المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الألعاب القتالية The King of Fighters Another Day

29-09-2005, 07:03 PM
حسناً السبب في "إعادة فتح" الموضوع هو تكريماً لهذه (http://www.snkplaymore.jp/game/event/tgs/2005/report/movie.php).
إستمتعوا ;)

شفت الفيديو و شكله له علاقة بقصة Fatal Fury و كأنه السالفة أن الـZero Cannon قد أطلق على Southtown أو شيء من هذا القبيل لكن الذي يمكنني أن أقوله هو:
أقول كأني شفت Whip?

29-09-2005, 07:32 PM

im speechless

29-09-2005, 07:32 PM
شكر خاص علي هذه العروض الرائعة وفعلا شكله الانمي رح يكون في غاية الروعة
و انا ايضا اويد كلامك اكيد لها علاقة بقصة Fatal Fury اكيد في بعض الادلة علي
وجود هذا الامر المهم نتظر الانمي بفارغ الصبررررررررررررر ;) :ciao:

29-09-2005, 07:34 PM
أبو الشباب شوف فيديو MI2 و بتشوف فمك مكسر الـkeyboard

29-09-2005, 07:57 PM
ohh yaaa :D

what else can i say :biggthump

Thanks Twelve

MD 3
29-09-2005, 10:19 PM
اذا عادت SNK لإنتاج أنمي لألعابها :biggthump

شي طيب واتمنى ان يكملوا قصة FATAL FURY
التي توقفت عند إصدار FATAL FURY 3 MOTION PICTURE

:D :D :D

29-09-2005, 10:41 PM
oh la la la ...................... what was that oh my god ..................... its kof anime and it will kick ass

k and maxima vs the ikari warrior ..iori vs ash and soirre

thats enogh snk you killing me softly with your anmie

30-09-2005, 04:08 PM
That's what Recca said when we MSNed last night.

14-10-2005, 03:13 AM
أبي أعرف
SNKP حددت موعد نزول الأنمي و لا بعدهم ؟؟
و متى "بالضبط" ؟؟

14-10-2005, 11:30 AM
اذا فعلا كان الأنمي يربط بينه و بين الفليم .....يعني بينزل قبل العبة ؟

15-10-2005, 06:26 AM
أبي أعرف
SNKP حددت موعد نزول الأنمي و لا بعدهم ؟؟
و متى "بالضبط" ؟؟
Do a Google search for a site called Anime News Network و دور هناك للتأكيد.

15-10-2005, 02:08 PM
Do a Google search for a site called Anime News Network و دور هناك للتأكيد.
و هذا الي حصلته :biggthump

The King of Fighters: Another Day (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=5924), Production IG's anime adaptation of the popular video game series, has been scheduled (http://neogeofreak.sbpnet.jp/news/0509/20/index.html) for a December release in Japan. The anime is expected to run for four episodes. الموقع ضخم بجد

15-10-2005, 02:17 PM
يعني بينزل قبل العبة kof:maximam impact 2

اربع اجزاء هذي المشكلة .....لاني اصلا ماعرف انزل افلام من النيت

16-10-2005, 06:49 AM
Well Salmore it's like downloading animes ^_^; just click a link, wait & choose where to save it at & after some time TADA! Ready for watching! <3
They're doing the KoF anime & dat's their main site

16-10-2005, 05:30 PM
i can watched it on real player right ..?l

17-10-2005, 06:38 AM
أيوه. :أفكر: :أفكر:

11-11-2005, 06:35 PM
بقى شهر على عرض الأنمي في اليابان! إنشاء الله بس حد يجهز Direct DL حاله. شخصياً بأنتظر تنتزل كل الحلقات الأربع و بشوفهم مع بعض.

13-11-2005, 10:21 PM
did you find any site to host the anime...... اتمنى انه احد ينزله لنا في المنتدى....كذا احلى و اسهل.....لاني ولا مرة نزلت فليم ولا مسلسل ولا شي .......انه معتمد عليكم :31: .

والله انه خايف ينزل في موقع cyberfanatix و بعدين اقولون لك تعال اشترك و تبرع و مادري شنوا :12: .

14-11-2005, 05:17 AM
did you find any site to host the anime...... اتمنى انه احد ينزله لنا في المنتدى....كذا احلى و اسهل.....لاني ولا مرة نزلت فليم ولا مسلسل ولا شي .......انه معتمد عليكم :31: .

والله انه خايف ينزل في موقع cyberfanatix و بعدين اقولون لك تعال اشترك و تبرع و مادري شنوا :12: .
Don't worry you'd still be able to torrent it ^_^

14-11-2005, 11:46 PM
شباب ان شاهدت اجزاء فيتل فيوري الثلاثة و فيلم ارت اوف فايتنك الي يظهر في ريو وربورتكارسيا هل هناك فلم ل كينك اوف فايتر ؟؟انا مرة سالت شخص اجنبي قال لي هناك فيلم ل كينك اوف فايتر ويظهر في ايوري يكسر عظام :bigeyes: ؟؟؟؟؟.......
هل يوجد فلم كينك اوف فايتر او او فليم يتعلق بشخصيات اللعبة ؟؟؟؟:06:

اذا يوجد ارجو منكم ان تحطون وصلة تحميلة حتى لو كانت تورنت :D

15-11-2005, 02:03 AM
في فلم حق kof بس الى الحين مانزل ......راح ينزل في نهاية السنة على اربعة اجزاء

15-11-2005, 05:11 AM
و الله ما اعرف اذكر ان حد سال عناذا كان في فلم او OVA لـKoFلكن اكثريتهم قالوا انه ما في.........

KoF AD هو مثل OVA او فلم مروج لـKoF

Warai Otoko
15-11-2005, 06:14 AM

KoF AD هو مثل OVA او فلم مروج لـKoF

KOF Another Day is an ONA

Original Net Anime

01-12-2005, 04:07 PM
OK, أولاً شكراً لـRedhead لتأكيد مواعيد عرض الأنمي، الحلقة الأولى ستعرض يوم الجمعة في 2-12-2005 و أظن بيترحم و يكون جاهز للتحميل الاسبوع القادم إنذاء الله. بنحازل أنا و Recca نجيبلكم وصلات لتحميله.
تذكير أن الحلقة الأولى ستتركز على:
Kyo, Alba, Iori, Ash & Soiree
و الأحداث لها علاقة بما حدث في KoF XI

01-12-2005, 09:12 PM
look ho's decide to show up :biggthump i hope there's more cameo character......lin ,ron maybe .

02-12-2005, 07:32 PM
The first episode"All Out" leaked...it's a leak from the streaming version of that
showtime site, so it's WITHOUT english subtitles.


Direct Download

:o each episode is just 10 minutes
so all four, 40 minutes lol

02-12-2005, 09:08 PM
thank's ..red..it's batter than nothing....i will dowload it anway

02-12-2005, 09:49 PM
بس ....:31: عاد قلنا فلم اعلاني ..بس مو 10 دقائق :( لاكن صج حلوا:biggthump

02-12-2005, 11:45 PM
thank you for the link red, good thing to see after a long day outside =)

salmore, twelve

for the love of god NO SPOILERS

if u find info on the net, pleaee keep it for urself or state a spoiler alert ^^

03-12-2005, 12:04 AM
okay that's it ..this is the first chapter ....just 10min ..or there's more :31: ahhhhhh.....anyway the anime is so ...COOL ...i like it

03-12-2005, 04:45 PM
:o each episode is just 10 minutes
so all four, 40 minutes lolWTF :mad22:
و أنا كنت متوقع الفيلم أو الـ OVA بيطول على الأقل ساعة :31:

This is King of Fighters لازم أشوفه
Thanks Redhead for the Direct Download link :biggthump

صحيح أنه مب مترجم و كله Japanese بس أحسن من لا شيء :yup:

03-12-2005, 04:59 PM
It's even less than 10 minutes :/
but atleast it's good...the fight was cool

03-12-2005, 06:56 PM
it's exactly 6 mins long, but! i prefer it to be this good than being long and bad, let's not forget that Production IG's work ain't cheap...it prolly caused SNK a good sum of money, so they're putting thier best in these 24 mins ^^ if it keeps going in the same direction it will be one of the best ceographed fighting animes i have ever seen, scrap that it will be the best in action direction wise

04-12-2005, 10:44 AM
it remind me of cowboy bebop....the coluor the fighting the background music....unfortuntly it's a promtion...:( is the best yet ..not cuz it's kof or somthin..it felt new and fresh..:) doooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh :12: l

05-12-2005, 04:39 PM
يا ريت لو في saubbed علشان أفهم مو السالفة...لكن Iori في ذي الحلقة....صراحة طلع على حقيقته.

05-12-2005, 05:47 PM
محد الوم iori لما يصرف على طبيعته :p بس دور mai و athena ماعجبني .اما شكل المدينة و لا احلى :biggthump

05-12-2005, 09:16 PM
:biggthumpthanks redhead 4 the direct download.been looking everywhere for 1 and torrents is all i can find.
here is the translation as text
or as subfile:
thanks to shadow sonic from orochinagi.com

Blue Lion
06-12-2005, 12:50 AM
thank u badorSNK

06-12-2005, 12:54 AM
thank's for the transltion badorSNK

06-12-2005, 01:59 AM
many thanks badoorSNK for the transltion :biggthump

06-12-2005, 02:03 AM
Thankya badoor_snk ;)
we can finally understand...though there isn't much to understand heh

06-12-2005, 09:10 AM
Thanks Badoor =D but damn the dialouge was so simple it didnt even need a translation o_O SNK planning to go on without a story or what =p

let's call Redhead Akage from now on =D

06-12-2005, 11:11 AM
Thanks Badoor =D but damn the dialouge was so simple it didnt even need a translation o_O SNK planning to go on without a story or what =p

let's call Redhead Akage from now on =D

we just got use to the name redhead and now akagi ? :33: kula roock's ;) l

06-12-2005, 02:31 PM
شاهدت الحلقة قبل شوي

الحلقة خطيرة والقتال حلو :biggthump

لكن صراحة حاجة تبط الكبد

لعبة لها أكثر من 11 سنة وما هم راضيين ينزلون لها أنمي بالرغم من أنهم عارفين انه اذا نزلوا لها راح ينجح نجاح كبير

بعد ما سمعت انها راح تنزل أنمي

فرحت حيل لأنه أفضل سلسة ألعاب قتالية راح يصدر لها أنمي

وبالأخير يطلع مكون من أربع حلقات كل حلقة مدتها 7 دقائق :12:

فلن أقول سوى تباً لك يا SNK حطمتِ معنويتنا

06-12-2005, 02:43 PM
صح السانك ralf يعني لعبة street fighter لها اربع نعم اربع مسلسلات و لا واحد منهم حلو ....و kof واحد و شوف اشلون متعوب عليه :12: و الله حرام .

06-12-2005, 03:13 PM
Street Fighter II Animated movie
Jp version > En version, still one of the greatest animes i ever saw to date thats my opinion =p

Street Fighter IIV
English and Japanese voices both great, show in a diffrent direction but gave every SF character thier own level, Dhalsim is my fave character in it, Hadouken's theme is one of the best musics i heard in anime

Street Fighetr Alpha
i forgot what is this, remind me what it was again

Street Fighter Alpha Generations
huh, what did u say i cant hear u

Salmore if ur comparing a 1994 anime with art from 2005 i think there's no comprasion, but IMHO even if the art is better in KOF anime if it's short like this it wont have the same impact SFII left on me 10 years ago, alot of animes look as good as KOF now, but back in 1994 SFII was ahead of it's time]

just what i think =p

06-12-2005, 03:22 PM
which one is sf2v....never heard of it :33: and the first one is the best in my opinion to ...but in the english version they remove chun-le shower scene.....dooooooooooooh ...or not ?l

06-12-2005, 03:28 PM
Street Fighter II Animated movie
Jp version > En version, still one of the greatest animes i ever saw to date thats my opinion =p

Salmore if ur comparing a 1994 anime with art from 2005 i think there's no comprasion, but IMHO even if the art is better in KOF anime if it's short like this it wont have the same impact SFII left on me 10 years ago, alot of animes look as good as KOF now, but back in 1994 SFII was ahead of it's time]

just what i think =pyou got that right ! :biggthump

06-12-2005, 03:40 PM
Street Fighter II V is the 30 Episode TV series from 1995, it's story is about after Ken's invitation to Ryu to come to the US, some events happen and Guile beats the crap out of them with minimal effor, ryu and ken decide to travel over the world to find great fighters like guile and learn from them, not just fight them, Dhalsim is a Hadou master in the series, i like his role character and morales very much

and about Chunli's shower scene it wasnt removed, it was edited, in the JP version there's more scenes into it, which is weird if they're gonna edit it why bother? just remove the whole scene, also in the JP version Balrog(the spanish guy) was voiced by Zato's dead voice actor i discovered that recently lol, so no way id watch it english, first time i saw it i got it from bahrain on Betamix tape(gdeeeem XD)with japanese language and chinese sub(enjoyed the hell out of it!) even the music was diffrent in JP version sigh, oh and one more thing, colors are darker in US version, and a stupid thing also after buying the US DVD of SFII movie, i realized there was no language option!!!! had to buy the japanese DVD >.> if it's DVD why only English?

06-12-2005, 05:32 PM
i know it ...the one that ryu's hair is short and have no headband....yeah this one japanes ...but the other us cartoon ..ahhhhhh.no comment

06-12-2005, 08:04 PM
how could you all forget the street fighte movie LOOOOOL
that one sure sucked,even the game of the movue sucked even more(looled like mortal kombat)
anyway i hope that the other kof episodes are longer than this one and have a bit more story in it

06-12-2005, 09:09 PM
mortal kombat movie it's okay :أفكر: but the second one is horrble..and mk have two show's.....us cartoon = crap.

07-12-2005, 02:08 AM
I never liked the Street Fighter..animes or the movie
lol it's maybe just cuz i've always been on the SNK side
hehhh i'm an SNK freak

While we're talkin about animes other than Another Day
IMO Asura's anime was very great
Shiki was awsome
Asura too!

07-12-2005, 07:17 AM
Twelve and Red say the asura movie was good, unfortunately the first movie was horrible and when i saw the Nakoruru OVA i almost puked(glad they didnt complete it) so i cant have a good idea about Samurai Spirits animes XD

and now we know whjy Red never talks about SF =p

07-12-2005, 08:51 AM
IMO, the BEST fighting game based animes are SFII the animated movie & SFAG. I haven't seen the Darkstalkers OVA yet, but hope so.
SFA the movie wasn't as good as I hoped.
Will give my opinion on the KoF anime once I see all 4 eps.
FINALLY, what's this I hear about Ryu taking some 20 or so eps to learn how to launch a damn Haduken in SFII V?!?!?!

07-12-2005, 11:07 AM
the first samshow movie was horrble...they squzee all the character's in one ..i don't know about the rest....did anyone saw the tekken one...realy great :biggthump l

07-12-2005, 01:47 PM
Recca where you found the Nako OVA?
i looked everywhere for it!

lol and yep im not the SF biggest fan
i tried to let myself in many times ...but blehh
i hate how Ryu and Ken are very stronger from the others
okay lets not forget Akuma here too....and EVERYONE just picks one of those three....so not my thing :o

i know i know NOT everyone picks them...but almost? :09:

07-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Twelve, Ryu is young and hot headed in the series, of course he is learning new things or u want him strong from ep1? whats the point of a series without evolving slowly, much like Ichigo acheiveng his bankai

Red, im not surprised u cant find it, it's sooooooooo bad, i deleted it after watching it here's a torrent for it anyway

07-12-2005, 02:10 PM
whatever i don't care if it's good or bad loool
i just wanna HAVE it haha

hopes they'll explain some things about rera

07-12-2005, 03:31 PM
IMO, the BEST fighting game based animes are SFII the animated movie & SFAG

hmmm if u mean by the G Generations, ur one sick puppy o_O dude even as an anime that movie was "OK" at most, as an SF anime it sucked big time in so many ways

and here's another reason for me not to take your opinion in anime =p first u say GTO sucks now SFAG is good, what nex =D

08-12-2005, 03:13 PM
Finally.......Hadukens & Bahn Kais ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS

08-12-2005, 03:49 PM
it's the same point of the character evolving to achieve a certain state of acomplishment, try reading with ur brain next time =p

08-12-2005, 04:33 PM
Well EXCUSE ME for not liking animes where the main hero gets stronger, a lot!

09-12-2005, 02:25 PM

Ichigo gets stronger as episodes pass, Ryu gets stronger as episodes pass

what's the diffrence or are u trying to geta cross another point or are u just trying to pull an empty argument =p

10-12-2005, 05:52 AM
I'm saying it doesn't need 15 or so episodes just to learn a damn Haduken, still I may consider watching SFII V in the future

10-12-2005, 08:56 AM
why doesnt he need 15 eps to learn something he didn't know about and seeked out a master to teach him? it's not like he's walking to the place where the master is in 15 eps o_O Twelve ur just being whiny (as usual)XD

no offense, but i think u have no point of view just biase backing you up here because u said :

Well EXCUSE ME for not liking animes where the main hero gets stronger, a lot!

and in ur sig u have :

من مواضيعي:
>>>موضوع للنقاش حول المانجا Bleach<<<

bleach is very similar to other anime in terms of character development

u shouldve put One Piece where the hero is an idiot who gets his crew in trouble and doesnt win by finding new solotions, either luck or he just keeps forward like an idiot(watched till ep80 and kinda got bored, will continue after it's finished) sigh

sheesh spare me twelve =p

12-12-2005, 09:35 AM
صدرت اول حلقة ل The King of Fighters Another Day تورنت وسحبتها وشاهدتها وكان وقت الحلقة فقط 7 دقائق :12: لكنها كانت :biggthump

وهذة وصلة تحميل التورنت وهي تقريبا 80 ميجا بايت ومعها تريلر الانمى وما في ترجمة انكليزي فقط يتكلمون ياباني

12-12-2005, 10:02 AM
^صباح الخير :)

12-12-2005, 12:39 PM
^صباح الخير :)

صباح النور :D

قرئت الوصلات التحميل المباشر و التورنت وكانت اعتقد في صفحة 3 :33: لكني اتت فترة انقطعت عن المنتدى والان رجعت وقرات الردود الاخيرة وانتم تتكلمون على اهمية البطل وتعطون امثلة والخ ولم ارى وصلات التحميل :blackeye: فتوقعت انك ما وضعها

13-12-2005, 06:06 AM

13-12-2005, 09:24 AM
Recca didnt do anything ToT i'm innocent

14-12-2005, 09:04 AM
و اشفني اجادلك في هالموضوع?
You say CFE is broken O_o
OK 3 or 2 more weeks till the next ep, HUZZAH!

14-12-2005, 09:41 AM
if u want to prove that its not broken beat my jedah with your zangief o_O that game is an afterthought of trash, if u like it god help you, the only good thing about it is the warzard charaa Leo and Kenji other than tat = crap

14-12-2005, 12:37 PM
there's nothin wrong with ''cfj '' only that it dosen't offer somthin new and fresh to the fan's .

14-12-2005, 06:37 PM
if u want to prove that its not broken beat my jedah with your zangief o_O that game is an afterthought of trash, if u like it god help you, the only good thing about it is the warzard charaa Leo and Kenji other than tat = crap
That's called 'bad match-up', you should see Karin vs. Zangief. Plus here's a tip: