength in his body, making a lot more
effort than the battle he lost. However, it was not enough to match the
humongous power of Goenitz, whom, unlike Rugal, did know how to control his
power, and using it in a devastating way. However, even Goenitz had trouble
subduing the brave Kusanagi, and was glad that he had improved. The huge bursts
of power made the wrecked stadium tremble, and both auras were expanded to
unimaginable heights. However, one blow sent Kyo flying away, and Goenitz was
ready to dispose of him once and for all, until he was caught off guard by a
mysterious man. Kyo recovered and saw that it was no other than Iori! He was
surprised that he would help him, but Goenitz looked even more pleased. He
laughed and tells Kyo that he is finished, since Iori himself posseses the power
of Orochi. Not only Iori, but also the young Ikari woman, Leona, was of Orochi
blood as well. Kyo was shocked. Was that the reason why Iori was able to launch
purple flames? Iori just stood there, motionless. Iori than laughed maniacally.
He tells Goenitz that only he can kill Kyo, and that's that. Goenitz grumbled,
and dared both enemies to take him on. So, two eternal foes forgot their rivalry
for a while, and fought side by side against a common enemy.
This time, Goenitz payed his overconfidence dearly. Facing both a Kusanagi
and a Yagami was a huge mistake, and he even noticed that Iori was beginning to
launch crimson flames himself! With a weakened Goenitz, Kyo and Iori winded up
for the final blow. A huge crimson blast from both warriors was more than enough
to take Goenitz away. Goenitz gasped. He kneeled down, and was living his final
moments. Suddenly, Chizuru surged behind him. Kagura tells him that both the
Kusanagi and the Yagami were both allies before the war, and both had aided in
sealing the Orochi power 1800 years ago. Chizuru also demands payback, since
Goenitz killed her sister in order to unleash the Orochi power. Goenitz grins,
and tells Chizuru that the battle is far from over. With a gust of wind, Goenitz
vanished in thin air.
The wind receeded. Chizuru tells both Kyo and Iori that they should become
allies once again, in order to face the inminent danger that would unfold in
front of them. Iori grumbles, and says he has his own intentions. And has he
walks away, Iori finally stops and begins to clutch his chest. He then launches
a blood-curling scream, and spits out blood. Chizuru is surprised, and says Iori
is now passing through the Riot of Blood, process in which the Orochi blood
inside him begins to awaken. Iori begins to terribly freak out, becoming more
monster than human. His teammates, Mature and Vice, try to stop him, but they
pay for their interference by being ripped away by the insane Iori. Kyo now
stands alone, with the danger of Orochi still fresh in his mind and soul.
One year flew by. Although the last tournament had a tragic ending, the
sponsors were satisfied by the success of the tournament in gathering millions
of spectators worldwide. Thus, many of the more richer men in the world began to
sponsor what would be the fourth tournament, to be taken place in 1997. This
time, though, there would be preelimanry rounds before the definitive matches.
This time, the excitement would build up even before the actual tournament, and
more people would see the battles worldwide.
This time, most of the teams which have always participated in the last
tournaments won the right to compete yet again. Chizuru, the past host of the
tournament, teamed up with Mai and King, whom had lost Kasumi. Iori and Kyo's
student, Shingo Yabuki, entered as single entries. Two new teams were
introduced, however. One of them was a team sent out by Geese Howard, whom had
quitted to the tournament, as well as Krauser and Mr. Big. In it was Billy Kane,
Geese's bodyguard, with direct orders to watch over Iori, and investigate about
the Orochi power, despite Billy's hatred towards Iori. Alongside him was Ryuji
Yamazaki, a madman who would kill his own mother for a dime. Yamazaki was
promised double the tournament's prize money if he could win. The third member
was Blue Mary, an agent who was working undercover to investigate Yamazaki, and
even Billy. The other team was unexpected; a last minute entry, to be precise.
The three fellows were known to be members of a music band, but they suddenly
emerged as the new team of the King of Fighters tournament. The team was formed
by Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, and a little kid named Chris. The three seemed to
be innocent, but lethal fighters...
Thus, began the tournament once again. This time, the final matches would
take place in six different countries around the globe, always receiving a huge
propaganda, mostly on T.V.. The matches were more intense than ever, but the
danger of the Orochi was covering the competition with it's eerie shadow. What
would happen with Iori and Leona? What does the New Face Team really want?
Nobody dared to ask those questions, as perhaps, the answers would be
catastrophic. The fights were still held on, and the people were satisfied by
the huge amount of competition, mostly since all of the fighters came back with
more and better techniques than ever before. It was unexpected to see who would
win, and the fighters gave all they got in order to keep the heat on. That is,
until the last days of the tournament...
During the final days, Iori and Leona were reported missing. A frantic
search began for the two Orochi blood members. Also, the New Face Team began to
act a lot more stranger these past days. As if they knew something...
Finally, Iori and Leona were encountered. However, they were no longer the
same: the Riot of Blood had gained total control of their minds, and since they
were not able to control the power, they became just bloodthirsty monsters,
seeking out to kill as many people as they could. Kyo and the rest of his
friends had a hard time trying to stop the enraged Iori and Leona. Ralf and
Clark, Leona's partners, promised they would stop Leona's rampage, and told Kyo
to do the same with Iori. Thus, the heroic fighters began to fight again. But,
if they went berserk, was that because it was a sign of Orochi being near? They
tried to spare the thought, but as they met and fought the freaked out Iori and
Leona, it became more and more evident...
Kyo and his friends managed to stop the crazed Iori in his tracks, and
Ralf and Clark finished their mission as well, successful in stopping Leona.
However, this was no more than the beginning... Three figures stood besides
them. The figures were more than familiar. It was the New Face Team! However,
they had certainly changed. Their clothes had a different color, but most of
all, their aura was filled with the evil stench of Orochi. That could only mean
that the New Face Team were of Orochi blood as well! However, they seemed to be
perfectly normal. Yashiro took a step forward, and smickered. He beckons that
they are three of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi, the fourth being Goenitz.
Yashiro also tells the surprised competitors that they are out to finish
Goenitz' mission. It seems that although defeated, Goenitz was successful in
gathering enough fighting energy from the fighters, and this time, even more
fighting aura was gathered, and the Orochi was close to being resurrected! Even
so, it was revealed that even the crazy Yamazaki was an Orochi blood member! Kyo
and his friends vowed to the Orochi New Face Team, that they would stop them
before they realize their ambition. Yashiro grins, and clenches his fist,
calling out arrogantly: "You do not have to pray...even if you win, a living
hell will be waiting for you all!"
Kyo and his justice friends, Benimaru, Terry, Ryo, Daimon, Athena,
Kim...all did their best in fighting against the inmensly powerful Orochi New
Face Team. Their powers were superb, surpassing far more those of Goenitz. Their
powers, however, simulated those of the Hero Team. It seems that they copied
their techniques since they were so useful in the past! However, evil can not
triumph. With a great deal of sacrifice, an all-out battle took place, the age-
old war between good and evil took place once again. Every fighter did their
best effort to stop the three Heavenly Kings, even though most of them were
terribly underpowered. But the human spirit, the need to defend their world
prevailed. The good will always triumph against evil. Thus, the Orochi New Face
Team, after a long and difficult battle, was finally defeated. Few fighters were
left standing, but all glad they were able to protect their world...
However, the worst part of the battle had not yet come. Yashiro and
Shermie both laughed, and congratulated the fighters. Kyo demanded their real
purpose, and it seemed that they only fought as long as to gather the remaining
energy for the Orochi to awaken! Suddenly, Chris, the innocent kid, began to
float among the other two Orochi kings. And, all of a sudden, Yashiro and
Shermie killed themselves right in front of Chris' eyes! The fighters were
dumbfounded. Chris had began to gather a VERY strong amount of energy. Chris
opened his eyes. He began to talk in an omnipotent voice. He claimed that all
humankind would die at his hands, and that this time, he would finish what began
1800 years ago. Chris then morphed, from becoming an innocent kid, to a young
man, with such a goldike feeling to him. His hair was white, his chest tattoed,
and his eyes gleeming with the scent of death. This time, the moment had
arrived, the time to fight Orochi!
It didn't take long for Orochi to prove his true power. With no effort at
all, he blew the rest of the fighters away. This was the true power of the
Orochi! Even Kyo fell to the ground, defeated. He began to lose his
consciousness, and everything turned black around him. Suddenly, amidst the
darkness, Kyo could hear voices...faint voices, similiar to those of spirits.
The ghosts told Kyo that they were the spirit of the Yagami, dead ancestors of
Iori. The Yagami pledged Kyo to end the curse that has been imposed on the
Yagami ever since their blood pact with the Orochi 660 years ago. It seems that
the Orochi power was the cause of the Yagami's short lifespan! Kyo then heard
the voices of his friends, and his girlfriend, Yuki. Yuki was one of the eight
Kushinada girls, destined to be sacrificed in order to awaken Orochi. Yuki says
that since she was the only Kushinada to not be sacrificed, she would aid him.
Kyo slowly got up. He found Iori standing right next to him. He had seems to be
able to get back to normal, and smiled at Kyo. "It seems that we will die
together, eh Kusanagi? How ironic that you will not die by my hand...". Kyo just
grinned, and tells Iori that they have a lost job to do. Chizuru calls both from
behind, and tells them they she will take care of the seal once they have
defeated Orochi.
Kyo and Iori go into battle...a mortal battle, a battle were no one could
live. Somebody was going to die that day, and the one who would live, would take
the world. Kyo and Iori fought with the last amounts of power left in their
tired bodies, but managed to turn Orochi back. They fought with no regrets, no
preoccupations. They would die anyway, so it was better to make the most of it!
Even Chizuru colaborated a bit to fight Orochi, and the battle of 1800 years ago
repeated itself...Kusanagi and Yagami fighting together, Kagura taking care of
the seal.
At the end of the battle, Orochi grew tired, and used all his power to
input the Riot of Blood on Iori once again. Iori began to go insane again, but
Kyo pledged for him to regain senses. But it was too late...Iori had gone
berserk again. Orochi commanded Iori to attack both Kyo and Chizuru, and kill
them both. However, it was Orochi who was attacked by the powered Iori! Iori
grabs Orochi by the neck, and Chizuru bids Kyo to hurry up and finish him. Kyo
denies, and exclaims he would kill Iori as well. Chizuru says he has no time,
since Iori will hold no longer, since Orochi was using the remaining of his
power to take Iori out of the way. Kyo then gathers all the strength given to
him by Yuki and his friends, and gives a full, crmison blow to Orochi...
The sky's dark clouds clear. The sun shines again. The world is safe once
more. Everybody still remember the heroic deeds of the tournament fighters.
Orochi sleeps once again, but still, it is yet to be defined who will be the

26-09-2005, 11:41 AM
تابع الموضوع

Two years had passed since the fateful battle against the Orochi clan.
During this period of time, the winds of peace blew again throughout a world
that had suffered the consecuences of the ambition of the Orochi power. Once
having been a fighting stage to the death between the Kusanagi and Yagami clan
against Orochi, the people of the world once again lived with joy and
satsifaction. The fighters of the past tournaments could finally get a rest from
so many years of battle, and decided to only hone their skills in local
tournaments, in order to maintain themselves in practice. Thanks to these
warriors, the human race could live to see the dawn of another day.
However, unknown was the fate of the two main fighters that fought bravely
against the menace of the Orochi power: Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami. After the
final battle, the two latest descendants of the legendary clans had vanished,
and nobody had heard anything about them. Not even Chizuru Kagura, the
descendant to the Clan of the Yata, protectors of the Orochi seal, knew what was
the fate of the two young warriors. Despite that, all the fighters decided to
take a rest, knowing that now that the Orochi threat was gone, the world would
be at rest, since nobody could attempt the revival of the Orochi power for 100
years. But destiny does not respect personal thoughts....
All of a sudden, and out of nowhere, invitations were sent out once again
to the most powerful fighters in the world in order to gather around for the
fifth King of Fighters tournament. This time around, the tournament would return
to the shades of secrecy from where it surged, away from the glamour of public
attention and massive communication transmission. The battles would once again
retain its category of honor and glory battles from the bases of the fight. No
longer was there any business profits among the battles, but just sheer, pure
brawls to the finish. However, that was the least important modification to the
tournament. For the first time in 5 years, the basic rules of the tournament had
changed. This time around, now up to 4 fighters could make up a team: three of
them would act as main fighters of the match, the remaining warrior was only
allowed to participate for a short while in the match, executing any attack they
would prefer, and their appearances would be restricted to a certain number.
This would made the battles a lot more dramatic than ever before, with up to
four fighters dueling at the same time!
Basically, the main teams of the past four tournaments were to be invited
again to this ultimate brawl, some of them bringing back faces from the past in
order to do battle again, and some of them had new faces among their lineup, for
a shocking new experience. The Lonely Wolves finally accepted the red-haired
female ninja Mai Shiranui in their team (of course, to fight aside her one true
love, Andy Bogard). The students of Kyokugenryo Karate joined their master,
Takuma Sakazaki, once more in order to show the world the might of their martial
art! The Ikari Warriors recruited a new mercenary among their ranks: another
young female soldier, whose name reflected her weapon of choice: Whip. The
Psycho Soldiers introduced a new child with psychic powers called Bao, but with
the Sie Kensou enigma, who had began to lose his own powers himself. Kim
Kaphwan's old training partner, Jhun Hoon, joined the Tae Kwon Do justice
fighters in order to show which way of justice was more adequate (much to Chang
Koehan and Choi Bounge's dismay!). King gathers her Southtown female friends
(Blue Mary, Kasumi Todoh, and newcomer Li Xiangfei) to form a more beautiful and
more lethal gorgeous team! However, the new fighters were to create quite the
mysterious athmosphere in the tournament....
Benimaru Nikaido, decided to take Kyo's spot as number one fighter, and
Shingo Yabuki, intent of honoring the memory of his master, were teamed with two
enigmatic warriors. Both were silent, but had furious looks in their eyes,
showing no trace of feelings. A gloomy aura and violent fighting techniques soon
awaked the bad feelings of the other participants. Their names, as mysterious as
their lives: K' and Maxima. Nobody knew their real purpose, but many obviously
suspected about them....
The most incredible thing ever saw was the two new single entries. It was
Kyo Kusanagi...times two! It was unbelievable how the two fighters had such a
striking resemblance to the most powerful fighter that ever graced the King of
Fighters scene. Both clones used the legendary Kusanagi techniques that made Kyo
the legend he was, precise to the drop of a dime. How could they appear? Did
they knew anything about the fate of the real Kyo? Before any questions could be
asked, the tournament was already in progress....
Despite having been out of activity for two long years, the fighters could
develop new and devastating techniques that were prompt in lighting up the
battle stage in a more brilliant way than ever! It was almost like a new battle
once again...the battle that indicated the beginning of a new millenium! The
four member rule made the fights a lot more strategic than ever before, and the
will of becoming the new champion impulsed the warriors to make their best
effort, more than ever before. With the memory of Kyo in the minds of many
fighters, and the shadow of the Orochi power being only a bad dream, the
contestants could unleash forward their true power with no withdrawl or regrets.
This time around, the sense of vengeance and score-settles were replaced by the
glory and excitement of facing a worthy opponent and fighting with all their
might to become a more complete fighter and hone their skills!
Taken by the hand by K' and Maxima, Benimaru and Shingo realized their
dream of arriving to the final match, and becoming the new figures of the King
of Fighters scene. The last fight was scheduled at a very rare spot: the sewers.
Not quite the place to fight the last match. While the new Hero team was waiting
for the last team to arrive, the sewer stream suddenly dried out, running
through some shafts below them. They suddenly found themselves standing on a
metal surface. As if it weren't enough, the floor began to move, and sent the
four warriors down! It was no other than a huge elevator platform that was
sending the young fighters underground, to an unkown location....
Meanwhile, at the Ikari Warriors command room, the commander of the
mercenary squad, Heidern, was monitoring several parts of the world, and
detected a weird signal pattern. Several bizarre radio patterns were being
emitted from many countries worldwide. Heidern ordered the origins of such
signals, and to his surprise, all the signals came from exact replicas of Kyo
Kusanagi! There were Kyos all over the world: among the citizens of the big
cities, hidden in the deepest forests, underwater, in the air...everywhere!
Heidern could present an evil stench at the core of the tournament, and the
source came from the more powerful signal: sector 70599.
The elevator that was taking Benimaru, Shingo, K', and Maxima finally
stopped in front of a huge metallic door, with the inscription "70599" at the
front. Benimaru and Shingo are confused with the whole situation, but K' and
Maxima don't seem to be altered at the very least. Before Benimaru and Shingo
could realize what was going on, the huge door opened. It was too unexpected.
Suddenly, red lights flashed everywhere, and several computer screens turned on.
Among the whole show, a deep, daring voice invited the team to enter his domain.
The finals would begin as soon as possible. Benimaru and Shingo demanded the man
to show himself. The man who came out was more than intimidating: he was rather
tall, not very well built, but his eyes expressed anger and bloodlust. He weared
a very thick clothing, not revealing anything of his body. Stranger than that,
the fighters could not feel any fighting spirit from him...but his strength
showed otherwise. Benimaru cried out: "What is this all about?!". K' sneered and
said: "I don't know, but it's a challenge that I'm sure we can't decline!".
The ultimate match began. The bloody fight raged on, with the mystery man
showing no effort in executing devastating moves. The Hero team suspected that
this ravaging warrior wasn't using his whole power, and was merely playing with
them. Sensing something funny going on, they decided to hold back to see his
reaction. However, despite not using their full power, the ominous fighter was
getting the upper hand with his overwhelming, unnatural power. The fight was
certainly getting nowhere, and becoming terribly long. All of a sudden, in a
display of raging outburst, Benimaru attacks the man with his full power. K'
tries to stop him, but strangely enough, Benimaru knocks the man down to the
ground rather easily. Could this be the end of the match...?
The mysterious man slowly stood up, and began to chuckle eeringly. All of
a sudden, all the computer screens surrounding the whole dark room lighted up,
displaying a bunch of computer data. The whole chamber lighted up, to show an
inmense base, displaying the ultimate technology! Benimaru and Shingo are
puzzled at the size of the facility. The man begins to laugh manically, and
grumbles in a low pitched voice: "You knew, didn't you, K'?". Benimaru and
Shingo turn back to K' looking for an answer, but are met with the cold gaze of
the mysterious warrior. Shingo wants to know who he is and what he wants. The
man introduces himself as Krizalid, and that he brought them here to accomplish
his ultimate purpose. Shingo affirms that what does the King of Fighters
tournament have to do with anything. Krizalid smiles and says he used the King
of Fighters name to call the strongest fighters, so he could bring them to his
facility, and accomplish his goal. Suddenly, all the screens display the same
image: scenes of the Kyo Kusanagi replicas all around the world. Krizalid
accepts that he took the unconsicious body of the original Kyo Kusanagi, worn
out by the effort made in the last battle against the Orochi clan, and took his
DNA to clone him into several clones, two of which entered the King of Fighters
tournament. However, the real Kyo Kusanagi escaped midway through the process,
and his whereabouts unknown. He would input the fighting data that he had
collected through the last battle in order to activate the clones, and create a
unified attack that would take out all the governments of the world, and
surrender to him! Benimaru and Shingo gasp in terror.
At the Ikari Warriors command room, Heidern orders the deploy of his units
in order to stop the Kyo invasion, and that he would soon follow. However,
before the operation begins, one of the radios manages to capture the dialogue
in the underground base. In it, Benimaru asks how could Krizalid capture the
fighting data. Krizalid informs him that it was sent through his body, and
channeled through the computers. As a matter of fact, Krizalid reveals that K'
is no other than his clone, since Krizalid infused himself with the power of the
Kusanagi through a battle suit, and K' being a clone of himself. However, since
K' had no control over his power like Krizalid could, he was forced to use a
special glove in order to retain the inmense power inside him. K' refuses to
believe this, but when Krizalid asks him about his parents and childhood, K' is
speechless, as he can't remind it. Krizalid reveals that one last data is to be
collected...the killer instinct! And he would do that by killing them all!
Suddenly, Krizalid burns his clothes out, and remains with his battle suit. The
true battle was about to begin....
The change of pace of the fight soon began to become terribly one-sided.
The power of Krizalid was more than godlike, his inhuman powers just plowing
through Benimaru and Shingo. Using the power of the Kusanagi, Krizalid's violent
attitude was more than anyone could withstand. His speed and strength had no
match. Soon enough, Maxima and K' were alone to fight Krizalid. Despite fighting
with all their might, Krizalid's superior power almost obligates them to kneel
before his advantage. Krizalid laughs, and is impressed by their resistance, but
it would soon end. Suddenly, Maxima nails Krizalid with a power punch from
behind, making Krizalid reel. Maxima shouts out for K', who in an instant, used
his whole power to channel a full-fledged flame blast at Krizalid. The
consequent explosion sends Krizalid flying away. Maxima and K' fall to the
ground, sure of their victory.
However, as both help Benimaru and Shingo up, Krizalid still stands behind
them. Maxima and K' are dumbfounded, having no remains of strength. Krizalid is
downright mad, and is about to eliminate the couple of traitors. He just can't
believe that he had lost with his inmense power. Suddenly, a very bright light
shines from above. Everybody is dumbfounded at the shine of it. An omnipotent
voice shouts: "You have failed." Now fearful and insecure, the once raging
Krizalid begs for his life, as he can still activate the clones with the data he
has collected. However, the clones have already been deactivated, and the data
shall be saved for another time...and all the agents of this project must be
eliminated. Krizalid is paralyzed by the fear, but he does not have any time to
think it over...a huge rock falls from above, burying Krizalid to the ground.
As Krizalid's prone body lies motionless on the ground, K' and the others
go to check on the man who was behind the complot of NESTS. Suddenly, K' felt
insecure and restless. Maxima knew his partner well, and quickly asked what was
K' up to. But K' just stood there, motionless. Benimaru notices K's odd
reaction, but he too, becomes aware of the power that approaches them. It was
vaguely familiar, but this raging aura came from a man with insane power. Shingo
then spotted a man who was standing beside them, shrouded in the darkness cast
on the room. Benimaru knew it was him. Shingo couldn't hold back his inmense
joy. K' felt that his own power was reflected in that man. Maxima didn't know
what was going on, but it was so obvious now: the figure smiled, and walked
towards the light which once destroyed Krizalid. The figure turned out to be a
revitalized Kyo Kusanagi, back from his trip to rediscover himself and prepare
himself in the battle against the NESTS cartel, although his work seemed very
much cut out for him.

26-09-2005, 11:45 AM
تابع القصة

But while everyone was anxious about Kyo's return, Kyo, enraged, demands
the true intention to the light. The omnipotent voice rings again: "We, the
NESTS cartel, plan to forward the plan for 10 years! But you must be
eliminated!". Kyo laughs, and says arrogantly: "Don't mess with me, pal!".
Suddenly, the base begins to shake, and pieces of scrap begin to fall from
above. The base is beginning to crumble! However, K' is more than intent on
fighting his original. "I've been waiting to fight a powerful opponent...someone
like you, Kyo Kusanagi!", K' growls. However, a door shuts between him and Kyo,
as well as closing Benimaru and Shingo out of the room. Shingo wants to help Kyo
out, but Benimaru warns that their own lives are in danger, and persuades him to
escape from the base.
Meanwhile, K' and Maxima are ambushed by the unit of the Ikari
Warriors.... and the leader of the unit nears Krizalid's inert body. A female
Outside the crumbling NESTS base, a tall figure stands near the edge of a
cliff, watching over the chaos that was unleashed beneath him. He notices
several figures rushing out of the base as fast as they could. The red-haired
man didn't flinch a bit at the sight. He always stayed so cool and precise. His
own eerie aura glowed, and the ground beneath him trembled. The man known as
Iori Yagami had came here in search for answers about the proliferation of Kyo
clones worldwide, hoping to find Kyo himself. But Iori knew he wasn't here...at
least not any longer. He had been following his rival's trail for so long, and
found nothing. Iori just grinded his teeth, clenched his fists, as purple flames
surround his body. As his wild red hair flows in the sheer energy of his aura,
Iori vows: "Just you wait, Kyo! Next time, I won't let anyone stand between us.
Our battle will not end until one of us dies!"
The last King of Fighters tournament signified the appearance of a new
enemy that threatened to break the reigning peace in the world: the NESTS
cartel. It was more than clear that Krizalid was a mere pawn in a game of life
and death, and that the participants of the King of Fighters tournament were
nothing more than actors in a planned stage. However, there were still many
doubts about the ominous NESTS cartel. What was their real purpose? What do they
really intend to do with the fighting energy of the competitors? So many
questions, but little time to answer them, as another year cruises by, and the
dawn of a new millenium approaches in the horizon....
Despite being a new year, the King of Fighters tournament was in jeopardy.
Now that everyone knew about the evil intentions of the NESTS cartel, it was
doubtful that anybody would dare participate again and colaborate in the
downfall of the world. However, as long as the NESTS cartel remained unpunished,
the threat of world domination was never far behind. The situation reached a
critical peak, until one day....
Sitting in his office in the Ikari Warriors mercenary squad HQ, Heidern
receives a notice from Ling. Ling was a commander of a fellow mercenary agency,
closely linked to the Ikari Warriors. Ling informed Heidern about a plan to lure
the NESTS cartel out of its' hideout, and take them down. The plan followed as
this: The King of Fighters tournament would be held once again, in the year
2000! This time Ling and his agents would control everything that happened in
the tournament, and track any suspicious characters. The main objective of the
tournament was to attract former NESTS agents, K' and Maxima, who had once
escaped from the Ikari Warriors a year ago. They would surely know about the
NESTS cartel's whereabouts. The plan is accepted by Heidern, who will once again
play an important role in the sidelines.
And so it begins again. Invitations are sent out once again to the most
powerful fighters of the world in order for them to form their teams of 4
members each, and fight once again in a memorable battle of emotions and
passion! It was made clear that this time, NESTS would be out of any involvement
with the tournament. This clearly relaxed the worries of all the warriors who
feared that their strength would be misused for the wrong intentions of NESTS.
Now, the stage would be set for yet another battle of epic proportions,
involving many different fighting styles, many different stories, but most of
all, many different lives that gathered in one single goal: to become the best
there is, to become the King of Fighters!
Since the same rules of the past tournament applied here as well, many
teams remained unchanged: Of course, the Ikari Warriors couldn't be left out in
order to seek for the NESTS agents. The Psycho Soldiers will make sure that this
year, no sort of interference will come from the ominous NESTS cartel! Kim
Kaphwan and Jhun Hoon will stage their politics of justice one more time, using
the former convicts Chang Koehan and Choi Bounge as their guinea pigs. Some
other teams suffered slight variations, mostly a change of members: Yuri
Sakazaki, who wishes to pay her debt with Mai Shiranui and team up again for old
times' sake, invite their old friend Kasumi Todoh along, as well as a newfound
friend who hails from a Japanese ladies' school: Hinako Shijou, who also happens
to practice Sumo. Now, it's Terry Bogard's time to cope with his oldtime love
affair: Blue Mary, who has decided to tag along with the Lonely Wolves in hopes
of catching NESTS red-handed. Due to the absence of Yuri, the patriarch of the
Kyokugenryo school of karate, Takuma Sakazaki, decides to recruit his son Ryo's
beloved woman: former-enemy-turned-ally King. Two new teams, however, are the
main attractions of this year's competiton, due mostly to their strange collage
of individuals....
As previewed, K' and Maxima are back again, more than intent on breaking
their past links with the NESTS cartel. This time, Benimaru Nikaido and Shingo
Yabuki are no longer their teammates: a sexy, yet deadly woman known as Vanessa
and a fancy Mexican wrestler called Ramon shall be their comrades this year.
Meanwhile, Benimaru and Shingo have plans of their own: to not allow last year's
incidents to happen once again. Their new partners, however, are not precisely
the warmest people in the world: an elegant strongman known as Seth, and an
eerie and bizarre ninja called Lin, complement this lively duo with their own
mark of coldness and bitterness. And, of course, the immortal legends of Kyo
Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, who now cast off their cloak of secrecy and deciding
to participate in a all-new no-holds barred match!
Once again, the battles take place amidst a climate of doubt and danger.
The nasty influence of the NESTS cartel might have vanished, but still the
menace of a new evil arising in the world was more than inminent. However,
during the battles in the tournament, these worries flied away with the greatest
of ease, since the feeling of battle and testing one's own skill against a
strong opponent is stronger than any other negative feeling! After all, there
was no need to worry about exteral problems. What mattered, most of all, was to
increase one's own fighting spirit, concentrating on the battle completely, and
being able to unleash not only their amazing skills, but also deliver their
whole souls for the sake of the fight! After all, the philosophy of the true
fighter is to not allow themselves to be fazed by threats, but to fight to
accomplish their goals in life: to become the best there is!
All of a sudden, the fights led towards one final location, where weird
things were going on. The most suprising fact was that the place was the city
where the King of Fighters tournament first saw the light of day: Southtown, the
city where fighting was the bloodstream that gave the city life. With Geese
Howard gone, Southtown had fallen into the hands of those who live for the
fight, a lawless pithole. The city had gone far beyond recognition, and
corruption wasn't even existent, because Southtown itself, had become a city
straight out of hell. In short, the whole city became the world's biggest
fighting arena, and the King of Fighters tournament had once again returned to
its' origins.
During their arrival at Southtown, K', Maxima, Vanessa, and Ramon were
wandering through the docks of Southtown, hiding from the Ikari Warriors'
mercenaries. It seemed likely that the NESTS cartel could be operating in
Southtown. K' and Maxima were deeply concerned about it, but Vanessa wasn't all
that amused (and Ramon ignored all that cartel stuff). Suddenly, a fine, cool
breeze began to blow through the wind. K' sensed something terribly wrong, and
sends Maxima and his friends off. Maxima wants to know why K' is so jumpy, but
K' does not heed reason. Mindful about K's stubborness, Maxima takes Vanessa and
Ramon and heads directly for the factory zone of Southtown, and seek for cover.
Meanwhile, K' stands in the middle of a full-fledged snow storm. The water of
the docks freeze instantly, and the ships hold in place. K' sneers, and greets
his next opponent: a young woman with long blue hair, and lost eyes. She used a
suit very similiar to that K' weared, down to the glove. The figure introduced
herself as Kula. K' shrugs her off, and so begins the eternal fight between the
rival elements: fire and ice.
Meanwhile, Maxima, Vanessa, and Ramon have managed to take shelter in an
abandoned factory located near downtown Southtown. Maxima wonders about the fate
of his friend, and thinks about the involvement of NESTS in all this. Suddenly,
a noise is heard behind them. When battle seemed unavoidable, it came to a
surprise that it was no other than Benimaru and Shingo, with Lin and Seth along!
It seems that they, too, had been lured into the abandoned factory. Nonetheless,
reunion time is cut short, since Ling's mercenaries have already surrounded the
building. With no other place to run to, Benimaru suggests they should hide in a
huge room nearby. Ramon thinks everybody's crazy, and Shingo protests based on
the fact that they would be trapped there. "It's better than being slaughtered
out here", Benimaru replies. So, the 7 fighters head towards the dark room....
At the same time, in the Ikari Warriors' command room, Heidern attempts to
contact his best lieutenant, Ralf Jones. Ralf is located far from the designated
location, which disturbs Heidern, since the soldiers are already there, and they
will be needing all the help they can get (after all, K' and Maxima did trash a
whole unit of mercenaries last year). Ling interrupts, and says: "That will no
longer be a problem.". Heidern demands an explanation, and Ling suggests that
the soldiers located at the factory should turn on the elevator, and then
activate the underground generator. Heidern is left with even more doubts, and
Ling continues: "This way, we should be able to activate the Zero Cannon.".
Heidern recalls the name: a satellite that had been launched in order to detect
and destroy the hideouts of the NESTS cartel, done by Ling prior to the mission.
Heidern reminds Ling that their only purpose is to capture K' and Maxima, and
investigate the whereabouts of the NESTS cartel. "Yes, officially", says Ling
with a sinister grin. When Heidern is about to complain, he is instantly held at
gunpoint by Ling's soldiers! "What kind of loony ideas do you have in mind?",
demands Heidern. "You don't have to know anything", Ling laughs. "You're just a
mere spectator, and I...I am the executor!".
Meanwhile, in the abandoned factory, Maxima wonders why the soldiers have
stopped looking for them. When the tension level has raised to pitch fever
levels, the roof begins to open. Much to the warriors' surprise, they have been
located underground! The floor raises them to ground level, where they find
themselves inside an ancient temple, which, in turn, turns out to be Ling's
command center! The fighters see with disbelief as Heidern and his agents are
held at gunpoint by Ling's soldiers. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an ominous figure
surges in the middle of the room. Seth and Vanessa are quite a bit surprised,
which sparks the attention of their teammates. The mysterious shadow welcomes
the fighters. Vaneesa shouts out: "Commander! What is this all about?!". His
cover blown, the mystery person steps into the light. It is Ling, but dressed in
a more extravagant fashion. Upon further inspection, it turns out to be that
Ling is, simply put, not Ling at all! Heidern demands the fake Ling to spit out
his true name, and the false Ling gives him the expected answer: Zero.
As it turns out to be, Zero used his cloning abilities to create Ling, and
give him specific orders of gaining the trust of the Ikari Warriors and the
world leaders, before deactivating the clone. Zero was also the man responsible
for Krizalid's elimination last year, as the voice of the ominous light.
Consecuently, it is revealed that Seth and Vanessa are also NESTS' agents, under
the command of Zero. However, they had been duped into bringing the strongest
fighters of the the last King of Fighters tournament, after their separation.
This turns Seth and Vanessa against Zero for having used them as his pawns. But
Seth and Vanessa own Zero a great deal, as they had been infused with Zero's
fighting power enclosed in his DNA. And Zero, no doubt, had a truly fearsome
power: his eerie aura could be felt all around the temple, making the whole
walls shake beneath him!

26-09-2005, 11:46 AM
تابع الموضوع

Not content with duping the fighters for his own personal ambitions, Zero
has an extra something in store for the daring fighters. He now intends to fight
them so he can extract enough fighting energy in order to charge up the Zero
Cannon! This is achieved via the underground generator, which siphons the energy
released in the main chamber of the temple. The generator will then transmit the
data to the Zero Cannon (of which 20 units were placed, each aimed at strategic
locations around the world) in outer space, and Zero can use it to destroy any
designated point on the face of the earth! "So, this must be the ultimate plan
of NESTS, huh?", mumbles Lin. "NESTS? That was just a gimmick!", growls Zero.
"The future of this world isn't NESTS. It's me!". Seth gestures, and vows: "This
time, you won't get away with your pitiful plans, you filth!".
Easier said than done, as Zero soon proves to his gullible guests. Ramon
and Shingo are the first two fighters to fall. They stood up bravely against
Zero, but due to his quick movements, they proved to be no match for the crazed
commander. Another upsetting fact was that all the energy of the fight would be
used for the Zero Cannon, so the brave warriors were a bit more than reluctant
about displaying their full strength. Would they be responsible of the downfall
of society as we know it? Everyone had that doubt in mind, as Ramon and Shingo
get blown away by Zero's quick skirt movements.
Benimaru and Maxima now stand against the confident Zero. They knew that
this battle couldn't be won no matter what, but there was no choice: it was kill
or be killed. Benimaru and Maxima begin to attack Zero with everything they got,
but Zero has some more tricks up his sleeve: he now uses dark shadow arts to
sneak upon the heroes! These sinister tricks soon pay their price, as Benimaru
and Maxima begin to get whacked by invisible figures, and then followed up by
Zero himself. The battle was turning gruesome, until unexpected help came.
Taking Zero by surprise, Seth and Vanessa jump on their former commander.
Zero begins to feel the incredible pressure of fighting both his enemies AND his
former allies. The noble fighters begin to inflict damage on the pressured Zero,
but Zero attempts one last desperate trick: surrounding himself with magnetic
energy, Zero becomes a huge damage void. Sucking in energy from every living
being in the room, and gathering it in his own aura, Zero makes the finalists
fly through the air. After a few seconds, everyone falls flat. Zero already
brags his victory, until....
Suddenly, Lin jumps from behind, and stabs Zero in the back with his hand.
Zero quickly makes short work out of Lin, but Lin already gloats about his
victory. Zero doesn't understand what he means, but he soon realizes another
weird fact: someone has just entered the room. Another challenger? Yes, it's K'!
However, K' is weak from his battle against Kula. Zero bursts into laughter, and
taunts K': "How can you ever hope to defeat me in such a battered state? You
can't even deal with your own soul!", brags Zero. But, when Zero is about to
proceed to finish K', he feels his whole body getting weak. What is this all
about? It was Lin's doing: his stab in the back had it's own share of poison,
which had began to make Zero feel the heat. With his remaining strength, K'
gathers the last ounces of his flaming power, keeps it in his gloved hand, and
rushes directly at Zero. The inminent impact makes the whole temple and it's
surroundings to shudder like no tomorrow.
K' begins to help his partners and former friends. He appears to have
defeated Zero...or so he thinks. In bad shape, a bruised and bittered Zero walks
up to his defeaters. He holds a trigger in hand and a nasty smile on his face.
"You're doomed!", laughs Zero. "Even if you have defeated me, nothing can stop
the Zero Cannon now! Now vanish into the light of a new world!". Things get
worse when the world leaders receive the notice of Zero's "capture"...by Ling. A
decoy notice that will take them by surprise. Zero presses the trigger's button
in order to fry the wounded warriors with the Zero Cannon...but nothing happens.
The generator suddenly shuts down, and Zero is more than confused by it. Out of
the blue, Zero is inmoblized by a strange force around him. Inmediately after,
two women, going by the name of Diana and Foxy, appear by Zero's side.
The two femme fatales approach Zero. They are beautiful, yet deadly,
women. Diana and Foxy silently seal Zero's fate. Traitors to the NESTS deserve
no less than death. By attempting to destroy his superiors with the Zero Cannon,
Zero himself has signed his own pact of destruction. Diana calls someone via a
radio transmittor. It is Kula, who is located atop the Zero Cannon in outer
space! Kula had reprogrammed the Zero Cannon to not respond to the main controls
(in Zero's possession), and activate it manually instead. Kula fires the Zero
Cannon, which is directly aimed at Zero's position. Zero reels in fear and
agony. The surviving fighters are urged to escape from the inminent impact.
Meanwhile, inside the temple, where everything was shaking and falling due
to the incoming Zero Cannon shot, Zero lied on the ground, exhausted from
battle, unable to move and condemned to death by his superiors. After all, he
was just a clone for a higher purpose. But he beatryed the trust of his
superiors, and now he would pay for it. As Zero awaits the moment of his death,
a person walks near him...asking for questions....
Moments later, among all the chaos and all the explosions that the Zero
Cannon had caused, the temple was falling down to ruins. But a lone man still
approached Zero in his agony. The young man noticed a small gray mechancial box
near Zero's fallen body. Something must have been contained there, but no idea
of what it was. Zero smiled when he saw the figure approach him, and just
managed to mutter in his delusions: "Well, well...what a honor to have you as my
final witness to my death, Kyo Kusanagi!". It was indeed the young Kusanagi who
came near Zero, demanding explanations about the experiments conducted on him 2
years ago, and which created the army of Kyo clones. But Zero knew that the army
of Kyo clones was just the final stage of the process. But instead of telling
him everything he knew, and looking at the sheer determination in Kyo's eyes,
Zero smiled and told him: "Dont you think you have one opponent to defeat yet,
Kyo Kusanagi?". Kyo didnt know what he was talking about, but a deep voice
behind him thundered in his eyes...a familiar voice....
Kyo Kusanagi stands among the chaos around him. He seems confident, as
always. He smiles, closes his eyes, and says: "So, you're still around, eh?".
The mysterious voice approaches Kyo: "You knew that I would come back for
you...". Kyo waves his hand and affirms: "Well, that guy's toast, anyway.
Besides, only those of the bloodline could control such power! He didn't have a
chance!". The figure behinds him laughs, and stands into the light. It's Iori
Yagami, who has returned as well. He smiles and says: "Good memory of
yours...shall we get this show done?". Kyo just shrugs his shoulders and says:
"Really need to ask?".
The two legendary fighters engage in battle once more. No longer is there
hatred in their eyes. Only the feeling of fighting a worthy opponent, and the
excitement of battle....
The skies of Southtown emit a blinding light, and suddenly, there is a
huge explosion, the shock effect wiping out everything in its' path, like paper
dolls. The noise is unsurpassed. Metal, wood, glass, and people fly around, as
if swapped by an incredible force. Minutes later, nothing can be heard
As K' and his friends emerge from among the rubble, the sight that unfolds
beyond their eyes couldn't be more desolating. Everything, in shambles. Nothing
remains but a huge pile of ruins and destruction. And with destruction, comes
death. Corpses cover the streets of what was once called as Southtown. After
being controlled by so many years by the NESTS cartel, the city of Southtown has
suffered its' inevitable fate: after having been build upon the history of
fighting, crime, and bloodshed, the city of sins, Southtown, has finally
crumbled down to nothing. A city which once strived upon the fight, has now died
by it.
All the twenty Zero Cannon units that were flying in outer space were
deactivated and promptly removed from their orbit around Earth to be destroyed
later on. The question about how many innocent people should die is irrelevant,
up until this point. The point now, is that this tragedy should never repeat
itself. And one name remains unpunished:

26-09-2005, 11:47 AM
تابع القصة

The destruction of Southtown and the investigation that began against the
criminal organization NESTS, as the main suspect of the massive catastrophe,
were a couple of events that shaked the whole world, which groveled in its' own
hierachy of corruption and insecurity. The example of Southtown was but a
warning to many countries throughout the world, that NESTS would not stop at
anything to accomplish their evil ambitions, and no country would be safe as
long as they maintained a strong presence in the world of crime.
Strangely enough, NESTS had maintained a low profile ever since the
destruction of Southtown was confirmed. Having covered up their tracks, NESTS
has retreated to seclusion, even though the Ikari Warriors mercenary agency has
been leading an extensive investigation on the former facilities of NESTS. On
the other hand, those who have abandoned the ranks of NESTS were also doing
their own kind of investigation. These former NESTS agents, led by the
mysterious K', were also trying to keep on NESTS' trail, but both the Ikari
Warriors and K's squad could not find any trace of the activities of NESTS. What
was going on? Did NESTS know that they were being followed? The situation seemed
rather hopeless, until one day, invitations to the greatest fighting tournament
of all time once again reached the hands of those worthy enough to go into
combat, and do battle against the greatest warriors the world has ever known....
The King of Fighters tournament enters the scene once again...the first
competition of the 21st century!
But something odd was going on. The invitations were signed by the NESTS
cartel themselves! It was obvious that NESTS was going to sponsor this
tournament directly, and they didn't even seem fazed that several governments
were searching for them the world out. Something seemed terribly wrong, but all
the fighters knew that NESTS was up to no good, as usual. Would NESTS try to
collect fighting data for yet another evil project? Why would they make a public
appearance, hosting such an important event as the King of Fighters tournament,
after leveling a whole city down to a burning heap of rubble? But this time,
everyone knew that NESTS could not get away with this this time around. With the
disaster of Southtown still fresh in their minds, the fighters gather around to
find the best of the best, the ones who could stand up to NESTS and destroy them
once and for all!
On one side, the main actors stepped on stage. K', his newfound sister
Whip, and their android friend Maxima, all renegade NESTS agents, plan to make
NESTS pay for their crimes, mostly the atrocities that NESTS performed against
their own lives. This time, they would be joined by the enigmatic Hizoku ninja
Lin, who is also after NESTS for personal reasons. The former Hero Team reunites
once again, and this time, Shingo Yabuki gets to realize his golden dream of
fighting alongside his master, the legendary fighter Kyo Kusanagi, in a King of
Fighters tournament. Iori Yagami also finally gets a team to fight in once
again, this time with the help of former NESTS underdogs Seth and Vanessa, along
with goofy Mexican wrestler Ramon. Terry Bogard and the rest of the "Lonely
Wolves" don't plan to remain idle and let the destruction of Southtown be for
nothing! The Sakazaki family now has to help their old friend, Robert Garcia,
who has fallen into a financial crisis due to the huge recession that the world
economy had witnessed. The Ikari Warriors are more than intent on concluding
their investigation on the NESTS cartel by busting them, and this time, Heidern
would finally leave the sidelines and join the battle fray once more! The Psycho
Soldiers dig further down on the whole issue of Sie Kensou and Bao sharing the
same psychic power source. Once again, the Gorgeous Team has a nearly complete
remaking, and this year, Jhun Hoon is forced to be left out of the tournament
due to a street accident, and his place will be taken by a young and
enthusiastic young girl called May Lee, a member of Kim's honorable school of
Tae Kwon Do justice fighters!
But one team watches the whole development of the events from among the
shadows. Their intentions are not yet known. But leading the team is no other
than Kula Diamond, the anti-K' biological weapon that NESTS ordered to do away
with the traitor Zero. She is closely followed by her superior and close friend,
the swordswoman Foxy. But behind them, are a couple of new faces that will
surely create a new reign of chaos in the tournament. They are new NESTS agents
assigned especially for this tournament. One of them is a slender, yet deadly,
female warrior, whose good looks match her killer moves. Her name is Angel, the
high-spirited and lethal agent. And behind her, is the image of a frail young
man. His physical appearance looks to be majorly deteriorated and incredibly
fragile. But inside him rages the fire and power of a demon. He is the new
biological weapon that NESTS plans to use against the traitors to their cause.
His name...K9999. And he now targets K' and his team of renegades!
And so, the cry of batle can be heard once more! Now, teams have the
choice of deciding their own lineup. Will one fighter prefer to fight alone,
using his three partners as backup in the battle, or will all four warriors
engage in combat, with no one to support them in the fight? The variety of
strategies and the newcomers make this tournament more than a simple display of
sheer strength and skill, but also requiring a great deal of mind power, of
intelligence, of planning in order to emerge victorious. As the shadow of NESTS
looms over the competitors, everyone tries their best, putting in their best
efforts into battle, in order to find out those who could be worthy enough to
fight against those who have caused so much pain. In the middle of this fight
for revenge and justice, sometimes personal affairs are left aside, but even the
flame that rages within the blood of those who are guided by hatred can't be
easily swayed away. With that in mind, K', Kyo, Iori, and K9999 fight their own
personal battles of resentment and harsh feelings.
As the final matches approaches, the battles are being monitored to a high
technology base. Three mysterious figures watch the screens as the fights rage
on with the maximum degree of passion ever seen in a fighting tournament.
Throughout the world, the fights that are bound with glory and honor are being
supervised by an ominous old man, cloaked in elegant clothing, sitting on a
majestic throne. He is the very leader of the NESTS cartel, who watches the
tournament as if it were his own show that he staged by himself, and as if the
fighters were his mere puppets. Two persons stand on both his sides. On his
right side, a man with long blond hair and drapped in an eerie black cloth. On
his left side, a beautiful woman with blond hair, the leader's secretary, who
couldn't look more similiar to a Hollywood star. The evil headmaster of NESTS
gloats as his play takes place. But his plan should be wrapped up, so he now
summons the best man for the job. Attending to the leader's call, is a man who
inspires a certain feel of familiarity. His clothing is definetly similiar to
that worn by Zero...but his face was very much different. The man who the leader
of NESTS trusts in accepts the orders given to him, and he sets out to fulfill
the evil plans of his boss.
Meanwhile, K's team is once again declared the winner of the 2001 King of
Fighters tournament! But as the crowd and the millions of fans following the
tournament through the news rage on, K' and his teammates remain emotionless.
They know that the fight is far from over. As it turns out to be, they are
invited by officials of the tournament to a celebration ceremony that is shaped
out to be pretty unique: atop a floating blimp! K' tries to hide his suspects as
the blimp takes flight. Maxima makes K' weary of the team's worries about this
so-called reception party, but K' assures him that they will get to the bottom
of this. The peculiar team reaches a huge hall, with only a narrow bridge that
crosses above the whole engine room. An impressive woodwork and the advanced
machinery fill the room. But as soon as they get there, the blimp begins to
shake violently! The whole engines begin to work at maximum capacity, as the
blimp splits into half! It is revealed that one half of the blimp hides a rocket
ship, which blasts into the sky at an incredible speed. Whip is shocked at the
unexpected turn of events, but K' places his attention on the other side of the
bridge. A man with white hair and a familiar uniform stands in the door at the
other end. A ferocious black lion lies by his side, sneering and growling at the
team with a beastlike look in its' red eyes. It was the man who was assigned by
the leader of NESTS to do away with the winning team!
Everyone knows who this man is...he looks vaguely familiar to Zero, the
lunatic NESTS exceutive who tried to use the Zero Cannon against his own
superiors! Indeed, the man admits he is Zero, but the Zero they knew (and his
clone, Ling) who tried to blast them away with the Zero Cannon was in fact his
clones. He accepeted that there was a mistake in his plans, as the clone
developed his own consciousness. But he knew of other clones who must be
disposed of, and pointed out to K'! He had received direct orders to do away
with K' and his band of traitors. But this time, things would be a lot more fair
for them. Zero called forth two of his most trustworthy helpers for a REAL four-
on-four brawl! Another shocking revelation is shown as Krizalid, the advanced
clone of K' who was thought to have died 2 years ago, appears aside the true
Zero. Zero had retrieved the remaining data of the Krizalid project to create
another clone of the late NESTS agent. The other figure was a familiar person
for Lin. It was Ron, who had betrayed the Hizoku cause to join NESTS, and had
been enhanced with NESTS' diobolical genetic technology to become a fearsome
menace! As Zero's pet lion also readied for battle, Zero calls forth for the
battle to end all battles to begin!
What followed was a cruel fight that would define who would live or die in
this merciless combat. Lin inmediately went after Ron, in a fight of two members
of the Hizoku clan. Maxima and Whip had to deal with Krizalid and Zero's pet
lion, while K' came face-to-face with Zero himself. The intense action made the
whole ship shake from the force of the blows inflicted by each side, but Zero
was the one showing off the greatest amount of power, his incredible strength
creating huge vortexes around him. But everyone was familiar with the style that
the NESTS agents displayed. Lin knew Ron well because they both came from the
same village, and had a repertoire of moves similiar to Lin's. Krizalid was no
secret, having fought him 2 years ago, and Zero made the big mistake of inputing
several of his moves into his clones. True, they all had greater power than what
the group was used with, but their strategy was to wear down their power until
they could finally finish them off. Finally, K' was able to strike down Zero
after a troublesome battle, as well as his assistants. However, Lin could not
capture Ron, who escaped from the battle in a rush.
However, this time, Zero did not make a big deal out of his defeat. Zero
admits that he was bested by K' and his crew. As Zero says this, K' and the
others feel how the ship rumbles once more. Zero tells the group that they have
just arrived at NESTS' main HQ, and that they should hurry up and find the truth
behind their past. Having said that, the whole ship begins to shake once more,
but this time, it was beginning to fall apart! Wood and metal crashed down one
another, as the ship began to suffer a series of violent explosions. Zero
pointed out the exit for the cast of fighters, but before he could get out of
the ship, K' turned back to look at Zero, who had given his back towards him and
his comrades among the whole chaos in which the ship had turned into. K' smiled,
and continued his path inside the main base of NESTS.

26-09-2005, 11:49 AM
تابع الموضوع
K' and the others now find themselves inside a highly advanced base. The
impressive amount of technology was adorned with the details taht one could only
see in European castles. Carpets spread over the floor, and several ornaments
and paintings hung on the walls. As the group stares in awe at the amazing
scene, Maxima calls for K's attention. Maxima is motionless at the sight he
witnesses outside the window. K' and the others go to where Maxima, and the
sight they see is also overwhelming. The entire planet Earth could be seen from
the window! The ship had taken them to an outer space base! But there were more
important matters to attend, as Lin points out a huge door at the end of the
As the group enters, they are met with 3 figures standing in the darkness.
Once again, the NESTS leader and his assistants make their star appearance! K'
and Whip know that they must be the upper executives of NESTS, as they ready
themselves for any sort of unpleasant surprises. The old man sits still, as a
loud voice boom towards the foursome. The voice introduces himself as Igniz, the
CEO of NESTS. Igniz congratulates K' and his partners for coming this far, and
for defeating Zero. But he doubts that some worthless products of NESTS could
ever get to topple the cartel! K' sneers, and replies that it is NESTS who
should be worrying about their fate, as they had come here to destroy them once
and for all!
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Foxy and Kula stare at the star-filled sky at
nighttime. The night sky was so pretty, but they had been too busy following
orders from NESTS to ever notice it. They watch as the remains of Zero's rocket
ship plummets to the ground, engulfed in flames, down to the sea. Kula, who had
gone through a whole deal of experiences of human feelings and life itself
through the last 2 years, smiles. Maybe it was time for her and Foxy to begin a
new life. But as she turns to Foxy, her friend and superior is speared in the
back! Foxy falls to the ground, dead. Kula is in utter shock as Foxy's killer
shows his face. It was K9999, who shapes his glove from a blade back to its'
normal form. Angel smiles, and tells Kula that there are enough capable
assassins in NESTS, and that they didn't need any sort of agents who would turn
against them like K' did. Kula's tears flow freely down her cheeks, but they
freeze before they can even fall down. Kula shouts out that she will never
forget them for killing Foxy. But K9999 just shrugs her off as a biological
defect, and both he and Angel get ready to dispose of Kula, before she can
develop a will of her own!
Back in the space base, Igniz continues to taunt K' and the others. The
cloning process that they had experimented on Kyo Kusanagi after the Orochi
battle spawned 4 products: K', Krizalid, Kula Diamond, and K9999. Now that the
experiments had proven succesful, their battle experience was already recorded
on NESTS' supercomputers, so they had all the data they needed, data collected
ever since 2 years ago. They had erased K's memories, because clones have no
need of memories in order to fight to their full potential. But as soon as Igniz
finishes his line, the blond man standing at the left of the old man grabs the
NESTS leader by the head! It seems that Igniz was the assistant of the leader of
NESTS, not the old man! In a moment, the old man turns into dust under Igniz'
great power. Igniz stands forward, and claims that he will rid the world of all
those who would stand in his way. That's why NESTS organized the King of
Fighters tournament after all: to find out who was the strongest of the world,
and then eliminate them to vanquish all possible threats to world conquest! And
once he had done that, he would become the god for the new era...the era of
NESTS! Igniz removes his cloak, and beckons for the team to attack him!
But Igniz was definetly no common underling. Having collected all the
fighting data stored in the NESTS' database from the past 3 KOF tournaments, he
channeled it to his own body, all that sheer fighting potential made quite a mix
inside his organism! His incredible, overwhelming power, had the force of a
deity, a superior being who could take down a whole army by himself! Igniz
shurgged all attacks by Maxima, Whip, Lin...and even K' was like a mere toy to
Igniz. Their attacks could not even faze him. Igniz was too fast, too powerful,
his energy channeled into inhumanly strong explosions, which made the whole base
shudder in its' vast strength. The team fell like paper dolls, and K', although
brave and insistent, soon fell quickly. Igniz laughs at the team's futile
attempts to impress him. But before K' could close his eyes and lose
consciousness, as Igniz looms over with a glowing hand, ready to give him the
final blow, a crimson flame blast shoves Igniz' hand aside!
Now, Kyo Kusanagi has entered the scene! But not only him...Terry, Athena,
Ryo, Kim, even Iori all stood up to Igniz! Kyo wipes his mouth, and tells Igniz
that NESTS has benefited themselves too much thanks to him. Now, after 2 years
of hunting them down, Kyo would finally exact revenge from those who dared
attempt to ruin his life! Likewise, the other fighters blamed Igniz for his
divine delusions, which have costed the life of many, innocents and even the
people of NESTS themselves! Igniz laughs, and explains that it was all just a
means to an end...and that the end would be the destruction of those who stood
against him! Now, the fight against Igniz would start once again...this time no
one would allow him to realize Igniz' ambition of an utopia!
All the fighters put in their best effort, their bravest attempt, their
whole energy, their whole souls into the battle. Igniz was still overpowered,
and was too much for all them to handle, but the immortal will to survive and to
keep on living by the rest of the fighters was what led them to keep on trying.
Igniz could not understand why they would prefer to lose their lives than to
accept a new world order! K' was inspired by the bravery of the other fighters,
and stood up to fight once again! K' stands by Kyo's side, and tells Kyo that he
never thought he would fight along him one day. Kyo turns to Iori, smiles, and
tells K' that his quote is all too familiar. Now, the heat was on Igniz!
With the force of the 3 flames combined, Igniz could no longer stand
strong. His whole numerical data was just that...numbers and statistics. Kyo and
Iori knew what the real deal behind those numbers where, and K', who was a
result of a biological experimient, had also came to realize that as well! Igniz
was soon beginning to falter, until after being worn down by Iori and Kyo's
flames, K' gave him the final blow, a huge flaming explosion which burned all
the machines in the room to a crisp!
With his last ounce of strength, Igniz drags his battered body to a couple
of pillars which stood in the highest point of the room, above some stairs.
Igniz is surprised and enfuriated that the humans would shun the existence of a
god among them. But, if the humans didn't desire a god, then he would become a
demon! With those words, Igniz placed his hands on the cravings atop the
pillars, and his whole body was surrounded with a beam of light. Not long after,
the whole space station began to tremble violently. K' noticed that Earth had
grown bigger and bigger outside the window. The space station was set on a crash
course to Earth! The rest of the brave heroes tried to stop Igniz from his
suicidal attempt, but a huge door closed the way to where Igniz was standing.
The whole base became a flaming comet upon entrance to the atmosphere, and
headed towards the planet in a quick path to final destruction.
Meanwhile, down on Earth, Kula tried her best to fight off K9999 and
Angel. She fought bravely, using her freeze powers to her maximum capability.
But two NESTS assassins against a young and confused girl was just too much. And
K9999's violent behavior didn't allow for much, either. When Kula began to
falter and feel weak from the effort, she noticed a bright light coming from the
morning sky. K9999 and Angel also noticed it, and stood there, staring at the
huge flaming sphere shooting down to the ground. The wrecked NESTS space station
made a huge splash in the middle of the ocean, as the disturbed water and the
raging flames shoot up to the sky. Angel wonders if that was the NESTS station,
and if so, what would have happened to the leader of NESTS? But K9999 was
determined to finish his job at any cost. The mere existence of Kula disturbed
him to no end, so K9999 launches himself at Kula to finish her off. As K9999's
hand mutates into a bizarre shape, a crimson flame blast shoves his mutated hand
The man who interfered was K'! He was in quite a bad shape, but he could
still stand tall, and face his advanced clone head to head. Now, Kula and K'
stood together as partners for the first time ever, leveling the odds. K9999 was
beginning to get really mad, as his hair waves in the wind, flashing tones of
white. But Angel made to his notice that some helicopters were drawing nearby.
They could be the remaining troops of NESTS looking for them! K9999 decides its'
not time to stay around and play, as they should reunite with what's left of
NESTS and think of a new plan. Angel and K9999 vanished, not before K9999 gives
Kula and K' a final death sentence before he departs!
Diana, the other NESTS executive, meets with Kula and the others, trying
to talk the situation out. Diana is disappointed that NESTS would have gone this
way, but Whip reassures her that everything will be OK now that the higher ranks
of NESTS have been dealt with, but Whip knows that her past is far from being
resolved. Maxima and Lin watch over the other survivors of this faithful
tournament as they walk away to their places of origin. Another year has flew
by, but this time, a climate of peace and tranquility could be felt roaming in
the air. Maxima is relieved that the nightmare that was once NESTS is finally
over, as he looks over to the sinking NESTS space station, which is no better
than ashes right now. But Lin knows better...Ron is still out there, perhaps
planning a new scheme. Indeed, in a cliff not faraway from where the fighters of
destiny are reunited, Ron and the mysterious NESTS secretary watch the scene of
joy and triumph that overwhelms the warriors of faith. But Ron knows better. He
vows that things won't stay like this for too long, and those who dare to
interfere would have to prepare themselves, as Ron makes plans of his own....
Walking on the coast line, two similiar figures walk along the humid sand,
as the waves splash against their feet. The sun has already placed itself atop
the middle of the sky, lighting up the heavens...as well as their souls. Kula,
one of the figures, walks in a jolly fashion, kicking away the incoming water.
She turns towards K', who has been walking along her the whole time. With his
shades on, K' can't conceal the marks of his past battle, but his face does
express a certain deal of relief. Kula nears K's side, and as she snucks up to
him, she asks what would be in store for them now that NESTS is done for. K'
seems reluctant to answer at first, but after some more insistence, he takes off
his shades, and smiles at Kula. He knows that a new life, free from slavery and
personal torments, would soon dawn on their lives...just like the morning sun.

26-09-2005, 11:51 AM
تابع الموضوع

The following is the personal story of each and every of the 64 fighters
that have participated in each of the six tournaments. I have divided them in
alphabetic order, and have developed a list of them all. After this, I will
detail the story of every fighter:
*Andy Bogard
*Athena Asamiya
*Benimaru Nikaido
*Billy Kane
*Blue Mary
*Brian Battler
*Chang Koehan
*Chin Gentsai
*Chizuru Kagura
*Choi Bounge
*Clark Steel
*Eiji Kisaragi
*Geese Howard
*Goro Daimon
*Heavy D!
*Hinako Shijou
*Iori Yagami
*Jhun Hoon
*Joe Higashi
*Kasumi Todoh
*Kim Kaphwan
*Kyo Kusanagi
*Li Xiangfei
*Lucky Glauber
*Mai Shiranui
*May Lee
*Mr. Big
*Ralf Jones
*Robert Garcia
*Rugal Bernstein
*Ryo Sakazaki
*Ryuji Yamazaki
*Saisyu Kusanagi
*Shingo Yabuki
*Sie Kensou
*Takuma Sakazaki
*Terry Bogard
*Wolfgang Krauser
*Yashiro Nanakase
*Yuri Sakazaki
Here's the list of the teams, composed by these characters. Notice that I
have divided them in certain sections, depending on their appearances and
changes in each tournament. This way, you will know which fighter pledged
alliance to whom. However, never assure that a team will remain the same every
*Teams which have appeared in every tournament/no changes:
-Japan/Hero Team:
Kyo Kusanagi-Benimaru Nikaido-Goro Daimon
-Italy/Fatal Fury Team:
Terry Bogard-Andy Bogard-Joe Higashi
-China/Psycho Soldier Team:
Athena Asamiya-Sie Kensou-Chin Gentsai
-Korea/Kim Team:
Kim Kaphwan-Chang Koehan-Choi Bounge
*Team which have appeared in one tournament:
-USA Sports Team:
Heavy D!-Lucky Glauber-Brian Battler
-Boss Team:
Geese Howard-Wolfgang Krauser-Mr. Big
-New Face Team:
Yashiro Nanakase-Shermie-Chris
-'97 Special Team:
Ryuji Yamazaki-Blue Mary-Billy Kane
*Teams which have changed from tournament to tournament:
-Mexico/Kyokugenryo Team:
Ryo Sakazaki-Robert Garcia-Takuma Sakazaki (The King of Fighters '94-'95)
Ryo Sakazaki-Robert Garcia-Yuri Sakazaki (The King of Fighters '96-'97)
-England/Gorgeous Team:
Mai Shiranui-King-Yuri Sakazaki (The King of Fighters '94-'95)
Mai Shiranui-King-Kasumi Todoh (The King of Fighters '96)
Mai Shiranui-King-Chizuru Kagura (The King of Fighters '97)
-Yagami Team:
Iori Yagami-Eiji Kisaragi-Billy Kane (The King of Fighters '95)
Iori Yagami-Mature-Vice (The King of Fighters '96)
-Brazil/Ikari Team:
Heidern-Ralf-Clark (The King of Fighters '94-'95)
Leona-Ralf-Clark (The King of Fighters '96-'97)
*Single entries:
-Rugal Bernstein (The King of Fighters '94-'95)
-Saisyu Kusanagi (The King of Fighters '95)
-Chizuru Kagura (The King of Fighters '96)
-Goenitz (The King of Fighters '96)
-Shingo Yabuki (The King of Fighters '97)
-Iori Yagami (The King of Fighters '97)
-Orochi (The King of Fighters '97)
*The King of Fighters '98 teams:
-Hero Team (Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, Goro Daimon)
-Fatal Fury Team (Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi)
-Art of Fighting Team (Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki)
-Ikari Team (Leona, Ralf Jones, Clark Steel)
-Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai)
-Gorgeous Team (Chizuru Kagura, Mai Shiranui, King)
-Kim Team (Kim Kaphwan, Chang Koehan, Choi Bounge)
-New Face Team (Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, Chris)
-Special Team (Ryuji Yamazaki, Blue Mary, Billy Kane)
-Yagami Team (Iori Yagami, Mature, Vice)
-Middle Age Team (Heidern, Takuma Sakazaki, Saisyu Kusanagi)
-USA Sports Team (Heavy D!, Lucky Glauber, Brian Battler)
-Rugal Bernstein (single entry)
-Shingo Yabuki (single entry)
*The King of Fighters '99 new teams:
-Hero Team (K', Maxima, Benimaru Nikaido, Shingo Yabuki)
-Fatal Fury Team (Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Mai Shiranui)
-Art of Fighting Team (Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki, Takuma
-Ikari Team (Leona, Ralf Jones, Clark Steel, Whip)
-Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai, Bao)
-Gorgeous Team (King, Blue Mary, Kasumi Todoh, Li Xiangfei)
-Kim Team (Kim Kaphwan, Chang Koehan, Choi Bounge, Jhun Hoon)
-Kyo Kusanagi ver.1 (single entry)
-Kyo Kusanagi ver.2 (single entry)
-Shin Kyo Kusanagi (single entry)
-Iori Yagami (single entry)
-Krizalid (tournament host)
*The King of Fighters 2000 teams:
-Hero Team (K', Maxima, Ramon, Vanessa)
-Benimaru Team (Benimaru Nikaido, Shingo Yabuki, Lin, Seth)
-Fatal Fury Team (Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Blue Mary)
-Art of Fighting Team (Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Takuma Sakazaki, King)
-Ikari Team (Leona, Ralf Jones, Clark Steel, Whip)
-Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai, Bao)
-Gorgeous Team (Mai Shiranui, Yuri Sakazaki, Kasumi Todoh, Hinako Shijou)
-Kim Team (Kim Kaphwan, Chang Koehan, Choi Bounge, Jhun Hoon)
-Kyo Kusanagi (single entry)
-Iori Yagami (single entry)
-Kula Diamond (unknown participant)
-Zero (tournament host)
*List of "special" strikers in KOF 2000 (note: This list contains the extra
strikers that can be chosen aside from the regular striker version of your
character, and who have not appeared in past KOF games as playable characters.
Obviously, they don't have any relation with the original KOF timeline.):
-Rocky (Maxima's special striker)
-Duke Edwards (Ramon's special striker)
-Fio (Vanessa's special striker)
-Kyoko (Shingo Yabuki's special striker)
-Duck King (Joe Higashi's special striker)
-Kaede (Ryo Sakazaki's special striker)
-G-Mantle (Ryo Sakazaki's hidden special striker)
-Gai Tendou (Takuma Sakazaki's special striker)
-King Lion (King's special striker)
-Baijang (Chin Gentsai's special striker)
-Kaoru Watabe (Bao's special striker)
-Nakoruru (Yuri Sakazaki's special striker, she also appeared in the Game Boy
version of KOF '95, by the way)
-Unknown (Kasumi Todoh's hidden special striker, who is no other than Ryuhaku
Todoh, Kasumi's father)
-Lilly Kane (Hinako Shijou's special striker)
-Kim Sue-il (Kim Kaphwan's special striker)
-Kim Dong Hwan (Chang Koehan's special striker)
-Kim Jae Hoon (Choi Bounge's special striker)
-Kang Baedal (Jhun Hoon's special striker)
-Syo Kirishima (Kyo Kusanagi's special striker)
-Neo and Geo (Ramon's hidden special striker)
*The King of Fighters 2001 teams:
-Hero Team (K', Maxima, Whip, Lin)
-Japan Team (Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, Goro Daimon, Shingo Yabuki)
-Yagami Team (Iori Yagami, Seth, Vanessa, Ramon)
-Fatal Fury Team (Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Blue Mary)
-Art of Fighting Team (Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Takuma Sakazaki, Yuri
-Ikari Team (Heidern, Leona, Ralf Jones, Clark Steel)
-Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai, Bao)
-Gorgeous Team (King, Mai Shiranui, Hinako Shijou, Li Xiangfei)
-Kim Team (Kim Kaphwan, Chang Koehan, Choi Bounge, May Lee)
-NESTS Team (Kula Diamond, Foxy, K9999, Angel)
-True Zero (middle boss)
-Igniz (tournament host)

26-09-2005, 11:52 AM
تابع الموضوع

1.-Name of character/meaning of name (if applicable)
2.-Bio data
*Birthplace *Birthdate (age as of the end of 1999)
*Height *Weight
*Blood type *Hobbies
*Favorite food *Favorite sport
*Most valuable *Hates the most
*Fighting style
4.-Alternate versions (if applicable)
5.-Fun fact
6.-Cloth changes (if applicable)
8.-Other games (if applicable)

Now, with no more prologues, the stories begin now!
Birthplace: USA
Birthdate: August 16, 1974 (28 years old)
Height: 1.71 m (5'6")
Weight: 69 kg (152 lbs)
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Practicing martial arts
Favorite food: Spaghetti ala Natto
Favorite sport: Short track
Most valuable: Picture of him and Hanzo Shiranui
Hates the most: Dogs
Fighting style: Kopo-ken and Shiranui Ninjitsu
*Natto = fermented soy beans
Andy Bogard is the younger brother of the great fighting legend, Terry
Bogard, champion of the first two King of Fighters tournament. Both are sons of
the great martial artist, Jeff Bogard, whom was killed by his training partner,
Geese Howard. The orphan Andy's heart was crushed when he knew about the death
of his father, whom he respected and saw as his greatest idol. Being a lot more
sentimental, and a lot more brash, Andy vowed revenge against Geese, and
promised to kill him no matter what it takes: even if it cost him his own life.
Andy, using some of the money inherited to him by his father, traveled to
Japan, in order to train himself in what he had learned to be the most deadly
martial art in close-combat: Kopo-ken. He then went to see the great Hanzo
Shiranui, a very skilled ninja who also happened to be a Kopo-ken master. Andy
pledged for Hanzo to train him, and Hanzo, seeing the dedication and spirit in
his eyes, accepted his offer.
Andy began to train in the mountains of Japan, amidst the forests and
rivers. He first only thought of Geese, and he was unlucky in learning the
basics due to his stubborness. With the help of constant training and the
advices of his master, Hanzo Shiranui, Andy managed to mildy surpress his
feeling of revenge. Now completly dedicated to his skills, Andy began to make
exceptional progress, and quickly began to learn the more advanced skills of
During his stance in Japan, Andy met the beautiful grandaughter of Hanzo,
Mai Shiranui. While he managed to completly ignore her for the first couple of
months, Andy began to involve himself more and more with the young red-haired
girl. Although he has developed strong feelings for her, Andy always pretends to
be uninterested, since he thinks of Mai as a foster sister, due to his
admiration towards Hanzo as sort of a paternal figure.
After the completion of his training period, Andy decided it was time to
go back to Southtown to reunite with his brother, Terry (despite the evident
sadness of Mai). During his trip back, he saw a fight between two Muay Thai
fighters in a secluded area of Japan. Seeing the very impressive skills and
arrogance of one of the Muay Thai fighters, Andy decided to challenge him. Of
course, it wasn't an official bout, but the Muay Thai fighter accepted anyway.
However, his happiness soon ran away as Andy began to show his incredible skill,
and finally, defeated the astounished Muay Thai champion. However, the Muay Thai
warrior just laughed, and shaked Andy's hand. He introduced himself as Joe
Higashi, world Muay Thai champion! Ever since, both have become the best of
friends, although ever since that moment, Andy thinks Joe always talks too
Andy and Joe agreed to go back together to the United States, and reunite
with Andy's brother, Terry, in order to exact revenge on Geese. Andy then was
informed by Terry upon his return that there was going to be a tournament called
"The King of Fighters", and that the winner of the competition would end up
fighting Geese. Andy's sense of revenge once again grew strong, truly straying
him from the true sense of fight. Although he managed to gain enough road in the
tournament, he couldn't win against the mighty Geese, due to his rashness and
too much emotion. His brother was the one who, in the end, who managed to defeat
Geese. Seeing that revenge blinded him, Andy then began a new journey ever
since: to surpass his brother's skills, and perhaps defeat him in battle.
Once in a while, Andy travels back to Japan, where he resumes his training
and continues to improve his skill. Of course, he is constantly pestered by Mai,
and although she has grown into quite a woman during the last few years, Andy
still tries to remain focused on his skill improving, and this requires quite
some willpower, because no normal man would ever resist Mai's attributes!
Andy has always agreed to follow his brother Terry whenever he decided to
enter the new version of the King of Fighters tournament, not as much as helping
him, but just to show who's the best brother around! He was about to not enter
in the King of Fighters '97, despite Joe's pestering, but since his brother
decided to enter as well (to investigate on Geese's involvement in the
tournament), he had no choice but accept as well.
All seemed to be perfectly normal when Terry received the invitation to
the King of Fighters '99 tournament, since he and Joe would be joining once
again, and he would be glad to show his brother what he had learned the last two
years! However, it seemed they needed a fourth team member. Before Andy could
think about anything, a person requested the fourth position in no time. Andy
was more than surprised that it had been Mai, who didn't lose anytime in taking
advantage of the situation to be close to Andy! Before Andy could object
anything, the tournament was well underway....
The battles of the Lonely Wolves finally took them to a sewer, where they
had been scheduled for their next battle. Suddenly, the sewer began to tremble,
and began to crumble! Andy dashed right out, but Terry remained for some unknown
reason...Andy tried to save his brother, but the rocks had already falled and
blocked the pass. Andy wonders about the fate of his brother, but deep within,
he knows he just can only train harder for the next time they meet!
Andy's training would once again be put at test in the year 2000, to prove
his worth against the menace of NESTS. This time around, Mai had left the Lonely
Wolves to join her old friend Yuri Sakazaki. This eased Andy's mind, but not his
soul. He felt a bit guilty for having mistrusted Mai in last year's tournament,
but there was no time to be sorry. Andy should not fail his brother Terry's
trust this year, and so, Andy focuses all his inner strength into finishing the
evil reign of NESTS!
Ironically, the final battle takes the Lonely Wolves to Southtown: Andy's
city of origin. Andy feels bad about how Southtown keeps degrading itself by the
actions of the crime lords, but he also feels somewhat assured for being at home
again. But since NESTS was around, there was no kicking back. Andy and his
friends are directed to the factory zone of Southtown, where NESTS is suspected
to be hiding out. Andy and Terry know this well, and lead Joe and Mary there. By
the time they reach the factor district, a legion of soldiers are found
surrounding an abandoned factory. Andy wonders that this is odd, but as soon as
they approach the soldiers, they begin to fire! Fighting for their lives, the
Lonely Wolves have to deal with an army of NESTS agents! Andy helps out in order
to knock the corrupt troops down.
While fighting inside the factory, the troops keep falling like chess
pieces. But more seem to appear everytime they fall. Andy begins to feel
somewhat tired, but has decided to keep on fighting, not allowing his friends
and brother to die. Suddenly, the whole building begins to shake, and the
soldiers freak out instantly. Terry feels something wrong, and with right
reasons: a wounded soldier reports that the Zero Cannon has just been fired, and
that the city is doomed! During the previous shock, the building begins to fall
down at the seams, and Terry is knocked by a falling rock. Andy is shocked and
stops at nothing to help his brother, but Terry pushes him aside, and urges him
to escape. Andy looks at Terry's eyes, and recognizes his brother's determined
look. Andy nods, and leads the others to shelter.
Minutes later, all is gone. Southtown had crumbled down to nothing. Andy
feels a great deal of pain in his heart, for the city that he has been raised in
has fallen, but he knew it was just a matter of time, as Southtown had always
lived upon the principles of fighting, and it could only lead to destuction.
Suprisingly, Andy knows Terry is alive, because he knew, by his brother's sight,
that he would be determined to come back soon, as stronger as ever. Andy gives a
slient promise that he, too, will keep on fighting, and training to become ever
stronger and not lag behind his legenadary brother. In the meantime, he still
has to cope with one little problem: having to avoid Mai's crazy marriage
attempts for one whole year!
As the year 2001 looms over the horizon, Andy decides to take a trip back
to Southtown, however, he tries his best to avoid Mai at any costs (he has left
his student, Hokutomaru, to deal with her in the meantime). There, in the middle
of the devastation that rules the city, he finds his brother Terry safe and
sound, lending a helping hand to the orphans in Southtown, who had lost their
parents in the Southtown explosion. Andy watches with joy how Terry overcomes
his sadness, and claims that he will fight to give the orphans a new home! Andy
notices a little kid by Terry's side. His blond hair makes him look like Terry's
disciple, but his inner energy...what was it? Andy can't think about that
anymore, since the next King of Fighters tournament quickly arrives!
Andy employs his maximum strength against his opponents, as he gets more
and more recognized in his own right. His efforts find a deserved reward: the
destruction of NESTS. However, even after their downfall, Andy still has to make
amends and settle down the raging fury of Mai!
As explained before, being a sentimental fellow, Andy has very extreme
cases of depression, like when fighting in order to exact revenge. Since the
only thought on his mind was hatred, he was distracted from battle. However,
Andy, when not disturbed, is always a cool and serene guy, a good natured fellow
at heart. He also seems to be very serious around the always-kidding Joe! Ever
since his sttuborness to defeat Geese, Andy has decided to hide his emotions,
even his love for Mai, but from time to time, he shows how much she cares for
her, but he doesn't want to make it too evident!
REAL BOUT: FATAL FURY 2 ANDY BOGARD (The King of Fighters '98): Alternate
version of Andy based on his Real Bout: Fatal Fury 2 incarnation. He regains his
long-range Hishoken, his Shouryuu Dan has been altered in its' look, loses his
Dam Breaker Punch and the Gen'ei Shiranui (as well as its' follow-ups) and gains
a new DM: the Dan Da Dan (sort of like a quick version of his Flying Meteor Fist
DM, which he loses in this version by the way).
*Fun fact = -If you possess a copy of the PSX version of The King of Fighters
'97 (I don't know if this happens in other home versions), you have two art
galleries featuring SNK official artwork. In Art Gallery I, there is a drawing
of Andy hugging a dog! Hum, wasn't he supposed to HATE dogs? Maybe it's another
display of sheer willpower. ^-^
-Do you remember Hokutomaru, the little ninja boy who appears in the
latest Fatal Fury game, Garou: Mark of the Wolves? You may have noticed that the
kid has some of Andy's moves (note: the Kuuha Dan), and is well trained in
Shiranui-style Ninjitsu. This is because, well, Andy IS Hokutomaru's master!
Hokutomaru receives a letter from Andy at the end of Garou, congratulating his
student by surpassing his own skills. But don't ask me if Hokutomaru is Andy and
Mai's son...from the likes of it, it doesn't seem likely.
*Cloth changes = In KOF '94 and KOF '95, Andy wears handguards and boots. He
adds more protection on these places (apparently to deliver more devastating
impacts?), more evidently on his legs, where he wears some sort of leg
protectors, by KOF '96. His flame design on the shirt of his uniform from KOF
'94/'95 also disappears, and a red zig-zag pattern appears on his "skirt"
appears instead. By KOF '98, he loses all this protection, and wears only very
light gloves and shoes. In KOF 2001, Andy loses any trace of flame designs on
his uniform (it's all white now, including the handguards), and with a black
body suit beneath it, that covers all of his upper body skin (the only exposed
skin is the head).
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of
Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Fatal Fury, Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, Fatal Fury 3: Road to
Final Victory, Real Bout: Fatal Fury, Real Bout: Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout:
Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition, Real Bout: Dominated Mind, Fatal Fury:
First Contact

26-09-2005, 11:53 AM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: Mexico
Birthdate: March 6, 1982 (20 years old)
Height: 1.68 m (5'5")
Weight: Unknown (she won't tell)
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Going to live concerts
Favorite food: Sliced cactus, tequila
Favorite sport: Soccer
Most valuable: Vintage B-3 and Deck Coat P.D. series clothing
Hates the most: Gambling
Fighting style: No style in particular
One must not be fooled by Angel's slender and well-shaped body, and
neither by her happy-go-luck personality she displays at times. This "femme
fatale" is actually yet another dangerous agent that works for the feared NESTS
cartel. Her bizarre blend of several martial arts make her quite unpredictable,
as her style and moves can change in just a mere instant. After the increasing
shortage of personal over the past few years, thanks to the King of Fighters
tournament, Angel is called forth to defend the pride and honor of the NESTS in
their moment of truth, where they will finally reveal themselves to the world in
the 2001 King of Fighters tournament!
Being a friendly spirit at heart, Angel tries to seek the most human
traits in her best friend, a friend that she met in NESTS: the heartless
Kusanagi clone, K9999. Ever since they met, Angel had a hard time trying to get
through K9999, since he refused to accept the friendship of anyone, and would
rather live by himself without any trouble. But Angel knew that K9999 deserved
the chance of being happy, and refuses to believe that he was created just to be
a mindless assassin for the NESTS. Slowly, but surely, Angel has managed to gain
herself the trust and friendship of K9999, as she attempts to open the warm
heart within K9999's chest.
Angel and K9999 are assigned by their superiors to team up with Foxy, a
high-ranked officer of NESTS, and one of their latest biological creations, Kula
Diamond, to enter the next King of Fighters tournament. As usual, K9999 hates it
when he gets ordered around by Foxy and her comrade Diana. Angel tries to cheer
K9999 up by claiming that he is a lot more powerful than Foxy and Diana will
give credit for. But she knows that K9999 won't stand the pressure for too long.
Angel makes it her duty to look over her friend so that Foxy and Kula won't try
anything funny against him, may he attempt to overthrow them.
During the tournament, Angel does a precise and clean job, carrying out
her duties in the best way possible. She is soon noticed as a superb newcomer,
but Angel knows better. Her skills are no fluke, but instead tries to stay sharp
and precise during the whole fight. Soon, the tournament draws to an end, and
Angel soon receives new orders by the higher commands. He informs them to K9999,
who is instantly pleased and anxious. As the winners are transported to a blimp
to stage their final battle, Foxy and Kula stay behind as they watch the blimp
vanish in the precious star-filled night sky. Foxy wonders what will be NESTS'
next move, but as soon as she says this, she is stabbed in the back by K9999!
Angel stands right behind K9999 as he gloats over the fatally wounded Foxy.
Angel informs the shocked Kula that NESTS no longer needs so many agents,
so both Foxy and Kula were assigned for swift elimination! Kula vows revenge for
her fallen friend, but both K9999 and Angel are ready to assault the young anti-
K'. Angel teams up with K9999 to attack Kula, who proves to put up quite a
fight, mostly fueled by her anger for Foxy's death. But she is soon put against
the ropes by the two NESTS agents. As Angel anticipates the killing blow,
renegade NESTS agent K' appears and saves Kula from K9999's attack! Angel is
terribly surprised that K' is still alive, and at the same time confused that
NESTS could have been eliminated so easily by their own creations. A helicopter
squad flies over the scene, and Angel assumes that it's the remaining NESTS
troops. Angel suggests K9999 to retreat and regroup for their next plan. K9999
doesn't seem very pleased to leave his business unfinished, but he regretfully
retreats, as Angel wonders when will the moment come and K9999 will go
completely out of control!
Even if she is a NESTS agent who carries out illegal orders by her
superiors, Angel is not cold-hearted or blood-thirsty as one might suppose by
her status. She is actually quite friendly if not met as an opponent, and acts
in quite a cheerful way, always trying to spice things up. Her blazing fast
speed and limber legs allow her to quickly hit the opponent in many places with
a single stroke. The only known friend to K9999, Angel also begins to doubt the
true purpose of her superiors at NESTS.
*Fun fact = -For your personal information, the way you pronounce the name
"Angel" is the same way you would pronounce it in Spanish: "An-hell".
-That weird Angel pose (where she points her fingers upwards at the
sides of her head) is actually part of a rather popular dance here in Mexico
that has to do with a cow. Yes, you heard right, a song about a cow (hence, the
"horns"). So, what else is new? We have made up dances about chickens, deers,
worms, horses, even snail soup! O_O;;;
Appearances: The King of Fighters 2001
"Athena of the Hemp Shrine"
Birthplace: Japan
Birthdate: March 14, 1979 (23 years old)
Height: 1.63 m (5'3")
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Astrology
Favorite food: Ichigo-daifuku
Favortie sport: Lacross
Most valuable: Peter Rabbit teacup set
Hates the most: Grasshoppers
Fighting style: Kung Fu and Psychic Powers
*Ichigo-daifuku = strawberry cakes
Athena is said to be the present incarnation of the Greek goddess Athena
(Saint Seiya?), the goddess of the earth. However, even if she did held her
divine reputation, Athena always tries to act like a normal girl, doing such
typical stuff for girls such as going to school, shopping, and of course,
listening to music! In fact, Athena likes to sing a lot. Her voice almost lets
out her divine attributes, and Athena seems to put a lot of feeling in it
(although most people think the contrary!).
Athena has always been concerned of the evil roaming around the world, and
the increasing amount of crime as well. Having been born with a special psychic
power, based on the power of the ressurection bird, the Phoenix, Athena vows to
use her powers in order to protect justice, and make evil recoil! However, even
the job a justice fighter needs some help. While she was traveling back to home
from school, she finds a pair of Chinese fellows fighting against a local tough
guy. One of them was about Athena's age, the other was just an old drunkard!
Both seem to have problems with the big lug, since they don't seem to take the
battle too seriously. Athena, taking away any suspicion, blows the strongman
away, and seeing the skills of both men, asks them if they want to be her
sidekicks. The young boy, later known as Sie Kensou, accepted inmediately, much
in favor thanks to his infinite liking towards Athena, and as for the old man,
soon known as Chin Gentsai, well, he decided to tag along as well...
Soon enough, all three began to fight against crime and evil in Japan.
Since Kensou also seemed to manage psychic powers as well, the trio was soon to
be known as the Psycho Soldiers! All three fought bravely against any evildoear,
although most of them didn't pass from your run-of-the-mill criminal or a mob
Meanwhile, Athena decided to continue her studies in high school. She is
certainly very attracted to Kyo Kusanagi, one of her classmates, but she decides
to leave it alone, since she is also a very good friend of Yuki, Kyo's
girlfriend (even though it causes quite a scene of fury from Kensou!). She then
begins to hear rumors of the King of Fighters tournament, and soon enough, she
receives an invitation to participate. Taking along her sidekicks, Athena
decides to show the world what true justice does, and in the meanwhile, fight
those who threaten mankind.
During the pass of the tournaments, Athena has grown more mature and
responsible in order to keep up with her duties as a justice fighter. She also
has to keep up rejecting Kensou, since the young man doesn't seem to understand
when to quit proposing himself to Athena! However, after three tournaments, the
Psycho Solider team begins to spark more and more popularity among the world,
especially among the young people, who are encouraged with the actions of the
brave Psycho Soliders. Athena always forces herself to be the best, not
pretending to lose the confidence of thousands of young men and women around the
world who send her thousands of letters each week! It was even one fan letter
from a invalid girl named Kaoru Watabe which encouraged her to enter the King of
Fighters '97, competition which she did not accept to enter at first. After all,
Athena is fighting for the goodfare of all mankind, so she is always up and
ready for the challenge!
After defending justice for so many years, Athena and her Psycho Soldiers
got a well-deserved rest for two years...Period of time in which Athena met Bao,
an adoptive student of Chin. Athena liked the kid very much, since he was so
cute and so friendly. Bao seemed to like Athena very much as well, and since he
too, had very potent psychic powers, he decided to take a cue from Athena's
psychic techniques in order to get started. However, Athena could not resist her
worries about Kensou, who had began to lose his psychic powers for some unknown
reason. And so, arrived The King of Fighters '99....
Athena fought bravely along her comrades, but once she realized the real
purpose of the tournament, being a set-up by Krizalid, Athena decides to take
the bad guy down! However, before Athena and the Psycho Soldiers could arrive to
the underground base, there was an explosion, and the passage began to fall
down! Athena demanded an escape, but midway through, a heavy rock falls on
Athena's leg, and can not budge it free. Another rock is about to fall atop
Athena, and Athena faints before it can hit her. However, Kensou, turning on
what remained of his psychic powers, manages to rescue her and exits to
Having barely escaped the hands of death in last year's tournament, Athena
comes back in the King of Fighters 2000 tournament, in order to demand justice
from the NESTS cartel! This time she has dedicated herself to become stronger
and exploit her psychic powers to stand against the evil forces of NESTS. Athena
still wonders about what the relation between Kensou and Bao really means, but
relaxed by master Chin, Athena is impulsed to dedicate herself completly to the
After many rounds of fighting, Athena manages to find out that the final
battle would take place in Southtown, where NESTS is supposed to hide out.
Athena feels a lot more braver, and injects her inspiration to the rest of her
companions (although Kensou really doesn't need any words for that). However,
upon arriving at Southtown, it is too late. The whole city has been reduced to
nothingness, destruction and deoslation spreading everywhere. Athena senses a
great deal of withdrawl in her heart, for not having been able to do anything to
save the citizens of Southtown, no matter how corrupt they were. However, there
are other things to worry about: Athena notices a falling star in the sky, but
it's no ordinary falling star...it turns out to be the wrecked Zero Cannon,
which plummets to the ground. It is still active, however, and in its' crazy
descent, still manages to fire several laser blasts! One of these blasts is
directly aimed at the young psychic heroes, and their loyal follower, Kaoru!
With Athena in shock, the young ####### manages to notice her little
friend Bao leaping towards the approaching beam. Athena urges Bao not to do so,
since he would be risking his life. But it's too late for reason now: Bao has
now come intro direct contact with the laser blast, and creates a huge impact,
which Bao suprisingly absorbs into his body! This brave doing does not remain
without a price, though: Bao falls to the ground, badly wounded. Not even
Athena's healing psychic powers are enough to soothe Bao's pain. When everything
else seems hopeless, Kensou comes into contact with Bao, and absorbs his psychic
powers. Athena is happy now that Kensou has regained his psychic powers, but
what about Bao...?
When the new King of Fighters tournament is announced, Athena is faced
with yet another dillema: Kensou seems to have regained his psychic powers back
to normal, but now it's Bao who suffers from psychic power shortage! Athena
thinks it has something to do with the incident last year, when Kensou absorbed
Bao's psychic powers last year with the "kiss of life". But her determination to
put NESTS away for good this year is stronger than any kind of suspition! Now
that NESTS has exposed itself to the public, Athena considers it the perfect
time to stop their reign of terror once and for all! With her help, and with her
huge psychic powers placed on the ulitmate test, Athena plays a crucial role to
defeat Igniz, the CEO of NESTS, and put the evil cartel to an eternal rest, as
their space base crashes into the ocean. Athena is glad to see that her friends
are safe, and thanks the heavens that no one got hurt this year. But not too far
away, two survivors of NESTS brew up a plan which will directly involve Athena
and her closest friends in a plot for global domination...
Athena is known to be a very sweet girl among her friends, and very polite
too. She is never rude except among gangsters and sometimes, Kensou (whenever he
decides to pester a lot). She always helps her friends, and always takes her
time to live her life as a normal girl. After all, she has a lot more to live,
and life is short! Athena also respects master Chin a lot, although she wishes
she will stop drinking for his own health. Being very concerned to where the
world is heading to, Athena decides to fight hard for all mankind!
*Fun fact = -If you ever play KOF '98, Athena will seldomly change her outfit to
a bikini while executing her Shining Crystal Bit DM! This is no glitch at all.
This is what she was supposed to look like back in her 8-bit action games!
-For the record, Athena is the character with the most changes in
their voice actors (named "seiyuus" in Japan, for the record). Being a "seiyuu"
for Athena means that you will usually not keep your job for more than 2
straight years! ^_^
*Cloth changes = Athena has been the only KOF character to change clothes every
year! In KOF '94, she wears a long. floppy shirt with floppy pants, with some
sort of red dress covering the upper part and her waist. In KOF '95, the sleeves
are shortened. In KOF '96, she dons some shorts instead of pants. In KOF '97,
she now wears a skirt (but with long red silk pants, sorry men!), and some
strappers above her white shirt. In KOF '98, she wears a costume similiar to
that of KOF '96, but a lot more tighter (could it be leather!?). In KOF '99 ,
Athena gets herself a hair cut (mushroom style), and she wears a red blouse
(with a white shirt beneath it) with red shorts. In KOF 2000, Athena's hair is
fixed in two bunches (think Chun Li), and she wears a red body suit (no sleeves,
includes shirt and shorts), with yellow trims. She has a blue shirt beneath the
red one. In KOF 2001, Athena loses the sleeves on her costume, and her shoulders
are now exposed, and her hair is now cut VERY short. The only constant
accesories are her beads and her star hairdress!
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000 (also appears in her old Athena game
version as her special striker, wearing Xena-like clothes, fully equipped with
sword and shield!), The King of Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo, The
King of Fighters R-1, The King of Fighters R-2, The King of Fighters EX: Neo
Other games: Athena, Psycho Soldier (two 8-bit side-scrolling games, being
Athena the #######), Athena: Awakening from Ordinary Life (a Playstation quest
game where you play as Athena as she wanders around her hometown trying to
figure out about her newfound psychic powers. Only available in Japan), SNK Gals
Fighters, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001, SNK vs. Capcom: Match of
the Millenium. She also plays the host of the photo-editing machine, called "Neo
Print", made by SNK, in which you could create your own photo designs.

26-09-2005, 11:54 AM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: China
Birthdate: July 18, 1987 (15 years old)
Height: 1.53 m (5')
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
Blood type: Unknown
Hobbies: Playing on home versions of video games (console gaming)
Favorite food: Hot milk (without sugar)
Favorite sport: River fishing
Most valuable: B-type games (FMV games?), games that are tough to beat (i.e.
he likes Viewpoint)
Dislikes: RPG-making games
Fighting style: Psychic Powers
Bao is a young child who has yet to live enough experiences in life. Being
born without knowing who his parents were, Bao lived wandering China as an
adventurer, a kid with no lead at all. His only hobby was found in playing video
games at local stands to pass the time. Aside from that, there was no place that
Bao considered to be "home". That was until Chin Gentsai, a respectful, but
drunk-propense old man, decided to adopt the child out of pity and good will.
Thus, Bao finally stays at Chin's home with his wife.
During the next few days, Bao begins to display enormous amounts of
psychic power that he never had realized about. Before it could get out of
control, Chin deems it neccesary that Bao should train with him in order to
control such power. And thus, Chin introduces Bao to Kensou, his other adoptive
student, and Athena, the reknowned Psycho Soldiers, fighters of justice! Bao
quickly begins to get acquainted to his two new friends, whom he sees as his
elder brothers. He gets particularly worried at the sadness of Kensou, who has
began to lost his psychic powers. Being too young, Bao has yet to understand the
real meaning of feelings.
Bao is gladly admitted as the new Psycho Soldier for the new King of
Fighters tournament in 1999. Bao accepts to do his best effort in the
tournament, and not let his adoptove family down. Bao results to be quite a
surprise, not just for his martial arts skills but for his impressive display of
psychic powers. Added to that was his innocence and purity, and the fact he
never fighted with hate or mocking in his attitude. The path of Bao leads him to
follow Athena and the others into an underground passage in search of the
hideout of the evil host of the tournament, Krizalid. Bao feels a little afraid,
but doesn't want to quit out now. Suddenly, the whole passage begins to shake,
and fall down in a hurry! Bao freaks out, and Chin tells him to run. Bao just
runs and doesn't look back. He quickly escapes with Chin, but is worried about
Kensou and Athena, who remain in the passage as it crumbles down. Bao wishes
that nothing had happened to his dear friends. The heavens hear the child as
Kensou bursts out of the ruins with his remaining psychic powers, carrying
Athena in his arms. Bao suddenly feels a sting in his head, and passes out. It
seems that Bao's psychic powers are somewhat bonded to those of Kensou's. Chin
then reminds a passage of the "worst day in history", and wonders about
Bao...the mysterious psychic boy.
After the whole tense situation, Bao resumes his training, apparently
unaware of his psychic potential. Not to anyone's surprise, though, as Bao is
always a happy-go-lucky kid! Unlike other people, who train in hopes of fighting
the forces of NESTS in the King of Fighters 2000 tournament, Bao just wants to
have a fun time, and see how strong everyone has become. And so, the day
Bao follows his grandfather Chin and his elder brothers Athena and Kensou
in their fights, with the innocence and humor of a young child. His journey
finally leads him to Southtown. Bao feels sad about the tragic destiny of the
city, but something catches his eye: a bright light in the sky, which glows more
and more, as if it was approaching...And it is! A lost shot by the crumbling
Zero Cannon has fired directly at Bao and his friends. Decided to save his
foster family from the path of destruction, Bao does a long leap to meet the
Zero Cannon blast head on, despite everybody's objection. But Bao has made up
his mind: he can't let his loved ones die. After a while, Bao is at the meeting
end of the Zero Cannon shot. Bao is met with incredible pain, but he still
gathers enough concentration and strength to absorb the force of the impact, and
avoid it from doing any harm.
Bao's brave efforts take its' toll on him, however. Bao plummets to the
ground, mortally wounded. Everybody tries to help Bao, but to no avail. It seems
as if Bao's young life is about to vanish into thin air. Bao painfuly asks
Kensou for help. Kensou, in one last desperate attempt, comes into close contact
with Bao, and absorbs his huge source of psychic powers. This manages to regain
Kensou's lost psychic powers, but Bao's fate is yet to be known...will he be
able to fight again? Only Bao knows for sure....
Suprisingly, Bao manages to recover before the next King of Fighters
tournament begins. He seems to be as glad and merry as ever before, but when bao
attempts to release his psychic powers, his energy seems to fade away! These
were the same symptoms that Kensou suffered the last 2 years. But Bao doesn't
make a big fuss about it. He feels happy only to enjoy life and the experiences
he lives with it. He once again enters the King of Fighters tournament with his
self-proclaimed "family", hoping to be of use again! In the end, after the
demise of NESTS, Bao is happy that his friends were not hurt, and thinks that
the nightmare is finally over. But Ron, and the secretary of the president of
NESTS, sole survivors of the cartel, have another plans for Bao. The shared
psychic power of the Dragon that lives both in Bao and Kensou has proved to be a
inmense source of energy, that Ron plans to harness in a near future! Will Bao
be safe from Ron's dark intentions?
Bao doesn't let the feeling of hatred and vengeance displayed in some
battles get to his heart. Being an innocent child, he is reluctant to such
emotions. Bao looks at life as a precious gift, and is thankful for everything
he has: his "grandfather" Chin, and his "elder brothers", Kensou and Athena.
Despite being somewhat of a brat sometimes, Bao can keep his cool in extreme
situations, and always bear a huge smile on his face.
*Fun fact = Bao's outfit belongs to the typical Chinese communist uniform. Now,
I don't know if Bao is conscious enough to realice that communism is pretty much
dead these days, but hey...
Appearances: The King of Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of
Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood

26-09-2005, 11:56 AM
تابع الموضوع

"The Two-Story Shrine of the Sun"
Birthplace: Japan (of American heritage)
Birthdate: June 6, 1976 (26 years old)
Height: 1.80 m (5'9")
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Being the center of attraction
Favorite food: Sashimi
Favorite sport: Clay shooting
Most valuable: Himself
Hates the most: Otaku
Fighting style: 'Shooting' (Japanese variation of Muay Thai)
*Otaku = Japanese animation fan
*Sashimi = typical Japanese dish, similiar to sushi
Benimaru Nikaido presumed himself, for a lot of years, to be not only the
most skilled fighter in Japan, but also to be the most handsome! Being a half-
American, Benimaru combines the best of both worlds, and besides being a very
good looking fighter on the outside, he dresses well too, also doning several
hairstyles. The problem is, since he always presumes his own beauty, women,
instead of finding him attractive, find him to be very annoying!
A few years ago, Benimaru finally found someone to object about his so-
called "beauty". It was a man named Kyo Kusanagi who began to steal his crowd,
and was enfuriated at it. He challenged Kyo to a fight and define who would be
the most popular student. Kyo shrugged and said he would only accept a challenge
if he participated in the national martial arts tournament, which was taken
place in order to decide the three members of the team that would participate
for Japan in the next King of Fighters tournament. Benimaru promised Kyo he
would be there, and then, he would proceed to humilliate him.
Being a master of 'shooting' boxing, and able to channel his inner power
into bursts of electricity, Benimaru had no problems in confirming his
superiority among other fighters, and advanced up to the finals. In the final
match, Kyo was waiting for him. Both already had a place in the Japan team, but
Benimaru desired so badly to be number one. So, he took on Kyo. But since
Benimaru never did polish his skills against real fighters, he was no match for
the sheer power and the crimson flames of Kyo! Benimaru had no choice but to
accept Kyo's victory, and although they wouldn't talk to each other at first,
they then became the best of friends, and hence, along with third team member
Goro Daimon, made quite a powerful team that would be champion of the King of
Fighters tournament several times.
Even though Benimaru respects Kyo a lot, he has always disliked being
second place. That's why he always trains hard to become better than Kyo and
eclipse the Kusanagi sun. He also loses no time in praising himself to the women
in the tournament, although they too, think Benimaru is nothing more than a
pushover! Since he goes to school along with Kyo as well, it's pretty tough to
try and surpass your own best friend when he's so popular!
In the last tournament, Benimaru fought against the Orochi menace to the
very end along with Kyo. They had been together in very tight situations, and
now, they would fight together, and Benimaru finally lost his obsession to be
number one, and decided to fight against the most powerful enemy of mankind.
After the faithful battle, Benimaru ventures throughout the world and becomes a
very popular fighter among the people. Whether he has become better than Kyo has
yet to be seen, but for now, Benimaru takes the limelight, and loves being the
number one!
Benimaru sees the King of Fighters '99 as his big chance to be the number
one fighter for one huge reason: Kyo was nowhere to be seen, and although
Benimaru worries for his friend, it's no time to worry about where he is. It's
about time that the whole world would see the power of the most beautiful
fighter of them all! Suddenly, Benimaru is met by Shingo, who is more than
willing to help Benimaru out, and by two mysterious man, whose roles would be
very important until the very end...their names: K' and Maxima.
As his wish would have had it, Benimaru arrives to the final match, but
after seeing K' and Maxima in action, he wonders what is it they really want.
Not before long, Benimaru receives answers in the form that Krizalid, the host
of the tournament, had been using them for his own ambitions, and that K' and
Maxima were his aides! Benimaru decides to fight Krizalid head-on, but realizes
he needs the help of K' after all. There was something in K' that reminded him
of Kyo...and is there were Benimaru realizes he should have fought for himself,
not just for overcoming Kyo. And as of fate would have had it, Kyo appears in
the nick of time to save them from Krizalid's final assault. However, the
reunion is cut short when the NESTS cartel brings the whole underground HQ down.
Benimaru helps Shingo to escape as Kyo, K', and Maxima are trapped. He knows
that his friends may have been lost for now, but he would practice a lot more,
for the true battle is yet to begin....
The moment of truth comes one year later, in the year 2000. Despite his
efforts, Benimaru hasn't managed to make contact with his lost friends: K',
Maxima, and most of all, Kyo. K' and Maxima have become fugitives, for being
former agents of the NESTS cartel, and Kyo, as usual, has vanished into thin
air. Benimaru's worries increase when he receives the invitation for the King of
Fighters 2000 tournament, since he is short two members (along with Shingo).
Benimaru receives his expected answer when he meets face-to-face with an eerie
ninja called Lin, who begs Benimaru for a chance to join his team this year.
With his own share of doubts, Benimaru accepts. The man who presents Lin to him
is no other than Benimaru's old friend, Seth, who is glad to see Benimaru once
again, after so many years in which Benimaru has been busy wandering off
fighting. The table is set for Benimaru to prove his value once more!
During the course of the tournament, Benimaru gets into constant quarrels
with Lin, since Lin seems to be ruthless, in contrast to Benimaru's precious
style. Benimaru even suspects about his old friend, the big, silent guy, Seth.
He seems to be all cool about the whole situation, which kind of reminds
Benimaru about K' last year. Nonetheless, Benimaru proves that he's back,
tougher than ever! Ranked as one of the best fighters of this year's tournament,
Benimaru and his incredible electric powers lead his team to the finals...which
is scheduled to take place in the legendary crib of the King of Fighters
tournament: Southtown.
Benimaru and his friends are supposed to meet their final rivals at an
abandoned factory in the industrial district of Southtown. Smelling something
suspicious, Benimaru relcutantly enters the building. To his surprise, who is
there but his former teammate, Maxima! Benimaru wonders about the whereabouts of
K', but his suspicions are cut short when NESTS agents surround the building.
Benimaru and the rest of the fighters take shelter in a back room of the
factory, which turns out to be an elevator to a hidden temple, and another of
NESTS' main agents: Zero!
Benimaru once again fights with his whole might against the evil plans of
Zero. He may still be powerless against Zero's cheap tricks, but Benimaru plays
an important role in deteriorating Zero's strength in order for K' to deliver
the final blow. After Zero's defeat, the whole temple begins to crumble in
anticipation of the Zero Cannon's impact. On his way out, Benimaru meets with
his eternal friend, Kyo Kusanagi once more. Reunion time is short, though, as
Kyo urges his friend to get out quickly. Benimaru and Kyo exchange arrogant
smiles, and Benimaru runs out just in time for the huge blast caused by the Zero
Cannon's shot.
Once outside, Benimaru wakes up to see his friend Lin being harassed by a
ninja who was similiar to Lin. Invoking his last ounces of strength. Benimaru
grabs the intruding ninja, and executes one of his most well done Elec-Triggers.
Futile, however, as the ninja has summoned an old ninja trick to escape from
Benimaru's grasp, and replace his presence with a log. Benimaru has a lot of
doubts about the ninja's power, but when he is getting chewed out by Lin for
having helped him, Benimaru firmly replies: "Shut up! I can't let those NESTS
traitors escape next time!"
As both Seth and Lin vanish to unknown whereabouts (although Benimaru
could care less what happens with Lin anyway), Benimaru stays in Japan until the
invitation for the next King of Fighters tournament. This time, though, NESTS
seems to have gone public, and will expose themselves to the world. Benimaru
smells something fishy behind their plot. But this time, an old friend has came
back to help him out once again: Kyo Kusanagi has finally decided to help
Benimaru once again in their attempt to foil NESTS and upset their evil
ambitions, whatever they may be. Benimaru sets out to look for his old friend,
Goro Daimon, and invite him back to active duty, as the old Hero Team returns
with a blast once again! Benimaru and Daimon join Kyo and Shingo, and they enter
the tournament to be a force to be reckoned with, as the former champions once
again enter the battle fray!
Glad to help his friends once again, and perhaps even missing the old days
as a champion, Benimaru ends the tournament safe and sound, and with NESTS
finally destroyed, he can rest up for once. "It was fun while it lasted",
Benimaru exclaims as he bids his friends farewell. The reunion of the Hero Team
was short-lived, but still passionate and tainted with nostalgia. As he heads
back home, Benimaru wishes he can be able to fight like this once again, because
he had forgotten that fighting was so fun with Kyo and Daimon by his side.
Benimaru likes being payed attention, and hates those who steal his
popularity. Although Kyo has stolen much of it, he has developed a very stable
friendship (despite their constant quarrels!). Benimaru mostly likes to be
praised by women, but as said, he just is more of an arrogant man than anything
else, but he always concludes that they can't resist him! Benimaru, despite
always wanting to be number one, will always support Kyo in the very end!
*Fun fact = Much rumors have surged that Benimaru is supposed to be gay (maybe
due to his kiss-blowing and "Airabyu" statements). But he is not. Not only is he
attracted to women (or he either wants them to be attracted to him!), he is a
narcissist, which means, he praises himself. Narcissists have been commonly (and
mistakenly) taken for gays, also taking the example of Samurai Shodown's
Amakusa, and Street Fighter's Vega.
*Cloth changes = In the past KOF, he wore a sort of tight shirt (with no sleeves
at all), which has changed slightly from KOF '94/'95 to KOF '96 (it had a
separate collar from the shirt in KOF '94/'95, while his KOF '96 shirt has the
collar attached to it). In KOF '98, he has a sort of gym shirt (which reveals
his abdomen), and which suspiciously has an opening in the middle of the chest.
Was it that the shirt was originally designed for women?
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000 (also appears dressed almost like
Shermie and with his hair pulled down as his special striker), The King of
Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000, Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium
Fight 2000 - Pro, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

26-09-2005, 11:58 AM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: USA
Birthdate: February 4, 1974 (28 years old)
Height: 1.68 m (5'5")
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood type: AB
Hobbies: Bike touring
Favorite food: Beef cup
Favorite sport: Baseball
Most valuable: Her leather jacket
Hates the most: Cats
Fighting style: Commando Sambo
Blue Mary was raised since a child by his father, whom had a very busy
life. Ever since she was young, Blue Mary began to learn the arts of Commando
Sambo and build up her body, following the lessons of her father, whom in turn,
had been a student of Geese Howard, Southtown's mob leader. Learning from his
father how crime is a society disease, Mary quickly learned what her vocation
would be: that of a police agent.
Mary trained very hard and became, in time, one tough woman! Not only was
she deadly from afar, she could easily get in and grapple her opponent, leaving
almost no bone unwrecked. Blue Mary then got her chance as a secret agent at a
very young age. There is where she met what she thought at the time, was the man
of her life. His name was Butch (why do I always picture a bulldog when I hear
that name?).
Blue Mary and Butch worked together in several missions, sucesfully
completing each and every one. They got to know each other more and more after
every mission. Mary was charmed by Butch's lovely attitude, his will for doing
the job well done, and most of all, his will to live. Butch was also very
impressed with Mary, since he had never known a woman so tough and decided as
her! Soon, Mary and Butch began to learn a lot about each other, and both were
very happy with each other. Mary saw Butch as a man who would never surrender
until he got the job done. She admired him for that. Once, when they were
drinking at a bar, Butch got up, stood behind the barstool, and began to whip
out a drink. After it's completion, Butch named it the "Blue Mary", his favorite
drink, and something he would always rely on. Thus, that's where the name Blue
Mary came from.
One day, Butch was assigned a very precarious mission of high risk. Mary
offered to accompany Butch, but he refused, excusing that Mary was still not up
for the job, and that it was for her own sake. With a tender smile, Butch bid
Mary farewell, and went out to complete the mission as soon as possible. Mary
waited for days, for weeks...and Butch never came back...and he never did.
Finally, Mary received from a member of her agency a leather jacket. It
was Butch's, and it was found right in the place where Butch had died. Mary took
the jacket, and still puts it on, reminding her of her love for Butch. Mary then
realized she would complete Butch's mission: that of erradicating the scum of
society and wipe them off the face of the earth.
Mary soon began even more popular than Butch. Her missions were always
realized with quickness, and efficiency. She always had a way to get things
done, always at her way. Mary, and her pet dog, Anton, traveled the whole world,
cracking cases and trapping the bad guys. However, in one mission, she
discovered a very serene man who was fighting once. Mary distinguished him as a
strong man with long, blonde hair, and a trademark red cap. After finishing his
battle, the man took a look at Mary, and recognized her as a pretty tough woman.
Mary laughed, and ever since, the man and her have been very close friends. The
man was no other than King of Fighters legend, Terry Bogard, the man whom
defeated Geese and Krauser.
As of late, Mary has began being more and more involved with the Lone
Wolf. She was amazed on so many experiences Terry had ever since his father died
at the hands of Geese Howard. Mary found a lot in common between her and Terry,
and she was beginning to feel something she had not felt for a long time.
Something she had not felt ever since Butch was with her. Mary was truly
enchanted by Terry, and she began to fall in love with him.
However, her work was far from over. One day, a secret person, in charge
of a personal investigation agency, sent a letter to Mary for a secret meeting.
Mary attended the meeting, and the person was there, waiting for her. The man
told her that soon, Ryuji Yamazaki would be entering the King of Fighters '97
tournament. Mary was familiar with Yamazaki, who was reknown as a very infamous
gangster. The mystery man told Mary to keep an eye on him and Billy Kane, who
was sent by Geese to look after Yamazaki as well. Mary's suspicions grew more
and more: what did Geese want with Yamazaki? Without any other clue, Mary teamed
up with Yamazaki and Billy, forming one of the more peculiar teams of the
tournament. During the outcome of the tournament, Mary discovered, from
Yamazaki's reactions to the manifestations of the Orochi power, was that indeed,
Yamazaki was of Orochi blood! Mary was surprised, and figured out that Geese had
sent Billy in order to keep an eye on the Orochi power of Yamazaki. But, then,
what did the mysterious man want with Yamazaki and his Orochi power? This became
very suspicious for Mary, but during her moment of confusion, Yamazaki had run
With no other cue more than to investigate the true intentions of the
secret man, Mary began a new case. She soon found out that the mystery man was
working for Geese Howard, and that he was using her to aid Billy to control
Yamazaki, and bring the gangster to him! Mary was enfuriated, and taking a new
case in her hands, Mary went out to catch the most powerful man of Southtown.
After two years of being on the trails of Geese Howard, Mary received a
surprise invitation by King, one of her contacts in Southtown and personal
friend. She was asked to join King in the latest King of Fighters tournament.
Thus, Mary decides to leave the case temporarily, and helps her friend out.
After all, it's always time to have some fun breaking some bones!
Ever since Mary became aware of the existence of the NESTS cartel at
action in the King of Fighters tournament, Mary now directs all her attention in
investigating the whereabouts of the evil organization. Upon futher inspection,
she finds out that NESTS is now very active in Southtown: her own hometown. She
decides to join the Lonely Wolves and her beloved Terry in order to warn them
about the evil at work in their own turf. To this end, Mary has a new purpose:
to stop the NESTS cartel ay any cost!
After the matches ended, Mary urges Terry and the others to hurry to
Southtown, as NESTS might already be formulating another twisted plot. Upon
arrival, Mary's contacts inform her about some suspicious actions taking place
in the factory zone of Southtown. Mary leads the Lonely Wolves into the
abandoned industrial district, where they suddenly find a factory surrounded by
soldiers. Mary warns Terry and his friends about the danger, and is futher
confirmed when the soldiers begin attacking the intruders! Mary uses her police-
honed skills to stop the NESTS agents in their tracks. But the sheer number of
soldiers down their throat is so intense, Mary and the others are forced into
the building itself.
During the fight to survive, the whole building begins to shake, and the
soldiers escape hastily. Mary makes a soldier cough up the truth: the Zero
Cannon has just fired, and is now directed towards Southtown. The previous shock
of the Zero Cannon blast makes the building begin to fall, and one fallen rock
knocks Terry, wounding him. Not ready to give up her beloved one again, Mary
hurries to help Terry, but Terry tells Mary that she won't be any good for him
if she dies here. Mary, reminding Terry's sheer will to survive, escapes along
with Andy and Joe.
After the complete destruction of Southtown, Mary's rage towards NESTS now
knows no end. She begins to scout the areas around Southtown in hopes of finding
out about NESTS. The several thugs she meets doesn't giv her any useful info. In
a police hunt at a local criminal hideout, Mary violently wishes to punch the
truth out of the thugs. She finds no answer, but she does feel that somebody is
following her. It turns out to be Terry! He's pretty much alive, and on her way
out, Mary promises Terry that she'll take care of NESTS for good.
Using her superior detective skills, Mary has managed to find out that
NESTS is finally going to go public at the next King of Fighters tournament as
the new hosts! Mary finds is surprising that NESTS would reveal themselves and
cast away their disguise after they had just totalled Southtown, but the only
thing she can think about now is to inform Terry. Terry tells Mary that the sins
of NESTS will not go unpaid. He offers Mary to help him once more to deal with
NESTS once and for all, and Mary isn't the woman to back out of a case!
During the fights in the tournament, Mary begins to realize something very
important: even though NESTS has brought everyone lots of despair and suffering,
and their actions could not be forgiven, she owned them the pleasure and honor
of being able to team up with her beloved partner: Terry. Throughout the last
years, Mary and Terry, more than fighting together, have lived more and more
experiences as a couple, and Mary has been able to find more attributes in Terry
than ever before. After the end of the tournament, and after NESTS falls to its'
destruction, Mary and Terry have a whole new life to see in the future,
Mary is a very spirited young woman, and since she is pretty well known of
how men fall for her beauty. She even exploits her enchants to make her fights
more easier! She is as gracious as a rose, but also with deadly throns. Once in
a while, Mary feels a bit lonely, that's when she begins to sing a blues.
However, Mary is also a very dedicated woman, who has no other vision in mind
than to complete her mission, and trash the bad guys!
*Fun fact = In Real Bout: Fatal Fury, characters can fall out of the edge of the
rings, and lose the round. There was a stage which was surrounded by water, and
encased in wooden boards, which would break if the opponent broke through them,
and fall into the water. Now, if Blue Mary knocked her opponent into the water,
and she fell as well, she would come out of the water...topless! Woooooowww!!! A
bit of eye candy for the pacient gamer! ^_^
Appearances: The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of
Fighters: Kyo
Other games: Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final Victory, Real Bout: Fatal Fury, Real
Bout: Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout: Fatal Fury 2, Real Bout: Dominated

26-09-2005, 11:59 AM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: USA
Birthdate: April 15, 1970 (32 years old)
Height: 2.19 m (7'2")
Weight: 152 kg (335 lbs)
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Car racing
Favorite food: Mashed potatoes
Favorite sport: Hunting
Most valuable: His Viper (car)
Hates the most: Steady exertion
Fighting style: None in particular, mainly power-based attacks
Brian was a very powerful linebacker, and was overwhelming in the football
field. His impressive physique allowed him to literally plow through the team's
defensive line, and his great pleasure was to crash the quarterback, not
mattering what or who would cross his way. However, this violent behavior only
brought hardships towards Brian, accusing him of unnecesary roughness. Brain
held that the philosophy of football was too much for weaklings such as them,
and left the football field.
While was fooling around, Brian was encountered by his friend, Heavy D!.
Heavy D! told Brian he was only wasting his time, and that he should do
something good out of his life. Brian told him that the only thing he wanted was
to crush a couple of heads, since that was the only thing in what he found
pleasure. Heavy D! found this the perfect opportunity, and tells Brian that the
King of Fighters tournament would be starting soon, and that it would introduce
the team battle mode. Brian was interested by the idea, and accepted Heavy D!'s
offer to enter the King of Fighters tournament.
Brian is known to be a very rude man, and that the only way in what he
feels truly alive is when he breaks some bones. He also seems to find pleasure
in seeing people recoil from his attacks, and uses his huge bulk to crash
through the competition. However, Brian wishes he finds something else to
distract himself on, but since he's so involved in rudeness, he discards the
thought and dedicates himself to be the strongest!
*Fun fact = Doesn't Brian's "Number one" victory pose (from KOF '98) remind you
of World Heroes' Muscle Power? Reminds me of pizza! ^_^
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '98
Birthplace: Korea
Birthdate: October 21, 1958 (44 years old)
Height: 2.27 m (7'4")
Weight: 203 kg (447 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Breaking things
Favorite food: Roasted whole sheep
Favorite sport: Table tennis
Most valuable: His iron ball
Hates the most: Centipedes
Fighting style: Tae Kwon Do combined with power attacks
Chang was a feared criminal throughout Korea. Using his huge body mass
like a giant wrecking ball, and his bald head as hard as iron, it was not hard
at all for Chang to accomplish his robberies and escape, literally flattening
any police resistance. If his huge humanity wasn't enough, Chang wielded a very
heavy iron ball, which aided him in breaking through walls and thrashing any
police car in his way.
Once, while he was comitting a crime in a humble Korean suburb, Chang met
a little man named Choi, who was outside a butchery. Chang found him to be very
funny, and offered Choi to aid him in his crime business. Choi refused as he
already had a job to sustain him. Still resistant, Chang tells Choi that it
would be fun anyhow, and with his help, they won't ever get caught. Choi finally
accepted his offer, as he was quite bored of his daily life, and wanted a bit of
excitement...but they agreed that they shouldn't tell anything to Choi's wife!
So, began the evildoings of Chang and Choi, a duo feared among the banks
and tiny shops. With their combined powers, it was unlikely to stop them! Chang
and his impressie strength allowed them to break through barricades, allowing
him and Choi to run away with the loot. Chang didn't only did this for the
money, but he also found it very funny. He was also very happy to have Choi with
him, since he found him to be a very good friend. However, Chang, not being so
bright, wasn't so smart to think about everything, and he was once caught by the
police, which had formed quite an impressive number around Chang and Choi.
However, as promised, Chang made one last attempt to free Choi, and he helped
him in his escape, while Chang was sent to prison, where he obviously, didn't
stay for much time.
When Chang escaped, he quickly reunited with Choi and planned their next
crime. They soon found a client in a passing woman, whom seemed to have a lot of
booty on her. It was the time to attack! Suddenly, a white stream passed in
front of their eyes. What was that? Then the duo was swept away. A man stood in
front of them. With a challenging pose and a serious sight, the man introduced
himself as the fighter of justice, Kim Kaphwan! Chang and Choi laughed at such a
puny man, but they unexpectedly got thrashed by him in no time. Kim then picked
them up and told them that he would take care that they would be men of good
once again! Chang sighed and moaned...his life of crime was at a hault. Now he
would know true punishment at the hands of Kim Kaphwan.
Chang, during the past years, has been obligated to train himself in the
art of Tae Kwon Do, and fighting in the King of Fighters tournament. However,
Chang never loses hopes that he will be free again and begin his crime life
again, but when he always expresses his mind, he always gets caught by Kim and a
subsequent beating. It seems Chang won't be a free man anytime sooner!
While enduring the harsh training with Kim, Chang was surprised by the
arrival of a man that was once the training partner of Kim: Jhun Hoon. His bad-
ass attitude made it seem that Chang would finally have someone aside him
(besides Choi). However, it seems Jhun shares the same ideals as Kim, but marked
with his own tone of violence and cruelty! It seems that the punishment for
Chang would be never-ending! And it will soon get worst, as Chang is assigned to
Kim at the end of the fifth King of Fighters tournament, in order to settle the
personal difference between Kim and Jhun regarding which justice method is best.
After another hellish period of training with Kim for one eternal year,
Chang comes to the brilliant resolution that, if he and Choi manage to defeat
the NESTS cartel, they will be justified enough to be free! And so, Chang
strangely fights with all his might in order to make a good impression on Kim's
eyes, but he isn't so convinced by Jhun (who really doesn't impress himself too
often). His hopes grow high as they near the final match in Southtown, but once
they arrive at the crime-filled city, they are met with the inminent collision
of the Zero Cannon shot! Chang and Choi do not manage to escape from damage's
path, but they are saved in the nick of time by their own punishers: Kim and
After waking up from unconsciousness, Chang realizes with shock that he
has exchanged bodies with his friend Choi! Now, Chang has to deal with yet
ANOTHER ordeal...having to live in an incredibly small body for his huge anger.
That is, until they manage to find a solution from NESTS themselves.
The problem of the body exchange was quickly resolved thanks to Kim's
creative plan: the two former convicts would bash their heads together
repeatedly until their bodies switched again! Both partners-in-crime ended with
a huge headache (but Chang was used to it, banging his head against his iron
ball for so much time), but finally returned to their original bodies. Just in
time, too, as the next King of Fighters tournament would begin soon, but things
were looking pretty bleak as Jhun got wounded in a street accident, and was out
of comission. Chang's joy didn't last long, as a substitute was quickly found
for him. The new member was a young woman, no less! Her name was May Lee, and
she was totally different from Kim and Jhun: aside from being greatly skilled in
Tae Kwon Do (she hailed from the Tae Kwon Do dojo that Kim ran), she was quite a
nice young lady, and acted generous towards Chang and Choi. It seemed like this
year would go smoothly as never before!
The tournament once again staged the chance for Chang and Choi to show
their so-called "improvement" as men of justice, and the destruction of NESTS
actually did kind of did something for their image. The people of Korea
celebrated their return, considering they were the ones who destroyed NESTS. But
Chang felt happy for May Lee, who had finally made her dream come true: to fight
for true justice. As Kim and Jhun quarrel about their claim for fame, Chang
agrees with Choi in that the only true figure this year, was May Lee. Chang will
fight for his dream for liberty as well!
Chang is a joyful man, always seeing the bright side of things, and
laughing at them. However, his life with Kim has left him very sad, and though
he thinks Kim is a boring man, there's nothing he can do to avoid it! Chang is
also very reluctant to keeping his mouth shut, and when he always talks ill of
Kim, it's always in the wrong moment, earning him and Choi a swift beating.
Chang cherishes his friendship with Choi, and both pass most of the time
planning their escape when they're not training.
*Fun fact = What CAN'T you find funny about Chang? Patting his stomach, cleaning
his iron ball with his shirt while humming, moving his belly, picking his
nose...you sure will get a laugh out of this man! And his constant humming
through the fights also sounds so funny!
*Cloth changes = In KOF '94/'95, he wears a grey outift, possibly his prison
uniform. In KOF '96, Kim gives him and Choi uniforms similiar to that he wears.
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000 (also appears in a "handsome" version of
himself, like a strong, beardless, and tall man with a Benimaru-like shirt and
tooth necklace, as his hidden special striker), The King of Fighters 2001, The
King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fight 2001 (along with Choi Bounge as
a team)

26-09-2005, 12:00 PM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: China
Birthdate: April 27, 1908 (94 years old)
Height: 1.64 m (5'4")
Weight: 53 kg (116 lbs)
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Mah-jong
Favorite food: Sake (alcohol in general)
Favorite sport: A walk in the park, skipping
Most valuable: Alcohol
Hates the most: Pandas
Fighting style: Kung Fu and Suiken (drunk-style martial art)
Chin was reknown many years ago as a very skilled warrior and an expert
martial artist. However, during the pass of the years, Chin's physique has
deteriorated, and from being a well-built warrior, Chin became a midget,
disaligned old man. Chin now enjoys the company of his wife, and is constantly
submerged into smoking his pipe and drinking "sake" (Japanese alcohol drink
based on rice). However, Chin's fashion for "sake" is so high, that Chin has the
bad habit of getting drunk very often...even when it's time to fight!
While enjoying a moment of peace and tranquility, Chin was met by a little
boy. The boy had heard much about Chin, and he would feel honored if Chin would
teach him. Under the dizzying effects of the "sake", Chin accepts the boy as his
student, and when Chin finally realized what he did, he had no other choice but
to keep his promise. Chin then teaches the boy named Sie Kensou, and is
surprised that Kensou is a host of incredible psychic powers, while Chin himself
masters himself in the art of the Drunken Monkey, a fighting style which tends
to be very confused and mortal, since the opponent is lead into believing that
the fighter is drunk, and is then nailed by several martial arts moves.
Kensou grew to be a spirited young man, and Chin was so revitalized by the
attitude of Kensou, that he found spirit once again to keep on fighting. Much
like the son he never had, Kensou and Chin always wandered together around China
and other countries around the Asian area, in order to keep their training
constant. One day, both traveled to Japan in a training journey. They soon found
a competitor in a form of a bulky man. While Chin just sat by and smoked his
pipe, Kensou had to deal with the strongman alone. However, both did not count
on the help of a ceratin somebody, who blew the big bully away. Both turned
around to see a girl in a Japanese school uniform. She introduced herself as
Athena Asamiya, fighter of justice! Athena wanted both Kensou and Chin to help
her against the crime in town, and both accepted, but Chin was reluctant until
he saw Kensou's inmediate interest in Athena. Seeing how his boy became a young
man, Chin considered it to be fun, and that he would tag along awhile.
The trio, quickly to be known as the Psycho Soldiers (mostly, because
Athena and Kensou possesed psychic powers), made a lot of remarkable feats
around Japan, thwarting crime wherever it would surge. Chin, however, did not
participate too much in the fights: he was happy just training the both
youngsters, and was proud of their evolution as fighters. Being a follower of
the old rules of fighting, Chin induced Athena and Kensou the principles of the
true meaning of fight, and what can somebody take from the fights.
In 1994, the team was invited to the first King of Fighters tournament
which introduced the team battle concept. Chin once again accompanied the
youngsters, and demostrated his skillful fighting style. However, sometimes, the
"sake" reached up to Chin's head, and then you really wouldn't know if Chin was
fighting seriously, or if he was just fooling around! However, Chin was never
blind at the evil at work in every tournament, so that's why before every
tournament, Chin always trains Athena and Kensou, as well as himself, very hard
to be able to face the evil forces. Chin soon recognized the power of Orochi at
work, and warned the teenagers. All three proposed to fight the evil power to
the end.
However, since the fights of the Psycho Soldiers have become so popular,
thousands of fans gathered around the group. Seeing this, Chin feared the young
children would stray from the real sense of battle. So, told them not to enter
the King of Fighters tournament in 1997. However, a fan letter from a certain
Kaori to Athena cheered the two young fighters very much, and Chin had no other
option but to accept to enter as well, but admiring the spirit of the two
youngsters. They would fight together for mankind...until the end!
Almost right after the final battle with Orochi, and after peace settled
somewhat, Chin encountered a little kid named Bao. He was very young...perhaps
even younger than Kensou the first time he met him. Feeling pity for the child,
he decided to bring him to his home with his wife, and give him shelter for
awhile. However, as of late, Chin had noticed two very exceptional cases: the
impressive psychic powers of Bao, and the loss of such powers from Kensou. Both
curious and worried, Chin decides to train Bao in the basics of martial arts,
while he tries to train Kensou in new techniques that no longer require Psycho
Power. The results would soon be appreciated at the fifth King of Fighters
Always aware of the evil at work behind the curtains of the tournament,
Chin keeps silent, not to distract the youngsters during the battles. However,
the evil deeds of Krizalid becomes more and more evident by the hour as the
tournament advances, so Chin has no other choice but to lead his disciples to
the location of the evil source. However, the explosion of the base obligates
the Psycho Soldiers to escape. Chin and Bao manage to escape, but Athena and
Kensou lag behind...Chin refuses to believe that the two teenagers died beneath
the ruins of the underground base. As if the heavens would have heard him, a
super-psycho charged Kensou emerges from the ruins, Athena in his arms. Just in
that moment, both Bao and Kensou pass out. Chin is surprised by this fact, as he
begins to investigate the bond between the two powers of his two adoptive
students....which leads to a certain term..."the worst day in history".
Despite his worries about Bao, and the new menace of the NESTS cartel in
the King of Fighters tournament, Chin finds himself more inspired than ever, due
to the excitement of his young disciples in anticipation of the next King of
Fighters tournament in the year 2000. Also cheered by their eternal fan and
inspirator, Kaori, Chin trains with new vigor in order to help his disciple's
intentions to vanquish the NESTS cartel once and for all. This, of course,
involves lots of drinking and sleeping by Chin!
After the fights end in the tournament, Chin and his youngsters receive
the awaited notice: NESTS is now hiding out in Southtown, where the finals will
take place! Chin is reluctant about risking their lives by going to that
hellhole, but the hopes in the eyes of the children raises his spirit, and
decides to lend a helping hand. However, upon reaching Southtown, they find out
that it has been reduced to dust. Chin wonders about the true fate of humanity,
if really inclined towards destruction, as Southtown was. No time for moaning,
though, as Chin and the others spot a shining object in the sky. It turns out to
be the trashed Zero Cannon, fallen from outer space. However, the Cannon is not
yet completely disabled. Out of control, the Zero Cannon fires several shots,
one headed directly at Chin and his disciples!
Chin urges his children to hide, but suprisingly enough, Bao takes the
initiative and leaps to meet the blast head-on. Chin desperately shouts for Bao
to come back, and not allow his young life to extinguish like this. But Bao has
already made up his mind: he faces the beam, and receives the explosion
directly. It looks bad, but Bao, in a suprising manuever, absorbs the impact of
the laser! This refreshes Chin, but not for long, as Bao silently falls to the
Chin is worried about Bao's fate. He doesn't react to Athena's healing
powers, and Chin is faced with the guilt of being able to lose one of his
disciples at such a young age. In an unexpected outcome, Kensou touches Bao
closely, and absorbs his psychic powers in a huge blast. Chin is overwhelmed
about Kensou's new psychic powers, but Bao's shape is bad. This teaches Chin a
valuable lesson about life: a young, yet fulfilled, life is better than a long
As one year flies by, Chin watches over the progress of Kensou and Bao.
Bao has apparently recovered faster than last year, but now he suffers the same
symptoms that Kensou did the last couple of years: his psychic powers were
slowly vanishing. Did it had anything to do with Kensou's "kiss of life" last
year to save Bao? On the other hand, Kensou seems to have returned to his
original state, with his psychic powers back to full again. Chin smells trouble
as NESTS steps forth from the shadows to host the next King of Fighters
tournament. It seems that NESTS is planning to give their final step towards
world domination. Chin has no other choice but to rely on his students as he
always has, and hope he can help them out in order to save the world for the
Old age doesn't stop Chin, as he continues to be a great asset to the
group of psychic warriors as they participate in the new tournament. Chin's
dream of finally watching the fall of NESTS comes true as the space station of
NESTS crashes down to the sea. Chin puts special attention in Kensou and Bao,
who far from feeling ill, are filled with life and enthusiasm. Chin wonders why
there is a new feeling to Kensou's psychic aura, as if something totally new was
arising in Kensou's body. What could be the end of this puzzle? Chin hopes he
can live long enough to resolve what's going between the shared powers of Kensou
and Bao.
Chin is sometimes very distracted, and once in awhile, he gets so dead
drunk, nobody can tell what he'll do next. However, Chin is a jolly man, and
since he always takes fighting as a sort of game (thanks in part to all that
"sake"), he is always so cheerful, dancing, smoking, and most of all, drinking!
However, he uses all resources possible, such as using his own sake jug, and
igniting the sake with his inner power so that he becomes a walking
flamethrower! Chin also likes to accompany Athena's singing with his drums, in
which he is also very skillful at.
*Fun fact = The way how Chin fights won't seem likely that he has began very
powerful in the lastest versions! I mean, when you see that old man lying on the
ground all of a sudden, wobbling in his place, or inducing his opponent to drink
from his sake jug, won't you feel humilliated?
*Cloth changes = In KOF '94 to '98, he wears a brown vest with no shirt (showing
off that big belly of his), white pants, sandals, and that wacky hat. In KOF
'99, he now wears a traditional Chinese karate garb (green shirt with sleeves,
red belt, green pants, much like Tung Fu Rue of the Fatal Fury series).
Apperances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of
Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood (as a striker for the Psycho
Soldier Team)

26-09-2005, 12:02 PM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: Korea
Birthdate: October 25, 1961 (41 years old)
Height: 1.53 m (5')
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Cutting things
Favorite food: Crabs
Favorite sport: Gymnastics
Most valuable: His claws
Hates the most: Kongyaku
Fighting style: Tae Kwon Do combined with self-taught fighting skills with claws
Choi lived a pacific life once, as an owner of a butcher shop in a suburb
of Korea, and happily married. However, both the tedium of his life and the lack
of excitement made Choi a bit desperate for action. He was very skillful, from
an early age, in slicing and dicing things, learning to cut the meat that came
to the butcher shop. However, sometimes Choi thrived in cutting other things
besides animal meat.
One night, Choi was standing in front of his butcher shop, contemplating
the stars. Once again, the need for some action in his life invaded his mind.
And as of fate would have wanted it, a huge, bulky man came running into Choi.
After a few minutes of recoil, Choi was astonished at the giant individual. He
was fat, bald, bearded, and wielding a huge iron ball. It was Chang Koehan, the
infamous criminal, who had just broke out of jail. Soon, Chang told Choi about
all the fun and excitement in his crime life, and Choi got excited all of a
sudden. Seeing Choi's gleer, Chang decided to invite him as a partner at night.
Choi soon took out his steel claws which he had built himself, and began his
adventures with Chang, without his wife ever knowing.
Chang and Choi thrived in terrorizing the local population with their
evildoings. Mugging is the best thing that they practiced. Choi now led a double
life: pacific butcher man by day, little terror by night. He finally found
himself alive by seeing the face of horror of his victims. That is, until he
In a cold night, Chang and Choi had located their latest targets, one of
them being a young woman. As soon as the duo prepared for the assault, a sudden
white streak cruised their eyes. Quickly and efficiently, Chang and Choi were
sent flying into the air. Having a hard time recovering, Chang and Choi barely
distinguished a man in a white "dogi" (uniform). It was the fighter of justice,
Kim Kaphwan! Kim had already heard about them, and decided to rid the world of
the evil scum, he decides to reform the two criminals by taking them to his dojo
and training them on Tae Kwon Do. Choi opposed instantly, but he was swiftly
whacked by Kim (and Chang, too, even though he was just looking!).
Thus, began the personal hell of Chang and Choi. Choi was promptly
"retired" from his night criminal life, and had to train instead. Choi soon
regretted the day he desired having emotions in his life, since all that it led
him to was a lifetime of training under the sadistic Kim. Day after day, Chang
and Choi planned their escape, but failed miserably each time (and gaining a
subsequent beating afterwards). Choi saw the liberty a few feet away a few
times, but Chang always screwed up. However, Choi never loses hopes to run away
from Kim and finally go back in business!
During a normal, hard training day with Kim, Choi met a man that had
trained aside Kim long ago, but was totally different from him: he was ruthless,
and quite a short-tempered fellow. Choi saw in him a last chance in escaping
from the clutches of the merciless Kim, but it would soon turn out totally
against him: the man, Jhun Hoon, was there to show the TRUE ways of justice: the
way of violence! The cavalry continues for Choi, and more so when, just after
the 1999 version of the King of Fighters tournament, he is assigned to the same
Jhun to see which method of training is best. It seems that there will be no way
in hell that the criminal duo will be escaping soon!
Upon training during a very long year with Jhun, Choi gets more and more
hopeless about escaping one day, since Jhun has made it clear that he and Chang
are going to be around for a long time if they don't make amends! When Chang and
Choi finally get reunited for the King of Fighters 2000 tournament, Chang
proposes Choi to do his best to destroy the NESTS cartel in order to give Kim
and Jhun a good impression. Choi thinks it's a good idea, and that he will do
his best in order to be free once and for all!
Destiny plays a cruel card, however, when Choi finally reaches Southtown
in time for the finals. He and Chang arrive just in time of the Zero Cannon
explosion...Choi and Chang are the only persons who don't escape at time from
the inminent blast. Kim and Jhun manage to rescue the two ex-convicts, but when
Choi and Chang finally wake up, the realize in panic that they have changed
bodies! Now it seems that they will be attached with Kim and Jhun for awhile
until they manage to find a solution, even if it means going up to ask NESTS for
a favor.
Choi was living a pure hell living in Chang's gigantic body, not being
able to move as quickly as before. But Kim had the perfect solution for this
exceptional case: Chang and Choi should butt heads repeatedly until they
switched back again! Much to Choi's surprise, the plan actually did work, and he
happily returns to his midget self, only to know that he must train once again
for the next King of Fighters tournament. Another year of suffering seems to
loom in the horizon, but Choi's take on life changes when Jhun is wounded in a
street accident. This leaves the team short one member, and Choi considers this
the chance to finally rest one year of the King of Fighters tournament. But Kim
had a backup plan, which involved recruiting a new member, straight from his
Choi cringed at the idea of yet another Kim wannabe in his team, but the
student that Kim referred to was no other than a young woman called May Lee. She
shared the same justice principles than Kim and Jhun, but she wasn't even half
as cruel or psychotic. Choi was surprised that some student of Tae Kwon Do could
actually be tolerant with him and Chang! Aside from Kim's strict discipline,
Choi sees in May Lee a chance to actually have fun in the tournament. Choi puts
his best effort in the tournament, and the result is the ultimate destruction of
NESTS. Choi and the others are received as heroes in their native Korea, even
though they weren't the main stars of their downfall. In the celebration parade,
Kim and Jhun get in an arguement about who is the true hero of the story. But
Choi and Chang know better: they couldn't have done it without the help of May
Lee, as Choi claims with pride and joy!
Choi is always taking advantage of the opportunity to show off and impress
Kim, and see if that way he can finally gain his liberty. He is the best of
friends with Chang, but he truly hates that Chang always says the wrong things
in the wrong times! Choi always loves the excitement of battle, and loves to
gouge claws into the opponents' flesh.
*Fun fact = -In KOF '97, when Kim executed his "C" throw against Choi (the grab-
by-the-head-and-slam-them-on-the-floor throw), it caused double damage! I guess
Kim always takes it hard against poor Choi! ^_^
-Choi's "D" throw (from KOF '97 and beyond), where he pokes his
clawed fingers up your arse, is supposed to be a popular Japanese prank (like
pinching), of course, minus the clawed fingers...^_^;
*Cloth changes = In KOF '94/'95, Choi wore black pants, green shirt, and some
strappers. In KOF '96, he is given an uniform similiar to Kim, courtesy of his
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000 (also appears as a taller, more human-
like version of himself with a tight shirt, as his hidden special striker), The
King of Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo
Other games: Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fight 2001 (along with Chang Koehan
as a team)

26-09-2005, 12:03 PM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: Sweden
Birthdate: May 3, 1983 (19 years old, assumed dead at age 14)
Height: 1.60 m (5'2")
Weight: 48 kg (105 lbs)
Blood type: AB
Hobbies: Cooking
Favorite food: Butan
Favorite sport: Orienteering
Most valuable: Nature
Hates the most: Gummy candy, people who touch his head
Fighting style: No style in particular, mainly speed-based attacks
Chris is a little, innocent child who has to live forever with the curse
of being the host of the Orochi power. Even though Chris seems to be cute and a
funny kid (though he hates beging touched in the head), his dark little secret
can lead to the inminent end of the world.
As the legend says, a boy will be born with the power of the Orochi, and
when he fully awakes, Orochi will be released in the world once again, and chaos
will prevail. One would say that the last person on Earth that would carry this
power would be Chris, but he is. In fact, he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings
of Orochi, being able to wield, in his awakened form, the purple flames of
disaster, the same which Iori so painfully wields.
Ever since he has memory, Chris never had any parents. He grew up by
himself, being self-dependant, and being able to live by himself. He learned to
cook and clean by himself. He was also a bit anti-social, since he got a bit
tired of hearing everyone praising his cuteness. However, one day, he was
encountered in the streets by a young man named Yashiro Nanakase. It seemed he
was about to form a music band, and Chris inmediately presumed his skills on the
drums. Yashiro was reluctant, but something beyond mere recognition was
attracting him to that kid. Yashiro sent Chris to a casting for the band, and he
passed very well. Thus began the musical career of the music band, lead by
Yashiro, Shermie, and Chris. Chris saw in Yashiro and Shermie his best friends
in the world...perhaps his ONLY friends. He, too, felt that something beyond
friendship was bonding them.
Several years passed, and the new music band got a lot of attention. But
soon, they would find their position in the show biz world. Being invited to
lead a concert in Japan, the music band traveled with a lot of joy and emotion.
Their first stellar appearance! However, when they arrived at the concertplace,
the managers had told them they had to wait their turn. Yashiro demanded that
they were proposed to be the leading band, but one last band had been admitted
in their place instead. Taking a peep at main stage, the crowd was going wild at
the enhancing music of the band onstage. Chris recognized a red-haired man as
the leader of the band. Yashiro cursed him, and they all went away.
Soon enough, Yashiro entered the band in the King of Fighters tournament
of 1997. He claimed it was the perfect opportunity to take revenge on the red-
haired man who stole their spotlight. He would be entering the tournament as
well. His name seemed to be 'Iori Yagami'. Shermie and Chris really did not know
what to do: they didn't have much experience at fighting anyway. But Chris was
also decided, as long as he had fun (still a kid). Thus, the New Face Team was
born and all three entered the tournament.
However, it didn't take long before some weird things began to happen. The
New Face Team began to felt weird, but Chris was absolutely going wild. Their
Orochi blood began to awaken, but in Chris, it had a lot worse effect. Being the
actual vector of the Orochi power, his body was controlled completly. Having
fought the fighters of the tournament, more and more energy was given into
Chris' body. Soon, the Orochi inside Chris was powerful enough to surge again,
after 1800 years. Even though the Orochi has godlike powers, it could not resist
the power of those who sealed it 1800 years ago: the Kusanagi and the Yagami.
Having been defeated, it is unknown whether Chris had survived the battle or
Chris, despite being a cute being, dislikes being treated like one: that
is, being touched in the head, and his cheeks being pulled! In fact, he is
pretty quiet and anti-social. His only friends are Yashiro and Shermie. Unaware
of the fact that he resides the Orochi power in his body, Chris likes to fight
for fun, not for the violence thingy. He also constantly mocks the opponent's
skills, and sometimes, his own.
OROCHI CHRIS (The King of Fighters '97/The King of Fighters '98/The King
of Fighters R-1/ The King of Fighters R-2): The awakened form of Chris, becoming
one of the Heavenly Kings of Orochi. This Chris gains much more power, and
wields purple flames, which Iori wields as well (but can not resist as much as
Chris). His clothing also turns into a purple hue, and constantly has two
purple flames in his hands. His special powers and super moves are all different
from the normal Chris (although one of his super moves mimics one of Kyo's super
*Fun fact = Those cute eyes and laughs are enough to make your opponent cry and
Appearances: The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters 2000 (Whip's special striker), The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of
Fighters R-1, The King of Fighters R-2
Birthplace: USA
Birthdate: May 7, 1963 (39 years old)
Height: 1.87 m (6'1")
Weight: 99 kg (218 lbs)
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Collecting guns
Favorite food: Oatmeal
Favorite sport: Wrestling
Most valuable: His sunglasses
Hates the most: Slugs
Fighting style: Martial Arts and Heidern style assasination techniques
Clark is part of the Ikari Warriors mercenary agency. He is currently
under the orders of commander Heidern and lieutenant Ralf, but since he is so
involved with them, Clark treats them as friends more than superiors. He is
mostly united with Ralf, since they have gone through several missions together,
and practically even know what each other thinks of the other! Clark gets so
excited when he gets a gun on his hands, you can never know what he'll do next.
Clark's past is filled with severe trauma, after losing almost all his unit in a
failed operation as a rookie. He even got to see all of his comrades being
tortured, and then killed, one by one. After barely escaping with his life,
Clark decided to cover his eyes with some sunglasses to hide his sadness, and
refuse to see the light of the sun, which he avoids to not see the face of his
fallen partners....
However, his first meeting with commander Heidern was more eventful. While
Ralf and Clark were realizing a secret operation in the Amazon jungle (in
Brazil), their helicopter crashed, and they had to venture alone in the jungle.
When they were about to give up hope,a helicopter suddenly appeared above them.
Heidern got down from the helicopter, and knowing of the missions of the two
mercenaries, he offered to recruit them in the next King of Fighters tournament
that had the team battle mode, in 1994. The two soldiers soon accepted.
Having passed most of his military training capacitating himself in close
quarter combats, Clark soon became a danger up close, where he could grab and
smash anything in front of him. Though not being too talkative, Clark prefers to
make his actions talk! He follows Heidern loyally, and frequently jokes with
Ralf. They passed two tournaments together, investigating on Rugal, host of the
tournament, and murderer of Heidern's wife and daughter. After Rugal's death,
Heidern gave up the tournament, and Ralf and Clark received a new partner:
Heidern's personal student, Leona. Clark accepted Leona as a partner, since
Clark is so serious in military duty. However, Clark began acting more like a
friend to Leona after she knew of her cursed Orochi blood heritage. However,
since Clark is not good for words, he has to let Ralf do all the smooth talking!
After the Orochi menace ends, Clark and his friends focus more on other
operations ever since the King of Fighters tournament was suspended. However,
Clark soon gets bored with the missions, and misses the action of fighting hand-
to-hand. His request gets granted, when commander Heidern assigns the Ikari
Warriors to investigate the force behind the tournament this time around. As an
added bonus, Clark gets to have a new partner: another female soldier, Whip.
Being the experienced side of the team (along with Ralf), Clark is charged with
the responsibility of the mission, and he will surely not fail!
The Ikari Warriors and Clark begin a deep investigation on the NESTS
cartel once they find out their involvement in the latest version of the King of
Fighters tournament. Once again, Heidern bids Ralf and Clark, his most
trustworthy mercenaries, to go out and search for NESTS in Southtown, a
dangerous city that thrives on the history of fighting. This time they will be
aided by a fellow mercenary commander, Ling. Clark and Ralf, taking Leona and
the former NESTS member, Whip, begin one of their most dangerous missions ever.
Once Clark and his teammates arrive at Southtown, the Ikari Warriors try
to contact Heidern, but to no avail. Sensing something wrong, Clark goes to the
designated reunion poin, given by Ling. Once there, located in an abandoned
factory in the industrial zone, Clark finds his commander badly wounded, but
alive. Heidern informs his soldiers that Ling was just a fluke, and that he was
really Zero, a high-ranked NESTS agent. Clark proposes himself to stop Zero, but
Heidern forbids it, as the Zero Cannon has already been fired and headed towards
Southtown! However, Clark realizes that Whip is missing. Too late to go back.
The Zero Cannon impacts on Southtown, leveling the whole city to nothingness.
Back at the Ikari Warriors headquarters, Clark, Ralf, Heidern, and Leona
find a video addressed to them in Whip's room. In it, Whip bids her former
comrades farewell, and congratulates them for being such a friendly bunch. The
farewell is a sad one, but Clark, with his typical soldier calmness, gives a
silent salute to Whip's memory...he knows that they will meet again some day.
The operation to dismantle NESTS quickly begins as the tournament ends,
and Clark is in the front line of duty for this dangerous mission. They raid and
attack several buildings where NESTS operations are supposed to take place, but
to no avail: almost no one seems to be there. Clark attends to a meeting called
by his commander Heidern, in which he tells everyone that Whip has informed them
that NESTS will finally play their hand in the next King of Fighters tournament
as the new hosts. Clark is suspicious about the true intentions of NESTS, but
they have faced this question before, so he won't surrender this time. Clark
once again straps his uniform and goes into battle once more!
Quietly, but surely, Clark manages to realize an undercover operation in
the King of Fighters tournament along with his fellow Ikari Warrior comrades
while he still fights in the competition. Their investigation soon takes them to
a common clue: the main HQ of NESTS, located in outer space. Clark leaves the
task of eliminating NESTS up to Whip, who has now teamed up with her lost
brother K' to take down NESTS once and for all. The mission is accomplished once
the NESTS base falls to the ocean, but there is no rest for the reckless.
Inmediately after, Clark and the others are sent to another mission in which
they were requested. Clark begins to think about what his commander Heidern told
him, that Whip was indeed another clone created by NESTS. Clark knows how Whip
must feel right now, but considering how she's so strong and brave, he also
knows that she will find a way out of this enigma somehow.
Clark is very quiet, and doesn't show too much emotion in his cold face.
His melancolic eyes, hidden by some shades. Since he has known nothing more than
fighting, it is hard for him to relate with others. He's also not good for
sentimental words, but he is a very warm man in the inside. He cherishes his
relation with his military partners, being Ralf, Leona, Whip, and commander
*Fun fact = There was a victory pose from Clark where he took out some "dog
tags" (tags which you receive in the military), and clenched them in his hands.
There are more than one there. Clark reminds his fallen partners, and tells his
opponent that he shall suffer the same fate if he won't take care of his own
comrades. Clark actually looks at the sky for a brief time in his intro in KOF
'98, before putting on his shades, perhaps recalling old days, and avoiding the
pain of his partners' lost.
*Cloth changes = In KOF '94 to '98, Clark wears a heavy black vest, white shirt
(with a bullet belt aligned across it), and jeans. In KOF '99, he changes to a
lighter, blue military vest (lots of pockets), black shirt (no bullets
anymore!), and darker blue jeans.
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of
Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Ikari Warriors, Ikari Warriors II, Ikari Warriors III (in these
three games, Clark was known as 'Paul')

26-09-2005, 12:04 PM
تابع القصة

Birthplace: Japan
Birthdate: December 25, 1968 (34 years old)
Height: 1.72 m (5'6")
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: None
Favorite food: Unknown
Favorite sport: Unknown
Most valuable: Nothing
Hates the most: Sakazaki family
Fighting style: Kisaragi-ryu Ninjitsu
Eiji is an assasin ninja from the feared and respected Kisaragi clan. Eiji
has learned since he was little, the killing arts of the Kisaragi, and he also
became an expert in teletransportation, as well as being able to wield two
blades in his hands like if it where his own. Eiji eventually became a cold
blood killer, and would work for anybody who paid him enough money for his
Eiji still held one personal grudge, though. His family had been in war
with the Sakazaki family for some time now, and he has decided to end the
rivalry now, with their deaths! He once traveled to Southtown to kill them all,
but found no one in their dojo. That's where Eiji learned of the King of
Fighters tournament, which the Sakazaki clan is participating. So, the rumors in
town where that Billy Kane, Geese's personal bodyguard, was looking for some
teammates for his team for the next tournament. Eiji saw in this a perfect
opportunity to face the Sakazaki family one last time. After the tournament, he
would know how to take care of the "pests" he had for teammates. But he had
overlooked the new Yagami fellow...
Eiji fought like a authentic killing tornado, using his stealth
techniques, and bone cutting techniques. However, he never could get a clean
shot against any of the Sakazaki family. When he was about to escape and go
search for them on his own, Iori appeared in front of Billy and Eiji. Using some
unknown techniques, Iori defeated Billy and Eiji in a very bad way, and left.
However, Eiji did survive the encounter with Iori, and after that, he has
desperatly sought for another chance in the tournament. It is unclear if Eiji
wants to enter to kill the Sakazaki family or Iori...
Eiji is ruthless, unsensitive, and heartless. For him, human life has no
meaning, and will not doubt in killing any person, of any sex, and of any age.
His cold eyes, and his mortal silence truly makes him sinister at first sight.
He is also very skillful at dispatching several people at once. Few people know
his past, but all remain silent, fearful of Eiji's fury.
*Fun fact = -Eiji has appeared in several background cameos in every game after
KOF '95. In KOF '96, he appears in Chizuru's stage. In KOF '97, he appears in
China. In KOF '98, he appears in U.S.A.. He even appears in the battlefield,
teaming up with Billy to insult Iori! (I wonder why can't Eiji knock Billy out
and fight himself? That would be cool...)
-In the sword-fighting game The Last Blade 2, if you've seen the
ending of Zantetsu (the guy with the straw hat and pair of daggers), you could
have noticed that Eiji makes a cameo appearance. This should mean that Eiji is a
descendant of Zantetsu's bloodline, considering that both have similiar slashing
moves, and that both are somewhat cold-blooded assassins.
Appearances: The King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters 2000 (Lin's special
Other games: Art of Fighting 2
Birthplace: Venezuela
Birthdate: December 9, 1973 (29 years old, assumed dead at age 28)
Height: 1.81 m (5'10")
Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs)
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Gardening
Favorite food: Foei Gras
Favorite sport: Fencing
Most valuable: NESTS cartel and her assistants
Hates the most: Elite troop leaders
Fighting style: Fencing
A high-ranked officer of the NESTS cartel, Foxy has been a member of the
NESTS since the very beginning. She was honored with a high position in the
organization by the president of NESTS, thanks to her superior skills with a
sword (thanks to many years of practice of fencing) and her undisputed loyalty
towards the cartel. She instantly became friends with another fellow female
executive, Diana. They both were assigned to the Kusanagi cloning project after
the NESTS cartel managed to get ahold of Kyo Kusanagi, who was exhausted from
the battle against the Orochi. But Foxy was comissioned to do a different job:
she would supervise the creation of a new biological weapon that would use the
data from the Kusanagi DNA, but instead of wielding the typical crimson flames
of the Kusanagi cland, it would use the power of ice instead. Foxy and Diana
instantly got involved with the project as soon as they could.
Known for being a strict, yet gentle leader, Foxy carried her crew along
in this ambitious project. The product was a female warrior, in the shape of a
young lady, who could wield the power of ice in the same way a Kusanagi would do
with the flames. Taking some data from the Kusanagi cloning project, Foxy
inputed the fighting data into the clone's system. More than her creation, Foxy
saw the new agent, named Kula Diamond, as a young sister, a daughter even. Foxy
was then informed that the clone of Zero, one of the most higher ranked NESTS
executives, has attempted to rebel itself against NESTS. Foxy thought it would
be perfect combat experience for Kula, and she soon ends her creation to the
battle fray, accompanied closely by her android bodyguard, Candy, assigned to
watch over Kula in case she decided to turn herself against NESTS.
Foxy watched with interest at how Kula did battle with K'. Foxy now knew
what her superiors meant by classifying Kula as the 'anti-K'': she had the same
fighting ability as the short-tempered renegade NESTS agent, and both didn't
seem to let go of the advantage! The battle ended with a tie, and soon after,
Foxy informs Kula that she must do away with the Zero Cannon, the lethal killer
satellite that the Zero clone planned to use against them! Meanwhile, Foxy
attends to Zero's hideout with Diana, in the moment when the Zero clone was at
the brink of defeat at the hands of K'. He had already attempted to fire the
Zero Cannon, but it was evident that Kula managed to arrive at the Zero Cannon
just in time to deactivate the remote transmission. Foxy stands next to the fake
Zero, and arrogantly tells him that those who betray NESTS are most likely to
pay the price of their ambition. Diana gives the final regards to Zero as Kula
manually fires the Zero Cannon atop the Zero clone's temple! The subsecuent
explosion had also leveled the city of Southtown to rubble, causing the death of
many innocent people. Foxy and Diana retreat back to HQ, bringing with them a
devastated Kula, who was in grief after the death of Candy, with whom Kula had
developed an unlikely friendship.
Along with the president of NESTS, Foxy and Diana planned their next move.
The president of NESTS plans to make the cartel public for the next King of
Fighters tournament, as a way to inform the people of the world who shall be
their new leaders! Foxy wonders if the decision is not too sudden, but the
president replies that the destruction of Southtown had pushed their plans. A
catastrophic event such as that could no longer be ignored by the general
public. The leader of NESTS ordered Foxy to set the stage for the incoming
uprising of NESTS, and assigned her to lead the team of NESTS in the next King
of Fighter tournament! Her assistants would be Kula herself, the jolly Angel,
and a new biological creation, created completely through the Kusanagi cloning
project: K9999. Foxy didn't sympathize with K9999 at all, tagging him as an
emotionless brute who couldn't even follow orders. Foxy departs to carry out her
assignment, but she can't avoid feeling uncomfortable by the sight of the CEO of
NESTS, Igniz, who stares her down as she exits the operation room.
Foxy thought the tournament would be a perfect opportunity for Kula to put
her mind away from Candy's death. But still, Foxy couldn't stop feeling
suspicious about K9999 and Angel, who always seemed to be in conspiracy. Foxy
led her team bravely, and proved to be quite a decided and courageous leader.
Foxy even began to felt the same way as Kula: that maybe the world did deserve
another chance to be free. But the tournament was already closing by then, and
the winning teams were assigned to be transported to a blimp, where they would
hold their final match. Foxy knew that her president had a plan in between hands
as the blimp vanished in the darkness of the colorful night sky. But not long
after, Foxy felt a piercing pain in her back. Foxy's senses began to vanish
slowly as falls to the ground, feeling how her very life escapes her prone body.
K9999 had unleashed a killing stab to Foxy from behind, following orders from
Igniz to do away with those still loyal to the president. Foxy cursed herself
for not noticing Igniz' plot before, and cursed even more that she couldn't move
in order to do something about it. A tearful Kula tried to attend Foxy, but it
was too late. Foxy's wound was lethal, and wishing Kula a promising future, and
hoping Igniz would fail in his plot for world domination, Foxy dies, still loyal
to her beliefs.
Having joined NESTS in hopes of creating a new world ridden of violence
and personal ambitions, Foxy fights bravely, without any reserves, to accomplish
her dream. However, she never realized that her own organization was plagued
withe same flaws, and paid the price for her blind loyalty. As her final wish,
she hopes that Kula and Diana can carry out her dream of a world where peace can
finally overcome the whole wave of war and violence.
*Fun fact = It seems to me that Foxy was meant to die in KOF 2001. Besides the
part where she gets killed by K9999 in the cinema before you fight Igniz, one of
her SDMs is called the "Honey Bee". In this SDM, Foxy lunges herself against the
opponent, and will instantly KILL them...but at the cost of Foxy's own life
(whether it hits or not, Foxy still dies). As you may know, whenever honey bees
sting, they lose their stinger and die shortly after. So sad! Foxy, we barely
knew ya!
Appearances: The King of Fighters 2000 (Kula Diamond's striker), The King of
Fighters 2001

26-09-2005, 12:05 PM
تابع القصة

Birthplace: USA
Birthdate: January 21, 1953 (49 years old, assumed dead at age 45)
Height: 1.83 m (6')
Weight: 82 kg (180 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: None (gets tired quickly of things)
Favorite food: Red fried steak
Favorite sport: None
Most valuable: Himself
Hates the most: People that stand in his way
Fighting style: Kobojutsu/Hakkyokuseiken
The most powerful man in Southtown, and also the most feared and
reverenced, Geese Howard has created a monopoly over Southtown, using his dirty
businesess to buy the law, and impose fear on all those who dare challenge him.
A man with an evil heart and a treacherous mind, Geese will do anything to
reafirm his position as the strongest man in the world!
Geese began learning the arts of Hakkyokuseiken under the teachings of
Tung Fu Rue, a very old, but respectable master, who was a skilled and very
admired warrior back in his time. Among all the other students, two students
brighted more than the others: Geese Howard and Jeff Bogard. While Jeff trained
to perfect his skills and to become a true warrior, Geese only wanted the power
to crush the world. Being a man with lots of money, Geese felt that physic power
will ultimately prevail upon economic power, and that the Hakkyoukuseiken style
would bring him true strength. But master Tung, seeing Geese's ambition, and
Jeff's dedication, decided to teach the style's secrets to Jeff, rather than
Geese. Enfuriated by this, Geese vowed to kill both Tung and Jeff. Several days
later, Geese accomplished his mission: he killed Jeff in cold blood, and claimed
that if he didn't learn the arts of Hakkyokuseiken, nobody would! Laughing,
Geese returns back to his tower, symbol of his power, and continues growing his
reign of terror and fear over Southtown.
But, Geese felt bored real quick, and out of boredom, created the King of
Fighters tournament (which makes Geese the father of the tournament). He
proposed fighters around the world to come and challenge him at his turf, and
many did so. But Geese had everything under control; with his dirty treats under
the water, and with the help of his personal bodyguard, Billy Kane, Geese took
care of all those who he considered a "bother" for his plans. Once in a awhile,
when Geese felt forgiving, he would face that fighter himself, and that fighter
would never come back alive. The truth was, Tung did not want to teach Geese the
secrets of Hakkyokuseiken because he was also too powerful to be able to wield
the secret techniques without causing a disaster. So passed many years until one
The latest King of Fighters tournament was organized, and it was previewed
to be better than ever. More fighters gathered this year, but three mainly
caught Geese's eye: Terry and Andy Bogard, the two sons of Jeff, ready to exact
revenge from Geese, and the Muetai champion, Joe Higashi. Geese did not consider
them a threat until they all advanced very far into the tournament. Even Billy
was defeated by them, and now Geese was the last opponent left. Geese now faced
Terry face to face. Both Andy and Joe were not in conditions to fight against
Geese, and were quickly dispatched. Geese and Terry faced off. Geese had more
power and experience, but Terry had youth and one thing Geese was lacking: the
enjoyment of fighting. While Geese fighted for sport, Terry fighted for
improving his skills. Then, Terry displayed never-before-seen techniques, and
with a swift blow, sent Geese flying through the window of his office, located
on the top of his tower, and plummeted to his doom. Or so they thought...
Nothing was heard about Geese for awhile, presumed dead. However, in 1996,
when the new format of the King of Fighters tournament was in pure
consolidation, Geese made a public appearance once again. Sporting one huge scar
on his back, and calling himself "the inmortal Geese", Geese teamed up with
Wolfgang Krauser, German noblesman, and his right-hand man, Mr. Big. These three
fighters were considered the biggest threat of the tournament, and most of the
warriors were very careful about them. But Geese had other intentions; the same
intentions he had by sending Billy into the last tournament: to investigate the
Orochi power, and take it over! Geese remained a passive figure at the
tournament, until the final matches. Then Geese showed his true power, a much
more fearsome and terrible power than before. His strength became bigger and
bigger, but something suddenly kicked in: the Orochi power now showed itself in
full scale! The messanger of Orochi, Goenitz, had appeared. Geese was
dumbfounded, and ran to meet with the power he had seeken for so much time.
However, when he arrived, he found Goenitz near death. And then he saw both Kyo
and Iori. Geese then grunted, shrugged his shoulders, and considered the Orochi
power "useless". However, when Iori entered his Riot of Blood, Geese once again
became interested...
The next year, Geese refused to enter the tournament, and once again sent
Billy in his place. he also made arrangements for Billy's other two teammates:
one, being Blue Mary. Geese sent a false agent to contract her to keep sight
over Yamazaki, the other member, whom Geese promised double the amount of the
prize money if he won. Then, Geese ordered Billy to take a look on Iori, whom he
considered to be a very powerful Orochi blood member. However, he also sensed
something towards Yamazaki, an aura he had never felt before, and had suspicions
about it. His suspicions became true, when Billy informed after the tournament
that Yamazaki was of Orochi blood! While Geese pondered on this, Yamazaki bashed
in, and demanded Geese his pay!
It was unknown who won the riot between Geese and Yamazaki, but Geese has
survived worse enocunters with deat. You can never know where this guy will
surface again!
Geese belongs to the old school of evil: he is not interested in world
conquest, but in obtaining the highest power possible. Sometimes, Geese even
considers himself bored and refuses to enter in more tournaments! He is
arrogant, and desires all his enemies to be sixt feet under. He is constant seek
of eternal power: like the scrolls of inmortality (this belongs to the Fatal
Fury series), and the Orochi power. However, Geese is always undercover, and the
next time he surfaces, it will not be pretty!
*Fun fact = -In Real Bout: Fatal Fury Dominated Mind (exclusive game for the
Playstation), Geese appears with a golden ring on the top of his head, like an
angel! This is like something out of the anime/manga series Dragon Ball, but
does this mean Geese is truly dead? We may never know for sure! (He could have
received some horns instead, but hey, it doesn't suit him...)
-If you didn't know by now, the main character of the latest Fatal
Fury game, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, is actually Geese's son (Rock Howard).
Geese had a child with a woman called Marie Heinlein (who is sister to the last
boss of Garou, Kain R. Heinlein), but refused his responsibility as a father,
and shortly after, died in the incidents following the end of Real Bout: Fatal
Fury. As a result, Rock keeps harsh feelings towards the memory of Geese, but
the evil blood within Rock still beats hard....
Appearances: The King of Fighters '96, The King of Fighters 2000 (Terry Bogard's
special striker, appears with no shirt), The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of
Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Fatal Fury, Fatal Fury Special, Fatal Fury 3: Road to Final
Victory, Real Bout: Fatal Fury, Real Bout: Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout: Fatal
Fury 2, Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition, Real Bout: Dominated Mind, Fatal Fury: First
Contact, Art of Fighting 2, Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000, Capcom vs.
SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 - Pro, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001,
SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium
(Bio sheet unknown)
Goenitz is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi, and controls the
element of Wind. He is the man who broke the seal that was imposed on the Orochi
power 1800 years ago, by the Kusanagi and the Yagami. It is unknown about the
past and origins of Goenitz. It has been only recently when the world shaked at
the demostration of his power.
Goenitz did not appear with strength until the year of 1986, while many
fighters where only young boys and girls. He showed up at the village of the
Clan of the Yata, the people that took care of the seal that was imposed on the
Orochi power. He then invoked for the heir to the Clan of the Yata to come out
and face him in battle. The woman came out, and cursed both Goenitz and the
Orochi power for ever being present in this world. Goenitz just chuckled and
began to display his inmense power. His aura was so powerful and devastating it
was too much for the Yata clan member to hold. With an inmense gust of wind,
Goenitz blew the Yata clan member away. Leaving her mortally wounded, Goenitz
laughs and tells her that from now on, the Orochi power will be free again.
However, the Orochi power is still dormant, and too weak to be able to do
anything. So, he would gather fighting energy for the Orochi to feed on, and
that his task would be much easier if he had allies with him. Saying this,
Goenitz vanishes in a night breeze.
Sometime later, an ambitious man named Rugal Bernstein tried to keep hold
on the Orochi power, wishing to absorb his power to himself and become the most
powerful man in the world. Sensing a disturbance in the Orochi power balance,
Goenitz soon transports himself to where the entity attempts to steal the
precious Orochi power. Rugal was surprised by the inmediate appearance of
Goenitz. Goenitz menacingly informs Rugal that any mortal who dares lend a hand
upon the Orochi power is sure to die. Rugal sneers and says he will have that
power no matter what. Rugal then attacks Goenitz very quickly, but Goenitz just
raises his hand, and strikes it towards Rugal, gouging his right eye out. Rugal
reels of pain. Goenitz, however, is surprised that Rugal had survived his
attack. Grinning, Goenitz tells Rugal that possesing the Orochi power will be
his own doom. He then transfuses some Orochi power into Rugal's blood. Rugal is
reeked with pain, and is left near unconsciousness. Goenitz leaves, and finally
tells Rugal that he must not use this power until completly necessary, since it
will kill him. Goenitz then leaves Rugal to his fate, not before ordering his
two aides, the assasin women Mature and Vice, to keep an eye on him, and see
that he never uses the power of Orochi against them.
Goenitz then goes to a remote village, where several Orochi blood members
still live. He presumes that they would gladly help him in his task to gather
fighting energy for the Orochi. However, Guidel, the leader if the village,
refuses to help Goenitz since they have found peace and tranquility and does not
want to colaborate in the destruction of the world. Goenitz gets furious, but he
then spots a little girl coming out of Guidel's house. Seeing how gracious and
full of spirit she was, Goenitz then gleers at Guidel and tells him that he will
regret ever having betrayed their own bloodline. That same night, the little
girl called Leona began to feel sick, and soon enough, she lost consciousness.
Before her family could take care of her, she mysteriously woke up, with a very
sinister look in her eyes. Guidel recognized those blood-filled eyes...it was
the Riot of Blood! But it was too late. The mortal rampage of Leona began, and
did not stop until the whole village was destroyed, not leaving anybody alive.
Goenitz contemplates with glee the death and destruction, and heads towards the
blood-stained Leona. Goenitz touches her head, and tells her that she is still
too young to be able to control the power for too long, so he would have to wait
until she became an adult. Saying so, he begins to walk away. Goenitz laughs, as
he knows that Leona would be of use to him pretty soon...
A time passed before something was heard from Goenitz, who had seemed to
go out and scavange the world for more fighting energy for the Orochi. He once
took a journey to Japan, and decided it was time to see how much the Kusanagi
have improved since 1800 years ago. He decided to challenge Kyo alone, the
latest descendant of the Kusanagi clan. He fought him, but Kyo's techniques
seemed so primitive for Goenitz, who had no trouble in putting the young warrior
out of comission. Sensing that that was not all the young warrior could do, he
beckoned for him to challenge him when he was more prepared...say, for the next
King of Fighters tournament. He left a wounded and humilliated Kyo wretching on
the ground
Soon, he sensed it was time to wrap up the job. He heard about Rugal's
death by using the Orochi power, and he comissioned Mature and Vice to now keep
an eye on Iori Yagami, who also had Orochi blood in his veins, due to the unholy
pact the Yagami and the Orochi had 660 years ago, unleashing the war against the
Kusanagi. He followed the King of Fighters tournament of 1996 closely, always
hidden in the shadows. He was impressed by all those strong fighters, and wished
he could fight them all, but he had to concentrate on the strongest only. He was
also very pleased at seeing Leona there as well. She had grown alright, but he
was still unsure of using her just yet. Soon, the finals began, and Goenitz was
there. He then saw a woman coming out for the final battle against the Hero
Team. Goenitz identified her as a Clan of the Yata member. She seemed so much as
that woman she killed ten years ago. Maybe her sister...? Anyways, Goenitz
stalled until the defeat of Chizuru. Then, taking advantage that everybody was
dumbfounded, Goenitz gathered all his power and unleashed it, reducing the
plethoric stadium into mere rubble.
Goenitz then greeted Kyo once again, and asked if he had improved anything
since the last time they met. Kyo smiled and tells Goenitz he had changed a lot.
It was true, since Goenitz now had a harder time trying to neutralize Kyo. And
when it was evident that he would finish Kyo, Iori appeared to help him. It was
rare for Goenitz that this would happen. Iori shouts to Goenitz that Kyo is his
alone, and Goenitz suspects that Mature and Vice must have left him alive in
order for him to kill her. Cursing both of them, Goenitz now has to face Kyo and
Iori, reviving the ancient battle between the Orochi and the Kusanagi/Yagami
alliance from 1800 years ago. However, it was too much for Goenitz to handle
himself, despite his incredible strength. Goenitz is then defeated by a double
crimson flame blow from both Kyo and Iori. Before disappating, Goenitz chuckles,
and tells Chizuru, Kyo, and Iori that the Orochi power is far from erradicated,
and that soon they would have to bow to Orochi's incredible power! Goenitz then
raises his hand, and a gust of wind vanishes him, never to be seen again.
Goenitz is an ambitious man, and as a Heavenly King of Orochi, he is
obssesed with the destruction of the mortals and the resurrection of Orochi. But
Goenitz is not your run-of-the-mill badguy. He is very polite, and always seems
to talk with so much confidence in himself. After all, he didn't plan to revive
Orochi by himself. Soon, the other three Heavenly Kings of Orochi would help
finish what he began...
*Fun fact = There has been many rumors that Goenitz and Ryuji Yamazaki are
possibly blood-related (aside from both being of Orochi blood). This is said
because both have similiar physique, similiar hair, and even some moves that are
the same! It is unknown what they are, but one thing's for sure...Goenitz is a
LOT more self-controlled than crazy Yamazaki! ^_^
Appearances: The King of Fighters '96, The King of Fighters 2000 (Leona's
special striker)

26-09-2005, 12:07 PM
تابع الموضوع

"Fifth Child of the Great Gates"
Birthplace: Japan
Birthdate: May 5, 1968 (34 years old)
Height: 2.04 m (6'7")
Weight: 138 kg (304 lbs)
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Be in unison with nature
Favorite food: Zaru-Soba
Favorite sport: Judo
Most valuable: Geta sandals
Hates the most: Complex machinery
Fighting style: Self-taught Judo skills
Goro Daimon is the current world champion of Judo style, and an all-around
national hero. But not only his Judo tournament sucesses have taken him to where
he is now. His participation with the Hero Team has also been recognized, as
much or even more as his Judo wins.
Daimon, being a large boy, took advantage of his large physique to began
learning on Judo, a mainly close-contact style, based on throws mostly. Building
up his body and even creating his own moves, Daimon quickly rose to be the
surprise in the Judo world. He became the Japanese champion in no time, and
shortly after, conquered the world champion. After several winning streaks,
Daimon retired and hid in seclusion in the mountains of Japan, seeking some more
moves, since he felt restricted to the Judo world, and liked to prove himself
against other fighters of other styles. His chance came soon enough with the
national martial arts tournament to decide the three fighters that would
represent Japan in the new King of Fighters tournament. Daimon entered, hoping
to come out on top and show the power of Judo to all!
Daimon had no real trouble advancing to the semfinals of the tournament,
using his imponent physique to plow throught the other fighters, who couldn't
stop this walking mountain of power, and were defeated by one of Daimon's earth-
trembling moves. His opponent in the semifinals was, suprisingly, a young man
named Kyo Kusanagi. Daimon had been friends with Kyo's father, Saisyu, and only
knew Kyo when he was a little boy. Now he had grown, and become very strong.
Daimon got excited on testing Saisyu's son's skills, and both climbed up to the
Daimon soon found out how strong Kyo really was when he felt how powerful
Kyo's blows where, scorching Daimon everytime he wanted to grab him. It was a
very close fight after all, but Kyo was the winner of the match. Daimon was
happy for Kyo, though, since he had become stronger than he thought. Daimon and
Kyo shaked hands, but Kyo whispers to Daimon that he should better win in the
losers match to make a team with him and Benimaru (the other finalist). Daimon
smiles and promises. And having said that, Daimon used his entire strength to
win his next match and become the third member of the Japan Team.
The rest is history. Daimon has been like the experienced side of the Hero
Team, and often gives advice to the young Kyo and Benimaru, and also being so
serene, he tends to be the windbreaker between Kyo and Benimaru's constant
quarrels. After every tournament, Daimon takes his time to win the next Judo
tournament as a warm-up for the next King of Fighters tournament. He has no
personal interest to surpass Kyo as Benimaru does, only to show the power of
Judo to the world! However, it is also very often for Kyo and Benimaru to help
Daimon around women, since he seems to be pretty bad at it! (and he really wants
to get married)
Daimon is also like a parental figure to Kyo, since Saisyu is out
travelling most of the time, and advices him during hard times. He doesn't talk
too much, but his confident smile and friendly grunt often proves to be more
than enough. After the last tournament, Daimon decides to lead the Japan Judo
team towards the world championship, and finally lead a life of peace and
happiness up in the mountains.
After so many years of retirement from the King of Fighters tournament,
Daimon has actually established himself, and even make up a family. With his
little son, Daimon resumes his training in his own Judo dojo. He has no worries,
and lives peacefully, but he knows something is amiss. After so many years of
not seeing Kyo or Benimaru, Daimon wonders what happened to them after their
separation following the battle of the Orochi. Soon enough, after a training
session, Benimaru comes visit Daimon at his dojo! Daimon is overwhelmed with joy
at the reunion, but Benimaru has better plans: they should reunite with Kyo and
Shingo to resurrect the old Hero Team! Daimon doubts at first, but accepts with
nostalgia and anxious to rejoin his friends for the rebirth of the Hero Team.
After reuniting with Kyo and Shingo, Daimon once again enters the King of
Fighters arena, and his skills haven't seemed to deteriorate one bit. Even
though he has not developed any sort of new moves, that ones he still has are
sharped and tweaked to perfection. Daimon is still considered to be a huge
fighting machine who likes to work out his opponents. Just like old times,
Daimon helps Kyo and the others in their struggle to destroy the evil NESTS
cartel, who have messed up Kyo's life for long enough. After the demise of
NESTS, and barely escaping with their lives from the downed NESTS space station,
Daimon and his son retreat back to their dojo in Japan. Daimon does not know if
they will team up again next year, but one thing is for sure, and it's that
Daimon sure had a lot of fun fighting like this once more! His heart burns with
passion in anticipation for the next time they will fight together again....
Daimon always seems to have a very serious expression, and grunts a lot.
However, he has a very warm heart, as he always takes his time to coexist with
nature and encounter himself there. He also likes to teach youngsters about Judo
in his free time. He also takes his time to serve as advicer and as a mediator
between Kyo and Benimaru. However, Daimon really wants to get married someday,
but the problem is, he is too nervous!
*Fun fact = -Did you know the only ACTUAL word that Daimon has said in his
fights has been "Nan-no" (That's nothing!)? He says this during his recovery
roll in KOF '96 and beyond.
-Check out whenever Kyo and Benimaru fight against each other in
Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000. You can see that Daimon always stands in
the middle of the background with his arms crossed, and his shirt over his
Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of
Fighters '99: Evolution (Dreamcast version, as a secret striker), The King of
Fighters 2000 (Seth's special striker, appears with his shirt on), The King of
Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo

26-09-2005, 12:08 PM
تابع القصة

Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: September 1, 1954 (48 years old)
Height: 1.92 m (6'3")
Weight: 90 kg (198 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Metal figurine collection, fishing
Favorite food: Stout beer and home-made sausages
Favorite sport: Hunting
Most valuable: Picture of his family
Hates the most: Rugal
Fighting style: Martial Arts and self-taught assasination tecniques
Heidern, inside his cool exterior, hides a man full of guilt and haunt.
This strict commander hides a very dark past, all thanks to a cruel and evil man
that reduced his life to shambles in a blink of an eye.
Heidern was a very spirited soldier in his young times, training very hard
and accomplishing his goal of being the best of his class. Participating in
several wars as a mercenary, Heidern was feared as a man with hands like claws,
and his cutting-edge fingers. Heidern also fell in love with a precious woman
named Sandra, and decided to marry her. Not much time later, they had their only
daughter, Clara. Heidern was very happy with his family, and after having
received the title of commander, he retired to pass more time with his family.
However, there was one last mission assigned to Heidern. He and his unit
must investigate a man who has gained a name for himself in the black market,
and has become such a powerful man, that he represents a menace to the world
governments. He was called Rugal Bernstein. Heidern accepted, conditioning that
his family must be safe at all moments. The governments located a security group
in front of Heidern's house, so Heidern was free to investigate Rugal. Or so he
Heidern dedicated himself day and night to follow the trace of Rugal. He
seemed to pop up everywhere, even in two different continents the same day!
Heidern did not know what made Rugal so fast, but he managed to bust some
criminal warehouses and other illegal locations properties of Rugal. However,
Rugal was nowhere to be found. Amidst the tedium and desperation, Heidern wanted
to see his family again. Given permission to do so, Heidern traveled back to his
house for a certain period of time. When he came back, he saw the security force
totally wiped out, and his family missing, his house trashed. Then, Heidern saw
a letter on the table. It was signed by a certain "R" individual. Heidern opened
the letter, and it was Rugal! He told Heidern he had his family, and that he
should better stop all that foolishness of trying to stop him and play hero. If
he declined the investigation, he would free his family again. Heidern slashed
the letter to pieces, and now more than ever, was dedicated to trap Rugal.
Sooner than ever, Heidern located Rugal's trail. It seemed he had a
personal air carrier called the 'Blacknoah', where he voyaged with an impressive
arsenal. Heidern gathered his unit, and took the plane that would take them to
the Blacknoah. They landed on the Blacknoah soon after, surprisingly finding no
resistance. After penetrating the carrier, Heidern found Rugal ready for battle.
Rugal laughed and considered them all to be fools. Before they could do
anything, the unit was almost plowed by Rugal's inmense power. Just in a few
minutes, Rugal had taken out all of Heidern's unit. Heidern was so shocked he
barely noticed how Rugal got closer to him. Heidern, enraged, took Rugal on. But
his fury did not allow him to fight well, and Rugal and his huge strength made
short work out of him. In a single move, Rugal managed to gouge out Heidern's
right eye. Wounded and unable to go on, Rugal prepared to deliver the final
blow, but if he had to die, he must at least die in style. Rugal then began to
gather huge power, and before he unleashed it, Sandra and Clara appeared to
cover Heidern. Heidern shouted for them to stay away, but they did not listen. A
blinding light fazed Heidern, and then all became blank.
Heidern woke up in a hospital bed. He was wrapped up in bandages, and his
eye covered with a patch. His nearest nurse got closer to him, and Heidern
desperately asked her for information on his unit and his family. His unit:
Almost all killed, the survivors badly wounded. His family: Dead. Heidern was
destroyed. He passed many months in grief and pain, and burned in desires of
taking revenge on Rugal. As of destiny would have had it, a little girl appeared
sleeping in the jungle near Heidern's house. She was filled with blood, but she
had no wounds. Maybe it was other's blood? Heidern felt compassion for the
child, and took her home. Once, he noticed the incredible power she had, and he
decided to train her personally in martial arts. She said they used to call her
Leona, but that's all she reminded of her past. Also having the company of his
best mercenaries Ralf and Clark, Heidern's pain was quenched, but his revenge
was soon to be realized: he received a personal invitation to the new King of
Fighters tournament, which had the new team battle mode. Taking Ralf and Clark
with him (since Leona was still too little), Heidern faced the tournament. He
didn't reach the finals, but he was relieved when he knew about Rugal's death
after his carrier being destroyed. That was, until next year...
Heidern was invited once again to the King of Fighters tournament, and he
suspected that something fishy was going on since the invitations were signed by
"R". Calling Ralf and Clark back to duty, the trio once again investigated, and
indeed, it was Rugal once again! Heidern was ready to end the score with Rugal,
but realized it was all up to Kyo and his team. He aided the Hero Team in all he
could, and when Rugal was finally destroyed by his own power, Heidern considered
it a proper death for a man thirsty of power, and walked away.
After that, Heidern declined all future invitations to the King of
Fighters tournament, since Rugal was destroyed, and he had nothing to do with it
anymore. So, he sent his best student, Leona, to fight along with Ralf and
Clark, the persons he sees as his sons. He especially cares for Leona, not only
just because she resembles Clara so much, he also wishes that Leona can finally
get over her past, and when she does, Ralf and Clark will be with her. Heidern,
after all, is still able to care for other people.
Shortly after the 1997 version of the King of Fighters tournament ends,
and with the situation back to normal again, Heidern receives the visit of a
young girl. She calls herself Whip, and wants to enter the Ikari Warriors squad.
After seeing her impressive skills with a whip, Heidern brings her in, and
decides to train her in his own assasination techniques. After two years,
Heidern detects some strange anomalies during the King of Fighters 1999
tournament, so he dispatches his best Ikari squad to investigate. And soon,
results would jump to sight....
Heidern manages to detect from his command room several images of Kyo
Kusanagi around the world. This is a weird success, indeed, and it makes it look
like the tournament is nothing more than a set-up. Heidern tries to contact his
unit, but fails. Thus, he decides to dispatch several elimination squads to the
location of the Kyo clones, and prepare to eliminate them. After that, Heidern
directs himself to the main base of the enemy. Upon arriving, he notices the
several wounded bodies of his soldiers among the ruins, and one dead body: that
of the past host of the competition, Krizalid. Heidern closes the eyes of the
deceased man, and asks for any survivors. One soldier noticed two persons
evacuate the place before they arrived. Heidern feels the menace is barely
starting...and not yet reached the full terror.
After a while upon investigating the NESTS cartel, Krizalid's
organization, Heidern finds himself stumped and without a clue. It is then when
he is given a helping hand by a fellow mercenary commander Ling. Ling informs
Heidern about the most recent location of NESTS: in Southtown. Heidern considers
it ironic for the tournament to return to its' origins. Ling also tells Heidern
that he will organize the new King of Fighters tournament in the year 2000 in
order to get the strongest fighters to do battle against the NESTS agents if
they ever appear. Heidern assists to Ling's command room in order to supervise
the mission. Their primary objective, aside from destroying NESTS, is to locate
K' and Maxima, who also have close ties with the NESTS.
As the winning teams approach Southtown, Heidern senses something going
terribly wrong as his soldiers investigate the wrong direction. Ling tells
Heidern that he has sent the soldiers to the factory zone in Southtown in order
to turn on the elevator and activate the generator in the abandoned factory.
Heidern is dumbfounded, but before he can ask anymore questions, he is held at
gunpoint by Ling's soldiers! It turns out to be that Ling is not really Ling,
but Zero, a NESTS officer who had created a clone of himself (in the form of
Ling) in order to gain the trust of the participating fighters and the world
leaders, fooling them into believing that he realy had a clue in order to find
and destroy NESTS. Heidern then knows about the sinister plans of Zero,
involving using the energy of the warriors in order to activate the Zero Cannon,
and being able to destroy any designated point on earth! Heidern is then knocked
out cold by Zero's agents, but is later waked up by his elite mecenaries: Ralf,
Leona, and Clark. The whole Ikari Warrior squad decides to escape before the
Zero Cannon destroys Southtown completely...all, except one.
Heidern realizes with panic that Whip is missing. Heidern desperately
calls Whip via radio, calling Whip by her real name, which only he knew up until
then: Muchiko. However, Whip does not respond to Heidern's demands, and the
commander of the Ikari Warriors is forced to escape before the Zero Cannon
vanquishes Southtown into dust. After that, Heidern finds a video in Whip's
quarters directed to Heidern and his closest followers. The video contains a
warm goodbye by Whip, and a reminder to Heidern that her name is not Muchiko,
but Whip. Heidern gives a sad smile, and hopes that, wherever she is, Whip might
find happiness.
After scouting the ruins of Southtown, Heidern realizes that NESTS has
abandoned Southtown without leaving a trace. So, he begins to gather his forces
in order to attack and arrest all NESTS officers in several locations around the
world. Heidern sends his best men to do the job, but unfortuantely, they have no
success at all. It is then when Whip sends a letter to her former commander,
telling him that NESTS is about to make their move, and they're planning to use
the King of Fighters tournament was their new arena! Heidern summons his best
officers to his quarters: Leona, Ralf, and Clark. Heidern thinks it's pretty
obvious that NESTS is planning something big, entering the tournament when they
had just destroyed a whole city. And since the Ikari Warriors were short one
member ever since Whip leaved, Heidern thought it was time to make his official
comeback to the fighting scene once more!
During the progress of the tournament, Heidern tracked down the movements
of NESTS, and also took special care in Whip's actions as she teamed up with her
lost brother K'. Heidern followed the tracks of NESTS up to the point where the
winning teams met inside a flying blimp, where the final battle was supposed to
be hosted. Heidern knew for sure that it was a trap used by NESTS to lure the
winners into their inminent death. But Heidern trusted the warriors would defeat
the evil within NESTS, and his wishes came true when NESTS main HQ, their space
station, fell into the ocean. Heidern inmediately sent a reconissance squad to
the crashing site of the NESTS space base after the fighters had been placed in
a safer place. The report confirmed that most of the base was still kept intact
after the crash, which helped Heidern resolve that they could investigate on
that basis. But what bothered Heidern, was the report confirming that his dear
Whip was yet another clone brewed by the evil technology of NESTS. Heidern must
now start worrying about the fate of those close to him, instead of looking
after the world.
Heidern is a lonely man, and passes most of the time enclosed in his
office and meditating. He sees in Leona the chance to start all over, and get
over the death of his family. His old friends, Ralf and Clark, are also with him
and make him feel good in those grim moments. Heidern, even after Rugal's death,
still feels pain in his heart, but decides life goes on, and his soldiers are
the only family he now has.
*Fun fact = -What's with Heidern's salute ala Nazi? Or is it just me? (Nah, he
is so cool who cares? ^_^)
-Did you know that "Ikari" is supposed to mean "to get angrier"?
*Cloth changes = His primary color was light brown in KOF '94/'95/2001, and dark
blue in KOF '98.

26-09-2005, 12:09 PM
تابع الموضع

Appearances: The King of Fighters '94, The King of Fighters '95, The King of
Fighters '98, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo
Birthplace: Japan (of part-Russian heritage)
Birthdate: March 3, 1984 (18 years old)
Height: 1.54 m (5')
Weight: 41 kg (90 lbs)
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Collecting sumo ranking lists, making herbal
products (potpurris and herbal tea)
Favorite food: Sumo stew made by her private cook, tea, and
Favorite sport: Horse riding, halberd jousting
Most valuable: A teddy bear she received as a girl
Hates the most: Bugs, sour stuff, piano practice
Fighting style: Sumo wrestling
Normally, a junior high school girl would prefer to spend their free time
practicing a sport at school. Among the most popular female sports are:
volleyball, gymnastics, and softball. By doing so, not only did young women
support their health, but also their sheer femininity. Hinako Shijou, a
passionate young woman with lots of incredible dreams, is a different case. She
has decided to practice a traditional Japanese sport, only practiced by large,
heavy men: Sumo!
After Hinako first joined a prestigious ladies-only school, the expected
pressure for such institutions instantly fell upon young Hinako. Not only was
she demanded good grades and exceptional behavior, she also had to be the first
in her class in any sport. She was offered many different sports, but none of
them raised Hinako's attention. That is, until she visisted a Sumo arena....
Once she saw a Sumo match, Hinako's world turned around completely. Sumo
was an art in itself, much more than any other martial art. She realized that
Sumo should not only be practiced by overwhelming men, but also normal women
could be able to exceed themselves in the practice of this art. Hinako decided
she would restore the grace and beauty that Sumo is supposed to represent.
Back in her school, Hinako wanted to join a Sumo club, but everybody just
laughed at her, and deemed her as a crazy brat. Sumo was just out of the
question for the refined and delicate ladies of her school. Hinako didn't bother
to hear any reasons, as her mind was already decided. Everyday she practiced the
arts of Sumo, and instead of gaining weight, she decided to train her arms and
legs to be able to support the weight of any huge Sumo wrestler. After all, it
wasn't the size that counted, but the refinement of the technique that mattered.
After a long period of training, Hinako has decided to prove her worth as
a Sumo wrestler. After trying (and failing) to convince her school's superiors
to show her fellow students the beauty of Sumo, she decides to go to a local
martial arts tournament, and smash the tough-looking opponents with her Sumo
style. Surprisingly, many martial artists were caught off-guard by the strength
of this fragile woman. It was outrageous how a simple junior high school girl
could practice Sumo so well! After the tournament finished, Hinako was content
about her performance, as many men stare at her in awe. On her way out of the
fighting arena, she is faced by a red-haired, ravaging woman called Mai
Shiranui, and another younger, spunky girl named Yuri Sakazaki. The two consider
Hinako worthy enough to join their team and participate in the next King of
Fighters 2000 tournament. Hinako is overwhelmed: this time, she can really prove
her true Sumo strength against the best fighters in the world!
During her vacation period of junior high school, Hinako decided to take a
school trip back to the place where the whole nightmare had developed last year:
Southtown. The city was still reduced to shambles, but people were trying their
best to rebuild what was left of it. Hinako was proud and felt compassionate for
those people who still struggled. She wished she could have done more for them
back then.
Hinako and her schoolmates were starving after so much walking and
sightseeing, so they decided to stop at a local establishment that was still
standing (even though a bit wrecked). Hinako entered, and there she found her
old friend Mai, along with King, who owned the bar. King was also a female
warrior that entered the last King of Fighters tournament. The other girl was a
young Chinese lady with a big forehead and strange hair style. Hinako wonders
what's going on, and Mai tells her that the King of Fighters tournament is being
held again. Hinako said she would be glad to join, and nobody seemed to have a
problem with that. But first, she and her friends needed a meal, and King was
forced to offer all her fleet a nice dinner! Hinako also didn't seem to carry
too much money with her...in fact, after the tournament ended, and the four
women went for a celebration dinner honoring the fall of NESTS, everyone
expected Hinako to pay the bill (since she came from a prestigious family) and
fed their hearts off, only to realize with grief that Hinako no longer had any
money! We'll see if Hinako can make up to it next time....
Hinako, despite being of a rich family and in a top-class ladies school,
is not spoiled by money or social class. She has lots of dreams which she hopes
to accomplish some day. She is very feminine despite the masculine art she
practices. Despite getting down and rough with her opponents, she takes care of
her personal appearance a lot. She defends the opinion that anything can be done
with grace and style if done correctly!
*Fun fact = After many people saw the official drawings of Hinako, many people
assumed she would be somewhat like Karin Kanzuki (of Capcom's Street Fighter
Alpha 3), only that she dressed like a plane waitress. What a surprise it was to
see her practice Sumo!
Appearances: The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001
(bio sheet unknown)
Acting as the CEO of the NESTS cartel, Igniz is second in command only
behind the president of NESTS. As one would think about a CEO, Igniz does
everything he can to make NESTS arise to the top of the criminal world, and make
sure it becomes an organization to be feared worldwide through their advanced
cloning technology, always accompanied by his gorgeous secretary. But no even
bothered in suspecting about Igniz and his lethal plans to take over NESTS, and
claim his "rightful position" as the new god to reign over all humans!
Actually, Igniz has been the mastermind behind the Kusanagi cloning
project, manipulating the process at his own twisted will. With the information
he gathered from the extraction of Kyo Kusanagi's DNA, he created his own
advanced Kyo clones: first, the rebel K', then the loyal agent Krizalid, and
later on handed over the Kula Diamond project to Foxy, and he directly
supervised the creation of K9999, a purely artificial Kusanagi clone. All the
pieces were being moved by Igniz on his own board of corruption and treason.
Igniz watched with certain interest how Krizalid and the clone of Zero
were eliminated in the King of Fighters tournament, ironically defeated by his
own creations. However, the destruction of Southtown thanks to the Zero Cannon
had impulsed the NESTS cartel to reveal itself to the world in the brink of the
disaster. Argumenting a malfunction in a satellite, Igniz and the rest of the
NESTS organization tried to justify their horrible actions. But there was no
time to lurk any further. NESTS had to put its' plan in motion. The president of
NESTS left the responsibility of holding the 2001 King of Fighters tournament to
Igniz, as he would order his agents to do their job. Igniz thought it would be
the perfect chance to show that old coot who truely ran things in NESTS.
Cautiously watching over the development of the tournament, Igniz gloated
as his theory came true: the products of NESTS were slowly, but surely, making
their way up in the tournament. Kyo and Iori were also doing their part as well.
But even though the fighters displayed new techniques and totally different
power levels than ever before, Igniz knew all their secrets. He had the fighting
data that was collected from the past KOF tournaments, and he had an even darker
idea. He would use that data to infuse it in his body, and become more powerful
than any mortal!
Soon enough, fellow agent Zero was sent to deal with the winners in the
special space shuttle designed by NESTS, in the disguise of a blimp. Free from
any meddling from Foxy, Diana, or Zero, Igniz could easily deploy his plan.
Before they could arrive, Igniz issued orders to Angel and K9999, the agents
that were teaming up with Foxy and Kula Diamond for the King of Fighters
tournament, to do away with them as soon as possible, to erradicate all
followers of the president. Waiting for the winners in the NESTS space station,
Igniz could expect no less that it would be K' and his team who would show up.
Sitting along the president of NESTS and her secretary, Igniz congratulates K'
and company for defeating Zero, as it was no easy task to accomplish. Igniz
explains his plan to K' and his partners, and he would confess his ultimate
ambition: to become the new god that would rule the existence of the world!
Having said that, Igniz grabs the head of the NESTS leader sitting on the
throne, and reduces him to dust! Igniz now stands strong against his
challengers, the products of NESTS, that he once created, and now vows to
It was astonishing how Igniz displayed his incredible amount of strength.
His energy strikes were faster than lightning, striked with the force of a
mountain, and quickly threw away the opposition! All that sheer, raw fighting
data amassed in Igniz' body caused a huge reaction, and it was surprising that
Igniz could manage to control it. All attacks were futile, any countermeasure,
useless. Igniz anticipated all the moves he already knew of, and those that he
didn't, were promptly overwhelmed by the inmense display of strength from Igniz!
But soon after Kyo and the rest of the strongest fighters of the
tournament joined in the battle, Igniz began to grow tired of such pests, and
tried to eliminate them as fast as possible. But while the strength of Igniz
came from numbers and computer data, the force of these brave warriors came from
within, they fought with the soul, fighting with every ounce in their body! That
was what Igniz could never understand. Soon enough, the 3 main targets of NESTS
got together: K', Kyo, and Iori. Igniz really appreciated what they all did for
the cartel (indirectly, of course), and soon began to gather what was left of
his energy to deal with the three bugs. But it was Igniz who was surprised when
the 3 flame wielders channeled their energy through K', who blasted a huge flame
of justice straight towards Igniz! Igniz was overpowered, as the whole data room
they were fighting in began to crumble by the force of the impact.
Battered and bruised, dragging along his burnt body, Igniz could not hold
back the frustration of his defeat. All these years of planning and gathering
fighting data to be finally defeated by his own creations. Igniz could not stand
such humilliation. Igniz could not come to understand why humans would deny the
existence of a new god. As he slowly walked towards a couple of pillar atop some
stairs, Igniz, in his insanity, claims that if the world will not accept a god,
then they shall yield to a demon! Igniz places his hands on the pillars, and is
soon surrounded by a pillar of light. Amazed by Igniz' actions, K' and the
others are surprised when they feel the whole space station tremble, as they
draw closer to the atmosphere of the Earth! Igniz was activating the space
station on a crash course towards the planet! K' and the rest try to stop his
ambition, but a huge metal door shuts them out from any possible meddling. Igniz
is left laughing out of sheer madness, surrounded by chaos and destruction, as
the whole space station is engulfed in flames upon the entrance to the
atmosphere. Flames...how did Igniz hate flames. Consumed by his own evil, Igniz
falls to his death, just like the whole ambition of NESTS. Those who will
succeed him will surely take his example, and not yield to ambition.
Rather elegant and with good manners, Igniz doesn't seem to lose his
temper so easily. He usually remains calm, cool, and precise, as his superior
intelligence always analyzes the situation, and exploits it to his advantage. A
conspirating and creative person, Igniz had prepared himself well for the King
of Fighters tournament via his own resources. But he could never predict the
outcome, and finally losing any trace of sanity, burns to his doom along with
his own cruel plot.
*Fun fact = Usually, all of the upper ranked agents of NESTS have the names of
things that usually mean the beginning of something. Krizalid was already
mentioned (his name meaning "cocoon"), Zero is, well...zero, and Igniz is an
abbreviation for "ignition" (as when something is turned on).
Appearances: The King of Fighters 2001

26-09-2005, 12:12 PM
تابع الموضوع

"Hearth of Eight Gods"
Birthplace Japan
Birthdate: March 25, 1976 (26 years old)
Height: 1.82 m (6')
Weight: 76 kg (167 lbs)
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Band
Favorite food: Meat
Favorite sport: All
Most valuable: Base guitar of Rickenbacher
Hates the most: Violence
Fighting style: Yagami style Ancient Martial Arts and Instinct
Iori is the latest descendant of the Yagami clan, a cursed bloodline which
has been condemned to living a short lifespan due to the Orochi blood flowing
through their veins. The story goes as far as 1800 years ago...
The Orochi power was devastating the world. With all the chaos and panic
running amok, two clans came together to fight the menace: the Kusanagi,
representing the sword that seals, and the Yagami, the shield that holds.
Uniting the power of the both clans, and using the mythical crimson flames, the
two bloodlines managed to seal away the Orochi power, then assigning the task to
the Clan of the Yata to look over the seal. After that, both clans retired to
their respective villages.
1140 years later (which means, 660 years ago), however, the bond between
both clans would break dramatically. The Yagami, thirsty of the magnificent
Orochi power, broke the pact between them and the Kusanagi clan, and decided to
strike a deal with the Orochi: an unholy pact that would grant the Yagami
tremendous power, and their crimson flames would turn into purple flames of
death! The Kusanagi reclaimed that the Yagami disobeyed the pact, and they were
considered as traitors. Since then, the two clans have been in a mortal war,
resulting in the death of many clan members on both sides, much to the glee of
the Orochi clan.
Now, in the modern ages, Kyo and Iori are out to settle the score.
Although their destiny was resolved before they were ever born, Kyo and Iori
seem more than willing to finish the 660 year grudge! And mostly, Iori is
decided to kill Kyo at all costs, although he is destined to a horrible fate: to
die before his time, victim of the ambition of his ancestors, and his cursed
blood. However, Iori does not to seem to care too much about it. His heart keeps
no happy feelings, and is only interested in ridding the path of enemies.
However, wielding the purple flames is painful even for Iori, since the power is
so great that it even hurts him!
Iori and Kyo have similiar techniques because both clans had developed
together a very special martial art before they engaged in the war. That's why
Iori has developed some mortal techniques, and even uses his hands as cutting
weapons, his fingers tearing through the opponent's flesh. He has known to be
very violent in battle, even though he hates using violence (???). His clan
symbol is the crescent moon of the Yagami. His physique also allows him to be
very famous among the women, but he doesn't seem to care about that, either!
Once Iori was training, he was informed about the entrance of Kyo in the
King of Fighters tournament. Iori was interested and supposed he would have a
perfect shot against Kyo. He then knew that a man named Billy Kane was looking
for some teammates for the next tournament. Iori volunteered, and so, the trio
entered the tournament. However, Iori was not interested in any of the only
fighters. He only focused on Kyo. But, it seemed that he couldn't have a clean
shot against him, since prior to their battle, Kyo was missing. However, Iori
still felt Kyo's combat aura burning in a faraway place. When Iori arrived to
the secret underground base were Kyo was fighting, he found him fighting Rugal,
who was about to be destroyed by his own power. Iori felt something strange
boiling in his blood while Rugal was being destroyed by the inmense power.
Recognizing the power, Iori mocked Rugal, "Only those of the bloodline can
control such power! You didn't have a chance!". Saying that, Iori walks away
while Rugal is vanished by the huge power. Taking advantage of the power he felt
in his veins, he used it to beat his teammates badly. Considering them only a
bother, Iori decides he will take on Kyo next time.
By next year, Iori trained very hard, and practiced until near the border
of unconsciousness. He considered himself ready to kill Kyo this time! While he
was walking through a forest, Iori was confronted by two women. Iori recognized
one of them as one of the secretaries of Rugal. Actually, both were the
secretaries of Rugal. Iori wanted them to get out of his way, but one of them
began attacking him. While he fought the women, the other told Iori that they
had been watching over them, and that he would be perfect as their teammate in
the next King of Fighters tournament. Iori stopped, and turned towards the other
woman. Iori just smiled and released a maniacal laugh. He said he would help
them if they wanted to. "But nobody touches Kyo, he's mine! Mine only!", Iori
The tournament begins, and once again, considers the other fighters as
trash, only thinking in his battle against Kyo. His wish comes true as his team
will face the Hero Team. Kyo and Iori waited paciently until their turn to
fight. Then, Kyo and Iori got their shot. It was a very dramatic battle, with
flames bursting everywhere, and so much power released that it was overwhelming!
However, the time ran up, and the match ended in a draw. Both fighters were
exhausted, but Iori was determined to kill Kyo. Then, the host, Chizuru Kagura,
interfered. She said it was useless that the two must kill each other, and
instead, must be helping each other in order to erradicate the terrible power
that draws nearer. Iori is enraged, and demands that she gets away. But Chizuru
takes Kyo away, and disappears. Iori then shouts of madness, and begins to
destroy everything around him. He would not be left without killing Kyo, and not
by any smartass woman!
Iori inmediately searched out Kyo, but when he found him, he suddenly felt
that feeling in his blood again. What was that feeling that made him feel so
powerful, but at the same time, so painful? When those thoughts cruised Iori's
mind, a very strong gush of wind blew him away. When Iori woke up, it was Kyo
fighting against a very powerful man. Iori recognized the power as the same that
had destroyed Rugal. So, it had to be of Orochi blood! Iori then begins to
attack the man called Goenitz. He tells him that only him can take care of Kyo,
and he can not interfere! Both fighters battle with all their strength, and Iori
even manages to surpress his cursed blood and begin wielding crimson flames.
With a final, double crimson blow, Kyo and Iori take out Goenitz, but before he
dies, Goenitz tells Iori that he is doomed to serve Orochi as a servant! Iori
then bids Goenitz farewell, as he disappears. Iori begins to walk away, and
encounters his companions, Mature and Vice, who had let him live in order to
kill Goenitz. However, Iori begins to feel extremly bad, and his blood begins to
boil. His eyes get hazy, and he begins coughing blood. The Riot of Blood was in
full effect! Going berserk because he can not control the Orochi power. Going
crazy, Iori rips through his companions, and continues to walk away, roaring and
slashing madly.
Nothing was known from Iori up to next year. He had seem to feel the Riot
of Blood several times, causing several deaths. Cursing his own weakness, Iori
realizes he has been entered in the next King of Fighters tournament of 1997 as
a single entry. It must have been Chizuru, thinking he may help her again. Iori
just laughs and, since he has no more bothers in his way, he can concentrate on
killing Kyo this time! He views the spectacular display of shows and
commuinications, and decides it was the perfect backdrop for Kyo's death.
However, not much later, Iori once again entered the Riot of Blood yet again,
and went into a killing rampage. His craziness had reached unsuspected limits,
and since Orochi was involved as ever in the tournament, his power grew stronger
and stronger. However, he also wasn't too much conscious of what he was doing,
allowing the other fighters to submit him, and cooling him down. Iori then loses
When Iori was sleeping, he receives a message from his ancestors, bidding
him to aid Kyo in this final fight against the Orochi. This would rid the
dishonor of the Yagami name, and would cleanse their own cursed bloodline. Iori
woke up, and almost like if controlled by someone, he walked towards the Orochi
awakening spot. He finds Kyo and Chizuru there. They are surprised to see Iori,
and he just smiles, and tells them that it is ironic that after so much time of
war, they should fight together. Kyo smiles as well, and both go against Orochi.
They display their huge strength, as 1800 years ago, and begin to turn the tide
in their favor. However, Iori gets controlled by Orochi via the Riot of Blood,
but now, Iori will not be easily subdued! He takes a grasp of Orochi, and allows
Kyo to punch right through them...
Nobody knows what happened after that faithful battle. However, it seems
that Iori and Kyo began their last battle, to see which one prevails...
Iori awakes, surrounded by a strange place. His whole body aches, but
that's the less of his worries. Kyo was nowhere to be found. He later knows that
nobody knew where he had gone, but Iori knows that Kyo will not be so easily
eliminated. Iori's scouting takes him to a hidden laboratory, where he believes
bizarre experiments are talking place (I'm not talking Resident Evil here, OK?).
To his disbelief, he finds several Kyo clones being produced! They must have
taken Kyo's genetic code, and insert it into these mindless clones, obeying some
twisted plot! Enraged for the tampering with his rivalry with Kyo, Iori tears
the place down with an incredible display of rage and anger. The name "NESTS" is
soon to pop up, and Iori vows he will find them and destroy those who dared mess
up with his plans for revenge!
Not long after, Iori finds out about the King of Fighters tournament being
held again. He senses that the person responsible for the Kyo clonage might be
here. Iori takes a hidden role in the tournament, following the battles closely.
He finally manages to catch up with the hidden NESTS base, but unfortunately for
him, it is already ruined and crumbled. Iori can feel Kyo's presence, but does
not see him. Iori knows that NESTS must be destroyed so he can have a fair
showdown with Kyo to the very end.
After being shrouded in secrecy for awhile, Iori hears about the rumors of
the NESTS cartel in action again. However, Iori does not seem too interested,
but since Kyo Kusanagi was determined to stop the NESTS at any cost, Iori
decides that he shouldn't let Kyo die at the hands of NESTS, but his own.
Following Kyo's trace, he finally arrives at the hidden NESTS hideout in
Southtown. It seems that the city was doomed for destruction by the rampant Zero
Cannon, but Iori could care less how many innocent lives were lost. He dwelled
deep into the base, and finally finds Kyo standing next to a fallen body.
However, Iori takes things easy. He has learned to control his anger. He
approaches Kyo, and like always, demands a true fight. This time, it wasn't
family rivalry going on. This time, only the feeling of fighting a worthy
opponent was the only thing Iori felt...and he was sure Kyo felt the same way.
The whereabouts of Iori were unknown after that tournament, and he seemed
the person who less cared about what happened in Southtown. He's just unpleased
that he lost his chance to kill Kyo last year. Former NESTS agent Seth actually
went out to search for the miscarried youngster. Upon finding out where he was,
he politely invited Iori to join his team for the next King of Fighters
tournament, with a promise that he would get his shot against Kyo if he entered.
Iori did not care about what his other teammates did, his purple flames of
disaster only hungered for Kyo. Iori's own overwhelming aura made Seth tremble
with fear. The power that Iori harnessed within him was beyond any logic! As
Iori retreats with his promise to enter the King of Fighters tournament with
Seth, the huge tough guy wonders what kind of surprises will Iori give them.
Iori made it clear from the beginning of the tournament that teamwork was
definetly not in his plans, as he could take on whole teams by himself. His
vicious attitude was even more notorious than before. Iori was indeed a threat
to be considered, but as if fate would have had it, he would even have to help
Kyo defeat the NESTS executives once again. This time, he had to assist Kyo's
clone, K', to defeat Igniz, the CEO of NESTS, in their own space station. Once
Igniz was defeated, Iori thought that since there were no longer any obstacles,
he would challenge Kyo right there and now! But he was cut short when he was
forced to escape from the falling space station. Iori and his teammates escaped
with their lives, but Iori then realizes that his own team has considered him
"expendable" by his superiors, and attempt to get rid of him before he can cause
any more trouble than needed. Iori just shrugs his shoulders, and threatens that
if anybody should stand against him, he would tear them down like the trash they
Iori is a single, self-important person who cares of nobody but himself.
He considers other people to be no more than "bothers". He dislikes being
controlled by Orochi, since he doesn't like to be bossed around! His only goal
in life seems to kill Kyo, and won't rest until he does. He also plays music in
his band in his spare time, and also manages to gather quite a number of people.
RIOT OF BLOOD IORI YAGAMI (The King of Fighters '97/The King of Fighters
R-1): This is the uncontrolled, the crazed version of Iori. His Orochi blood
completly awaken, Iori now is only a mindless monster, thirsty for blood and for
death. He is always hunched over, his eyes lost, and foam coming out of his
mouth. Iori is unable to control his Orochi blood, that is why he becomes a
mindless zombie. His techniques are all identical to those of normal Iori, but
more faster, and a lot more powerful.
*Fun fact = -Can anybody understand why a man so propense to violence can be so
popular among the ladies? Totally uncomphrensible!
-If you take a nice look in the far background of the Japan Street
stage in KOF '98, you can see a small Iori standing in front of a shop, in his
traditional "hands-in-pocket" pose. This could lead to some mismatches if you're
happening to use Iori at the moment! ^_^ Maybe a cosplayer...?
-Iori bases his DMs usually on the legend of the Yagami, and the
whole Orochi incident. For example, his "Maiden Masher" DM (which is actually
called the Ya Otome) is named after the "Eight Maidens" that were supposed to
sacrifice themselves in order to satisfy the Orochi's ferocious hunger (and
check out how many hits the Ya Otome usually delivers: eight). His other DM, the
Ya Sakazuki (a DM in KOF '97/'98, and his striker action from KOF '99 and
beyond), is translated to "Eight Wine Cups". In the actual legend of the Orochi,
it took eight cups of wine (one for each head of the eight-headed Orochi dragon)
to get it drunk, and finally put it to sleep long enough for the Kusanagi sword
to strike and do away with the Orochi. And what does the Ya Sakazuki actually do
in the game? It pins the opponent down long enough for Iori to strike them
again. You gotta love how SNK actually follows the actual Orochi legend. ^_-
Appearances: The King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters '96, The King of
Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of Fighters '99, The King of
Fighters 2000 (also appears as a pseudo-Riot of Blood version of himself,
dressed like a punk rocker, as his hidden special striker), The King of Fighters
2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters R-1, The King of Fighters
R-2, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood
Other games: Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000, Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium
Fight 2000 - Pro, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001, SNK vs. Capcom:
Match of the Millenium (also appears as Riot of Blood Iori Yagami in all of
these games)

ارجو من الاخوة عدم الرد حتى اكمل الموضوع .............................:ciao:

26-09-2005, 12:15 PM
تابع الموضوع

Birthplace: Korea
Birthdate: July 26, 1967 (35 years old)
Height: 1.77 m (5'8")
Weight: 77 kg (169 lbs)
Blood type: O
Hobbies: Collecting perfumes and admiring idols
Favorite food: Eel, clams, and kaddou
Favorite sport: Billiards
Most valuable: All of Yuso Mimori's debut CDs, a seagull-shaped ornament
kept in an alcove at home
Hates the most: Squids, and his family name
Fighting style: Tae Kwon Do
*Kaddou = Boiled arrowroot
Jhun Hoon has always been eager of imparting justice ever since he was
little, but since he was so weak, it was rather hard to accomplish such task. In
order to get stronger, Jhun decides to train himself in Tae Kwon Do, a national
sport in his native Korea. When he is admitted in the class, he quickly meets
who would be his best friend, but at the same time, most bitter rival: Kim
Jhun and Kim trained in the same martial art, but each developed their own
technique. Besides being different in their style, they also had different
justice ideals. While Kim trusted people and aided them when in need, Jhun
supported the idea of an iron fist justice, and strict discipline. This is what
made the two masters rivals in their own game. After completing their training,
each one goes their own way, to see who was finally right.
After years of kicking the living hell out of criminals worldwide, Jhun
decides that it is time to go back to Kim and show him the results of his
travels. Upon arriving at Kim's dojo, he watches two particulary funny figures
training in the backyard: one being a small midget with a hat and iron claws,
the other being a large giant wielding an iron ball. Jhun recognizes them as the
two famed Korean criminals, Choi Bounge and Chang Koehan. After Kim greets him,
Jhun wants to know what those two are doing in his dojo. Kim tells Jhun that he
has accepted his fate to train those two and completly reform them. Jhun laughs
and considers Kim's methods obsolete. He shall join him so he can teach him how
it is really done!
Things couldn't get worse for Chang and Choi. Besides having to support a
good-natured psycho, they had to get the worst out of a psycho by nature. While
Jhun and Kim can't fix their differences in training, Kim proposes Jhun to enter
the King of Fighters tournament with him, and then they would see who's who.
Jhun agreeds, and makes a promising entrance in the battle arena. However, after
the battles end, both still argue about the same tune. Only one thing is left to
do: each one will take one of the convicts and train them their own way. Jhun
chooses Choi, and vows to deliver him completly reformed by next year. Only hard
discipline can take you anywhere!
Jhun begins his ferocious training on the poor Choi. His iron-hand
discipline is determined to beat the evil right out of Choi! More than
attempting to reform Choi, however, Jhun trains himself a lot in order to show
Kim who the real master of Tae Kwon Do is, and to show him his wrong ideals of
justice...and assisting to the concerts of Athena and her band (which Choi
doesn't really understand the relation with training). Jhun considers himself to
be worthy enough to be the new Korean justice fighter, so when he reencounters
with Kim after a year, Jhun considers it to be a final test. The goal: To see
who can destroy NESTS with their beliefs. Jhun will concentrate all his fury in
doing just that!
After arriving at Southtown, the location of the final battle, Jhun burns
in anticipation of destroying NESTS once and for all. His plans fall short,
though, as he finds himself in the middle of the destruction of Southtown by the
Zero Cannon! Jhun manages to leap out of the path of destruction, but he sees
how Chang and Choi don't. With drawbacks, Jhun, along with Kim, saves the two
ex-criminals from sure death. As they wake up, it is revealed that Chang and
Choi have now changed bodies! Jhun considers it to be quite a bad omen, but no
matter who has to pay, he will get things even sooner ot later.
The next King of Fighters tournament looks pretty promising for Jhun, as a
new year comes around. He has trained for a whole year to participate once
again, and with new enthusiasm after Kim managed to brew up an idea to exchange
Chang and Choi's bodies back (due to a quite rude head-butting therapy). But
after hearing news of a new Athena Asamiya concert in Korea, Jhun wasted no time
in going to the event. He was running a little late, so he rushed down the
traffic-filled streets. As he ran down the street, a glimpse of a young woman
who looked like Athena crossed his eye. Confused by the vision, Jhun tried to
call the attention of the Athena lookalike. But he never paid attention to the
car he was just about to run into, and hit the vehicle violently. Jhun ended up
in the hospital with a broken leg, and so was his dreams about entering the next
King of Fighters tournament (although it was said that the car was even in a
worst condition than Jhun himself!).
While at the hospital, Kim showed Jhun who would be his replacement for
the King of Fighters tournament: a young Tae Kwon Do student called May Lee. She
was quite enthusiastic, and Jhun never did complain (although he was being
ignored when he tried to give out his opinion). Jhun was forced by medical
advice to watch the tournament from the sidelines. He lost contact with Kim and
the others when they were about to board a blimp for the finals. Soon after,
news of the fall of NESTS' space station and their demise reached Jhun and all
the other Koreans. The people thought it was Kim and the others who finally
punished NESTS for their sins, but Jhun also wants a bit of credit in the whole
celebration. As soon as Kim arrives in the welcoming party, Jhun and him get
involved in a rowdy bash to define who truly deserved the credit. It looks like
they won't be agreeing on anything for quite some time!
Aside from being so sarcastic and short-tempered, Jhun's ideals are noble
at heart, and only desires to fight for justice and thwart evil. His rants
normally end in violence, but he is usually a calm man if not messed with. He
passes a lot of time by himself, contemplating on life more often than not. He
is also a big fan of Athena's music career, and he doesn't like to show his
weakness towards her in front of Kim in the KOF tournament (in which Athena has
always been a regular participant). He respects Kim as a person and fighter, but
totally disagrees in his philosophy!
*Fun fact = Notice that the relationship between Jhun and Kim sort of reminds
the one Goku and Vegeta had in the Dragon Ball manga/anime series: one likes to
do justice in a pacific manner, one loves to wreck havoc in the name of justice!
Isn't justice a great pretext to gather up quite a fuss? :)
Appearances: The King of Fighters '99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of
Fighters EX: Neo Blood (as a striker for the Kim Team)

ارجو عدم الرد حتى اكمل الموضوع ...................................:ciao:

29-09-2005, 11:51 PM
اخيرا انتهى الموضوع :)
ارجو ان يكون مميز :D

20-06-2007, 03:20 PM
بلل لوعه جبد كل ها الكلام الانجليزي:boggled: من وين ناقله بس ...لو كنت مسوي لنا ملخص كان احسن الانجليزي الوايد يغث ومو زين حق الصحه :blackeye: طوفت الموضوع على السريع عشان ارد:)

وتسلم لي اناملك ;)